The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, April 17, 1902, Image 2

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The People's Journal. PUBLSmIrs WEEL-:-lY. T. J. MEN, - - -. Klitor. WL-srai M-ATHEY Mis 111- r Jitered at tho Post Orithe nt Pickens am second-clasm Matter. Sa1h eripuiwo. $1.0.) :1 , en-. Tmt;SDikY. A1l'I. 17. 1m):2. WADE II.hPTON. Wado lIiamllpton, tIhe idel Sold ir, the ta) Uteslianl who Scrl'(d I South Carolir.a wwn she nieded a Iead'r most of all tim4-s, tho gen, tlemiiani who alIv:lv properly re presented the clivalrP1y of hisi sitate, is dead. Th story' of his life is history inl South Carolina, 11141 t he n)ws of his )ath C1'ris1c orr w to every-. hou1sehlold inl th16 0,1... I111 ied at his hIom4, in Con i onl (lhe iornling" -f A pril I I ill h, !. h1om4e4 built and prese:.'ed to hi: 1 tllh 1)ople of , South Cr1n 1 testllimomal o f t I anI aI Cognit ion t i th- days whenl M led hlim, andI hl", wv) w laid at hlk r. altair :nh h! - . 1 o - 111:11 d tun41iy toI h4)jVly ~ ' ga Ie his 1 n1 - .11 - tribute ttte, r. t doml ht, so cr, y < v ears ld . v- iI' WI ' ') veri lt,11(4" 10 \ r ci: y ' votion oth i estie ( ), :14 i Onl Oll flo, Veeb :I ttenld-d with :.1 n 1'l . i I. . a ( t *)4 4)- ) \ ' --- --) le itli war, 44l' 141 ...... tOd y as r, el Iue Us . r' l Cnd44i in t1 hi 144 thc wll State111 (m Ih . ' n .-.\nl rie 1: . 'l th.t rei' 11al1 or' more n Denn er:4 . 1, e'l./( i (Ii . ' I \ foach wh14ieb eih Ih -u distinct th (S! l. president a4nd) I n or' ' m wyrkinig ennunit i 1)han itl(1 Ie la lliii a COInun~ in11 on) reisir I u elt ve 11li) ;(l t4f, aIH t'4 ' 4 tAt Crwu-: i.Th unt i n l'" el l i (hall l' fetillen cd 11t 'I memberl of th e4t.1114.h' idor c shal mt' ion the tourth respect('ivlyi~ of e44 h 4i.iiie't i'i Proi dodlfh 144) 1~ Tha th ( '1(4' 41 ther dauy w iVanithti 14 hI COiloniet 11a V1(14' ill the1 ganignation,0 Oth '41WnS) t Cnlitioc nS:\ PIOi414 Ihti cse teoflmee ofoCrinn f 1 County shalltihe Contitt:1ll Steno Coveniti as i ha j0o beat rs in h t hnea A~lmb inil.(4 liemmesshall have o~rt tl ower (O~i cll ane exranincting of t he enx, anvida fneh exrTat aetn oie so ereth O the ie lt a.merse (111 ef tiue ornnjoculno for tetanla torrioeu. on' Thy lusin each tpae uhirmnder thenconrly of a ConyExeni 4C nnile.',hh sh'4cnss ofA n l membe from~) N~A. Iico of' the exocutivo comnitte thall be until tho first Monday in lay of each election year, at riich timno tihe County Convon iol shall bt called together to re rgmiizo the party. Evwery prosi ential election yoar County Con eltions sh1ll be called by the ounty Executive Committee to *e-t oil the first Monday in May, hich shall elect delegates to L tto Convention called for the urp1On. (of . lvet-ing delegaltus to the I a t oional Deiiocrat ic Convention Xomitittee f'rom this State. Tho htate Conventioni shall be called y Ilho tat.o Executive Collmllit(ee o mole t tvery presidential electiol ear on the third Wodtiesday iin F qa v , atd verly State election year, I Inly anid Stato Convotions shall n.I tIl tie first Moldaly Il May Ind the thirid W'ednleszday In May . V . County Democratic '';t'it n sha-lI ho Composed of I. -ji tes e'lectmI )y th several t'Iib(ts, one deilgate for overy .. y-li V(' il(i41'bers, alid one dele I i a liIlajolt iy fraction there Swit I th right to each Couity < .