1; -4-p -4 Mi4 v a'aee A10 28H I . ke)f'-.%~4 .9 '''t)C " 009 t''.~f Y'" I.4 Atg 01W -cu s iw ivs 444 irk'irshed, let I. .4~ ~~ ~~ 1w Is.. k- . . 4SSW.J L ~lfNvKS 4 HAD~~~ . R.1M CO NIS 2.N ~'' ~ '~>4V~ SCOTT'S EMULSION wQn't make a hump back straight, neither will It make a short leg long, but it feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and Is among the few genuie means of recovery in rickets and-bone consumption. - Send fo~r fret ape SCO'e & lOWNE, Cemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. soc. and $i,oo; all druggists. BIG LAND DEALs Capt. Johnson to (lose Trade witi Sin neset Cap) 'tait061 for 50,000 Acres. Capt. R. E: Johnson of the Sa.. luda Lumber Company leftGreen ville Saturday night for Charleston, where he went to close a deal with capitalsts from Minhesota for 50,000 acres of cyprus timber land, kntrn as the Four Hole swamp, and locatet forty iniles north of Charleston at i ."1 of Der chester, Berkley and Orangburg ounties. "The land will cut about 8,000 feet to the acre, said Capt. John son. "Qyprus timber grows in swamps andis used for tho into rior finish of cars. It also makes )a good, lasting shingle. In fact, it is the coming wood and as mhore of it is secured it will be developed and put into various uses by the factories of all kinds." Capt. Johnson said that he has had this deal wiith the Miinnesota parties under consideration for the past twelve milonths, but would J bring. all transactions to an end when he met the parties in Charles ton. In addition to this deal, lie has ,-several other similar deals on han d. 'It is my idea," he said, "to close p all such land deals I have on iiand and devote my entire time apd interest to the development of tie Gr q county property o ve ? Saluda Lumber Co .,afind thfl weathier and shpease report. ea will at oat t1 jnd y tc secure -,,Four 1le Swamp by placing a -mill there that will cut at least 100,000 feet cach day. The cyprus will be sold to factories to be utilized for vnrious purposes.I Chamberialinm Colle, Cholera and lilarrhoenl Rioee dy Is everywhere recognized-iis the one remedy that can ahvays be depended upon and that is plealsant to take. It is especially valuable for summer diar rl ea in 9hiildren and is undoubtedly the means oY saving the lives of a great smany 'children each year. For sale by Dr. 4. W. Earle, Pickens, and Dr. R. F. Smuith:, Easley, Shiake into Your Shoes Allon's I?oot-lhee. IL rests the feet. Cures vcatli koci. LnIl rggists and sh~oe s tore -- -i'rEN fl A D'00. The year-old daughter of Mr. and Mg C. M. Scott of Columbia, while seiting her 'grand-mother, Mrs. I n Kennedy, near Jone - ville, w s bitten in the face and on * the noeg by a dog that b~elongs to Mrs. K hnedy's sont', last Friday. The d@ had shown no signs of rabies jefore it bit the child, but af terwa le it did and bit a dog and a cow, RThe dog was then con fined see t result to the other dog Ico , and the little girl was to Joneeville and conveyed '3%by Dr. M. W. Chain rtr atmeont. Mrs. Scott p fro i Columbia 'Saturday sad 0 urrence. Wo en as Well as 1'en Ar Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kid ey troubfe preys upon the mind, dis - coura es and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor .t~ and cheerfulness soon *noys are out of order - or diseased. Kidney trouble has -become so prevalent that it is not uncommon -for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid -neys. if the child urln - - atos too often, if the tirine scallis the flesh or if, whoa the child reaches an age hen it should be able to control the pass go, It is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depe ad upon it. the cause of .the diffidu ty Is-ki nay trouble, and the first step should be to ards the treatment of these important org ns,- This unpleasant trouble is due to a ds sed condition of the kidneys and bladder an not 'to a habit as most people Suppose. Women as well as fljin a mades mis adbot needthoon-me reat re Y by druggists, in. fifty cent and one dollar size. You may have a free, also pamphlet tell- 1lnm et nag all about it,' inoltiding n~a ~fts thousands of testimd~nal aktt ta ROAD' IMPROVEMEXNT. THE BUILDING OF HIGHWAYS