The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, June 19, 1902, Image 4

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The People's Journal PICKENS S. C. F"ift y-Ninie... Theodore and I hadI been tralpiiig about lalifax all day. We had pulled our feet fromi the asphalt pavements for the sun was hot; we had toiled to the wiud.slapped citadel, and gazed at Dartmouth, gleam1in1g white across the water, and watched the seething foam in the far haze at the harbor entrance. We had sneered at the gowns of the women, and had been stared at by the nonkey-clad privates. We had praye(l in the dusk of St. Mary's, and driven through the gardens, and oven out the Bedford Basin road for a few miles. I had dragged 'T'heodore to moth-eaten shops and boul-ht vile candy and acted generally in what Theodore calls my i Amerilan girl" m1anne'. There was a touch of the spring-time weariness Upon mIe when wce got back to the Halifax liouse, with spare time in which to dre-, lor dinner. It was early in May, mnCh too soon for the tourists, and every person, not a Troy to their linger tips, was spotted in the hotel. That is the reason that Ted and 1, when we Wtent into the dining room were imme.iiatt-iy taken over to a table where ahreatly two people sat waiting for their dinner. The girl was an American. That. nucl --and 110 more--I knew. ''he man- Now, Theodore had 'o)me to Canaula on busi ness, and I hua at oilpalied himln in the hope of meeting the very man, who sat talking in his u it uticing style, to an titter stranger, not live feet away. I had meant to be so :,rentle with Tom Merrill when I met hi, for the last time 1 hal seen him, I had refused, with great haughtiness, to ac'onpaniy him, as a loving wife antI helpmate, to this end of the world. After six months of abject misery, though I was quite willing-- -to have himli ask me agaim. It gave mhe an unreasonable pang to see how well be looked and I put on my most di'nitied air as he pre sented the girl, whose highly interest ing conversation had been broken uponl by our entrance. I loathed that gill before 1 met her. I knew, before she opened her lips, 1 that she would talk through her nose -and she did. 'he was a native of I some mountain village in 1'ensyivauia I and her reason for leinlg so far from home was- -business. In a few min- I utes wo had her history, and knew i that she was a bookkeeper in the Inost I up-to-date hardware shop in IIalifax. She had met Tom on one of his trips to Halifax, antd seemed to know him very well ie l'ed. At least, she called him "Tom," and looked at him as though he belonged to her, aiit acted altogether disgracefully. "Tom and I were just tdiscussing the suicide,'' said Miss Reynolds as we began our soup. " You have heard of it, of course"' "Ni)," 1 rephed untr'uthfully, I knew all about it. but I wan teditolhear her talk sime more. There was a wild faiscination foi'rme iln listening to her ra.seng A' and awful i's. T1om Merrt'., Now Y ciker to the core, niever wince. H Ea had indeed comforted himise.'. "Its a -' a- to go wvith a meall" she i.d - - T . . a woman, young, and ar~ . A::-.:. :;. :hat, shot herself' her a 2g , . three days ago. Poe 2 : uv : intrst day ahe car~ - ' :a2.'u -. f the week, -i V e '' n umui; o i n, if--?. - , sh e tr. -::,. :*. mii :mi Il(!:n. >he shot he.' :;i *t-u,':''Om No. : 1'. ii ..' inig that woe wt:.a.y. lBurned a.. he: -&-? o . i her rings. Three -ra.u-:..-. :rImondis were fours .: 6 .m: .d among the "a I': . .. out who she in, rs a .t.. - -ave butriesd her in the por te(' b. ut don,t you think itawe -at her 'waiting foi' that mes ag,adh':r de-pair when she got it? 1 uased to hear he- wa'ilking the floor at night. lf:r room was jtust across the hall from rarne. It' a uLpposedl to be haunted now.' " It must have iinnei'ved you. Were you here when she dlied?" asked Thieo dore, with the first glow of interest ho had displayed. .Dear old chicken. Hie never bothers with-some girls. "1 0, dear niol" said Miss Reynolds. "1I was at the ollico, and indeed, I had my room changed at once. I couldn't bear to be near the place. In fact, I couldnr't sleep at all in my room." It was nothing except a spiteful de sire to beat the girl, to dlo sometinig she was afraid to do that made me re ply like a boastful child: " I abouldn't' be afraid to sleep in number 59. 