Here's the idea to which we wish to direct your atten tion: We are as anxious to sell more as you are to get more for your money; we are making reductions in many * departments that will certainly accomplish both. Usual Evans Quality at unusual prices/ Figure your advantage in ev ery item. MEN'S OVERCOATS $20.00 Men's Overcoats now..$16.00 $ 18.00 Men's Overcoats now. .$14.40 $15,00 Men's Overcoats now..$12.00 $ 10.00 Men's Overcoats now.$ 8.0? BOY'S OVERCOATS $7.50 Boy's Overcoats now seHing at.$6.00 #6.00 Boy's Overcoats now selling at. . . . $4.80 $5.00 Boy's Overcoats now selling at. . . .$4.00 $4.00 Boy's Overcoats now selling at. . . . . $3.20 $3.00 Boy's Overcoats now selling at . . . .$2.40 MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS $1.00 Wopl Shirts now at- .. 8.$ .80 $1.50 Wool Shirts now at. .$1.15 $2.00 Wool Shirts now at. . . $1.40 $2.50 Wool Shirts now at.$1.75 AUTOMOBILE GLOVES Entire stock of auto gloves included, lin ed or unlined;,tubular or the new folding pocket gauntlets'- many styles, all sizes, black and tan. $1.00 Auto Gloves now for. ..$ .80 $1.50 Auto Gloves now for. . . . ,. . $1.15 $2.00 Auto Gloves now for. . .* . ..- .$1.45 $2,50 Auto Gloves now for. .... , $1.90 $3.00 Auto Gloves now for. . . .$2.30 $3.50 Auto Gloves now for. -.$2.70 Order by Parcel Post; We Prepay Charges MANHATTAN SHIRTS Every one knows the great reputation these shirts have, and men lose no time making their selection when we an nounce this sale. $1.15 $1.40 $2.25 for $1.50 Shirts; for $2.00 Shirts; for $3.50 Shirts; also other also other Silks la this makes makes quality SPECIAL LOT OF. HAN AN SHOES Your opportunity cannot hold out much longer in these Hanan $6.00 Shoes we're clearing. A few pairs left of several leath ers and in assorted sizes. They're priced at. . . . .$2.95 ' ; Hi' ff ".'I MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS $1.00 Sweaters reduced'to.. .. . . .$ .75 $1.50 Sweaters reduced to.$1.10 $2.00 Sweaters reduced to...- . . .. .$1.40 $2.50 Sweaters reduced to . . $1.7b MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR All Fall and Winter Garments included in this clearance. ?ne , and two-JMece Suits ; heavy, medium : or regular weights-? cotton or wool. $ . 50 Garments now ?t. . $1.00 Garments* nbw at. Ji $1.50 Garments now, at i . $1.75 Garments n?w,?tr.. $2.00 Garments n?w ?t f $3.00 Garments now at . . $3.50 Garments now atV 4: V $ .40 $ .80 $1.15 $1.35 W? $2?25 $2.65 * . >. v., C<;. # * . /..-: - -. Order by Parcel Post; We Prepay Charges. ' (6 The Store with a Conscience'* V Iii ?rmy Purp*.?. And Will probably ship another J car this week. , ...? .; -w . ?./ If you have a mule you want to to our stable and get the c?ah. Of ?ourse we cannot handle any thing Unsound. a M v j5, Vi ,7 V?? wa II The School Districts of And^n 4?naty, and the Different Te to. ships Ja WWeh They Apposr. B^ldto?0TownsbJp~B^uS ??. CaV noun ?; Cedar Gwre ?O. ?afc Gi-ove ?9. , . turtilp^Andewion 17. Eureka ^^^fii^^M Creek ?w. Rocky River ?, Union St; Straight, . Brushy Creek?Airy - Springs, aay. r ' Anderson Cotton Mill, Monday,. Jan. ] 18th, morning, 1-3 day. -??.: > '",.- . '..)' ," - Gluck Mill, Tuesday, Jan. 19UV] morning. 1-2 day. Orr HUI..Tuesday, Jan. luth, after noon, 1-2 dsy. " RIverside-Toxaway, ' Wednesday, Jan: 20th, afternoon 1-2 day. Please don't Call to make your re turn when we come to the mills. WINSTON SMITH, y Auditor Anderson .County. January 13th, 1915. Traffic Ordered Suspended. BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Jan. 13.? "raffle between Brownsville, and Mata mores, the. Mexican town opposite this city, was suspended tonight un der orders of the Carranza commander at Matamores when dispatches were received tending to confirm reports that Monterey bad been evacuated by the Carranza forces. .Twenty trains, crowded-with troops and refugees, are en .route to the border. It la said._ ? assassa?aa^aws^oasBBBw^^as^a^S)SMB?asas?sa^BSSB^aaawas ? asaqi Jewelry Repairing When you leave a piece of JEWEL RY, to be -repaired, do yen want to wait always for it? Lyon-will re pair it at once. When you leave your glasses, can you afford to be without them? Lyon' will , repair them at once. . And ' you have a bunch of old JEWELRY laid away, that could be made into beautiful piecsB, at a very Utile eeet! ?ime-t erery dsy ? have sofie one to tell me that they have air old piece of jewelry that was worn by their mother, father, or grand mother and would give any thins; if they could wear It No piece la too bad to pe mad? to look new. Let mo moke you a price. Next Door NEW. To Anderson Relief Association Now Total $26.11?Snug Sam Yesterday. . of 995.11 has been subscrib ed to date to the "Anderson Relief As sociation, according to data given out by Treasurer O. H. Geiger of the As sociation. ! Contributions received yesterday by the association were: First Baptist church1.; .847.00 Cash ... .'.. . .*. ... . ...... 3.?0 A. H. Osborne ... :.. .?.. :.'. : i .1.00 Total...- ...