IF IN NEED ??i -?vi.*; -OF A VEHICLE OF ANY KIND let us show you our stock before you buy. We carry a complete stock of all kinds. Also Har ness, Whips and Robes. We have some extra good values in Mules and Horses. Liberal terms and courteous treatment to all. |. S. FOWLER ANDERSON, i SOUTH CAROLINA We Point With Pride tin the fact that wc nave built up a rep utation for high-class dentistry, which cannot be excelled In thlR locality. We du all branches of dental work In a thorough manner nnA ??re ?zV."is.c ?fcvy'^^Jp^ ^JH^P lion to all our patron? In the skillful, ^U.I TT l y -1 efficiency of our work, our courteous H V treatment and the reasonableness of JBfasa, cir cliarges. Thin yon will under* i^J?if} "?ond nfjer the first trial. DR. H. R. WELLS & COMPANY ELECTRIC HEN TAL PARLORS Orar Farmers A Merchants' Baak, Anderson, H. C., Ladj Attendant CREATING Mlif'H INTEREST ?? Atlanta Womaa Who Clalma the DI. rloe Gift a Heallnfr. will Close Hutur^^^r#tfra-*^-rrW-B ' Atlanta. April M.-Atlaata preach- lt9t**Wf&m* -^SSBnU phrlatlan p^oi?le so&ersaUy aro ^-ffS?Hon. Aprll 14.-TBA school at ^^t^^^SakVsj.^Tjfllfflt 1mfWl'?? ' wll close*s**V^Wey. There ged miraculous- eurea which BTe wm be a play Saturday-alght to which being W?rked hy divine pow^r hy Mw. the public la Invited. Wopa^Wdrth-Rtter who IB preaching at A small admission fee Tor school Im I he old Baptist Tuhernscle. provement will b,. charged. ?oro> ministers have gone so tar This entertainment la by local tal as to say that there Is Scriptural Jus- cnt and the public and friends of tb' tl Heat lon for W.lfu Mrs. Hitter is do- school may expect to bc highly en ing.? and that she may actualyl be tero.hied. working uilracles through the .power I --? of Christ Just as the Apostles did in TO ADDRESS PRESS ASSOCIATION inp o?deu days. : | ~ Others ?iay lt Is nothing but super J (Spartanburg Herald.) Btltion. and still a third class darkly] President Fairfax Harrison o? tho ?:...? tr vc..- C...,. .??.? -?>*. ^.-.?-. r;...?u?.. .-it...?: . , ?... ??. "v ?>..??. -~ -. -~j- ouu.nciv tttiindjr, will IH-II?<-I ?lio er^attrral power it must come not from principal address before tho Soutli Chrldt but from tho Devil. Carolina Press association, which In the ineanthuo hundred:; of peo- meets carly in July at Chick Springs, are ???I^???IU?; i.-.- sei vices, ?iiii a popular resort cn tho linc ci thc xn peopln who have relative? who oro terurbau between Spartanburg and bait or lanie or blind or otherwise ' Oreonvllle. The announcement will uffllcted, are taking them to tho Old be of interest to member:, of that Tabernacle, and beging Mra. Etter organisation and to the public. Mr. to cure them. Just as people used to Harrison since becoming the head of make pilgrimages In the mldle ages th? Southern railway, has demon to the shrines of the various saints, strafed hta ability to Ulk railroading _^.- ? .?.-in a way that ls convincing and ln THE MARKET FIRST *H, terestlng to the Utfttan. He has -f- thrown light upon many knotty prob (Spnrtanburg Herald.) (ema confronting the common carriers Tho present adminlat ration has been and has done so In a way, that bas in office six months: In that .Um? U ?ni' his point in the publie mind, haa ?et the house. In order, somewhat, j The railroads are working for the has ?arrled out and h. still carrying upbuilding of their territory and the Ot\t, ganch work cut out for lt by tija newspapers pre. engaged in tb? same prev??ua administration, such os pav- busing which makes lt we?'for the lng. sewerpge extension and th? Ilka, 'press rind the president of the South but if bas not acted finally upon any ern to have an opportunity to talk one of the .several important que?- things jver. JUie newspapera are ac tions that has been knocking at the 'cused. among other things, of running council chamber door, lt bas done the railroads, and lt will be well for uothlng with tho market question; lt editors to get a few points from Mr. ? aa done nothtng with the garbage Harrison aa to how they should be .question; lt has been Indifferent to the conducted, park ;?uestlon; no doclaiop bas be?n TJm press of ?buth Carolina will be reached ns to the city hall; lt has glad to hesr Mr. Harrison. paved streets, but little attention bas_. . , V. beenjpaid to other streets, where a Singing Convention. le shaping itp and dragging would The Anderson-Oakwood einging '?*"'^ ?n^OW We' convention will meet with the Orr ??*fMl,Treai White Way before coun- .nu t?