I~AA AqT- 9____7"Wl-. x To:4 HE P S VOL 11.-NO. PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBElOA STATUMIUNT FROM OENATOR TILX& He Denies That He Was Evc Disloyal to the Majority of Den ocrats. Senator Tillman was prevented froi speaking at Spartanburg on account c the accident to his eye, and he furnisl cd the following statement to th newspapers which he had intended t incorporate in his speech: There has been more or less strer uous effort made in various quarters t cast imputations on my Democrac and to charge that I have been diE loyal to the organization in the phaa Senator McLaurin 's supporters seek t defend his own treachery to the part by making these charges, while on th other hand some of my old political 011 poneuts who have never been able t give me any credit for anything tha was worthy or good, have joined ii this accusation, and I therefore fee that it is nothing but right that I shoul let the younger generation of voter who know nothing of the facts, hla the plain truth so they may know hov much credence to give to thew charges. I made my entrance into the politi cal arena at lcunettsville in '85, purel] by accident. The agitation begun thern and followed up in the News an( Courier in a series of letters and ad dresses in advocacy of a farmers' col lego took a political turn in '86. It! the Democratic State convention ol that year I had a large following, but we were beaten by those in possessior of the machine, (the ring, I called them), and I was among the first tc move that the nomination for Gover nor be made unanimous, and to pledge my support to the successful candidate, Continuing the agitation which broad. cued into a demand for general refor mation of the State government and the abolition of various abuses-we were again beaten in *88 by a very narrow margin because Attorney Gen. oral Earle, our candidate, refused to allow the use of his name after the balloting begun, and I again moved to make the nominations unanimous, thus showing my loyalty to the party ir State affairs. In 1890 I was put forward as the nominee of the Maich convention to run as a candidate for the nomination for Governor in the regular Democrat to convention, and the system of joint discussion was inaugurated. I was overwhelmingly elected in the Demo cratic primary, and although there was a b'.lt and effort to elect an indepen dent candidate I was chosen Governor in November following by a large ma jority. The Alliance had been or gamzed in '89, and was a very potent factor in the success of the Reform movement, but there was a very power ful political current flowing before the Alliance was born. in '91 I discover ed that Ben Terrell, the lecturer of the National Alliance, was systemattically going from county to county sowing the seed of third partyism and preach ing the doctrine of " voting for Betsy and the baby '' rather than the Demo cratic party or any other party. This led to my challenging Mr. Terrell to i joint discussion on the sub-treasury and other issues upon which lie was b)asing his propagand~a, and the deblatc was held before the State Alliance in this city. I pointedl out in the (debate the danger of the white people of Souti Carolina risking any division as long as we had such an overwhelming ne gro majority, and~ insistedl that nothing should be (lone of a political charactci outside of the D~emocratic ranks unitil we had held a constitutional conven tion and taken step~s to safeguard white supremacy. I demanded and secured a pledlge in that meeting to make the fight agains' Clevelandism and the other undemo. cratic p~olicies that were being urged b3 the New Yurk wving of the t.arty inisidhI of the Democratic ranks, andl there arn hundreds of witnesses to the fact,. Th< result was in '92, notwithstanding thi Alliance was in absolute control of' ti political. affairs of the State and ther: was an overwhelming sentiment in op position to the Democratic party tenet: as they were then promulgated b: Cleveland and his crowd, there was n< effort made to organize a L'opulis