The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, March 19, 1903, Image 8

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WRITING AND DOING. A boman thoro was, andi0o wrote for ti p real, (As you or I light do.) Bho tow. ,V'w to cut 'ii1d itI a(dres, And hot :o utewt muny a1 nvory nis, But sho'd u-..t.' dune' it i' r .'l:. I g1ios . (Which no of her readth'r. k now.) (rb,tho hour we si'r., ;nel tho flou r we spent And tho sugar w, watt't like santtd. At tho boriet of Ia w\ouu an who nover hati oookoti (And noy wto know that she nuver could cook), .And did not un(detstand. A woman th"n wV _"tl 'ht' wrote right fair (A; you or I !:, .l ' how out ot a tbarr( In min:ke icitir, -10 ht ,'overed - h : antd stuffed with hair. 'TwoIld telorn :.n. j:ar;t,r an,i give it an air. ( Id wtv thou..i t .e t: ' was true.) Oh, thet days we eorle<i. andI the ways wo wr'irl., To bil1Ile'r. aii s-itn awi tu'k. II :l l I.' inl I:ln '"ene wmn1hl1 vt, A et""i,i i - . ' ' t i iossibly sit, A \\o in l t I -' r"' w.e., ir.d she ha id her fun lt''l.- l t i :!tini I j \e ' r "; ' -ii'' never tr' i t,id n, sh,re I0' ;t . tl ret ' f l'oltr.c lhe uI1d - it' try t. An t i t t" s't'Oil. 'l h. t - ..- i ' 1W e it l" . n w" w'' :lal lidn', 1 11t know\\ Cu T Q,. 't of View. T?:- S1ot' of L've' D rences. .\ . . .. . . . hi .aii' adlt ni r I igti f i; r T'1 " \ n *:,it'dI oxpres \\a , \ 1 " 1 1' lit)i ' a dr \ h 'ing (I illrj tl.' .\l T -ri: I \\- bIi iry. n - aukll) I i. ~11 'i'ill.'. l Ilayf ully. ''(b 1t o inarr'y a :T - d at w irgat.g ne ', , r' roa hfully. h it r .' . I i-h sai it, h 1) i - n o toll m11fa . art i."'' JIO1w !'\ ' 1141 i h l v oii 1)( ot'i 11,1\ h :illb'I tu nd ire IhaIbeen hav h'lat''i. Tht's wttaiiht.i heii!' ' i . a said th at. niw,' it wa nl r igt' ta cir, 'h old Oh,iuml r lit' had no illa tha' Leseie'8 hop rruhi118 Wit . V. li m aid.. -i it I i:o ;t reall 'ize. howi 'i w l. - ;t. rt ad sr v-.' alith' . i h.i.l e-n d s 1 an - ft turl' I 'inr.. l t(Ii li''s' I g -t iui ui a n afraid ." li)( le lo (j iarle.ty o c fac ~iitlraIy 'htrg~r tone gfi's hItianliiIi~acl h ad "Oh I' horid mecnahry matA0 woh n'oe snmcra Petn AinIg the -l oe~clt n rs pO'ly,ant t' lfcu natra itnaw tat woma lou athrhsadt YOUb de.r fr rgetn elespvr ty; onl nth-.h YO care for hsin less becaue of it-o thogther yo in' hnknma -t.hatntof ar "ais 'wad afraid+a lir-thn timonily."utIkto nw- v four%tI:rm I- beinn-o e hn ~hd~V~" bighenig o he hae. -t' %.t ,.. an a mOlne$'t Leelio woro a paupor I should groan horribly. but I shouldn't give hm tip!" e Mrs. 'Travers l)egan to laugh. -wll it isn't ats bad itas that, is i?' sh rtune.",'sli0 h:as u ite ret ptt ta b l i eo ml e. I ad ml it it mliglht he lltrer, bat 11(th en. Il) re's every pru.-1)ect of its int-'easing a t ile goe on. )o you knowv 1a. "abel," . t.. 'I'ravers continued1, "yott' jst a I tle hit in, clined to exaggnra't< yotr ruttre Ius l:and0's atrai10ened c"ircumsF"' "'erhlals I am1," ad!ilnit\ed Mabel. "ht t hen-' "Oh. I know what is it 'our mtind." interrupted her rnolher. "P1overty ig always compar l'atillv, ati 1 so. because YOtt halve been nectt1u. )cd to a big hotuse and ptII'nty of su. vatit . at little house with only one selt'ant lutist seoci OOi r atn( men aI to yo' 1aahel looke(I piV:.Iar "'ou see,' said ialr; ''ravers "vhen YOtt ('ompae:1'( I(te h)14 holus(' w\ith the little on', youta' ac' (...m1ariltig your fat her's ;)sit ion wi I."li('s, al tih one, you know is tnear'ly thirty years olbb r thant( i i oter.'' "Oh ex(htimedl .\:label. with start= ling emphasis. "\\'::u a silly child I A1i a irs. ''rav.'."14 smtileal in a sa.tis lied way. She klw iuctt he datgh t'r was cltivatlin thi' 1e pI'Op I t'ramc of altitt i. "A tl 1nt\er I h'u;b: Of" that! I ac-tually ex i' I I :ii 'I sta rt wlt'r' tat her 4. . ot: \\ hiy. OI' 'oure, II's titraOs 1nah1)1'(.i .\ her"a, I ret. mlt 1'' itnOw what yocut 111 t In olnce It hli :s have e t"ti tat yatua graulally. .lI a t:at 'I h an Ilst ats a.osli '\\'ell no. o.t tIni!i'' ra Itrne(l Alts. "eht \a 11 tt''' t11); t4 ) 0' ".:ia'at you cart aln a or .\ . 'rav''s. laugied1 gaily. "It youitu tist kin, v. my dear," she 4a-id, 'yuri' "ati-r's salary was e'xac(tly htlf t.h i nt t)tt' I.esli( is nulking now.'' \ 1tt he"r. ' :aid Maiale. "you mlalke mle mto(r' :mat alr'' aslaned of tyself'." (Ih. Iai oltr.; wias a (angetots ox I r 1ian1n at Yom sve, ata' incttOme vat lu w thIte tat unum ofI i1 II discre t io .'' -.