-. enlIiio to enlahrguor dininish c i4'w)pr'eeltatioll accolding to t r ~niee.The counIty Coll-d liii it s siall be cAll'd together c v the chIl-irmlen Of the respective r \ ''tive C(onllites ulider suci C ;i-, notd in anlsistent W ith th.> it nati-itlions nor)I With the rules a jirtd by the Stato I )lloclratic y I v e u vi a optl, alnd whllt aS'. J--d ,hI l be1 c-All-d to order i i . 'hairman 4)f the Executive i udt toi, :,14 t ile C1 'ot ntioll I I *.~tt A' (mi I W I' l I(!l H II rinamn its membrs1a it eut. it l <> ofro vice-presi- c . -,t oryv ' and a teasll i er. | 1111ty CIinVEn4tlitn ifNy P( -r I' - I II 1e(t ill at %13T of < ;i e it cin i, ,r einha bY ai i ajority it t~in<5,n and thoveri ySit (ly li.kv -1- 1 ll . (qo galniz-.d In t A .~ 1 t 1t i ll 1'r ttution, as t It , lt I i. 'iV Il F, to (he pillo.,It Iby t h t itl ' (t ls il ) -wher eino1dS atil, e11111 n ti n i u-. smpetivo e uclia MSllV vote: c.1 11 ivided, a tp1ston shall ela~ed tn I t h the-il herovislonsIOf it in 'l t, lt ion. E c p ' .h IIt 1 -' o s 111p po .49 o n'i Llt I~lit'iLaiti's Iioran t iver n 1tt it t v nt rl ad n I aIl :ue~~~~ dii-ricldng S . '.t*i ths trleee i Clitsh'A 1i1'(t i n ite4 n 22,i respec-n trt ti, aState' it State ri . i :ne' l:lill I' 51nn 11 :lieer, o \ i i)itl ai ltl la t l and ll at (I rad ap)e ri s..r' eti I l ~eistrat(11:iIO a di-l [i i prier ela. 110n hall b e eld nt ih.-S f 'a-t~Tyuof til votgust o t I't l oflionfr WI) ell two is aCksO .1 slit el v 1oid-edat the nele :) ai l'rlod i t , TCA h e Ci10O ilt . ist (ni ill1nnuiitteetn of hcun A i- at ibert v' to 'u ord er primary 1art. .\vt ion saltn onl Do-e -teeding ice nexoidt enrom ecio :(Ilgeseingoena Iariet to e-e e tie' n trk e n , ada 4 s.'~ whowil pledge~* tmlves yutive committee shall bo comiposed )f ono member from each c(ounty, ,o be elected by the Count.y Con. rentioli ol the first Moztiday inl Stay of each oloetion year, Vien -Iected, said executive committee shall chooso its own oflicors, not necessarily members thereof, prior Lo said electiont: Provded, That my oflcer so elected who is notI a meoibor of the comunitteo shall 'ot be entitled to a vote. The itate Executive Committee shall inoot at the call of the chairnian or m dy five nmebers, and at such :ime.and place as lie or they may IJPpoint. Thle members of the Na. -ioial Democratic Executive Comn nittee from South Carolina shall >I elected by the May State Con rontion inl 1896, and every four ,oars thereafter, and when elected hall be ex officio a member of the 'tato Executive Committee. Va ancios on said Executive Coin nittew by death, resignation or >thorwise, shall1I bo fillod by tle ospoctive County Executive Con nitteos. Tilt) State Executive ,oimimittee is charged With the ox cntioni an(1 diroction of the policy if the party in this Stato, subject o thiis Const itut ion, the principles 1 eclared inl (le platform of priti- c iples, and such instriiction, by 0 esolution or otherwise, as a State s, Kniven tion may adopt, not ( icollsistent with this Constitution, e ud shall contii in office for two h ears from the timo of election P r until their successors have been t' lected. Th'le commlh~itte shall 1nom1. 