The People's Journal. '1'lIURSDAY, JUNI, 12, 1902. Local nd Personal. -The oat crop is almost a fail uro . -This yoar low bottoms have a chanco to do something. -Dr. W. F. Austin will be in Easley Juno 17th, and 18th. -Oardens are not generally what they ought to be; the dry season has in jured them. -Farmers have never made bet tor time forestalling the grass, and tho result is crops are in good con dition. Andrew Bramlett who has been i in charge of the Ieverett High Schlool, Leverett, Greergia, is at homo for the summer vacation. -Though good rains have fallen in many sections of the county there ar, yet somo sections suffer ing from long drought which is beginning to bo serious. -There will be an all day sing- I ing at Bethlehem Church, 5th, Sunday in this month. Every I t ody iivitf+d to come and bring I wlI filled baskets. Proiinent t singers have been ini ited. -We acknowledge receipt of a most ologantly gotten up invita tion to attend the c-nommencement exercises of Whithrop College .June '15 to 18, in the College Auditor ium, Rock Hill, S. C. -Wo publish this wok, for in formation, a town ordianco late ly enacted respecting the solicit- t ing of patronage by hotel and boarding house keepers and em ployers at the railroad station. Arrangements have been por fected whereby I'ickens .l3ase Ball team will play the Central teanon the latters diamond next Thurs day afternoon June 12. An inter.. esting game is anticipated, as both teams are iii splended shape, and each will try to do the very best. -"Th: Deestrick Skule" is get ting on famously now. Rehearsals are being held in the Court House overy afternoon this week. A rich entertainment is in store for Pick ens and community. In our next issue we will announce (late and cast of characters. Thlle entire town is well r'epresented in thes pre -Ed Young (Col) confined in r jail awaiting trial at the next termi of court, made a daring and successful attempt at jail break ing Sunday night. He managed 1 to tear a hole through the ceiling ( o1 the cell in which he wvas con- a fined, and by the use of t:>n blan kets uundertook to let himself down I from the top of the building, E When only a short distance from si the top, going down, his improvis ed rope broke and lie got a fall of E about twenty feet. The noise of C this fall awoke some of the atten- a dants who proceeded toan examina, f tion and found that Will Austin 3 confined in the same c311 was also attempting to escape The latter was caught before effecting his purpose. Ed Young seems to have gone at once to the home of his brother, Pleasant Young, who brought him back to jail and turn- I ed him over to authorities. Ambler. Our health generally is good. Crops look well considering the dry weaathmer. Gener'al Greenm can 't wi~ni withiout more rain in this see, tion.' Miss Unity Nimmions will teach the Summer term of school at the A m bler school. Small grain will soon be ready for harvest ini this section. Wat, er'melons, peafches~, aples, and blackberie sand candidates wil' bei p)lentiful, yet we believe a man ( cain't tell whether ho can swim or not till he gets in deep water. So c>me right along, candidates, andi don't get scarend for some one will win. J. D. S. Maynard D)ebating Society. The old members of tihe Maynard Debating Club met oin Friday night, Juiie 6th, and decided to seorganiz~e the club. The following was slated for Saturday night, June 14; Declamia tion, "Life," Lemn Freeman; Essay, "Popular Society vs. Morality," Earl Miller; Reading: Selection, by Andrew Williams; Regular de bate; Resolved, that children un -der twelve years of age should be allowed to work mn cotton mills. Affirmative; John Fendley and R. R. Hill:'NTegative; J. N. Williams and Arthur Jones. The p blio is cordially invited to attendl, and other young men or ladies desiring to tqake part~ in the exercises would be welcomed. We ought to have at least twelve members in the society who would take an active part and thus ligh ten the labors of the old members. Remember, Maynard School house, June 14th, R. ED. M, WAM WASTINGl4 AWAlt. The following letter fromi Boberb 1t. Watt., of Salemi, Mo., istrtidbive. 64I have been troubled with k(ane diase ortelast fiVe y'et. I los h and nevheo r fte n doctoedl wiIadig wihu relief. 