BY NATIONAL AID. lone Iqteresting Views of Repre sentative Men Who Are In Favor of This Plan Fow the Retterment of Publi.o Iighways. The question of road improvement in the United States seems within the past year to have resolved itself into the question of national aid. When any one is asked to say 4nething. on the road question, he takes it foi grant ed that you want to know whether he thinks the government should help build the roads. Many leading men have recently given their indorsement to this new idea, or rather old idea, for it .is now nearly a century since Jef ferson signed the first national aid bill. Some of these views are interesting. In a recent speech .ex-Senator Butler of South Carolink said: "There is -ample constitutional war rant for the improvement of the public roads out of the United States treasu ry, as large as there is for the Improve ment of rivers and harbors or for the support of the agricultural colleges. It is an appropriation from which we would all get benefit and to which we would '. .gtribute a share. The con stitution of the t,.lYi -confers upon copgress the right to establish postofices and poetroads. Every high way is a post route if the government chooses to use it. Evon in ' the days of John C. Calhoun he recommended the distribution of the surplus among thc several states, and it was done. I think the best thing for us to do is to go to our representatives and senators in congress and say to them, 'The great demand of modern times is the im provement of -the public highways, and the federal government should con tribute.' " Governor' Montague of Virginia Is do ing everything in his power to secure state legislation for road improvement, and he is also in favor of national aid. He says: -"We should not, however, overlook national aid. I believe this in time will come. The so called constitutional barrier against national approprIation must fill to the ground. The national government has constructed public highways unopposed by .the strictest constructionists of the federal consti tution. Moreover, if the national gov-. ernment can appropriate money to build harbors and to irrigate lands of, the states, how much greater is the roson and the right for national aid to public highways, the primal and abiding factors of transportation, both local and interstate." Speaking on the same subject, Gen eral Nelson A. Miles says: "The United Sttes government has appropriated $480,000,000 for rivers and harbors during the last twenty two years and only about $8,000,000 for the improvement of the country roads. Now it appears to us that it is a fitting time to draw the attention not only of the people that are immediately inter ested, but of your representatives both in the United States and the state leg islative bodies, because it is one of the projects that are bound to contribute to your welfare and happiness." General Fitz-Hlugh Lee, referring to this subject, says: "If you improve the roads, you begin at the foundation of prosperity for the people. The government of the United States appropriates now a large sum every year for military purposes. It appropria tee money for our mechanical and agricultural colleges. Now, inas much as good roads are the basis of prosperity both in country and city, wihy should not the government appro priate an adequate sum of money an nually for road improvement?" Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Colonel~ -3. H. Brigham recently ex pressed himself as favorable to na tional aid. Among other things he said: "I believe the general government can help in this work of improving tile highways. I am one of those who be lieve it is always right for .the strong arm of the government to be extended to help her people in every section of the couintry. The government could appropriate a certain sum to be supple muented by appropriations from state and county and then ask the locality where the road is to be constructed to contribute a certain amount and bring these funds all together. Then it would not be burdensome upon any one, and the work would be started here, there and everywhere, and in a few short years, withourunduly burdening any body, without' impoverishing