The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, July 10, 1902, Image 3

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J2Ii )16os Journal Y, JULY 10, 190-2. Lo al and Personal. -Pickens was extromoly qui(,, on the Fourth. --The Summer School close Saturday next. -John B, King. of Easley, wa hero Monday. --)r. W. M. Pondor was her on busiucrs Monday. Dr. 11, F. Austin will be il Easley July 15 and 16. -Mr. W. E, Dickon is hero fu a short visit to his family. -Court convenes at Pickew Monday, 14th, Judge Ernest (ary presid in g. -The fourth of July was cole brated with about the usual ntum ber of accidents. -Mrs. Julius E, Boggs has beer fuite sick for the past week lttt i. Iinproviiig. -Miss Gussio Curoton roturned Saturday from a week's visit to friends at Fort Hill. -Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bannister of Cateechee, spent Sunday in Pickens with relatives. -John T. Lewis, of Anderson's Mill, was among the people at Pickens Monday on business. --W. Nelson Bolding is an nounced for the House of Repro sontatives this week. -Mrs. M. J. Harris ieturnod Monday after a weeks visit to rol ativoe in Greenvillo. -Rev. 'T, H. Medd filled his ap pointmente at Pickens Sunday, preaching to good congregations. -C. T. Miller, colored, has been elected to teach Cold Springs summer term of the public school. -Wednesday, July 16th, is the day appointed for the cadildates for stato offices to address the peop!o at Pickens. -Col. J. E. Hagood and daugh ter, Miss Fran,ces, and Mr. H. A. Hagood and family are in Pickons for the summer. -Mrs. B. F. Robertson is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'T. .Uowen, Collatta, for a short visit. -Children's Day was o served on the 6th inst at Griflin Ebonezer colored Baptist church, An i.ter esting programme was rendered. --Mess. Will Ligon and W. H. Griflin, of Greenville, spent their Fourth of July at Pickens with relatives. -The Pickens colored ball team pltayed Easloy on the latter's dia mond July 4th, The scoro being 83 to 23 in favor of Pickens, --There will be a picnic at Birhes Ford on saturday July 1.2. Everybody invited to come and bring wvellI filed baskets, Good time expected. -Prof. WV. E. Dendy, P. E. Alexander, J. R?. Ashmnore and L. C. Thornley constituted a party which enjoyed several days outiog on Keowee last wesk. --Misses Lucia and Maggie flarksdale, charming young ladies of Laurens, S. C., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.i M. N'orris, of Cateechee, --Rev. J. E. Foster's appoeint mnent at Secona last Bunday wa fillied by Rev. J. M. Stewart who preached an able sermon on "Faith." Mr. Foster wvas present also and the Lord's supper admin. istered. -July Fourth ,was celebrated in good style at Shady Grove. A good crowd was present and a good dlinner at which all feasted bounti, fully was served. Mess. JT. L. 0. Thompson and G. R1. Hendricki addressed the audience. It was Children's Day. -The special committee of th< Grand Jury composed of C. E Hamilton, C. H. Carpenter and J1 D. Holder spent Wednosday last ii attending to special work exam ining the the books of' County oI1i cer's. Mr. Hamilton was Chair man. -The County Executive Coin mnittee met, pursuant to call, Mon day and flxt.A the assesmnents o: candidates at ten cents on eiera hundred dollars of the of1ice fo: which each offers, and ap)pointe< managers of election for the varioul precincts. A full account is givoi elsewhere,. --Mess. McDaniel and Jonkin have ordered and received a few c the Mallard Improved Stock Fee< Cutters anid will exhibit them amt take orders during Court Week This cutter has demonstrated it