Fruit Powders. By the uso of thin powder Fcuche?, Fears, Plump, Berries, of uny kind, Fruit Juices cud .*ach vegetables a* Tomatoes, Beans, etc? can be preserved wlit.out the umc of ulr tight cans. Sufficient quantity to preserve 40. IIih. fnllt for 25c. At all our Stores. Evans' Pharmacy . THREE STORES ! COUNTY SUFFERS from HEAVY STORM Do'you know that yon can get from as a TOIlYAlM) POLICY, which will protect you from the troubles that your neighbors arc now suffering. It cohts very little in premium but PAYS LARGE in resultn. CORE to* our office nud let us tell yon about It Walton Insurance Agency Evans Building. WILL INDICT GUILTY PARTY 'DISTRICT ATTORNEY WH1T " MAN WILL MAKE A RIGID EXAMINATION DIRECTORS M UM Refuse To Discuss Report of She Interstate Commefce'Com misstou At All New York,. July 14.?J. P. Morgan and Company today ruf used to dis cuss the rcpoft of tlo Interstate Com merce Commission soverly censuring the dlroctors !of the Now York, New Haven and Hartford railroad under 'che administration of Charles S. Mel ier-, for "reckless and profligate" fl nunclnl operations estimated to have, cost f.tockhold^rn from .$65,000,000 to S90,ooo,ooo. J. P. Morgan himself; however, denied the charge tbp.t the oominlssloher'a examiners were np? accorded full acc?s sto ' i? firm's i book- bearing Upon- the New''Haven; - V Tho. Nott.;Haven situation, it ' was pointed out, now is out of th? hands of tho commission, and what action . if any, Is taken on recom'mendationBs' that tho directors be prosecuted, .lies' with the department of .- justice and tho district attorenys in he states in: which the system has . lines. Prose-1< - cuting attorneys in New York, Boston,' : New Haven, New London and other points today received no copies of the ovideneo. 0 Directors and fromor directors of the road generally have refused to 'discuss-the commission's report. Mr: Mollen. however, branded it as "a re port of a political tribunal, made fori political fiurpoaesi^ ^Mr.- Hellen'S* counsel, J. W. H._ Crlm, also issued -a s|iitemeht"defeiiding: .'Mellens' ac^ Hons. Hcvsald Mellen'?"private for tune when ho took charge of the New ' Haven was a million dollars. Now, he added, it- was far less than that District Attorney Whitman today issued thiSi statement: I '-'When these papers (relative to the, ,New Haven) roach this office they' will- he clos?ly scrutinized and if wo have any reason to believe that any crime'of any. kind has been commit-! ted'by any person connected with the New Haven; railroad or its manage ment ifi thls '?o?nty, an indictment . will follow no matter who tho per-" vSon'may,be.* " "' . < ..> ' - ' . OO0OO&OOO??OOOO o'ooo ? ,'o'b ? ? ? d fypjci: A gentle "bully" ralh' stertea^ to . failing fakt night about 8:30 and kop l up for an hour. It ; wks ^hot gen over tho county. ' . ft,.! Capt. F. B. Flshbnrho. until lately tho general manager of the feaa elec-? ' trie, is bow vin Texas playing ehc k-k era. He Is getting strong''dopo" 4vl tho papers out tbero on'hwvproWess/ and "ho win ; retu rn dotbrmtned; to I ; > \- f*'. V??; /-?' v - Qtn, ftf- ~tti ' Bonhom' has roturnodi from ,oh oitenstvo trip "in tho ,^;,^-.;i.rt> >-;;} ? :r= IHHHHHHHHCHnH ?,-^-.-? pleted today.* Work on 'the" station proper, is being rushed to completion. Visitors to Anderson today will find Improvements on every; street, In addition to the 23 stores- rooms under way, there are'by ?r. 176 impor tant pieces of construction. . A number of Anderson people at tended the Abbeville campaign' meet ing. The friends of. Sermtor Smith came back claiming the county by an overwhelming majority. Use the split log drutf on the ronils. Tbo really wonderful ro?d over the mountains b.eyond Walhalla was built largely by the use of these drags. Secretary Whaley yesterday, re ceived a letter from Clarence Poe, of Raleigh, N. C, stating that he could not comb here for the- grain contest next Tuesday. ' W?. S. Lee, who is proud to say "An derson is My Town," bas