She fxz.lg 5 exsenger. LOCAL AND COUNTY MATTERS. EASLEY, S. C., DECEMBER 7. PaBOF. MOORE, has nmoved ito one of Col. R. E. Bowen's cottages. MORE dwellings are much needed In Easley. V. F. GARY, and family of Liberty have moved to Our town. MAJ. R. A. C HILD,D. F. Bradly and G. W. Taylor, Esq, all of Pickens, were In town this week: MR. W. M. HAGOnD, was *pilte sick this week. He Is improving, and we vish for him an early recovery. WANTED, One Thousand bushels of Corn. Will pay the highest market price in cash. OWNBEY BROs. WE'are glad to learn that Maj. 11. C. Briggs is convalescent. We hope to see hin out in a few days. . REV. J. W. IUTCHINs, has moved into his new house on Table Rock street. IWE are mnder obligations to Rev. J D Tally for a few copies of tho Green ville Mountaineer, published In 1838. JOHN S. LATHAM, is moving to his reshlecie in town this week. We ex tend to him and family a hearty wel Colne. LooK out next week for the Law Card of Taylor & Cary, of Pickens. It came too late' for publicntion this week. MRS. N. A. GREEN. has moved from Greenville to Easley. She oceu pies IV. 11 Green's new cottage, in west end of town. THE cotton gtins are not crowded, and there are a fewer iuiber of bales lying around gin houses than we usu ally see at this seasoi of the year. RIv. S. A. GRY. has .killed t wo hogs ten and a haLlf mont hs old1, whose average wveight was 274 lbs nett. One of them weighed over 290 lbs. W ho cabea~btt It. iss NICHoLSoN, at daighter of Rev. W. Pi. Nicholson. former p~astor of the Presbyterian Churches of this County, is visiting friends in Easley. iMEsslis. MAHbONEy. Aeres and But ler, from Atlanta were in town this week. A trio of elever' gentlemen. Mr. B., wear's ani exceptionably merry couniteniance now, and we know why. ' DON'T fail to readl the advertisement of Ownbey Bros., to be found on our Supplement. T1hey3 are' )1&preparedl to furnish you wIth every kind of C hrist mas Goods. ,J. Li. lHENDEnsON, killed a hog, about 18 months old, this week, weigh ing 550 pounds nett. A nother proof of what can be done in the way of raising our own meat, with a little (nare. TH E young folks have many p~leas uires in antieipation for the next three weeks. On Christmas day, the young ilen will ride in a Tournament, aind in the evening of the same day, there will be charades &c., in the Academy Hall, given by the young ladiecs and gentle men of this3 village. Let every one be present, that cani possibly be there, to enjoy 11 merry Cht rlstmna OWNBEY BROS. will have on Exhi bition for the next four weeks, many curiosities in CHRISTMAS GOODS, Fire-works, Toys of every description, &c. They extend a pressing invitation to their many friends and customers who desire goods in th-it line to call and examine their immense stock B-4 buyig. 3t THERE will be a free Entertainment consisting of speeches, dialognes, ch-t rades and music, given In the Easley Academy on Wednesday night, De cember 12th. The public are invited to atten(. WE were extremly glad to see our Pickens correspon(lent in town on fes terday. May he always be as happy as he now is, and live long,to reap the ben elits which his high talents claim for him. LET every tone attend the formal closing of the Easley High School next week. Prof. Moore gives his scholars a monthi holiday and will then set hard to work agatin In our midst. He Is what the people of Easley iee(l, a thorough good teacher. WE call attention of the young peo. ple to the Social Entertainment given, "Complimentry to tle young ladies of t he Easley High School," on Thursday evening next. Invitations hIve been issued anid the young men of town will labor for' the enjoyment of the young ladies of the school, town, coun ty and our neighboring vill:ges. ON Wednesday and 'lhutrsday eve nings of this week Frank Weston's Combination were in town. He is an "adept in the art'' of slight of hand ; anl shows himself ofl to the full amusement aii( entertainment of his audience. With him he has the Lilipu tian family, which Is evilently a rare and very interesting curiosity. HiS powers of speech are certainly well (e veloped, which ",lelds enchantment to the seene." The little folks as well as the grown people gave him a warm re ception ou Wednesday ilght. OUR PICKENS LETTER. PICKENS C. 11., Dec. 6, 1883. DEAR MESENGRR: Pickens is still alive and( blooming. Yor ickens corresp~ondlent hopes t hat the editors of the spicy MESSEN GER will not be called upon to order "coffee and pistols'' for three. Christmas will soon be here, and the ltttle folks are talking of "Santa Claus'' and stockings already. We h~eardi a young lady say t he other day she intended to hang hers up, andl ei peeted to catch a fellow. We suppose he is very diminutive. TJhere is a little Georgia nightingale upl here whose throat is a nest'of sing ing birds. Monday was sa lesday, and not very many p~eople were in town. T1wo tracts of land were sold ; one belonged to the Phillpot estate, In Central T1own ship, andl contained 85 acres. It was bought by E. H-. Laivrence for $410. Th le other tract was the Ferguson es tate, locatedl within two miles of this place, and contains 200 acres. It was bid off by 0. L. Dunrant for $890. Mr. Parker Jordan, a brother of Mrs. McCaslan and one of Abbeville's most refiued