The Anderson intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1914-1917, March 23, 1915, Page PAGE SIX, Image 14

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LOVE I ANDA FELLOW:! E??JNG I nm th- man l< fix } ir teeth bo you cat: eat tin pie tint I put 4 In the' PK mont It-IL I mr* <? plate, at $ .50 ! mnk' ".old crowns . '.$-1.00 Silvc. liing<S, f;0r d.izp. Gold li'rtjji $1.00 nd u;j Pain! t>a Extracting 40\c. 5 I ma i' Pyoir!n snrt a!i and re; All Vr . a api jlty i Alveo' of iinvii ad bri .t.'ng trcatlm: im gum igo wurti uf for qd tei I : ?uar t<udj I st-cla:,;. S. G. |b R '?CE ?ENTI5T mm\m [. If ;i:t &tt low hii'i ldt'.il plfii to gi br ifr : 1 PERM 31 oui ! its, wl you f return Vo?rs ie blank wt: shall he ' linrtl iilara ail. . uly. COLLEGE (. 'i Or rip Meuse, <; t. ionic : - MM roiVi (1 in ; Offer .-.liov>- refcrr .dual ' lull [iarti< ul r.-mcW envilh r moue> r.av to, ami wish s lamcci-him P. O 'aliire P - % 4y. :.v. -j^ss : Slat..v._ ' T?ik Why Election Returns Were Held INDIANAPOLIS. iit'L, AI a rob . llo-v returna?T"a"a nro'Cluet Ute the" Slv'.h ward in V- .rrc ilaute. v*r- orf dcVed held Brause Kttall. K*l.-iand. . ?. Di ..<:;.'nc?-iaie for / ; Ircuit .tiii.te. wno; rnl. iirif, bbnhd. f.: i re S^uteito. toddy "at the, h?arm fi; ! Ctitir. -C?V-t'- e! ti?: fed ease rati? rat Wiio . ,i?? i a h- Syl-.<.f,ter . -?rd a, DeJ V ?:( 1'iinii?r.cmnh,.;.: <l ceie of ili? V:-h:!'.r pleaded gu ' :y. : "i hie/ . of ?E Uci -Ho!1 ?. ' ! .1- - eon. "eeuie i to i e, r reel net find tol-i mo i-, he?, the r.-cr.: livid -1 ;. !. until late, c ml :h't -.sve !? ' .. . Id a lurndreti 'o'v'cr o f-.r.f B-it?dni?ri'l. 1 later ... w;. i|j. at. S: wouldn't have to a : -any vit; .". HorivW?lI B- T^n pst eu For Tiiai 1!?. Y/i:v:n a interstate !>h.-lv- in con l>pt te .. reel; the i h: idg? . w?s trial a - a rasuP . raj < aiinisBioa lay;. The lie Indlet at basL The de ? of Horn s a belli war was BANQ?lti Horn. eh!;rj;< U'iliispertvtii: nectton with luteruatiptfnl taa< !i to . Ho. i f the f'-idre I er Charles' 1 1 cpr?fni .sir' .meut waer: [. . for holfiiiSK feuae'? nu)t; Ihe gro cat .Wei denied. on f?g'? IMfeiers T?lrr. Vin ?.'Uja?j?c; io Attend to Any 'ofe Her Soissswpr?i. Pleasant Hill, N'. ?.?"I suffered for til'ree summers," -^rites ' Mrs^-' Walter Vinceni, ot this Iowa, "and the l?tifd'and j 'jail titna; was my v?jr$t. ngv'Ats hcailr.clioD and prostration,' fltiW?. scarcely ablo to v.T.lic'ab'?^: Cott|tW.'do any oi my also had drcafu! pains in niy back <andwafc.'?ne or those weak, ah! corne on aie, 1 and-Hai down, <J ? ? O O O O O O << c ? ?-XTILi NKW.S. ? II U 0 (? O 0 O 0 0 II .1 r. Iliiffniun I? now living looms, iii Die hey Mill, ||i?kory. N, U. I r. Cain hats resigned ifs super i il ill of tir enrol na .Mills. Um nviiif, si c. . . V. I p-hureb lias r. signed as .:n. i mieul tit:it manager of tin; Va' . i\. C,):Mf; C6\ a? pi Oil llrit I). Sl!