The People's Journal. TIIURSDAY, JUNE, 19, 1902. Local and Personal. -It looks like Central CAN play ball. -Don't come to the "Deestrick Skulo" Friday, if you can't laugh. -J. R. Ross from near the Keo wee was in Pickens Friday. -Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Ho veoNealey on the 11th inst a son. -Miss. Millie Foster, of Olga, is visting relatives and friends in Pickens this week. -Threshers will soon be on their rounds cleaning up the wheat and oat crop. -J. Sam Wilson and Kirk Mauldin from the Liberty section were in Pickens on businss Friday last. -Engineer Jeanes will soon have completed ono of the prettiest cottages in Pierens, It is the work of B. E. Grandy. -It matters not how dull other business may become, the office of County Superintendent of Educa tion is always a busy place. -Win. J. Stribling, of Walhalla, candidate for congress, spent Fri day in Pickens. Mr. Strib ling also spent some time, while on this side, traveling through the county. -Heavy rains at the sources of Town and Wolfe Creeks made those streams raging floods down their courses Thursday night, tho' scarcely any rain had lallen in this vicinity. --We are requested to announce that Mr. Jesse McCord will con duct prayer meeting service at old Pickens Presbyterian Church on the first Sunday in July at 11 o' clock a. m. instead of the 4th, Sunday in this month as previous ly announced. -It is said that a man in the Weather 3ureau at Washington has invented an apparatus for cool ing the atmosphere in dwellings. lie ought to invent some scheme to conserve this heat to bo turned loose as occasion might demand in cold weather, then his invention would be complete. -1-n T. McDaniel and family came up from ColumbialastThurs day where they have made their home for the past year, and are now at the home of Sheriff J. H. G. McDaniel for the summer. Miss Ballio who has been with her broth er in Columbia, for several weeks, Caime up with them, --It is estimated that the by producets from the cotton seed pro duced in the Southern states, sold ats meal and oil, bring returns antounting to $113,000,000,00. This enormons addition to the cot ton crop revenue is the result of discoveries and inventions of com paratively recent development and represents what was formerly con aidered absolutely worthless and was not saved. --For all-round good crops ila a good neighborhood one cannot find anything to beat the Bethlehem Ridge section where Messrs L. R. Durham, M. W. New ton, H. Nealey and J. M, Nealey and others have crops that prom ise something that keeps the hopes alive. These people have set the best of exam plea in bringing t heir landa up to a paying state of culti vation, and these men look well af ter their home interests. -It is said that year Texas produced 4.780,000 pounds of hon ey, South Carolina has opportuni ties for this industry equnally as good, yet a comparison of the amounts produced in these two sta tes woulId seem red iculous. That is one thi' g the matter with us; we are negleting the little things which count u.) suprisingly and giving our chief attentions to things which seem larger and more promising of returns, but which usually absorb the profits in the production. -Another venture in the Maga zine line has been made in the Southern States-this time it is to be an historical magazine in Mont gomery, Alabama. This effort is but a response to the natural antie ty felt in the southern states that unless the southern people under take to write southern history while it may .yet be obtained with correotnese. we will at last be misrepresented and that when all hope of correction is gone. The southern historical magaslne is a good one, and no better time for its support and endo,rsement could be found than now. --[n Tsading the speeches of coll geraduates and some sup. posly ig unsinvited as o'jm, tnenoement orators, of which the daly papers have been full the *a~t week, the bulk of evidence is 1mt favor of the college gradua tes for merib and genuine iuterest. Pu'blio men'makce