\iay hOW, thle exp'rianent. ended \s i' ha:apened.'' a v es. 'ravets blu':sh (l riamingly;. It -vas a risk, !!mItgh. 'hib'il I shta4'a l.14t lik,' yo atl I.c:,lie to tatta." "Vov think I d1onl'1 love I(.aslI a: act11t1h a; yOu lo\"el h1rat0)) . and Iia) \Wolltai'r, after th(". wvay: I've )-aah "-ai. .-Iti a .lalt a , hlumbly. ".\I t .', I wc:i1h I "!ish1 I 1.''1i0 'er(' ar i:(:or' as i) aih was, sa t Iha1 I night -1haw yc> tVI T ;'-- sentence was (1lilal, t1 1 .\la' (''a ulothleu' 'ti ar;:dala. BLONDE HAIR AND DARK. Is the Color a Token of Certain Men tal Characteristics of Wearer? Somle e111rious stalistias relating to l'i'ir have e.'en colletel by Ilt' schtoaol .thtlorit'is of Lill. writes the Paris S0rrI'(pmIndent of L.ontion Truth. Thus the auburnl -hairel boys are generally at the head oft(he let'ita.tiotn claascvs ".a.l t.he b.lond.e( girls larnt theirt las ;onts bes't . Auba r haa hoaieys anad londae l asses comott( outI t hi ghast ats a ri thmae a ic'i:ans. Hait itt compoiacsit ian thay are now'cher'e. Thea dlark-htairaed a'hih,lrena of haot ha sexes htave te ejtualit y otf imaaginaa tiontt ata int theit cinpllsitiones knaowv hoew noct ta faitigtae tIte at a nii on. PTey' Iav'e mtovemtatant and carigi tnalit y. It hlit . hey s(ettm, as com tp:la ci I) I lhe aaaburans anda lltacles, bornt Styvlist. Nawc thai. I 1inkl of' ii, Sartaht Li:.rn iaarcdt as, or was, ouatturn-hitcred, atitta awenat y-iive year's atgca-sa as icc tiac alm fa. I siteatlad noct call tha' hate a \tme .htequets St rn' ('Coizct tat in~ itha byday ofl hteru armaats at lnale.c Bt sie htad a darkisht shae of taitr hali' haat latokedi like hecatvy shaa''ny 11a0s: dik. attel athe ruddlclintss t hat an aca sso a-intas withl a aturn.t .\tte S:amairy waas ailsa fair' withiettit biang ' xact ly a I dar e say~ a le atuhurnt haoys andl id tlani las:a s itn I teno It- alemtenaity :athicoas ar*e of lat lei:sh, that i- to say c >h!agattaai'. raca'. Thitr bacints dot noi -;rowV at ontca caungestdc whnc't thaey aad tap to reta, atnd for tat. reatsont hley keepi t ihe mnastetry oaf the vocaal >agiats. int Shor't, t hey cotinutet to knolw vhtat thlay are' aibout. Tlima dark albil itrtn art- probihal.y ofi Cr I c. Ihlat is toa ':y) G.allie, or-igitn. Tihe blaood cometics Ivitht a tash to theair brtaints, atmc they) .tcw I a cofiased, simatiter, atnai bre'ak~ Icown. If they cittld only a'la tu-i ato aemtatitn silent f'or a tew tmomett ahe v'ould lte all the btetter for a ih:; ush, iaS hie contfutsion wovuhtl have p:ass td av.ay, ea vintg (tnly' stintulated mientali cignuts. soldlsmitht, wcho wcas dlark, always it: .taa niby beitag cott futsed itt cona ve:at iont. r)(cinnell wccore at blackl wivg, ham hiis 'Tal haait itt yout twats anhturn-a. I iai i1atd itt hi; pr-imte speak of it ats m-h.t 1! rPain its was -: I a r- a ias het night no(t have redcitoa! ;aa ,. :1 s'alt somattlbodcy eise hiadl'c. wrt*tona. Theory of the Aurora. The late st theory, and a very Inageani Oa(A ne', wrtitIe.s laran k WV ibert Stokesa; ;nt t h'a'ntuary. is that of JUnterw''ceger, vh'lo tsupposesQ5 that -osmilc eit-, wleh ls IhIe celest i:i sphletres, whean me.' byv the earth's mtovceent, is complressaed ->r cotndenasecd b fr-ont of the eath In the dirtectlion of its movement, and :dilated or' rare'flced, on the (cntraary, nehind It. This cosmic ctther Is mioro condensed hoforec thte earth than that which is bornie along In the wchirl of the wvorld at from 33 to 441 miles pear Seconde, andl( Is lmorte rafited bethind. '"he result is that otne-half of the earth, or the northernu hecmisphere, wcill be negatively lectr-ified andl the ~Oute3'n halaf po'ttiVely electr'ifiedl itthe ace regions whtich they arc travinp. Onlly the magic of the spec crtaseof tiProbably plush aside tho veran t ttha grand mystery and re What thte 0othsaye.1rsw Tiberius had itust aked biresoo, - sayer it he could Dredicfthe dat oh his owni death. h aeo - "Not exactly, reoD\led ''rslu "but .it will be 24 hou~ bTranyullu' Ifondoring dooply, iht foem your. peror countermianded the Romanle fori auatooile hte had ipnd~ der for t,w DI agician ,andl instea i grn n tk ri onsfon.