apperiority and simplicity ovo ma~ny such articles on the markel See it during Court week. --On Thursday afternoon last, heavy wind and hail storm di' considerable d amage along the roa< between Pickens and Central, th enter of the damage appearing t be inl the vicinity of the farms c Mess, E. A. Hoster and Wighi O'Dell. Slight damage is reporte from other iections aliso. On Fr day afternoon,.a considerable win and hai storm vietted the Caihou saation. but the d1amage mn eithit ' The F, ut.rtlh was celelra tod it appropriatto mlaa,nner at Libol ty, . Thei m1an1agemtenit of the 121btl(i Cotton I ills attd the people of th progreesive town of L.iborty cain togetheri in) dotterm)inedci ollort ti t properly c lele)rato the birth -la yy ou Ame.rIin indelpend(iee . A goict c rowdl of P'ickonas counltC l)opie assembled on the groundi near tho cotton mills where allI th( B night befro MI\r. J. J. Wakolil at aIl r, Jay Smith with tew assis. taaIs, huad been it work )repl)aruinp the barbected dinner that delight. ed so many who wcro lonlgin)g for a taste and fill of latt; tlts delic iotsly iprepred. Onl the aa< gaaouda(ls a stanad had ben erectet for speakers with laaeats for the aiu dien(e s() aranlgedl that the s1had might be utilized. At I 1 o'clock the pe)ple assmt bled1 around tle stn and M Al r. .J P. Smith, 'resident of tlie l,ihert Cotton M illp, rapped ft,r order an intrt"oduie'd Ih lioev. i. C. Ilad dock of the IBaptist Chureh at I.i, (erty who, ill tulciing and all)ro priate prnyer, invoked o(1's ble-s ings upon the p0oplo a ssobihied and uapol all this country and ll) on all people who have struggled and are yet light Ing for liberty. M11r. Smath in at short, intro<ldue tory slech, bade all the people wolcome stating that it \-as fur the Pmrpose of inhpressing tho younger peoplo as much as possible the sig nificaace of tho day and to enablo all to get togethleir inl a holiday <day of pleasu ile that this progrim had leen: arranged. I t \ns a nal ('"r of genleral regret that i l,in. .JtliansI l. 1;ggs, Oil ate. COUtiI (f 1 lie illn1ss of MI- r. ],0ggs, ("oul(l not,I l pr1e'nt. Mr. T. .1. atlalditl \as inltrodtuce1d and tl,o NIr. l.aban MIaiublinl. Tie hatter was not on thea1" pr,gramn for at sp ech but, at the urilet re(luest of iar. Smith, he delivered a most ap propriato address, The speakers w\"eru given close atttention. ''ho spealking over M',\r Sm ith autdre,ssed hiicolt,f to aite large crow'.,d v1aieh doulttle,s ap proxinntd a thttsand peoplo anad urlged ov\"ery on' to wa\'llk (own-I1 to the tatbl ail p)artakec of the d1in, aICa thalna waiting for them. It Vas indk a Ieast, d11d so vel I a"rang(.l was tli: featur1e of the day that. all were l'entifu1v supphied withtat colI' usion or (delay. 'I'oo much cannot be said in praiso of the la dies Who so kindly helped to make the day a Success, indeed it ap peared that they did about the hardest work of all. At 2 :30 in the afternoon, the Libert.y and Central baseball teams p)laSCed a gamae which resultedi in a scorec of 22 to 3 ini fayor of Central. It was a most orderly gatthering aid everybody seemedi to appirteci ate and eajoy the spir'it and p'ur pose of the Cxercises tad wet t away with one conclusion that Lib-. erty had given ovidenco thereby of the progr'esivonuess that has already attrctedl attention from far ar.d '.Xlihirj w0o very few. minaor ace'Oe dents [, none 4i~ eriousa, wh ile the hos, pitable treatmen0tt alccordehd every one p)laces till under obligaitions to President Smith and the entire management of the Liberty Cotton Mill an~d thec equailly hospitable peop)le of Liber ty. The Foiurthi Neair Six Mile. I want to