the na tion or the state, -we would see good highways extending all over our land, beautifying the country, enriching the people and adding to thleir intelligence and happiness in, many ways." MAfchinery For R40ad la'serovement. The tendency of the present age is toward the use of iachinery wherever possible, and In the improvenlent of highways of every kind the use of ditching and roadnmaking machines and of heavy road rollers Is of tile first im portance if economy and efileiency are to go hand in hand. The use of ptoper apparatus for the shaping up of the roadbed and the subseqtuent hardening of its suirface is of paramont impor tance, and every stipervisor of public roads should have at his disposition, at least during a part of each year, the machinery above referred to. In con.. uidoring the building of roads in rural districts the, inatter of low first cost must always be kept in view. While this may appear somewhat high on ac count of the purchase of machinery, if several townships join it the, purchase of the required outfit the cost of. eachi will hardly be fet, land the results ob tained will fully justify the invest ment* Worst of all Experieneer. Oan anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your lant? wic a the experience of Mrs B, H. Newson. Deostpr, Ala. "For three are'" *Ihe rites "I endured insuffer, lb. ain froni) indi etio soaoh and fo ru lee l ee inevita us hen dot deas tu t failedt engt'h I was nduoe4 to tr y iettei EIGHTEEN MILLIONS OF ENGLISH MONEY. laixard 'amiIy of Georgetown Heirs to Oreat Fortude,.-The Facts of the Oiahm Olven. The Hazzaxd family of George. town, are claimants and probably heirs t hin immense fortune in England, consisting of parks and real estate in Bristol, and about $18,000,000 in money, including accumulated interest. The mem. bers of the family in Georgetown county are 4. P. Hazzard, a promi nont rice planter whose plantation is-on Black river about six miles frozr Georgetown; Capt. William MiTes'-" Hazzard, postmaster at Georgetown, and the sons of the late E. W. Hazzard, E. W., Wn,. W. and J. P., young men who have but.barely attained their ma jority. The other joint heirs to the property are Mrs. J. C. White, of Atlanta, 'Ga., who was, formerly a Miss Hazzard, daughter of the -late Wm. Horton Hazzard of Savan. nahand'.1 Waldo family, .repre sented by oh sholm or New York city. Prior to the American revolution the. English Hazzard's were a prominent family of Bristol, Eng. Benjamin Hazzard, a scion of this family, receiving a royal commis sion from King George II, came over with a Britisli regiment to the colonies. He wits the great grandfather of Mr. J. P. and Capt. Win. M. Hazzard. At the out break of the Revolutionary war he threw up his commission in the English army and took sides with the American patriots in the cause of liberty. In the meantime the Hazzard's in England had" waxed wealthy and heirB apparent and presumtive were few in' numbei. B-mjamin Hazzard, on account of his politi cal afliliations, was disinherited and his inheritance confiscated by the government. The property was at a later date restored to the remaining heirs, the last of whom was a Miss Hazzard, who .married a Scottish nobleman. The union was without issue and the lady died without making a will, The English government subse quently took charge of the estate, and efforts were made to diacover the rightful heirs. It was known that a member of the family came to America several generations back, and advertisements seeking information as to his descendants, if any, were inserted in a .number of American .Aewspapers. As a result the claim to the es tate was matde by members of the family in Georgia aud South Caro lina, and strong proofs submitted as to the inheritance being in the above parties. The matter, how ever, is still in statu quo in the English pourts, but steps are now being taken to hav~e the case adju dicated and brought to ,a conclus sion. September next has been named .as the time for the final hearing in the case, and it is prob able that one of the heirs here will go to England at an early date carrying incontrovertible pruoof to the rightfulness of their