The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, April 18, 1884, Image 1

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-2 rx, lIE EA- rzY SOT , RA, .FRID 12, ssRIe r 8)188~0 VOL. 1] EASLY, SOTH CARLINAFRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1884. [O 8 d _~he Laie,_aezzeniger, ( J. R. HAGOOD, EdIterand Prop'r. Ente-sed at the Po3tofice at E,4910 b S. C., as Second Class Matter. 0 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, strictly in advance ... 1.00 Six months *'ee.. 65 tI RATES OF ADVERTISIN.U One square (1 inch) 1 iisertlon......75c n li'Amh subsequent insertion............40c e Liberal (liscount on contracts or by S the colim, lflf or quarter column. Marriage notices free and solicited. Obituaries over 12 lines charged for. Correspondent s, to insure attention, must give their full address. We are not responsible for the opin- t ions of our cor)respoldents. All comimuieations for the paper must be adulressedl to the Editors; business letters (o the Publisher of the M!-ssmNGEI Easley, S. (. C Have You a Mother I e t Ive you a iiolh'r? love her well, While she is spared on earth, Wait not till (leat h shall call her hence, To know her preciouls worth. Wait not till she lies cohl and still, Most bealltiful, though dead, T) thinlk of what you should have (lone, Before her dear life tied. C Think now how much she should be 1 love(, S And pi ize her as you ought, O else your life, when she is gone, R With sorrow shall be fraught.. t 0! watch her, guard her with your love, 1 While with you she is left, b I'or when she leaves you, life will seem Of every joy bereft. [ Oh ! soothe her in her l'mrs of pain, V Ie gentle an(l be nih(l; Hov sweet 'twA.ill be for you to think You've I)een a fali hfuul child. The State Democracy. c CONSTITUT[ON OF TIIE DEMOCH ATIC ' PARTY OF SOUT11I CAROLINA. The Constitution of the Democratic o party of South Carolina, wheh was t! :(lopte(d by the State Convention, and & went in to force in the campaign of '78, 1n i as follows : AwRIci. i. There shall be one or si more Demnocratic clubs organizedl to j< each election precinct, each of which a (clubs) shllI have a dlistincet title, "The oJ D~emnocratic Club.'' and shall it elect a President, oneC or more Vice- t,l Presidents, a Recordiing and a Corres- i londing Secretary, and a Treasurer,o un mm shall have thme, following working d 'ommittees, of not less . t three si mmembers echlI, viz: A' CommIttee on) a Regist ration, an Execut ive Committee t< ~unm such ot her coinnnfittee as to each 0 (Ilub may seem expedient. e ART'. II. Tblc of thei (1111)5 U .hall be frequent, after thme opening of a thne canvass, and Some miember of the d ('lub or invitedl speaker (deliver' an adI- ti dress at each metting if practicable. si A~r. 111. The Puesident shall have e Power to caill an) e'xtra meeting of thle ti (lih, amid members of the club adllI constitute a quormu for t hbe trans- C acet ion of business. A RT. IV. The clubs in each county 8 er the control of a county Executive ominittee, which shall consist of one ienber from each club, to be nomina xd by the respective clubs and elected y the county convention, and such i ther members as the convention may dd. .I The E xecutive committee,when elec 1d, shall appoint its own offleers al( 11 all vacancies which may arise when 2e convention is not In session. The miture of office of the Executive con iittee shall be until the next general armipaign, tinless sooner removed or tispended by the county convention. The present couity executive eoi iittees shall cont inue in office until t he rat meeting of the county convention Ider' this.organization. A 'r. V. Coin ty democratic conven *ons sh:dl be composed of delegates lected by the several local clubs-one elegate for every twenty-five (25) en Aled inembers-with the right to each ounty Convention to enlarge or dimin hi the representation accorliig to cir umstances. This oonvention shall be ailed together by the chairman of the XeCutive, andi hall proceed r elect from among its members a "residenit, one or more Vice-presi ents, a Secretary a n(I 'Trreasiirer. I' ovent ion sliall procced to bisiness, nd when the same is transacted it sh:dl djourn sine die. ART. Vi. The mode and manner of ominuating candidates for county ofil em or for delegates to the Stait .Judi ial anid congressional conventions shall e regulatedl in each county by the re pective Comity cOil veitions. ART VII. 11 St ate ConlVenltiol hall be composed of delegates from ach couity in tlie nuierical propor ion to which thliat ent itled inl oth branches of the General Assem-1 ly. Awr. VIII. Th officers shall be a 'residenlt, onle Vice-presidenlt froml ach corngressional district, two setre tries Ild a treasurer. Awr. IX. Th.