THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. VOL 12.-NO. 21- PICKENS. S. C., THURSDAY, JUNi 19, 102 -- - 9 -ONE DOLEAR A vuA IT WAS A QUIET AND 0] Opening of the C TWO H'IIOUSANI) POPlI The Catididates4 Were N iue The political meeting at I)onnald on Saturday was attended by a larg crowd, probably two thousand person and by neat ly every candidate fc State, Congressional and Senatorit offices. The regular State campaig did not open until Tuesday, the ope : ing meetings of which were held a Columbia and Sumter, and the neel ing at )onnaldl's was a prelude, a kin of dress parade, so to speak, whici had been arranged for the convenienc of the people n the corners of Abbe ville, Anderson, Greenville, Lauren and Greenwood counties. It was at tended by a larger crowd probabi than will attend any meeting this sum mer, and for that reason was a mosl important one. All of the cnadidates for Governor four of the candidates for the Unite< States Senate, all the Congresiona candidates in the 3rd district, and r great many of the candidates for tht minor State oflices were on hand. TIh crowd was a good natured one, and the (lay passed off pleasantly and harmoni, ously. A barbecue was given by pri vate persons and a very creditable col. ored brass band from Laurens County furnished music for the occasion. The principal interest seemed to be cen. tred in the speeches of the candidtates for Governor. Col. Talbert was the irt I.speaker. le declared that t,i Atering re minded him of some of Lim old Allh ance camp-meetings. 1I declared that a candidate for any i fice, partic larly that of Governor, ought to first examine himself and see if he has the manhood to fill the place. Ile stated his opposition to the use of money in elections. le declared that he is a candidate on his record and on his merits, and is opposed to political con. spiracies and the use of money n eleions. IL will be a sad day when wealth will be an embargo on those who as spire to oflice. Ie deplored the fact that the campaigns are becoming so expensive, for this will eventuate in injury to the poor man. le opposed the trusts. We need statutory laws which will put a restraint on the com binations of capital. He wants to see factories built. While capital should be given protection, we don't want a new political school to be brought in with capital. There should be no con flicts between the corporations and the people, between labor and capital. It is impossible for a small amount of capital to compass large enterprises, but there should be restrictions on the combinations of capital. The betterment of our public roads is no longer a local matter, but a na tional question. The government is making inquiry into the methods of building roads. The t.owns and the country should be divided in nothing, and in building better public roads they should be particularly united. It would require some taxation, but one dollar spent would mean ten dollars in return in benefits. Hie next touched upon the qjuestioni of educat ion. Hie is in favor of all of the schools and colleges, lie would not take one brick out of a single col -lege andl would rejoice it' there were more. But lie wants to see a better public schlool system. This system Sshould be so reformed and built, up that a good EL glish education can be given every white child, Hie would like to see the common school mnade the highvia ay leading tip from the poor * man's door to the highest offices in t,le land. There are two races and one must dominate the other. Tile ballot and the spelling book must be taken away from tile negro. Let the negro go to tihe fields where hle belongs; let V7 him pa~y his teachers as lie (does his preachers, andl let the white man's taxes go to edluating thle white mani's children. Col. Talbert, was listened to * very attentively, lHe t.old some jokes, but not as many as usual as his time *' was short. Capt. Hleyward was introduced as a "prominent planter of ColIleton Coun ty." He commentedl on the presence of so many ladies. They should take an interest In the affairs of the coin. monwealth. The housewife does more to control t,he destInies of a nation t,han does t,he platform of any party. Some might inquire why does lie aspire to the ofilce of Governor ? He said there were a variety of reasons which he might give, but, like the little negro who gave his reason for being a Republican, he is in the race because he wants the oflice. He Is running on hisa own