1 think L'll have my things moved to night.' Tom Merrill raised his eyebrows, and looked at me steadily for a mo ment. I saw by3 Teddie's expression that he was plainly aware of my in tention, and also aware of his incom patibIlity to cope with his adored and very much spoiled sister. " Well," at last, I enqjuired, as Tom still staredl at me, " do you think I'm afraid, Mr. Merrgl?" " No,'' said that youiig man slowly, and with emphasis. " I don't think you are." Miss Re~ynolds looked her supreme acorn and unbelief. "111(deed, it's all very well to talk that way," she saidi " but when it comes down to the thing, I'm quite sure you would baek down. There Isn't any woman I know who has nerve enough to sleep in No. 69." " Oh," I rippled out quite Sweetly, " but you see you don't know me,. or any of any friends. Wouldn't Bletty Parker or T'ill Bliss just give theor 'very souls for this chance, Theodore?" " Margaret," ' replied Ted, and knew he wanted to be strict. He al ways tries to be when he forgets t< to call nme Peg, " I don't like you t< talk this way. You haven't any idea I hope, of carrying out this absurd scheme?" Now, I might have given up the idea, but just at that moment Miss Iteynol(s, who had apparently forgot ten that we were there looked down at Tom's hand, idly crumbling bread crumbs on the white cloth, and archly said : " I must have my ring, Tom. All my luck has flown to the winds since 1 gave it to you. I botched half a dozen things today." I must be heathen at. heart, for I felt, at that moment, exactly like tak ing my lish knife, and slowly sawing that wretched girl's throat with it. But, instead, 1 dimpled amid replied, with my best grade of coax, " 'Tiddle wink, please have my things sent over to No. 5I. That's where I'm going to sleep tonight." And then I looked at Tom Merrill, sitting across the table, with a girl's ring on his linger. labI but he had grown cotmmon in his tastes since 1 had denied hin, a wife. I won der if he knew what miy eyes said? Miss Reynolds laughed outright when she heard ily order. "(11iou can't make mile believe that you will go into that suicide's room, with its hor rible associations and sleep tonight. You'll get out of it some way or other. You brave, high-spirited girls always do in the end. I'<d much rather tell the truth and be safe." ''om and Teddie saw some humor in her remark, and Ton added insult to injury by quietly suggesting that there was probably a secret passage built for adventurous American beauties. And then Toni and 'fed talked of the steel industry, and Tom asked m1e about the girls at tiome, and I utterly refused to be enticed into giving him my of the thousand and one delight ful messages that had been sent, to lomn. Miss Iteynol(s and I finished Air dinner ill polite Cuommonplaces, while she took in every detail of my ostutme. She had been im Jlalifax 'our months, and her neck fixings amid .he way she wore her hair showed it. As we passed out of the (ining-room t'heodore asked me if I really meant vhat I said. Alise Rleynolds laughed loubtingly, and , heard ''om say to ler: ''1 can't believe that she his erve enough to do it. (ee whiz- - 'tnd the li he stopped, for I was watch dim straight and level, with blazing yes. I icked a piece of lint. fromt miy gray kirt, before I replied to Theodore: I am going to sleep in No. . L'eddie Coulson, and you know it, vithout asking me.'' So my things were sent to No. 5,U nd we all tollowed the ~boy, through lie old- fashioned parlor, and the queer i ittle conservatory, and out the long sall, overlooking the harbor. The boy lamimed open the door and threw my >ags down in No. 5i, while 1 stood dly at the low window watching the liekering white eye in the mouth of he ocean. A soft-voiced maid brought is chairs, and we sat at the broad win low in the hall until eleven o'clock. l:very time that I forgave Tot, and wished that he would come near, and 'all ime Peg, the light wouild glhnt oin lint hateful little ring, and somnethiing m my) soul1 wouldl shut with a click. 