tell you Mr. Editor something about a Fourth of July aneeting 1t at teuded this year. I had heard for some years that the neighbors arountd and niear the Six Mile secotion would have a lamily and( nioighaborly reuniion every *.th of' Jualv. I had been toldi of' the good times and feasts of good things they would have, fandI had been invited once or twice to at tend( but couild not until this year; but let me say the half was~ 'ot told me. Early last Friday mnorninig ini company with Rev. B. E. G randy I wendeCd any way to the foot of Sa.N MilIo Mounitain to) thio homae of Mr'. Mark liolding. When wo arrived the hiill was ailive withi the merry chmattor of muon, ladies and childroii and they continued to come until noon. The young people on gag,ed themselves in singing andc social enjoyament while tho oldet ,people were around under the Coo shades in happy conversation. After awh ile cool refresh ir.g leamon. ado was served wvhich on)ly aug mnented our desira to sit still. little later dinner was an anounced, and suach a dinner I nevY or b)eforo saw served. Evory' th ing I from tIhe very best prepatred vegetai a bIes to the daiinty pies, custard an< l cakes the tablo was loaded with andl from the way they brough , the good things from other placoa f there must have been a store housa full. The good things did no seem to diminish at all, for I an ,told that a great many whlo wer' , there partook atgatin at suppor0 e. T1here were one0 hundred and fiv to eat dinner and several at suppe and I expect twelve baskets ful left. S In the afternoon the lemonad was served again and then it wa Sthat -you could see in the faces o a the guests a sadness which beinj o interpreted meant they Were sorr I tat im had wings. After en t joying ourselves awhile the crow d assembled on the front porch an -in. the ya'd and shott, a)>ropriat addresses made by 'Rev. .0. See ) bortn. 1ev. T. 16. anay. P.,,. t honie. Tllus ended onIO of the 1 mot pleisallt an( elijovable dtyE I evur ,pent- Ma.y tho kind friends of the Six "Mile secti lll live to seo the return of many ioro liko it. > . \'e are 'ry tho' rail has been plentiful the past week near by. Mercury pulled up at 10.1 thu 5iti. Cotton is well adva e(d but, verv lousy and g isteits with ioney de%. The gloriouts I cht was duly and applrop,riattely celebrat,ed with at barlecuo ar1il spaknig by the edi tor of the Journal anil Labau Maul din. M\r. \ 1auldin, gave I review of the littory of Liberty and origmn I thi lla) Ii, The name Liberty was origi tally giveil to i spring where at chure had been organized I anile west of town. Ii 1776, in the nMon th of A ugut, whilo a calp tleet1itig was in progr,ss at this sp ring, ti news of the teclaration Inidki.en(tence reached hero, andl([ whii' reip <iing over this good neows I Ilhe plhte was nmIlled ,iberty. ''h I t II wais a line lay, clear and dlry un1ti1 noon when sole showors gatthl-redl near by tilt[ light,ning flashed ati tllinder roarte(l, but the ba ribieice Wtas <lully S(rve( tJ 0ijoymtent of the vast crowd gath ered to take part in this long to be remleinhered occasion. l..QTakoit alto!