| win .1 liai ' ii! VUI N. I - V ai. li lia > hei a ol' Ci .1. .M. \ ? stiPY <>: Un* posi .?! i ito Vnldu w. NlcComb* rhu? mlcui < i i ville. 1. II !! ha? .eavfng a ; ienoir (111 of I.V. ' lias : tlio (\ oulgn Kdiii X. C, has supcrintcn I Mfg. Co. pgjghed as Cohnnucll : ;. i second Mills. Heids - in .o Mill II. ' \.:r. lit the M \\ moi h Doi T. per. i: i C?.v \V. fro; : 'ni? nil 11. . of .1 g< Co. has Loi .1. II Nicliol tppoini iiiin Mfj Voodruff is no spuming at IlOOlfl?hl, Va. Van Palton h: oi' over ec'r i 1 .Mills. ?gal Mitchell : at tho HVlllc, Ca. McNeejy lioa iiilonl of in" i :ioi'. (Ja. : Smith has . rseer of cc nl of . 111 ? . < Hie, S. C. < 'ochran i Pi . \. ('.. has act 'inning room i ville, X. C. \i. ?inerson of . opted Hi po Massachusetts, : ral manag?r iirill?n, Ga. ^ccond hand ,io Dan III ver accepted the weaving at Ga. eeonie master Cotton Mill. signed "ns nu I per ton Mfg. i ?e'n promoted i.'iing to ,;tiper liannett Mills. ett Mills. Hfgji pted a ooHition Edna Mflls. !ii has of f pinning am! Vail : (<ia.) Mi M Shelion hit: :; i Ik Franklin n overset r ol tills Mil!. Douglasv Ii. M. Mutch I 'm i Win tlou Saloni, \. pc?iti of Incut, fi% i'e. X. C. Ui?K?rl lia til ion of nyi Arcade* t Vitt. iylacauga, Ala., ll?n of oversee: (he Fort Re'..! R the i 'it 111 S. C T. C, hi seer Mil! i W. Vinning a' Co. v tied his position I, Griet r.- S. V.. to spinning ut tie' le, Ca. Inverness lilirls. i '.. ht? ; accept i r ut Ednu Mills, been piomoted to seer f,t' weaving a Mill, ttock Hill, ot Green way, ice?pt?d tl carding a of that piae ii. Cox has r< of : pinning at the Cptton Mills to b Carding at the Ii Rai i! Ionian: X. c. W. 12. Mcatlie. pr mon: (S.- C.) Mfg of F i.;:erville. S. position oFpvofj tho (onhamiett ilglied as over <>er; Salisbury (X. C). :dm'c overseer of* ep Hirer Mills, shhmi of the I'ied Co.. and trcastirer *>f the Parker Co-ton mills Co., was in t'.i'o XcwYork mji&kel last wek. C. P. Harris, of Aurora, 111., has ac copied rhc- position .of second hand,}w weaving at Edna "'olton Mills. Heids ville. X. C. W. F. r??n?.vcutl lia:; been trans.fer red from overse e "of spinnln:; at the Clara Mill, Gastcnia, X. C? to a.aim ilar position at thejSDuni) Mill of'tlie punie piacc. V. M. Jolinsoa. formerly salcannan for the Hfuwley'; Eaboratories,. of phnvlotte; X. C.. iitiB accepted the'pos ition of 3Uperir.: enflent o? the" Caro lina Mi 11b, Greenville, S. ('. \V. I). McDonald has rr: ijrned :?is position with thp.Springfield rv-ills. Laurel Mill. X. C, to bof me as ist ant upeririierdent-of" the \ifktapT (:'. C.i ""iitT. J. II. Hull has roslgned as oyeiscer of w. aviug at the Arcade Mills, Hoch ?lll?r s ('.. to become superintendent of t! Elhormn (Ga.) ' Mf?. Co. I". V. Mabry him hoen provrnted from overs 'dtL?f w.eaVlug at the Mar. t-.l M11I.?. Vizaw, Ga- to g?nerai fiver ?eer of ivetving 'at all the miils of v.'Mra Hi c. Dresser is-general 4uper ' ' 'i'ii; - . oushx. and u?iea As a Private -. PARIS; Mu ch l?i?iCv:3f> >>. m,) TIk- -.loath 'oi Henri (-"ojlligt'opv con l uollr.r of .Sf; ;. ou. the fiele 'of fiat tie in . :.