been elected president of the Piedmont & Northern altil way. Mr. Leo succeeds: Mr. L B. Duke^ At preseM Mr. and Mrs. Lee are on a trip to Eurofie where1 Mr. Lee is studying somo new enterprises with the hope of adapting their, ideas for this country. . /W. P. Pollock, candidate for the United States sonate, last night ex pressed his admiration for Anderson. This is his first Visit and he did not get to see much ot the cfty, but what he did see pleased him greatly. The now mayor of the city is an old friend and relative Mr. J. II. Godfrey. On account of the fact one candi date In tho meeting at Aikcn had some words with a man in the au dience, there got started here yester day one of those fool rumors that there had been a fight at Abbeville.. Much interest was caused to be sure but Nit all turned out to be a fake. Tho candidates for senatorial offices arc Invited to the ball park this after noon and I some of the rapid f irers f.rc invited to pitch the first ball in llio first series that Spartanburg will piny here this summer. That was a ueaptiini brace oi gamea at spar tanburg yestepday, and the fans uro promlr.el dome treat if they go to tho ball ' park today. j. b? pruitt died at age of 82 ? One of Anderson's Best Citizen's ?-funeral Services This Hj;... Afternoon m P? (Prom Wednesday's Daily.) Nowb was received." in the city last sight of the-deati of one of Anderi Jon's truest citizen*, V B. Pruitt, who passed ?way nt .9 o'clock at bib home. Xt Starr,' Ho'had'te?n ?nw?ll for-two months, but recently had fallio? a Ut ile, fio was Iii his 82nd year. Mr. Pruitt vwas a native of this county and lia long and useful life has been mown of all tho older, citizens. ' He 1s siinrtveiTby his ^fo,.jvho was Vliss Cynthia I .Parker,. now, - 7ft 'years >ld, and by 10 children, R. W.,: J. H? l?hnC;B. Ji and W. L. Pruitt, alLof ids county; Mrs. R..W. Drake, of UonnldB; Mrs. J. J. Fiuley, Mrs. J. L. lackson, Mrs W. T. M?rrlsotv and Mrs. rV*. O. Bowle, Sil' bf this county. Tho funeral s?rvlces will be held hTs afternoon at 6 o'clock at Cross "toad Baptist church conducted by ho Rev, J. L Voss. Green Ville. Mr. Pruitt was a-gooo jld?'soldier, and served in Ofr's regiment, a mombei of 3apt; Cowau's company. -Mrs. 'lion Isbley of this city and -Mrs. Lizzie vay arc surviving sisters of the de leased. the next the National Reunino ?rj ihe B. P. ?. & Goes To ?Uv? 1 Angeles - i Denver, Col., July l* 'g?n?ral .?' of ,t6at date, was ?lecled grand exalted ruler,] ind ? dose contMt forjefrnnd ealeemed j eadihg knfght. was wofi by. U R. Max- ; voir Of MarahalUown, Iowe.( | Other R?cris nisJ^Ml'Iw?re^ ] Clrahd Loyal Knight, E.'M. Dloker^ son. Tucson.r-.? : ' ". .2; ' 'Qrand 'Lecturing Knlghw: *W. -Fy ?p?d?, MHwai?iki^. tfw* S >5 I -l - Grand Seeretarv, Frederick C. Rob^ H6?w iButratrofc, Jow?v ' Orahd Treaaurar. Charles a . While; ' Grand' Trustee, Calvin - King?l?y} rvnii-riOO, ?Ow?;:. "*t"s Orand -Tiler, JB.A;P. Kop?y Ilk, Pu?btO.' Flag RaheC. V'iri ?ndofcvored to drown out the mu tto of two . bands, of * the world'* 1?1ph?* Aine '?Iswl'ttttay ?t Shibe jiarte laies rand ankle 4?ep med Amerk^nsand ?ijttie.?eld sen* enter? Uet u? itn -; the} ?aOrvers rih*--. penvaijt - was' 'I?otli games ot the, double header ?elSefl'biefllter,^i:i*e?tj^eo.. ft | RELIEF MAY BE GIVEN BY THE GENEROSITY OF THE PEOPLE PROCLAMATIONS Governor Blease, Senator Smith and Congressmen Trying To Do Something Tho hull has been worse in some counties than in Anderson. In somo sections of Anderson It lia h been so vere and hua ruined growing cropt that would have produced thousands of dollars. Senator Smith, somo of the congressmen and Gov. Mease have* already taken steps to assist the good people in other counties whe have suffered such heavy loss. The people of Anderson ore not beggers and ft may not be that they 'will require uny assistance, but wo direct tho attention of our officials to the heavy losses In this county last week, especially in the Mt. Tabor section, west