The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1903-1906, June 25, 1903, Image 3

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Wits (Ri of a LOWil and Personal Natire. -4 Isls -Essio Earlo. is visiting in tniMtitn this week. ;'4Mtis1. Lucia Folgor is visiting xehlatves at Clintan. -JDr. W. M. Long, of Catoeobee, 1elt a46 Th.ursday in town. -Mr. and Mrs. Bon A. Hagood, of Chareston, are up for the summer. -Miss Toxic Bowon, of Norris, is vieiing the family of Capt. J. T. Tay lot' -Miss Sarah Grogan, of Elborton, Ga., has beton on a visit to the Misses Folger. -Mrs. J. E. Hagood, jr., of Ens. joy, is reported quito sick with ca. tarrhal fever. -Tho Flinch club w~as delightfully entertained by Mrs 0. M. Abney on last Thursday OVening. Ella Morgan and children, of isville, nro visiting Mrs. R. A. -BIowen and Mrs. Florence Griffin. -The many friends of Mrs. J. E. Xinch will regret t. learn that she is seriously ill at her home in Easley. -J. Ollio Bi'ock will be in Pick. ons during court wcok prepared to work on wi.tches, clocks and jewelry. -Misss Ina and Maka Boggs, ,who have been visiting relatives at Calhoun, retirned home Friday last. -Mrs. N. D. Lesesne, of Greoley villo, is at the home of her mothor, Mrs. D. B. Mauldin. for the summer. '-Bargams galoro are offered you hy the Big Store for the last-four days in this month. Read their ad, -Romember the Farmers' Insti tute will be held at Pickens begin + ning on July 24th. Lot everybody attend. -R. C.- Carter, Liberty, wants to reduce his stock. See his new ad vertisement; it will tell you something about it. -A 20 per cent discount sale of all of the stock of Folger & Thoruley is f ow on and will continue until 1t of eptember. -A child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew arrott, Who lives in the Concord sec tion, has been quite sick, but is re ported much better. -FOR SALE:-Two nice Shoats about seuvn months old; will weigh about 90 pounds. Call on W. H. Johnson, Pickens, S. 0. -Mrs. 0 L. McCain, wifo of Rev. C. L. McCain, of the North Pickens circuit has been quite sick but is much ttor at this writing. -Sorms mny come,% dry weather may par b and wilt reghtation, winds mayL hmo 'I, but I t'us lhe t~h kfuil that we have ny - . -t of weather, -- WVh ,ou find that ion can chango . 'weather and h any sort you sh, please report. not grumbio yout the kind/ you. son, of Gaflfney, are spending a few aysin ickns iththe former's paretsDr.and Mirs. J. D. Cureton. -N .Taylor enlarges and frames u g LUC nonuny13S, un.a AAIumu~.~ L the evening of the 18th instant, ini Charleston, to Mr. R. E. Douglac. --Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes end anything in the line (of printing at the Sentinel Journal oflico. Seuid us an order. First cl ass work at reasonable prices. -Walter H. Griflin, of Greenville, visited his mo thier, Mrs. Florence Griflin, Sunciay. . Mrs. Griffin accom panied him to Gr'eenville Mionday and will spondi awhile there wvith rel ativos. - -Read the ad. of J. D. Moore in this issue. ,He offors you tobacco in teni pounid c., dios at a enAt price. See him and get you a supply. The right kind of prices are on all goods he sella. -Lster Field, sor of Rev. A. A. Field, near Easley, was bitten on the foot by a snake on Tuesday of last wveek. He is under the care of the >r anid no serious results are an ted. ho Brushy Creek singing con Sveg on will meet in regular session ~rg church, in Anderson coun c 'Sunday the 28th inst., at 10 The public invited. Several nd rs are invited and expec aad o 'mpatizAe with J. B. Jame sley, in the loss of his in which died on last Friday a remains were on Saturday Wo tiie family grave yard by f its mother who prede Ar time ngo. ied, on Sunday the 21st in Rev. John Sheriff at Liber Luther Hughes, oif Pickens, Kid Della DJorr, (laughter of Mr'. - COura .U. W. Dorr, who live be ' eken s and E le .The ha -have the congratulations of - ads. ,Newman, Director of Far itutes, has written that an ho0 held at Piekens, bo th- He, an-1 Profs. Upton will lecture. tirine scaldis the re groat things for teaches an age should be well at. control the pass - tp houlu ye a kty died at his home th~ese important org evening, after a trouble is due to a dis a complication kidneys and bladder an auised by rhen. most people suppose. ther of Ed. Woamen ~as wel