- State Exectitive com 'it tee shall be composed of three froil ach co1gressiolal district. The dele ates0M fromi te corAu ies composing t i ongressional disLict to n1om1 in ate the audidates from that district, and the oniventiol shall then proceed to an lect ion. Awr. X. The Executive committee ball elect. its own chiirman and other tlleers, and shall meet at the call of 10 chlairlan Or any fIve members, at LIth times and places as lie or they lay appoint. ART. X I. The Executive committee ball have power, by the vote of a ma >rit-y of the whole comm aittee, to call conlvenition of the Demtocratic party I f the State at such timec and place as may designate; and is charuged with 1e execution andl direct ion of the po01 y of the party in thle State, subject uliy to this conistituitiona, the principllesI claredl ini the plat~formi, and such in- 1 ruictions by resoluitionis or otherwise, I s ihe State Convention may from timie ) time iaopt; and~ shall continue inii lie for two yea rs from t he ime of lection, or until I hae assemibling of the< ext St ate Conv ~en tion for the nomninr tioni of a State ticket, unless suiper'ce ed by the alctio~n of the State convenu on. And -if any vacancy be occat onied by death, removal, or other ause, the. commit tee shall have powerj i ill the vacancy. ART. XII. When the State demo- I ratie convenition1 assemles, it sh-all be Llled to order' by the chiah'mahi of the + rate E secuitive coiittee. shal (elect I temnpora ry Presiden t,.ui aw 1hn pro.. I ,eed immediately to the election of permanuent officers and the transaction f btusiless. The Convention, when it has con -luded its business, shall adJourin sine lie. And when a Conventloi Is called by the execitive coin mittee, Such con vention shall be composed of newly Alected delegates. A RT. X111. Representatioft in Judicial and congressional conventions ihall be on the same basis as inl State tonventions. A majority of delegates shall be present at a convention to con 5titute a quorumn for nominating a can lidate either for congress or solicitor. lhe (elegation of each county in a .ongressional or. judicial convention ,hall have power to 1iii any vacaicy in hw delegation. Inl every convention to nominate a ani(lidate for congress or for the otlice f Solicitor a majolit-y of the Voters -hall be necessary to a choice, and the votes shall be taken viva Voce ald re sorded, unless there be but one candi .late, in which. event the vote may be aket by acclamatin). As sooi as a ongressionial or judicial convenitionl as nominate(l tihe party candidate for 'ongress or solicitor, it shall adjoir) iie die, and w hiiever a canldi(late to [ill an uexpired term of either ofee ias to be lolilate(l, it shall be done )y a inew convetioi of delegates fresh rroim the people. 'T'lhe executive com mittee of eaclih (colYressional district or indicial circuit sll consist of the sev ral county ebi:lrmitan of the respect ive 20Otitt.ies composiig such listrict or cir -1uit, whihiel Committee 8shall elect its )wn ch lirman, secretarv and treasurer, Wilo shtall contile inl oflice for yars A 11 listrict aid 4 eirs ini a citchit, re pectively, Or unit il their stlecessotrs h:ill have been electe(l. It shall require hle conse.t of a fmajority of t h - Whole .XeCutivi e coimm11iit4ee in any (listrict or lirculit to call a nominating.i conmmittee. T'he execitive committee of each listrict or circuit shall be specially A1rgred inl its dii-cretion, exeept aw. 'erein provi(led, and1 subject to the itaIte plat form, as well as umler thme mpervisioni of the State executive com mlittee, with the comb(llit of every elec 1ion for congressional represeltai ves )r solicitors inl such (listriet or circuit. 