$51.00 Prevlonsly. acknowledged .?:'iv.45#'H Basketball Local Team Will Cose Was Wot ford Fitting Scaaol Team Today. At the West Market street school at 3:45 o'clock this afternoon the basket 'ball team of the Anderson high school will play from Wbfford FU> . i ? ???. ? Hug IIUUVVI. Following the first game between the boys' teams, the girls." basketball team Of tho Andere^ Blgh school will play the girls' team fro mHonea Path. .. The Anderson high school team will be picked from the following; Jones, Brace, Kay, Bewley, Daniel. Goer, Ma jor. Sasstter. Flndls jrj Coole y , sa d O'Donnell. An admission fee of 15 cents will he charged. 1 >?.**?" >',". .'. ".Tii.'> : " '..x:^-, New Work Bench. I W. H. Keene & Co, local Jewelers, have installed a handsome new work bench for the ' repair, department, which Is in charge of Henry Shea fer. The bench IS made of mahogany and is one of th? most completely equlnped, in this section of the coun-. StraightRoad Excellent Photo Pley is to Be Shown Today at Para mount. "The Straight Road" is the title 01 an unusually powerful motion picturt drama which will be.shown today a< the Paramount threat re. The produc t|on was shown yesterday morning before an audience invited by the inrvuagement to view the picture and pass upon its merits. It woapronounc. fid one,of the most powerful produc tions ever thrown upon a motion pic ture screen here. . ! The Paramount will open this af ternootrat 2 o'clock end the first reo will start promptly thereafter at 4 6, 6, 7, 8. sad 9 ofrlock. , ; ESCAPED CONVICTS CAUGHT Fanner Arises with Shotgun Begi . P-ur of Bad Men. RICHMOND/ Vs., Jatu 14.?Ham Hamliscn, forger, ?hd .R N. Hanley highway robber, who, with filler an< Allen : Barton, murderers, escapee from the Virginia penitentiary hert Monday night, were. ' mado prlsoneri today, at Cfelemsn'S- Mill,* Carolin? county. 30 miles north of Richmond by J. A. Ban ford, a farmer, armot with a shotgun. When thev asked San fora for food and a bed last night, h< recognised there from newspapei pictures, fed then- sad stood guart ell night while they slept, the sleep O exhauoUoo. Warden Wood, was sum moned and .be brosjht the unrealst lag prisoners to this city. Adkins and Burton were csptoret Tuesday afternoon near ..Sabot Islam station by railroad men and return * to the penitentiary, and today's arres ends the tale of the daring break, ex cept that each of the convlcto wil have five years added to hls seateaet for misbehavior. The farmer got %1Q< cash for capturing the men. ' Cotton RfTsTpts Off. The number ' of bales of cotton gin ncd in Anderson county up to Januar 1, 1915~3^8M88. The number o bales ginned for tho corresponding po rlod of 1814 pomber ?9.818. > . . . "IS YOU JESUS" ASKED A MOTHERLESS BABY OF GENERAL SECRETARY F. M BURNETT OF RELIEF ASSOCIATION PROVIDED FOR Youngest of Four Babies Placed in Anderson Home?Others Sent to Relatives. la you 'Jesus?" asked a bIx year old child yesterday as the little scrap of QeBh stood in the floor gazing up into the face of General Secretary Burnett of the Anderson Relief Association. "No, I am not Jesus," answered the secn-tary, "what made you think that?' I.-.-::. "Cause in y mama said before she died Jesus would take care, of us, and I -aw you give my papa some money," piped back the little tot, as he shift ed his position to get a better view of tho. man who had handed to the child's father some'money with which to purchase a few of the bare hecesBi .ties of life for his four motherless 'little babies. I These four small children,- who were brought to the Y. M. C.-A, Wed nesday morning by their father, .who . : stated that hts wife had recently died and that he was literally "up agahiBt it", to care for the little ones,, have been sent to homes where they will be properly cared for. . Yesterday morning General Secre tary Fred M. Burnett of the Ander son Relief Association purchased tickets for tho three older children and started them Off to Lavonta, Ga., whore they will be taken .care of by relatives of their dead mother. The youngest of the four children, an in fant only 8 months old, has been ad opted by Mr. and Mrs. Centreil of South Main street. When the father of tbp children has taken the'little fellows to Lavonia and placed them In charge of relatives he will' return to Beit?n and resume his duties thore in the. mill. At some time in tho future it Co planned to bring th? family together again,, but for the present the little follows will be looked after by .other hands. Auto Burr^e? Fat Major Lose? New Firesione Tearing Cur by Fire~-Machine Was Insured. ? v ' 1'' f$ < Pat Major, a well-known-and. pros perous planter of the Hammend school section er t^o county bad the misfor tune .yesterday ei?moon to. lose his Urge now. Fircst'ono turing car *by fire. The machine was standing in the front yard* of Mr. Major's. residence and.he was preparing to-start for the city, in some.- way the machine caught fire from tho engine and was destroy ed In a few minutes. . Tho machine was pntotleally new and cost 13,500. The car was*: fally in sured with **Better-Bo-Ssfo-Thsn Sorry" y loan. Mr. Major had had the auiuiuuuik- but a fc-W StOntuo. . - , -. ' ' " ?' >' Has Recovered.'' The friends of HsYry Show wilijbo pleased to learn that ho hau recover ed from a severe attack of la grippe ? P?d 1b tt?l? t0 be " out again.