The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, July 25, 1884, Image 1

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VOL.~; 1.x EA LEY SOUT, ARzLINA F I 's JULY 2 r 1884.NOs. VOL. 1.] EASLEY, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUJLY- 25, 1884. [O BETSY HAMILTON'S IETTER. A Sketch of Life in the Backwoods. It had been whispered arounl that Jake Loftis had flirted Malin dy Jane Tiotman, and was a hitch in' of his ridin' nag up at our house; but they didn't know that when Jake's critter was a ebiawin' of our feice, Malindy J ane was in gin nerly in the house. The Trotman's is not the sort that sounds a horn and tells they business to everybodyv l, and fr that very reason some folks tries to find out their affai rs. ,;Malindy Jane she (kep her sow in' hid udi never let nolne of the neighbor gals but me ad (m'aledo ney see it, and Jake he got so he taken the nigh cut, and gin old Miss Freshoiirs and Od Arminiity v the dodge when he went to see her, and they sot it down that he had (quit gwine, and that it was all husted ) bet wixt 'em, or, 'Mehbe,' Iays (Old Armillity, ''attei :IlI he haint niever. coted thie g)al." But when the Iro(.tmalI's let in to) whitewlashin' ther house an1d felce, a1d then let in OI the treeos ari1oun11d the house, they knowed in reason it mealt :I wveddill': but tluu- wvasn't nothini' like limlin' <mt for sartin. So Arnilii ty tuck it on herself, to go over tha r and xla v tihv' live long day. She hinted and hilnted but all she gethereI from Malindy IJane's maw ws that the dock lowed lime was health v. Caledoney was a tellin' it at our house, anl she lowedul that wheni gran:nannmyiflhillV Ive V:s n leavin' So much cu'osity to ole A.r'mint v she never forgot ole Miss 'rotiumn. Slie left her seIse enuI lghl to ('0om0 ahead of her. Thev didn't oI v whitewash. bu11t ,ther s ouIe(l and fixed upl) tel they didn't skIreelv know they owvni placeb. but Malin ly\ Jane was the onlie,;t gal the ole folks had and she di(li't it nur iel every day. T"o be sio if' they'd ha(l ther own Sso abolIt it, they never would have pickedl out Jake Lo(ftis: but, who in all the hand c -ould- they have picked~ out for a hiushband f'or t her gal, Malindy Jane(. The( (day was sot, and axed me and~ C aledonoey to wait on her. (Cal she (come1 over to our house115 andl wO allwen tgether. She fetched her yalldhuff muslin ( miine's off n the same pice) andl( lowedl me andl her' could fix and~ dress5 alike. SO w~e wheeledl in and starched our1 alone, and ir'oned 'em1 slick enoughl to see your' face ini 'emf, and1( we tuek thie artificial off'n our last summrn1 hats anod stuck 'em wshar' the over'sk irit was tuecked uip at one sidle, and we tackeOd a r'ow of cedar' all ar'ounid the b~ottom of the frock andl put a piece under breastpinus afnel a n)inCn in our hair, nmd I wish you Could have saw us. I tel you we was fixt. Aunt Naincy lowed: "(1als for all vou (1o, doni't out shine the bride.'' Buddy lhe hitched up1) the steers in the wag)gini 1( and sot inl the cheers, ald we a1ll went, even to mafIw. Wve went soon1 So Is to help Malinldy Jle fix, an11d bless you when we got thar1 the house and yard was plum1 ftiil. Thev lld been a com in' ever. selse -I lour hv sunll. I won't he sartirn, bit 1 think everIv body that come fetched aI haby aIll( Slenlch-lerg'ed fice andl a0 flop-vear. ed bound. We'unsv allers faRstenis "Old Scroule ' a11( " ITild never' lets 'em foller. Atter I fixed the aIrtificials in the fashion oil Malindv Jal's head :11d lent her my i ne<- k-ribbin, (its good luck to imiau-ryv iIn sum'n) 11 horrid) 1 takeni a peep in the set tin room to see who all was thautr, anild belhol t hm- sot th, Somimons (Is big)' as who but thev, :1l1 I know inl reason they wasnI't nxed nlor wanlited; -i V1 wIlo shoild he hiked 11) onl a belich all inl :1 row but theml tore downi FreshoursI.