-Mew York rrJb1* Pk USSIA'S HIRED PIRATJ HOW FREDERICK THE GREA ENGAGED AN ADMIRAL. In Order to Get a Good Commande for His Embryonic Fleet He Er gaged the Services of a Man Wh Had a Most Unsavory Recor< With the expected arrival in thi colmtry of Prof. Uphues of Burlh coniissioned by Emperor Willa.unl I to Stiperintend the erection of t1 statue of Frederick the Greait, "Gel Washington's friend," at the capiti city, all manners of stories will prol: ably be printed of the ways and ot' (lilies of de alto Fritz. Most of ther arv very likely known to the studen of history; but. there are a few-treau tired only in rather obscure Germa: publications-- -which, while of great Ii1 terest, have never found their way int the textbooks. One of them is of partilenar in'teres just. now. in view of the recent appeal of the war lord for a larger (ermai navy, for it records tile fir-st b)eginnina of that. Ialite power., andi(1 shows a the Satm Iilt' (hat der grosse Koeni; was not loath to ovr look a mlan' charactt'r as long as no fault could Ih ound With his ability. The burden u .he story in (Iest ion is--and its trutl s vouchcd for by official d10(urne1,I tow in the archives of the city of Stet in--that in order to get a good admitr il for his elbryonic Ifet l'"redericl Ih .1rtl. "as n illing to nctt'pt ith eservice )l' a man11 known t.o the p; liter .;. a p'r tt, and who had hb en kitke'd < tit 'ho service of half a doz(et go'. In m.ts and arrest ed as iany t ito e.. It wais shortly aler he ha, I It' ( Neuwarp, onl Set. 1). 1759. when Ih twelve ships composing the (;ermla navy had been partly caltlureI atn partly senl to lavy .ion.'eS lotkir h 11le Swedes, that the Duke Aug us; \\'il belln of ltraInclhweig--lievern, goi It or of StettIill, wa",s inst.rutietd by Kin l''retderiik to build a new Ileet. was little 4llotlg tlt otey oil h:to.t! I'i lIe ) pur)os', hut t he task \va-. ;.ccomt ilisheld in less t hanit wo yea to. :ai, in the sitmner of 171 t\wvlve nw shii roc"ked at atlit in the l)01'; (f : finl. Th'le totlll Ithetu was 4.iO, bttt on" fina lilt :nt n oI was st ill r a'ani i hat i t h a mtttit;i . Ilhike ..\lgIIst \\'ill:elml ;.i"d his bh .o Ii'h ti.i man ( h 'I h1'pi:1... l. r.:tent r it tos v ra r: n m r.h l. } .' " w r0 too I>roudi to !ai"' ith' t'(lm tn tnd iIf i!he "(;: Unu la t) navy." Th'! I):tn s w\ere syrupathi .i:; of ihl tin\ 'ties, I'ressia beinl"' in wartare wit i''e.i.t e. Sw. detn and<t l'is ia, oflitirs O t hesi '"0un11riesi wV(re ()ill c f thet (Iu "' tion .and he I! i Ilot s of I fltland wer at't' molney, which the t'rnssian _;(v erntlent c(1ihl only spalr' in very slnal amnounts, andl not after t;itry. In his distit ss the governor appl:'ale+ to lrivy ('ouncillor von ilecht, th l>russi.n r'presentative at Stettin. ''hi olicial, anxious to serve, 1111(e Ih ne('cessary iiuiries, anti in less thal a week repor))tt ed that ho Iha<l toun th1 I very mn tor' the 1)ost. lIt it'bggedlth a,ttke to overlIook ietrlain imperfe'tiont1(1 of muann11er and re'PtItat ion ini his can dilldate, h)e1t'irit-ommi:-ndedtt him as al able seamatn Ithan whtich lno bet teir lint ever' gided( al stipl thraough the siir'gin;~ iiaint. A\ few minitit es later1 ihe aspiraniut to1 the l'russian adirtalshiip was Iled it th dutke's r'oomi. lit' was a s<qta.ty 114)1 lanlder, wit h iont edi lace anti smai~l gleamintg '-y's and t wo ugly si a neo-is5 his foreh'te:uLl. llis age wats hart a, gues, but It' duke put. it at aboiu lifhy years. The ap p1itant said thla hIs niamie was lternt ilte, and thal be was willig io take thlit job, ing he was t:iv'tt a giod< deal of1 hat i ttle ini thait ma nag''mnt of t'e no navy, It' (pIiih'di a.s a <lisieritillat ini d isciptlinarian antI seaman bty sayvin th:l I lhe ships wer'e batIy rilg;d amil the ;ai ltts a1 'undt oft untitly loat'trs wh'lo woutldt htav: tt chine to adiert tItne thle momen)it. lie took i'ommiando Ilie tn snat ''om placent ly (41 the linie carp'est aind tooaI chair withou~it hav Inig been offei'ed the ('Olitisy. Not over-jinipresied withi te person. alitry of' thle wtotul<I-be admtiral, the dutk at !1 rst intended to dolpl him,ii but, t'ol liowini tIhe adivic'e of yon Ilit m.nade tli n iecessary' rec'tommienidationt to tho king, (o ittin g, hiowtcver', t hat hi' could1( not. very well .see how a man (o1 thatI. tailibre coulId become the hi1ghest l 'ea:'iani naval oilleer. lt King i"reder ick fo rt.hwit.h made (lIthe 1('111 om i$,sl(on of B3ernd t Rebbe. Wh'ile the dlocim'ient was on its way' to St in, a