The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, March 28, 1884, Image 3

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fhe gazleg 5esenger. t LOCAL AND COUNTY MATTERS. -Hurrah! For the candidates. -We have had more than a gentle a zephyr. t -Read the notice of the meeting of i the.Democratic Executive Committee. t -Miss Lizzie Hutchin8 has a pros- i perous school, three miles above here. -Miss Lucie Ilagood, frojn Charles ton, Is spending a few days with the I family of W. M.. Hagood. -Read the announcemients of J. W. Majors for Treasurer, and Maj, J. M. Stewart for Clerk. -Rev. 0. L. Duran, our school commissioner, paid us a visit on Mon day. --Miss Lillie Gossett has been quite 1 sick, and has been unable to attend to hier- ine school. -Attention is called to the notice of A. M. Folger, calling for county con veltion of Republican party. -Maj.. Theo. be~lon, the spirited travelling Agent of that best of papers, I the "Charleston News and Courier,' t will be in Pickens on Salesday. I -See advertisement of LIudgens & I I1ndgens, in anotlier colunim. They are Agents for Thonmas' Snoot.hingi Harrows. 7, 0CHROM0 CARDS FOR - cents. Address, 10 'T. K. & V. E. 11UDE (1.Ns Easley. -We see tlat our honored friend, Mr. S. T. McCravy of Spartanh burg, is I annoniceed for the Legislatim-e. He is a deserving manIi. -Mr. W M. hiagood begs 11s to state that he is not an aspirant for poliLical hioniors. Ile will not run for Clerk nor no othler pos-ition. -Th Sil of Carter Roe. wiho lives two and a half miles above h're, died (in Tuaesday llorning last. He h-ad ben sick ha-irdly a week, mal wa- (uite young, being oily 7 years ol :t th.' time of his death. -sls Maggie Anthony, daughter of .j. T. Anthony, who lives near Pick ens, died on Tuesday last from lung aifl'etion. She was 12 years old, anid diedi after a br)ief illness. -M!rs. Ilester, the mother of W. 11. lICster', of Central, dliedl at her home 4 miles from Piekens C. 11.. Onl Monday last, after a protr'acted illness. She had reached a mature age, and leaves ma'ny to mo0urn her (death . -M~r. E.~ JB. Lalthemix in for'iis us t hat H~arv~ey 4 . Smith whIile' hunitinge a few days agO, was shot accidetly I birongh uch palm of his hand. The gun went ol l his owni kand(, but he is tunable t"' ( say what caused it. hlis haund is ini a critical condi'tion. -Thomas J. Gossett, son of J. R. (Gossett of ouri towvn,returnied homei oni TVhursdlay last fromi TIexas, wvhei e he hadl spent I4 months. Tuoughi lhe be. caime a victim to chill and fever, he 1 looks well. L et your fiendios hiear fromi yon thriouigh the MESSENGER, Thomas. -Clark Miller, colored, who was electedl a delegate to r'epresent~ the Re unublicanm party of this counlty ini the N(ate Convention1, like his leaders of old. hats taken huis knap sack and 'vamin-t 1)oosed1. ' He didn't carPry any of the spoils with him. Farewell Clark to vonri positllon of trast. : -Miss Florence E. Green has re. urned from Anderson, where she enm oyed herself for one week. -On A pril 15th a meeting of th< )irectors and officers of the C. C. G k C. Railroad will be held at their of lee in Alken. Col. Campbell's resig kation will be considered and passet ipon. Other business of importanc vill also be traisacted. --There has been a great deal of gu LIo hauled away, and Isaac William ias 1sold his share of 'it. He can ye upply more with his brands. --he dwelling occupied by: M. enyick, on the plantation of Mrs. T L. Russell, situated at Slabtown a fev niles below Easley, was burned on th< '1st inst. Mr. Lenwick lost everythlin; n the lire. Ills provisions, furniture )edling, cloth iIt,and $4' were all con aumed. Tle fire was suppl)osed to b aused by the ignition of a match by -at, or by the Sanld box catching 1ire Uhe house was built miny years agi )y Mr. T. 11. Russellaniid was 18x40 ft lIany friends has shiowi a helpin iand to the family in the way of con ributing to pi'Sonai Waits a1ini 1), ielping Mr. Lenwiek to rebuild. I s a hard wvorker and a gool citizen I DEL4i A 'CIrsikd 10011 AxR.O Tueday niitAj;migh(At la. zv som~ nen, isuppto.sed to be uIegroes, enteret he store of RhObinlson & Wya"Itt. ami; ook therefrom inan y vallable :n ieles. The' robbery was efeeted h he use of a brace and bit, in borin; br'ouigh the widlo shatter. anll pu ing out the key by which thieO.I-' >ar. i:s fastenled. Th'ley raised the wit, low, enterell the st ore , :nnd enllect < ist w hat booty I' coulil ll~ oil. I onsisted of a Si Ut of clothe i&m, b)0ot h11"w., p)ist01.3a.