3Fmrslly I trie 1Q. (1O arE, mand les than t* - 6*. lion. J. E. Boggs at The Press Assoclai tion. We clip the follcwing from the report of the proceedings at the the late meeting of the State Pros Association in Georgetown: When the hour for the annual address came a line audience was present. President Aull was most happy in his ii.troduction of the Hon, Julius E. Boggs, who had consentod to deliver the annual or. ation. Mr- Boggs is a strong type of the man fitted for ontertaining an audience. His montal gifts are well balancjd. His style is versa tile, avitty always clear and strong. Graceful in his argument, well poised and thoroughly interesting in what he has to say, he holds his iudience with the gift of his own power. His subject to night was 'Loyalty," the subject in itself which stamps the character of the nan who offered it. Mr. Boggs ipoke on this subject with the fan larity of one who had no stilted hrasn, but with the naturalness of mne who instictively had kowledge vhereof ho spoke. lIe touched ipon the delicato meaning of his subject, ho brought fort its power Lnd he recalled to his attentive iearors the highest spirit of man iness as a growth of loyalty. In ,he home, in the family circle, out nto the wider sphere of patriotism mid truth, the speaker brought the rue meaning of his subject." CENTRAL. Miss Lila Henry, of Groenville, s on a yisit to our town as the ;uost of Niles Floy Folger. Miss Mattio May Morgan has re urned home from Columbia Fe nale College for vacation. Miss Ploy Folger has ieturned owe from Nashville, Tenn. Mies Bessie Ashmore, of Pickens, s spending a few (lays with Mrs. . T. Gassaway. Miss Florence Rowen, of Pick 4ne, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. 4. Morgan for a few days. Mr. Walter Daniel is here for a risit to his sister Mrs. W. R. Wy tt. G. W. Browning, of Greenville, was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom lowlaud, of )harlotte, aru guests of Mrs. C. G, lowland. Eugene Young, of Grcenville, v,- in town Friday. Misses D)ence and Janie Clayton vere in towvn for a few hours Wed ieday. Misses O'Dell and McDaniel and fIessrs. O'D)ell and McDaniel, of ~ickens, passed thro' town on Sat rday on their way to attendl the om mnencement exercises at Cleim on College The Misses Folger entertained a ow of their friends last Friday vening compllimentary to their :uest, Miss Henry. The people of Central are much nthused over the prospects for a otton mill as a canvass for sub cription to stook has resulted so avorably as to insure success be 'ond all doubt. Mica.j The health of this community is ot so good at present. Mrs. S. A. Wyatt has been on he sick list for several days. Dr. 3olt is attending her. Louise, the little daugh ter of !r. and1 Mrs, S. M. Cox, is very 11. Mr. B. 0, Jones visited (relatives ~nd friends through this section ecently, after which he retuned o Oartereville, Ga., where his vork is now located. Misses Maggie and Lida Chap nan spent last Saturday and Sun lay with Miss Eula Williame, of joopers. . Miss Bettie Hendricles, ot Field, risited her daughter, Mrs. Lula jox this week. Miss Fannie Looper, accompa )id by Mr. Edward Hendricks vent to a lawn party down in the 31reenville section last Saturday. L'hey report a very enjoyable time. Misses Nora and Olive Hen-. iricks and Mr. Edward Looper ipant Sunday with Miss Nora fones, of Dacusville. Aunt Peggy Looper has been n very poor health for some time. Crops are looking fine in this ;ection especially cotton. We need rain bad. Wild Rose. The Hope of the South. The hope of the South is not in the coming lawyer, dootor or preacher or politican, but in the boy who is not afraid of work, and who will pull off his coat, pull up his sleeves and pitch in to accom. plish the task before him, The farm ma.nager and owner of the fu-. ture requires brains in the manage mont of the plow as well as the professional or business man in the commercial world or in the weilding of the pen,. The agrioultural and textile sohools should turn out these boys whose aim In life should be to make the worn out land, to rebloomn with boontiful harvests, .inorease the prodnotion of her fertile . vale. loye, start the~ fywheel of manu. factories to reyolving all over the