- chiII lun grm1.1111l as volu please, and still for' the fust timtue in ther lives, m1t111 Ithr ' aces was raily ecleInn I didn't kneely knIw 'em11. " tey l1ud sIhorel v been pit to sok t h' nig()hIt af ore. lITer skinl was as shiny an l slick ms a peee 1ine on. 1n1 1t ther h:1re lIst red dovin tioht vith sa'1 soa-p, :m11l ther looked phun1 sat islied. Over ill the corlnr s)t Ilt tr bre ol ulno s, Aliss lianich liensleyv, Mliss Pationece Pot-ter and (le Akr miny Pmlegras.Aliss l111n1(h is aS broval as she's Iolg an(d as g2(1o as sh's broafl. AIiss Pa iec(ie i's s long(). as a bean pole and as good as she's lo' an(d is 1,11n1uv (noOg'lh to miake a d(og(1 kill h issef : Iauhin'. She went's a short fr'lock to I rv to iake her look shot. :m11(l all the colors of the raibllo to liak er, look youn. Pap lowed she look- like Joseph's c on t. Ol Ie Ak.1 r in11ty was -I settin', rig-'ht side of' 'em. Now thar was I ihr't ole nuales as dihfieent as t he (elephI1anit a11li e mionlkey a n I the tigrer. SO needn'tt sayv ol nuiles is all tl ike. An io hdler's laeks a hten ) ot' heini all alike, too. Thie wVith(ir ('omng wa hart, amti you wouh1l in't h:Iave kniowe I she was ai with1iler. Il~iut the w ithlier MleAllis Onl a sight of airs. She tuck keer' to let e's erhod0(y kno1w she picked the tu rke'y am)l b)aked t he tatert (Iista a nd ha( I lf-imooni pies. .Jake lhe was t he laist one to come. ie had his head hdrippin' with lard andl scentedl with cinnamon drapsl), andi his new shoes was so tight hie (otthlin't skaeely walk. I wonder if' a f'eller ever' got marrined withouit hainf i' on1 t ig~ht boots: Or shne's Somei town boys was out in the t, entry a giglin'. Cal lowed if she'd a beenl Mfalindy Jane they should o not er been axed, oneI of 'em in I perticklerldisrememlber his name. (I She lowed he thought. kase lie liv. t e(d inl town that was all he leed(ed. c Ile lad the enslboance to lahit at a country hoys with ther homemade t jeanls, adI all Ie was fitte f i r was s to Wear fine Suna v clotles i that v wa- sn' *t p:aIil for . Il Ic strutted t aroun1d mighty higoty :111( smnoked I ari(l chawe.l terbacker, an1 tOAok his sveetened doi tied his era- t vat in the fashion, pulled his ius tache, ando plhy wv(I Nith his watch- < chain, and laughed at them boys, : he lu ghed at his betters. One I 0ood, honest, Ihar( wor'kin' country boy\ like lkv Roberson. ('a1 )ew- I herry or .Jak:Loftis 1 w-orth enoug.0h of his soat to build a enice I from here to town. Yes, vCerbod(y kno)w ed w hen J.k.1 got thA'r by the eintn)on ( rap I1S. B roth1(er ColeN was axed to Imi arry 'Cm, :11(1 as many couples as Ie has joined he don't know his pie(: Ie ihad to reid it, and they helt a e.-unlle :ani dript the taller : inch thick on the po' old nn's coat sleeve, :111 thenl atter all 114 COMle niih 1lu11r1r1. yin ecn by thelI w r lm ie a nes N R O n m sto d tgeteramd I :111i ('ap 1)ewhI [V, 4i,4i1l( when we tuck our, stamii(s, M llindv Jne she got ont tot her side of .Jake and Brother t ('ole Ie wipel his specs :141 sot ill to reilin' m1l1 spell in' out all his ' It "'he woupie hich nov stalds afol'(e 11s for the occ.sion m111 hen- I ofit of being jinedi inl we(llo.k, will please jinle they right hands. I Old Mliss Paticew Potter "'qulik d ont n ai loun Id whisper: 'Linldy Jane you aur onIt h e rong iide (o Jakey.' The)) Brothier ( 'ole helt. his pa per up1 m1114 read on 'Will you, JohII Loftis ' 'Jacobh, not, John,"'ss Mfiss. Pa-;E tience. 