paity except, in two counties even afte Cleveland had received the nominatio at Chicago. Our State convention ha< deniounced him as "a prostitute e Wall street " and dleclared that he wia not a Democrat, but when lie receive the nomination I returned from Chici go and counseled acquiescence in Lu result, and I make bold to assert the but for my influence and the iniluenc of the men allied with mc the Stat would have gone to the Populists thai year by an overwvhelming vote. Asi was, South Carolmna was the onl Southern State where l.?opulism did ne 'make a bittet fight atgamns, the reguia Democracy. I spoke very bittecrly ( Cleveland's policy and proclaimed in desire for a union between the Scull ern and Western faimers and (declare I was ready to lead a revolt agairn the Democratic party as then led an leave it if need be whenever I saw an' where to go, and made albslon to " light in the West " as a signal. Jn the meantime I set myself zet ously to work to secure a constiti tional c.anvenitioni so as to take steps disfranchise as many of the colore people as we could under the 14th ar 15th amendments. Uuring the p~eric from '92 to '961 there was bitter at oonstant agitation in this and oth States against Cleveland's poliey, at I denounced his betrayal of thre D~em cratic party with the bitterness that felt, I proclaimed that If lie was ve mills are closed on campaign of as to allow the men to i of speeches, there wouli be no i rig any one going to speak at nigh In I am resolved they shall li at truth before joining the Rep) %w party. ot I meant what I said and hiv id ing to regret or apologize i a honestly believe that if such a 0- made by aly considerable iuui the mill owners of the State le will resu:t ii legislation that ,I away with some11 of the special 0- leges now enjoyed by tile mills s8 people of South Carolina ire rn 10 welcome capital for investment , or any other maiuracturling ill 1o but every freeborn South Car i- will resent any effort by Northei Io talists or Southern superintendei ic presidents to dragooli freebori is m11en1 into becollillg epublicans S111111 who Walts to join the 1I1p1 . party and vote that ticket Imsi a it right to do so, but I again Wai ., who think they have a right t the free white men in their eip to to tile ROpublicall caplij to talk C how they press that idei. I warn the mien, many of who are, ,- ways have been i my friends, to d closely and weigh all of thiese Iu it fully before voting. a HU DIDN'T WANT THF, P] iAn Atlanta Man Twice 0 Position in Treasury D< ment. Y The ollicers of the Treasury 1) mient ill Washington have I stranllge experience. A few n .ago ill making a selection floii i the elhgible registers of bookkcep ithe civil service commission lh ,tentionl was attracted byA thle o11 cellent paper's of a youni g man1111 Mlanta, Ga., ald as they were so ness-like and preselited Such aI clerical appearance lie was selecte tendered a position at $660 a. ea due course of tiie the (eptariwe ceived a comnunication stating t! that time lie was so busily en that lie very IClucLantly decliie, position. A few montis at terwa name was again certilled, nd bl agaii selected and tendered a po at the same salary. IIt. again, very courteous and business-like I declined the positioni for husinet $0118. lie appeared at the departu day or two lgo alid clhledl oil the er olicers, and after paying re! and thankingu them for their seli 11e stated that the r11ason lIe di take !lie position at the tiunes teir was that lie had a business po that was now paying 1m :.5 year. Ile stated that lie was b( Pennsyl vani ri ad drifted frolm to vilmington, Del., where hi tered the Technical Institute at place aid completed a four course. Ile obtainled thie lleall his college course by sellinig newsy in the l1orning.i and afterilools I and after classes. After limishii Course at the institute lie went lanta, Ga., and enigaged in his p] business. JIeIing iin ai positioni joy a rest f'om his hard labo stated that h1e was Iaking a vac which included a trip to 1alifaxi Scotia, the