of the city; in tho Mc Carlcy r?ctl?n six miles couth of the city and on the L. U. Harris place, between Anderson and Willlnmston. Some of tho crops may yet mako a portion. " In York county the hall was so se vere that 11 beer cattle were killed ou ,onc farm and gullies 10 feet dec were filled with hail stones. A dis patch lrctn Co'unibia yesterday says In Hull District. O. K. DaRoque, secretary of a hai1 insurance company of Marlon, was in Columbia yesterday, en route t< ,j the hail|ckcn district in the up nnr nnrt of the Stite. Mr. LoRouaue says his company carries only a small amount of insurance in the scctior' covered by tho dlsasterous hailstorm of July 0, and his. trip is not for the J purpose of adjusting any losses but to. mako a close investigation . and full report for his company and at the same'time advise with tho farm err and planters who have Bustalnei. losses, offering suggestions as to thi. advllbllity of planting the lands - ii some. other, crop or cultivating what If left of the crop damaged. Mr. La Rouque has had nine yearsjexperlcnce. I In adjusting losses of this kind, end fools that he can be of somo service I to tho people In the district covered 1 by this dlfiasterous storm. He expects > to be In Rock Hill Tuesday, Oaffney Wednesday and Lauren s Friday. i; Senator Smith has. visited the .hail stricken section of La-arena and Con-' gref sman Flnlcy box jitroduced a bill to assist thQ people tt Ybrkvefyo suf fered such heavy: loss ' Governor Mease. has shown hit' earnest interest in the matter by is suing yesterday - two proclamations, one for York and ono for Laurens, appointing committees to receive and to. disburse contributions, i The proclamation states: . ; "Whereas, a severe storm of Wind, rain and hall devastated; within tho. past several days, a large section o? the county of York, doing great damage to crops, and in many In stances wiping crops out of existence completely. leaving - many . farms stricken and many people destitute without food and without means to help themselves; and . * ' i "Whereas.' these people are unaou at this late,day, to replant their crops, and are without means to do so, even if it were possible, and they are now.' -sorely in need of help; i - v , . ^OW, THEREFORE, I, COLE. L:? BLEASE, Governor of the State ' of South Carolina, do hereby ask and re quest all citizens of our State, who are able and wilting to,do so, to con tribute according to their means, tc assist these people in this their -time of need and great distress,.and do re quest that contributions ho sent U any of tho following gentlemen." SAL??AWMD. I' ' MEET THIS WEEK Program of Exercises To Be Held Ij^^f?n |?at^^^^ith^i,^^ . Addresses TV Be Made k m ; y?S5e ' Woman's Missionary Union;' auxiliary to the Baluda. Baptist AeSo elation, will meet today at Honea Path, the exorcises beginning - at' 10 WeJoCk: .^Mrs. B. W, Masters, the superintend dent; requests that tho following spe>; cm! notice be given: ''AU persons desiring to attend . *atf annual .meeting1 of the Woman's Mb stndary.'Uhton which meets, at Hones ?th .should arrange to leave at &:?5 ^edb?soiyV mo'rnlng. . - The rate for round trip will bo Y& cents unless wo should bava bb m&ny as ono hundred, thon the rates will be ?B?sey^' .' . The Program. Followli g Je the program : ; , OpOHltis? ?e*g!OG iO ?harth i?t it'.U.r*. ium. - Devotional?Mrs. L: Harper. Reading Constitution - and . 'By-I?** Presentation**** of Recommendations of Executive committee. . Keport of Committee on Margaret Home?-Mrs. J. B Fol ton, Chm. Report on Literature?Mrs. L. M. Mahaffey. Appointment of cummittces. Election .of Nominating Committee. Announcements. 1:00 p. m.?Adjournment. WedneAdaj Afternoon. ,2:15 p. m?Minutes of Morning Ses sion. Addrass "Efficiency"?Mrs. J. D. Cliapuijih, Pr?s. Stale W. M. U. "Anderson College"?Dr. Jas. P. Ki nard, Ph. D. Report 'ot Commute on W. M. U. Training school ot Lctiisville, Ky.,? Miss Varlna Cllnkscalos. An hour with the W, M U. Train ing school, "The Beginning of a New Session"?presented uy the Y. W. A. of local church. ' Announcements. 