mistake in ac. ~spting invitation on commence. tiwent oocasions when they neglect bmake proper preparations hlerefor, For commonplace utter. %n@e, the average comimenoement oratot, be he congressman 'or other man of note, is, as a gener. lthing, a bore that iust be en~ date-heis chosen 90o ofte#l oli '0ount of his polIoa p osltion Dr, W. F. Austin will be in Easley June 24th and 25th. -Fairbanks Glycerine tar soap, Fairy Soap and a full line of toilet soap at Mrs. Curotons. -A RARE SPECTACLE-the "Deestrick Skule" Friday night in which 33 Pickens people perform. -The Misses Hagood, of Green wood, S. G., are guests of Miss Anita Ambler, Ambler, S. C. -A. R. Craig and little daugh t9r, from near Old Pickens on the Keowee, were in Picke,,s Thurs day with friends. -The young men of tho town are making preparations and wi.l issue invitations to-morrow to a dance they will give next Monday night at their Club rooms. -Miss Sue Lanchester of Gains ville, Fla. Who has been attend ing the Agnes Scott Institute at Decatur, Ga, is visiting at the home of Mrs. M, A. Hollingsworth in town. -Tho County Treasurer can't refund any money to School Trus tees nor to those who have paid $2.00 commutation road tax untill the next legislature meets and pas. ses an act for that purpose. -Friends of L. 1). Gillespie grat ified at the high stand he conti. ues to take at the South Carolina College, in the Department of law. The recent examinations declared for him a most excellent record, in that his standing is recorded "high ly distinguised." -J. B. Newbery, for Probate Judge and W. W. F. Bright, for Superintendent of Education, both for re-election, are announcements we failed to mention last week. 'ihese announcements will be read with pleasure by the numerous friends of the respective candi dates. -The Summer School for the teachers of Piokens county opened Monday morning in Graded School building, Prof. H. B. Dominick, principal, and Prof. J. K. Owens of Rock Hill, assistant. The at tendance was 16 but this number will no doubt increase consider ably in the next few days. -That American whose iogenu ity induced him to bottle genuine Jordan water and sell itto church es has opened the wa,y for more fraud than any other scheme we know of makes possible, though we haye heard of "bra .ch water" be. ing sold in this country for good prices in the place of the genuine article. -Prof. John G. Olinkscales, of Wofford College will lecture at the Methodist church in Pickens Saturday night before the 5th Sunday also at Porter's Chapel on the fifth Sunday at 10 :30 and at Mt. Bethel in the afternoon at 3;80. Prof. Clinkscales is a very interesting talker and no doubt you will be highly entertained. -At a meeting of trustees of Pickenes Graded School, recently held, Prof. W. E. Dendy was re elected Supermntendant, Miss Mary E. Swann head of the primary de partment and Miss. Marie Folger head of the mntermediate depart ment. Prof. R. K. Moon was re elected to take charge of the color. Ad department, with Mrs. R. K. Moon, as assistant. Pickens and Central crossed bats on the latter's diamond last Thurs day. It was a pretty game of ball with the exception of the 1st ining -to use very expressive ball par lance the first inning was "rotten" with that exception, the game was a splendid demonstration of Am erica's national sport. {Score 9 to 3 in favor of Central. The best of leeling prevailed. Central's young men did the handsome thing in looking after the comfort and pleasure of the Pickens team. Pickens team was entertained at the Hotel and refreshments, con sisting of ice cream and cake, were served after the ball game. Umn pire Goff won the respect and con fidence of both teams which is say ing a great deal for an umpire. Both teams were strong-the trial proved which was the strong er. The only thing Piokens lack ed was a little more practice. No doubt Central had that article in abundance daily. At the conclusion of the game Thursday, the ball fever was at its highest pitch both teams decided to try conclusions on Friday