merit,s. 11 he can't get it on lis merits he would lIke to see the office given to a bettm * man. Hie would not at,tack or refer un. *kidly to any of his competitors. Hie wanted to see South Carolina prospei *. agricuiturally, commercIally and indus, trially. The past year has been thu hardest the farmers have had to dea with, and all prosperIty depends on thi - success of the farmer. Appropriatiom of public ntioney should be done mos carefully and judicIously ,under such circumstances. They dispensary law has been thi issue for years, but it has been settled ae did not know whether or not th PdIspensary would be an issue, but h favored the law as the best solution o the liqu.or problem, and should it. b Shis good fotiune to bje elected Gioverno he would seek to do his duty and I enforce the law. The main question cvntronting th DERLY MEETING AT DONNALDS, tlll)Iigt ill the State. IC WICRC IN AT'I'CNl)ANCV;. r-its anud the Irisucs Were Few. s people now is education. A republic e like ours must look for its welfare to i, the enlightenment of its people. The ,r school house is today the best factory Li for producing true citizenship. It is u mandatory upon the General Assembly - to provide for the common schools, t while it is left to the law makors' dis. - cretion what to do with the colleges. I lie favors the State colleges, but the i conditions there seem satisfactory now a and the conditions in the common - schools are not satisfactory. lie wants s to see the people thoroughly aroused - on the subject of the common schools. e Ile spoke in opposition to the trusts. - We all favor capital, but we want to see capital come among us and be used in a legitimate way. Should he be elected Governor of South Carolina I he would do his utimost to see the illegitimate combinations of capital properly handled, and he would confer with the Legislature on that subject in order that the best interests of the State might be conserved. The next speaker was Dr. W. II. Timmerman, who said that like the lean (log he is good for a long race. I )r. Tin mme man said he had not. ex pected to make a speech, as he thought the time would be taken up by the can didal.tes for the Senate, all long-winded fellows. lie is not a stranger in South (arlinia. iIe chellenges the closest scrutiny into his pi ivate life and public career. Ile wouil make the campaign dealing in a most kindly way with hies oppeiments. Ile thought that taxation would not soon be lowered. IIe has been reliably informed tlh..t there is very little money in the coffers in the StAte treasury, and the Governor and 'reasurer will be ob liged to borrow money with which to conduct the expenses of the govern ment. The interest on the public debt must be paid promptly in older to maintain the credit of the State. For that reason lie would advise economy in legislation. The policy of the State is settled on the questioil of education. The col leges deserve and will receive the sup port which has been given them. The rural districts are in need of good roads. IHe views with alarm the exodus of the people from the faris, and believes that good roads and good schools would help to reclaim the white citizenship for the country dis tricts. lIe called attention to the danger of negroes having the controlling intlu ence in politics on account of our reg istration laws. The white children ought to get an education, or as much as they can. For it is possible that with a division among the whites the I negroes might be used as the balance of power. IIe stated that lie wants the olice of 1 Governor for one term and one term 1 only. He claimed an experience which none of his competitors had enjoyed, in I both branches of the General Assembly, as State treasurer, member of the sink ing fund commission, etc. He coneluded< by sayinlg with dleep feeling that, lie I loves his native State andl would be rejoiced to be its chief executive. The several candidates for Governor will receive a flattering vote here, al t.hough the favorite seems to be Mr. Mi. F. Ansel, the former solicitor of this circuit, lie spoke with much vigor< and was in the home of old friends. Mr. Ansel aidl lie was no stranger here. These p)eople had looked into his face I many times, even when they (lid not want to. He thanked the people of this judicial circuit for the honors they had in the past bestowedl upon0 him. The I oillce of GAovernor has its duities and I its responsibilities as well as its I honors. Hie