4:*90 p. m.r-Adjournment. Wednesday Even's*;, 8:30. Rev. Edward S. Reeves, presiding. Sermon before W. M. U. Auxiliary to Saluda Baptist Association?Dr. George W. Quick, pastor First ?ui>?lut church. Greenvjlle, S. C. Vocal Solo?Mrs. T. V. McCall. Thursday Morning 9t90. Devotional?Miss Letla Pooro. Minutes of Wednesday afternoon's session. Re-reading of recommendations of Executive Committee. Report of Committee ' on Mission Study?Miss Ray McMasters, chm. ^ 1 Pegomat-^'In Royal Service," con flict ed by Mfs. Joel T. Rice, stato superintendent, of Mission Study, as sisted by Mesdames Kniet hers, Minor, Klnc and Leathern. / Report ot .Committee on Personal Service* ,Mlsa,vM,ary Bowie, chm. 'Open discus's ion. led by Mrs. J. W. Sullivan, Jr. . Sunbeam, demonstration, Local Sun beams ,i Address?Rev. Dean Crane, repre sentative of state and home missions. 'Announcements. S 11 1:00 p. ?1.??Adjournment. m Thursday Afternoon 2:00 P. M. Minutes of the morning sesisen. "Th'?.Cu?? 'of iue Humu Land"?Mrs. c. s. Sullivan^ "Equipment of the Foreign Field" ?Miss Luc Ho Uurrina. i .Iteports of committee on Rosniu 'tion's and Nominating committee. Election of .officerr,. Report of,:oomniitteo on Time aid PlaCOi . I""*' Report, of. ! Obituary committee. Mrs. C. L. Robi'tBonOfclmi. Appotntnier-t; of Standing commit tees;- ; -ji^P' : 'l-' ' -Announcements. Adjourntheht'"' JENNINGS ROW ^OSJT CHARGES i'.' hi , ? Denounces im . YorkviUe '';Eh-j qubrcr For'i ^haiges gainst Himself and PoIIod(f .'' i| As there has been much speculation^ I as to why Messrs. Jennings and Pol lock entered, Ui^ senatorial race, the following Btatomtmt, made .by -f?r. Jo r j ? r,z at the* Abb ovll le m e e t i n g WIR b? read with'interest: At this point,, j?desire to refer to an editorial appearing Ic the "Yorkvllle Enquirer// headed "The Plan of Bat tie." It 1b stated therein?'"The real race is between Smith and Blease? one statidinK for-'connervatlsm and the other for reform, with Jennings and Pollock - hel,pins :?n"5Uh In n?cordanco with a -'plan rarefully pre-arrang ed.* * * *" V ' j t It is further stated, "But Jennings and Pollock are hot la this thing with out motive. Thero is no need for any body to deceive themselves On that score. As to just what the selfish in .forest behind the motive of these two politicians.Is, we do not know.. Po~. sibly, it Is money?expenses paid frbi some- soiircp, and a good bonus U addition." *M | 1 As to the statement that I am' help ing Smith in. accordance with a' plan .carefully prearranged. I desire to say that if the editor who wrote this piece 1b a. gentleman, ' he will either furnish tho, proof tus to the pro-ar rangement, or he will. retract the stntemcnt with the-same publicity as it Svas made, und If he does not do hither, ho is a contemptible, cowardly lfar. As to the Insinuation that my motjvo in tentering the face, la possi bly money?expenses paid from some source, and n, f-ood bonus in addition, ^l^desiro .to say "'that such' a thought can only ominate from tho brain ot a low-down, degrsded, contemptible 1 I will further aay that if the editor >yho wrote thin piece will prove that I entered, lato a : pre-arranged plan- to help Smith, or taint anyone is to pay my expenses, orjthat I am to receive a single, dollar aa'conus, 1 will donate to tho D?af and Dumb Institute at Cedar Springs, tee ?um of five thou sand dollars, and withdraw, from the. ;?co. . fjnij. would not nftve noticed this piece, If only; people who ktfow me,Would bee, it, and people who^knqw the. an j'uur ?? nuiuc, u?c?hBe ?ie people who know, me would not believe a word of it;*nnd\tho*pocpto. who know 'the au thor^X am satisfied, would not believe a word, but I am, only.' rnakIng thIs statement for the, fa cr-ilt of those who neither known mo nor the author. 1 Change heeded. hi ..