-ether, it was a glori ous occasion lor old and young anld for Iiberty . Everybo(1y seemed in) a good hiImr on one (lay of pb>aire. I here wais plenty to eat mnd if anly onu di<l not. get plenty it was hot the fatult of the coniit. tee whu servaiI the crowd as they I;aithfIully itnd lh. I IItily distributedI tlt) foodl. i t too(,k hasto s4 eve'ry t. body seminel in a iurrv, News reached hore the 5(h int 0f the (-ati ot 1Mss Jcnniu \Vak,, lin at the h1om1ie ol her sister in Ok lahona where she had lately gone on a visit. Her parents have tho silcere sympathy of friends and relatives in their bereavoment. The 1ir t watermelon of the sea son was brought in July 4th. elulit, 7, C1 (ounty E xeeutie in(' m nit tee Meeth. ''h' County Fxlecutive Commit tee Lmet ld1(1;y, pursuant to call. It wus decidel in the matter of as xsiientS for c: nlpaiLt<n eXpenses that each candd1(1 ate pay an amount o(uiyalent to 10 cents for evorv h1un(red dollars income of the of fico to which he aspires. On mo tion decid(ed that all candidates be required to pay their assessments by the same day limited for the filing of pledges to TV. J. Mauldin, Tlreasuror . Tlhe fol lowing managers at the vaious boxes wvere oloeted: Eas.ley-M. P. RIogers, E. B. La:themil, C.'.J. Martin. Easloy Cotton Mills-- Jesse O'Dell, 1Rilov O'Dell, P. M. Taylor. Pleasan t G rovo -J. W. Moody,. J. Beinton Robinson, S. T. Mo Hugh. Ca teechee~--R. R. Ciild, A. J. (riane, Stove WI. i .oward. Peter's Crook-GeCorgo WV. GIrif'. fin, WI. iN. Hughes, J. Silas WII Lit 0 ty-S.Wigh t O'Dell, Frank Crane, .James .E. Parsons I Crosswoll1-T. C. Spencer, Acdol phuts Williams, Wt. D). Garrison. Central-William 01liver, Turn er' Arnold1, .Joe lirock. Six alihe-Allon Stewart, J. M, Perry, John Hollis. Eastatoe-A. Tr. Winchester, E. Pumlpkintown-W.A1 E. Jos, Holly Sprinigs-James M. Gil les pie, Earley Moseley, B. C. LiAon D)acusville-L. H. Philpot, S. T1. Prior, Ira Ilogsed. Prater-C. G. LeCwis, R. Mt. Bolding, S. M. Ferguson. Pickens-Judge M. Welborni, J. M. Noeey, 11. C. Robinson. Mlile Creek-J!. S. Brown, J. L. Muirphtru, F". C. Parsons. Ca lhoun-Thos.. L. Giant, W. A. tlgg4, WV. N. Cochran. Looper's Giin-Emory Jones, T1. WV. .H1 ill, Jos. L. Looper. Glap Hill-Chris Abercrombie, B. D). Malutldin, Edlward Craig. George L,athem, Grady Jones, On motion tho County Chair main was authorized to have blank tickets printed and distributed, and that two boxes should be pro vidlod at each precinct, one a state b)ox and one for the other offices to be votO(d on. On motion it was decided that th(e comm iitteo recommend that the canida1tos doi not praictice tihe eus. tomn of treating heretofore more or less generally p)racticedl. On mo tion adljourned. J'uptiijkinitownt. On Sunday morning, 63th inst, at 9) o'olock, Mr. Henry Hendricks -was married to (Miss Nina Cran shaw, Rov. MclDaniel officiating at the hiomet of the bride's p)arenits. On Bunday afternoon, 6th inst1 Mr. Thomas Sammons was married to Miss Enla, daughter of Mr. Si~ l as Williams, Rev. S. A. Whitnir< officiating. A large ', congregation attended SOolenoy Sunday. S A hail and wind storm passei Jover a slli portion of Pumpkin' u town township Sunday. Muel ,damage was done to orops; thost ~, autrmng most weore Mess. J. D. M ,Keith, P. B, Martin, R. L, -Jone r and 5anipson Thurges Ily the solioitatloll of imly mtany frieIf I hurt'byV a1un ouc llnytstlt" a o.1nltidatl for Ith ollitt of tlupelrvisor of Piokem et tuy, sIljet. to the action of tho'dem. ol"tatue '.t rs at .the approltchieg' pr; mn.tly (lectti . . O. A. LYxnh. The nuiy frionds of L. ). Stopheny heuolby :inuncnct him for reelection to the ollicoe of Couinty Supervisor Subject to the I )emoreitic: Primary Election. lany Friends. I( I 'Ol'NTY ('0MMISSIONEIl. The fr"it"nds A. J. Welborn hereb1y anl. nolnlet" -in as :a lailtlitalto for Coity Commiifissioner, siibjt et to ho action of the tlmo:enititie voters of PIice13k ne couny in the .tpproac hing, priimary. 'Tlt" friis of 1). 1I. ;va,Ints horeby a1n11ol'I'w him 1 c tolidhitet for County coisn1ioi 'ner I'Icelwns Cotlly, subjcet o tihe nat :on of the J)emoeratic party at thte ap1 roaelhing prinary, The friends of A. B. Talley hereby an nounic1e him :1 t"andidatto for the oflice (onty Commissimor subj.ct. to tlo no. tionl o' tho Imot'llocentie party at tho ap proalChing1 primallry. 