1 was drowsily weary~ wh'Ien I at last. ihut, the doo of' the hi.aunted roonm t11)0n three faces* one crful,n Lenderly solicitions, and one full of luimb pleading. But the hland( which ield open1 the dloor for a last glance vas muarredl by a good band. How I iated that girl I Number 50) was a match for he heavy, 01(d silver in the dining-rooml he qjuaint, carvedh furniture in the >arlor, and those weirdl works of art udorning the mantels. A ponderous valnut bed stoodin one11 coi ner of the 'oomn. At the side was a smiall ire lace, now clean and brushed of the oll-tale a4hes. Over b)y tile window, vbere the gray light from the sea utruggledl through in the early dawni tood a huge bureau. I went and1( ooked at myself in tihe glass. And ,hen a horrid fear crept upon01 me. tin ler my feet stretched a great rug, miuchi too large for the room, ando pushed0( imder the legs of the bed t.o get rid of the extra corners. I did not dlare look Linder t,he rug! Instead of my own race, young and heavy-eyed wit,h sleep I seemed to see the wretched ::ountenance of another woman, alone, md sinking t.o an agonized death by her own hand. I mnovedl from the spot. If the mirror hadl helped ini the doing of the evil deed(, th e rug was guilty of' hidimg tihe dark stains. I remiember thinking of everything in a hazy way. I was very unhappy, but fell asleep at my prayers, and finally chimbed into the great bed, to slide through three thousand miles of heavy, stohdo slumber. It was early in the morning when 1 awoke. Too early for the dawn t,o show. It Was raining, too, and the windl howled about tIhe corners of the roof, like an enormous man who was ill. It was a small soundo that brought me cloar-minded, and keen-earedt to my senises. A gurgling slop, 8101), some1 thing thick like blood. Weirdl and bumbhng, the noise grew nearer. Then sU(ldlen, uncanny, horrible, I heard my heart boats in twos and threes-wit,h startling jumps. My hair si,ood on endl, my hbody laid lhelpl1ess in the great. lbed. For t,here, moving in that tiny room with me-was something! Some thing white andl long andl lean, commng nearer and nearer wit,h a beast,ly 8101), slop, gurgle and bubble of b)l00d. 1 remember of wondering why there was so much blood in a bullet wound. God in heaven! the thing was coming to ward me. It fumbled with the covers, striving to. turn them uip from the bottom. Livid fear held me, tongue tied andl trembling, to the bed. And then something in me broke at the sound of the figure's voice. (Clear and golden, English all over, .came the beautiful modulated tones: " Dear me, but I have had the trouble this night. My feet like ice, and never a bit of hot water. This water :will never get them back to their prqe tte, I have a mind to rne, the y'prietor." I sat bolt upright with a serbamn of laughter. The old lady, for such she was, turned a ghastly face, upon me. sheer. horror tied-he1r t,ongue thiat had but a moment gone been so ilmber. " Do you know where you are?" said I, "You are in 190. 59.' I shall never forget her face. The principles of a lifetime were forgotten. She thought I was a ghost, and the The.Wo s Greatest, ure for Maiaria A i' Jr all forms of Malarial osleon. ng take Johnsoun's Chill and Peve. 1ont. , A taint of Malarial poison. ' hn yoar biol ineasmiseryand taure. l(ood modlel nvs can't curs Malarial poisoning " "ho antidoto (or it is 4 OHNSO,v'S TONIC. et a bottl e to-day. ilmsts 50 Cents If It Curse. ghost of an American, at that. W'itl a terrible screech she was gone (owl the hall, spreading her fright like dis ease through the hotel. I moved it the bed and the gurgle again fell upon my ears. I picked up a lukewarm gun water bottle and I was still howlin,< and hugging that awful instrument of torture when Theodore