-iJM-irty j.. Str-Lords Glote-l?emocraf. -*Tftls country is pretty thoroughly civilized?except that it empties .'Its Bowttgo into the Btr'rarrlS from which it-draws. Its ?JkicWsg water.. . Fifty srearev-rfrom 'now' ^?l^wao read.of thot will sky ."Sicien^Vg!Some* *>t tt)?xa>do now, -'. tiffe. Is. >, . - ' \ - v. : v?-. 71 ', '. , ? "? > '?>' > u{ ' MR. JOLLOCK CALLED FOR THE AYES AND NAYES AT ABBEVILLE ' ORDERLY DAY AND BIG CROWD Senator Smith Seemed To Be the Favorite There-?Some New Feature ? _a "*f> iioiT"! 1., Abbeville, July 14.?The campaign meeting bore today was one coutlnu oub chain of unexpected features The ''governor himself offered the first, when ho gave practically his on tiro time to a discussion of the. parole of R. A. Richie, who was convicted for arsault upon his little thirteen year old adopted.daughter. Though the governor consum?e' thirty of his thirty-live minutes .il reading letters and other manuscripts on which the puroln was based, he said this was neither an explanation nor an apology. Nor was it to be considered ar. a reply to anything the had becu said on the stump by op ponent though thia case was the. high light In the Qreeuwood meeting last Saturday. Ho did this, he said, in answer to lier, that had been circu lated in Abbeville county, and that If it- had net been for thin, he woub not bnvo coino to Abbeville today. Tbo governor said that 'Richie, though technically paroled, Was out on a ?C.flOO bond, and that he Could Ik i^Incarcerated ut any time, and would be If his Improved that It would not Impose a burden on the -State to keep him. Mr. Jennings added a uew fonU'.ro when ho read editorial commu?t from The Vorkvl'lo Enquirer to tho offect that Messrs Jennings sad Poil lock had ontored the campaign ac cording to a careful pre-arranged plan to help Sonotor Smith, and that tho r.olflrh motive behind it was "probably money-expenses paid from nonio pther source, nnd a good bonu; In addition." The apcakor .said tha it tho author war. a gentleman, he would lurnlrh the proof as to the pre arrangement, or retract It with the same policy. "Hut If ho docs neither" tho speaker added, "he Is a contempti ble, cowardly liar." Aa io xho money charge, the speaker said that such allegation could emanate "only from the- brain of a 1 low-down, degraded, contemptible coward." *" w The mayor of Suinter offered to withdraw tiom the race, and In ad dition to nubscrlbo ?5,000 to tho Dedf and .Dumb Institute at Cedar Springt If the editor -will furnish -any; proof us to the/ assertion. Mr. Pollock in running through the "recurds" again today found an other Republican on the governor's staff. , This latest discovery, accord ing to tho Choraw candidate, .is of thoj man Who owned tho Kingstreo paper on which Mr. James -L. Sims of -Orage burg as a young man set type. It was avowedly tor thin work that tho governor so strenbusly objected to Mr. Sims' appointment as United States marshal, -and over which ho had had so many hard things, to' say on many stumps in the present cam paign, -. , Mr,. Pollock speaker Jtoday called for the first hand primary* After sub jecting the governor's record to. a severe grilling, Mr. Pollock asked that/all those who endorsed; that rec ord to'show their hands. The speak er anonunced. that about fifteen shot ap into the air. When asked that all those who did not. approve of that record to raise theirs there was a gen oral fluttering of hats und .waving ol arms, while the grovo behind th< court house echoed -with applause. , Senator- Smith was tho first speak-: ar, and-"was well received and gener ously applauded. He made, today hit u.mai spoech.In defense of bis record, without any apology for working five and one-half years in, the Interest of the farmers. There were many spon laneoua bursts of applause Id re sponse to his appropriate jokes, when tie had concluded, he was presented with tho unique gift of-tho campaign, which was a lact year's cotton stalk growth, with all-bolls, open, and none picked, with the