claim to the estate. Mr. J1. P. Hazzard has the family silverware with the family coat of arms upon ii, which was brought to this country by his great-grand father. He has also in his possess ion a number of famnily papers which prove beyond a doubt that his family are direct descendants of the Hazzard's of Bristol. "I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stormach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee. Mass., "and have been taking Chamberlaif,'s Stomach and LIver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not." If you have any trouble with your stomach why not tako these Tablets and get well? For sale by Dr. G. W. Earle Piokens, and Dr. R. F. Smith, Easley, UAPTUIcr A N EAGLE. Mr. Chas. L. Hall wounded, and captured a large eagle near his homne, two'and a half miles below Iva, Anderson county, last Mon day. The bird is of the gray va riety and measures seven feet frorm tip to tip of its wlied. This Ie the second one captured near there in the last few years.. *Startung Evhienuce. Fresh testimony in, great quavntlty is constantly coming in, declaring D, King's New Discovery for Consumptiorn Couhe and Colds to be unequaled. A ~e6 htexpression front T. J. McFarland fS~tovile; Va. serves as example. He "1 had Bronchitis for the jrsaa dpothrl ~lthe tim witout FURMAN'S NEW PRESIOENT! An Estiut.e of Dr. Poteat By the Ashye Vile Oitixen From practically everv' section of the country come words of coren mendation -of Dr. Edward M. Po. teat, the president-elect of Furman Univeisity. In Thursday's Issue the Ashe. ville Citizen said: "Another talented North Caro. linian has been called to a post ot honor and usefulness in the educa. tional'work of another state. The trustees of Furman University at Greenville, 8. Q., have -elected to the presidency of that institution, Dr. Edwin McNeill Potoat, pastor of the Memorial Baptist church at Philadelphia, and he has accepted. "Dr. Poteat is a native of Cas. well county, North Carolina, and a brother of Prof. W. L. Poteat, one of the most learned and dis, tinguished members of the Wake Forest College faculty. . Dr. Poteat is himself a graduate' of that col. loge and Was at one time assistant professor of ancient languages there. He is also a graduate of Louisville Tht4ogical Seminary. tegm4n connection with the Wake~Forest fac Dr. Po teat studied for two years i' n Hopkins University, traveled in Europe and on his return accepted the pastorate of the Cavalry Bap. List church, New Haven, Conn. I From there he was called to the f Memorial church in Philadelphia. ' "Dr. Poteat is a man of broad I Dulture, progressive ideas and fine I Dxeoutivo ability. In him Furman University has secured a worker who will put into it the life and t progressive slirit of which it has I long stood in need." t ItUTM EQUAL TO EMERIUENOY. t Low Charlestion's Negro Collector Got Out of Delenmaa. Dr. W. D. Crum, Charleston's negro collector, can meet a social 3mergency as well as many an An glo-Saxon official might do. Count Von Oriola, of the Ger man cruiser Gazelle now in this f port, Thursday sent his exeoutive officer, Captain Turk, to leave a C Dard at the custom house for - Col lector Crum. Ordinarily the Count, would have called in person on the sollector of the port as quickly as possible after his ship cast anchor. The card sent through Captain c Turk was a social expedient. It a was up to Dr. 0rum to meet this situation gracefully an~h did so this morning by sendinig his depu ty collector, A. S. Withers,who is a white man, to return the count's " eall. In this wise all awkwardness L that might have grown out of I Charleston's possession of a negro F sollector has been obviated. 0 RECEIVER ASKED FOR, niuulness Firm An'eeted by Failtre er CityL .Banik of Greenivood. C Application was made before 1 Judge Klugh at Abbeville -Satur- ~ clay for a receiver for the firm of a Davis & Daniel, who are running a shoe store at Anderscjn and one at Greenwood. The application was made in be balf of the City bank ot Greoenwood, which had been carrying the firm'sr p rper, 'hnd the application .for a receivership is a step towards wind ing up the bank's aflairs. Arrangements are pending -look ing toward a settlement and it isr hoped to have the two stores run-. fling again as usual in *a short while. HIs Last Ilopa Ikealized. 