and Ton Merrill burst into my room. I havt always tokti Tomw 811nce that he actuall~ patted mne on the back that night and called me "darling," while he was at t,ired in a bat,h robe and1( pajamias, anit I in a most fetching nightdress, cover. e(1, ala-, with a blanket. I couldn't make them understand. They wanted to soothe me, and quiet my nerves, tu anid thiose two idliots of men aotnally ap)illeI a half pint of good Overholt before I could get anything into their heads. They might have known that it was i huge joke instead of hysterics, through I never, never told how that mistaken old Englishwoman hid really scare me into a lit. At last, aided by my faith ful water bottle, I got the story out and was left alone. But not before 'T'om had whispered: " You'll have to marry me the first thing in the morning, m1y Peggy, love, to save my reputation." And that's why I went to sleep the second time that n1iht the happiest Lirl in the world, amd the sunishiny Iawn of my wedding (lay streamed Lhrough the broad window of No. 59. BILL ARP REVIVES A SERMON. II 1M110R ()I 'Tl'i E L()NG A((. 6:A n<( He I'lay)'e<l (In ai llilry of a 'I'Iton mmtin1 StringM--Spirit14 ot .1ust len Mai le l'erfcct." IIanta ('onslit.ntion: I have haud an occasional request to eprodluce and save from oblivion a oermon that went the round of the iouthern press some lifty years ago md was known as the 'I'arp of a t'housnid Strings." Not long ago I juoted a paragratph from it and a friend writes me from East Feliciaua, l,a., md says that, the author of that quaint U(1 sermon lived and died in that par bi, and his daughters and grar~-chil iiren live LIere now and ar1tit his near neighbors. Strange to say the author was a minister of the gospel, sober, se ri(3us, solemnii and( deOvot,(d to his caill ing, and for a long time it, was nol known that. the humorous writings OVer Sie signiatumro of "Zoudoktah the Scribo, carnle from hii gift.ed pen1. liut, some preaichersl' cani't help~ seeinug andt enjoy. ing the I udierouis sidle of human na ture. Sidney Smith, the famous mig lish divinle, was as5 solemn11 as Lte grav( on so1l11m1 occasions, bu,L lhe inhaled a great, deal of mierrilmnt, without, r smile, Ile provoked others t,o thu mlost convulsive laughter, but gave nc sign Bave iln tile twinkle of his eyes. Judge Longstreet, the eminent, ju rist, the learned p)reachler, the. digi fled presidlent of two colleges .ind r university, anld the author of "(ieorgili Scenes," was of simnilar t,ylp. 1 111 hlim often (during my youth, and do no recall that ho indulged In a humorou: anecdiote. The last time I met. hini was (during the war in the oflice of The Columbus Enquirer, when lie inidullget inl hitter sarcasm agaimst some10(icor gians whomI lie called traitorous 0ob structionists. 1 could hardly imaginm that hie it, was who molded the mnullita ble0 chairacters of Ned Birace and Rlan soy Snilhle. Johns IIooper was not a preacher but, always a sedlate andl very dignillet genItlemnan. Ile was secret,ary of the embryo Confederacy that assemibledl ii Montgomery and there was iio sign o ''Simon1 Suggs" or "Taking the (Cen sus5" ill his solemn (deport ment. Mi observation1 has been that the besl story tellers and conversationalist; have the least, imclination to wrIte o: publish their owni scintillations, I was common to say of (ny old part,ner ''Ohi'rare Judge lJudterwood,"' but could iiever induce him to pult lpen t< paper inl that line, lie said that good story or a flash of wit, and humo1 lost its relish by writing it, for tile toni of voice, the accenlt, tile piqluancy, t.k facial expressions couldi not he record ed. When the Rev. ~J. 'r. Lewis wvrot< this sermonl it was not unicOilommo .fo amateur preachlers to plerformi up anm dlown tile Western rivers and t,bus al vertise their business, which was prin elpally flat boatmng and( peddlinig thei: produce. Loren0lzo Dow took cont.i nlental journeys fromn Maine to Texas but, lie was a pretty good ort.hodo: pIreachler. Th0ee flat boat preacher were a rough and tumilble set and tan gled up the Script,ures awfully, bu they could dIraw the crowds and thei whiskey was a good cardl. 