11l qai( Conmittee shall imeet at the ,all of the chairman or of ainy three niembers at such times and places as 'me or they may appoint. Each congressional convention shill neet wit hiI its congressional (listriet, mi1d each ju(licialt conl veitioni slull Iteet within its eircuit. ART. XIV. This Contlstituttionl shall iot go linto force. until the State cam >iaign of 187S. A M EN D)MS(NT. Thew State convention of June, 1880, kidopt ed the following resolution: Resolved, That the recommaetnda jotn of thme Nationafl Democratic comn nittee relatinig to ex-oflicie memb~er 1ibp of committees be adopted, as far Ls thme same provides for the imecmber >f thIet Naitional commit~ittee. beihgo ex >fli(i a( member of the~ State exeentivye A Roanmce Fromu Mainme. Some years' beifore I he war, Of is Bur ont, a farner r'esid(ing att Banigor, left o seek his for'tuneo in the West. I~e htifted to Missouitt, where hc mmet an~ Iecompl jishe'd young lady with whom te fell ini love.- Shet was~ licased( .with. hn. bt befor' lhe niutt his namsion known she moved to a distant patt of the South. About this time the war broke out, and the two lost all traeo, of each otber, Burton joined the Union army, and was soon afterward wounded, and, as It was supposed le would die, a letter was sent to his mother informing her that her son could not live. H1e, how ever, was blessed with a good constitnu tion and rccovered. lie went back to his regiment, and was detailed with a company to take supplies across the plains Tlhe party was attacked by In dians, and every man in the force ex ce)t. Burton killed. le was reported to have been slain with the rest. The Indians (lecidel to let him live, and took him a prisoner to their retreat in the mlouitaiIIs in the Southwest. It' gra(lually iecovered from wounids he had received in the encointer, madio hiiiimself agreeable to his captors, Aunt adapted himself to their way of living. ALfer hle hId bee n ill (-lI)tivit.y six montlhs or more lh was allowed llore liberty, and now began to watch for a chan(c to escape. The Indians had. stolen a umiber of ponies, and among them wts one which Burton's prae ticed eye showed him was highly bred, swift, and with spee(d and endurance. This polly was cared for anid petted by Burton, and he was allowed to rid'e him. One (lay he strayed away fiu ther than usual, and though not ae (qiainted with the conlitry, Imade. a dash ft)r liberty. ITe was elosely pur sied, but the gallant little pony had tle "bottomi '' for a Winning race. Ie rode three days, aln(d then began to see that he was getting out of the hostile couitry. In the distance he saw a house which he knew must. be inhabited by whites. lie shouted with joy, feel - ing that he had gained freedom at last. lie knocked at tihe (1)O1 of the house anId a surprise awaited him. It was opened by the woman he had loved in a1uld lang syn1e. Ile was at once re (cognized an1d received a hearty wel Comie. Burton toldl Ik adventures and narrow escape to a willing listener. Shb. too, told her story. Sh had mar ried a ConfederAte ofileer, who was af terward killed in the battle, and she Owne(l th1 farm she occupied. Is it, necesary V- tell the rest? Tiey were betrothe(l, ihere was a merry wedding, and the happy couple are still living in a southwestern State. Surely in real life th-11re are romaies as strange and Iore interesting than those woven by t he fertile brain of the novelist. PLANTATION I. 'iiiLoSOPHY.--Dar aint' niuthin' saidler dan de acks 01) a Cowardl what is tryini' ter make folks think dait lie is a fighter. Nuthin' pleases a 01(1 nigger 'oman so mutch as fur a puisson ter tell her dat (1e remedlies what she has. ricommuienided hal) he'ped him. I dloan like too much humbleness. D)e wormu is so low dat he crawls, and he eats yer airter yeril dead. INatur (loan make a man prond. Some flows in th's de same. 1'se looked ceroiin'ober' dis la'dl: a ho~ep ani' e f I'seeer foiun' aniy use fur dec gr'sshloppe I d(1:an know it., but den I doani know *dat de 'rshpehal' eber foun' any use furl mie.-Arkanisaw --If we neverI spjoke. of a man's vir'tues before his 'face~, nor of his. faults behind hisi bauk, there would. be an end to flattery and deCfamnas .tion.'