result ing in another yictory for Central, score 17 to 6. Mallard's Stock Feed Cutter. J. H. G. MoDaniel and W. L. Jenkins have purchased the county right for Pickens county, entitling them to sell Mallard's Im proved Stock Feed Cutter anid Corn Shuck er, patented May, 2nd, 1002, and will proceed at once to solicit sub. scriptions. It is a simple device, and one of its chief charmse is the cheap ne anid ease with which it can be operat3d, Its use has demonstrated that stook feed prepared by its aid adds to the value of the feed an d that it is besides a good food saver. As for a corn shucker it excels any thing we have ever seen, as one man can shuck as much corn as Ave can by hand. It is a good food saver as II6 wakes the stalk and rauch that Is wasted in the or din ary way of feeding available as good food, Zt is good artIdl e and these getltem6h Wil)l .-have it on i e la sh otly sb*Ing ready to elift', tI tb # a ish "The Deestrick Skule.') The "Deestrick Skule'' will b presented for the first time to r Pickens audience Friday night June, 20th in the Court House. Doors open at 8 o'clock. Perform. aco will begin at 8:30. CAST OF CIIARACTEls. Master-B. Lewis. Committeemen: J. L. O. Thompson--Spokoiana Osseo Mauldin-Deacon Jones, W. T. McFall-Pres. of Board, A. J. Bogge-Secy. of Board. Visitor: Mrs. Honeysuckle Mrs. L. C. Thornley. -PUPLS Smart Aleck-Capt. J. T. Taylor. Huckleberry Finn-Prof. Dendy. Timothy Tugnutton-)r. Bolt. John Bull- Eugene Alexander. Jonathan Pottibone-Jim Craig, Betzy Biobbit t, (giggling girl) Miss 1laude Ashmore. )orathy Dolittle-Miss Jenie Lewis. Elvira Sunflower- Mrs. Zade Cox. Jay Kilpatrick-Brandon Taylor Jerusha Spriggins, (crying girl) --Miss Marie Folger, Marthy Ann Jones-Miss Nannie Mauldin. Peggy Lightfoot-Miss Millie Foster. Mike O'Flynn-Earlo Lewis. Buck Honeysuckle- Lo Roi Boggs. Ezekiel Jedediah-Ernost Fol ger. John Turnipseed--Hamp Craig. Jeptha H1oldtight-Helen Boggs. John Honeysuckle--Rufus Ash more. Teddy Tomlinson-. James T. Richey. Mark Hanna-Douglas Jenkins, Esq. Beanstalk Honeysuokle-Vernon Few. Rebec,a Brown--Miss Essie Earle. Elihu Elderberry--Edgar Mor ris. Tinoy Honeysuckle-Miss Beas Ashmore. Mehitobel Hawkins-Miss Olga Richey. Susanna Hartshorn-Mrs, Essie Hughos. Selina Delany-Miss Lucia Vol ger. Above we give cast of charac ters which at a glance is sufflicint guarantee of a high class entertain ment, undoubtedly the most amus ing presentation imagitable I Ad mission, adults 15, children 10. Commencement at Easley. Commencement of Easley Gra.. dod School occurred on the night of the 13th, H. B. Dominick, prin cipal and Iula McBeth Jones assia tants. Seven graduates. Miss Essie Ford-Valedictory. Mr. Olin Pickens-Balutatory, Mary Hamilton -New South. Alma Glazen-Idmagination. Ruth King--"What is worth while." Lillian Smith-A great man Lee. Music by the String Band from Spartanburg. Address by J. J. McSwain, of Greenville, subject t ''Education", excellent, up--to-date and full of merit. 3. Resamond Martin, of the Drug store of Dr. R. F. Smith, E~as ley, has recently graduated from Cincinnati College of Pharmacy with the degree of Ph. B. For thirty years this college has been recognized as among the best in America and it is with pride that we learn our friend, Dr. Martin, won the medal in Pharmacy and stood second in Chemistry in a largo gand ambitious class. Hsi will remain with Dr. Smith with whom lie acquired his early train ing. CENTRAL. The Central High School has just closed its term under the man agemient of Prof. R. L. Goff. Miss Nettie Rochester is with relatives in Gastonia, N. 0. Mr. J. D. Aiken left Saturday for Mississippi. Mr. A. D, Hlardin is visiting Mr, T. J. Werner's foamily. Mr. H . J. Alfred, of Greenville, was in -town a few hours Saturday. Miss Lila Folger is visiting friends in Anderson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zachary, of Toccoa, Ga. are guests of Mrs. J. T. Gassa way. B. F. Martin, of Anderson, was in town Saturday. Miss Iva Gaines haa returned home after a visit to her sister in