0 (From the Sentinel, Glebo, Mont.) I1 In the first opbning of Oklahoma to I iettlere in 1889, the editor of this paper was among the many seekers after for. tune who made the big race one flne day In April. During his traveling about and afterwards liis camping upon his e laim, he encountered much bad wvater, ti which, together with the severe heat, a gave him a very severe diarrhoea which It seemed almost impossible to cheok, rind along in June the ease became-so bad lie expected to die. One day one of si lisa neighbors brought him one small t: bottle of Chamberlain's Cello, Cholera, rind Diarrhoea 'itemedy as a last hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about .on the ground in great ragony, and in a few minutes the dose~ was repeated. The good effect of the medicine was soon nlticed and within in hour tho patient was taking his first sound sleep for a, fortnight. That one little bottle worked a comiplete'oure, and hie cannot help but feel grateful. Tihe 9 ieas'on for bowel disorders being at hand 1 suggests this' item. l96t saleaby Dr, G. f, W. Earle, Piokenp, avid Dr.'RI. F. 3mith, g iEasley.. w~tl @et re tor, crely. - BOOKER WANTED. South AfricaP CoMpany Ask* Negro's Help in Transveal Itace Frobil.a. - Booker T. Washington, the fa. mous negro edioalov' of-- Tuskegee, called- on President Roosevelt last Thursday afternoon seeking the Presiden 's advice. Lord Grey, president of the British South African company, his asked Washington to go-to South Africa'to stndy racial conditions, and outline plans for improving the educational and moral condi, tons of the negroe4. The race problem in South Af. rica is giving EIghainl considerable Oausel for worry. The conquered Boers are leaving, the farms and villages of the Transvaal in large numbers. The negro, population of the country isunsettled, and in spite of liberal offers from the British government to aid thom, they decline to take places as til. lers of the soil. Relying on Booker Washington's success in training American no. groes in industrial pursuits, it is loped by the South African com, pany that the American negro od' icator will be able ,o induce the outlh African bla'cks to take up igricultural pursuits. The task f'.siington is asked to perform vould reqWi'9 his preser.ce in the rransvaal for at I six months. le has been 'consuifi,4g1 1 riends as to whether or not it rould be advisable for him to save his work at home for that ength of time. President Roosevelt advised Vashington no to accept the offer, elling him that he was needed at ome to aid in the solution of the egro problem, It is probable that his advice will be followed, arid he offer will be declined. KILLING AT WELLFORD. . . Chlhoun, a Negro Bricklayer of Greenville, Was Shot In a Negro Bow. A phone message Friday morn, ig from the Apalache mills, Well. )rd, S. C. gave a detailed account f the killing Thursday afternoon f E. L. Calhoun, a negro brick lyer of Greenville, who was a iember of the construction force n the iew Apalachie mills The affair ocoured at Wellford, nd it appears that the circumstan. )A surrounding the difficulty are bout as follows: Mar& Wilson and another negro roman were engaged in a fisticuff, hen Calhoun is said to have inter ~rred in behalf of the unknon omnan. At the interferance of Calhoun be Wilson woman became mucli iconaed, and according to the re ort whipped out a pistol and fired n1 Calhoun111 nt close range, the ball inking effect in the vitale and caus 1g death almost instantly. The affair occu red in Spartan urg county, andi th~e morning uc >unt said thle woman had not een arrested,but was at her home, ~ aving made no attemnt to escape, B she claims tihe shooting of Cal oun was in self-defence. OSTIOn OF CONFED)E RATM ,iOrMDIInS. All'persons, either as Individuals I r societies, who may have in their oss'ession any of the original rolls i r records of any kind pertainingi > the Confederate Soldiers who irved in the Army or Navy from 1 uis State. will please send such ! >lls or records to me at Columbia . C. The War Departmuent