declared that lie had iiot beeni fortunat,e enough to get all of the edui cation he wanted, and he is an advocate of education, educat,ion of the hearts< and of the hands. A great tidal wave of education is passing over this coun try, andl we must get in the swim or I get left. Tihe old fIeld school has left its iniluences upon the countiy, and these influences couldh be enlarged ifi more time and more mnterest should be given tihe common schools today. lie I would in the campaign appeal for the education of the children to make bet. t,er citizens. Hie said that heo is in the 4 race to tihe finish notwitbstanding fthe fact that it had been rumored that lie had withdrawn. Good roads is a hobby wit,h him, and he advocated goodl roads for the Stat,e. We have railroads and st,reet cars, but we want something for the people at large. lie said that he had often won dered what would be the value of the1 wagons and vehicles ruined by running over rocks and roots and rits.] There are a great many convicts in this country, why not use them to make good roads? 1Build( a littl'e bit at a time and eventually all of the highways will be macadamized. If' this kind of work had been begun 40 years ago we would have had goodl roads now. After con c luding his speech, Mr. Ansel went out. I among his friends and showed the other candid ateb a few. things in tile art of I hand shaking. It had been.reported that piol. J. Ii. I Tala.nan would be on the defensive, but I he, starLed out by twitting his oppon I ents for not discussing the dispensary a law... -IDr. Timmerman roe ied that It is not 3 an issue and evybQyknows where he stands.; Col, TAbert declared him. s self hdWtMor at the law and said his time for speaking had been limited, and Mr. Heyward stated he had al ways favored the law. Mr. Ansel stated that he Is in favor of the law properly enforced. Mr. Tillman then took another tack and said that Talbert is asking for ofilce on the ground that lhe has been in ollice for twenty-two years: D)r. Timmerman has had one for twelve years, Mr. Ansel for ten or twelve years, and Capt. Hleyward had never had one, but wants this one mighty bad. Ie discussed the antiquity of some of Col. Talbert's jokes. The rest of his time was devoted to the charges made against him by the editor of The State, who, he said, was so biased that he attacked tile whole Methodist conference and stigiatized the Rev. E. 0. Watson with having told a falsehood because there had beei some talk of moving a college from Columbia. It could then be under stood how the editor of The State could attack him (1'illman) in an article of three and one-half columnis, supple mentud by an editorial, merely because his name is Tillman. THE APPALACHIAN RESERVE. S4N ATl')I 1IEl'RWsV'S SPE 1e. The 'reservation of Our Forests IIns ieen oo Long Negleet ecd. The Senate bill for the purchase of a national forest ieserve in the South- t ern Appalachian mountains, to he known as the "National Appalachian < Iorest Reserve,'' which had been f heartily commended to the coisidera. a Lion of Congress, was un er considera tion in the Senate when Mr. Chauncey M. I)epew, of New York, a member s of the committee in charge of the bill, i made a strong and argumentative C speech in behalf of the plan. He said l that the results of an h.9vestigation by 1 the committee were so convincing and s satisfactory that legislation seemed to be imperative, and then he continued as follows: Nature has been so prodigni in her gifts of forests to the IJUnited States that the important question of their preser vation has been neglected too long. The attacks of the settlers upon the woods for clearings and a home have I been indiscriminate and wastbful in t the extreme. The settlers are not to a blame, nor are the lumbermen. The i testruction which has been going on v with such frightfully increasing rapid ty during the last fifty years is due to ' i lack of that government supervision 1i i the interest of the whole people c vhich can only come from education - md experience. The iuiuberiau a wishes to realize at once upon his pur- p :hase, and as a rule vast fortunes are P nade in (leforesting the land. Rail- s 'oads are run into the woods, all the r, ippliances of nolein inventions and u nachinery are at work, and this muag lificent inheritance is being squander- e d with a rapidity which is full of peril w or the future. a Intelligent conservation of the for ists of the country is the highest