11, was ai orthodox p)roduct then and preacher and the 1)eopl1 were as fond of it a old Father Noah, who was a preachie of righlteouisness. Rev. Mr. Lewi (loes not give tis preacher's name, bu his sermon has been sent me by m; friend and I give it to your readers a It was given to me. When It firs caime forth we thought it inexpressibl; funiny. It, is not so funny no0W to' th 01.1 peopIle, but the younger generatioi are more easily amu-li9d thian the vet erans, andl for their sake I ap)pendl it A pretty school girl recited it last wee] at the commenlcement 'exercises-of ou public school, and she did it n elI ani brought down the house. This sermoni was said to have bee1 preached at Port Hudson, where th amateur divine hadt " th d up" for th dollble purpose of observing the Sab bath and selling whiskey. 1 may say to you, my brotheritag that I am not an edicated .man, an' am not one of them as believes that edication is necessary for a gospel minister, for I believe the Lord ed icates Iis prt,achers jest as lie wants 'em to be edicated; an' although I say it that oughtn't to say it, yet in the State of Indianny, where I live, thar's no man as gets bigger congregations nor what I gits. Thar may be some here today, my brethering, as don't know what per suasion I am uv. Well, 1 must say to you, my brethering, that im a Hard Shell Baptist. 'T'har's some folks as don't like the Ilard Shell Baptists, but I had rather have a hard shell ias no shell at all. You see me here today, my brethring, dressed up in good clothes; you mout think I was proud, but, I am not proud, my brethring, and although I have been a preacher of the gospel for twenty years, an' although I'm capt'in of the flat boat that lies at your landing, I'm not proud, my brethring, ah. I am not gwine to tell edzactly whar mly text may be found; sullice it, t.o say it is in the leds of the Bible, and you'll Iiul it somlewhere between the first chaptet of the book of Generations, and the last chapter of the book of Itevolutions, and of you will go and search the Scriptures; you'll not only find my tex thar, but a great many other texes as will do you good t1 read, and my tex, when you shall limd it, you shall find it to read thus, al: " And he played on a harp of a thou sand strings---sperits of jest muen made perfeck." My tex, my brethei ing, leads me to speak of sperits. Now, thar's a great many kinds of sperits in the world-in the fuss place, thar's the sperits some folks call ghosts, and thar's the Sperits of terpentine, and thmr's the sperits as some folks call liquor, and I've got as good an artikel of them kind of sperits on my flat boat as ever was foch down the Mississippi river; but. thar's a great many other kin(is of sperits, for the Lex says: " lie played on a harp of a t-h-o xi-s-and strings, sperits of jest men made perfeck." And thar's a great many kinds of fire in the world. .In the fuss place thar's the common sort of fire, and then there's foxlire, and camphire, fire before you are ready and fire and fall back and many other kinds uv lire, for the tex says, " lie played on the harp of a thou sand strings, sperits of jest men made perfeck." But I'll tell you the kind of fire as is spoken of in the Bible, my brethring, is loiel l"ire! and that's the kind of lire as i great many of you'll come to of you don't do loot.tter ner what you have been doin'-- -for " lie pla ed on a harp of a thousand strings, sperits uv jest men made p?rfeck." And that's the kind of fire you can't dodge, my brethring, al, for it's the fire that won't he quenched. You may fly to the mountains of IIepsidam, where the woodbine twineth and the lion roareth and the whangadoodle mourneth for its first born, but, you can't hide from the unsquenchable fire, for it is the lire of hell andl damnation, all I "1 And he played on a iiuerp of a thousand strings.