at Wash, Igton, D. C., wants the use of hose rolls and records in order to rumpile a roster and history of the ien who served fromn South Caro na in the Coiifederate Army and ravy during the war between tile tates. The Department will take good are of all rolls or records mind re irn them as early/as possible. I in aigthorized by the War Depart y collect these toll, etc., and I ill give a receI it f->r themi if de red, Trhe utQost care will be0 inkon of them/ id they will be re irned prom ltly, when the Depart-1 uent hias 11h shed withu them. -M st respectfully, -M, P. ri~bble, Comn. o Confederate Rolls. Mrs. Ljodl~e McAllister Jon'gers, 'ho was mar)ied in New. York the1 7th, -to the artist, Jongerd, had her )urPyear-old laugh ter snatched rom her arms biy her former. hus and, Alexandb' C. Young,'mis she !fa5 about to bodn( toat-oship >r Paris. - DREW DOUBLE PAY. supt. orsalarIes and Allowance. In Post f010 Departiaeat on Two Pay ltoi, It was discovered in Washington Jlat.Thursday that Geo. W. Beav ers, while assistant superintend ent of the division of salaries and allowances of the postoffice depirt ment; drew double pay for some time. This irregularity was prac ticed with the knowledge and con sent of Mr. Castle, a'uditor for the I postofihce department. The Federal grand jury has in- I dicted August W. Machen, former- r ly superintendent of the rural free 8 delivery system,' for participation t in -a conspiracy to defraud the gov. V ernment. The indictment also in- t cludes the Groff brothers and two b others. a Edward F. Kimball, chief barge made, and leaving the do- he enders of the regime of crooked-. 1e less and petty froud not a leg to al itand upon. Mr. Tulloch's vindi. at sationl is complete. n< Former Postmaster General Oi 3mith, who declined to take the hi )harges seriously- when they were w4 >riginally made, was put to the wosessity at a later day of combat- ba ing the findings of his own inspoc- ga ore. lif "I knew nothing about the con section of Mr. Metcalf With this th fair of the contract for money sc1 rder blanks," said the postmaster P0 ,eneral today, "until yesterday aorning. As soon as Iarrived at de ny office I sent for Fourth Assis- be ant Postmaster General Bristow w~ and Assistant Attorney General Ba tobb and requested them to look hi oto the matter and get a state- je neont from-Mr. Metcalf. They had uim in Mr. Bristow's office for two be ours and secured admissions from It (im which corroborate pr'actically to vorything stated in the article 15 ublished this mornmng. ou "Mr. Metcalf has b)een in the of iostoffice department twenty-one rears. He has been esteemed as E ne of the most faithful, painstak- at ug, and loyal men in the service, mut there is no other thing for me o do, if I discharge the duties ofu a-y office properly, than to take in he action I have taken. I regret i" ery much being compelled to do t., but Mr. Metcalf has committed in grave indiscretion, which cannot i ie overlooked." li Doafness Canntot we Cured la y loch applications as they cannot reach wi le diseased portion of the oar. There he a only one way to csure' deafness, and d hat is by constitutional remedies. Deaf- dr ess is caused by an inflamed conditionh If the mucous lining of the Eustachian wi 'ube. When this tube I, inflamed you pr ave a rumbling sound or imperfect tb cearing, and when It is entirely closed, re )eafness is 'the result, andj- less thei in- y lamation dan~ be taken V' 'this tube estored to itsnormal hearing vil be desirod fov/ s)' es outh f ten are caused 4 6 'clih is othing but an in ao itn of the lIj nucous services. A We wvill give One flund red Dollars for ny case of Defhe (caused by catarrh) hat cannot be cured by Tiall's Catarrh Jure. Send for oirculars, free. o F. J. OlRENE~Y d& CO., Toledo, 0. o Sold by all Druggits, 75c. mi Hall's F~amily Pills are the best. t AIIC(EN'S NEW TOl UiST EIOTECL. -A Columbia arcluteot, 0. 0. Wil- *v on, has been engaged to draw um >lans for the new tourist hotel to ~ m >e built in Aiken. The main build- tn ng will be 400 felet long and there it vill be over 200 rooms; the bed * ooms being on snite. Council had aa leoded the ownere, Messrs. 