.2%.~. -~!k' L ' .4 20tr I, /A .MXORE I2'8 c.Y1100 X 17 8i1A4 N. VOL. 1.] EASLEY, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIIDAY, MAY 23, 1884. [NO. 33. ,We fasiet messenger. Ente.'ed at he 'Instof-Mee at Easley S. C., a s Iecond Cl.a% Matter. J. R. HAGOOD, Editor and Prop'r. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One veair, strictly ii aiv ice ...... $1.00 Six tulonths " ... 6-5 RATES OF ADVERTIIN. One sqire (I inehi) I insertion...... 75 IEavch stbseq(it t. inserioii ...... 40e Liber'al (lis(Count oil coitracts or by the cohuim, ha-lf or qua~lr onn Nariag( notIn ce free anid Solicited. Obit il e1(A (ver 1'2 lin tes ('hlargellI for. CorresAponidentus, to insiure - attentionI, nuist give t heir full ures1s. We a re not responsible for t he opin !onII of om- correspboml)ients. All commiulniiationA for tinw paper muitist he wihilressed to the Editors 1,u.sintesls le tteI'e r, tihe Puiihblishe r of the I.E; R (;i'Phi't, 8. (1 TiHE RAD HIOY AN) IllS PA. ' he O!d Gentleman Inveigled lino a Big Ilihnder-Mistakinlg an Old Maid's Pet )og for a Haby--Trou bMe Caused by anl Abseice of Spec tacltes. m "Ilere, hre," saidl the gro-er-Ov mwan to the had boyv, as he( caime ill the back door hurriedly alld holtetl it., and hid behind a harrel, '.vwhat you coming in the hak door for in that manneri,, like a pi rate of the Spanish main? My othier us(itomllers doi, sneak in the; back door and hide behind thing"s. W hat ails you?" "-S It h ! If a ian comes from te street car in b1)Out two liin utes with one coat tail torn otl d pieces of umbrella fra tme stick ingo out of hiisself like porcupinel quills, his hlt gone, :111 a scared complexion l his face, and asksi it you have seen a chubby-facedl little bo 6y, you (drive him out doors, 'eause he isn't responsible," and the boy pulled ( cofree sack dlown1 off a barrel to cover himself up. 1 "Who is the wild man you are (xpectin1g, and what have you done?" asuked the grocerymian. "Sh s sh ! It's pa. And1 if he got out of the ear without coming through the window, he is liable to0 shoW up) here p)retty quick. You se pa has5 been tryinig to make us believe he could1 see just as well as le ever could, and lie has quit wearing splectacles, anid gets miad ever'y time0 anlybody suggests that~ hie can't see ver well. Ma say le is ashamed to have folks think he is getting old. Somec times .I come in the room and pa snaps his' igers a~nd says "Hello, Bruno,I good dog," thinking I am the (dog, when he finds out his mistake he laughs and says it was only a joke, and lhe says he (can seet as well as any man in this townI. T told him some dam Som norann)m wonl Ilae! a joke on him and convince him that he was near-sighted, and he said they might try all the jokes they wanted to on him. Well, pa is awful polite to ladies, and. for fear, lie will pass some lady that he knows and not speik. to her, he speaks to all of'em. Some of 'em get cross to have a stranger speak to them, but pa has such a inno eent, benUevolenit. vacanUt Sort of a look when he smiles, that they go on thinking he has esca ped from: so1e asylum. Well, we was in ai Street car-, a lin 01 the other side of: the car was an old maid, with a pug dog in her lapl, curled ulp likej a. haby, I saw pa was getti ng his eves sot oi the woian and the doy, but I kiiew he couldn't make out whether it was a bah she had or not, So I whispered to pa that' it' Was too h.ad to carrv habies on tihe street ars, poor littfe things. That was eniouigh for paI. Ie hit like a bass. IIe 1 ergaii to 1oo(k hleneVo0) lenIt., 111d smiled at the ladyN just as though h1' live(d n1ext (oor to: her ald she looked sort of Cr0ss., blt pa could not see that, and lie smiled again and leaned over to ward her an(d poilted to the dogs and asked. "1low old is t he little 0hing'r" Wrell,, I thought I should: Jest melt and run th rough t. lhe per f'ra ted Seat of tle ca7. Te woF 1111111 Si& it was oily I i monitls Old, but she 1ooked1 as t-ho n h she 'idi't kuow as it was any of his busin!ss 1 Iv w1 v. I tried t get pa to elnge the subject ,aLd Ualk with me, but)1 whienm heogets to talk-; ing with a woman that settles it, anld lie told1 me to hush u) 2111d look out of the window at the seen - er. 'Tlet pa smiled again andi got 1e eye on the lady N anI1d one on the suplosed haby, which she hiad wrappt)P)ed a1 ifhawl around, ai'd said, "little oie aw ys beetn helthi I suppo Ise ?" The womani snap1ped out that it, had always been healthy enIough11, except wheni it. was cutting teeth it had a sort, of distem pe r. The other p.)assen1igtrs began to look at pa1 a1d smile, aid the lady wa s 1)eginniig to )lus and1( I cold~ seeQ distanit muhtterius fa ('yelone,' andi I pulle'd pa's sleeve and told himi I wou1ldn1't tal1k to strangers that way if I was him, but pa he pIuched mec in the) ribs with his elbow, andl told1 me~ to miindl my own busliness, ami1( II went to the end( of tihe (ar near the door so as to get out qui1ck iln (case of ani a larmn of fi re. Pa retu rnedl to t110 assaulI t, ald it mfade mei per sir e. "'Is it a h oy or girl !" saiid p)a, and1( the lady's tace coloredl up~ and1( she pullled t he strap) to stop the ('ar1. Julst as the10 (1ar3 stopped pa got upl)~and in his politest miani ner' heo said1, a1s