J. R. HAGOOD, Editor. TIIAT IEPUJ;12ICA N HlORN ETl' N ST. On Saturday afteinoon last, ac ording to appointiment,tlie repub-1 licans assembled to hold their' County Convention. In the early part of the day the deegates be gan coming in, and ski,'mishing, manui(Ptvreinzlg and button-holing was the order of t he morning. Dur ing the day groups of 'our brothers inl black' could bo seen, talki ng or being talked1 to, by the l(ledrs ofl the two sections, into which this small imass of people had been di vided, On the ground were 19' bleeks and 13 whites. And while the colored race was in tle major ity, it was ruled genera lly by tihe mFority. The whites, as almost all know, were diviled aa"1inSt A c themselves. Negroes were a'!ied With enenr party, al (1111uing the c:iunpaign eaIch one wori0ked hardl to gain the victory. Well, the eenvention was called.j at 2 o'clock by E. 11. Blarton, lsq. It was bhr I ld in I the ol har roI' 1,i next (oor to post ollice. While they met inl (ne body they did not neet in oine minm. D1issensionl found its wa r. and tw'igh bodily b 1d by the woulhl-be everlasting 1 ties of ipublicanism, they were0 se(perated inl heart by the high h~ar i icles of' persoial h latled or (lee- I ro1t 0(ed ill-feelin. TIey met, andi a'ter sme m11 nie,u1)On lmoti'>n of A. W. Fo7ger tie e-ditor of the MIss-som was invited in, to report for said p Mr'4 . .II Bari1tni 1oed(1 to invite me one11 tol reprel'J Vs(ent t he 'Picj(ken1 Sent inel,' n hreurpon W. 1". (Ga rv r'emiarked1 tlhat it waIs too soon 1 for' A hnanniea. T1he~ meeting~ wa t pre'sided?( over by A. M. Fo(lgeri,thle regular' (County Chiairmzan, with EC. !I. Barton as Secr'etary. AceorId ing to the laws regulating the C.on venation, the re had to hoi at l east, 82 dt legates present. T his num -- her wals not pre'sen1t, and1( II. .. I lenudr'iks who led oneC j~ary want ed to know how the delicieny woulI d be supplied . A. MI. F'olger tihe chia iimLan and( on e of the le'adI ing men on)A tire other side, said that they woub1( go to work withii out supplying the deficiency. Thle bairma flppoinited as al commiiiittee~ on crtedenitials., Jerzemii aih .LiOOper, D). llarris, E'. II. Bar ton, J. Suli1iva n, .J. A. Stewvart, auud P. Moone. . II. 11. llendr icks ob jected to this pr"oceeding,and claimn ed that the C1onvention should have thle Iower' of onnointion- this o. mittee. Here the stinging was in Lense, and II. B. Hendricks called attention to the fairness of. the mcaire as, or' about the time, the ,ommn ittee retire(. Upon exami nation of the credentials the Da ausville delegationi was excluded, because they were signed by a -irman not appointed by the 'onnty chairman. lurricane's del Lgation was also excudeld because it had forgotten to bring its creden tials. Tre waxed hot and the con l est all through w1as heated. Uen rv LIaLwrece 2olored, a Ifen(dricks illy, of Pickenvs, said (o the chair mani that h lie was not exactly right., nd cool1y remiarked thatA lie would .e chairman inm l woul drive the diest 1 I taid that thereI was lo use inl squalhling. lie als() re narked that a drowing man grahs it a straw. MHe sanw that th Fol "Cer elemen!t was" strongly opplosed. o thIt of the I elidric -.s. A fer the pii rt ow 'onuite m1 cre~dentials- wa. m1adle, mad Da-, us ille 'and I11ntricane elg tin nad1( thIIei r egress;4. wvith one ol wrother hearing) hli-- carpet sack(va ise). all el('ction was (ntered iito or (legt S to State, Convent ion vhLieh meetL next llesdv. The :oI e wa taken by hv a't, t.h gh .1. Ba. Idri ks wanitd to v.)! >y c ie hua-L tion. I r. I I I (Inr'i c k otand (el was the case i Ie I -orrect inl his- stati-memHS. I Ie a ct I as ()Ie of the tle'rs, lIe says ierc were 2 1 votes to be put inl, u114 toll .5 votes there wvas nI ot the mm11e of Ware Jenkins, but, yet We receivied 20. lie claims that here were du(ble vote cast. A. W . Fole _er nominated1 fAo-r ae C'onvenltion WX F. (k~.iry and W\arrien denkiiins. and for Congres .iunal Convention, in addiitioni to hose mnentionme for State C'onveni Ilenry law rence nominatedl for 4tate (ConIverin.iojI. ILI lIIndricks 1u1( A\. 