delegation from the Neth erlatols, accomtpainied by a senatto fr'omi liambur1 g, wer'e ushiered in Ithe duii 'room1if. A fteor a long I ntr'odue tIon ie caller's stat ed that. t.he em ploy mient of I lebbe wtotuldt be coosidei'ed tan afti'rott by t he governmienit. of' the~ Nethi erhainds-, iinasm'u'h as he was a danger tn: chIarnl-aer' and had had coni15ider'ale toi with the auithoritieos of the '(enteral States.'' T1hey tnetn pr'oceeded( o readl a long of (eI'rts I'rom of hteil documents contaIning, among o1t's, thle followting facts: Itn 1739 itchbbe had heeni di schiarged from the naval service of' thle Net herlantds on ac 'I unt1 of' his) p)ar't l icipaton ina the 'nut - inty on board the frigate Aphrtodite. le lter made hiIs appearaniiitce in V-nuet ian w'aters, under' thle name of flernardo Rlbbi. IIhe was ac(tOsed of attempt.ed fr'aud, but owilng te his br'aver'y, which he proved in severi I enigage'ments whI hi thle Trks, the aiuthior'ities dleclared t hemselves satisfied wilth the conflaca tIon of his house at Mur'ano and( exiled him11 foreve r from Italy. In 17-17 lhe ('oim manidetd a Spanish man-of-war, but lost lis conmmissioni on ac(ounit of br'utality and capping the climax live years Iab or, was caught redhanded as tho comn. inander of a pirate ship by the Furench corvets Furorre and Aigle. Ho escaped from prison, however, and later man aged to convince the authoritIes that hie was not one of the freebooters caught in that raid of the ocean. Blut i 185 a sailor by the name of PeCter Rauwkmanl took the wItnesti stand against him and swore that Roei) wvas the commander of the buccaneers who Splundered the Danisli brigantine Kjoe. bonhavnl. Trhe duke lost no time inh reporting those facts to his king. Blut once hav 'tgg i~*e up his mind that a mas suited his purpose P'rederlek the Ores nevcr recalled an appoint mont. He dpr epatelied Lieut. von liuelle:son to the r governor of Stettit with a lotter, pare of which reads as follows: [ "Antd in firt hor relation to U0l)bbs r ills Majesty have said that Your l'x (ellen4-y ineed not. hositato to make (041 Shis 'toninission as admiral .... tundex the flag of war of the king. Ills Majes ty have takell aeknowvledlgment of thm s rei)ort of the police of Ilamlburg anI said that. sich ('ont(lct has never hi r tore (Omlle llder his observation. 111t o t.hat this was not Iho prope'r time to Irf . too partiuhl:r. And since RIbbe, aQ , cording to his antecedents, was un doubtedly I(.ss'd of courage andi routine, it was so much better that hI' t was painted .;o black. lecauso, as so! t as a btl tcr n in all he found, it Woul(J - he so 111111 asier to chase the fello\. a to the devil.' So l('irndt itb'1b(' was made admiral- 1 But the trouble with 111himl was that it did not know i'nutgh to value the go. t fortuine whirlh Ih:11 f;II(en to his lot S Without Iirs inifotrniing his stiporloI. 1 I engaged oi hnulldi sailors, black guards of' his on I;ini. but leto h lih t (0111(1 talke Ihe 1on(n bIOardl they wer ( arrest.ed by tho :tlhot+riti('s of I InlhurA tr who saw. ii n ;t :1. i a(lr unath Of' ith ):.ance. Itc'bbec reltained" his liber1'y. bul( f peaco bein i ' lblar+l s(1l after. th t I dnike gave up i h' il+-a (3f orlganizin I 3l S n:avy si r i n i 'llt h :II 10 e a th 1 - SwiP"uii:slh w - hi ;. : nl Itt'hle' was dit :n - ("har"g( d. Thel -tult:liral :l(ap1wal I ( (1: 11( ("h )tll(Sr i 11and inl l t o 11 :!;t 1 'l rid 1;n t lie fellow the tin. l:i.(h! h ni a f-'' - htilndred Ii:hlers t t! i; (W n pIawc ! ('1 According to rt'li:lti a.. unIt oI ' th w - further life of thr Iilr atliliral of til" 11 (.on(1 I'russian Il.+, Ie pur; Ias'iied ? 1 I ship and(1 plied tlhe. Itr ' (i a iiralr' in i l the lMallie sea intil he wasN hanit'lged a1 I (uerni sey witi ten tlht1r 14111t::. 1av I I ing he(t (aptur}ed by a I liiit go+veru- t< A FRIEND'S LOVE STORY. Difficulties in Getting a Wedding Cci i' tificate Finally Gve;ccme. In a Frh-i"ls' I ()i , o I ":,- r. t " tly he e w ait ing c"u.: tonlI -!t"1<': n it ;;ltt al: c' i : . p1 mn it il li: nintI 1 4) hi II ion ( 1.113i" t' . 1 we('n a I :;it of lr+'Vt'Is ill I;uIk) I : Ernl 1i, 1til. i 1 .' - reint i , \.h!U 31 th 1'v ing It tI 1 'n 1 . 1 a 1 'Iria - 1 "\lr :i, , i n i", A i 3 . (+ i (-l a. o r a . . a '.;: r tl l. . 1 Iar ht 1-:;t.' I - il .1 '. p ' I Ii Th 3 h.rk Si' ye : 1m o ghr o 1 irIed tl' !'