0 iato presidential elecLors, and it 0 ty vacnlIcy occurs in the State 11 icket, of electors or of the member ' f the National E.xecutive Con nittee, by death, resignation or >ther cause, tle Colilmitte sh all iave the power to fill the vacancy ; 0 ill by a majority of the whole :mititoo ,1 Airri: IX. Tile vote inl the 0 'tVect ive coun tit -s for Mll of the it ato ollicors, Congressman - and :nited States Senator shall be ramfsnlmitted by the Chairmen of lie rwespetivo County Executive i oiimitteos to the Chairman of the t tato I'x'cuitive Comm1 ilit tee as soo. h k8 Pract ieablo after each primary, v'ho shall proceed to cainvass the I met amd declare the result. Aiit i., N. When the State Cot - eentin aii ussemies it shall be callet . rdr by tho chairlan of the Stato xI(cuitive Committee. A minporary chairmantn shall 1) nom,1 naed atid elect(d by the conven. ion, amd after its organization the on vent ion shall proceed immed. ately to th) election of permanent Ilicewrs and to the transaction of )mIHinlfss. Wlen the )usinsCs hai oncluded it shall adjourn eine Aiwriersi XI. Before the elec ion in 1896, anmd each election hereafter, the State Demiocrat ic IExecutive Committee shall issue a rall to all candidlates for Stato of. (ies to address the people of the dlit'terenit counties of the State, fix ing the dlates of the meeOtinlgs, an~d also inviting the candidates for Congress 'nited States Senate andi for Soli1citors in their respetive disjtic.ts, and circui ts, to he p'res et andi alddlrss the people. A t such meeting only tho e'indidlates above ret forth1 should ho allowed to i'peak. A wrwii: X I. It shall he0 the duty of v.ach County Execuitivo Comimitt ee to appoint meetings in thiei r resp'etivo counties t~o be ad (dressred by the General Assembly and for the diffeorent coun ty oflices all of whom nxcept fngist rates, Masters and Supervisors :11 Regis, tr'ationi shall be elected by prima, ritos on the last. Tu'mesdayv in A ugust ot each election year uinder thli same amd regulations hereiinbefore Awrmu, XIII. E~ach coui ty delegation to a State Conventien shall have power to fill aniy vlaan cy. therein. Awiricri~r XI V. Tis C'onstitu tio may bi~le a mmendied or aliteiri'd at the regular May Conivention of t he State or at anyi coilvenItion calle d specially1, for I ita purpol(k the cull for which shaul l)p)eify thie chan ges to ho made~l~. A wrieji: XNV, Any county fail. in ur re fusinhg to or-ganize unde11 r the' prov isionso of tih is Const iftuion shall no t hav ~e repriesenatatioen in: the St ate Demilo(raltic (Convention. W ILIE JONES, ('hmi. State I )omi. E x. C'oi. h'. N. i'INTEIm, dit. F'ole~ s lioney0 il Tar cottins inot conistpf)ef liko eay all otther congh motemes ic. Refuso subhsti tuites. l'ii-y's KidneyV Curel' malfke kidneys an.t blaLhier right. Don't dlelay takiing. F0oe's( Kidnety Cure if taken in time Ifiird sieur'ity