-;ti rn 'V.iuVe wits 'ajntmiiliecd to day. M. ('o. -gnoh. ivho .was 53"years of c. volunteered a { a i rivate. sol dier. K&j? -.lid hod 1' a fighting for^months- in th.rt trench. a*jd.- ucco'rt'.ing to li'.t of?h'orr,, ?j'ie ved rtma-Jui'ile coolness and braver . ; Ho was i .commended several til. ?' for. promcion to the rank of : md Hmtieuaat, . which ho refoaedj'pr isr/lne as a pri ----L. bclicvj.l v.-ottW have died if I ?iadn't takiii it.* .After I began faking Cardui, I'was -rcaHy t:i';,)Cti, and sil three bottles re jieved tuco:iuely.' ; ' ',. :\ lj/ I ( itp, r.nd grew so mrCch stronger i:i' threeri:ionths, I felt UTp.ian oih.':r perron a?to?ciheri" ( Crudulis purely vegetable ?fttd gentle ::c!in;.;. Ks ingredients havala milct* tonic ?lizzi, an i?ir womamy joofg?tuttoh. Cardui n^kes for iriaJcHsed strength, TP|ppeti ! e .Ji o : i e up lh e' ner r.tgPi.and; hc/ps to. make, pals, fresh fmd rosy, s heJpcdtmore than a tnillion dU/iffift. tIte". past 50 years. Cardui today. News?pmSen?ca! Another !hep tVc?l Fop Seneca. SE.NRCA, Minli ]!>. A < on lin et for another^ jep well for the town (... Seneca liuy been let (oilr. .1. J. William ,um, uni work b?gan ou it yisterday* U is being drilled ou tho < orner "?" .Mat:! Klroo; near the Citizens Bank- it isi!:ouj?ht thai the well will j not b< mom\?f>y, :.">o foet deep'.' it will j lie a g r?do imhyehieiicc tu those i:i , 'Uii of'fie town. ' I'optiluWVuiing Couple lo iVed, li has b?ni publicly announced (lut MIob .Ma-.' Hamilton,, and Mr. F.?. I). N'olll nie Ii' l>" married lu < I ? ? - i'res byteriftn tfiiilrcli lure, on April 21. Mis: llnn/l ton is the dni liter of Mr. W. C. tlaiiiiltou, one uf the most suct --:iii! iiujiness men ?"ii this sec tion ut' ti !>d?ntry. She i.-. a young,I woman ?. many charms and much ! good seh-e. and justly popular with all el a s ii -. ages in colora, in Seneca. M . Xell is eue of the proprietors of iii So'i? a Oarage, but until recently . an th? aCcoiiimodBtlng 'bagguge man ; .{ th? ?'pot here, la thai capacity he made f": ends with ihe publie gen erally by hi.j agreeable service. The:;i young aeople have t F?t' good wishes oi i-ver: body In. Seneca, for their ha;> p in ess .n their new life. <)ii":(st Sunday Mia.-: Itosie Black M . Lei' Dick .-on were married at th? le ne "i tho bride's parents, Mr. end As. J. F. Mlack. The ceremony waa i - . funnel by the Rev, .las. Ma .i.n. / Mil. Lucy Harbin and Mr. [tobt. Sand- rr were married* al the homo of Mrs. Kiln Whitlen, i.isU-r of the bride. Friday ni.