evi- i hence of its civilization. The climate, 0 he soil, the productive cap)acity of t,hey arm, the eqjuability of t,he rainfall , nd the beneficent, flow of the st,reams 14 Ire all dependent upon the science of ti orestry. We have wisely set apart u iready in the WVest 41 natioral re erves-about 46,000,000 acres. One t< ~f them is already paying expenses a nud yielding a slight revenue. ti The experience of the older coun ries of the world is of great value in 0, his investigation. Forestry has been T >racticedl in Germany for hiund reds of bi rears. Except for t,his wise andl houghtful care by the government, y lie fatherland would be wholly unable o sustain its crowdedl p)opl) ['wcnty-six per cent, of the 1Nnid o~ hat country is in forests, of which the tI ;overnment, owns two-thirds. We w iave left, in our count,ry only 20 per of ient. of our territory in woods. Ger- i nany has special schools of forestry , or the edlucation of her yout,h in this gg cience. The young forester is t,aught, C ill that books and lectures can give, al and then is p)lacedl in a course of from 1) .hree to seven years in the pract,ical a pplication of his work aiid persona y~ t,udy upon t,he ground. In that wa-n f b 1e becomes bett1er fItted for his caree -. L'he goverment not only cares for it,s o wn forests, but,it brings undIer its au- tl >ervislon, laws, and rules those of pri-- dI rate owners. lIn France 17 per cent,. of the coun-f ry Is in the forest, of which the gov- f~ irnment owns one-ninth. The ruin taused by floods and by the drying up p )f streams from deforesting the mouni- a sin sides led one-of t.he ablest stat,es. b non of France, Colbert, during the tl ~eign of Lomus XIV, to prepare and o ut in force a code of forest laws, a LJnder this code, as perfected, all the a lorests in France, whether owned by n die government, by communes, or by 2 unduvidLuals, are under the direct an pervision and control of the depart,- f, ient of agricult,ure. The same is true in Italy, in Switz. o srland, and In Austria. European a g;oveinments are going still further in U; L,he line of forest preservation. T1he r Italian government found that their ( vallley farms wore being destroyed by .( t,he floods which in the rainy season i poured down from their dheforest,ed ( mountain slopes. They came to t.he e conclusion that it would be true econo.' my for Italy to reforest these hills,. Tihey have arranged for the expendi ture of $12,000,000, and this reforests, only 600,000 abres. Fi ance, foolingi the sane disastrous effects upon bea agriculture and from the same cause, expended $1L),,000,000 in the reforest. ing of 80,0i00 acres, and has made er rangement, for the expenditure of ";,000,0110 more to complete her plan. It costs for this reforestina K2-I an acre in Italy and 6150 an acie n France. Not withstanding this large expenditure, it will be a half century bofore the full benefit of the reforest ing can be felt. It will be miany gen. orations before the soil in the woods will have acluired that quality of ab Sorption aint rotentioll of the water whichmakes It both a reservoir and a protection for the farms below. The proposition before us is not to reforest at $2-1 an acre, as in Italy, or At $50 an acre, as in l'rance, but at an axpense of about $2 an acre to preserve Lhe forests which have been forming for over a thousand years in trees and coil. Scientitle forestry in (ic many, P"rance, and Italy gathers an annual -rop from the trees which have read. d the point whore they are commer ially valuable and can be cut, not only vithout injury to, but, on the con rary, for the benefit of the whole for -st, of from $t to $5 an acre per yeah et, after paying all the e.Ielses of heir care. There are many villages m (er niny which pay all their taxes from he revenue derlved annually from for sts which they own, while other com nunlties which sold or deforested their ommon lands have poor lands and are maupel ized by their burdens. Switzerland presents for 01url monn. ain regions a remarkable illustration f the necessity as well as of the benle it of forestculture. The Swiss dis overed centuries ago that with the de oresting of their steep mountain sides fter every rainfall the soil was wash d down into the valleys and ran 'off n the streams and that their country as likely to become a desert. They rere the pioneers in this industry of udustries. As cal ly as the beginning f I:00 they had a complete system of rest preservation