.'t I ' 31 1'm d I r !., -l" 'r I Ilint h, h:1d ilt iihliii' 1Ill y 1 < pty 'l 'iie wasii nh agtll 'd.'. hmi:11 the g'ro(m11 1;('ugg1'stied tht I t l- wait an1:- i other day. "Ni. we muis t ae it today. 1 loryl' m Iarr'iage Itmorrlow withou lit at cttil - ('ale lor the fien1ds to sign?" "WelI , then1. the ha.1 I3s a ('heck in th'. 1 1u1rse."' 81ugge st.oi the' mana. "Canu thou get. thby mtone(y for1 t hat ?'' ~ I W'.ih aIVI ain 31ac(e1( te bride pro51 AIl (leded dohe athe cisle othyahi. P1nlyr to( me:o' 15 with isappinmt,i (hin'. fol' allIs 111e l3!e etitii'NI ha: el 3nimlyt waIitn in the'I' frn h st"oe. "Winel. wh:u isl ahe' goin ol deV now'3l"i he ako Il t ioolly. S 111Vi TherI' br'st far 1 S was i rosy with e ve :.:JlI tion but e:il was1 130ill undaunte(d an('l (1 G11('tiermet ll the(imoney (theOSC ha: an leto(31I1's , onni ither. '(Cw g 1 A.snuilli,!tion' of arthis an -' N ('ne1.~ ants. ridmoundt t $i1.8 . lIOIIS more. gTh Iti msto give tn ie uivey tpen ' Takeus 11011113. 1h man utt prtuei' an111b there qua1e and~. ao tiertii3nte for ': was10purchased, I t he lit luekbred 313aking a murca inest in11 ''111u oeing 1)1idos yiti its r3lottnd0 ti tea asolif.-- itia l3os(t $5tin. d This(1 rdu thtopesfiaist Cinleoarf rtithe buing.a gan 'quIle 'litle oeion. (l'io ti~ob Ct l nert. possible ( th Ig 5tle Quakeress i asked3 a1!'I for11 al 31a and rmaiedy plo;ain ly1wait ing for(11 tw sol15idlours, un11(1 hyr lov (ie' rturnP11'il maeit posile for bot m111 to.- proceed' i to ri home.-P jlh ilade1lpLhiad lIlecor. tiWt )'iall uigb fo C o- 1soeaiersa Bu it. ut "Trhae 'liI le fllw'dos anots hand k wit (ofl a buhies3111 terams ths th. uu bei tone m'big stot, ai anyes P. mantI tin a yrnadwa whoislVesal ho;iu'eJ) are ore fthesay littl co.-,Ie oafr wo laes blIfg anderhi i hos then at suevt. thm whchmetin ot. give donoi asAnl ot,e but hlwsa Deam.sco-f bine atterong ramlvws, arn by co (peraiverelyin etseo the sm trm b as ther who rivls do.ibt solfd atug ti. Thrns-Sioean atsdo aen' otihergra CIc to ilaey ieub-~le otfpae in St his store.-Heowa proabl buying bu for a donsoekeesa oc..n (ILLED BY A TRAIN eculiarly Sad Tragedy at Hamlet, North Carolina PERATOR MLiETS A TRAGIC DEATI ir. Ji"mcs W. Dunaway Steps on the Track in Front of a Rapidly Moving Passenger Train. Iamtlct, N. C.. i1pecial.--.i11e's W . uInaway, operator for tle \Vestern ni0n l''eigrap)h ('lomti('0 1pany at this lace, w\as Iit and killed by train No. 1 as it camne into the yardl Wedlnes iy morinliitg. \1r. Dunaway was go Ig from the ofice to Ii. h11ome. w\alk g along by the track with his head >wI, and when ill a few st(jps of the igine, Flepli:'2( en the Ira ck. seemtiniig n10t lnow\ing the trainl was a) 'oa(hinig. TIhe ('ngin\'er rev'ersedl his 1.;ine andi did nit h.' t'Oubt to st.ep th(' ainl, but the distance wao- too shu'r.t ith 1!w cx) .';)tiont of thl l, arnli be SbrIkln all a bruise oni tile side o' 11a. h thele ar' no external in ri::e. Ti'h ti'll ce Of t i I(1bo knioc1L 10 luntl lo ltte. Ilde ailll olf thw track i:1 he lev'er r llied( from tile ::hock, ing in() a in(inlt... trl . IDnaway -i ( bi1n uor1''inl frl l',i nnr' -ithII;a fol reral dlay'. It is b)elieve'll he ' as a:ed with the isain 't th\e titu c and a,; obliv"ious to till' appiolh of the 1il1 hen he (t)I!t o the track. e lce'avs a 1i and: thtrec' chiIr.'u, is a rimains will il" taken to al ti ry !i Von:rro for' burial. Kiink- h"a rtedI o1)le h,:til"' ':1'y liber ally tnl t ributed raising a1 I' for" thl ri('f-Str'itlw'n if(- and chibltrln, who are in nllecdy \'ioler:co, of Strikers. K ansina: city. Seil--'aec n '1l into th1 e strik' o the L ti tiv i t-tn .!; l by ihle i-1 tran$f ' com-" tie I t' thet' city ho1I) went"lli on stri!t '11 <I'ill1l1 for ai ll ("il't' ill I 2 '(.3 t l .' : 1 i( t ;i itl ( )1 1 !' 21 l2' e ' I t 1 Ii l tOil 2 C-: I'0ogit'l ion'( of tile i O unlin i i dl1 t :. htlIrItI lnt'Ill well t' e1n ,ot ..It tluring ihl -Jay 1-o tal;(, I!i" s-"s (f the ."i:ikis, thon-th but ilt I' work w\'a.-4 tit (oInlIi.-idt'i by th1 m. l t I l 1 1 1' ( lt ''11O1)11 sl' 1i1C1's w t:11 ) i l i tIl. .''rl I ath 1 I 'il:il ( I ' :ill' Il: : e"al . " \ 1: ' in t111l ,' .'- l n.ace i hl' up w ns di1ve ali 4 ?li:i cI ti oln I't - ) t o r el iiaw er t- it i I: b) 'a n:r, a' t1ll e 10Cin' , t ! : ll 1i a ll a ('xi11! a tIa11Ian, in i111(t I ltllut to dis$ ;er,; a '1\ Il hat wa1L : Ihowin; StOl'i at. a ivtr, fl ' i a shi t into the rOlloule. N. I.