-nd anunun111itionl, one-hal >OX 01Ch.e4e, anl timb rella &(..Th rob w>es inia(e their way 1( t he eider ke' ui'ned the faucet, filled a liteher, ai nore than Satilied the r of thl >hysical nan. Several wN.( t inl purIISuit of11. t - h('wetc s, butl as' yet no ar Irest has been inadliue 'his thing~ of stealing IS ge4t [ling tot Onl no0n ini 01our midst, amil if lihes< ognes are caumghit, so ne of t he wht de one( of Rotbinls(on & Wya'~itt sh ould b< mIUply testedl. --The CJohun bia correl'spondtenit of tLi 'iNews and1 Couriier," funishe~s thaL aper wvith the followving" note fron )istr1ic.t Att orney Melton, uinder' (lat< if 2St~h inst: ''At thei ensning term of thie C)ireni .our't of thie U. S. to be hel ii Jharlestonu on the flrst Mombiv o i pril, the pend1(ing cases for' viohi'tiot >f te election1 laws will not be callt or' t r'ial. Witnesses for (lie Govern neut I in these cases will not be e xpect dI to attend, antd will not be paid fo .ttendanlce at thisi term.'' Thus endth, we hope, the whole mat er' of pol1iaIen tr ials. --Sydneiy Rosemiond, lately Of Mis onr1i, wh'lo now lives wvith E.X A. Rus eli, has miade an improvemtent on mn IIenb'ator. lie is mueeting with great Uccess. Last winmter at the v'ery cold 'st sealson, hie hatched1 out 50 per' cent if thle eg'gs, and nOW hie has~ placed ii hie inIcubhator' thec niumtber' of -100. I.1 as inivenited an! egg testeru, and by thi; nean is he can jutdge of the fert~lity o Another Terrible Cyclone. Oi Tuesday last sotne portions of Georgia and our State, were visite( 1y another cyclone. At Gainesville 15 houses were blowa down and 2 persons . killed. In Oconee county, tiear Sene ca, considerable damagYe was done on Dr. Maxwell's plantation, and every one Oil the Jpnee more or- less hurt. 'The next place heard from is Pendle ton anld vlei!iity, where polsidervable damage was done. Next pl)ace wias in - the vicinity of Piedmont, where it s struck the place of William Watson, t tearing his dwelling and other build iigs to atoms. M '. Watson, seeing what was comning. took his wife and childreIIto a vallev inear by, and near which stood a log fiouse, celled inside, v which w'as taken -up bodily Into thew air and fell to pieces, some of then falling Oil Mr. Watson and family, kill ing two of the children, and Iailifilly injrlling him anl hs wife an- the bail - ice of Ihe lihivi. In the Same neighborhood it is repor'te.1 that a Mr. Watkins and his wife were carried Ilway, and 110 One ha:! a-s yet been able to find thill) or1 eveli hear of them. In Greevil('lle, onl 'Tllesday mfloriniig, pile brush, leaves, shingles, siicks, &e., *fl thick, i hey comiing from I he d iree tioll of Piedmont. No damage done - ini the eity. Ill Paris Mountin Town ship (G'. Poole's property was conii,1 erably damaged; alo, the Poor haiuse propert y, and Steward Tin sley's bihld ings, fences, timber, &c., all 1400 bundles of fobilder carriedt away, with out it igil of where it was or1 La.sgole. iBuckhorn's,. 1tann1erv was- destroved. Geolrge Iibwvkiis ainil fanilv lIeft tiheir hos.which was- blownvl downi and burnedc~. F11rman11 Laiugley's houlse was Ibil dowi :ni his wife :111(i (hi1il buil ied nud-r Ihe debri.'. IIe siCceOd ll ill rii g " deblLiS by hih self af er I wo men h ul failed, anIld r-eued h.Iemtil. mad was pleased to find dthem not seriolyV h-'t. lie seapld wvihi hpMr. M.\lor's dwellingr h1ouse and every hing ttroyed. Loss $2,000. UMt~ erI mses bonaway, :und Cattle ini ntd. lit O'Neal Townshil) John tIlt's ~wife and tell year old son was kiki-d, :1.1d two other childiren :i lly hurt1n~ . Tr.,- :1111 rocks were hmU11 -led inl t .e a i 1 ) vo.i. Inli ero conlutv A w h- w v\ Pickenvl s' (IhvelIlng. was, wrtI. ell ed :al( he wvas-- sliohtlv imrt. The dwelling. of Col. .. J. JaInisuin was blownl away with -Ill of his wuth1ous'es. and hiis wife erippled. 