State-put the'whod State on a maroh of yreOss and 'dovelop Dthis, bys, atid the d,the VIneland. Many hearts were made to fell sad on the afternoon of June 2nd when the news was spread that Jas. 11. Ilughey had departed this life. Though it was not a surprise as he had been in bad health for some time, caused by a cancgr of the face and throat. He was an old Limo honored citizen, a God fearing man, and tried to lead those with whom he came in con tact in the paths of rectitude and right, always putting his case be fore God in all things and inquir ing of him who doeth all things well the way of salvation. He served 4 years as a soldier in the Civil war always discharging the duties putl upon him to the best of his abilty. And the life our brother has led in the past ought to be a criterion for every one. le was the fathor of i; chil dren of which the monster death has snatched 5 leaving only one son, John A. IHughey and his wife to survive him. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of a host of friends in this their time of af Iliction. The decoased was seven ty-two years old at his death. Just a fiw d1y s before his death he expresbed linsel f as being ready to meet God any time he should call him away and requested his companion aiid 01hers not to glive but to follow the master unl meet hin where there would bo no parting. h'lio interment took pla te the day following at the George's "reek cemetery, Rev. D W. Hiott ,onducting the funeral services. Shorty. Sheriff News. Vo are still needing rain, crops ire looking very well, but gardens ire drying u1p. Mrs. Mary Orr returned last veok from a visit to the exposition rieudx in Columbia and Greenville, Miss Veda Childress and broth 3r were the guests of the Misses \Welborn lost Saturday sand Sun day. We are always glad to see Miss Veda for she is such a lively girl. Prof. John F. Lesley and his class will go to Enon next Sunday morning for the purposa of intro ducing a nnw song book , ''Wm dows of 1Heaven" which contains some of Prof. Vaughn's sweetest songs out. Everybody go, for we know you wi]l want one of the new books when you hear those sweet songs. Children's Day was quite a suc ees W~e had the very best of order and good things to eat in Tbundance. Mr. Editor, you ought Lo have been there, the candidates were there and a general "hand shakle" was carried on also. Trhe program was as follows: Song-All hail the power of Tesus name. "Jun~e' '-A recitation by Henry Lee Sheriff. Golden Text-By little Mary Lesley and Era Sheriff. Treasures-By a class of little girls. Song, Little children can do somnething. Two Princes-By 3 little boys. Rock of Ages--Miss Lidia Les ley. "It must be settled right"-By Jimmie Ba;lenitine. My one Talent-By Miss T. Can Grell. ''Was it You ,"-By several little b)oys. "Sin of Omission "-By Misses Nannie WVelborn and Lidia Lesley. Recitation---By Mr. Willie Bal ontLine . Song-God shall wipe away all sears. ''Guilty or Not Ghuilty"-By Eunice Wyatt. "Last Hlymn''-By Miss Nannie Welborn. "Christ and the Little Ones."' By Miss Mildred Orr. Song-The Sweetest Story ever told. Talk from Rev. W. E. Wiggins on collection. Our Work-By a class of Boys and girls, Song-Gathering the Golden Sheaves. In the afternoon Dr . Smith and Hon. J. E. Boggs made two nice addresses f or whichw ie thank them very much. Chatter Box. An OrdInance. RegLulating the Soliciting of Pat.. ronage by Hotel and Boarding House keepers and employee at the Railroad Station in the town of Pickons and to Prevent obstrue tion to Passengers. Be it Ordained by the Inten dant and Wardens of the Town of Pickons in Concil Assembled: First. That from and after thei passage of this ordAnianoe, it shall be unlawful for the owner pro prie tor or keeper of any hotel or boar ding house in the town of Plokens or for any agent or employe of any hotel or boarding house or any other person or persons, to .ob. struot the passage way to or from the passanger oar or oars, at the station in the tovwn of Piotens, of, any passenger or pasentgers comn ing from said car by pas sing nearer said car' or cars than the otiter or uouth rai of the side. traok of the jfallroed, said side tihdl lying south of the main track fftrte ppoBs of sblioting patfan-' ful for any' such solicitor of any hotel or boarding lgouso or keepe.r thereof to so licit the patronage of any passangor or )asbagger on any train by approaching tho irtin from any ,q(1 except from the south side thereof. Third. That any violation of this ordinance or any section thoroof shall be a nisdoineanlor, and any person convictod thoreof shall be punished by a fine of liot less than Ono (1) dollar nor norethani Ten (10) dollars or imprisoned at hard labor on the public works not less than throo (3) dlays nor more than thirty (30) days either or both in tho dierrstion of the Intend nt. Fourth. 