-:ht. in Anderson, Mri. Sane ira Is a daughter of Mr. ,j. A. liar: In of the Sklluh section.of Ihlo coli: ty. and Mr. Sanders has lived i ma: Wnlhe.llii for a iiuiunet' af years. A Xnmner of Iter.U.s. A.r. .Idsn W. Hunter. Si; yenrs of J ag . died at his home ia (he Ketr?ut je< ion of the county, lie was a'meni b< of a large and influential family ' of Ocoiiei? county. vlrs. ('. I.. XlcfJumn died at the 1 In mo of her father, Mr. .1. s. Den n , in the Old Liberty Section 'of this | ? unty iaht Thursday morning', ?be ! v l'a S:] y (Kir ; Of ago and had ije?h a ; : ifferer from ?rights diseuse lor som?. j i me. .Mrs. MeOufllh is survived by ! '. or. hu3bahd and three small child- J en. The friends in this county of Mr. ty-. II. Cory, of lionea Path', will be j iorrv to learn thai he is critically f ii. . ; Mr, and Mrs. G. W. GlgnllliU-and j Miss Suc Gignillist huye returned \ from an extended visit to Miami and j etiler pplnts in Southern Florida. [ Mira Winnes, who has be>.-n Visiting Miss Norm a Gignillist lias returned j !o her home in St. Matthew-. Mrs. \V. H. McClellun. of Wood-" bury, (ja-., is .vltdtliig relatives inj Sconce'County. Mrs. AleClellen is a'-'j .ister of Mrs. John W. Pnpla of) Walhalla. Mrs." Arthur Davis of Sr?envlll? visited relatives in this -ornmunitv latt Sunday. Miss Mary Julia Shanklin, of An 1' rjon ' is .vislt'ng her grandmother. Mrj. Julia,Shankiin near here. \lrr?. Ed. Adanm, who has. been vl.dting Mrs. J. Stribbling. bus returned to lier home in Hartwell. Mr. .T. S. R?binson went to Aladi 3on Friday. Mr, W- O. Hamilton has been in Minuta Qui' week on business. Iii.race Wood und Willie 'Austin, cadets at Clemsou College got 'homo* j [or the day, Thursday, on account of j uilh?uh'8 birthday. _-L___- , u o o o o o O 0 O 0 U 0 0 o o 0 ? o o ?y : >'* . , o! ii IS?FIWK 1TE1I$ ; il '-.. ;. -..;.'. " ' ' ' -. ' *\ ,- \ o'o o o d -j- O O O 0 O 0 0 0 O .0 O O'O !0'ur Sunday school is progressing, with Mr.. Clarortce . Wil son-as sup.erlutendent, Mrl. Ilatup Hicks, clerk, and Miss Aiu lo Xolson, anrnnl3t. Mrs. ' W.\ H. Crcniihav.' aud little ahlidren. Charles and ilaur and Mrai, Ellen -Jenkins, all of Pendleton, and Mr;. -Mettlci Cillesple wer", visiting Mr. aud Mrs. Lawrence -. Craig ot .'entrai last "Wcdneailay. ' A goodly .numhsr of our young poo plo. und elder .ones too, enjoyed' ? ?i?o singing at'^Vlr. ami 'Mrs. Faut [jilh'spic'g last AVcthieatfny ni.qht. Mrs. C. E. Wilson and litlle ehi! Iren viMted Mrs. W. H. Hicks, last iunday cveulng. ' Air. W. 0. Wilson and dauRliter, Miss l^ila, 'visited tub fcrmer's'slster, Nti-e. R. AV, Nelson last Tuesday. WaJker-McElmoylo and IJlshpp'.s l?ranch played ball laat Friday after ippn, L great many of our 'yd?nger iOt vfcnt to AJcElfimyle to seo Hte ?ame. They rejtyMqA tho game to be h\0 II in favor of'MnKlmoj le. Afrs. Nannie -White/ and little kuiy.hter, Leon, spentv.Tuesdny with Mrs. V. C. Gillespiel and her mother, Mrs. June Evatt. . Alia. E., T; Arnold spent .one day aat week .with /.Mrs. Ara Ev^itt. Mr. W. Cr Xori'is and little daugh Lois, uCshded Kuiiday school at hjfl place last Surida>. The people of thin tommunity were ,ery orry lo learn of Mr. Ludo White's snd a,ccldeiit<,\yhlle ritlinr- l l.orSc to - water Tfvsr. Frid.o. it became1 lightened htid'he W:>.? Girown to the erpQ'hd'. breaking, bis right ankle. He I, -'reported .'to:- bo' -getting ;.bn exceed-, i .Rly well under the skillful atfen !'