luiTffalo exipositio 111nd places of interest ill tlit section counitr'y, and1( beig on las retuni'l and1( passinig thiiouigh Waishiinet, cal led at the departent1)1 to expn' thanks for' tihe twice-olfer'ed apj ment, which, unlder' the cticust lie thought, lie ver'y wisely declini The veterauis inl thle Sercar'v' spleak of this case ats the mos~ti that ever camne under thieir olk -'LlLF I~ FA LCl i' lSoine w~omuen at'ri ot so i'cr a: 5 palit, themslielvYes. I It's ai short 1lane that 11as 110 -in it afitel' it turn'IsI ito thle siiadtI ie Thieir arle two thinlgs ai womal e not be tempijted to betraIy--th ii she loves andt her age. L II' it weren't foir thoir wives 1 men01 wouild havte breach0 of p n suits on (lieir hanitIs every week, tinlk thaut men01 wo'ildn't be sbO a tto llir't with themil if they (didn' hi thiere was iio daniger' of theii lia marriy them. ii Wuomni havie 11s much01 use f< .ias they have foir musc1les0 on thi e like Ia c'ir'cus performier's, t The L ordl made lii L~e babie)s0 . and1( helprless so they couldii't, I w lomen~ whoI( chaItter bably talk to ~ A w%.omani~ isn't half as5 afn haidl o ing ats she is af raidl of halvi I tink she doesn1't need( to be0 g .from danuger. o Whlen ai iiwomanI exercises four' a of wveight off' playinig tenniis ,shie p to talk abloult the timle she was11 1 Il none1 of her clotheos wvould lit, lhe i. If' every gi in the world w :hI every man11 would 11ind somiebody3 111i love with. y. ecauise thiere wasn't any '>ther af the garden. re Making love isl as dlil'ferenlt firo, ic ini love as clam chowder is from er late carIamels. )(d Wh'1en ai wVomanI wanlts to ctn (Id er llll woa's heart, upi and( chloj 1c11mnce melat, she says shio hasi at low, sweet voice t~hat whien she st to you you foirget all about her g WVe arce goinig away foir two or' Mary."' ir'- '' TIwo weeks! W'y if ye its nu111ch style ats 30 pretendl you'd ke for two mon01ths, an;d give a girl he ...Indianapolis News. Denocrat I was not, and I merely gai voice in all of my denunciations Cleveland Democracy and threats leaving the party to the overwhelmi r sentiment in control of th e State. L- other words, I was absolutely loyal all times to the majority of lily folh citizena who were Democrats but ii n of the Cleveland typo, and what I si f about leaving the party then w the prevailingsentiment in South Cmr lina. 0 1 made a speech at Memphis and o D in St. Louis, in which I denounc Cleveland and his policy as undem cratic, and proclaimed my willingne and purpose to fight to recapture ti Democratic party from the wrecker Y and failing there to Organize i genuil Democratic paity, which should mai tat the principles of Jefferson, ti father. I announced this policy as ti spokesman of the Democracy of th State on the floor of the Senate on tl lst of May, 1896, in a debate with J 13. Hill; I announced it in a speech Denver, Col., in one at Wichita, Kani at Lexington, Ky., at Dallas, Tex and Atlanta, Ga., in all of which i slogan was " 16 to 1 or bust." Tli South Carolina State convention whit sent delegates to the Chicago couvel tion it 1896 was so thoroughly imbut with the purpose to have a (liffere kind of i)emocracy from that of Clev land and his followers that they sent delegation to that convention with ii structions to withdraw and ieturn hon for further counsel in the event we di not get a platform to suit us. I have never at any moment or an time or any place given voice to an feeling or sentiment about the Dem( cratic party that was (lisloyal to thi will of the majority of my fellol )enocrats in this Sta',c. I have al ways claiied to voice the will of tlh majority of the people of the State an( to be a representative of the majority and every well informedl mal in th State know that what I have spoken i capable of proof from the records, ant therefore I repeat what I said at inioi that any man who charges me will disloyalty, or with any purpose at an' time of opposing the genuine Democ racy of South Carolina, as representeI by the majority, lies, and knows h( lies. I am called a