as mren an d was abd woth inedny and blad o Thndmbodhnd the 8Came great r' SwamildRaodth isniedlate effect bydruggists, in- fifty-raze.tisod cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a samaple-bottley mnail freo, also pamphlet tell' .oa u nmofyt tithn imesd Vokeal rido -Itoad the ad. oftheBig ore this wepk and prAftby what.16 s -11ead the ad. of Folger & ThMorn loy anl1 avail yourself of their 'but In prices. -A small child of Mr. and re. O. 13. Williams died last'veek'of Oholera infantum. - -Judge R. 0. Purdy and fainily are expected to arrive in Pickens this week to tpend the summer. -Call on us for peas and cane seed. We have them in abundance. Oraig.JSros. -I. 0. Carter, Liberty, has re ceived a complete line of buggies, hor. no0s, saddles, whips, laprobes, etc. -Any orue'in need of first class oak or pine lumber will do well to send their orders at once to S. H. Brown, Pearl, S. (. -N. D. Taylor, photographer, will be in his studio, Carey building, on Tuesday Juno 30, and Wednesday, July 1st. Remember the date, and call on him for nice work. --Married, at the residence of the officiating N'o4y Public on June 8th 1903, Mr. M. A. lton to Miss Ger trude Hendricks. A. Jones per. formed the ceremony. " 11 of Table Mountain, Pickens coun -The summer school is oving along very satisfactorily. 'ty three teachers have enrolled. Sat day afternoon the teachers took r. ds lightful outing to Glassy Mountain, They went out on the 4 o'clock traind, scaled the' heights and viewed the sights, returning at 7 o'clock. - -Your attention is directed to the advet tisement of the Easley Ho rd. ware Co., in this issue. They have a complete line of shelf ware and can fit you up with anything you want that is usually carried by a fi'st class hardware firm. They are agents for the Deering Machine Co's., line of goods, consisting of mowers, harvest ura, rakes, etc., and can make it to your interest to buy of them; they also carry a complete stock of repairs for those machines. -Rich Oitis and John Montgom. erv, colored, got into a light Saturday night; Montgomery was stabbed in the arm and hit on the head with a bottle, while Curtis was considerably gashed on the hip, back, body and arms. He was badly cut up and bled profusely, the wounds being many and somewhat dangerous, and Dr. Maul. din had quite a little job sewing him up. They were both drinking and a woman, Belle Stephens, colored, was the cause of the trouble. -Read the ad. of Folger & Thorn joy, They offer a discount of 20 per cent off of their prices on their entire line, of good, in order to keep from md.hg their stock into thhi n V building. All of thier lines are fresh and bought this season and this cut means a very'great saving to the buy. ing public. If you need any goods at all do not purchase until you have inspected this'stock of general mler chandiso. -Cardsa have been issued for the riliizigO~~Tf~lisii~Niia Gertrude Boggs to Dr. J. N. Hallum in the Presbyterian church in Easley, on next 'luesday evening June 30th, at 8:30 o'clock. Miss Bogge is the ac oed and charming daughter WV. K. B3oggs, of Easley, and * nown to many of the Pickens Dr. Hallum is the popular * and one of. the members of of the Pickens Drug Co., and .i his friends by the score, whojoin in well wishes over this Ihapyevet -There will be a big slaughter sale of fine millinery at the storc of Heath-Bruce-Morrowv Co., beginning on Friday June 26th and eniding on Tuesday, June 30th. During this ,time the knife will be put to prices in all other lines. Read their announce ment in this issue and come to town on those dates prepared to carry home with you~ such a load of bargains as you never had before. This is no fake sale, as you well know, as this firm always does what it promises or advertises, and you have done busi ness with them long enough 'to know them and depend on them. RemeQm ber the dates, and come and bring your family, and stay all day. -The Educational Conference that was in contemplation for Pickens on Julf 4, at which it was hoped Oov ernor Heyward and Supt. 0. B, Mar tin would be present, will have to be postponed until, a littler later in the summer. They have an engagement in Florence July 2, and it would be a very hurried trip to reach Pickens on the Fourth. It would necessitate the absence of these important executive officers