The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, June 05, 1902, Image 2

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The People's Journal PUBLI$S1ID WEIKY, T. J. MAULDIN, - -- - Editor. W. LEsr>s1 MATIHENY, - Bus. Mgr. Rntered at the Post Offce at Pickona as second-class matter. Subscriptloi, $1.00 a Year. T1HIUIRS ) A Y, JUNE 5, 1902. How a good rain would help ! Fiold plaits are not sufforing so much but gardens are almost gone. * * * The Clonmson Board of Trustees met June fourth, and some inter esting devolopments are expected. * ** Political talk is beginning to brighten up, and the prospects are that the usual number of candi dates will be in the liold. * * * If the wheat crop continues to frazzle, and rains begins about. harvest time, it will hardly bn, worth the trouble of gathering. * ** The Charlostin Exposition is over and many availed (themnsohes of the opportunity to see it to their advtintage. Tuesday June 3, was Jeffterson Davis' birthday. Days liko this one are not fixed in the minds of the )oopio as securely as they should be. The Boer English war is over. The Boers have fought- long and stubbornly for their liIberty and the war has cost EIgland an enor mous outlay of treasure b.sides the lives of many soldiers. Even as it is, England's victory is not so great a victory after all-they won the light because of the overwhel ming numbers and resources, but the glory is with the floors. TIHOfl4HT '1EIUHED). Among the many recent eviden ces of scientfiic advancement has been the invention of a machine for weighing thought. This in strument while doubtless a com plicated arrangement is so simpl e in principal that it appears at once to the mind us being the ultimate results of logical reasoning along scientific lines. It is a physiological law that in the human organism in a normal condition of activity that part which is most active has the greatest amount of blood supplying it; so that the tissue may go on with itE functional metabolism, Eg. The stomach in digestion, the brain ii intellection etc, and it seems that in proportion to an increase in th4 activity of a part there as an ap proximate increase ini the amoun1 of the blood supplying the part. Now this machine wvhich has caused considerable talk amongf scientific circles consists of broad board the length of a mai arranged on a fulcum so that eaci side is in equilibrium. A man is placed on the platforn or board and stretched out an< securely fastened so as to be im movable and not to jar the mach line. Tihe man is absolutely calr and the scales are adjusted Il equilibrium. When this condition is obtaine light reading miatter is held befor the person in the balance an he is made to read. So soon I the brain becomnes active the scal< are Immediately tilted to the sii on which the head is. It seenl that in proportion to the increas in intensity of the thought il greater the tilt In the scales, f4 when the man is given a hal mathematical p)roblem to work 0 in his head the lever is weight still further down on the side < which the brain is, being eviden ly caused by the increase ini tl amount of bood in that organ as result of more intense thinking. This instrument may never of much practical value but irt lustrates the fact that sciti men are alive to the conditio which surround thorn and th they are diligent in their efforts investigate the great truths pt taining to the respective scienc and that they are willing to ha their thoughts weighed evi through it be not done by method so practical as that of invented machine. BEAD Ii' IN HIS NEW8PAPER, George Sobab a well known Germi citisen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a ao seant reader of the DaytIon Voiks tung. He knows that this piaper aims advertise only the best in Its' column and when he saw C'hamberlain's Pai l3ulm