1ho fritnis1 of W. M. (1nt. hereby anniltnce him al entlitldato for tho oflice of Colully (omilsioilnelr. 1'ikons colin. ly Sutbjo,t to action of the IDemliocratil) voters ut the app1roatching primary. At (the rc<uest of friends, I horeby an nolnnte nvself a1 ;anditldato for re-election to tho oll10 Rof County Coimisioner iil'jree to ie nI :tion of )noeratic vo ters at tht approach ing primary. 1'inelandl. Our coummlunity Wcas visited this niltornloonl )v a very refreshing shiower, which addel much to the Ihentuty of lr promising Crops. Quit a number (If )oth young and old 1)eopilc) Of this vicinity att tended the grand ('elobration held at I'lzer on:the "'Tho Fourth. ''t \Vhat harvesting was Lnot such ta1,k this season, due to tho short Crops and numerous machines. We were very favorably impressed with the announcement of our friend and neighbor, Hon. C. H. Carpenter for the Senate. We wish for him every success. Vinelatl School, formerly taught by Prol. J. F. Folk, will open tho 18th inst. ulnder tho su ht'rVVlion of I'rof. lolland, of 51iglghs, S. C. ''he protract(ed meetinlg at George's Creek will follow the third Sunday in July. It. is to be hoped that much interest will be manifes ted and as a result much good be done. There always seems to [.e some thing to mar our anticipations. Fartmers are iow complaining of lice doing the cotton injury altho' we hope it will not injure it so riouisly. Shorty. Foley's Kidney Cure purfies the blood by )tralling Oat impjuriltes anId tones up the wholo system. Cures kidney and bladder' troubles. Bolt & WYobb Pickens~ and Chapman & Callahan Liberty. THE SAME3 OLD STORY. J. A. Kelly relates ani experience sim ilar to that whIich hiis hatppened in at most ov'ery iieighiborhoeod in thle United States and has been told and re-told by thiotuands, of othitrs. He says: "'Last summer .1 had an aitiack of dy'sentory and perchase:id a bottle of Chamberlain's Colit, Cholera and D)iarr'hoea Romedy, which I used aCCording to directionls an l with entirely satisfaictory result. The troublo was conltrolled much quicker tIn former attacks wihien I used other remidies." Mr, Kelly is a well known citizon of Helndorson, N. C, For sale by G. W. Eirlo Druggist. COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON, Charleston, 5. 0, Founded in 1785. Strong Fac uilty; we'llI equipped chemical, phys, ia, anid biological laboratories; Library of 14,000 vol unmes and the finest Museum of Natural History in the South. Eloctive coursos heading to the dlegrees of BI, A.. R. S,, a i . A. Board with fur ni shied room in College Dormitory can bo obt.ained for $10 a month. Tuition, $10. One scholarship giv ing free tuition is assigned toPick ens cou nty', the holder to be ap p)ointed by the Probatoe Judge and thme County Suiperin tendant. Total expenses for Scholarship students, $112 to $130. All candidates for admission are l)ormnitted to comn p)ete for vacantt Boyce SchoIar'ships which pay $150 a year. Entrance Examinations will be held at Pickens on Friday, July 11, 19 02, next session begins Septem. bor 29. For catalogue, address. Hlarrison Randolph. President. "I am using a box of Chiamborlain's Sitomaichi & Liver Tablets and find thom the best thing for my stonoh I ever used, says T1. WV. Roinson, Justice o; the Peace, Loomis, M ichi. Tlheure Tab. lets not only correct disorders of th4 stomach but regulite the liver anid bow ols. They are einay to t:iko and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per