'Well, thien, we'll prlo(ceed( to ('on tinu te. Will you, ~Jacob) Loftis, ; take this 'oman, Malissy A nn ___' t 'Ma-lin-dy Jane,' says Miss Pa tiiee a little louderC. Thien in a loud whlisp~er: 'F~or' t lhe latnds sake dlon't 'em maie81'd rong2.' 'W'ell,' say~s lhe, 'fling on a piece oif li ght'ood, or' hold mme a torebi 101r I c'ai' t s(e.' Sonlie of en'1) gralib e 1 a tor'ch and1( helt it high. Then jist as faist~ as One word( cold ( follow toher, without stoppin' to git lhis breathi, he wvent on. '1 I'0ronounce yout manth and wifeh fur h'etter'1 or' fur wasser salute i you br'ide and( if any pre'senit has anry re('-jections Iet 'em speakI no0w oforevr nuderis Ihohl( ther s >)n0uW VOut're (lismilist alniell ar. Then Old an T.1'rotiman stept ut and1( lowed: .'it :o1I pardliners ndll into ther house to su1pper; the le 'oinan's got a bite to )eat in lhar. And sich as it is vou're wel ()mie to it.' So we locked I arms fill iiuarched in to supper. 'I'The able was plitlu full1, nothlin' wasn'tI knee nor skiipv. The bride's ake was sot on a block of wo<<d hat was kivered over with letter >aper clt, in t'ringec to hang all n01111d tht' aige of it. It had n hinl whitewash over it, antd w:is Iressed oft vith little sprigs of ce far stuck in a row all aroumind and stick ot' pepperint cand v stuck igh 1t, Straight ulp in the middle. ntd I tell you it sot the table ot )OVeIrlt 1. IhleyN hail a tvller can lie at (ach (eend of the table and a )ine light inl the firepace. At t er p111)er we sot inl to playil' kissin' amiies. Ole brother (ole h'o l done Il he coild-he hid jined 'em inl vedilock and he had et his suppelr. Thlie games wats :a gwili( ()lI andl ill was a Ia llghlin alti li avin' flin, 4)ome' plavinI''W Nr iIIllm with a trem - ing toe, ' 'ap ill and clap out,' Al! a rolit d the IlI c Iherr bush, Lt(I sotne was fishlin 1,r love,' whenl )rotller ( ole kilocked for silence. 'IBretheriinq and sisterill, sIav, 1(, let its tillite ill lu'a' a ct be lisliuist ar.' A tter hIe( was g(one Aunt Nancy owed: 'l'cre air a t ime fur all hing, anl that, air prayer were -erv oi-tiumielv. Brother I IagYiI voulhin't dlone sich a oi-timlel v hinig' as that. Bit they Soon got to pla-yil' anlid aughin' louIder'n ever ai(1 havini' pover of fiui, an1d all looked hap )y 'cept Miss Tr iltmani . In1 coirse Ie was a feelill had about Malin Iv J a te at m:1rry vin'. I'le woteln wlks al' had suml p'n to say to her hiouit it. Ok. Armintv lowed in a (lii("ou's toie: 'A h! I tell you, Miss 'rotnAlu., I ha1-iint never mlarried,7 nl all of 'etian marry thats a Ainid to). but marryin', air a mig-1 y solemniti thing.' , says Miss Trotman with eatrs 111 11Cr eyes. 'is a~ slAemni hing to miarry.' 'Yes,' HUsays~ I aldoney, -hut its a LCeap solemtner' not to miarriy.' 'IIltboud for Cal1,' says pap. And thlat sot 'em all to bliughin'. IiETsY itAI.3HLoN v hat respect does b.illi ard s h ban g' Iy luual dlispositionI?' She (naively); -D~oes it chang'e our11 dispo0sitionl IIe-'Yes;. in) hilliards I neCver kiss' when I cani help it,; wher'eas, She-' You tnever' kiss if any >ody else (enn1 help it:.' -To) pre'vent hioney bees from tinupin r-on~ull out tail fooathiLms