~-#i_. _V_?. ..... .. S-fJM-fl-f^M-M-L' * - '...Ti -^%?H..o?. t.||Mlt.ll \?ll ilir ?QUI, ititi ^5j?.*.^t ipP?^4 ,1 .J At? "".Sunday, 10:30 o'clock. All lovers i he i.'erald knows full well the dif- of mufiic are cordially invited. All Acuities confronting the administra- nro aBued to bring their books. Un tipa, wher.> there are so many de- denominational, manda Involving ino expenditure of W. P. Stevenson, ?moy not in sight, and we realise . ?*br th? Committee dom of giving careihl consid- -??;-_ :(ior. to questions affecting the oom- CHAS. Sw Ml?ftfcfJX'ifr PREF ?m Interests of the community, hut re ia ?neb a thing aa carryln? Ja- Oese Against Former President Maa > uv- The people wan? Reen Nel Pressed, ion; they wan* progress wltblp/rpa-J. Bridgeport Conn., A^ri'? ii.-Charles J when they are given th? ?, Meilen, former, --.esident of the New want, when they aro get-j Haven railroad, who last year was < ' <. is lio cvaiplalnt. jarrestjed on a bench warrant charge oatket question ia one Of ingJ^,\?*Uh manslaughter because of I "?fat. It has been discussed fer }deaths in wreck at Westport, was di* nd tho town is practically un '<.?),.., ? jtjM?Omt?y tod>v fctkmlng iojooa in its demand for a central a nolie pron** ?t the char?* bv Judge KjrUot. The people want lt. We .Tuttle, wpuld suggest that tba matter be ?W- I Action by the court was taken OB ; of way until lt ls finally act- the recommendation o' the attorney ? upon. The proposition now before general that the case be dismissed for '. ls a good one. Wa know of lack of evidence reni ?vitter nnlM* the city, is In po- j -, _ L ^ . - ' " 'ired" "if "it"is" Ew^?b^ ' F= SMITH, af New tart Wir lat ai the present time, it might EXPERT PlANOFORE TI NER AND ible to esUbllsh the market KU1LDC2. (fdrdlug to Mr. Calvert's proposal, all kind? of analrai lastraaieaCs re* aa option on the property ot paired wltkeat fteiag te the Fartery. H^^^Hb price to extend over a period Fifteen yeaTfl et fartery werk. ia. lipou some basil this mar? Headeaaetera at-WILLIS ? SFEAR. ueatiOn should be deetAed sad KAN MUSIC HOV ?E. Breckin {lite. ? ont of the way. ^ ?*\ . * .Aaeersea^a, C. SCHOOL AT UNION GENERAL SATISFACTION EX PRESSED IN WASHINGTON OVER MOVEMENT NO EXCITEMENT I The Landing of Marioes and j Troops is Discus* ed Speculatively (By Associated Prosa.) Washington, April lt.-New? of the dispatcli or tbe fleet to Mexican waters was received in congres?, with general ?aiinfliction. In the house. Represen tative Murdock of Kansas, publicly proclaimed the news of Secretary Dan iels' order and there was a mild dem. onstratlo sof approval. No public as noiineeinent was made in the senate, but tbs nowa quickly s;.. -ad. Wednesday the situation will occupy the nt ti ?itlon of the somite foreign re lations committee. .Members of th:? house foreign affairs committee today also iuit,D?lestjd keen Interest in devel opments and Representative Flood, chairman, conferred with his collea gues ubout preparation for any emerg ency that might arise. Beyond as serting that the situation seemed to be a serious one. Acting Chairman Bhlvely of the senate foreign relations committee mnrio ?c comment. Many senators and repro ient^clves expressed themselves in sympathy I with the action of the administration I In ordering more ships to Tampico, but declined to be quoted in view of I the uncertainty cs to what might eventuate. The dispatch of the fleet created only mild excitement in the national capitol generally. Newspapers ordered their representatives to Hampton Roads, and tonight the navy department had granted permission to twenty report ers and photographers to noconipnny the licet on Us cruise. A Week's Voyage. It will be fully a week before the Atlantic fleet ls assembled at Tam?lico, though tho ships aro exoected toj be tnt earning away tomorrow. Hear Aiml ' rnr"BtdJs*i->*iU. rank both Rear Ad miral Fletcher aud^teaca-Vfllmr'al Mayo and will-take complete charge, or tho eituation. While thc ships are under way, Gen eral Huerta will have about a week In which to answer the American de mands. The crisis In ?he .situation ls expected to come if General Huerta declines to yield by the time the At lantic floet arrives. Various succeed ing steps were being discussed among naval officers today, and those familiar with, precedent said there was no ex act parallel in international law. It waa pointed out by some that thc United States might land marines end o??-.