The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, February 29, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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WIlEN YOU GO TO It. will be more than a -"Dollar lit your Pocket " to examiune ROBERTS & DAV?D'S iillnellnse Stock of DRY G 00~8efore biviung,. Vant of Spane foi-ids up VivlN ;n1 nything like a full description of aIll the goos we keep; so we camn (oly give 1a partial price list.: Tome-mae bed-ticking that will hol'l water, 20, 22 and 25c, Extra h 'avy drill 7 A amd 8. ; kood sldting 5e ; leavy shirt ing te ; sPeting 1 yard wide. 6,1. 7 ani Sc. We sell the best Me0 bleache(l goo( in thv' vorbl, it is a fIll yalrd wide, anlld lerfc(tly fr'ee from starch. Ileavy .Jeanis 25c, Georgia jeans 4o, North Carolina jeans %7. 33, 41) :ill 45e. All-wool twilledl rel Fhunel only 25c; half--wool dress good(s..; joe; heaultifil chatmgeable r goods ,23C, worrh 25e. 'legant Silk et'eet. drezs good0(is 25e, wvorth 40c. Best lieiv of BLACK CASHMERES in the City. Ladies cloth for CIHIOU. LABS. all-wool, 1. yards wie, inl hhc~k, brown, green, gn-net, brolnze Walking .Jaekets and loak 1from T,:1(li's and( gents IFhul))' Vests fromt 50v. up. 12 pair Ladies; White o10e for 90c. 12 pir "' colored - - $1.00. We vil sell vou a full honed, si!k vimb 1)roidered, 5. hook 75c Corset for 50W ; (don't, forgret t his). White Ied srepi(s fron 90e. up 4 ill.$1.40 l' heavy spre(l i; aI barg in. lit(d comforts 90c, $1.0), $1.10, $l1.W. $1.75, *2.00, *2.50. :3 00. W arryth largrest st,()(1k of it) the uJper part of the State. We a iso lul~le G reeniville iKnit tinl( Coton. K. er lb; K iting Wool I 2e per i nk. or $1.00 per 16. SPE CIA L --E vey cst omer bly ilg Goods to i' :tInount of ONE DOL LAR or Iore, will he presen.1tei wit h1 MW of o 11m1 III Iolime (ll1 IS'T'MAS PLAQU7E.S, each ol e of t h1am'l i. a worki Of A rt, :ll1 forn decorat ingI puirposess 11r4 uinequalled. If yon canl not Colle Send f'or Sam. ples and Price List. ItO1EE' & DAaN . Dc 2-3m Easley Academy. First SessionI for .1884, will begin January 114th, anid conltinue Six School Months. Pimary Dep'mn'nt, per monthI, *1.50 In~terml1edialte " " 204) A cadeiimic 4 "3.00 lIcidIental Fee, per Session, 5 Music extra. Boalrdt in~ priva4te famiiilies', per Month,....................... 10.00 E4aCh Scholarl's pr rat a of PuieihiI tion) dulring thie Public Term,'i) which hiegins .14u111:1ry 1 4. E~a'ley, S. ('. jan 4, 1884-3mn Lime ! Lime! Lime ! ('AN B1K BO(CGUT' OF I-I. J-. GIGNILLI.A.T, Easley, S. C., Either in Car' Load Lots or by the single barrell at very CHIEA P RATES. Oct (IT zk ?iT( CIII-ANGDF TO ILL OIVLBRANB"' Is oflered for SaIe by W. M. Hagood & Co.1 At $35.00 Per Ton,! Payable N. I s., without Interest. Feb. -1-f SUBSCRIBE FOR ,THE MESSENGER FOR $31 .A. ~Y~.~D.A.]iJ. Newl Boot & Shoe Shop. respec('t fully iniformn t hie citizens' of .lEasly antl v'einity, that. I have op~' ee l a ShIoC 8Shop in st ore-houst~e Eat? of .J. .\I. litijnpy's store. a11( ad won(h e T lpl':tseil Io hav~e a sha re of th1 eir cu stomn. ter'iaIl, anii work <lone chlea per thtani thle (1hJep.