for about four days in success ion-which they ,prefer not to do. They have assured Supt. Hallum, however, that they will favor Pickens with a visit some time during the summer, and the postponement has been made at the suggestion of Supt. Martmn, in order- to suit the conveni once of the Governor. * -Mrs. Lillie Porter, nee Jenkins, wife of Arthur S. Porter, of Piedmont, died at the home of her father-in law, James H. Porter, of "Portertown" on the evening of the 20th Inst., after a week's illness from continued fever with involvement of the brain. She had camne up to Mr. Porter's on a visit and was taken sick there. Hecr remnaips wdre laid to t'est in the-come tory at Porter's Chapel on Sunday afternoon biy the side of her sister, Daisy Jenkins. She leaven a father, T. N. Jenkins, and brother, WV. A. Jenkins, both of Piedmont, and a husband and four children, besides a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.. She was a good mother, a true woman and consecrated chris tian, a member for a long tinme of Porter's Chapel. To the stricken husband and motherless children and brother and father, the sympathy of frIends goes out in this their hor of despair. -___ "I have been troubled for some time indigestion and sour stomaoh," says ab .. arah W. Curtis, of Leo, lass., ave been taking (Jhamberlain's beach and ILiver Tablets which have me ver'y muoh so that-now I can Iimany things that befo I pould not," ou have any trouble with your Aohswhy#o tkg *hepe Tablets and ~ *O 0AI byDr. Ge W. Iarle taprnigof June d, eiter a oon ud illhes of tany nonths MreBoUF h~as the deughtei of Bidlvy aUd Eulima Brce,' formerly of Elbert county, GeoWila and was abut 40 years of age. After the dealth .of her father, the family removed to Pickens about the year 18'78 where they have. lived ever since. - In 1882, Mts. Boggs, then the old est surviving child of the family, was happily married to Julius E. Boggs, a lawyer at tlia Pickens bar, and tpis union has beek blessed by three's6ns and one daughter, all of whom, with thcir- father, survive their mother. Besides these, ers. Boggq i-aves sur. viving one- brother, Mr. J. MoD. Bruce, of this place, and a sister, Mrs. L. U. Thornley, also of this place, as her nearest relatives. Friende without number all over this country, and wherever she was known, will be grieved at io great a loss, for the taking away of so good a woman is a distinct loss to the whole community, and the sympathy of all the people go out to the stricken household and to all her people in this hour of great bereavoment. The interment- took place at the grave-yard at the Presbyterian church in Pickens on Wednesday evening, Rev. J. T. Wade conducting the ob. seqies. Easley Local. Easley, S. C., June 22, 1003. ***fjeshing showers fell last night and eve , thing seems to have taken on new lifb. Baseball is dMtI the rago here. The Easley team went down in bitter dd. feat before Piedmont lhist Saturday. Score 8 to 4.- Batteries f6r 39pley were Werner and Davis; Piedmoht, Cleveland and Pool. While Pied. mont was doing the stunt to the first nine, the second nine was rubbing it in to an aggregation from Mills Mill to the tune of 24 to 13. How is that for running up the score? At the same time the team composed of town boys were walloping the Glenwood team; score 13 to 16 in favor of the city lads. The second nine from Easley Mill goes to Pickens thiJ af. ternoon. Alexander Robinson, son of W. W. Robinson, who has been very low with appendicitis is some better, and his many friends will be glad to see him on the streets again soon. The friends of Mr. Ed. Hamilton wil be sorry to know that he is very low with typhoid fever and is not ex. pected to live. Mrs. J. E. Kinch is also very ill. Dr. Sterling, of Greenville, was in town yesterday. Dr. A. J. S. Thomas, of Greenville, was here today, en route home from Packens. A series of meetings is bleing con ducted at the Methodist church this week by Rev. Beard, of Penltonm. It will continue the remainder of this week. J as. T. (Bill) Richey, of ,ickens, pjassed through here last Friday en route to Clinton where he goes to 'visit]his sister, Mrs. Flora Lathemi. Miss Queen Johnson is visiting 1her sister, Mrs. Merritt, at Pelzor this week. . Well! Dr. J. N. Hallum, of Pick ens, spent the day in Easley yester. (lay. Max Williams, of