gentlemen spent last Sun dar in town. Dr. J. R. Riley was pounded last Wednesday night by a large number of friends and admirers. By early dark his parlor piazza and front yard were packed full of people. whel-barrows, jugs, flour sacks and inany other pal. atable things. Judge J. It. Newton in a happy little speech, lin which he spoke of Dr. Riley's eminent abilities, both as a iniister and a teacher, as well as those qualifications of his large heart, which always win for him golden opin lons, presented thu huge pounds and a purse of ioney to the Doctor. His response of thanks was touching, beal.. tiful and expressive, and may be smtyed up in onte seutence uittered by hims'elf :4I had rather be loved and appreciated by my friends than to hold the highest position in the hnd." The College boys piulled hair last Friday night over the "power of the pen and the sword." Messrs. Ifiley and Mauldin suipported the aflirnative and Messrs. Bruce and Morgain the ne gative. Mr. Adans Davies delivered an original speech on "Patriotism." 'T'he speeches were well written and delivered. The boys show marked im provement every entertainment they h:rve. There was a little "Belseh-izor" knocking of knees and patting of hearts agaiust ribs, bit on the whole. we never heard college boys do better. The boys were helped oti in the exer cises by the softer eleiment of the school rendering sonie excellent pieces of mn usic. Miss Nantnie Edwards "knocked the black" out of -Old Black .loe." Miss Marie MeGasian aid Miks Lynda )Lovett quaireled over the difference between "liking and lov ing." One contended that there was but little difference and agreed with Mr. Byron, that "Friendship is love without its wings." The other contended that such was not the case, but that ti-ere was a soft ness and a thrill about love which was an entire stranger to friendship. The piece was good ind1eedl. Some salid they liked it and so~ne said they Loved it. It was shinmnering sunhlleamIls pitced against raveni tresses, the mel low gray against the keen black. the Palmetto State against Georgia Gold. fieltis, t he Lark, which heralds the streaks of morning against the Night ingale, rivaling a sonigstress whose lips the attic bees had stung with the nee tar of sweetness. Here is the thought which flashed through the mind of the writer: If t hose two girls were cut out in little stars and~ placedl in the firmament, all the world would be in love with night. C. Married, at the residence of Capt. R. E. Steele, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. J. R. Riley, D. D., J. J. RoRINS and Miss ELTzABETHI MILLER, and ROBERT KNOX and Miss EMMA MIL LER, all of Pickens. The brides are sisters, andl were nu rriedl at the same time anud by the same ceremony. Married, Thursday, Nov. 29th, by Rev. D). C. Freeman, B. .J. WILLTAMS, ,tr., and1( Miss VICTORIA .JONES, all of Pickens County. On Sunday amor'nitng, Dec. 2d, by Rev. J. W. Hutchins, at his own resi dlence, WM. VEREL, of Alabama, and Mrs. 17. A. BASWELL, of Pickens County. At Pickens C. H., Sunday evening, Dec. 2d, by Rev. O. L. Durant, T. A. McMAHIAN and Miss MAMIE 'V. BAR. TON, all of Pickens County. At the residence of the bride's pa rents, Tuesday evenhug, Dec. 4th, at 4 o'clock, by Rev. J. R. Riley, W. ). GLENN, of LIiberty, ud Mrs. AiA hUMBERT, of Easley. The last named couple left on the 5:93 p. tn. Train for Atlanta on a bri dal tour. ............................................................. Our Cotton Market has beet quiet and lower. Sales for the week 10. bales. We quote : n............... .........9 (8 Flour per barrel ............ ......gagg a Shirting............... ..............5* (a)6 44 . 0........................7 g(t Prints.................... ..5 @8 Yarns..................................... COUNTRY PRODUCE. cotton................ ................ Eggs --.----...........5 240M B itter ..................................... 15 4120 0'Chicken.s ............................1 0 2 0 Cornk......... ...........70 75 ADAM C. WELBORN, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor at Law, GREENVILLE, S. C. Practices in the State and U. S. cou'rts. Oflice in Cleveland Block, over Isaac Weil's Clothing House. Nov 3C-ly For Sale or Rent, My House and Lot, situated ait Pick eusville. Dwelling house has six. r0011, and under it a good collar. One large Store-house, Counter and Shelving complete. Stable, with seven stalls and large fodder loft. As good a well of water as in the State. Termus liberal. Apply on premises. D. C. MOORE. Nov 30-3t H. P. JOHNSON. F. P. CLELAND. SWEET SIXTEEN, AN UPV TOI W The Oldest, Should have their Pictures taken at JOHNSON & CLELAND'S GALLERY, GREE NVILLE, S. C. We are prepared to make FERRO TYPES, PHOTOGRAPIIS, Copy and ENLARGE PICTURES, A T AME[/1CEZO 1TRICES. Good Pictures made in cloudy weather. Pay us nor no one else for poor Pictures. JOHNSON & CLELAND, g' 'The only Reliable Ferrotype Gallery ini the South. N{ov 30-1y PAY UP AT ONCE. Those indebted to uts for Guano are notified that they must conme for ward and Settle at once, as we need and mmust have OUR MONE Y. So do not delay. ALSO, Those due us on Store Account must settle up at once, so that we may be enabled o supply you again. A word to the wIse Is suficient. ROBINSON & W YATT. Nov 16-tr