Populist now b3 Republican and gold bug papers thai are so much in love With Coinmercia Democracy. I always have and alvay will spurn Cleveland's Democracy a nothing but thinly disguised ltepubli canism, and McLaurin's Dlemocracy i even less respectable. Cleveland neve played the hypocrite, while Mci.aurii was as eager once to press Populisn pure and simple as lie is now to advo cate McKinleyism, and Bowdin, tlh apostle of Populism in South Carolini in 1892, was the first man lie gave r job to after his appointment to tlu Senate, and it is said that this sani Populistic leader is now a strong sup porter of Senator MeLaurin's last braim of politics. Some of the iiewspaper elitors am other ardent supporters of Senator Mc Laurin have been very much sliocket andi outraged by what I said at Unioi as a warning to the mill presidents no to attempt to coerce their operatives IL is considered an unpardonable sih that I shoukl dare to threaten to inter fere in this matter. What I said oi that occasion was for the purpose o warnmng these men against attcmptn; to go too far. I recognize the right of every imai to try to persuadIe others to vole with him, but I dleny that the employmen of men in mills carries with it, the righi on the p)art of the owvner of the mill ti coerce or control the votes of the em ployes. The relation between Lh mill owner and1 the worker in the mil 1s one of imutuanl advantage, and th mills were not hbuilt, for the purpos)0e 0 giving employment to labor, but for th purpose of making money. All mt who wvork in the mills give labor 10 the money they receive. The interest of the mill owner and the mill han may be idlentICal oir it may be antag( nistic. It has been common in th manufacturing establishiments to b dIrivenl when they cannot, be cajole into voting the Republican ticket, an the threats of dihcharging laborers an closing down works in 'T6, andlcy evi the last Presidential election iio doul securedl McKinley's trIumph. ~liTe ownuers of the cotton mills ti ehave sprung up) so rapidlly in Soul Carolina are in many instances Nortl I ern men, aind possibly more Norther f capital has been invested in this i1 I dustry in tihe last, ten years than lion I capital, but, that (lees not carry withi - any obligation on the part, of the oper;~ 3 ives to vote for a Republican wvl t conmes either Openly or in (disguise. " B The mills im South Carolina hai B beon treated by the Stale goverminen t which Is Democraitic, with great hbl t rahty, buit if their owners attempt, y dIrive our native born South Ciaroim *t D~emocrats into the ilecpu)lican can r the other D~emnocrats of the State w *f not calmly submit, to it, and the oper y ives iil be the first, to resist auw -action. T1hiere is no proof ini the wvor (1 that manufacturing in South Carolir t owes anything to the Republican p~art ti The mill operatives are niatives -this and adjoining States. Tacy a a as thoroughly grounded in Demnocrai princip~les as the farmeirs oi' any oth I- class of our citizens. They are as g~o ~1 people as we have, and I only declar Smy piuipose, if ani attempt to coer' d , them was made, to go to the mills dnight, and explain to these people ji d wherein they are being misled or beij d unduly influenced or driven. Ini doi 3r this I do not, propose to array lal: d( against capital, but I do iL for the p' o0- pose of waring capital to attend to 1 own business and not attempt to ma a Blavna of our .ht. pope I days so BILL ARP ON OLD FRIIUND1 ar tie iced of le Receives L, tters From, Old Me But anid Trics to Antswer Them All. lhtyare niot all da(l . lii fact, the Seem to inuli tiplly av; the ycars roll on c 1o iny Con tem[it pola 1-ies, I inalln. I receiv '. niore Iltr ront 11 old men than I eve ove Is did, auii tiey wi ite wel, aiii g-ivu Ion tate( of Upistles. Wenii 1 a m11a I1m ets 1olol ig hlt it ilthe senIt ies he feels hmnesome, n>t wit I. (o with-statiling til: near preseice 0 pr-cibiiiren mui radhbrniTh coiln ahe lionl s ol ins l youti areIS gone, aLId so -ny to *Ielic of, thleic oi men unlel 14)lilsom