fromi all kidnecy ar~d but Thle siirest and aafvst romedy for k id ney and blidder diseas is Foley's Kiiey' (hire. Ho l t & Thiornloy, Pickenis, Chaip mani & (Callaliami, Liberty. "A neighubor ran in with a bottle of Chambiierlains~ Co, Cholera anid Ditrr hoea Rnmedy when my son was suiflorinig with Hovero eraimps anid wyas given up~ as~ beyondl hopo by my)3 re'gular phiysician. who stands high in his profe-ssion. Af ter adminitering three doeses of it, my sonl re'gined10 'onsiH~ouisness and recover ed enitirely withiin twenty-four hours,'" asys Mirs. iiry Hallr, of ALt Crawfordl Vai. Thli Remed~y is for sale qy (G. WV Earlo. .WIELDS A SHAR~1P AX. Mlillions marvel at (lie muliititudwee of m iadies cutL off by' Dr. King's Newy Life Pills-the most <hstressing too. Stom aehi, Liver and Bowel trouible--Dyspep sia, Loss of A ppetite Janndioc, Billions. poe, Fevei, Malaria, all fall before these wonder warorers 2Q at BIOl A Tltrp AN t n o suig IN THE ORCHARD. tar. . ...... ..-..----- and Cover Crop of Two Klin und Their my I&onuynrntive Adinanaes. IUso There are ptletivltlly Iov-''iatsses of witI plaints which tie :orhItrlist nitty use P6 for the 'plrposi- of seciring a cover L0rop. Theb~e arIe tbe nitr6ogenious class n)i the one hand andml tlie nonnitroge rious cas on the other. The diffrellCO between these tWo Is marked by the Am In thle I W.' iinl tl high duri .t.-:. tract it ti1 conit cowens nu~ncasuo' lit COWll11AS J1iIOADCA'ITH-1. that a wer of the pilaits of the iiitiogeious tiont ass to appropriate the free iltrogei of Io ' the air and store it up in their tis tei in, such aii t way'that. it is iore or ki ss readily available to the succeeding taini 'oPs. Prominent among plints wie knm' ave this property atre the clovers, Jati mns, beans mid vetches. These are the d trmer's friends, the nitrogen collect rs. Concerning cover cr l and the 1t ,chard, Professor John (Cr;,ig of Cor ll university has slimitiarized hits inl estigations as follows: The orchard is to be viewed in the ght of a specieic crop. Iunus is essential to the liberation' f plantit food. 11 Barnyard maiure supplies organie Jud latter, but is often beyond the reatch f t he orchardist. ion Probably the ideal system of orchard liui lanlagemetit illcll(es cleant tillige anid 'T cover'crop in the ann1ual progralnutme. ish Effect& of tilag'o and of cover crops tor ro similar in inanmy respects, but while ce . oth tend to make pliat food available me)(, he cover prop inay actually add to the itt tore. day Tle cover croi!.pi'evenitedil frost froin ienetrathig the ground deeper than six cen ilcihes tis Compared to twelty-ole nCIhes oin bae-C ground. Tle perceitage of water in cver !ropped ground - compared favorlhy o11 vith bare uicultivated ground in I owa 1nd New York. The texture of the soil and subsoil is iuch liproved by the burrowing hah- P) ts of tle earthwori and the peletlit ig character of clover roots. The cover crop prevents surfae thie watsihing and injurious trosioin of or- tie hard land, pre A coluparison of the fertilizing quail- fus ties of tile clovers, eovpea aini hairy Pic vetch pintced the last fitr In the