long, staple locks, hanging, low from tho burrs. There was. much applause, when this wa; pasf,e,i up to the stage. The governor spoke directly after the . senator.. Senator Smith was the first speak-, sr. . Ho began by saying that there iad been .much comment, thatj.'iicot toh".Smfth Cyclone' (f be dldh wns there when the'doing was done He then- read the letter,- from Senator redit for. the Smith ' agriculture bill It was Holte Smith whom tho go ver nor h?d said was'the author- "Sena or K. D .Smith introduced the origi nal'bill", the. better, the JQe?rgla sena tor said, "ami if. any one has given ne the] lion's'* shore of tho credit (foi unending, and; supporting the bill on ?be floor of the senate) I regret It. roo much credit cannot be given your jwn Senator, E. D. Smith." Ho dis cussed the measuro till now In com nitteo conference,.and which.,*vhcn It .Y E GOVERNOR that arrangements hail been made yesterday for u loan of $350,000 to re plenish ? depleted Btate treasury. The rato to bo paid was throe and one-half per cunt, the lowest, he said, at which the Btate hudover been able to borrow funds. By this decreased rnte, his vetoes of tho appropriation bills had become an euonoii.1.'. advantage. As' soon as the governor hud fin ished speaking ho left tho stage, but I only a scuttoring few trailed ufler In | tho wake. As the chief . executive j stepped from the stage, there ^vcre ropcated cSlls, ''Stay and tuko yotfrl medicine, governor!" This wub an-! ? wer od by, "He can't afford It!" which drew much applause. When it was. remarked that sq. few were roturning with the giiv?rudr^lo tho hotel, someone called out, " I bet all those came over from Andcrspn."; , Mayor L. 1). Jennings. Mr. Jennings said "'that Stuint?f Smith had thought about what he had dono for the price of cotton ho much and had talked about It so much, that J he actually bollovcd that ho had done these things. "But you are entitled'' to hnvo someonp iu the senate who lui.* j more than one Idea,'' he added. In dlscuaslug tbo govcrnor'n atti-.j tudo toward the Charleston s|tua?.lni> j tho mayor of Sumtor said that he did not expect to ebenso one blln'dliger's of race track gambler's vote, but that. | he did expect to open tho eyen of .tho people to the fact that this class,.of ptoplo Is trying, to deceive them Juto believing that they represent tho cause of tho people. Mr. Jenning'i made sport of the governor's claims that, he would turn out the negro mat?, clerka when he got to Washington. "Ho .cannot do thin," the speaker cx-' pialncd,. "until ho has repealed tho | civil sorvlce.' laws, and ali the r.ena tois in the south can't do that," lh'o | speaker ndded. Th.* only v/ay lie aai.i| these ncgroon could be deprived of those jobr. would bo to .repeal the fourteenth and.fifteenth amendments,' thun depriving negroes of cltineniiblp rights, "which Is the most harmful.",, ho.naked, "a: few negro.mall clerks,] passing through the statu on trahis, i and earning an honest living, or 000 j umvlctn turned loose In ybur Commu nity, criminals of every conceivable type*"" Mr. Jennings drew: o. laugh when he reminded tf.ber-i. tho't thOigovcrnox? linn repeatedly said that ho lad n-rli-l Irir to explain, yci. camo to Ahhovl"'a and, ^onsumoil his entire time hi 4x-1 Plaining' orfo crv.n: Ti\ dlscfod'Mng lUchey'B broken health idea, the I apenker said, "Charles* Fr-Worso-Tltfy tho^federnl. prison, in Atlanta eon-j vincod, rho people, that ,he* was nearly ; dead.. Now, hiTa, ifl the north ' .still robbing .tne people." . " } \? 