and control. In the ix hundred years of which they have ad the records they have brought their ystem to such perfection that the wiss forests not only are the salva ion of Swiss agriculture, both on the illsides and in the valleys, but they iold net to the goverlnmniit $8 per ere a year. It is a forn of revenue vhich is not subject to accidents, but an be realized upon with absolute cer ainty under all circumstances. For st, under such conditions are a per ietual and increasing mine of weatlth o the government on the one hand nd to the whole people on the other a their influence upon farms and har eats and uponl industries. While 46,000,000 acres of land have eon rescued to the West, there has een nothing (1o1e in the East. The ountry had a supel b property, unique t every way, unequalled for richness nid rarity and for the value of its roduct, in the redwood forests of the acific slope. Through carelesanr s mply Congress yielded to the shrew' mpresentations of the speculator, who nder that homestead, which is roperly so attractive to the American, -cured the enactment of laws by hich any settler could secure 160 sres in these forests of priceless value. hen came the harvest of the lumber en. Each of their employees staked it 1060 acres. The sailors upon11 lhe assels that carriedl oiff their lumber ore indullcedl to make claims for their 10 acres each, and t,he land was then ansferred to the lumbe:' companies, 21il, for a mere song, this magnifi. mt inheritance of the 1peop)1e fell in the hands of different corporations ho are mercilessly destroying the m ber. ,Negligence of this kind on the part Congress becomes almost a crimo. hose wonderful woods should have sen preservedl, not, for speculators and( gus settlers, but for the whole 1)e0 e of t.he country. They would, tinder ient iflc forest management,,li yae ~en for all time to come not only If-supporting and1( revenue prodlucinlg, ey would have be3n more-they 0111( have been the source of supplies wood for all purposes for the inhab ints of the PacifIe coast. TIhey ould have been addit,ions to the rural enery, which in every State and hunutry, when attractive, helps cutltur e d civilbzation. They would have sen the home of game, where sports Cen couldl have found health and1( easuire. But, inst.eri, t,he landl will 3comne an arid waste, the streams will ey up, and the country will lose not, aly one of its best posse3sions5, but iere will be inflicted incalculable image npon a vast region which ,herwise would have remaiiedl always ill of happy homes and cultivated irm s. . Tihe Appalachian forest reserve as roposedl in the pending measure is bout 160 mi1108 in leng t hand of varying readth. IL is from 400 to f00 feet above ie sea. It runs through the States Virginia, Virginei, North WVest, d Sout,h Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, ad Tennessee. Th'le slopes of these uountalns are very steel), varyinlg froem ) at the lowest to 40. The waters hich flow from the perpetual streams, td by t,he perpetuial springs, run on te one 81(1e to the Atlantic and on the thier to the Gulf of MeXico. TIhe breams from this mountain forest are ie tributaries of these important vers: The James, the Rtoanoke, the atawba, the Savannah, the New Kanawha), the Tennessee, the French troad, the Coosa, the Yadkin, the hbattahoocheo, the Broad, the Iliwas-. ce, the Nolichucky, the Pigeon, the ~uckaseegee, the Watauga, and the lolston. .The region affected by these treams is from 100 to 150 mIles in vidth on the Atlantic side, and.more ,han that on the other. It comprises part of the richest agricultural country in the United States. The timber in lbms forest is all hard wood, and is the largest body of hard wood on the North American continent. It ist a museum of forest growth, embracumg, on ac count of its location, the woods which can be grown in temperate, semitropi cal, and tropical counitries. There are 1:17 varieties, making this forest one of the most interesting in the world. 