1H. Folge(r. F'or Conugress on lCo v nioII B edrcs The dlelegates chiosen are War en Jelnk ins,C( ong rio nal Coniven Gary, for State Cionventin. Al ternattes appoi ntedl by the Lhai rman are the following: Jere miah Looper ; E. H. Barton to St ate~ C.onven tion, aund P. M ooney Lo (Congressional Convention. The chirm 'a n was end(or'sed by he Conventi-on as4 Couinty C'hair BLAn E R>F1-ATIONA L BILL.---The liscussion regarding this bill was r'esumledI on Monmi4y 'r'e dc bates were long, bit when the vote was taken it stoo(i yeas 38; nays 12. Thl1is bill has been amended by Senator Hoar. It provides that $82,000,000, as we under stand it, shall be divided be tweeni the States during the period of eight years. The first year there is to be distributed $7,000,000 ; the second yesr $10,000,000 ; the third $15,000,000, and ater this the appropriation shall diminish $2,000,000 per year until the eighth year expires, when the ap pIropriation will be cut short. W ITNE ESSES S UIP) ENAED. A bout 55 witnesses from this County have been simmoned to Charleston to appear in the United States Court, the April term of whilich is low inl session. When the noi)tices w're served 11pon1 these witnesses, no certain reason Wias assigned ' cal l ing them to Charles ton. T he subl)onacs did iot give the name of any party against whom this horde of witnesses was to testi!fy anl accordingl)y the peo 1)l were left in the position to spee lfate, as regards thie object the ( q e1einIIIt 11 d inl calling4 these mnen to Chle1cstonl. Well tha hoot is niow 1laced up oh t he ot her foot. Men have 1en tried for the violation of election laws, and1 now certain I deputy Uni td States Marshals are t () he tried for swini'dhing the United States (overnment by ma111k1ing false char ges for cost. iga inst it. A bout 250 witnesses fromil the different por tions of the State have been sum mouned to Charleston to tc4tify in these special catses. T his~ shiouIld give encoulragemennt o thei law-abi)lding cit izen)s of ou r Stte to .see the men who have Mw!indled~ the U. S. G~overnmnent out of its money, broulght to instice. The gardlen shiouldl be weedled and we are gladl to see the Glovernmnut taking steps in this direction. Let it pull up the weeds andl throw them out, and leave the garden free fro~rn the rank growth that wants to take possession of it Meeting of Exectut ive Comitiniitee. Potrsntanit to a pl)hished' call by the C (ounty Chairnmani. the C ounty Ex een Iivle (Comn mit tee of tha De moea t Ie par ty miet at. P~ick(ens (. 11. (on Mondav last. Thpl ent ire Committee wais pres ent, exept the member of Cross Plains Clu tb, TIhe State Convention is to miee't onl June 2(4th, and the Exceen tiv Committee f1ixed Satutrday, Juine 21st, as th'e time for the meeting of t he County Convention, and the Satulr day3 previons, which will be on the 14th of June, as the time for the'T'ownship) chths to meet anid organize, and elect delegates to tho County Convention, 'The Easley Township Club will be ctitle1 to sixteen delegates to the con venotion. The County Conivention I will eject dilegates to the State coiventionl andi transaet such other business as it inay deetu neelfil all necessary. The attention of the T'ownship clibs was called to the proposition to divide tle coulity into three divisions, and [hat one cantli late be nlouinatedl froin eac.h division, at Priinary Election, for county Cominissione r. It Is e(xpecte(1 that the Township clubs will (isculsm this proposition in their primary meet-. ing, all that, t hey instruct tlheiih Imerlu - h L o the,. couia onvenltion as to t heir views ill rewarl to this (ivision of l he couitv. The Execntive coillilittee respect rfully Si ggeste( th at the i countl y be di-. viIl(ei into t h'ee