The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, June 27, 1884, Image 2

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I AGOOD, DITORO. ~AR R(IINX)EIN0SS OF TH E ALU1DA ARGUS. A WVe will not, nor could we, cenl sure any newspaper for advocating one of its own good citizens for the position of Congressman from any particular district; but when any such paper stoops so low as to ignore others whose fine qualifica tions of head and heart recom mend them to the good will of the people, then the action of such a weak paper should be severely crit icized, and the light of knowledge should be sent into its sanctum for the enlightenment of its ob scure editor. - As is well known, the Third Congressional District has in the field four candidates, All these number among the most worthy sons of Carolina, and yet the "Saluda Argus" fails to re coguize anything like merit in. any one of them save the [Hon. D. Wy att Aiken. It publicly, and very foolishly, terms the other candi dates as " up-strarts," when itself should not have the presumption to fosteri much y), than a private opinion of the3 m1an1,,in as iivuch as it seems to b) such a poor judge of huin u1n-tture. Will th a "Ar gus" give us the grounds upon which it bases its very unbecon inw\slander ? To force such an *tpb)inilon on the public min:. with 0oit dIue caise, is pp1)osterous in th13 extrem!,anl sh1uI)ld 1) con sidered unworthy any man who sits upon th2 elitorial tripod. -low nearly acquainte.1 with the life of Cal. R. E. B)wen is the edi tor of the Argus? He says that the only ma~n that has yet been b)rought o-it, who-n he could con seentiously suppyort is Col. Aiken. TPhis may b)e the case, but should hie, b)ecause he couIld not conscien tiouasly suppor't the others, term th vn as upstarts? It is true, they have the s-ArT-UP, an] we would like to see them continue to mount the ladder of f'ame. Such attemp~ts at dlisparagement, on the p~art of the A rgus, regarding Blowen, John stone and Murray should fail to place anything to its cr'edit. 'Look next time, before you leap.' Gov. GROVER CLEVELAND, of N. Y., will, no doubt, be the Demo eratic nominee for President, and is the strongest man that could be chosen, S. J. Trilden not excepted. If the party will manage right, and stick close to him, the chances are goodl to elect hinm. The South casts 153 votes, N. Y. 36, and we will only need Connecticut and New Jersey or Indiana to elect him. Puirsuan t 9tI.O afsst48i(d by. it Corniy FtcItive dtnt'tte' td Democratic County Conventito)t1 met in the- Court House Jiue 21st., 1884. D. F. Bradly,' County Chairm-an, call.. ed the Convention to order at 12 o'clock NI. and after readino the call nutlde which the convention. had as sembled, ainnionticeil as the first busi ness in orler, the electiol of perml1a nent officers of the Convention, J. R. Gossett, Esq., nominated D. F. Brad ley for President of the Convention; inanimously ciiilelected. W. B. Allgood nominatad'J. E. Boggsi for First Vice President. V. M. Uagood nominated J. 1. Gossett for . SeconId Vict-Presi deit. id' J. E. Boggs nominated '. W. Folger for Secre'tary. ''hese gen tilemeln vere till a1111limoisly elected. 1 On motion,'the following Committee onl C(r!4lcltialS. coisisting of one fromn each lbiN, wa: aj-pohited by the Chair: Pickens Court [louse cl'), J. 11. New ton; Easley, A. V. Iumgens; Pump kintown, J. D. M. Kthl; Dazenlsville, O. W. Bowen; Liberty, V. ). 0lenn; Central, S V. (:l:ay'ton; Nine Mile Sehol Ibuse. L. M. B'rry; Crozs Plains Geo.Ni MAdtians: EKatato(, U. .1. Le wis; Shady Ow rove, Johm WV. T'hom :1,Z. Thle- committee retired and after aI Ahort Session retuirned to t hi (on ven - tion and reported the followinr list of delegates vWho had beenl (lly electd by their respective chibs. PIrccE;s.-D. P. Bradiley, T. E. Bogs, v. T. B owen, Nv. T. Meaull. J. 11. Newton, N. B. Allgrood. QEN'TRA.--S. W. Clatu, Ti. W. F olger, B. (4. G lilies, NW. F. .lohIustol B. ). Gairvin, It. J. Johnston, JoseJ)'tph EASTATOE.-J. L. Lewis, H. .1. Lewis. SrADY C Rowv. -J. W. Tomo. W. A. Martin. [huRRtiCANIN. --L M. f..ry, J. N. Muitrphlree. Johm Gillespie. DACUSVILL.-W. W. F. Bright. W. '. Fiel1, J. C. _Alexar.der. W?. 11. Andersoni, R. L. AdrSOn, B. A. Fos ter. InE~rY.-IM . '. Smith. La~ban Mauildin, A. T'. Clayton, A. 14. McJCor1-1, C. Jrss PLA IN.-C. i. Carpen ter. .J. WV. [[int, N. A. Chmristop)her, Geco. Mc Adams. PUTMPKINTinWN.-0-. M. Lynch, V. S. Jones, 4. D). M. Keith, S. TL Mc Hngh, A. B. 