The Easley messenger. (Easley, S.C.) 1883-1891, December 14, 1883, Image 2

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VI .hS, Ileswnie. J. R. HAGOOD, Editor. ECASLEY, S. C., DEC. 14, 1883. VALEDICTORY. On the 6th day of'last Se. tomber a 1 small sheet. 6x9 inches Was is sued fromnthe1Joh Ottice of 'T". K. llu(Igens & Bro. This little pap'-r met with such favor that its pub1_1 lishers, with J. 1. Ilagood, W: W. Robinson, Jr., and the writer, encouraged to Commence the puh lication of TiHE ASLEY MEss EN E in its present form. The first is sue appeared October the . 12th. Since that time111 its Success hats been equal to our most sanguine expectations. Ihe enterprisi ng merchants of our growing ton have supported it liberally by ad vertising- inl its (.olumn1111s and there are comparitively few homes eit h1 er1 in the town Or the vicinity, where it is not a weekly visitor. It. also receives a liberal patronage from the county. 1 refer, with pleasure, to its success at home, buecallse the favor that any enter-I prise receives at home is a. good index to its merit. Other interests renlder it nIececs sar'y Ihat I sever my connection with the pa lier, but ill doing so it has lls best wishes and I heartily comflmen( it to the public, trustil(r it will receive a Libeial support. and become a power inl building, up1) and advanlcing thel educational and material interests of mulr Pied mont region. With thiis issue Mr. dJ. R. Ilatecod becomies sole Edlitor andl Prepritor'. A. W. IIr1)Glss. IroN assuminfg the entire charge over TH'LE MEssENG;ER, wve dleclare' nto pains shall be Spafredl in ma kinug it an interesting jou rnal to all its renders. It is a youthful en-I, but has met with n uch favor. Our subhscription list is gradually inmcreasing, andl soon we hope to finid THIE MEssENOER main its ingress into mgny mforeC households. As heretofore, it shall have for its object the up buzildinig of tihe moral and material interests of ouir town 1 and County. It has la bored1 earntestly for' Eas Icy and its edneatijonal interests, and with what zeal we are b.lessedl we shall coot inue to bring them before the public mind. It will give to its readlers the political news of both the State and the Union, and will gladly lend its ef forts to the maintaining of a good and an honiest Government. .It is the only paper in Pickens County established on tile line of a rail-road. and as fresh news makes its appearlee inl h1al1 f"de lacoizff t t2 h is of "'I ]E fEPSENEl . 't give the enterprise ied Ut vishes and patronage, and let it be a per mnaney in ein flii(1s1. WOR 1K 1FIto LE ISLATUE. Everything sceei to be in active operation at the State .()apitol. The revision of the rail-road law., the formation of new Counties, and the elietieunt* of a divorce law Seem to be the most illportant business before tihe Ilouse. It seemns that the railroad companies are not satkiiled with the effects of tihe Rai lroad law , and are workinr for a change to be made il .it. Mr. Miniy's ill before the I louse in substance is this: It '"takes from the Railroad Conunmissioners the power to fix the rates t. be charged for the tralnportation1 of Pas'e geri's and freilit, :and41 re Stores this rihit to tlie companies. It wants the comlpalies Of the diif fereit roads., to fix their ( own rates, and theni sui1.mijt tlhlm to the Com m 0(issioners fi their cor-rection and adoption. If t Ile com ai ' are not theun pleased with the Coilulnis sioners' work. they want to appeal to the Suipreie Court, and look there for help. It iappears that the companies are anxious to make out of the people )V cha rg ingr higvher rat s thal allowed by the Railroad Comnuission. The rates fix ed y Iv the Conmission shioul, inl our1 opiion, be tried a lon ger timen. W byv make a sudden change now, except iln cases where there is a necessity for it ? Most of the r'oads in the State are ide penden (lt, an enn al secure enou11gh capital from the prl'eent rates to run them, and( make monev at it tOO. The mass of people should niot he imp11osed upon01 ini order to