---sp(rits of jeMt, ml mi madle per feck." Now ats there tire many'1 kinds of spert its and mamy k inds of Ii re , al in the wo:b1l, al jes so there ate nmany kinds of Chr ist ians, al lai the fuiss phaee we have the 'I 'aeoalians, and they arc a htight-sailin', htigh-roostin', hifalut,in set, al and thtey may he likened unto a turkey bum~rd that flies upi into the air, aht I and he goes up, andi upl, and up, till he looks nto higger thani your finger nail, and thle fust, , ihing you know, lhe comes dlown, and dowvn, and dlownt, and goes to filfin' himse'lf on the carkiss of a de~ad hios by the side of the road, alh! and " l1c played on a harp of a tht usand strings, sperits or jest men made perfeck." A t. hen thar's the Method is, al They may be likened untoi the squirrel runtnin' up into a tree, for the Methodia beleeves in gwinec on from one degree of grace to atnother, and finally ont to perfect ion, and the s<iuirrel goes up, ,andI upj, andtu up, and he jumips from limb t.o limb, and branch t.o branch, .and the fust thing you k now he falls, and down lie comes kerfl umix, and that's like the Methodis, for they is allers falhin from grace, ah! " ' And he played on a harp of a thousand strings, sperits uv just men mnade p)erfeck." And t,har' is the Presbtyterians, my rbrethering, with their long frock coats aind high shirt, collars and dismal ,swamp faces, but they never cleared no new ground nor hurt no bresh nor aT H E POISE Ofawoman in petrfet health attracts the eyett ontce. ~Suchi a woman Is all torarely s.eeii. The mtost of womni bear sicars of suifferinig on their faces which no styiles ca n hide, and often in their very carriage betray the womanly weakniess which * op ,resses them; tohre can he no p)erfect health for the woman' who -suffers fromt die .ease of the dielicate wornanly organ ism. Hter general health Is so inti mately related to the local healtht of t the womanly or r gaits that these must he cured be.. fore the general health cait be r established. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite P'rescriptiont t makes weak wvomen strong and sick womient well. It cures wvomanly dis a orderst and diseases; b,rightetns the dull Seye, roitda out, the hiofow cheek and1( gives strentgth for wvfely duities anid maternal cares. " My health is the best now that it has been for fouir years," writes Mrs. Phtethe Morris, of Ira .. Cau, Co., N. V., itox 5). "1~have takeni hu( two b'ottles of yotur mtodi init 'Fiavortte P're. Se .scipltion ' an:d 'G(oldent Meeical Discovery.' ( Tituse mtedicine hav'e done mue mtore good than altatl i- ave eyer takent before. I cotiidn't do r lnly work only about half the time, and now I I can work aHtetime for a famiy of .four eor1took your me es I was lt bp4 itearily half the time. 1advi4,ce to ali who are. troutb ied wTith .feniatte w akns X is1 tb take' Dr. Pierce'', Flavorite P'rescrt i om1 al *'Coldent Med. f'eial niscovery '--the mo t'wonderld medicines -fit t he woirid.". .. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser ist snt free oan receipt of 2r onte ,centt stamups to pay expense, of mnaIlin 'Only. Addl'ress Dr. R.. V. Pierce, B - L falom, N. Y. deadened no timber, nor killed no bars. They always waits for us hard shells to do that and settle up the wil derness, andcl then they will slip in and go to plantin' anl put on heavenly airs and claim to be the only people that are elected and shore of eternal salvation ---amd they play '' on a harp of a thou sand strings --sperits of jest men made lerfeck." Antid then, my brethring, thar's the Baptists, ah I Anti they have been likened to a 'possumt on a 'simmon tree, and the thuniers may roll and the earth may tuake, and the lions roar and the whaugadoodle mourn, but the 'possum clings thar still, ah! Anl you may shake one foot loose, and the other's thar, and you may shake all feet. loose, and he laps his tail around the limb, anl clings and Ie clings furever, al for i' lie played on i harp of a thousat.d strings, sperits uv just m en mtade perfeck.'' The I)partment of Agriculture is preparing to fight the ravages of the San Jose scale throughout the