advertised therein for lame b,aol be3~ did not hesitate in buying a bottle 11 for bie wife, who for eight weeks ha~ suirered with the most terrible pains her back and uould gtno relief, a says: "After using i*ii ain Daim for few days my wife wuai to ine, e.t feel though born anew,' and before usin the entire contents of the bottle the un bra)epains had entirely Yanished an #1d oolagain taike rp her househol dies."' He is very thankful and hope that all suffering likewise will hear c - aa wonderful recovery, TIhis valuabi .eent iefor sale by 0. W. Earl It is repotd in the nlewspape 4s.atohes tbati Snator Tillma ~5loppose the oonarmationc ~toter HEti. of Qhatrlestoi gVuotit bat be is a o rpI CAMPAIGN HVIIEDULE. 3ENATO1I A L. Columbia, Tuesday, June 17. Carnden, Wednesday, June 18. Chosterfiold, Friday, Juno 20. Bennettsville. Monday Jund 2 Bishopville, Tuesday, Juno 2< Darlington, Wednesday, J'no 2G Floronce, Thursday, June 26. Maron, Friday. June 27. Bonway. Monday, June .30. Georgetown, Wednesday, July 2 Kingstree, Friday, July, 4. Monak's Corner, Monday, Julj 7. Manning, Tuesday, July 8. Sumpter, Wednesday, July 9. Orangeburg, Thursday, July 10. Bamberg, Friday July 1.1. George's, Satuday. July 12. Charleston, Tuosday, July 12. Charleston, Tuesday, 15. Valterboro W1'od. , July 16. Beaufort, Friday July. 18. Hampton Saturday, July 19. Barnwell, Tuesday, July 22. Aiken, Wednesday, July 23. Edgofield Thursday, July 24. Saluda, Saturday, July. 26. Loxington, Monday, July 28. Newberry, 'uesdav, July 29. l,iurens, Thursday, .July 31. Grooe,ville, Friday, August 1. Pickens, Satu rday, Aug. 2. W1'alhall a, Monday, Aug. 1. A u(lereon, 'I'Uesda.V-; Aug. 5. A hbevil lo, Friday A ug. 8. Grnwood, Saturday, Aug. 9. 1"1ion, Tuesday, Aug. 12. Spartanbu1rg, WVed,, Aug. 141 C a tffney, Th a rsday, Aug. 15. Yorkville, Saturday, August 16. I,aneaster, Tuesday, Aug 19. Chest'r, Wednesday, Aug. 20. 'Winnsboro; Thursday, Aug. 21. s-rA'i :., Sumter, Tuesday, June 17. Orangeburg, We.d., June 18. Bamberg, Thursday, June 19. Georges, Friday, June. 20. Charleston, Saturday, Juno 21. Walterhoro, Monday, June 23. Beautort' Wednesday, June 25. Iampton, Thursday, Juno 26. Barnwtll, Saturday, Juue 28. Aiken, Tuesday, July 1. Edgefield, \Vednesday July 2. Saluda, Friday, July 3. Lexington, F'aturdoy, July 5. Newberry, Fuesday, July 8. Greenwood, Wedneaday, July 9 Abbeville, Thursday, July 10. Anderson, Friday, July 11. Walhalla, Monday, July 14 Pickens, Wednesday, July 16, Greenville, Thursday July 17. Laurens, Friday, July 18. Union, Monday, July 21. Spartanburg, Tuesday, July 2' Gaffney, Wednesday, July, 21 Yorkville, Friday, July 25. Chester, Saturday, July 26. Winnsboro, Tuesday. July 29. Lanchiester, Wednesday, July 3 Camden, Thursday, July, 81. Chesterfield, Saturday, Aug. Bennettaville, Tuesday, Aug. .Bishopville, Wednesday Aug. b Darlington, Thur'sday, Aug. 7. Florence, Friday, Aug. 8. Marion, Saturday, Aug. 9. Conway, Tuesday, August 12. Georgetown, Thursday, Aug.] Kingstree, Saturday, Aug. 16. Monck's Corner, Trues-, Aug.3 Manning, Wednesday, Aug. Columbia, Thursday, Aug, 21. European (Grapem In the South. -Tihe United States Iiports ev~ery y< a large quantities of Eiuropean grail a which are sold mostly for table use. was believed that some of these vi dties could be grown in the south, i to test the matter a number of pin e ings were made there three years a d These grapes fruited one year ago, : L5 the inidicationls are that somte of tihe as rieties will be f<fand valuatble for le markets. ___ liwBref Mention. Se It is estimated that there ar 25,1 lacres in olives In CalIfornin. 3r 11razil has demlonlstralted her enp91 rd ty, unlder favornile coniltions, to i't ply the wvold( with eolYee. 