-itin. at stril:er, initerfcr((d and! al ' it ntu\.(' to draw a k:nif'e, wit n It, emtend \' e 'rliai" l. In tle after )ona ftrowOd blockhi the tiorOngh tre ailt e seeg t s 'I( ati t12 . Hl ndian drie. .\luch I pr itatnd thraolie atr keptcbusy. NehwYork., Special.-They annioa Ilting theil stchlderCls ofethe mer('i tanlOV1 anyco omaty) wat heldt dlaneda i)y Jarsed mity. The ovy illof Eldetos ti r-lect fthed with1 lol.Tn toiVOue l'ed Thmas F.(fries,il Mtry2. dllov il.:e. age l anyic ~t heae tnsifarnin.ile feln f th Thlenstock heledersf tsyCnni )it I 250cc Ceopfnyil f!soiheld tirt annuaeleting Thed aod board 'C direamtos St. Jephead. Thenatort Thdil ar lo doing cosirthe r:m benor Natfe dtr V-cs fissioatn Aiversay. Nte ok. Spcak.-A coneferenci le,ran ahe twentt anivesary1 the: at iona iFlorence Cr'itteno issifn waternet in sh. mition ho '11 thr stleet rTet president, Cal'. . thriten assiedit ty Iro t 'Ialr yarrett,l gera sueitenp1 ihal of tack Ol Ahralssion.l Th llog idlaboe ward treseie\l >ga, Trcnnc.; lr.ishere lnhburg vari8 ouls whijchs connestnd wthv leatoes Te danenti11 wi110.n Wuuniaterday.iled Sita ton Gav who lieatez.r N arnhez couny, Spca.---Everys pre od ntoat prevet an attemp ambcut )intay it,ne al armed me. Heavy instrondly toi tej gat ego theasitu alonge ivOer rose thretenthand)0 ndw 2.5 above thear home afteh r ltsBf havedntenien he frgof hi 44seaes4t Joep an Sento THE EXTRA SESSION The Senate Still Talking on the Canal Treaty. 'I'he )emocratic Senators at their ('aucls resolved to stand together in the Senate in sul)port of two alend menlts to the Panama Canal t'eaty. One of these provides for the odliflea tion of the twenty-third article of the treaty so as to iinslre the control of the cnnal ZOnle by the (tited States, and the other enlarges the )rovision in the fourth article of the treaty which is at disavowal oil t he part of the Uinited States of any intention to 'increase Its territory at t he expense of Columbia, or of the sister republics in Central o" South America.'" so as to include Mexico. \Vi1 hi reference to the. latLter auendneit there was considerable de ite. Many of the Senators advocated an amendient striking out the provis lon entirely and practically all of them agreed that it had no place in the agr'eleln, but it was concluded that as it had1 beenl incorporated and1 would pIrobably remain, the best policy would be to make an effort to molify ratlier than1 to remove it. Mexico was int.ol poratedi beicause it was i'ge(l that the i ('Oe. of that ('ounlitry are as sensitive as thost' of any othel' about maintain ing the integrity of tleir ou(' nltry and also as mu ch entitled to the guaranty as any ('tler. All lie IDemocratic Senators except Nilr. Dubois, Mr. C'ulherson M.. Mor n. Mr. Mci.aurin, 11r. (lark, of A kans:s, and ir. (,ibson were pres -nt. It was the understandinlg that all tie Democrats woul(l sulppo)rt the t1\' O amem1lilents agreed IIpon. btut after they ar*1 vote'd uplon individuals shall be at libertyV tO vote for or agailst the traty3 as Ihey 111ay elect. It was also tIlle uttl(i(rstandilig t hat "4om1e of the I)'e"ocatic Senators n'onld stpp o:it some 1' of Senator lor taln's inilivitial alendmellts, but they will din so as individual Senators, not as inellhers of t.he I)emocratic (aurllS. Ih'r)eratic Senators who participlated inl the ('au1'uS say that whether amenvid e.d or no t.the treaty is sure of ratilica t ion. Thel ;:mt"ndmn:!t :;ughestedl to the twV;nty-thirdl ar'tic'le of the tr'eaty giv" t w('nlilhrdltt shrdlil 'hrdill sI-dA1luuu iii! thl g,ovolmllent of the l'Inited Stat("; thet ex("Iluivte r"ight to p)Olitr and1( Irolct th^ 1anal, is practically thiat. of f'-tlm byv "natOr' IIa("On1 ( i u d y wih smue vrbal chani;gs. 'Tllis '111a ment Illit ' s li lt 11ontrol of tie ' l'nitte1 'ItatV it . ' lr t il ' 1'anal lbhl;ll te and te'N 1 ell:i , n i. ri i l:= ;'igl' t to !)olile i ll 1rite "! t 'i ' h i tn ' is (11 r l ij'_ ";Il n ln 's dl'e il(ient upon the r - re- o invritaliOnl of the repuhlic of T'i othl.-! : imllrndm1'nt agre-;ed ;;pon 1' . r11 ', ii I 'i' (41 Ilt' to a t,'1la t theilt t'1l' 'it 1" a ci it11 Iliel t atto !It)\':'l11:;1(1 l i ' -l l t :1 ,1!'