Atlanta . Mr. H. C. Orawford, of Seneca, was in town this week. Mdlis Sadie Strickland, of Ander. son, is spending a few days with her father, Dsr. A. C. Striokland at the Central Hotel. Mr. McClellan, whose leg was broken by a fall from a scaffold a few days ago will soon be able to be removed to his home. Miss Parson., of Cateeohee, and Mr. Norinanl Abbott, of this town, were married yesterdIay afternoon, Rev. T. C. Pomey, officiating. The Southern Raiiway Company tg having the hotel re-.plastered. --.Nableco, A.rrow toot, Soolsli tea, Butter thin, Raspherty nev. tou, Vanilla creat.Fano iniaed LIBERTY. Everything quiet in this vicinity Fine rains have fallen and the ove two months drouth is broken Farmers are re.oicing Wheat i about all harvested. It is vor, short straw, thii on the land bi the grain is fine, Spring oats ar< well filled but so short they will b, diflicult to save unless cut by I mowing machine and raked liki hay, fruit is small and inferior dropping oil, owing partly to th drouth. Potato bugs are still very much in evidenco in spite of Ce. dar top ton and Paris Green. II scoms they fatten on such things The county convicts have dont some good work on some of the streets and roods in and around town and have mov-.d on the Pick ens road. Mr. Jas. Griffy, who lives on the 1)r. Hollingworth place lost hi wife and child last Saturday. His wife had consumption, and had boen sick for some time. They were buried at Slabtown Sunday, J. T. Willis baby died last Wed nesday and was buried at Liberty cemetery Thursday,the funeral ser vices being conducted by Rev. H. C. Haddock, Mrs, Willis has been quite sick, but is convalescing. Win. Smith had the misfortune to loose a good horse last week. F. F. Boggs, of Charlotto, is vis iting his old home and relatives. Mrs. M. H. Boggs, has returned from an extended visit among rel atives in Cherokee County, Childrens day will be observed at the Presbyterian church next Sunday Preaching at 11 a. im. by Rev. J. 0. Shire. Address by Rev. W. L. LaBoon, of Greenville, in the afternoon. Old man King was badly hurt yesterday by a mule dragging him some distance by his foot being en tanged in the gears on the mule. U-. Hauel 11ippeuilngs. The farmers have been battling with Generu. 'reen and have about gained i victory. They are all very rr ever the second time. Cotto. ,mall but corn is looking well. it will average waist high. We have been need ing rain very much until a few days ago, we had a good shower that made everything liven up wonderfully. The farmers are waking up on the interest of pea planting in this section. There is a lively and interestinf Sunday School being carried on at Holly Springs under the super vision of Major G. M. Lynch. ThE Major knows just how to con duct a Bunday School to matke it lively and interesting. May the good work go on, As the Major has been a County Commissioner here. tofore, we would be glad to see his name before the people again. Mr. Leland Boggi visited ble grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Alexan der last week. Major G. M. Lytnch and wife vie ited the Major's nephew, Plato Gillespie and wife last Sun day, Mr. W. WV. tewart, while chop,. ping one day last week, a limb lodged in a tree and shortly fell and struck him on the right side of the head on the seam a little below the mole of the head. He has been unconscious part of the time since the fatal accident and it is feared he will never recover. He is attended by Drs. Bolt & Webb. Mr. i\niel Winchester has built two sets of steps to Antioch Bap tist church which adds very much to the looks and convenience of the church. Good for Mr. Winchester. A. T. Winchester has been ap pointed Notary Public by the Gov ernor. Any one desiring his ser, vices will find him at his residence two miles east of Hazel P. 0. Mr. J. W. Gilstrap killed a rat tie snake some time ago that meas,. ured 3 feet and 8 inches and had 10 rattles and a button. Mrs. A. T. Winchester is ahead in our section on gardening. She had a mess of green beans for din ner last Sunday and she said that she would have had plenty of them if it had not been for the dry weather. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gravely visited the latter's brother, R. L. Gilstrap and family at Riohland, Oconee county last Saturday and Sunday. The ordination of M. C. Win chester as a minister of the gospel took place at Shady Grove Baptist churoch last Saturday 14th at 3J o'clook. Rev. John T. Lewis pieached two very instructive SermOnIs to his c'>ngregation last Satuiday and Sunday. Easel Nut. "Every said I had consumptIon,' writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chamn. bersbug, Pa,. "I was so low siter six months of severe sickness, causedh by Hay Fever and Asthma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King'i N4ew Discovery for Oonsumption, used it,andwasompeteycured. ' For des i,te Bhro and pLang4 Diseases it I, the safest cute in the world, and is i faillible for (Joug C,oldu end Eton Ateotions. Guara bottles 000 anu 81.0, risbottles free at Thornleyi Phattanyi --.1ne good people, tino goo( dumocrats of Pickons, as olsewhero, rI will ho expected to take care of thu visiting candidatos this year when s they cono around on their tours of the state. Citizons will be duoly t al)proachod on this subject and it IS oxi,cted that entertainiment be provided for the candidates dur ing their brief stay with us, ANNOUNCEMENTS RATES FOR AX NOt X( 'NME INT FOR OFF I C . All County offices, e:rh, - - 85.00. Mlagistrates, - ' " 65 All other olices, - 5.00. ''ho above, prie aro iivariably IN ADVANCE. I heroby nttouno tyself ia raudidatc for Congress from this, lthe T iIid Mn in h Carolina )istrict, sIbject to tlee actioen of the dotrocratic voters at the appro:rth ing primatry election. 1B. F".\i.lllTI. I hereby annottnco mnyself at ttndidate for Congress to represent, the 'Third, S. C., I)istrict, subject to th. ation of the donocratic voters inl [h a)pproaelting prinary. Win. J. Striblig. F0I11IH4 SE:NAT1i-:. The friends of Ltaban M1antIlin Iheroby tnnouncM himt as ai canttdidate for thSon ate, subjoet to the nrtion of lt I )omo. cratio voters of Pickeus county at the ap proaching primary. The friends of Charles E. Robinson hOreby tnnottunc himt as i candidate for tho Son:ato, subject to the action of the democratic voters of Pickons county at I the approaching priiar;y. F-Olt THl11 IOU1-. I hereby attnounco tty eatndidany for re-election to the House of Ropresotita tivoa from Pickens county, :jubject to the Democratic primary. Ivr M. MAULwI\. Tho friends of J. Ashnoro Hinton hereby annouceo him as a candidate fir the Ilouso of ltepresontative from Pick ens county, subject to [ho action of tho democratie' voters at tih approaching primary election. The friends of Frtd W1'illi:ms hereby announes him as a eaudidato for the Houso of Ropresotntatives from 1'ickens conity, subiect to the action of the Democratic votors tit the approaching primary election. FOlt AUDITOR. The friends of N, A. Christ ophor ro spcutfully announce him as a candidate for tho oflice of County Auditor for Piokens county, subject to th action of the democratic voters at the approaching primary election, The friends of E1. Foster Keith here. by announce him its a candidate for the oilice of Auditor subject to the action of the democratic party at the coining pri" mary olection. 101R TREASURER. I hereby annhiounico myself a candidate for the ofice of County T'reasurer, sub. ject to theo aciion of tho democratic vot. era of Iclkens coentty at, tlhe approacingJ primary election. B3. Fletcher Lesley. B3y the solioitation of my manny friends, I hereby announioo myself a canidtio for re-election to tho ofice of Treatsurer of Pickens county, subject to [he action of the demooratia voters at the approach Respoctifully, S. D. Chtapmnn The friends of Honry WV. Farr hereby anlounce him a candidate for the ofiloo of 1Treasturer, subject to [lie action of tihe democratic voters of Pickons county at the ayproaching primary, The friends of James M, Lawrence respectfully announee him as candidato for Treasurer for Piokens county, sub ject to the action of the democrattie vo tere at the comning primary. I hereby announco myself a condidate for [lie office of Treasurer for Plokens county, subject to [to action of the do mnoratic primary. 