flhe fagleg 5esenger. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . LOCAL AND COUNTY MATTERS. ZASLEY, S. C., FEBRUARY 8. SWMr. J. T. Arnold, after Feb. the 1st, will become the traveling agent for THU M05SENGER. W. S. GREGORY, our Foreman and publisher, Is authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions, Jo) work and advertisements for TIHE ME-SENGER office. -We have had some beautiful Spring weather recently. -rhe oat crop was gener ally killed. .-Rev. W. H1. Kirton's eldest daughter is quite ill. -Our subsciption list increased about 45 in a little over two weeks. -Miss Lula Clyde is visiting relatives in Pickens. -Maj. D. F. Bradly,of the Sen tinel was in town on Tuesday last. -Ca)t. Butler was in town on rTuesday last. -Let the thief who robbed the Post office be caught and severely pmuished ---Rev. J. C. Hudson preached in the Baptist Church last Sunday. ---J. M. Rai-.ey has iml)roved his residence. ---Give your name to J. 'Tr. Ar nold as a subscriber to. 1 Fa Mas SENGER. ---W. 11. Launing has returned to Easley, after a visit to his fami ly, in Brevard N. C. ---W. -1. Green, from Anderson, is in town. le paid us a visit on Thursday. -W. M. lagood & Co. have just re ceived a car load of western corn . Call anld be su1pplied. -Read th ne, 1w adverisement of A. M. Runiion, about his Furniture House. ---lMiss Lillie Gossett is teach ing school in the Ballentine settle mnent. ---J. B. Hestc~r is going to b)uildl a nice two story dwelling on his beautiful lot. --The three youngest children of Mr. Allen Mauldin are q1ute sick. ---D~on't forget to give us your job work. We will be prepared to do it nicely. -Miss Lida Robinson spent sev eral days with her family recently. She has returned to College. ---We have two fine Sunday Schools in the village now. Let all the par'ents send their children. --'Our town is Easley reach ed.' A proinnut point on the Air Line Road, and at the crossing of the C. C. G. & C. R. Ri. A short ride Brother Cavis. -Miss Lidie HIagooo has been very sick. We are glad to report her convalescent. -Mrs. Roark, from Equality, Is boarding here, and sendlug her child ren to school. -The editor leaves for Charles ton on Friday, from which place he will lay in a supply of material for Job work. Give us a call. -Messrs. C. P. Runion & W. H. Bryant have done some mag nanimous work lately, in their vol untary labor ol the street. ---The Guano house of Messrs. Ferguson & Miller has been con pleted. It is an additiorA to the town. ---Miss Lalla Quillian has been ,visiting in Greenville County. We missed her music at Sunday School last Sunday. ---Miss Dora Folger visited Pickens last week. She returned home on Monday last, and was ta ken (uite sick. --Read the announcements of the new candidates for the offices of School Comniissioner and Coun ty Auditor. --Mr. Abe Maulldin,road overseer. warned his liands and did some good work on his part of t.he road, leading from this place to Pickens, this week. ---W. M. i'agood, will have charge of the paper in the absence of tie(, editor. All candidates and others having businiess, will there fore please call on h i at his store, main St., an(d have it attended to. ---Is there aniother sclvol il the State olltside of (hIiarlestoni, of a private n4ha tue, tinit. Call e(lii Prof. Moore's? He has ahn lost 100 schflars. Read. his ad vertiseenit ain. aml1( see at what 1ow~ rates lhe is willing to edlucate your chili -Miss Lillie Green, from Ma con, Ga., is assisting P.rof'. Moore in his large school, and b~eside teaching ini the Literary Depart men t, she has charge of the Mu sic. --Read the advertisements of J. R. Gossett with regard to his Guanos, &c ; of W. H. Smith's new shoe shop ; of .J. T1. Arnold, agent of The New IIomie Sewing Ma chines,&ce; fhe South Carolina Rail road1 Schedule. -Look out f, t ramps anid impos ter's, as they are plentiful in every towni aiW U hrouigh the country, all over t he State, now. Som( suispiciouls lookin) chariacter's were prIowling a1round~ our town y'esterdayV. Ev~ery sutspicious looking stranger coming lito town, having no show of business, 0or no) par ticular place to go, should be compelled to "show upJ,"' eit her by the TJown or County authorities. -Subscribe for Th H m Mmmmmmo E. ---Notwithstanding the cry of 'hard times," whlch has been so genei'al, our business men and a good number of farmers seem cheerful enough. We, ourselves, have no room to grumble, as our subscription list increases daily. and our advertising patronage and Job work holds its own. -We regret to learn of t he death of Vardry McBee, of Greenville, whieh occurred on Saturday last, lin Florida, where he had gone with the hope of recruiting his health. He was well known to many of our citizens. He *as a good