1 Mr. Pollock ?.n I ho Press. Mr. Pollock,henceforth will hob. a! unlquo pince m' .south Carolina poll Lies. At .thir/time when newspapers | wo subjected, to. dally ridicule and rtbuBe, and when this vituperation Tails on willing- cars, candidates ore not . prone to challenge the, cause if the. press, loBt they offend a .dhUrusiy 1 hil public. But tho. candidate ] Gbornw . today came to" the defenpo sf the(-now8papora.of>tbe state, .and de nounced ,as - cheap demagqgufir* |he I ?ttempt to create prejudice .through "ttiacks on the newspapers. ", ,,., ., The speaker said : ",I am tired of the . heap political domagoguery that has sought. to orrs,y class, against, class. [ am disgusted'.; with the .abuse of, the aowspnpers,.and the newup?por mon*. \ free." is essential to free gov ern nient, and my experience is 'that .he,- newspaper men?tho. editors /and ho reporters- are as fine a class or )ur citizQAsbip as any we have in tho t?te. "It Is.through the newspapers that Lho. people are Informed of what is ?folng pn. They,, turn on : 'the ' white". ? light of. truth, and it is only the dem-""' igoguo that wishes "his real self ' k?pt ; a rrom tho viow of the people. It Is'i 10 only who. abuses and viUiHes the! lowopapcrs. But such abuse will hoi. letor the newspapers in rendering i patriotic).service to the people, be :ause new?r??-?;r!nT-on love tholr state md are as, fair and patriotic as any nen, and they arc lolnp their full !> there to bring about a better condi-!' lon in Sou,th Carolina. X say all '.n ibnor to the newspapers for tho we rk hey are.doing." x - .1 'rrr-r--? ' """ ??? D O O O O.O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 ?.. . ,, " , .'.., . oil NOTES FROM STARR. o y$ - . (. O ? o o o o o o eo O O O Q u o o o op Starr,, July 15.?Mrs*. Charles Dean, vir- hor son and daughtor. Eorle add ^ouls?. nrc spending this week at tho , iome of Mr. and Mrs.tA.-A- IMsim<4 \ vi Mrs, Aima Dean ban gone to Horjca M 'ath as a delegate : to the Missionary ? :ufita, G&? is visiting her friends,.Mrs/ '. N. Land. . .<' Vnluo of Trained Man. American AfochtMst. How many realls-e that a certain', mount of tit*, "nrm'a money has-been pent in-training .a nuvn for toe par?-' IcularNv?rU that he has.beori dotaE n(:W?e 'Shop and that when he goes liei-juvestraeUfc ts wiped ?otit?; ilsiweM ^ .-V-^M.'t.-:, ' ,4n-'f!?..!f ? fja 1 . tail- ' - -.(;':* v> ., ! H 1 (I M Al M Kl I ? .? S! HK AT? THIS So many stomach sufferers have been benefited by i~ simple prescription of vegetable oiU which cured a Chicago druggist of . '?ron/ie.' 'stomach, liver and intestinal trouble years' standing that we want you'surfty to try this remedy. It is known as Mayr's Wonderful Stom ach Remedy. --One- dose will convince you. 0 It usually-gives wonderful re lief within 2+ hours? * I . *. .. YOU BUY THE REST. ' We are sole agents for Sporting Goods n Anderson. F?iit's Book Store. ^ _.? Woinon xvho suCor. frgm tbo wtnUno?o lioculUr to their aexSj'oCtl d, vi'ializtnv: loll\c I ii'ida ptirirrtac rdoicd-H^This U furalsuod ; fu Ibo barral(;Ks.aort[jMit t6ry on'.ictlvo com pound, that for 10 -/otrtVliit av.lFtoil und had! tlio approval of thousands .of wornau In tho' CarollD?s. Its aaioij. iy. Ont, to remove all blood impurities: ttumtormWflzo a&d reuo llloMl funoUo?ifi uf >hn Jtucatlvo system; tlicu lo fgod oU ourvo contors.. With Ibis process ibo' *^0dTrr''rTmctloa3 bocorao uor mit. invin di?a?u>e?2? nervo* aro.'ctdtullod an/! lifo bocdorla vronb the lNfna. Many ! of your uolizhbois tmvo boon Aolppd-by- iL' I Try Uyuftrseir, and learn how tbey benefited. Your druse 1st probably,[im lt. If bot sond hl? n amo_aml uuo do\(?r fo^ o, big botUo to REMEDY S ALES'C?rtPCRATlON, CHARLOTTE N.C Met. Joe Person's Wash iiicouii ......:!r-'-i' Um ItotnedT for tho cur? r i*?r,>? aiiri tni>4v'.V-''>r lanarnrd o/incoitod t-irfac**. It I. Mpoclstly Val.isblu to wornon. nuit tUuild always \?t u.iod fur nlceratlunsr . Fpi body lice dust your fowls with Conkey's Lice Powder? For mi t es spray your poul ( ry bouse with ; B Conkey's Lice Liquid .Conkey'* Head lice Ointment ^r^^sW^^^^e^fTeraedy iPUlin thcdrirJum; v/uter is chick ( frtturancc. 1c. and 50c. Moi^b?dtifthciwill bo nt Poublo Springs school Jioujo?.noxt Saturday iftcmoon, Jttly .'l^iyfpom.'a to C o'clock or tho accommodation o<: persons E'tlmt neighborhood-who want to get j 6lr names on the club rolls! , ' ? .v?ti;'ij^?;-H- - ' ' 1 ,- b; ;';.!? ?