lend, -- wilth atifalifa andt 111 inarnothI clover see IIalry vetchi appears to bie a viialuabe leguiintotzs lantlt. for cover croip 11ur poses. It in haird..d eep roothlig, gr-ows at how teiitnirture(s atnd lprold uces a dense mat of vegetation on the sturface bt of the ground. Cowpen is particularly valIuable for a sy-stema of niceultivation atnd as part pi oif a1 Coinbitntiont (rop. Of the niltrogeni conisunlters ryve atnd bin-kwhleat atre of ittost imp iortan lce. a OXis aire fa vor-ably spoken of ini sone tu Ilatts of the country,.t Certaini tuixtuires tile umsed to ad tvtan tage. AlIfitlfai, 1111niothi clover ilth turntips have givent sat isfaiction, but1 oats anid crimson clover doi not sue- e ceedl. sir The cowvpein ia a Japanese bean. It ia 1)11 a tendiel a antial, a raiutig, yigorous Al abc on a)1l AI4FALFA RtooT. IlAlnYi VE rH ItOOT. grower*. Its culhtivationi has been coni linedi to the south and sthwtiliest, where it is growni to) somel extient as ai forago Cro1p, butt genlt ly fotr green ma1lininig. In the niorth its grea test vialue is its shld~ be ireembiered t niat it is a hot foi wveat her phin t, antd ,thle seed iust nut bie plan ted b)efore cori n htinig timne; Eli that it "goes down"i' with the first atu- o0t tumiin frost andii t hit tn 1 oor)01 soil bette(r m1a( resuli ts ma:1y be secured by plnt injg itn ('ae tows and cultivatinlg tha biti y broad- 2 F~ewtitisina- Tomntoes. -siot Trhe imlpression is fluite preva lent -:3 mat ining. E.)erimients tat hattv t bee1n a e 'ontduhcted iat ia numberhic of Siht ionii thai shiow that the tointo s ta pihant lint qiCkly antd proiitabily responids to thme 111o usne of mlanu tres or fiertilizers andti tint d the malturity anld yieldi arte very largely infliunced by thle mtathod of mianuing tl and fert ilizing. Ex perimtenits condiiuct- stO edl by the New Jersey station have ii shiowin niitralte of 80(da to be one of the at n best nitrogenous fertIlizers for this 51 eroP-. oumr ......- - - - Man A )OTC'r'S B)AD PLIGHT, aCot T1vo years ogo, as a restult of a seovero acte 50o(d, F lost amy voulee," writes D~r. M. L. Scarbroutgh, of IHebron, Ohio, "'then .- - begani ant obstinaito cotugh. Every re-A medy known to me as a practicing ph y-AC niemlu for 25 years, fatiled, and Idai~y grw, worse. fleing urged to try Dr. 1R Kmtgnf,4 ow Discovery for Consnmption, Reat Coughs and Colds, I found quick relief, Ton) utnd for last ton (lays have felt b)etter Folt ~han for two years." Positively gular-an. othe ceed foru Thoat and Itua (6 trottbles b' than Iot ,T ornjey 50. u a i 1,0 Thel1 Jiol 'or ten yv-a8 I hoad chronic bro:oi R 'o bad that a tines I cotild no ak akbovo ia whispor," writos Air oph Coflfman, of Molntmorenc Ind tried al1l Iemeies available, but with suocom. Fortuinately lay elployer gesed that I try Foley's honey and Its effcot wias almost miracul uts, .1 amu now cured of the disoiso. Oil recommondationl laily peoplo havo I Folyp's1" Hlony and Tar, an(d always I matisfaction." ]loit & Thornloy, ken1, Chapman & Callahan, Liberty. CLERK'S SALE LTHE OF SOUTl CAltOI1INA County of ickens, J ida E. Kennemiore, et