box. Fo: sale by Q. W. Earle D)ruggist, Six Mile D)emocratic Club. The members of Six Mile Demo, cratic Club met Saturday, Junt 28th, 1902, and reorgainzed ha electing followmng officers. J. C Garrett,Preident, A. R. Stewart Vice Pres, W. P'. Dicksoni, Seoy and( Tree., 8. M. Perry, Ex, Corn WV. P. Dickson and W. L,. Pressle and S. M\. Perry Comn,, on Regis tration, Adjourned subject toca of President. (XW. P. Dichoson, Secy and Treas. A. 13. WARDLAW :- DENTIST -S Will be in P'ickens until !turther nbotIo 01llcc up etgIrs Iu the are,y kWiI1 over .lkok Grooery Stre ANNOUNCEMENT% Ol''FFIC'. AII ('oinity ollices, each, --..00 Al";istiates, - ' :.5) A lI ther ttllit't , '' . :,.ll Th,alv'pi(ces are invar"iatltiy Al) ,A NCE. F-ORi CONGREl.SS. 1 h 'In) n me ti .t I I ys l' a id: for (Coigi tss frnt IIhis,the I'i i I ,) Caroli ii st i ut to :i' 1itjI cl lui l [t' teti of the d'em na t t a t it ihr alrt t t ing prituary) ele'ttion:. J;. i'. ha l i T il I crteby :l o11e,- mlli f1 at 1nItttlii for t'ongrt:. t.t t '1i'1"titin- I , C'., I )istii, >-hllj<t to t i ' : t. 't i don it' i u t 1 inl tho :IIp r, - hii priinlylul. \\'t:1. J, Sltiblil;.. I hereby AItnill'- iNvt ei t ii for Congres s fitui li,' t ht e 1lr.ti I) trict, sub jitft toth)je :- timn f' 1'i tleni rie ti vutt l otr a tl,t the Iroc ing pt 1ma el:ctionl. (;eo. .. I ;lN I I herebI y ann nn myst'ti tl' : .,,iili: for C''g;rs ttt reprre.'Ilt tIi: h t( eThi Distric t, suject to he ac("tio tl f 1i Demcr voters t tho a rt"at Chii primlary (letuIn. I:. \t. 1% ' ' I I.:I;! .ir. We ar aatoriizedt to alnin \\tt W. tGra1ydlol, ofihlevilo, f i at lidal;l for Co'm nss f 'j1iti ' 1'hii (' -re ional IbstrI'c sut flsj ct to (It I .n it the I)t-De ti'atio t rim .tu"N. W e are authorii ed to mm11IuI -:II: i \\'v Aikee , f .\ht -ville , 1; i t - lt t Conr'te frof the Thinr ('onts'i. District, s ubjrt to it e atIn I Il Democrati i voters ut. the tIpp,racit primary el.utiont. 1 hereby :ui nt'ltnrc 1n S1 iI i e:ianlid for Coni;re;s f iiiu a hu 1.lirtIdunt.h t': oliua )it ri, t, sujet t tto th t elio u the democratie voters at the aptproa)c hil primary eleclion. T'. .1. 'McCall e F0 It TI'lE " S NN.t''i. The frietds of Lab)au Miulit h trt announco him as ca alidauto for then ate, sujott to the ction of theoe .1ion crati voters of 1-ickouis county at the proaching primatry. The friendstt of Chtrlts E. l;(b.imi hereby ant ouutli!ts him as a e.lll,iitl:tl ' the -enato, subjt'ct 11, the nt:I ion 4o deoo ratie vo(erS oft I'it h(ns; e t11 i ' tho ap or achitt pr imry . The frinds of ( . I.(':rl t jr he by aunnounce h ns a e.ndilulate fe-I' 1 Senato inm'Tt1 tit Pickens5: - s t the ation o theiq ( l>m1en lie h-IX S th ot tacnt , ,e'l1pr lanar1 I I ut in . I ..-.. 1 Ol T l ! : Ilt)j',I. . - . I herely amounce my asVa nd ii roelrction tO the IluiMe of luy itr i tives frot Pickens ctylie, :5jct,j the Democratic primn. y. .vyr M. 3La.msl.ic The frienids of J. A'11h1or1 Iint hereby announco hi s i candidate t' the H"ouse of R{epresolntativo fromt P), ensct cofuntr subject to fint"in] of dlemotin voiter ~t ithli aoahiti piay election:. Iuuounce himnune a is ei a cadtiitii- () fous le oflii'o .1hpr ietiiv y flromst ick, jcny ,et to the a cteio Iiodion 'f iV emofraPicots on1at thle app)hroacihij primaruiy eetion. The frie oditfol of y Mainy htere annoneyi aucendiat for i t liiou ofPcoctt,subject to tho acinonh era pat ttopocing primary.