.''t l,11 \ ft c' tie lil i ; 011 t the ' hed enOc1 \rnrie n n rei)ublir:. the Ilanguagl e of 111 amllemlmlllr ill h"-"iilg as t'ollow::,: ".The 1'nited stat(s, following their ''tiformi establis h d11 poli1"y in regard to heir sister r public in America, frec }; a1(11l0% 1"w l ' and col iz the SOV I1ignty of te rIe1iubli1" ot Cotlinbia and diiavow an .in:'ntiol to imnaio it in1 ally way watt;lt' ver1' oo r to in;reaet theil t eitory iat the ('xp"nse of Co lll ia, but mo(til eari'1Stly desire h'er praie and prospe ity"." Aftil e the ad.iourauc'Int of the 1"allruifs Senaor Gortan, as lhairnaln, al C('nator' (armal;rk, n1. set"retar'y. of the teacus, gae (ofutill' h fl(' il i state "iC(Thile(amlendmit rithulitie tohe an 1uage o)'ltfle' torey lto the etent of rm'kng a~I1 simleIi afitlierma t'tion h Iistablishe policy1 1111 col i th atrnmen aga1ilst 0 tie pliil'cy itt of tertrall ac-i htuisdi tin I theep en ofn iters r the' lsereinty3 of the rt'mlic State lomia.ftil Te wsUstongojetnt ''h ile languagiof te treatyi i t hist3 re-( imertn toth enter oft de'an'i itgago mntth wicy Coobaf the proedStteston nofther Sth )Amerincapndrepthles,f iths Cinralandr 1 reoningltat re pubIiliCs oth reolelaseantv oath ohers, and1 givginast eac 0111ma'. Thwe lngu:Ve o the otrary to also stsl thoispiy of the 'nited States hc it refernceno al.l tie .\mter'ian ar' pulhns whil the-- tiiIry contnlyit plith toei th<f01of ''entrl al Othl againhsi the roumle wod Insicct'iv "110Th e lagpa'(i) of the reat i'ls gocst he.' tnto'ecaigtt foot hepibcyn of theI I! Uniteda Staslt mi tin 'olt ot sepre.3111 in endeeof Valiah Centrl''MII 3 and iAeican re twoublii, n lelyt as againt Europteani 01'wills, fut ais. gais gapchi~ oer Th iya beaeved t e contar tboge levee, eoneerned wapith the internallt er l)angeents ol thes 5(publesd, abutlonhy wathe er e'u eniii ando011 prtcin aogisre ousidewrdpi.cod anee withtpnciple ofnjury nro Na's'tez of13. tpca-he fetiit ften footl(' imbankentO ofy the1 KTelxas tae stor Ralod of outgereet mane blow mtw mils ia ientmhsull he of in (lal few hod. Thsapwsf lowed by ad afeakirn ril the i reoog levete,no whihchpd; tthe filrndesm blayent by the ndian ind gatng ths rerg is runiidlnt reemerd. ilhin dugar mstavebe'p. ret e vHw ion Mano tot Evnfor a eg Th FIan cled Injaur. leu tenant anssd bsoe himoeen banth andr toanld oeste otstreet andh CoI ' tl lois .Olones W. Joes, asi bad ofdr promi and one ad fair, arousedCo' teie ofy dped the Indan of goetn hi atr eloin prdIs,t'frhi.eeg was ascnrue asit wastii aloriina. cod forcommand,th-at tIle housoaf of* JopU.Jns a nbdodr h VrE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMME FOR MARCH 22. SubJoet: Patul' t 1 11ssa ii tii, 1;+(te tau,b Ela., It., 1.tO-Gould1-n Tuxt, Epyh. 1i. % '11"1"enry Verse s, 4. --Comnntu%ry on the Day's Les on. I. The children of wrath (vs. 1-3). And you." As Christ lills the whole body of (hristian believers with ills tuiiiess (chelp. 1: 23), so had lIe dealt with the o verted EJ"pilesiais who before were (lead in trspasses and sins. "( licken' . Mule ahiyt: spiritually. " Deatd." 8ee (L1 ':. I)eati is ottn n used by all writeis tuld i all natiotis to express at state of xetreme mis e.ry. The Ephesinsu by trespassing aid sinniig had broutght thoesinsev iinto it state of dellor-able .wretchetdne s, as had l.l the heathen nitions, and. having thus Sinned against (Gol they were conleille< by hinm and iught, he eotsidered as "dead in law.' They were ineaptable of erfort ing any legal act and were always liable to the punishlent of lent I whicl they had desetrved and which wats ready to be in llicte'l upon them. They were incapable of pertorilliuig a loly act . Their bodies wero the livitig collins ill wilich their delal souls were buried. T'l'respalsses and s." Trespasses niy signify the sligh test devia tions irom the riiht; sins mure lalitutal anlid daring tI. ii.n:gre ionis. but, the ternms rl'1 togetier ilt 1ncalli11g. '. "Ye walk:l." 'hy hid smni)ell eon tinually, not mler'ly occtasiunmlly. 'l'iey 1yed, in im ant i llowel I he evil pract ice's of till: le ll tl i '"o:ld, Ti-ne lititiml.i scl>alrate them-('-es Iromn thle world (iol. 12: 2; 2 ('or. i: -.I and do lot t ionfornt to its sillni Ilsttl.'-; aid pr,.i .' - . p i t - til'" T hlis ll::ts 1'fe l"t'l1t"c to .N t i l}e prince ut devils. IHe is also -- he god of tli.s wo1 ld" 1. 1 'u31. -1: It. The' :iir is rept'e st!lted as I he . ot' j it s ji .I oo. 'li' de'vil 1wels (u) h.