'Talley. E~sLEY- W. A. Hamilton, T A Mc Mahan, J1. A. Easley, TI. 'J. Bowen, . R. Gossett, A. WV. Ilodgenms, W. A ~OOd, Joltn lIiggitis, Wuim. McMah mn, 1. S. Lathamn Wv. M. Hiagood. WV. WV. Lfland, Jr. Onm motion, the following delegates to) the State Convention wereC elected( by acclamnationi: W. B. Allgood, C. HI Carpenter, J. RI. Hlagood, *J. P. (Cary, J. J. Lewis and~ J. Hi. Boweni. On mot ion of J. R. Gossett, the cani didates for Congress, prent(lt, Messes. Bowen, Murray and( Johnstone, were in)vited to a seat oni the floor of the convention. Th'e Chatir appointed J. Rt. Gossett, B. J. Johnston and J. E. Boggs as a committee to wait upon the Con gressionlal cand(idlates an td in formi the~n of the action of t he conIventiona. The committee retired and within a few [moments thereafter condneted the gentlemen above mentioned to seats upon the dloor of the Convention. Th'le Coialr annionneied ats te next businiess in order, the election of six dlelegates to thei Congressional Con ven.. tion. Before t he election oif dIclegates J. E. Boggs, E'q., arose, and in an el oquenit an d happy speech placed in niominiat ion for Gonngena from the.3rd sti'ie , ol. R. E.o Wen fick. 0s y. Mr. oggp 'ibtti. h h ter- -o Zt o d n, wi I bruiglit de'i ft, .T . aood, a y e:estCil i ( eilogistic speech AQ1.Xd the nomina tioni, anId Presented the following pre am-ble anld resolu1ttion:. "Wlereas, It is of the highest- im portance that the 3rd Congressional Distriat showid have as a Representa tive inl the Congress of the United Stat~e4 a man of somund 'and matiired j udgement and patriotic inotives, thor onghly identified with the people and who uderstands thir desires and ne cessitics and vlhoss 1ldelitv to the ser vice of the State in the past, on the battie-field an(d inl the connclis of the State, is a guarantee of his devotion in the future; and whereas knowing that inl the person of Co(. R. E. Howen sneh a Represent-ative is to. be found, and, without liaparagement to tihe out her dli-tinug'uishied genttlemeni whoe arile aspirling to Con gressionl :11 holnors f.-oU t be 3vd District, i he Democracy of Lickens Couity in Convention as sembled, tiake great pleasure ai pride inl represgtentin go to their f(llow Demo eraIs of the 3rd Congrdssiomal District, the 11:1nne of our dlistingluihed fellow citizenl, Col. R1. E. Bowen, as a man vhmo vonhld ably, lones~tly and satisfa'c torily represent tieum in the Cocn-ess of Oe Initel St ate.; thuereforC be it Re solved, Th it int delegates to t he Con g'r4rioral Conmvention b! , amd they :n-e ieby, inls' ructed to vote for CoL It. I. Boweim so long0 as lii name is before th. Conventioi. Resolved ttheri, that the following deleatI's he electedl to th" Congress imnal Convention: D. F. ra(dley, A. 11 T \Vey . Mf. 1io ,A. W. llind ZCenS, J. E. Balg.,4 Rt. C-4 GainesR. 'll$ Cli tir sugested the proprietv of separating the qilestionl in as ,nuch a it m1g111hit he desired by some to place before th C-Imvention anlother list of dele'gates. J. It. Gosset t. E sq., mov f(d to sep.1rate Ii h tquestion, vhericup oni Mtr. hIlaoo I said he wo'ald separate th question withouat a formal rilotion. The prea uble a-Il first resohuion were adlopted unan11limously and ellt h-usiastic ally. Mr. J. R. 1Ioiood then planed i niomiiation 0lhe list of delegates namuleod Iml the las. resolution. Mr. .1. It. Newton plac iil nomination thE laies of the following genit lemneni: J. A. Ealey, C. T. Martin, 13. J. John st-on. T. WV. Folgrr J. Rt. G.J'sett and J. II. Newton. AIot her delecgate 110m inlated G.W. Howen. Oi mo1)tion). the delegates Were elect edl by hallcot, whuich resuulted as follows: D) F Bradley, 41', A WV Huidgens, 44; A B 'Talley, '43; J EC Bogg, 41; R G Gaines, 38;; WV M Hlagood, 35- J A Eas ley', 13; (3 'T Martin. 9; BI J Johnston, 7; T1 W Folger, 15; .J R.Gossett, 2.); .J HI Newton, 15; G- W Bowen. 