'Tlat this ordinancef shall take ell'e.t immediatuly upon its ratificatior. Dlono and Rateli,,d inl Council this 7 d iy of June, 1903. Ilomler A. Richey. Clerk of Council. W. T. McFall, iltenhint. HOW TO A\VOI 1) TRtU l1,I. c Now is the tine to provide yourselfl and fatmily w~'ith at bottl~ of (Chainber lain's Colic, Cholera and .1) i;rrioe. Ii Itonedy. It is almost cmrtaint (.) he noe;d tl ed before the sumnmer i.i over, and i' i procured now may save you ai trip to til town in the night or in your bu,it'-4 sea son. It is ovrywhere admttit,tied to ho t.he most successful imediciino inl nIt for bowel complainis, Io'It fcr children an rt adults. No family canl alYord to he with- Ii out it. For sale by (i. W. .arle. ti NEW FRUIT. h tI Perfeetton Currant, Which 'Won the c'l Harry Meditl For Special 3merlt. d' 1e cut, froi American Agricultur- P lst, shows the new Perfection curralt, whleh obtained the iBatry gold medal it from the Western New York liorticul- I1 turall society for at new fruit of special c merit. Professor 1 S. A. Beach of New York is credited w I t h1 the following de scription of It: yj. ri "ln form of- - bush, health and vigor of foliage ti the Perfection is intermediate be tween its parents b) Fay and h'liite 0 Grape. The fruit is borne along the old wood, much like that of the White Grape. On the average the size - of cluster and both exceed that of the Fay and1(, so far as I know, equal that of ainy variety which has yet beent disseminat- THE PEnFECTION OUR ed. Thue fruit Is IiAT' usually uniformly large to the tip of the cluster.' Its largest bei'ries are ful ly equal to thme largest of thme Comnet. While on the average its fruit Is not quite so large as that of the Comet, its Clusters average longer. The pulp is less seedy and considerably better in quality. The stem of the cluster is free r from berries near Its attachment to the' plant, thtus making It easy to plek. The color is a good red, somewhat lighter than the Fay. In flavor and quality I consider it distinctly better than Fay I' or Cherry. In fact, I do not know of C any other large currant in cultivation - that is its equal int this respect. It ripens about with Fay and Cherry." Tillage In Peach Orchards. Other things being equal, that tillage I t is considered best for Maryland peach orchards which begins as early in the|. spring as the land can be .worked and continues until midseason, being re peated frequently enough to maintain the surface of time soil in -a light,"loose n condition. Keep the surface mulcht in tl good repair. Many of' the Maryland orchards can be given such tiliage without difficulty so far ns thte char acter of the laind is concernted, ailhough |a in the western p)art of the state, es, C i)ecially' in the mioutntaitn orchards, there t< are conditions which render thorough 11t tiliage difficult. My little son had an attek of whoop ing cough and was threatened with pno~- C umonia; but for Ohamborlain's Cough ti Remedy we would have had a serious 1 time of it. It also saved him frotn sev eral attacks of croup.