-~ gnarantteed. lIephaIrinlg aI specialty. Oisr All kik of CO)UN 'I RV PRIODUCE takeni in payment for work, at miarket prices. feb8-m W. H. SMITH.t Greenville, S. C., J)EALER IN &., &c. I REPAIltING A SPECIALTY. and Atlanta, via Washington and Dan ville, Greensho ro and Ashejv-l1e. On trains Nos, 62 and 53,Richmrnond an( Danville, Washington and Angus ta. Washington and New Orleans. !M. Through 'ickets on sale at Charlotte, Greenville, Seneca, Spar. tahurg (and (aInesville to all points Sonth, 1Sot hwest, North and East. A, with N ER Ru to and from Athens. B, with N m, R R to and from Talmu hili Falls. C, with El. Air-Line, to and trom Elberton aid Bowersville. D, with Blue Ridge i i to and from Walhalhi, &c. E, wvith C and 4 A n to aud from Newherry, Alston and Coluimbia. F, with A and s and s U and C to and from HIldersouvlle,Alston &c. (, with Chiester and Leinoir R R to md from Chester, Yorkville and Dallas H. with N C DiViision and C C and A i R to and from Greensboro, Raleigh, &C. E DM UN) BERKErY, Supt. .1. SLAU UHTEN, Gen. Pass. Agt. A. L. vii.S, 2d V P & Gen. Man'r. .............................................. South Carolina Railway Company. Commencing Sunday, January 20, S 188-4, at 4 1 p m. Passenger 'Trains will i ln as follows until further notice, "'Eastern time :" TO AND FROM CIARLESrON. EAST (DA ILY.) Depa rt. Coltunbia at 6 40 a m h 31 p in Duie Charleston at 11 23 a im 10 10 WEST (DAILY.) Depart Charle4on 7 00 a m 4 00 p m Die at, Cohntibia at 11 40 " 10 35 To'0 AND FROM CAMDEN. E'ast (Daily except Sunday.) Depart coluhija it at 40 a m 5 34 ) ml Duc at Canden at 1 55 1) im 8 35 West (Daily except Smuiday.) Depart Canlen it 7 15 a in 4 15 p m Dluie at Cohlubia 11 40 " 10 35 TO AND FROM AUGUSTA. East (Daily.) Depa rt Cohhiia at( 40 a m 5 34 p ; Duie at. A uigusta at, 12 05 p in 7 10 a in West (Daily.) Depart A guista at 608 a in 5 (Y) p m Duticmat (ohiaat 11 40 " 10 3> CONNEICrIONS imllelt at f',olumnbia withl ()ohlmbia and Grkeiville Railrold by train arriving. it 11 40 a in, and departing at. 5 34 > m. At Coluimbia Junction with Char lotte, Col (umbia anl Augusta Railroad by same I rain to and from all p->;its on both roals. At Ch triest oni wit hi Stewmnrs fo Newv York ont Saturday; amd on T1uies (day' and1 Saturdal~y with Stear1 for .hicksoniville andu p~oint~s on St. John's vannah R~ailro:1(1 to and( fromt SaLvan nah and all points in Florida. ral RailroadIs to ando from all poinits West and South. At Blackville to andl from point~s oni Batrnwell Railroad. T'hriough ticketsca blle p)urchased~c~ to atll po)intsSou h011 amld West by3 aply3inlg to I). MCQUEEN, Agent, C ohninhia, S C. .JoHN B. PEwC, Genieral Mfanager. I) C A LLEN,Gen. Pas. and T1'k'r. Agi GUANO! GUANO! I oninue( to represet t he following J OLD) ESTlABLISIED) and P~OP UJLAR BRANDS of GiUANO AND) ACIDS. NEVASSA GUANO, NEVASSA ACID NEVASSA Cotton Fertuizer. MONA EtCDI (Guano, ORIlOLE Guano, flones. 24 CJall on me and get p.rices be fore you make vou r piurchases. J. R. COSSETT, Agent. Easker. Feb. 8, 1 884-.f UCHMOND & DANVILLE RAILRQADM l'.1SSE N GEIf 1)Ew PART 'MENTI. Oi after Dec. 30th, 1883, Passengver 'rain service on the A. & C. Air-Line )ivisiol will be as-follows: lHTI'IWNVAikl E iXPRESS No. 51 DAILY. A ve( Adtlan I ..................... 