eountry with its natural enetuy, the ladybug, brought for the interior of China. Assistant Blotanist Miarlatt has just returned from the Orient, where he sought the original home of the dread ed scale. Far in the interior of the latter country, where European plants have not penetrated, he foun id the scales and also the ladybugs, which keep the scales in subjection and permit the native plants to flourish. Mr. Marlatt started home with a good supply of these ladybugs, but only sixteen sur vived on arrival in this country, and lourteen of them subsequently died. 1'he two remaining, however, were nursetd carefully by the government, with.a view to lighting the ccale ;n the mine manner as in China. There are atot lifty of themi, requiring the con. ttant gathering of scales from the de )artment grounds for food. While not "xpecting the scales to he extei tninat d from this country, experts are )lanning to attack them with the in .reasing breed of their natural enemies. No Hair? "My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once." Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, 0. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every tie. $1.00 a bottle. All druggIsts. If your druggist canno(t stapply you, sendi ts ionedi lla anel0 we will express you a bot t Ie. nio sure andl give the niame of your nea:rest ex press oilTee. A deiress, .C. AY Elt CO., I.oweii, Alass. Southern_Rai1way, Greatest Southern System. HOiCICDI.E OF TiA iNS AT (IItRENyt 1,iC. 5, C (In etfect May 25th, 1902.) T'rains leave Greenville, A & C ilepot: 1 25 a mn, No 35,. (daily) linited States Fast Mtail. For Atlanta, Hirmingham, M emphis, Montgomery, New Orleaonus, Chiattanoog a, Macen, etc. Through Pullman S leepers for Atlanta, liir m ingham, Montgomery, Mobile, and New Orleans, con necting at Athaiita with through Pt.llman sleepers for l'hicago, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, andio lansas City. 5 *i a m, No 31i (daily lI nited States Fast Ma'l, for (rharlotte, Richimonid \Vashington, New York, andh the East. T'hrough Pullman sleepers to itichmondl, WVashington, Baltinloref .Phiiladelphiia, and New York . Rin ing cars. 7 00 a m, No (1S (except iSunday), mlxedl lo cal train for Hodges, arriving flod ges 2 tO p m. 9.40)a m, No 12 (d ally), for Colum bla, Chlar leston, ando i ntermedliate plOints. 11 10 am, No 39 (daily). A tlanta and New York. Exprese, for Atlanta, Macont, irmingham, etc . Close conneelionis at A tlanta for all poinits South and WVest. Pullman sleeper to A tlanta. A lso, each TIuesday, Thmrsday an :1 Baturday through Pullman Tourist car to 8an Francisco without change, via Atlanta, Montgomery and New Orleans. 12 30 p m, No 37, (daily) Washington & Southwestern himited. Sotid Pull man train of fInest equipment. Coni nections at Atlanta for all points. Tlhrough sleepers for M acon, Mont gomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Hir min gham, Memphis. Dlnling care. 2 35 p m, N o 12 (daIly), lsocal Ex press for 81lartan burg, Charlotte. D)aniville, Rtichmondi andI intermediate polints. 4 30) p m. No 11 ((dally), Local 4x press for Atlanta. with close connections at Atlanta for all points South and West ; Chattanooga, etc. 5 20 p m, No 38 (daily), Washinigton & Bouthwestern Limited(. Bohd( Pll I main traini to Washington, Baltimore, P h i Ia d1 11)1ph i a and New York. Through Pullman sleepers to New .York via D)anvillo, Lynchlburg, Wash ington, etc. Diing care. 7 10 p m, No 410 (daily), A tlanta and New \ ork Express, for Charlotte, Dani ville, Norfolk, RIchmond, Washing toin and1 the East Th'lrouigh Pull man sleepers, Greenville to Wash i ngton. (3 20 P im, No 10 (daily), Trhe ExposItIon Flyer, for (olnm bia, (Charleston, etc. Through 1iullman sleeping ears, (Ireenville to Charleston . rA INS ARRIivE OREENvII,u,x ( A &'4C Depot.) From New York, W ashinton, Rich mond, D)anville, Charlotte. Bpartanburg, etc. No 35, fast mail, daily, 12 a m ; No 39, ex press, d aily, 11 05 a m; No 37, limited, daIly, 12 25 p m ; No 11, local, daily, 4 25 1m From