3d Speed the 1)low and be surie to p1 )In plenty of corn1. Youi will need it t-before' the0 year Is gone, remarks Sou ern Cultivator. a A M1%sissippinnl who has1 trIed c savnf wlih greait success reomii it hleartily. It alford1s abundantr ebenpi food for swine, hlorses, shieepi -fowls. hO I'ennuits mlake anl excellent hay nsB whenl planIted not1 exceeding eight ini ait es apart Inl thle row tihe vines gr to upright anzd ennl be readily cut witi ~r- mower. es Aisiko clover is a plerennial, and ve it will cover tile ground by tile ti that red clever has lunl Its cour~se, a -_ _ My little son had an attek of who< mug ougih and( was thlreatened with pi umonia; but for Oh"mberlaiu's Cou Remedy we would have had a serk( time of it. It also saved hhn from si anl oral attaoks of oroup.-.-H. 3. Striokfi fl- en, F'or Mal by 0. W. Earle. to s, The suggestion is tundo that in the event of Senator MciLaurir %, resignation Ooy. McSween lwoulid appoint Col 3. A. Hoyt d Groonville to 11l1 the vacancy, noy Cure. Thorn~ a irmay I I 1OW TIO AVOID TitOUBD,A~ e l4ow is the time to provide yourse e and fatnily wikh a bottle of Chambi lain's Colic, Cholera and D)iartho Remedy. It is almost certain to be blee t ed before the summer is over, and ti procured now may save you a trip 4f town it) the night or In your busest so uon,.LIt Is everywhiere adm4tted to I t 9 i use I MACARONI WHEATS. ' PrIneipfnl warletteN and Iteglonw to Which They Are Adapted. All n'acroni wvhents are extremely sensitive to changes of soil and cli mate. This will account for certain * peeuliarlties in the (lualIty of the grain that have already been noticed by growers occneionally in this country. Grains partially soft and white are fromn crops grown either lnder danp. er, cooler "on(litionlts or in pilaces where - there is coinlratively little uitrogen in the soil. The req(uisite conditions for ft perfect gruin ar:t 3 blaclk prllirle solI and short, hot~ d f)) Aumllers. On, the whole changes of eCtnate appear to have a greater effect than changes of soil, but if the soil becomes almlost hle reft of humus the graint shovs the of feet plainly by becoming more opacine and whlte becituse of the preponder ance of starch. If In this case the cli mate is at the same time arid. the grain remains rather hard, but simply because of its dryness. If the soIl is black and rich anld the c"llmlate too moist, there is consideraile discolora tion, and black ends may show them selves. Two or three good rains are euillelent to mature t crop. Otherwise the drier and hotter the better, while a humid atmosphere can not he tolerniled. From fifty to seven1ty-five so enlled varieties of (urliut or nutcaroti whet ta have been described by different writ ers. There are proahly a hundred or more varieties already knownit to be in use under distinet. names. Though the larger iiuiber of varieties are in pae tical use of ininor importance, thert' are a few having well marked charac terlstics and whleth have attaiued a high reputaIlon. The variety whih is the basis of a very large part of the macaroni w :eat export from the Azov sea regin is the Gharnovka. The wheat itself has a mlediu1tm lonlg, Square, dense, yellowish white head, while the beards are datrk and very long. The grali is quite large, light yellow inl color and rather trans luceent intd vitreous. There are several different strains even of the Gitarnov ka recognized in the Don territory. Probably the best of these is the Yel low Ghnrnovka, which has a grain of a deeper yellow than the others. Both the Gharnovka and Yellow Gharnovka, have recently been obtained and distrib uted by the department of agriculture, according to Cereallst M. A. Carleton, front whose report on macaroni wheats these facts are learned. This wheat is admiaivy itadapted. to :iu disotrctao ias Kansas, Nebraska, Oklthoma andceast ern Colorado. It will probably prove to be one of the best durum wheats for the middle and southern great pldins 0.. 