1 1. Fif ty-seven vo)tes were cast, necessary to a choice 29. Thle six Iirst mentioned catndlidates .were. declar'ed duly elecd. The next buisiess in or'der' was the ele'tionm of six dlelegates to the Juidicial Convention. WV M [lagood ofreredi the following resolution which was unani ciency', faiirnuess, pr1omfptness, 1mutegr'ity and ability of Iloni J L Or'r, we hereby instruct ou.1 delegates to vote for his~ nmination for Solicito" of the 8t h Ju dicial Circuit." J IE Boggs, Esq., niominiated the fol lowing gentlemen as delegates to t he Judicial Convention, who were clected1 by acclamation: G W Taylor, C TI Martin, B J Johnston, R{ J ()ihlland, Jr., WV T hlowen and( .J HI Newton. J1 R Gossett ofr'ered the following resolution, which wvas unuaniknously' adopted: "Resolved, That the Execu. tive Commnittee of the 8th judicIal cir cult Is respectfuilly regntested to de~sig nate Easley as the place for holdling the Judicial Convecntion.". Dr. R J Gilliland, Jr.. ofrered the following r< s utlo'', which wau tian imously adopted: "flesolved, T[hat It Ia the sense of this convention thirt the Congressional Convention should be held at Snnena Clty." '%The Cogv4&tio then 4ntered Into an' eecitipof afoun y Cairiman. W MlI4good' notvnatd 1 F Bradle3, whdayas dniip piou8s1 eldted. T66 flowi membet:of the Coin ti~xedit i v oiltitteyere confirm ed by the Convention: Pickens C. H., II C Grady;. Easley, J R Gossett; Lib. erty, Thomas Parkins. Central, S W Clayton; Nine Mile School House, J E Gillespie; Shady Grove, Jasper Herd; Dacusville, G W Bowen; Cross Plalus, C H1 Carpenter; Pumpkintown, W B Jones; Eastatoc, H1 JLeivis. The proposition submitted by the County Executive Committee in refer ence to -9 division of the County into three sections for the purpose of selec ting candidates for County Commiss ioneri's,.-was, after debate participated in by Messrs..V S Jones, J R Goseett and J E Roggs, rejected by a decided majority. The Chairimatn was authorized to ap point alternates to all the Conventions wheun a principal Could not attend. J E Boggs oftre(dl the following res olut(ion, wihwas u11ilnaimosly adopt ed : Resolved, That the miAdc of nomin ating the varlous offlers in this Coun ty, incllding two Represeitatives in the Leoislature, Clerk of Court, Sher iff, Pro mite Judge, Coroner, County Commli issioler, GoIinty Treasuirer, Cototy A uditor atd one Tril Justice in each Town,.-ship, shall be by primary electiton. Mr. Boggs also submitted the follow ing riles for governing the primary elect ion, which wver' adopted: Resolved, I, 'Thit the MNagers of the! primary election for each clib, and their clerks, immurnediately before opc. ig Le pols, shall repeat aloud after tihe presidincg ofibler of I he club the fol i')wing Pledge: "1 (10 solemnly pledge MY saucred hoRIor that I will faitlifullyl perform Ill the. duties incident to my position as Manager of the primairy election to the best of my ability." I . The Polls shall open, at 7 A M, anld close at 5 p mn, whenl the votes shall be immediately counted puiblicly,open - ly and inl the presecec of such mem bers of flhe club a in ty choose to be present, by th., Managers anl Clerks (n1der the siupervision of the presiding oilber of the Chih, without adjourin tmen1t or inter'ruptio n until the samn % completed, and the result shlt.Il be im 1meVdiately declared. If two or manre bIllots shall be fomid folded toglther compaetly. only one shall be counted and the other destroyed, if they bear diflerent names the same shill be de stroyed, an( not. counted. It mnore ballots shall be found on opening the box tha:n there are tnes on the poll list, ali the ballots shall be returned to the bo0x and1 thiorou gh ly nixed tog~eth er*, and one of the managers, or the clerk shall. wvithiout seeing the ballots, draw therefrom and immnediatelyr de stroy, as many ballots as there are in excess of the number of the names on the 1p011 list. HII. Only enrolled Democrats of each club, of tha age of twenty-one years, who have resided one year within this Statte, and sixty days wvithin this conn ty, next preceding the general election, and who have been duly registered up on the books of the Supervisor of Reg istrationm as qualified electors of this county, shall be entitled to rote- And eachi person presenting himself to vote shall, if not known to the managers as a bon a- fide Dor, furnish satisfac tory proof that he voted or co-operat ed1 with the Democratie party n tthe last general election, and that he did not vote for any candhidate who was in opposition to the regniar nominated Democraitic ticket, and shall before de positing his ballot take, in goodl faith, the following pledge: "[ do solomuly affirm that I am a (du11y enrolled mtem h)er of a Democratic Club In this coun ty, that I have duly registered my name with the Supervisor of Registra tion as a q'alitled elector of this coun tv, that I voted, or co-operated w ith t he Democratic party in the last gener - al election, andJ( did ntot vote for any candidlate in) roppmotimm to the reg..ia.