1'he deep soil has been formning for a thous and years or more, and in its tterlac ing of tree roots anl hiimus, of grass and leaves, there has been created an enormous spongo for the absorption, retention, and distribution of the rain fall. ''he rainfall in this region is greater than i any other part of tlie United States exeept the Notii 'acilie coast. It ranges from 61) to 100 ilinches h year. The downpour at one time during the past year was :o inches. Where the forests are intact the water finds its way through this thick and porous soil, goes into the crevic^s of the rocks and into I he gulchess and forms springs and I rivulets. Natuie, always beneticent inl her operation, so arranges this vast collection of the rainy season that diur ing the rest of the year it lows out niatuarial1y and cainably t hrough the i rivulets into the strea is auid through the streams into the rivers, and waters and fertilizes half a dozen States. ''he results of an attack up n this fol tress, created by Inature for the I protection and omnichlent 'if the peo ple, is more disat-troue than the sweep of ai invading army of savages over a It thickly populated and fertile country. . They kill, they carry oil captives, they s hunt am they destroy, but after the ii war the survivors return to their homes I and in a few years every vestige of tht- a ruin has disappeared. In its place there 1 are again cities, villages, and happy people. Biut the lumberman selects a s tract of hard-wood forests upon the it A ppalachian mountains. 'The trees, I) young and old, big and little, surrender a to the ax and the saw. Then the soil 0 is sold to the farmer, who ilnd1s abun- h) dant harvests in its primeval richness. t For about three years he gatheis aa re- . inunerative and satisfactory harvest, t hut, he sees, as the enormous rainfall f4 descends, his fat ii gradually :isappear. h At the end of three years he can no t longer plant crops, but for two years more, if lucky, he may be able to graze t his stock. At the end of live years the i rains and floods have washed clean the I mountaiu sides, have left nothing but I the bare rocks, have reduced his farm I to a desert, and created a ruin which can never be repaired. But this is not all. 'I nat farm has gone down with the torrents, which have been formed by the cutting oil of the protecting woods, into the st,reams below. It has caused them to spread over the farms of the valeys and plateaus. It has tuined these peac ful waters into roaring floods, which have plowed deep and destructive gullies through fertile llelds and across grassy plains. One freshet, in the Catawba river last spring, occasioned wholly by the de.orestmg of the moun tains, swept awaya million and a hafl 1 dollars' worth of farms, buildings, and 1 stock. The damage (10110 by the I freshet of last year alone, in the large I territory fed by the streams and rivers a which came from these mountains, I was estimated at over $,l8,000,000. 1 '1Thi destruction canl not beC repe)ated many years without turning into a desert, the fairest port,ion of our coun try. This process of destruct,ion is ~ cons8tantly enlarging because of en eroachmecnts upon the foresis on ae- C count of t'xe growing scarcity of hard t wood. The lumbermen are runnmog light railways so as to rcach the here- Y Lof >re inaccessible depths. TJhie giants e of the mountains, which are four or Ilve hundred years of age, and many i f them 7 feet in diameter and fromn S 140 to 1510 feet high, are falling inx in- i 3reasing numbers every month before a hxe pitiless aiid rnthless invasion of " he ax and the saw. In ten years the p~ lestruction will be complete, the forests s will 1)e practically gone, the p) 'Y uoil will have been washied oiff the hill- A udes0, and the newsp)apers will 1)e ihled a( sach year with tales of disaster to t popuilattOns, to farms, to villages, and W lo manu facturing enterprises, occasion- bi ad by unusnual and extraordiniary rains at md the tori cnts which have been gi formedl by them and flowed down a~ through thie valleys. It has been estimatedl that, t,here is W mn t,hese mnountain st.reams I ,000,000) gi hiorsep)ower' which can be easily utiliz,.- ad md. Tlhis means a saving of $30,000,- ei 1)00 a year in coal alone, which would b otherwise have to be used for the gen- c erat,i)n of that amon t of power for ft manuifactuintg pu rposes. But it means g4 more. This 1,000,000 horsepower t,hat a these si,reaims, which flow equably all i the year roundo becausae of t,he nature ft of t,he sponge which forms tIhe reser- 1 voir that suppllies them, would creat.e ~ an inalcualab)le amount of electrical 0 power. With (lie successfr'I demon- r~ strat,ions which have been madle in s' California antd Niagara Falls of the 0 dist,ance to which this energy can be U transmitted, ihe value of these st,reams, ~ kept, in their original condition, to the ~ future of these Stat,es can not be 0 estimated. There