Greenville, was here yesterday. Quite a numlber of our young peo ple attended the Martin-Pickens wed ding last Wednesday. Thbe Standard Oil Company is con temiplating the erection 'of a tank and relay station at this point; and Mr. Bohler, their agent, has been here for a fewv days seeing just what could b~e done. Should they fully decide to oper-ate her-e it would be a great convenience for the people here and surrounding towns and we hope they will decide to locate a station here. Mr. Editor for fear wve take too much of your valuable space f will do up the budget for this time. Dull Needle. Looper Notes. Allow me space in your valuable paper to give the people a few dots from this section. The people of this section ar in better- hopes since the rain. Those who had their cotton thinned before the r-ain have a - good stand in the row and also in the middle. The health of this section is very good at present, except Thomas- T., the little son of Mr. and Mrs. '.. TV, Hughes. He has been ver-y ill. Pr. Milton Ponder is attending on him. The union meeting at Peter's Creek tihe last fifth Nundaiy wans almost a failure; but we hoard an able sermon preached by Rev. J. E. Foster, that was interesting. After the sermon had Intermission of one hour and a half for dinner. Iu the afternoon there was some good singing by tho choir. The Sunday school at Peter's Creek is progressing nicely with Mr. J. 5. F'riddle as super-intendent and J. 13. Stephena as agisttent. The County convicts have been working out the roads bet ween Peter's Creek church and the Hagood br-idge. If this don't find the waste basket you will hear from me again. Suc cess to The Sentinel .Jouinal. Mountain Boy. From Olga. Mr. Tom Burns, of this place; and Miss Lizzie Pace, of Mayfieldl, were married Sunday afternoon at th'e regi dence of Mr. William Uughes, of Looper. Many good wishes to the happy couple.' Mrs. R. M. Foster, accompanied by her three smallest children, are visit. ing her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P; P. Butler, at Santuck. Rev, and Mrs. J. E. Foster have returned froni a very pleasant visit among friend~s at Locust. Mrs. Mary Anderson, of Green ville, Is visiting friends here. Mv, and Mrs. Russell Kelley, o~ Mfonaghan, visited relatives her0 Sun day.* Mr. and -Mrs. 'Charlie Foster and son- visited relatives and friends here last week. .Mrs. THarriett laines (1ied Mdnday morning at her home .Ih Pacpvil e, and wvas buried Tuesday thorning l1;0/9 0'1ock t tr's0 Cek Sp n qb to DAr tio apkirs ake 0Me6k o.the 4th i R fiue n son MIes Ada Matido, of Dalton see jonl,a thegtriest of hie'ootsein,-Mies ~ophia~. Manklin, Suniday. Ufr. Lawrence Stiith's little son hAd the nIstoi-tune of -getting, bit bf a rattlesnake Frldpy last. Married, od the 21p in-tant, Mr. Dock Ieeves to Viss Lizaio Stone, Rev. Seabrook Atkinson offlinting. We wish the your-g couple a happy life. 0. W. Oarrett had the misfortune of getting one of his fingers seriously mashed last week. Mrs. Robt. Mauldin, who has been quite sick has recovered. .Girls, if you see or hear of boys wearing gloves in the field you may know that they won't do to make the boe-cake. Henry B. Bowen, of Norris, passes through our -section very often in his now tip top buggy. Mrs. W. A. Hendricks visited rela tives at Liberty the past week. All of our farmers are done cutting their wheat. Very soon we will have new biscuits. Rev. J. T. Lowis filled his regular appointment third Sunday afternoon at Mt. Olivot and preached an excel lent sormon. Be sure and don't forget the picnic at Birch's Ford next Saturday. Lot all go and carry ;well filled baskets. A most enjoyable day is expected. As we have'l. seen anything in the paper ab.ut Prof. Gnrrett's lecture on the first Sunday, Ne -will mention and say it was grand. You would enjoy going to bix Mile and boar Prof. J. 0. Garrett sing ' Ha k, the Songd of Jubilee." Blackberries 're bountiful now and will make a nice dessertor a midday meal. Don't you kn it suits that follow that we spoko f. Several of our ci izens are talking of going to the reu ion at Pulzor the Fourth of .July. If 't is just only half as nice as the Mem', ial Day was at Pickiens, I know pool o would enjoy going. We eijoyed eating une peaches at Mr. Bob's Sunday a ernoon. We will not mention their Dame1s. Uno and Ino, guess? Mr. Charley