0. HI. a:u 4amnberton and 8. W. Hamilton, ) 'orty acres of land in Eustice park, or vith the use of the park itelfV. L'hese gentlemen are from Winona, Wiseonshi, and Mt. Clement, Mich- a gan, and they promise to erect an se 'p-to-date hotel. The people ofcl Aiken* are ove'joyed at the pros- St loot of havinng a hotel for next h wilter's busiuuoss,- for it has al ways t mei a iincere regret to them that ,$ ue) old 1Mig1and Park was niot re- a~ ultafter %4a're.. h *111(2811 HOST MURDERED GUEOT8. Mountaineer Kill Two Me Who Were Spending the Night with Hiim. The details of a boody crime,'by which one man was killed'and an otber man and a woman fatally In jured'Sunday night, reaches here from a remote mountaiu section )f Ashe county N. C. Crick Davis was visited by two ormer friends, Alfred Baker and lis Soli, Levi, who lived -near Chil-, itWie, Va. They had stopped at ds house on their way to see their elatives in that section. Davis eemdd very hospitable and insis, ed on their spending the night i ith hin. They consented. The J wo visitors occupied the .same I ed. Davis and his wife occupied i nothor bed close by, possibly in < i1 same room. Hardly had they retired when I Irs. Davis heard a noise and on I )oking toward where the Barkers t eeping saw her husband with an ax I Ltting the Barkers to pieces. She rang out of the bed and tried to esp hier husband from killing tihe A man, Alfred. C Immediately -Davis gave her two lows that sout her to the floor. evi, had been killed by the first. ow,whoh had split his head open i clean as one splits a hog's head I slaughtering. i1 Alfred had been saved apparent- b b yLMr. is, as lie had time to awl ouit o b..bed and into a 0 ld of rye close by. rtheless, was bleeding like a hog and b 11 die, having received the axe P to the hilt in his stomach and ving his right arm cut off. Alfred says as he lay in the field P heard the awful blows that fol wed on the body of Mrs. Davis r d heard her groans grow fainter Ld fainter, But the woman was it yet killed, and aftor the ex., ement had subsided Davis took ai a wife in the house, washed her >unds and washed himself. The little Davis girl, with the rv by in her arms, was the one who vo-.t1e alarn,-aho escaping for e at the o.utset. Parties just from the scene of v a tragedy say that therels blood ttered around like at a slaughter 1. BI No motive can be found for the B ed though many theories have s1 en advanced. One is that Davis a a insane. Another is that Levi la rker was once a sweetheart of Swife and that this visit stirred lousy,. hto [L is claimed thtthe man has . di an mentally unbalanced at times.d is said lie had once before tried t kill a man with .in axe. There said to be no ground for jeal, w sy, as Mrs, Davis was a woman o fine Christian character.m A physician says she and Alfred yc rker wvill die. Davis is in ja il if Jefferson, dr Smoking In Spain. n Spaini people smoke incessantly or tier all conidition,' at all hours and r all places, except in church. Meni eke In the railway carriagcs; they si oke in all the tram cars; they smoke am all the minor theaters;' they smoke le all theo restaurants, in the hiotei din rooms, and, of course, in the cafes. business offices the merchant and clerks smoke. In shops the shop in, while trying to soil goods to a ly, wvill stop to roll a cigarette, F iich, when lighted, he will puff in o r face. You see conductors and ivers of tram cars smoking. All the 0 ekney cabmen smoke all the time, of illo even coachmen and footm'en of r ivato carriages sometimes smoke onr box. Bleggars ap~proach you, ciga. c to in mouth, to whine for alms. If ar u ask for tickets at a railway oficee, Jr clerk lays down his cigarette as he ndls you the dingy bits of pasteboard. 0e innumerable peddlers all smoke al tarettes all the time.-J. A. Hart in w gonaut. Origin of the Tomato. rho English word of direct Indian gin most frequently in use is to ito. A native of tropical or sub apIcal America, it was cultivated b~y a subjects of the Incas and Monte mans, 'as welil as by the other semi- cai rilized natives, -long before the ad- g nt of Europeans on th'is hemisphere. der the name of tumati or tomiati. 