3 33 1> , a rrive Gainesvile ............... 0 M Lula. . .A... 6 42 i> MA Rabtn Gap JuncB ...... 7 37 i> M To oea............. C...... 8 1 5 p a Saueen i Cit y.... . )...... 9 24 PM CenttI............ 9 i9 p N I!bert ...................10 17 ri l ............10 3 j v> nA G reevl le 11 02 P i Spartatibirg. F 1 227 Ati Chastonia ........ ... 2 29 A Al Ciarlot t v .........II...... 3 28 A Al iOlt'cIi[WAR I MAIL, No. S3, 1)AILY. 1'ave At laI t .............8 45 A rrive Gainesvie............10 19 A A L l ........................I 17 A At Rlabai Gap .Janitionl. 1 1 P M To...................... a 2 3.) P ,m S'ineen G it y..........1 4 N SNI t raI................ 2 3 1 u> A Libert...................... 2 52 1> 2 Ea-ley.s ..... .... 3:07 1> ,\ renv1ile .............. 3 35 i> M Spart nh rg ............. 54 A> G aistonia ................... () .-N M ir1'H otI(.................. 7 43 1> I I'TlI WA IU), iEXitHICSs No. 0. I)A I LY Ira v (h ott e............2 08 a m ii-ive GastonIia.............. 00 a in 5 11 a III 4 ree anville ................... G :Mia n ' :IsI(y 'sN . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 71 11a m Liberty.......... ........7 30 a in c:'lit l'aIl .....................S 0 a in Semee I iv .............8 030 a in TOweC ................ .... 9 50 a Ill linhuni Gag Jun ticon, 10 35:1a1m 'a...............1.. 12 4: aIm G iiesvilIe ...............I 52 a mi AI. laI.a ................... 2 0 p m ) ri[WA RD, MA IL, No. .)02, DAIlY 11ve Chilott e................. 1 12 p m rrive Uastonia.................. 1 5( p m Sp rta IIhII r . ......... 3 54 p n 41'revilville ............... 5 20 p m E aIsl y ' v s .............,%...0. 5 -5: p1 Liberlt y................... 06 10 p i (it rat................6 32 ) m e II v : cit ............... 7 05 p i Toerna ..................... 8 20 p1 m ihun Gap JUiielion, 9.-01 ) i l.a1.. .. .................. . 9 35 p m ainieville...........10 %o P m At 1:l11ta.................12 23 a mn e(olnniiodat in Tlraini, (Air-inue llelle) GoJNG NOHTH. ~e 1vC .Atiinita ................ 5) 38 p) im rive (Liiniesvill............7 50) p mi 1econnniiodat ion TFrain, (Air-Line llelle) (OiNG~ SOUTH. 've O ainesville.............. 7 08 a mn Lrive A tlantia............. 9 05 a mn 1eave Charlotte -- - .. 6 12 a mi rrive (Gall'ey's~ - - - 11 17 a in Lrrive Sp~aritanbur~ig - - I 29 p mi rrv G reeniville - - 4 58 p m~ r~riv'e Central - - - 8 (05 p im !o. 1 7.-Local Freight, Going North. 4Pfave. 'i eul - - - 41 10 a mi hI rive Greenville - - - 6 13 a mn LIrrive Spar'tanbuirg - - 9 37 a m trrive Gauff'ey's - - - 1227 p) m1 Lrrive Charlot te - - - 7 00 p mn All freighit trains; on th1is r'oad( carry *asns All passenger trainis rlun birongh t o D~an ville a nd w itlh Va. .\lid 11nd l.wy, to all Eastern cit ies, and at itlanta with all lines' diverging. No. 0 leaves Richmond at 1 00 p m,. and !o. 51 arrives thei e at, 4 00 p m. 52 saves Richmond 1 28 a mi. 53 ariTves bere 7 41 a mi. The local fr'eighits stop t above stationsR 20 to 30o inultes'. BUFFET SLEEPING CARlS WV ITH OUT CH AN4E. On trains Nos. 50 and 51, Ne w York