(y. .olcg pt \c(r jn t i.l tower re;ie,n of thi air, hec is at hand I,. t lp t 1 11 d.11 ii t o t s ni titci iij' ejitf to the wo'rld as he 4"::.. WV. live in mn atmo:. nlh r" ptlisos ll ttll a In i lg iiltt wil diea(ilY elemoent -- if t.he ,pirit ." As I he I oll Spirit w-'r;- that whit-h is gootl in f'1i^tn soulk so -atant \cot|cs jhat wyhjir evil in wichletl he'arts. lie i-s prin c of the s'iint Ihat. I nl o only in 1'a ol'si but 'evt t,. "'wrth in the sotts of di abe dl<'ttee. 3. "'We al '';ll hore chanie from the seond to the lit'-: per" nl, niittling b1n Svlf,in with thi whom he has ju,t de serme d. ".\l1." -fe( : and (.itntile.s Alike. "One la-e ." T'Ih "Il. V. brms oiut the 1i' ,. 1 n1 . . T h e wi': I " n v e r a t i on " is lo iS . lea<h g. IT ho wh -'. l mt '4f 11t .' li' wa ' \1'i'i l 1 1' \' ll'ttl I t iii 'il ;ll :Il:l 11 i) v + , , i 1' Ii i. a t in l l t ;llt -c'r'' t il t' I h ir st'tl. wreon. Th livi. in sin a nol walhei' in lt-in- . "I : iw -t 't' tt'mpw e . po/iiul aul c\ytry '.IC-:.1\. .to I, '-1er l everv tranueu-- ! tien of hii.he.' I i:' e vil, it'-.:.:la S1'i t.nt -upt . i i of t lih -l . " -- lh." l he i l al. .. rupt 1 .I u-e. "I' l!'Ilia..:.' . 1. T wyi:' li.rd in th"- a'.tual .. te ul "' :o! 't- IIte ''11 \\1i o 11' Ihol" X.l n 1.n, I o ved - ,in-.. hi -h us bii- t S ;. t l ij.t nla l': -. I i ;I 111.'n) t't .''11 In t. '' 1:ndt.' T o :n.:a rn. ';tion... '1 : e in .I : i "' . I -h ci hr th b 1h'i In: 'd. 1i 1i " i. . 1'-i\ nap1tre." . tl:it'. iin i 1 t h e I t tl wu; to I l-. of ini ieoo-;tt'. -'i ity b.4 om hin , : Il 1 1 1 l e t t h "r t' tt .h l l : b itl - wr11 l in.1 no 0 haOi~tiV' (n-r .::-ern. Oi m!h t' : k l. L -te it .: : ltIi"ie : pram' of IhI-' d i mt'u e ad mi:ni l - , '' t r .h'' The lt- 1 al ;tl'! ilin i - u'lie f lilv iet otfI I1i, !i lt-i a'e1 1. . t : . Thel e peolle Till -- l: ttihi ; '.? a t - - we t'who l i'e in tit-la tiiin w as (lv. 2 n<I ri I thi: x p.oedl to tht: t. '.h' of t :1. el 1i01m. I . Sa l'vaIltt ..:1 't of d i ito.e pom e iv (o-. -"i'- . I. 5: .2 . " 1.h nt." Thi a post nuw ths tilhe glurine,i ch. n^ r thllat ha d be n lruhlt' in th:a been:lu-oth the ospcl. '1"{Ite word; ane e'.tn':llb t'mtphasize'4 (t i ll. m'r , i'CI "ih' ill t mer v." dt)tI li rich in m iny thlin:.s be',id s irlcis. i e i1 rich in worl;: iI own;s lte '-bItl 'nd sil ver- in a thousmal. ibs. ai well as thel,cat. tie on them. I ," while a knowledIe of he;e ric'hes is inot necessary to our sah-a lin on i i ieesi lt1 tat w'leSnow aoud the proofe of Hisglt toies11( mercyx.:;1; innalllae ofo us li e l-''roud ofailrIsal v ait ion. .he od it and died oru whi le hand wer whic winers"Toether wih Thtrrecavtiotfrim the fteathf of iCod. 'ifeofs \ ri (te ull 1101 thiehoy o Chria tion ha d oth 11ra'vit. and Hood 8:ork. c on wa not of'- to heelef' (v. i)-"not the mer. ''rodcmtef iny naation ail'io any meIt ther111 wo. i'eiete acs it h orkis t Ci, but i1it wasi h;s the 13o110 mtIerv wandy.'' lo."Svd. o lht devile Cndhi:tiavied to dr'ieurreation, (v.nd.h 0.'' a is o manThiepeopl wrca .11've ti the oi'e.and od iese therwoks erc athin.; as th-aionfrosiinh fais aco. p "tised-i"rae. les aed otien if cheate and h-ar neiretione as2igno 17; (ahl. 0: 15; Etd). 4:u thi. "Unt beoon dlerstoi gooderin tvo anti(ied'sou's in (thisad life Ha'vi'n be of aised rom wIthe dath i oft in. of fnai r hi. noia ihteavenly scialy G hi-is ino oTl lea t is haen hul'oeiu for ood works,sbat liphe oh blpro o is agrt:lv 'ieat- ' liodesI-s nd mers and ce-rve't ''sM ln nouragient tlo donnors tin a~I ll eo thieci worl."hi rde fourit. are saed. '2 Thpintmnent.i o' ashbynwhich we 'ae-saved. Se. Te comeastytc on contine saecd "it" poatpon.. savtion on the freeoifto Go. "Vas." W.Cu, e collectoprchaf sala tion. ChadidsnotnmeritCi, n tioo works Tursle,a. Ther sesnorm for ost -nemeht was maeho rfSentor Clptai oThere wareayt." f aacI o the. committieianlif ao udn tration (v.e f0).1. "Itis fworkelsIp." b Tnte opornenth workers.Goduin th awork-e etang .woar the cormanshe ill-noe fac hcead urI-g thew ret ion . 17;'acn.c6: 15; Eah.-: 24). "no gov erment Toph we aent m aedto aturtupood or yleih du ringve that blce mea.vprfr taken byrkhemo ter thoreeo Godis andtIn the glovman"enot wores reope the ofatown "redantd-rng tae. gun oad h' es no nd trakingu 63e UnItd Stat s aSteel fororatwo, bundU hasII ancy "resIreth ork tor S works wdpbeitIhe esailised fordAerifaou