(lC(Oi Thle friends of lathew lV bii' eielt' aocano e him c andOorfiie lc 'cutr, subject to (ation ctih:1od mtcrti voters at the iappocin. pi Tuo friends of W~.q Neso .idiav breb)ctly an tnounco hi caniat forj t: HoruTcoif 1tepfresentaivos, Pikens ea jty, sbto tolie action| Ith de'nriten i' otr at he apilgprcingprmary sp eruly annonhim as3'0 fai canid for the oilice of Cou'ty Audior I.ic Pcscounty, subject to ho action Ih primarytieolectior. IR.I(dik TeFrino o E tr h hudg Iorby inno himse ndiRl fo etij ofulce of Auditr sut ebjoet totio Sto h democrryati t roin pt h ~ rah rmary election. fortheollcef Cunt Tresurers jec to the acsion of thereocratie v< osi of Pren oaenJdeo kntyathaprah primy elbjotoention o i ine By the sliqct fnfofemysmany.fries I hereb tyi4nnou c myielfa forudah frrtion to the oi Cof'y easior of Piens Icony subject to th ac of the democratic voter at (ie aproa< ing rimry lecion W. D. Chapman.4 thOe pracing rimary.h O res pullyanocims candid!o S0ME INTEREST FOR JULY AND T DLULL M 'I T W\ IG I'l(O)'o) MAE T H HEM w ' If, h will:' :n ; u imzn,r ('Ittlln W ha. :II t t i l ii l' 11tf t' in l a '' S I) t I'I\j ' : t hiht wl t 1In " t(hr " \V,W :1'I' ill fin 1'I 1 :111\n ('1tli ii ttl' , Ilr (.' . , <l:. O U i'1'r tri s au re t Shvay ri I+; q :. "!-lhin: I.tll thlt in-. t tllh ig. SIII I i n i i; :-h4it this yt':It I l l l' t : and s ug g1 , l t : n flri a big 14 f t lt' :ta es, d tliI i - tt ., ()t first o tt rit-ltily 1:r it on't ((o)fne ('ye hoest' Irl t'\trybtttly. old ndn y rt ti t1 :nv hli 11:- bes"t sho.)ts for tit Isc <'! 1 rda ,In .f all IcinLh:, slaves,' hl , il bl -. h, -11'"t nod wag:I I'rll' I Ie li it)nki 1 tf h y n II "~ ~ ~ :t"1t 1ni: !uplil , :' Ich :1-; ,hinl t 't IIit r . \ IIit .- 1 'I il . , t1 Itt. i'.i ry I lt'-eI ,! h .ltiln l, t"l1 11, I, 1 II -Soml Iu-) ins I to oficr in l Its2* 4 till! ("(f"TLb \V'':t( l e nl;i It V.. 11; tll " l t . llt' ;' I:in '1 inlS S ItoI A niS IR it TH HS Cori0 to CHOICE oF STYLES k PRIDE Gree 10 tc 1,-telar sT' n by Iarithe eis A thae lute the5 yok of igh prict est a all. 10 ig IV Mi:s I Iiu. ha has)1 just returnT 11d fr .*. whr :)he prch)ased aL large and co ho choice;t novelties. This decpartmerl l' argecr towns5. We' cordlialy invite coun[1ty to call andC infspcCt this dlepal -rect stiles at v ery low pr1ices. IOIn each deatmn you wvillnC ngYours truly Heath-Buei hI _ PUBI ~EASERN 0EE ati A nd~ Qardei c;:e1ds, we hlave in stocl zCarden and Fat Iate I loes, Rakes, Shoves, Spades, ant Hooks, Matr-ocks, lIows and Plov tp, T1tu rners made, Wheel Barrowvs, Machines, and Furniture of all kir A Nice, New, Cle H ATS, SHOES, DRY GOC .4 New Goods Coming in and 5? Anything * and tion About a Home s~ We invite all to come an< Lt- No trouble to show pp ING PRICES AUGUST RALLY ONTHS LIVELY +. -(i it. Our stock has been pretty Ibalgains to offer. black SergO Coats Don't. fail to see us Gent's Furnflihing hlt an(t we handle but that is all tl. ive what there is, v before the pI"les (.oittolIlades, laIwIS, ;t. Don't, miss this y (lay. ung;. We handle (y are always:ithe tinw are, .harness, ills. zIingle mill get nlle all kin<ds of gic ties. saws of all1 - mnl tradle s0 10R NLEY. tuggies and Wagons. lb)s to the dollar. v AL REDUCTION SALE IS NOW ON L E WE WILL CLOSE OUT OF LOW CUT SHOES AT IE FIRST WILL GET THEIR AND SIZES. & PATTON, niville, S. C. JO0IROW Co. Coods aily., ine we have shown. We. id they are in reach of [ILLINERY! >m the Northern Markets, nlete: line of the season's ~ t is equal to any in the # 'ill the Ladies in Pickens twnent. You will find cor big values. It will pay orrow Co POTATOES 1 Seeds EANTING. ;ood garden. Besides the the necessary ming Tools! Forks, Bush Hooks, Briat Stocks, Best Steel Beam~ Iron King Stoves, Sewing Ids, Pretty Styles. an Stock of 1DS AND CLOTHINP Going out Every Day. * Everythin. or Farm. I look through our r.go brough our stock,