- V.-- * n a strain for five years working >ut of his losses on cotton futures. nometimes luck runs along with a man frc en years and mori and Ahat mna., him vain and lie thinks EIis judgement is infallible and 3uiddenly lie collapses like Seney Ind Eno Keene. No mioney is afe except that made by honest Men. The rewards of labor are mighty Yoo(d and sure. Ifere I set in my Liazza: and look over my farm and see the wheat and the oats all in i strut and waving so beautiful in hle breeze and I feel proudI an(i ser'ene for I sowed that wheat my elf an I helped to prepare the and an( it is my wheat and my )ats and come honestly And wasn't ide out of someho ly else. aid it 1003 me good to Cut A fIew choice icads and bunch 'em and take 'em o town and show the 1olks what can 0do. It beats mon miade y luck all to piece4, aind so does valking in lily gadei nl (ig )iug the potatoes I planted anld vorkiglv them ever -Fo iice adi( iing0110 th Iem1 inl the house18 to how to my wife au 1 hear her say, 'they ale very fine." She never avs much1011 on that line, she don't, )ut a little goes a1 great way witl no. She never inuilges in rapt .1re, 0h 1 nee0 uses aijectives to liy excess-, such as lovely, eXq u i .ite, splen-lid and the like, but I