Atlanta and points Fouth and West, No 30, fast, mail, d aily. 5 35 a m; No. 11, local, daily, 2 40 p m, No 38,1 lmited. daily, 5 15 p m ; No 40, ex press, daily, 5 50 pm. Charleston, ('olumb,ia, etc. No 16, ExposItIon Flyer. daily, 11 20 a mn: No 11, locaLdaily,4 25 nm ., F.rom Hodges.8 SI ixd except Sun day.300 p m. mie,1 .hroug h sleeper to Ohiarlestoni< f;lummer tourIst tickets oni sale after Juneo 1st to all tourist poInts at reduced rates. For further InformatIon apply to J DI M60(ee, Passenger and Ticket A gent, 5105 8. Main 8t, GIreenville, 8 0; Frank 8 (Gan non, 3rd V P & GM,Wasington, DO0; 8' H Hardwickr. ( P A, Washington, 1) C, Robt W 11unit Dlv Pass AgI Charleston' C: W H Tayle. A ? n A, Aa-a, ma. Tho KIind You Have Always Bon ini use for over :10 years, h as , and has 1 solal Sup Allow no All (:olunlter'elts, linitations 11(1 ixp erinietIts th3at trille with aI Intinlts and Cilren-Experiel What is CA Castoria is a harmless substitl gorie, I)r.oI s an(i Sootlhing Sy' conltalitis neither" Opiunm, IorpI su1bstatsee. Its age is its gllara1 an1(d allblys Fev4er1isiiess. It eI colie. It relieves Teething '''o4 a1nd 1''at P lnlency. It assitil ilates Stomneh anid lIowels, giving h1 ''he Clhildrlen's Panaeea-'llie it CENUINE CAST( Bears the Si The Kind You Have In Use For Ove THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 7 MURAV Southeastern Lime and Ceim * . Fleadquartera for Highi and Oils. Agents for .i Hlgheat-Cla It^adiy- Mi ItailIroad Colors. Also for "Stan,lard Shi I'aint, the PIlnert on the N VEtNMILION l,M ri i' LN ' , * 1 ulUlir Is the [., a In Mp Iainton tre Market. Doalers in Building Matf 8eIling a: OIwIiig to1 (1 som pr'oposedl elmnges'Q I Carags Surreys, Bu Pha At an Absolute (Intl1 our a ocklia ' r teeed. lionl't Iiake' oir v ''larness of all kins at eost. We e Studiebak or and' Webr aI. Cilnperi grad e the Now is the best see'oin for sellin ig veh ilelo of Thlie seas~on for Mules antd I lorses is pref.tty dho 0our ownl w:wk. We will sell aniytin g we ami11 kind itjelmet to aIl. When~ in Gre gIhio to see the people wheithers t.hey wisi to uni CHA RL E WA tW 1 -liTII. MARBLE AND knowvn t.o the trade andt empilIoy 110, If you naeso &inyt,hinug in o ir l ite a po(stai I withI dlesins anad prices Io volr Ilhme, W i b pries-~ Elfi Il(ON JFCN I ANI)0 IIPIN( Y'ouris for Iiratde, IVY M. MAULDIN, Attorney at Law. Pickens. S. 0, (( Practico in~ all theCourti. Oflico over Earlo's Dru'agStore _ WM. P. CAt,IUN. .D Attorney at, Lawu, 113 WVest (;onrtt St. . G REENvJLE, 8. (1 Practice in all the courts, State and woht, and(e which has been. b orn e the siginatnlre of en Iade unler his per nr'ViSiont Silceo its inilney. ole to deceive you iI thil". . Just-ns-good" are but; dl cndanlger the health of te againist Experlinttenlt. STORIA ito for Castor Oil, Pare ups. It is Pleasatt. It in 1e ntor otier' Narcotic ttee. It lestroyS Wornis resK I )iat 'll(Lnd 11(1 windll 11h)e'S, ("ete Constipationi (he Food, regulates the althy andlel nalltural'ttl sleep. lother's Friend. RIA ALWAYS nature of Always Bought r 30 Years. nTncrT. NEW VORK CITY. nt Co., Charleston, S. C. it Grade l'AIntl lo. W. Masury's xed I'aint ani Lies" Cold Water noAo Iarket. 1 3 'STANDARLD SHADES' Cold Water Paint is the i"avorite. rial of all KInds. Cost! Iour business'~ we~ will se'll gmies, etons and Wagons Sacrifice! '0ord for it, butL cYoOne andi see& for your rry~ the I ibcoc0)(k, ('ou rlandII, TIyson & te assriet I;II~u(liih (iadVagouni. ther I wensbo~ro, Tay4loir and~ (f?hattanIooga. ill kindls, :1n( we~ are golng tob sell onr wvell over* but we have a few balrAulnhs rk hire, own'u our ownl repi)ry3 anUd aive' for (ensh Or goodI paperI. Polite 'ille coIl ineu dsCeI us.. W3 arue always y or not.. ES & McBRAYER, WvILL E. WHITE inds' of GRANITE irolii. -.ea~su kiui uuu dv wih 'oi u address wvill brin ai2 mlan Iin iar lots and4 311 4 enn ivete lowvest & CO. Anam'.son. . . ANDERSON BABB, atr;iactor and Bilider t. J. P. CARLisL.E --DENTIST, -Greenville, S. C. llike over Addiseonis Drug Store, 2-19tf.