flee fmmwrV ~pessenfar., J. R. H AGOOD, Editor and Pro'pr. Enteed at the Postoq/Jice at Easley S. C., as Second Class Matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, strictly in advance ...... $1 .00 Six months " "65 RATES OF ADVERTrSINO. One square (1 inch) 1 insertion......75e lEach subsequent insertion.......40 Liberal discount on contracts or by the columin, half or quarter column. Marriage notices free and solicited. Obituaries over 12 lines charged for. Correspondents, to insure atte ntion, must give their full address. We are not responsible for the opin sons of our correspondents. All communications for the paper must be addressed to the Editors; husiness letters to the Publisher of the MESSENGER, Easley, S. C. Terrible Slaughter. FOR THE NEXT FORTY DAYS ROBINSON & WYvTT EASLEY, S. C., Will sell at the LOWEST tigires, the remainder of their Fall and Winter stock of goods, c(onl sistinig of Notions, Glothimr, Hardware, Groceries. -md Grocers Drugs, in order to make room for their SPRING STOCK. We keep constantly on hand a full line of choice Groceries. Tobacco, &c. we&Give us a call and we will be silme to sell to you if low prices are desired. Jan 1S-12m H. P. JOIINSON. P. P. CLELAND. SWEET SIXTEEN;1 AND UP TO The~ Oldest, Should )ave their Pictures taken at JOHNSON & CLELAND's GALLERY, GREENVILLE, S. C. We are' pr'epared to make FERRO TIYPES, PHOTOGRA PHS, copy and ENLARGE PICTURES, A T1 7NE' A UC A7%'P / CES. Good Pictures made in cloudy weather. Pay us nor no one else for poor Pictures. JOHNSON & CLELAND), PW TIhe. only R eliaible F~erroty pe Ga:llery in the South. No 0-1 y __ R.TD. GARRETT, Watch Maker and Jeweler, MIain St., Greenville, S. C. Wat ch es, .Jewel ry, &e.. Repaired at Reasonab~le prices -Work (Gu aranI teed1. W~atch~es ami Chiains Rep~Jlated wVit h Gold or Silver. A ni1ce line of I brmist mas Presenmt onl handl, and~ atL lowes5t rates. D~ec 21 -ft Boot & Shoe Maker, Recar End R. R. Poole's (rocery, Main Si.. (JREEMV)LLE. S. C. Bloots anid Shoes made to Order, and guIaranteedI perfecOt tits. Repairing bothm neat1v. ehmea.py and pfromptly' d1one, for' Cas. D)ec 2'....t MA CINI7E WORKS i AND I. . MACDONALD, Prop'r. and Maniufacturer of aill kiIds of Ma. chinery, Brass and Iron Castings m:ide to order I am agent for th Judson Governor, 111d Call aluplieate any part, ; also the - 11ANCOCK INSI'IRATOl, " which I can lit to aly oiler. The safest aind simplest means of injtetiig water itito a boiler. Iluforaiuojn I cheerfully furiuished onl applicationl. I have on hand SteLaim Ganges. Fiting0s. Valves and ste:Un Pipe.- of all sizs. My stock is.rst-class atul froum the est Imainifiact inres. Write for priceS. R. M. MACDONAm-Dear Sir: We have one1 of tIhi Iancock Iuspi rators, No. 121. firnisherl by yot,. in lise supplying our 410-IIOrwe Power Boiler with wafer, alld colsidler it equail to, if not sliperior. to adny in Ilse. We ceerfully r-ecomlletld it. Shu11"tae, G r1ally & Nichols. A, It. Al. MACDONALD. G reen ville, S. c. -Dear Sir: The No. 17.1 Hncock [nspirator placed on ilny 5-lIorse Pow er Boiler by ywou, proved a-1 suCecess so fal m every particilir', :d as a boieler feeder., I helieve it Lis no equal. Be fore I secured your Inspiritor I -ufer ei friois uineasiness. besides h ex Penls.1e of Keeping our steUni pump -111 repairs.1 It doe's it's work proiPtlY. Can r('ecol IlenI Id it to ay tsilg a boil er feeder. Respect fiull yoo-Is G(eorge iPutimin. 