all. PlainltifI's. vs. r. McFall, et oal. Dolofondan(ts. pursuance of a decretal order in Ibovo stated case by Hlon. George Jage dated Mar. 20, 1902 and antile to Clerks office. I will soll to Ite mt biddor on saledav in Mlay 1902 log the legal hours for salo at Pick. Jourt Houme, B. C., the following of land tW wit: 01 that piee., parcel or lot of land m town of Pickesi, county and stato - said, and known a lot No. 46, andt( liing on1e aere, more or les a1lso all other lot adjoining tilo aibove mnc !d lot and known ats the east half t No. '4 containing one half acro 3 or less, anlso all tlat otler lot :ad Ug thle above 1ontoioned lots, and vI 11 the twst 0nd of lot No. 80 con ng ono half acre more or loss and vu ali th real estate If Geo. W. es, deceAsed, fronting Gaivini and ir l1ock Street8. rum cash. Purchasers to pay for Br and for recording the samiiie. lay of April, 1902. A. J. 1100GK,1S Clerk of Court. CITATIONS, LTE OF SOUTH CAlIOLINA County of Pickens". y J. 13. Newbery Esquire, Probate go. Bhereas, J. . Clyde lado sit.i to to gralit h1er Letters of Adiniilstrat of the Estate of "Ind efl'cets of Catro I. Clyde, decased. Iese are therefore to cite and admon all and simgulal the, kindred (Sre li of the said Canrolial 1. Clyd', de led, that. they be and llptearili before in t:o Court of P'rohate, to be hl'dd 'ickents Coriit Holise S. C.,oi the Ist if May, 1902, after inth1;i(entionl -of, at 11 o'clock in t he foro'n, tI wv cause, if ntily they have, why the Administration hiolld not 1:' grail iven under ily hand nd H. al, 11 4f April, 1902, ill the 1'2; year of Indepe::denee. J. B. NEWI1IEY, J. P. P. C. NEUMONI IS JtOlEI) O M'I'i TI-l11011. 'Y lFoley's licney and Tar. I !tps ratking cough nild ha1tuls aid sin i1g I] the I1ungs. If tellen ill time it wil venlt 31n attacek of pnimlonlia. Ite [I substitiutes. ]3oIt & Thorinley konf. Chillas fo & Calltan Lilieri IConty e Comiss1( ~ier l'ale. (IiTi ICH( ( dOUTH CAROLgiA to C118(onty, l of Picens.iio I'ck y vitue (of alt of110 th legislaure vidingi for the sade (If .'tolt s in the11 t~e~l1tIi uldintg a e ai n ther imrpose est. 5. wilfl 41e1l3 to tie h'igheM ~st h'eth keu county, Iin( i il the of ik is yickon Cour lose, 4'. C., uring )it foueha ( hof aor sale towit: lss del that cerain 10 lot ihs thelbuilings Ithe Maso1 ni Ibouilit o n th4'e lwest, I. Tofranle onu te st in street C 41 th othi)lI8(11c an d will dxispen-t dy o slcatdotinn bu fourth o (li of14 anacr (more l o ~l tess. l I lall thoeOlI othedits11 in 14 said tno edich toil bndow'11 s tas, conltainin iluttwgof ( e) acr es tor let whiest Ii(1 of sal e (een cinl tt om elsi'e's 1lico, fand till be1101 eitid l blanc te onat rei u ti1teiht.a ovembeer, 1902, et prteaion ar. edbyte bsond of th, Aprne and 2 ort(agetof thle prem is w i itrest 4)a day of5(14 tal on cr44'edoit potin .d1n, the isame.ltt~ i~l. 