mnakeC a comparatively small nlumf berI rich.. As to tihe Divorce Law, we deem it out of place for tihe L egisl1a ture to act upon it uniless it should be narrow in its limits. he enlactmenit of such1 a law would have a great tendency "to license ('rime,'' and dIissol utions of marriages. the most sacred of ties, would doubtless be far more (GENERAL NEWS. The Stockhiolde'rs of tihe C.olumbiau their annual meeting at the office of the Picsident in the Central Unnk building, CI;olumb Iia, last week. All the presenht c fle~ers were re-eh(Cfred ex eet'Jt thI ree Dilre*t ors, M~essrs. Geor'ge S. Feott anid Calvin Brice, of New York, and Johnu Ferguson, of Green v'il(e, were elected jirctoirs. vice T1. M. Logan, J. A. Rutherford and M. B. Brow n....... .AhIlhading to a n n ua giujli t die (A'lvt 1fthil I"(si:f~ 'lI1k UAMA-l"'k :11'ii~ e iuoyjkiog to ~V.;IIOb(h to! 'spetd thle whit P'11 eliiute of tho 6K1owC1N, Sat('''.j m~1h~ iake al III ist aUkO.. Ilri1la is hot. wvillin ' _ ~thle clintev sovcril (dvlth'vvQ 1h1lia~it to i i w'e (ilatv 10 tefolI)W. lag Imloliult 101: W'il). 1). %V1rnler, (of SouIth C'arolinia, no0w C.oi eIcj-alI A"it aIt PItSSVl (hrf, to he ([ouisiti at that; place. IBeekiford Machev, of Month (';uroim:m, to he ( usuill lit. tio (.i ratude (1e Sul1.. Fr-ank G. IauIvut.of N. Y'.. to bec- oii at Nap les, vice B. O'D ell Dutncati, of Solu i ti Cr(Iiila, ap poinitedI Coisul lit ('atgalia ...()uI Sat uidav Ilight last, 1 epuilt C ol lector wvhi.. kvv w~ao(') il IIlioii eounlt . abuh(t Theu, j'art it'S havingr the Nvagoul ill thevir v( . , ' I Ie ( e I) I ilIe ca r ied 6( I I. nr reI i(I s(o f Mr.. .1. WA. h oge'r. Sister (if thle IL~ev. A. C oke SmithI, 4)f('iul 11I. m l,"n wVifIb (f t ie R(ev. Mr. Kl(oger. i~q)(.1-at iolls 'f h11c Metlhodist E4pis~op)al 11Irll hol ii I~ lBazil, a rrivedl ill BnroOK1yn. iN. Y., last wveek. S illi prle Oot Ii be pr~siolt at Ill 'iifei'iie of S11li.~ hi evkl...... O Sat iI lay% at l~riii at.A a.. (of er1iiial as ~eit eee~ 1) 11' 1 h'Z'ei (ii *JI Ivii I I ........ Pr:it l eulI: T nvh st I h - e it o it-a ia ()f; Ol Ntittide (.11 f- 1 tis infcaing nni~( ( lahm -at ti It nent ()fe iMat t d'lk:m \and~ slca altoit gro. (J th lID It- au E(ue- W.,ltt forC 01c lJni iminiertl otheli Tria li im-r ee .loi'ut*~ iltI)1tIll1 ('Xiiilcase attillentrali. I hantiie .iell a{loi l( c(bIhiII Sat iet tirha M11( M at I-[ I m ei 1,112,ipa l herinaitne ii'recl :1 v('vg(l liiiil 1114' fattier O OWf lie11 V101iilitled to jaltigUl Pcl (i o th 7hiwS1- ljml' tIt t1O l )1te (i ine'.11i I'il (. All I i ts held~ taeit t 4Idellt)IN yi' Trial in t h''e Jolli road !ue1ur Owt hpiiC itI 'C'y il ieu j !FA. COOK, DEALER IN S I S ,ING GOODS, &C., &C., GRIEENVILLE, S. C. Call on me aind examine the "Excelsior Cook Stove" before you buy elsewhere . .nwwar'e anld Iloilse Fr in t'shiny Goods al sho't-cropV pri ces. TIwwAEas At Wh,1Iolesal(, lCheaper Ithan the Nov 30-1y It. P1. JOHINSON. F. 1>. CIELA ND. SWEElT SIXTEEN, AND UP TO TZhe Oldest, Should b ive tIre i t i ict'mes taken at JOHNSON & CLELAND'S U A IILERY, l.EENVILE, S. C. We are prepared t o Inke FE RRIO 1'VP ES, PHilOUTG RAPIIN, Copy and ENLARGE PICTURES, A T1. A4 D& 61CE7Z D /iCES. Good Pictures made in cloudy 'weather. Pay us nor no one else for poor Pictures. <J01NSON & CL~ELAND, G.allery' in thle Souithi. Nov 30-1 y For Sale or Rient, My I Ione( aund Lot, sit uat ed at Pick ensvillec. IDwellIingp house has six rIuIs, anid unde(Ir it a good ('eliar. Onue larges Store-hous1e, C2ounter anud stalls anud larvge fodder loft. As goodI a well of wat er als ini t he SI ate. Terms liberal. Apply on prem'ises. i). C. MOOR E. Nov 30--3t A. BLYTH'IE. WX. D). IMAYFIELD). BLYTHE & MIAYFIELD, ATT1ORNEYS A Ni) COUNSELLORS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. TIra ctices in the Sta/e anid Prompt atteiona to all business. Dis 0flice in Law Range. "ti Nov 30-ly ADAM C. WELBORN,~ ATTORNEY AND) Counsellor at Law, GRtEENVILLE, S. C. Tr~actices in the State and V/. S. Courts. Office ir. Cleveland Block, over Isaae Weil's Clothing House. Nov 30-1v