are in these condi. e t,onis all t,he elements necessary for t, tranisportation, for light and heat, for r mnanufactuies and mining, in a very large section of the Unit.ed States,. T1he proposition in the hill is to aum thorize the Secretary of Agriculture, 1 at an expense not, exceeding $10,000,- I 000, to purchase 4,000,000 acres of these forests. They are beld! nowv in large tract.s of. from 1,000 to 5,000 ' I acres. They are being rapidly bought' up by lumber companies at, from #1 50 i to $2 an acre. The owners, as .I am , informed, wouald much p)refer selling to ' the government than tn Individuals or I The World's Grea For all forms of fever take JO>HN; It Is 100 times better than quinine a rino cannot do in 10 days. I ts spI: f-ceble cures made by quinine. COSTS 50 CEI iorporations. The reason Is obviou It is estimated by the Department c t griculture that within five years th orests would 66: 8elf-sustaining, an ifter that a source of increasin -evenue for all tim . to conie. It mpossible for the States to undelrtak his work. New York, in order t lrotcect the Iluison and Mohawk, ha een purchaMsing a large domnail Iiiough the Adirondack forests whici lie proposeH addtlag to every year l'his is possible because the whol erritory Is within the limits of tih tate of New York. But in the A ppa achian region one State can not buj he forest Hources of the streams he anSe they are in another Slate. Tlh( lnIt. lWhich has the forests can not be to go to the eXpense of pro ecting t.hem in order to presorve th Lreanus and agl icuwtite andl induastriea f ad jotlitlm com-nmonwealths. The government does much in manj vays to create wealth for the people very river and harbor bill carrie vlthl it millions of dollars to create venltli by dredging harbors, rivers ud streams. The irrigation proposi. ions which are always before us ant >ime of which have passed the Senatc re also for the creation of weaelth i3 taking fertile the lands which havc lways lamn arid. IIere, however, is a roposition not for the creation of 'ealth, for its preservation. 'l'his is i Ahene not for many local improve ents like the 70,ti000,1100 pudlic u1ldings hill or the $70,000,OtO river id harbor hill, 01 the innumeraile her hills which we pass for localities, lt it is at public and henl icent ineasilre keep for future generations in many tates and over a large area the produe ve energies which nature has stored >r the comfort, the living, and the appiness of large poplatiols, and foi he wealth of the whole country. It difers from all other schemes of overnmental aid mi another way. ''lu tdvant.ages derived by the government rom the improvenent of rivers an( larhors is incidental and iidirect. 'pI iam1e is ti te of irrigation, of publi 1xpendit.ures of every kind; but ml thi )road and beneficent. scheme the gov u'elcnt piotects its people by entei ng upon a business ilmpossihle fo iates or individuals, and which n inichinery but. thai of the governmen tan carry on, and which the experienc if other countries hait demnonstrate .vill prove a Hource of perpetual re veulie. We have been happy possessors < uch extensive forest territories tht we have not yet, like other nation *elt the poverty of wood. There hi o, been brought home to us how d tendent we are upon it for all pu )080s in our domestic, home, and bus less life. It'would1 be little short of lational calamity if we should fee cutely the loss of our wood. Tin his will occur, and wood become a igh as to make it a luxury, is certai this forest dlenudlation goon on. Froi lie cottage of t.he poor man an the highly polishedl woodls whos rtistic graililIg ornaments tile palace ftihe rich, t,his wise provisioni of us ire is our necessity. We can oi cep t,hese hlardl woods, which ever' ear are becoming scarcer andI mor asi ly, within reasonabille rOeh of tlh raniands of thle p)eopJe by the govern. cnt entering upon01 this process of ~ientille forestry. Inistead of this 15f il-se of hlard-w'od forests being dle. roved, as they will be in ten years 11e5s measures are taken for their *eservation, they wouldl under this home last forever, and yield annual a harvest for tile uses5 of the p)eople, few corporations or inudi vioduials may cumulate In a shoit, timhe large for lies b)y edlforesti ng, fortuzn es wvhich ll dIiiapear in a generation or two, it wise owniersip j, preservation, and muiniistration by the governmenlt will ye empjloymlent, prOparty, industries, dl homes to multitudes for