't(0 1 stck, L.e~ti'iul of, TEP IS~). .'d. ''it (Ier, Pesdent I T. resurer." .18 11t( Ihn~,) send reh nL iX i4d 114 ametin of the10 19 irefors < 15 1)the~ ley Ilott of 1 M i, eh'l this 11ar. lthet ingie' 5 resoluins 1)r' Jadop' i:g 1 i st. Tl'init.o i (f the til soc io iflt kle 115e M1111l4illiiio ilesod to .iio .00,by irtin 1000 h dsuuel of Iom a( (tckIf Jicthes par value11 of 51141njot d.Thtatlolesh (Itock1 he (1i fth tany (haleig rentit dIto sub-cribe r.Ta : Pres't & Teasunre py o the eNslTo, wia nt he t. of Junler , Proris po ther at ousearug o' of th icr hsatdtat',i no1i, a'ts re'Tuire by law,'( he~ri gie 'ygshoe ano d Th r tou t apers.n i h.o ~ e Thatsuho call forditiona khhoro a oispoed cof byii the &tls thande par for e &sh , 190, atl)SY the oilo o h Ese mess nvalids. Rnd fails to do its work, , a virulent poison. Thon 3es, sick headache, fevers Dnt that gives the liver just Saturn's work in the right r is LIVER PILLS G PELLETS and the pollots tono tho. M. at 25 cente, and un eedingly bad, you you finish them. F- or sale at lers. Over Shoes.. MEN, $3.50. Our Hand Sewed ion Edge Oxfords $2.00. it. Si wC haveCvr shwn. ell Everything he Shoe Line. E & PATTON, 'e V( ille, S. (. CLEARANCE! CKS AND COLURS. kNS AND KERSEYS! KEFTS5 - ill bie so1ld for less1 than cost. ii Enis's, WVomenu's ansd Childre~n's eto buy gooud shoies for li ttle mion 4 andl( Embroideries is nlow on. 'Cw thIin gs of the season, an~d nlo the same moniey. HIGH WDAY VDJ TRADJEL. En asnd Pleasure th with thea a T and WL)ST h, .1T rem2 a 13*-- i.~ n "--Caaa 'oint? vin Atlanta an&~-d via on ni1 Through~ Trains. JItates to Ci ar-sto ac.e i Ham'orts noly 4.n salo at W- ii. TAYLOE, Jht- Gona. Pauit. .Agone,I J. C. BE Atlanita, Ga. Ditr let Panx. Jlgent, Atlatsta, Ga. Last, fell I wasH talons with a ve~r~y lavero ittac o~ r mnn~q~ aite thmunnl') I5m noeI. A ri 1ud thieinn fter two appllljOn'1110 ot AnS itemedy J1, raSi muhli be'tter, andc iafter 1118ing c ~ottle. wasl comnltly oured..-.Halhae Biloul Mal Chronic I When the liver is torpid, the bile entors the lood as comes constipation, btllouen 3 and malaria. The only treatm the right touch and starts t ON'S ANDTONI The pill touchos the liver, syst( 25 dosoa for q5 days cc loe your case is e< will be well before Sample free. all de . Walk FOR Ladies Extens .\re the N We S in t Eximanbury va u inal -01 FED FLANNELS, JEI E;xr'' .:lin::y valuecs IL A feuv CA IPEUS an~d J AC(NET'S v Ileavy Shoes. This is the' plat Tihe sale 1f WVh i t Go' dt. Lawni hle goods will be0 kopt ini all ti. I Clier ca ou buy Ijetlter (.oods for SOUT] R'* AN THE GREAT OF TRADJE A. Uniingthe PriLnc R osor2tsi of the .Sou NOR TH, ElAS between~ New Yorli and 11 * Ashe'villo. New York and Florida, e:ithe a nd Savranh, or vria Staperior DInind-!.Car Servict counzt SOuth Car'olina nt. F.x position03. Winter. Tougrist Tickets to reduced rateti. For d.etaIledi informaton, litor, apply to nearest rloce.sgoant,or .1. H. H ARDWICfr, Genera l~g P'aasvnger ..9gon t, Washngt'on, D. C, R. W. EIVNT, Dm,. Pasnger .Mgont, CharleUton, .F. C. FEORUJARY 1o, l0o0. haot way3 are, (Clounb~erlin~'s SItirnoe, *Ie )swer' i II hov aire' easirer i uel pienan, I.i > b.i,u. re idih :ndl geli I jia ~tetL i ('p)'Ided O~ne. TIhcn they tileaniito and1 $4 Ivig"nite th 1)4) nach andfO~ aIIII'vI) th oes i a nat 0.1al c~oditfi, whlile p1il ' rel niore iIhr inl effOOt and t-hir urse is I rtall to lowol hv nonattrmuoim om.t 1;