Dalton, a promising young man of Dalton sectiq, visited I our section Sunday. His best girl wtasn't at home. The ground is very dry and hard, but we hope for rain soon. Our anonymous writer is blank of nows at this writing but if forgiven, will try and gathor up more by next Writing. Many best wishes to Sentinel Jour nal readers. M. S. To Mutthern in Town. Children who are dlellente, feverish and cross will get Iimedlate relief from Mother Gramy's Sweet Powders. for Chilldrenm. Tihey clenme the stommanch, act on the liver, mamking~ a sickly child stronig mand healthy. A certin cure for wornms. Sold by 'l alldrugglsts, 25o. Saumple free. A d dress..A lIon S. O1lmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. StarIIng Elvidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constanitiy coming in, declaring Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to be uine qualed. A recent expression from T. J. McLarland Benitorvil le, Va., serves as example, ie writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years-'and doctored all thme time wi'thlout being benefitted. Tihen I began takingr Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally ef.. fective ini curmng all Lung an~d Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed b~y Pickens Drug Co. Druggist. Trial bottles free, regular klizes 50c, and $1.00. Mlany Schmool Cildrena are Nickly. Mdother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mothme Gray3, a nurse ini Clhldre'r, Hiome N'ew York, nireak u p Colds In 24 hours., eumre lVe yerishiness, Hleadachle, stonmachm troutic.'s Teeth in~ DIsorders, an1 lestroy Wrms At all dr enS. lnseod, LeoyN.. Big SI Hleath-B3r Beginning Friday J IHA'T'S, RI] Are going to be sold for does not mean old hard stock1 intend to carry over anything i ,,.Ribou Reduced About ( No. 16 Taflta, sold for 15icts to olo No. 40 " " " 20cts to No 60 ". " " 25cts" No 80 " " " 30ct.s " No 40 Batin Taffta sold for 20c to No 60 " 6" " " 85,c.t< No 80 " " " " 'Jdc tc No 40 Moire, sold for 25o t9/ clo No 60 " " " 30c)$6 " No 80 " " " 856to " A. few pieces of No120 Lousine 60 cent kind tooclose,6t 80 cents, These are decide&Iy tihe biggest gains ever offoroff and you shouldr ~ig iReductio Si RII is full o1 acked by our lr< "Your Moneys Heath- B .... . . . . . An Will for the Next '0 days Soll Goods Regardless ot Cost ',IT WILL ?PAY T.OU TOCALL, AND S.I Mg., *-GROQERIES" I have just received 1000 lbs. of soda to go at 151bs. for 25a Sugar has advanced but I atn still selling 19 lbs of Stand arL(raiulated Sugar for $1.00. 20 lbs Plantation Granu lated Sugar for $1.00. 3 lb can Baitlett Pears, first quality In syrup for 10c.. 3 lb can Standard B-rand Tomatoes at 10o 3 lb can Pie Peaches at 10c. About 100 lbs of nice Mountain Dried Apples worth 8 and 10 6ents to close out at 6c. A 2 lb box of Fresh Oat Flakeo at 8o. Large size No 2 Lamp Chimneys at. 5. I also have about 750 lbs of Tobacco, different brands to go at a bargain. I a.n overstocked on syrup and mo. lasses and will sell you the kind that sells at 50c for 400 and the kind that sells for 40 and 45a at 85c and the 35o kind at 25c. AS H O E S. I am receiving new lots of shoes :every few clays and am selling better shoes for the money than any other store in the country. Ladies Slippers the $1.00 quality for 85c; $1.25 quality for $1.00; $1.50 quality for $1.25. Ladies Hose 10c quality for 74, 15c qhality fQr 10o. 72 inch pure Irish linen table Damask worth 75c for 60c. Pure Irish dross linen, good value at 20c to go @ 15c. Great line Dimities, Lawns, etc. from 5 to 121o. Yard -wide "Fruit of the Loom" bleaching at 9c. } yard wide Bleaching at 5c. Great values in Umbrellas froin 45 to 75c. I have just received a large lot of pants that I got at a closing cut sale to go at extremely low prices. Also a full and complete line of buggies, harness, saddles, whips, lapropes and most anything in hardware. I have a good many other bar ginns to numerous to mention. Come and s'e it cost you noth ing to look. Yours respoetfully, R. C. CARTE~, -THE CASH MERCHANT SHIRL.EY's OI.D STAND. LIBERTY, S. C. 4DEERING* oWers AND Rks Full line of repairs for Deering.*Mowers. Sample Organ for.Sale Cheap. Summer Lap Robes 25c. 