1) R.~ M. MACDOhNA 1,) Creen villec.8.;. -Dear Sir: ''hle No. 8 Hiieoek Ili 1)irator volu pilt.on lly Powtable Eu lie last summfer. I eonsider it. faI superior toany pulmjp I h:Ye ever seen. In fact I could not get uhmg without it. I w )mlH :wlvidz allI ownerZ of ste:am11 en Irines to u1se th1.&11. R espee t fully. yours! De ! o1-am E. F. Algood. Leading Drug Store, F. A. WALTER, PROPRIETOR, Cor. Main1 an1d I~vAshiinm SkIs.i , O'R EAVI L li L E. 5. C. Dye Stu. loilet articles. P tent meitciinles. t heP best brauils Eof 'egar :m id Tlobaeco, Na%~t ions, tc., at price's as low alS cani be found inl the Sta'e. ll andi seltet stOek of Goo. is. m- 011 Our line of C for Presenlt", c:mnlot be t'ecIel, as we a1 hav~e us.eful, as wellI as orn1amenlita1~lj' r. U t.ieles, forn your iwife,~ hiuisbauti. sweet- i heart, child or friend. andi all at but. 1E tomi priies. Don't fail t.o give me a ca.tll, and~ you are sure t o depjart h ippy. s~ I am sole Agenut. for this County for the ce'lebra ted the mierits of which ':annlot be over-s. timfate'd. D)ec 21--t J. G. U LAVE, I Main St ,(GreenivlIue, S, C, 3rdi'Tior .leor'e Coffee St. [9 ("ENUINE Wmn. Rogers C'utlery -g Set of Knives and FIorks $3.5O. '4eneral) asotmet~i of good .lewelry t carefully .eetd. Iiest fnmhlyt a a ceialty, ansd ait eise tAgures.3 Spirin~g wattc.hIs and jewelry . Jnromo~ti3 donie. feb 22. 8tn r E NEW .11ME THE MOST'.pOpUA R SEWINE MAEHINEB IetF2e QHT UNINQ HAS NoS E Q U - iN ALWAS 07\ LI FETI ME . SURPASSES9>'OTHERS K TSGopoAaPK&co. 30 UNION SQ. NEW YORK S HICAGO ILL.eO e- ORANGE MASS. J. T. ARNOLD, EA s AEr", S. 0. I'Or the (ouute,. or, V'ieke, , c~4once anid parL of Anmdeuoa Will furnisht Needles for aIll MIlachines, and all kinds 01 Se wing Mhachine Supp))lies. 1 will also IRepair 'Mi, it ne8. A rtI workg left at the store of IIud gens & Hiudgens will recei#,e prompt aitte i tion. ANeediles a 7. dl Oilil TV Zi be founcd at the same pltace. O. A. COOK, DEA LE, R IN Stoves, E.K O UtN, -S I J E FlN ISIlING OODS, MC, &C., OREENIILLE, S. C. lon me ard xainieo the Excelsior Cook Stove" 'Afore you buy elsewhere. 7 U/)rarwe anud d.ouse Fur is hng Goodsv at s//ort-cropy. rices. T E IJS",T~- W7~.A.RE L t Whole-sale, Cheaper i lthan the 431 EA PUESi'. Nov t.10-ly TIT iews and Courier, CIIARL ESTON, S. C. aily $10 .a year ; WekJy $2 a ye.tr. Ie Leading Paper of' the Soiauth - E:wt irgest Cireulait ioi in t he CutIton Stalte4s. Furniture Hous e, EASLEY, S. C. !OME ONE, COME ALL N I) furnish yoir fions.ew it, v''ganit i I e fo ti I SIn nn r wi h a1 ''al : 1 uie a . m .'. C hs I tiE ,. L~ lp e pot e gre bt fr o'*u ~ in 2x 30 rin- c gt oI ie w Ias1. 11 1i on h m a lie ti.it photograp framlC e. all qi art i.ic IVyle, Au lways ' on laun1eI a fll e askets and coIfIh ~.1llIt sies a ndht v es aLilro~ad free( of ex tra chairge. liciting y'o..r further patronagev.. I am A. M. RUNION' feb8-8m SUBSlCR~IB EA N OW HE COTTO.N (PL.NT, An 8-page 40-col umnn Agricultuiaral ournual, the only paiper in Souith ('ar 'ibia published exclusively in the bitter at. of the Farmer antd Manfatetntrer. 'lhe best and cheapest AgrkiI turalI aper in the South. ONLY .60 CENTS A V'E AR. 'hie offici organ of the Srate' Gr'ange. Endorsed by the leading citizen~s of e State, and by the bes~t farmers in bie Staite and the Sonth. Send)( postaI r specimnen copies for yours'elf and our neighbors. Addres~s, -~Suw-rIbe for TumE M summran