he( held( out, his; hands, "'Let me help you with the baby.'' We'l1, you'd (ad1(ide. YouI wo(uld hiave just laid righlt down in the straw in the car and Ila ted. Whei the driver opened door I flew out and just then I looked in n1(n the dog had got mad nt pat when. he put out his h1ands1, an( had grabbed pa's hand, and was chewing his mitten and growling, and the lady called pa an old wretch and sai(l lie ouyht to be arrested for going around in siltinhg uil pro(A(ted femiales. and I saw her uimbrella go up in the air and come (own on pi's head, id pi yelled to somebody to take the (log off. The womiIan enilme out of the car ini a gallop, holding the log by the leg and th(e dog had one of pa's buckskin mitteis in its moutl chewing for all that was oi t. Whenit she struck the street she told me to call a i po)licemani and11( have the old trano arreste(l and I said "yessum," andi(1 she1 went off with the d(og n tider her arm. I nkad pa it' I should fol low his hu(v frien i anI dwl get his Iittemi awav tromh tier little bab1y, th1at he was usinrig to teeth on, anutd I pi looked so m2ad, that I rot off*i the car iol came here, and left him pit king pieces ot 11111brella fimi) ot of his nwelktie. and e'x pl i n1e 1 tO he ot her passengers that lie kitew that it w'-n't n ha by all the time.''-----Peck's Sun. (G iF TuE Doo..,\Mrs. Walil ter's () ell. of S ta pletoI St tioni Is bidl, died at 3 o'clock on Ties day' minorninAg, March 25th. A Scotehl terrier. Fidlo, hial bven heor(, pet tn 12 yeairs. IDuri1g. two Ifborntli4 of tier illness, Filo) rt'iain ed beside her be(l. A tler her (eatli Ie persisted inl lying(&r besidei tiie o i. lie tol lowe 1 it. to) the hiearse, a nd1 trie(l to jump inside the ars. When the processio rehie(d tle grav'e, Fid Was there. Aft.er the funeral lie took up his t*6rm1er position besidle thev bed.1 lately occupie( by I' IM. (dell. Ie refiused1 to eat. Two day1's ago he fomIII1 I1 pa ir of shio's thiat forncrl belogieI to Mrs. (dell, but had beeln throwni out of loors. 'hiese he took up in1 his mtouith anid carried to. his and1(, placinig the shoes On t he floorj laid hiis fore paws anid head across them, in which position he renmin ed several hours. D~uring Moni dlay night 21 st, he( rouised the household b y ruiol efl eries. At 3 (o'clock on Tu'iesday' norning ex aetly one week to an hiour afterj Mrvs. Odll's dleath, Fidl)oldied tbe-1 side thet bed(, his he'ad ando tore' paw rS estinrg on the s hoe)s.--N. Y. Sun. er cap~es aIre (crotcheted, heiads be inug st rung on the silk anod left at' the 'orneIirs of the meshes, or' in patternis ts t he worker chooses. TIhie frinages are sniked iet The Clothing of the Sexes. I agree that the tax of carrying Alothes from the waiste is utterly un1justiflable, and that the parts' that should bear the burden are the shoulders, and none other. In bhis regard women ought to be plaued under just the same favor thle coniditions for movement of lie body as men, and tihe greatest 'mancipation that women will ev tr have achieved will have arrived when she hias discoverd and carri d out this practicall and good im provemxieit. Any o iv h) will for a moment think eandidly must admiuit that t lhe (1ess of, 1 men, lowever had it may he in taste, or in whatever bad taste it may have been con ('eivel. is, ill rc-Spect to health, inl finitely su11perior to that of women. In the ldress of the man every part of the body is equally covered. The middle of the bodN is not en1 veloped inl a numbeiil. of close lIy ors, while the lower iubs are left Wit'liuit (los c(lothiig altogeth(lr: the centre of the body is not strain ed with i a weight which ahniuost (lags down the lower Iillibs an d hack: the chest is not exmsod to ever wil thit blows, aml the feet are llot bewilereI with heavy g&arments which they have to kick towfit or drag from belhil with every I Vn hIci ng st ep. TIeI b)odyI is clothIied equally, a11(l the cloth ing is borlc by tle shioulders; il gives free motion to ireath ing; it grive-s freedom ofimotion to the cir cll:ation; it- naikes no undue pres s1re ol t he digest, ive or Mglns ; it leaves the Ii iI)s fr( iS easily put l and1( oft; an11(d it atl lows of' readv .an:1tRg'e iln vicissitudos of wea the-. It is tohl of the late emiient rgeon, i r. ('Ilie, the tAen1che ot Sir Astlev ('ooper, tHit when he wais conulted by a lady on the Sinestion how She shoul prevent t a irl om groIving iup Iisshfapen, he replied, "IAet her have no stays uni( let her nin albout like the oys." I gildly r-cecho this wise idvice of the great silrg'eon; ail I would& venture to 21uld to it ant >t her sliggestion: I would~ say 1(1 :.he mrothers of Entgland, let your irls dress'5 like your' boys, make to diffhere nce whate ver inl resp)c~t ~o t hem- give them knriekerbioek IrS, if you like-with theseN( excep) ions, th at the undorga rments he >a littlIe lighiter material, andl thant they be supp~jlemliented by anWl lite(r gown or01 .10ohe wich shall take the pla1ce of the' outer coat of Ithe b oys, aw l shall make themci look dlistinctively whiat they are .irls (lothed CapI a-pie, and1( well lothled from11 hkead to f ot .. -1,oni 1on TIruthi. Surrns.-T'he neOw directory of Phdnadel phija coiitainus tha r~an es 0 of n en rll'y .3.000 Simitlis.