'Buggy Umbrellas. Wheeler & Wilson No. 9 ball bearing Sewing Machines. Full line Shelf hardware. -AGENTS FORL DeVoes Lead and Zinc Paint. Fewer Gallons wears longer. Easley Hardware Co, Easley, S. C. aughter Sale MILLINERY .. . uce-.Morrow Co's. am moth Store. uine 26 and Ending Tuesday June 30; BBONS and SILKS. r song. Yon can't afford to miss this opportunity. This ut' everything in these lines wvill be included. WXe don't n 'hese departments, so be on hand and get your share. ni Half... SILKS 4 SILKS. s~ ont at s.They Must. 15 . ~ Be Sold.... close at 10c 1 Liot plaid silk to go at . . . . . . 25c " " 20c All 50, and 60 cent Silk to go at . . . 3 71 25c 1 Lot 85o Silk to go at.., .... .. . . 68 " " 20o 1 Lot $1.00 and $1.25 Silk to go at . . .B80 " "25o Ribbon the **Don't Pail to see... ribbon bar. ot miss them. These Bargains. ns in all departmnents. The BIG :gargams, 1i3very purchase is mn clad guarantee : Worth or YOur Money Back." ruce-Morro. o. cens, South Carolln 6, on our entire line of Dress Goods, Jo ingand Low Out Shoes for Men, Women and Children. WA havo a few pair of patent lea,ther oxfords for Men l9ef to go cheap. From Now Till Sept. 1st We will offer our entire line of General Merchandise at a b g discount. We hope by that time to be in new quarters and we want to move as few goods as possible. .IDon't Miss This Golden Opportufii"ty, FOR.BARGAINS as it don't come but about once hia~v.e timi'e. Our prices are always right but this reduction b101 them down cheaper than the cheapest. Highestprices pa for country produce. Your patronage solicited. 'Folger & Thornley Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishing A Specialty. A Complete Set of Dishes oF R E ES We take pleasure in announcing to our many friendg and customers the fact that we have just closed a contract with one of the largest potteries in the U. S. to furnish us with decorated ware, which we intend giving away .. th TELY F E OF COST... We will guarantee to sell all g ds as cheap if not cheaper than ever before and wi 'ch purchase, with cash or produce we will issue coupon. resent ing the amount of your purchase. When yo up ons reach specified amounts you are. entitled to ent dishes such as dinner plates, pie plates, han - somely decorated cups and saucers, exquisite de signs in covered dishes, bakers, orange bowls, sauce *dishes, wvater jugs, tea pots and in fact everything that goes~to constitute a complete set of dishes. We cordially invite you to call at our store and inspect these goods and we will be delighted to explain the offer to you in detail.: *--BONE-P~R10E CASil STORtE.-. *is extended to the trading public to call and see t line of goods I carry. If either the goods or the 1:7 ces don't suit you don't have to buy ! ! ! ! *I want your produce, eggs. chickens, etc., and will pay the highest market prices for same, either in cash trade-Give me a trial and you will never regret it' Yours for trade, John F. Harris. '$P3CIAL: The best parched and e enco es. 17 m( Great Bargains in Laces! . and embroidery with insertions to match ! A man who makes business to scrape up bargains in goods sent me a lot of fine lacea broideries and insertions with instructions "to sell"; that means as as 'this lot lasts you can buy it for less than half the usual price; Yi'a : with the lot is somec extra line lwns; were it not for the redicul lowv price he made on this I would ship it back. Several pieces or ont dies and other up to date dress goods; you will. be interested ini bi~ prices on this stuff. *A few pairs very nice oxfords, hardly enough L mention, 45c. for your choice. Last year a house shipped me abc a times as many cotton hoes as I bought; it is a good thing I kept ;h as they are much higher. I can se11 you cotton hoes for less thai h can be bough t at wvholosale, atnd still niake a litta pro~it, nn'i i willing to do it.j Produce always wvan ted. T.D0. H ARRIS. We are always Clad to see you buying the bes The best is the cheapest. It is economy to buy the We like to sell the best because the best always gives satisfr . This applies to all classes of goods-. Stoves, Axes, Saws, Table and Pocket utlery, Hammers, H-and Saws & Hl~ -as well as to SIhoes, flats, Clothing, JTeans, Sheetings, Checks, Yarns, DrIlls, Oil Clot hs, and hundredeof other useful aitteles which we always bi stock. REME MBE R I Good goods cost shoddy goods. Call in, look throu lines and give us your valued bus plote in every way.