.nee of Dr. BeorJen,-Of;Central, S. The grain crops "are certainly 100:'. Iiig pretty ttiiicc. the weather has fror i? niV liiue.-wm-M-..- hope.''if It {' b- th?- will;-of.?ur Master, that t v.-iy ' fa rite r who. h.-->-- : . . in sown, will make bduntiful en.'.. Mfr. and-Mr;. !>. Cf Evatt and Ift II. v ?oa. D. C.-spool hi:U Wednesday uiglii1 with .-the former's mother, Mrs. M.--J. Futt. J?lMl'np^nlisl 5)ire; in AiKr.i KV' VQRiK, .Marth pl.?Willlaih .Sl.nine, . au .iner-. iand enpitalia? of .tliir i ' PRE-EASTE m ftp a '? mm ire 1**1 m A Merchandising Service of Commanding Influence Dedicated to the Greatest Possi ble Benefit to the Good People of Anderson The long arm of this ol d and reliable store has pene trated intoTnany different sources of dependable ready to-wear, and" millinery in the assembling of this remark able exposition of spring garments; but we are glad to sav that we are now ready with a display of spring wear ing apparel, bought at prices which enables us to price these troods very, very attractively. . ^ COAT SUITS We have the greatest display ol Spring Coat Suits that we have ever shown the good people of Anderson; every fabric and every color which Dame Fashion has decreed for Spring is ill our stock. Gabardijies, Poplins, Failles. Crepe Poplins, Mattesones, Serg?; Men's Weaves, etc.,' made in all the latest cuts, and in every wanted color. These Suits were 'bought SPLiClAL, so we are going to sell them SPtClAl. for these three days. ... $25.00 values at..$17.49 20. (hi values at.., .. 14.98 l 5.00 values at. .12.48 12.50 values at. .\ ......... . 9.98 DRESSES We are showing a wonderful line of One Piece Dresses, made of Silk, Poplin, ChiiT?n, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Gr?pe Metedr, in all the season's authentic styles and colors?putty, sand, Belgian blue, navies, greffn, purple, etc., etc. We drove a good bargain on these dresses, and have priced these dresses SPECIAL for the next three days. S2 7.5.0 values at . . ..,. . . .$19.98 S25.00 values at . . . .$17.48 values at...$14.98 Sl5,oo; values at . :.$12.48 $12.50 values at.'.. ... ... . .$ 9.9S ?510.0(1 v luesat....$ 7.48 S .7.50 values at*..'A..$ 4.93 *--. ' re-: ; MILLINERY Spring Opening Display of Stylish, New and Authentic Mil linery Modes, and nt prices within the reach of everybody. We have a beautiful display of Spring Bonnets and Hate ?\ ' every hue and description at* SPECIAL prices this three dayr.. Shepardess Hals, Po^e Bonnets for young ladies and misses, large new style sailor hats, darge mahne shapes with . in!;_ud flowers, etc. Come and'see them. yourself., 'Priced from ' #1.98 to $5.00 and worth much more. ^ J.* j / '"-' "' '" ". ' . -.V.?. ,V "' v.