2. GURNOVKA wHEAT AT NEIw AEXICO STV *as well as for New MexIco and Ariz( na. Gharnovkn is being growvn ti season by the New Mexico agriculturt experiment statIon and so far give promitse of excellettt results. A, Arnoutka wheat is atpparetntly nct grown to So) greatt fan extent as Ghta 9 novka, but it is neverlteless otte of th 0. est v'arieties (of soth 1ussIa. so fil as the writer mtentilonted cant determini whaiit is ptopietly entIled Aritautkta is wheat hasvinag heads of a lightt red eo or, with at bluisht bloom and very bit ar reddhish beards. '.The gralans atre vet es, large at11d long and when growvn utnd It favorable cottditiotts are a clear yellov le- extretmely hard atid vItreous. This an nd Ghatnovka at-e thte two varieties whic nt. have given Itussia its reputation , fi go. macaroni wvheats, although one or~ tw nd Rlussisan sorts are probably even betti va. thtan thIese for miarketitng that produc Ju ar. Carleton lifs so farm seent nothini but thle gatin of thte vatriety tnow grow cottslderab lly bty the farm-iers of Nort atntd Soth 1)nkot a untder the nameo A 300 ntautka andl enanaot sny whtethietr it thte siiate ats thaft descr-ibed above< tel- ntot. VTis variety- Is well adaptited t< upI. cultivation In Kansas, Colorado, Oklh homaf andi( Texas. in t nll SA\VED FROM AN AWFUL4 FATE. th. "E.try said I biad (cousump-~)tOtn, writes Mrhis. A. MI. Shields, of Chir as- hersbug, Pa.. "'I was so low atfter si ids mtonthls of sevetre Sicknemss, enutsed b nd 1liny l?ever atnd( Ai'thtma, thait fe' tnd thtought I -oitbl gil iwell, hut I lear-ne uof thle nmarvi lus tnearit of i)t. Ej(i id New Disc-over-y for Coatsumt 1) ion, use eh.i it, itnd was comapletely' mired."' Fotr dos T.p.t]hoa n uig D)iseases iti the sfestceuro in thie world, and isin A lfections. (Guaranteed bottlea 50ci an so $100 Trial bottles freo at rThornaleyI me~ Pharmnacy. "My Dear Appelt,"' is not goio, p- to give up without an effort, an M- has announcedi himself as a candi gi date for re-election to the stat av- senate. . For biliousness use Chamberlain' Stomachi & Liver Tablets, They elena the stomnoh and regular the liver ani in bowels, effecting a quokc and perman Id8 ent cure. For selo by 0. W, E~arl ey Druggist, of Thomas J. Adams, for 11nan: years editor an)d propritor of th ir. Edgefield Advertiser, died at hi k. home ini Edgefleld on Friday age1 ae aged about fi fty-flve years, d 7. XNTERESTIflO P ASITHMA SUlE liaulel Mat ol' (tterVille, Iowa all writes, "I have had asthma for three o k. fou' years and have titled about all thi sa eouh tand asihnia cures in the marke i- and hav0 received treatment from physi. if cans in tiew torlt and other cities, but to got very little benefit until I tried Fol a- ey's Honey and Tar which gave me imn is mediate relief and I will never be with r put 41t inmy hottse. I sinre-ly retar 4rmod i to all." Thorule' harmacoy ~i. 1aa n QOhnma i'dllaIhmhf I,.ab Hligh Grad FOR TH Write for Catalovu all ;t cost.; noth ..!:iilAns of OUG[IES, DRlYING _VAGUHS, SURUS, WRITH I NEW STANDARD CINCINNATI Responsible Ab in each town. Please moenttion this paper when writi A K PA STOCK OF SP Is now in store. The stor crisp, new goods. Each season est and prettiest goods possible have surpassed all former scasoi much talk about goods, but my s claim I make. I have undoubte of white goods ever shown it goods in every new stye and col My prices are as low as go< determined to 11y store interesti and notions this season. Twelb proven to many people of Pick( they can rely unpon it. "Give r f goods and prices are not satis A. K. Noilce Applicants. The regulir oxamination of applicanta for Teachers certificatos will ie hold at Pickens, S. C. on Friday Juno, 13th, 1902. The examirationa vill open at 9 a. in. and close at 4 p. in. Questions furnishe d by Stalo Board. Applicarts detiring State Certificates will stand on first and oi ldition al queistions, Sai-l State certilcate will bo good for ten yours, W. W. F. Bright. Co. Supt. Ed. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. P1.a and aptcifications for a county jail at Pickens 6. C. can ho seen at oll:.e of the County Supervisor, tifter the 16th, day of June 1902, also at oflico of H. D. Breeding architect, Glreel,ville H. C. Bids will he receive in pait or in whole and will ho opuo. a4 12 o'clock, noon July 15th 190.. L, D. Stephens. A. J. Wellorn. 11obb Stewart.. Coiniiisioners. HAPPY TI.\lE IN OLD TOWN. "We felt very h:;ppy," writes R. N. Bovili, (Od Town, V., "t Bu ... ickl in's ,Arnica Salvo wholly enred our daughitei of a had caso of scald head.'" It dehlghlts all w io it for Cuts, Coins, Buns Bruises, Boils, UJloirs, Ernipu ous. In fallible for Piles. Only 25ci at Thon Iey's Pharmuacy, I Ninety-Six isi planning for a B quiarter' million dlollar coJtton mill. t FI'LTIIY TrEMPLI:S IN INDIA, 'Sacred cows often defile Indian tem 0 los, hut worse yet is a bodly that's pol-1 r luted by conistipaition. D)on't permit it, 0 Oleanse your sy'stemu withi Dr. King's a Now~ Life Pills and avoid unt,>ld misery. I. They give lively l ivors, activo bowels, g gooid d'gcstion, line apipetite. Only 25e y at Thornleys Phlarmacy. ,A negr)> was lined $40 by the ro d corder of Columbia on TIhursday 4~. for selling liquor to white boys. There are more anfferers from consti *r pation than from aniy other enemy of our~ race; thiero 'sua lonig train of an noy ingils a athratreanlt, and there i inotminig so etfletive ini its treatmtient as liamtoni's Liver Pills anud T1onic Pellots. i25 ts., sample free. s Anderson has awarded the con r tract for puittmg in sewerage. The r plan t is to cost the city $34,252. VIRULE'NT CANCER CURED). Btartliug prioof of a wvondorful advanico in medicino i< given by danggist (I. \V. ilRoberts of Elizabetlh, \V. Va., An old -man there had lour' suffered wvith wvhat Sgood dctors prionunUced inc-u'able o mi eer. Thei y believed his ease hiopeleas till huo us.-d Eletic Bitters anid appl id SIicklon's Aricau Salve, wvhich traent menIClt 'omipletely cured him. \V/hon l'%.etric Blitters are used to expel bil :ous, kidney anid icrob'o possionis at the s amoe time this salvo exorts it~s maitchless -healing powver, blood dliseasos, skin er uptions, uleers anid sores vanish. Bit 1 ers 500, Salvo 25c at Thoruloy's Phar-. m.aflcy. An earthiquake shock was felt in Greenville on Saturday morning at 1:15 accompained by a heavy, .Frumbling soundl. TEN YEARS IN BED. 11, A. Gray, J. P. Oakvillo, Ind., 3 writea, "For ton yeara I was contfined I to my bed with disease' of my kidneys. It was so aevere that I could not movo l ato h imo, I consiulted the very boat medicail skill available bnt coul get no relief until Foley's I idney Cure was recomended to mie. It has been a SGodsend to me." Thorloy's P'harmnacy Pickene and Chapimun & Callabam Lib. erty, KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. FOLEY'S jIONEY URE is a or money refunded, Contains remedies recognlzed by ei. pent physicians as the at fotI' dWney and Bladdar teenal1 e Vehicles F. TRADE. our complete d Price List. ting, showing CARAiAGES, SPRING WAGONS, &e. WAGON CO, 01110. cuts wauted LRK'S. RING GOODS is brimming full of bright, I do my best to get the new , but this season, I feel that I is. I do not believe in too tock will bear me out in every fly one of the prettiest lines Greenville. Colored wash Dr. )d goods can be sold, I am ng to all buyers of dry goods e years dealing with me has ins, that whatever I tell them ,e a showing," is all I ask, and factory, don't buy. Park, .EENVILLE. S. C. BRIDGES & HAMMOND, PICKENS, S. C. We have still on hand a lew bar gain3 in the Chaptmau Bros. stock, and continucd to buy new goods--a staple s:o;k. We are running oi the cash prin ecple and can Ihereforc ,ive you ben elits you would not get by time sales. We sell at close living pt icee. We will take pleasure in showing you through t he store. Farmers can get what they need here. weikeep good goods, and it you don't see a h,t you want ask IOr it. Coffee at 8. ~0 and 10 pounds to the dollar. iranulated Sugar 16 pounds to the dollar. A few 5 and 10 gallon kegs of Tennessee sorghum on band at 40 cents. Cutinnil goods of all kinds. Some clothing to go cheap. As good Flour as you can find anywhere in town. 