all time. To sum11 up briefly, then, this is a irk which only canl be done by the vernment, of the Uniteod States. It 10uld( be0 done bly the government b)0 use it interests many States and in a rge way the people of thle whole ulntry. It pre'serves thle hard-wood rests anod their product for future nerat,ions. It keeps upon the hlills ia mlounttainl sides th1e woodls whlose Ihlience uplon climate, soil, ando rain 11 is most beneficial t,o a vast terri ry. It p)revenlts mountain torrenits, Ilichl will in time, as tile destruction the forests goes on, turn a large ag cultural region into aodesert. It con. ~rves for manufact.uring purposes that aormous water power whlich will be tilized for a mulititudoe of indutstrics hlichl will' give employment to thous 11(1 andI add enormously to the wealthl fthe country. Instead of beinig an xpense and a drnaini--and it would 1)0 Ie best expenseC whichl t,he goverin ent coldo make if that was necessary --it will be one of those beneficern n1llrovements whichl will slhd bless. ags everywhere: and at the same time e self-sustaining anod a source of ever= -sting revenue to the government, P'resident U. Stanley Hall, of Clar! Iniversity, who has~ been Studying thi Imost total absenice of insanity amon1 Legroes, b)ell3ves thlat it ls due to th act that tile black race, being newr , civilizhation, has nos undergone s nany crucial experiences as the whIte lest Fever Medicine. ION'S (UILL and M;Vy1 'ONIC. nd doo in a single day what slow quf. ndid cures are in striking contrast to the vrs IF r CUrizS. c CASTOR IA 1 For Infants and Children. The Ktnd You Have Always Bought Bears the 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __h_ Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. Row To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an o unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to . If . gass it or pain in the Imck is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor1 wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases.1 If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggi:.ts in50c, and$1. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells moure about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, add ess Dr. Kilmer & rlome of wamp-Rooe. I Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men-, tiori sading this generous offer in this paper.) I KENS RAILROAD .. E. Ilo as P (w,;resident. 'I'IME ''AI11. No. 2. r' AfS)':uliersedtes Timle Table No. 1. E.f. f ective 12:01 A. M ., Feb. tat., 11101. t I(valj~l 1141wu, Read Up. e I,,- 11- S'l'ATIONS. No. 9. Mimd' . Mixed. 10 11a m1 1. .. .v. v.i. Ar..5 pa 10:45 i ........* erguson'l.........2:45 p m of 1t1:55 a ...........*P' arsou '.....):i2:3O p m it I 10 a mit...........*'Arinil'e....'. ....2:25 p nm 1i1:05 a m..........*auhldi's.......; 2:20 p m 11:15 a n........ A r Easley v:......2 :15 1) u MiSTA'ION. No. 11. ____Dl_ ixed. MZd .. 4:00 p m ...... Lv. 'ick Ar..... 6:40 p u 4:05 P m........ *Ferguon'........ 6:) p mu a 4:15 p I..........*asI's.... .6:t. p i 1 :20 p m..........*Ariail's.......... 6:10 p 1n t 4:25 1 m..........*ui ulrlin'....... :05 p Im o 4:40 p m.......Ar Easley v. :001) p m '"lhig Statijon. a All trins dily except Sunday. e No. 10 Connects wvith Southern Itailway r No. 33. B No 9 (2onnicts with Southerni Railway N.12. * No. 12 (Conniets with 8onthen Railway - No. 11. No. I i Connects with Southern Railway No. 314. I4&-For any in formation a > ily to J.. AJ20R, General Manager. THE YOUNGBLOOD LUMBER COMPA.NY AUGUSTA, GA. Opprom AND WORS, NORTH AuouevA, 8. 0 oure, Sash, Blind. and Builder's Hardware. [iLOORING, SIDING, CEILING AND INSIDE FINISHING LUMBER IN GEORGIA PINE. All correspondence given prompt at entilon Why Not Save The Middle-Man's Profit? The McP'hail Piano or Kindergarten Organ direct to the buyer from fac tory. Write me if you wish to buy an Organ or Piano, for I can save you -noney. I travel South Carolina, and Noul d be pleased to call and show you my Pianos and Organs. A postal card will brtng me to you. L. A. McCORD, Laurens, - - South Carolina ii. J1. HIYNCIwORTH,, 0. E. ROBINSON I- W- P ARKKR, Piokens, 8, 0 Greenville. 8. 0. Ii aynesworth, Parker & Rbinsgon, A ttornseym-at-L~aw, Plekens 0. H., -' - South CarolUna Practice ini all Ceurto. Attend to a usiness promptly. 17Monov to loan. JCured in thirty fosixy dy Tndays treatment ~RE U1UIIU of all suffering with Dropsy 0. E COLLUM DROPSY MED! 1 --IIE O0 312-18 Lowndes. Bui4,ing