* ?*. ' ; 'p. . - ' I ' :' .-,. > ' x^*?2l -V ' '. ' Special prices will. Prevail in every Department ^here You Pay Less* VAST OFFIOEyteP?HEK IN flANKRCPTCY HERE l;>r Attel?t la. uf.> Ask. fT S Judge Johnson <<i .Reestablish lt. Ali effort Ifi-gipliig to bo inade to ave ?iie Kodoripl office of rct?'rc'? in innkruph'.y, "flfjtet?bllshed lu Ander-; in, nod o comrnlttee of the local Bft* .B?td?itlon will-be appointed shq^riy. i call upon Urstli'il Staton Judge) JosV. pli T. JohiiHortVflf the newly created [nited Blairs district court Tor the tstcrn dliirtlct of South Carolina and Bk him to recreate tho office bore ud appoint someone !o ?|11 it. ' As generally irVunvn, a ir.Fcre.e ir. ankrtiptcy' was inain?ibifd h'es-e;ntv I la?r summer. &hon the tc!rm ot oi ol the referee/ C.Mi. Gelder, J??'fi.. icpir'fid. i'eliir-ra;; a practice he..had Published- ?>i rddveliiK- .the nu'tnb'er f refei ;;n.?ruptey. by no! iP'optM where terms l,?e 11er. ry A. :.T. <S. district Ville, referee for Anderson and Green ville counties, together with the couh tie.H of Oconee and Plckens. As gen eralis- known; Oconee county was within the Jurisdiction of- the,r?f?r?e at Anderson anl -Picken? county was Within the! jurisdiction of the referee at Greenville. , *" If the orfie.o of referee is re-created h?f?; it will be for both Anderson'ami Ocbnee comities. In -other .words, tho Hat Associ?t 'in wishes to have the inattor put' baok where it was b:.ior<5 Judge Smith abolished the-office here, that is. have a recr?e at. Anderson Jos' thin an? ?ebhee-Counties. liquor in a State only when posses sion of any quantity of liquor in G;?t State i/* unlawfu). AfjVillAMA MtOHfM?iOS ,LA\\ i:St'ONSHTl T10XA1? MONTGOMiSn-V; Ala.. -March la,--' Tim law recently enaetrd by the b.mii legislature, prohibiting the de 11 very *nio the Sti'te',-;oT more than one quart of In : Honor to one person U\ any one month-,' was held ?': I- ionat today by Judge , in cit; c'Mirt. The ?-ourt ruled j *tl'm. of in tli?, loa ff/.tbo Found Not Gull'y. ltltloqEPORT, Conn.. March 19.. Mrs. Helen M. Angle was found not guilty of manslaughter by ti jury la crlni.'nal court l-.crc t?te today. She Avas accused of having caused tho |f(eath r f Waldo H. Ttailou at Stamford on the night of .Tun? 2;? last. rtie annminceinent of the verdict .tvas'!greeted with cheer.-;. ?elglftn ?eilef Ships Mitit. NEWPORT NEWS. Va., Mareii 1 ?With-,a .cargo ?f grain valued ?3fH.tiS0, the Belgian'relief ahlp,- tl Rritish steamer John Hardie; clearc tb.'s afternoon and Avili ? tonir' for Rotterdam from whence tin will be rc-shlppe'd to' Bclgldui 'for d trib'utiop sinopg the dosltule . cl liana. The cargo, ; which jnclm 310,500 bus.hcla' 'efMvb'eai and bushels of cortl, was supplied by Anteriffan' Commis,ion foi- Relief Belgium WANTED will buy for CASH ' /,*-.. . - :' I ? -. - ' -'. . '\ . f.o Geese 50 Ducks 75 Guineas ' ! , 2?. Turkeys S(r,it!i Side Grocery