'l'obacc-, candy, crackers, matches, soap. stoneware, tinware. Farming imiplemeunts, p)lows, hoes, Singlet rees, garden seed s. stationery, ink. pencils, brooms, thread -a li tie of everything. Come t.o sec us nid bring us your p)roduIce. If wve haiven't. got what you want, will pay you cash for youar chickens, eggs and butter. IRespectful'y, llRIDGE'S & IIAMMOND. Crrain. If you need one don't wait till they are all gone. Hoes, Plows, Sweeps and all kinds of farming tools. Fruit Jars, Sugar, Spices for the friIt s~eo. Sow Cabbage seed fromi the 22 to 30 of May for late cabbo go. goodI fresh V'irginia Sood now on sale. A. M. MOR RIS, Pickens, S. 0 CLARK( BROS. & CO., W{EENVILlaE, S. (I We Will Sell Fo r th e Next 30 Days --ALL Monuiments, Tombstones, and tiarkers Now in Stock at---. 20 per cent less than usual priec. We have ome exceptional values. CHEAPEST WROUGHT FENCING ON EARTH . CLARK 8ROT HERS & CO., Greenville, S. 0. No good health unless the kindneoy4 OUR OBJECT W2 want you to come to us for your purchases. We wil make an effort to interest you in our stock by making in teresting prices. Ve want you to understand our desire and ability to please, and believe you'll realize the value of our. offerings to you. Our object is your friendship. We.have to gain it. i dozen quart fruit jars, 7 cents. i dozenl half galun fruit jar, $I.10. A host of bargains you can't afford to miss. It will pay you to buy for cash. One price, one way, and cash before delivery. CRAIC BROTHERS. One Price Cash Store. GRAND SPRING OPENING -OF EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. and FURNIINGS at Smith & Bristow's, Greenville, S, C. Our stock was never in better condition, having disposed of most of last season's goods after the fire, and we are show ing today the newest and cleanest stock in upper South Caro lina. Goods guaranteed as represented or money refunded. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Terms, CASH. One Price to Everybody. Main Street, Greenville, S. C. THE BEE HiVE ..CREENVILLE'S LEADING STORE.. Buing anid Selling More Dry GoodIs than any three Stores in the City. 0CLTHING! WVe are exclusive agents for Strause & B3ro's [High Art Clothing, recognized as the best made, best fitting Clothing in America. WVe carry all grades. Men's Suits from $3.00 to $15.oo; lloys' three piece Suits $2.50 to $ro.oo; Children's two piece Suits 50 cents to $6.oo. WVe guarantee to save you'front 10 to 25 per cent, on any suit you buy from us. WVe carry more Shoes, and sell more Shoes than all the other merchants in Greenville. We guarantee every shoewe sell from $1.25 up. M\ore of our shoes are being worn in Pickens county today than from any other store, but we want to sell every man, woman and child in Pickens county their shoes this year. WVe have DRY GOODS DRY GOODS Bring the M\'adam1 and Children with you when you come to Greemville. Make our store your home while 'here. Plenty of room for the child ren to play in, and the Maclam can find more PRETTIY lDRV GOOD)S to look at in our store than anywhere else mn the city, and SAVE 15 to 25 per cent, on every article she buys. H. K. STURIIANTr COMPANY, Of Greenville, S. C. p ale exswore, and ako p u rwgs* and data droge whic grie ad rak th boels,whenalltheypoe