'I'he above are oily a few of the uin ~ fortunate victilis of the cyAolle, we .beinI g un a bie to' give mor() e in Ucon Se <lilece of the failure of th "Greeif viille 1)aily' Ne ws''' of Thuinrsday mnorn inig t o comle to us. We will give a full ~accounlit from all poinits next week. .3 Siince the abovet was put. ill type we atre pa~ ined to h'llrn iat a Miss Brue waus killed nearli Seneca, b; the eyclone. OUR P'JCKElNS4 LETT"IER. l'IC CENS, S. C., Ma re b 6, 188 I. l1'EAR ME.SSENGl~: WVe take our lpen ini h:i nd, aiit Ialso take 0our seat, to inform you t hat we haven 't muchb news u tp here, bt wh~rit we havi e, wevego Sp)ring fe'ver hats mnale its apipear ance Illn i ung place. IBeing4 a ennuI(idate doe~s mlake a change comte over the spirit of some men's drieamls. We have heard of one wh'lo hug10s the dleari voteris. - The electioni of Town~V1 ofleier comeIs oft 0on the'7th of April. T Ihe LeAap-Yearl miotto) of the young ladies is "'if you see what you want, - ask for it.'' 1 (Capt. Th'lornl ey is' goinig to have his t, lot'Iellodlled. tisSpr)1inIIg. - Theiy say, if a certain one of the fair' sex pasCss thriough Easleyr on the tai:n, - lie electrnicity3 reae ts clearin0 iut to thle santumtIti of thle ME~SSE'NGER ofhice and ,attacks the peni andI nervous system of the y'oung ed(itor'. 'l'here is t alk' of Pickenms havinmg t hrete 01r four dJoctors soon1. L~ove canntot he bairrml out with ribs of Iron Priuns Moore led Miss Bettie Brown to the alter i the dutioeon at the jail last Saturday night. Tice cer emony was proioinced by J. E. Boggs Esq. After which warm congratula tions werex extended and many wishes for future htppiness expressed. Thte parties are colored. They sav Pickens County will have 50 C:lI~didaes t his year. It will not hb hiu-d to liad men who are willing to sacrillee thenselves for t.b&ir counitry's good. Mirs. LalIue is conposing' a drama to he acted at the selcol entertain ment. T'he young ladies of the C. L. S. itre going to give an ("ntertainment for the henetit of their Society on the 11th of April.., Itis .gven for a goo;) purpose and . e trust will be weI patronized. We 0il1 add to this thu the entertinh Iment promnises" to be a good thing and those who a.tenld Will have a pleasanIt evening anid give to a worthy object. Wve noticed of late (1uite( a num11 her of batlires oglitteri in the sunshine aild1 ornamenting fair shoulders and necks. The design is a creseeut aIni an arrow. We sippose the creseent throw., the niellow light ot the Iloon onl an object and then the arrow Ilies at it. C. AA 1.ACJE.1E.W2'. For Clerk. X3&i.Y" The many friends of Maj. J1. M. S lEWART, feeligt Itat le will be the ri-ht iaul inl the right 11(place, respect fully present hik name to the voters of P iekens counlty as a caIdidate for the oillie of Clerk of Court, Subject to the act ion of th D- S)emoctMic prillairy elee tion. mrA-d For School Commissioner. neL. TheNmany friends of LAIHAN 3TA0LIIN think him tie iaii for the 01110ii, and[ ainlounlce hik namic as a eandidate for School Commissionier of 'iekenis conuif, su6~bjeCt% to lle 1-N' imary: electionl. nOR EAsLiY, feb 114* * Il Ihe illu.nner)Iou friends Of 0. I. DURANT res.-pectfully annouince his n amiie as a c lidate for re-election ti the of(lie of School Colmmuissioner of Piekens couinty, stib.ect to Prinmary election. feb 8-t d For Sheriff, jag The iminy friends of It. A. RILCHEY feeling that. h3 would Jill the ()file( satisfaetorily, ainoule him as a candidaIte for Sherill of 1inke; n CsII - t y, subject to L the prim~ary elction,* feb 1 4-td IunIaR T1he many friends of ELIAS E. MI A U ILIDIN respect..fully annIounIce hliA name1( as a canid~tate for Sherill of Pickenis County, at the ensuing elee t ion, su~bject 11o act ton of t lhe De mo eratic Convention. feb 1-td For County Treasurer. lUfh Thie many friends of J. WIL. L4IAMt MAJOR respectfully bring for ward his5 Iname as a canldidate for r'e commendationl to thme oflice of County T'reasurer' of Pickens ~ounty, sbject to the demlocratic primlary elctionm. flg.The friendts of J. TFYLER HILL r'espect fully ann1ounICe him11 as a candi date for rCcommendII~ationi by the Demn oeratic party at the next p)rimary elee H on, for the appoi ntmient as reasurer11(k of Pickenls County. feb 22--td* #1!Thie friends of JAS K. KIRK SEY r'espectfully annIounfce him as a candite for recommen~fdation, by the Democratic party at the nlext primary eleCtion, for appointmient as Treasurer'( of Pickenms county. feb 22-td* For County Auditor, I1g. T1he many frienlds of J. B. OLYI)E respecCful)l rsent his name to the voters of Pickenls county at Pri mary election , for the re-appoli inent1 of Counlty Aulditor. feb 8- td