-H. J. Strickfad on. For sale by 0. WV. Earle. Over one hundred valcancies in f the grade of Second Lieutenant in J the regular army are now open to a enlisted meni and civilians. READ I i' IN IS NEWSPAPER.. George Sohab a wall known German citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con- a staint reador- of tite Dayton Volkaz.ei tung Hie knowvs that this paper aims to i advertise only the best in ita columns, c and whben he saw Chamberlain's Pain ] Balm advertised therein for lamo bacek, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle ci it for his wvife, who for eight woeks had anfered with the most terrible paius in her back and could get no relief. He says: "After using the Pain Baltm for a few days my wife said to nw, 'I feel as though born anew,' and before using the entire contents of the bottle the uin bearable pains had entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties." Helis very thankful and hopes that all aluffering likewise, will hear of her wopderful recovery, 'lhis valuable lines#nt is for sale by 0. . E~arle Zaggist, .. Nearly levery Ohtnanian I cant read, but.l0 per centf of the .won men are uneducatd SAVE~D FR~OM AN AWFrL~ PATE, 'Every said I had consumption," writes Mrs, A. M. 8hlelds, of O064n. bersbug, Pa., "I was so low after six :nonths of severe sickness, oaueed by Hay F'eyer and Asthma, that few thlogt I could get well, but I legined pfthu tveone nugrt of Dr. King's New iscovery fot oisuingtion use'd it, and was domnpletely ourdl, For de. po.tite lUhroat abd Luing Diseasen it is ANNOUNCEMENTS, RATI: FoR ANNOUNCEMENT FOR OFFICE. All County ofices, each, $5.00. Magistratos, - " 2.50. All other offices, " - 5.00. The above prices are invariably IN I)VANCE. FOR CONUItESS. I hereby announeo myself a candidate or Congress from this, the Third South Jarolina District, subject to the action if the democratic voters at the approach ng primary election. R. F. SMITH. I hercby announce myself a candidate or t'ongress to represent the Third, W, ., I)istrict, subject, to the action of the oemocratio voters in the approaching rimuary. WnI. J. Stribling. FOR IT'I'11 SlNATE. The friids of Laban Mauldia hereby unolnce hin as a candlidate for the Ben te, subje t. to thi, action of the D)eto. ratio voters of 1-iekouw county at the ap roaching pritmary. Tie friends of Charles E. Robinson erebly aInnollunC himi as a candidate for 1c henate, s'ubject to the action of fho 13muocr"atie vutors of Pickens dounty at Lu approaching primary. FOt 'I'IIE HOUSE. I hereb,y announce my candidacy fpr icleution to the liouse of Iepresonta ves from Pickens cout'ty, subject to ie .Demtocratic pril3ry. Ivy M. MAUI.UIN. 'hc friends of J. Ashmore Hlinton zreby announce him ats i candidate for o House of Representative from Pick is county, subject to the nction of the nmocratif% voters at the approaching :imary election. The friends of Frid Williams hereby mnouncos him as a candidate for the Ouse of Representatives from Pickens Iamty, subject to the action of the emocratic voters at the approaching imary election. FOR AUI)ITOR. The friends of N, A. Christ ophor re >ectfully announco him as a candilato 1r the eflicu of County Auditor for icheIns countyV, subject to the action of ie eletdoeratic voters at the approaehing rin'1Iary eCtion. The friends of E. Foster Keith hero y aninouneo him ats a candidato for the tliea of Auditor subject to the action of 10 democratic party at the coming pri mY elecetiou. FOil TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate or the olice of County Treasurer, sub tct to the action of the democratic vot rs of Piekons county at the approaching ima):ry electionl. B. Fletcher Lesley. By the solicitation of my many friends, hercby announce myself a candidate or re-election to the oclico of Treiasurer f Pickens county, subject to the ation if tbe democratic vottr at the approach. ng primary election. Respectifully, S. D. Chapman. The friends of Henry WV. Farr hereby nounco him a candidate for the office of 'rcasurer, subject to tile action of the emocratic voters of Pickens county at lio ayproaching primary. The friends of yames M. Lawrence aspeotfually announce him as candidate yr Treasurer for Pickens county, sub. tet to the action of the demcratic yo. tre at tihe coming primary. I hereby announce myself a condidate >r tihe vOice of Treasurer for Pickens unt.y, subject to tbe action of the de aocra:tic p)rimalry. 