~7 (UHipfivG ?O wb i ti i ii njtta:ut i inn for the incident, but this raised thc question of whether or not au act o! j war would be involved. The Wnsh ; irtKior. administration has pronounced Itself on the subject of landing rna rinea or marching armed forces int? Mexico, as regarding such acts in the nature of war unless permission H given by the government In control o' th? territory invaded. Nutting Bat Anarchy Inasmuch .ns np government ls rec ognised In Mexico, but a state of an archy .exists, tho American Govern ment way establish Its own precedent tn the case, lt ts not onaidered likely (that, lt; marines actually were landed and th.? American flag taVon ashore in satisfaction for the. affront occasioned by the arrest,of the marines, any fur ther measures .wo.uM bp Insisted on. Some omeers polt *ed out that the Huerta commander might not resist tho landing of Ai' av.fVTV ?moi tvrvign governmor'.a viii send ships to Mexico j lg. . view or the American demonstra jtlbn. The affair is regarded as ont I solely between tte Cnited State? land tho Huerta Government, and not I im?lvhig any foreiarn. govor?merA?. {.though serious eventualities .might jfjauae Huronear, nations t* ?eek, further hB?ta here took an ??t?vn mterest In {the .^sva.ppxhe&tV'Uhs' cabled Jheir homo, governments tho news as I* ap r-r-ared durras the d?\ r ? ... -,\ i . ? i?i?rr aFABKR "MPflT, KNOTT (From the Pa?l?e Printer.) ' > We have always had * profound re . spect for the proofreader who knows {his business. He cannot be-a good proofreader unless he possesses a wide , assortment of knowledge. And above all, he must be accurate. He keeps tab on tho work of the editor, the ad man. and the printer. Through his watchfulness he bas saved many a person his job. I Tie must at least have a high school education. Ho must have a thorough knowledge of English. I Me must be able to decipher any kind of manuscript. ' He mWrhave served a four-year*; I apprenticeship, as a prlater. and have ?SKMRfa'iKi Will iX\ri\%f9m^mwtak^mWMt^k\\ym A Great Big ^^^^ These 3 do1" Beautiful Doll ^J^^? ,5* W? ?WS?W^K r*?S9^ tifully printed and 2 smaller \mg%?> ^(fil) on one ??ge j dressed dollies v??? " J^L Jip!/' piece of nSis- ^ for ?very boy ..3*s>J-<^^ Un ail ready to j . i * /y^v- cut out sind *nd girl m \ ^ ?# /N\ stuff T1?ey the city. x / \ W , \ haveg*. HurryT I . # ! J FfHO 1 \ . \ en hair, ?g imd'get // M ' ,\ \ bro>n rr /;/ *;; V? eyes and (?^?^^A *. Biggfr - 1 '111 ^iLl IOM?LMT, TI iHGrtfs Than a Baby * ACTUAL HEIGHVT* IRCHE^ "IT i Ji n i ' i ' ? > " >.? . ,, .'r- . ? ? ;,. . HOW m OBTAIN ANNABELLE DOLLS ^-Bring or send to this office ?1.25 which will pay for ? three months' subscription^ and we will give or mail you the above beautiful dolls absolutely free of COS?"T^?S offer is good on new or renewal subscriptions to The Daily Intelligencer only., Fill out the blank below and bring or mail it to this office with 25, and the doll will be sent you immediately. Remember we have only a lim ited number of these d^Hs a? tie?, air tire postofflces. < He must be conversant with the po l?tica! mako-upjof every country on the globe. He must be proficient In both an* clent and modern history. He must have some knowledge o? poses of quotation, be must be a otu poses of quotation, he must be a alu den t of the Bible, of Shakespeare aitd of Corvantes. He must be famtlar with tba liva* and achievements of great men o." all tlmea He must be up to the minute on ^be current events of th? day, political. religious and financial-the latent gos. sip from Washington, what the col lege or Cardinals ls diing, end the relative value of peanuts tn Posey county, ind.. gad tn Tumbuctoo. ,> His must know something of Greek. Latin. Germa*. Spanish, Hebrew and Scandinavian tongues; of physics, as tronomy, geology, mathematics, law. geography, mythology, muele, art, drsu n?a, of the occult, of. heraldry, of metaMi ?ajeles and bf tba folklore,, fashions nd rada; also the fourth dimension, the differential calculua and the ef fect of the aurora boreal? on stctred prunes. He should know all the feast days, abd all the fast days, tho amount of the. national debt, the cost of the At susn dam, the height of ail the moan, tams, the length of all the rivera, sad the appropriate temperature and ac tual time at any given *0fnt on th? glebe.- ..!">'> Sr eft * i^'t^i??eaaiy;^fthe'-',ddtlea of th? proof feeder are-Hm**** <*ti !a narrow sphere ; actually they oemprehen* tba gum ot all knowledge.