1 rough Intiroduced into IEurope al-, re ast as early ars its congener, the po- eg to, it was many years before it made way into popular favo-. There i tlI is first known to the IEnglish as love hi ple, to the French as pomume d'amnour d to the Italians as polni d'amore, fd theseo names are still in use, per-T tunting the old, widespread notion g( at its use as food had an influenco d< the amatory passions. School Customa. In China. ii Wfany strange school customs prevail gi China. The girls in that coumntry domi o to school unless they are the P ildren of very rich people. School qi >rk begins before daylight, and after .idying their lessons aloud for two urs the -pupils recite them. They Tj en go home to breakfast, after which ny return and study again .till din r time. In the afternoon they go nhmito.school to prepare lessens for e foltlowing day. By this time, it 14* g1t \lThis goes on every day of tbi at ~ ft SOLOATAL aIt' all si s body good.' W1i1 cotton mils o theo pinch over the nattt cotton and of making their goods at the p price of raw materi & Spartanburg Jourjiaf, fanufacturing Com puy ihead and'disposed of.:0 f cotton on which it i he net profit was WO( The company hadLob housand bales of co" 1. lood struck their ware housana bales were nost of the remaiudr A Lown Pacolet River for Dw the mills. ,This 6o4 Ing cotton at a high p Q ecially fortunate for theV his time in view of th ieavy losses' caused by lisaster. A SAD SPEOTAItK. Yesterday morning oh' lb ,f the trolley care was a sight; ,ould appeal*strongly to uman instincts-a widowe ian with two helpless ne abdut 3 years of age ther- a suckling ba bi.103. ian was Mrs. Emory, whose. and was drowned ii Paco lt ud whose home and a Dntents were swept twa 'fton No. 2, by the reent t f' e stoi a . The escpap of. mory and he wo"'1 hom in the hour 'of det- d ging disaster she clt, -tected, was barely short culous. When the. three i11 nded on the hill side a n1co from the maddened. bich swept away the d home, they had so ticle of apparel on their peii" rs. Emory's visit hete yester ts one of beseechirg Mi1d frb lief committee, and this Lred.--Spatanbarettdfald, staat. FE OF SEoRETAIRY Vs. tAsUHIER.. Mrs. William H. Rider, tcretary Rider of the )ok company, of Chicago it Thursday for $50,000d ;ainst Mrs. Lillian Petyt nd, wife of the cashier 'arie State Bank, also of C g rs.. Rider accuses Mrs. Wo a alienating her husband' eo >ns and being resp~onsibltb vorce proceedings whidh , d the couple. Thiat Tim robbing Hecadah,~ yuld quickly leave you, if y .King's Now Life Pill, sufferers have proved t he 3rIt for Sick and Nervous 1We ey make pure blood and ba bu ur health. Only 20 cents, mon~~ riot cured. Sold by Picenn Dri uggist. ANOTHER LANDsLIDE. Another landslide has ocdu Saluda mountain in the sa jiroad cut that was filled by. ide of Jast week.' The railt thorities say that , ivill A ast a month before the traek. cleared for througli traffice FOURTH OF JULY EXoURSION The Southern Railway wil iceursion tickets to allpoia the Mississippi aind south 6 Lijo and Potomac rivers at r' one and one-third fares for t Y und trip, mninimlum charge f nts. Tickets on sale July 2d,4 d 4th, wvith final liniit to re~r dly 8th. For full information applyt, iy agent of the SouthernIll ty, or '' W. H. Tayloc, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. -R, W. Hunt, D. P. A., ____Charleston, S. C A VANIShING sUUMTANOE., The Farmers' Allianice Exchahnge so was argued before-the master hn S. Verner, last WVednes i Columbia, by the lawyers r. senting th~e various parties int ted. Their arguments were eo facts. The master will mna s report to the court and the l4 irs will argue again as, to the Ia 13e judge will render his decisio me time andl then there will un~ >ubtedly be on appeal, and if any >dy has any just claim on tho oney lhe is destined to wait a long me before he gets it. All of the resent proceedings are on the iestion of appointing a receiver. Chamberlain's Stonmach and Liver ablet's are just wi at you need when.* u have no appetite, feel dull after eatd ~4 a and wake up with a bad taiste i~ mr mouth. They Awill improve your petite,' cleanse and invigorate your) gm~bh and givo you a relish for )i od. For sale by Dr. (L W.