0. R. Hendricks. FOR SUPEJIVISOR. The many friends of L. D. Stephens arceby announce him for reelection to :e oflilce of County Supervisor Subject tile Democratic Primary E~lection. Many Friends. FOIR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Tile friends A. J. Welborn hereby an uncc him as a candidate for County ommnissioner, subject to the action of :o democratic voters of Pickens couni y a the aproaching primary. Tbc friends of D. Rt. Evans bloreby mnounco iml a canldidate for County ommissioner Pickens county, subject i the action of the Democratic p)arty at 10 app)roachling primary, Tile friends of A, B. Talley hereby an ounce him a candidate for the oflce ounty Commissioner subject to the ac on of the Demooratic party at the ap roaching primary. -For Probate Judge. I hereby announce myself a candidate r re-election to the office of Probate udge of Pickens county, subject to the otion of the democratic voters at thle ap reaching primary election. Rtespectfuly. J. B. Newbery. At tile request of friends, I he.reby unounce myself a candidate for reetec on to the ofice of County Superinten enIt of Eduction subject to the action f the Denmocratie party at the Primary Mleotion. W, W. F. Bright. Lot our lady friends read this expres ionl of appreciation from Mrs. Lul a ~rad1y, of U ree, N. 0.: "I am void of lords to adecquately express my appre. at ion of Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic 'ciliets. I was a great sufferer when I ieganthe use of this Treatment: They inve completely changed my life from >ne of suffering to heatbful enjoyment." The property near Hodgenville, Ky,, where Abraham Lincoln was orn has beeni advertised at sheriff tale for taxos, Of what does a bad taste in your nouth remind youl It indleates that r'ouit stomach is in bad condition and will1 remind you that there is nothing so ocod for such a disorder as (ihatnber ansStomach e2 TA*r Table'ts after fLavng once used them, Thoy cleanse and invigor .the tomach and regulate the bowel.. Fo sal-eat25 o.nts per box by Q. W. rle Druggist. ~he suggstionm is wHads that ini NE_ SPRING G00? NEW P1 EVERYTHING1 AND THE NLW We have paid especial atten Dress Goods, for we believe in p plete line Organdies, Lawns, 1) Silks and Trimmings to match. Fancy White Goods. \e are c that we carried over from list sm SHOES! Shipments comin!,- in every < they go. Buy the H\I"II.I. A' the BEST. Sec our cclc:l)rated and Julia Marlowe ti.oo Shoe for Clothing! We carry as good a line of ( nyWhlcre. Suits from 5 years oc nan in the county. Prices anwl If you nccl a suit conic to see us vill not be the fault of the g-oods We Try to Carr Call for what you don't see. ng is worth asking for, and remei -ight. Yours truly, FOLGER & T "1 BSom cBargains to olc-r in Ii !4 .FOR1 Ladies' Extensje 3 We S( 4 in tl PRIDI C HEATH -BRUCE New Sprin Arriving the largest and by far the prettie: have lifted the yoke of high prices all. MILLTIN R!Y! Miss Hulghes has just retu rned where she purchased a larg.e and < choicest novelties. This departm larger townrs. We cordialy invit< county to call and inspect this dej rect styles at very low prices. In each department you will fi you to call and see us. Yours tru Heath- Bruce-I EASTERN SEEI And Cardc wothFOR EARLYF It is wrhall it costs to have a seeds, we have in sto Carden and Fa Hoes, Rakes, Shoves, Spadle: Hooks, Mattocks, Plows and Plo Tturners made, Wheel Barro'vs Machines, and Furniture of all ki .A Nice, New, Cl HATS,SHOES, DRY GO New Goods Coming in and Anything % and .About a Homn 8, NEW_STYLE, ;ICES. [HIE LATEST ESTES tion this spring to our line of leasing th- ladies. A com imities, IPercals, Linens, with A beautiful line of Plain and ITing every piece of linen in r at flrst cost. 31OESI lay. In they come and out 1H and you will aways get Selz $3.50 Shoe for Men, W.OImen. DlothingI :1 I'IIING as you will find I an'.l u -can fit the largest 1re from 50 cents to $I8.00. If we miss selling you it nor the prices. Everything! Anything that is worth hav nber our prices are always HOR NLEY. Dve hoes. E Eve, $3.50. Hand Sewed n& PATTON, reenville, S. C. MOR ROW CO. g Coods Daily. ;t line we have shown. We and they are in reach of M11iLLIN ER Y! from the Northern Markets, :omp1jlete line of the season's (:nt is equal to any in the all the Ladies in Pickens artment. You will find cor nid big values. It wvill pay orrow Co. 3POTATOES n Seeds LANTING. good garden. Besides the :k the necessary rming Tools! ;, Forks, Bush Hooks, Briar w Stocks, Best Steel Beam Iron King Stoves -Sewing nds, Pretty Styles. ean 'Stock of 008 AND OLOTHINSa tGoing out Every Day. EVerything. e or Farms ,*.*1 d look thIrough oni joom ~ *.~" throucgh ouir atock~