and true citizen, and will be mlsed by many, man.y friends. -Mac! What is the difference in fireing a horse and buggy to go to ride around through the country, and hireing one to go to Pickens? DiffMence is, somebody fears that Mac. will follow the precedent es-' tablished by other young couples who have been to Piekens. They hlarried. Legal Advertising. -Parties having Lega adertiemets to puiblishO, are feminded that there is no law gover ilg the matter, and guardians, admin i41ators. exec'itors antId othrs,. Canl i'ave their printing done at any office they may dsignate. i As TE MESSExOER otlk's a mneh lower rate for such work than bas been the rule ht retofore inl this section, ti .o-e having ithe 1iterest of their eblarge ill mind, will make a note of this fact. --On itirsdaynight last, Mrs. Joii T. Gossett, whom we stated in our last issue was very ill, died at her home in the eastern part of the county. She was the moth ier of our townsian,J. R. Gossett. For two years past, her health had been on the lecline, but her last serious illness was of five weeks dii ration. She died at the advanced age of 82, and for 68 years had been a consistent member of the Methodist church. oGrief ha11llows hearts even while it ages lheads. Married. on t he 5th Februm ary., 1884, at thle residlence of George Trotter, by Rev S. A. Gary. SAMUEL. LA RK( and1( Miss M ARY E. WATsoN, all of Pickens countty. On t hi 5t h inst.. n~eart Orrvillhe, at the esidence of the bride's father, 'JonN M. McCoNNELLr4 Esq., of Anderson City, and Miss CARRII D~ucwowrTH, of Ilope well To~wnship, A milerSOni countty, Rev. D). W. 1 liott offlciatingY. I TARE NII~E 6II tKETI'. Onr Cotton Market has beeni quiet and lower. Sales for the week - b~ales. We quote: Baicon.........................10 llotur per1 barrel ............ ...6g 'i Sh irt lng.....................5@ 4-4 .............................7 Prins..................................5 Yarns...........................8a, COUNTRY PRODUICE. ('ottoi..........................4@1 Eggs .........................152 Butt er...........................15@20 Shuicken...........................12g Corn....0...........8Oenr8m The many friends of ELAS E' MAULDkN respeetfinly aunotmee hi, nai. as .a can dlate foi Sheriff of Pickens county, at the etisukig ejee tion, subject to action of thb Dono. cratic Convention. feb 1-td *The numerous friends of 0. L. DURANT respeetfully announce his name as a candidate for re-election to tie office of School Comi) Rsdsioner of Pickens county, subjeot to P'Imary election. feb 8-td *M. The many friends of J. B. CLY DE respectfully presentis hatau to the voters of Pickens county at Pri-. mary election, for the re-ap pointment of County Auditor. feb 8- td GUANO! GUANO! I continue to represent the following OLD ESTABLISHED and POP ULAR BRANDS of GUANO AND ACIDS. NEVASSA GUANO, NEVASSA ACID' NEVASSA Cotton Fertizer. IYIO0NANI(U(Aunu0 OUtIOLE G0aamso, ORIOLE UH I *ssolved I~oises. &%. Call on mue and get brices be fore you make your purclhase,s. J. R. GOSSETT, Agent. Easley, Feb. 8, 1884--tf New Boot & Shoe Shop. Ire1spect fully inform the citizens of Easley and vicinity, that I have' opened a Shoe Shop in store-house East. of J. M. Rta-mpey's store, And would be pleased to have a share of their cutoht. First-class workman, with the best nt terial, and work done cheaper than the choapest, guaranteed. Repairing a specialty. O'cgr All kinds of COUN - TRY PRODUCE taken in payment for work, at market prices. feb8 -3m W. H. SMITH. Furniture House, EASLEY, S. C. COME ONE, COME AL L ND furnish your HIouses in elegant. style for the Sununmer withIt a niew Line of Bedsteads, Mattresses, Bit reais, Tables, Stands, Chairs, Rockers, &c,&. #9.. A general assortmnt. of Lamiscape chromos in 22x30 inch frames, chord, &c., all readyv for hiang. mg1 on the walls. Also, on ha:nd, a linei of cabinet, promenade, panel and1 card ,ize photograph frames. all In artistic style. Always on) hand a full line of UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. Caskets aLnd cofllins, all sizes and stylJes. Burial Robes for' each sex, all qualities :md prices. Ready at all hours to wait. upon enlstomelrs. Coflilns timmnned ini any s tyle, and whet) so dlesired, will be trimmed and. shipped to any point ont ita iilroad fr'ee of e xtra charge. T1hanking you for paIst favors, and sol iciing your fuinrther' patronage, I am Resp~ectfully yourms, A. M. RUJNION. feb S-8mi C. E. ROBINSON, Pickens, S. C. J. T. NIX, J.J NIX, Nix, Robinson & Nix, Attorneys and Connsellors at Law. PICKENS C. II., S. C. Will practice in all the Courts of thle State, andc of the United States. All business shall receive promI)Ipt attentioni.. Jan 23-ly -Subscribe and pay for THEui MESSF.NGER., aud be hNppy.