0. R, Hendricks. FOR SUPERIVISOR. The many friends of L. D). Stopphons heoreby atnnounco him for reelection to [te office of County Supervisor Subject to [te Domoeratic Primary Election. Many Friends. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The friotids A. J. Wolborn htereby an nounce htim as a catndidato for Counity Comraissioner, subject to the action of the democratic voters of Pickons coun y in the &pproachinig ptimary. Tfhe friends of D. Rt. Evans hereby announico him a outididate for County Commissioner Pickonts counttty, subljet to te actiotn of the Democratic part,y at the approaching primary, Tho friends of A, B. TValley hereby an nounce him a cantdidato for the ofico County Comint ssioner sutbjoot to the aw [ion of thie i)emocratic parly at thie apj proachiing primary. For Probate Judge. I hereby announce mIys(lf a candidate for re-election to the office of Probate Judge of Pickons county, sub1jct to (ho notion of [lhe democratic voters at the ap proaching primary election, Respectfuly. J. B3. Nowbory. At tihe request of friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelec. tion to tile Office of County Superinten dent of Eduction subject to the action of [the Democratio party at [lie Primary Eleotion, WV. W, F". Bright. Lot our lady friends read this expres. Bion of appreclationi from Mrs. Lula Frady, of Uree, N. 0.: "I am void of words to adequately Fxpress my a ppro. elation of Ramon's Liver Pills and Toniq PellIets, I was a great sufferer whoa I beganthe use of this Treatment: 'They have oomtAetely changed my life from one of suffering to heathiful enjoyment." The p roperty netm Hlodgenville, R;y., whore Abraham Lincoln was8 born has been advertised at sheriff isale for taoN, ?Iy8 IlQflQy nd Tar NI qW BNyAr4V0poI4aeslo 41 NEW SPRING G00 NEW P EVERYTHING. AND THE NEY We have paid (spci:.I atte Dress Goods, for we beIi("V" ini pletc line Organdies, 1 '.vu, I Silks and Trimmings to m1a h. Fancy White Goods. \\ ;r( that we carried ovcr Ifrm i :t st SHOE S! Shipments colling in every hey go. Il'uy the I I l A he IlIT. tSIee out cclehratc tndl 1 iJula \Iarlowe s;.oo Shoe o Clothing ! \We carry as g00 a line of mnyw\here. Suits IroIm : years ol nan in the county. I'ri'e":; ;ntl\"w f you need a Suit com,e to se - u vill not )e the fault of the goods We Try to Carr Call for what y(,.t do)ni see. ng is worth asking for, and r:emc ight. Yours truly, FOLGER & ] ?)Somne Barg,tins t ri PRZID h the y o h N th argest n byfte rdi i 'ae lted ath yer ofi pric outcall l ne s MILLIJ EhY [iss orthe lliots uto haet ;e seeds, ws e pt hava are i t ~Hoes, Raelis, Slhvs, Slpad< Hooks, Mtock,l w and Pkcttisd Te trnes adery lWee arosv Mn acheadrnitur yo will k Newt cl Gad SComn inan AboustiHo [1i~s Woriit all ot to coe Noeeroube to shnowt s;iNEW STYLES, RICES. THE LATEST fEST' ntion this spring) to our line of )leasingr the lalics. A com )inities, Percals, Linens, with \ beautiful line of Plain and li:rin<; every piece of linen. : r ou r 'it first cost.S S->HOES! day. In they come and out N1i' and you will aways get I S,lz ,.,o Shoe for men, r Wotmmen. Clothing! 'I.O'l'H ING as you will find dl and up)--can lit the largest i ere from ,o cents to $18.00. If we miss selling you it nor the prices. v Everything! .\nything; that is worth hav tmber our pricf"s are always 'HOP NLEY. 1hu' )(9ies and Wagons. hoes a fd Sewed Oxfords he Shoa ne.lown E & PATO - ORROhW CU, Coods$ Daily,, .2st linle we have shown. lyVo as andl they are in reach of I fromJl the N orthiern Marikets, comNplet(e line of the Cseason's nent is~ ew Stocks, Best Steel Beam s, Iron King Stoves1 Sewing inds, Pretty Styles, lean Stock of 088AND CLOTHING 1 Going out Every Day. * Everything. ie or Farm. nd look through our rooms, d troughi our stock. T. MoPALLa