lltell lu this i(lves to me- fir syimpathy. I like suc lettels and try Wil tl' to answer- themall, !u reitilai I(Ititism in Iv armlY g :unI halm II (1)1 crnllips 1Iy replies. Ine ill gvi1te'gielh r'loml Alabanma stgys het feks ette alt#! iyt fli has writtin Im o he is a naIiv- Gem. liAn .,ioi andi love(S hu peoole aral her-1 kb iict "'''hil' awls 111(S c li il i' I'l o --iory wl anlal his visil to A tiens driv where his 11ele Elizar Newtonl livuI (ir d( how he inet mile t here ill I Ilk! Iort ies l, ll- -11 '11 1 o Gnunll, :111i a D a 1 111-l h s inlol ai1 ck ( lI(roi :1111 1ily W ili s w iarried mll, rloie l' tiiLi 1si1n 1 and took charge of, thle blnd1 aslninl lw lhe leal Dr. Church prach a was fl' sclhanned(2 With the iuisic of the 4ii chir wheIe Miss Aln W.11blell A .i li Pringle o11l other preutty gir:s sng C and i' I hmv a1t lol, 'i11 1 w blig hloo(nse Ital at hug "( 1 mum ,h ' o n 1 11 - ll hils throatt, n .. h.0 -, and (le7 r c d h4w hle was a 101oong ate of Tmll 1Nt !part- woodl at I-nr ndl - ela- nmte of' HIi.Nhop) Key tol Judg A. 1;. [,Mll.. epart- sliIct, thle 1111 hor of 1(;eorgi it. i ll[awas thle presidlent ; and( how\\ he(, r emovedI sotl hs to Alabaml a inl 1.9 a(1 l 4 i-m-28 .1i1d1m mec of, has sevenl daugh 'flters mui no sons.- ;111( 1rs,1ha tenl orphanl grand(chiidreni -u(I has :ir a- 11) work endy13 ainla tel( to ,support atuid lit c-uente thengl but) e er1ee alinI larely fr 'o eas 11 rom ally Iliid of his ' otith and -is .t tilnes all i (lepresseA aoi longs iea olr 3ypathy. 01.r old mall, I wish i and14 tiat hle lived ial.r ie, t or I woulhl visat m111111 a(d ceier hii up1, anil tell him t re ance(otes aili antidotes, and( we woullI I a talk ove. the obl tiies m;til swap c'I a lg ~ stories alt( brag abiot tile goo(I 111the ( obldays when2l there1( were 1(4> telegrai~phls t-d his or telephloneis or bicycles., and we (lici Snot Vallt any; no sewinl., ilimehines or U Wili -stoIe cloIes, and we dhin't n1cee( ainy; inl a lit) football or !aseball or buzinl or e ittr icl0es or appenl(licil i. Al ill tlmse s i-ca: das cano Tomb1 and StphenS 1111(1 aunt .iudge .)ougherty ant flowell Cobb 111 a iai IWalter C(oluiIt andMit spake to tie ropeope hiace to fatce, antd Such elo'0(ji1ent Ipects :1men as George 'earce andi1 Islop Mctiol ( s 11111 .1 lsse Mercer aild l)r. Iloyt i lt) al't Giulding and Inges p~i-abu4t to dereCl them. YeS, wi Wc I woiI talk abiout the (itio ays of our boyhood, when there was 000.a no gas or keroene or f-riction iatchies >rn in --lothilg but cadldies to -ive u1 light,, th1ere and1 no Pron1iehielsus to steal ire I'from1 (2n- heaveni to lig hhe vith. Shake hllalt speare1' knew how it wasil for le wrote: 'Cars' " How far I that. ttl canll e thkiclbrows its s for bealins' 1I' So shies a good( deed ill a nan;lity world., as 1114 i Shakespelale wrote b liy Cidle o At- light,wIy sh(touhin't, we? Anl Ile, too, 'e(Sent 11sedi tle lint and steel to 1ak1-1e a H iHu k Lo (In- t( light thIntoot. " '(ek Y"1ur- "It mit'al rs Ie iveep your pwder dry" as t er a\\a Ilion , ' ,btekson's onier at New (1)ritalea n \\Ihe" Nova I was a you1ng llue 1crc1hant gun-1ihats other were'( Hs con(11non1 HsI inarbles, a (14 I so ld ofhe them11l: 1 atli( the 11ame piri'ce --i10 cent s a home1( dozenLi. Vt onlderful, wor1ilfl alre the an112es1, I1. 11th goodi 11 Ih tilnes, it I could1(, buat I icd, woui enjo y seein11g this8 gtenerat ion all Otlice set1 badck about s ivetty years7, julst toi IiiqueI about11 a weetk. My Aibaman i rin1 serva- and (Jt (2b er vlann 15WIouhl( be. tic.kled to death11 to see( the( unliversl'1(111 dimy Il railroads ori te2t1'lelrah,11no1nutil but. (onet ai weekJl-andl 25 eents foir a single Iet ~-~~ ter. No dlaily newspapers ill te Stat I thecy and11 only four1 wee(kiii, with nosenSa l~ltil IO(1Swouhi~ he no0 cooiking11 stoives, 1n( c'oa no5 l steel pens or' envldopes, ori e'I'aret te2s 1111reInlehInber wiIciI (,OLIoiI was1 llmeked ii roun11' balehs with ai cro1wbarHI. l'hec lt hag wvas Iatitc liist ita l was suspildet romise5( froin a1 hole linthe1( 1ein hoIuse2 tioor an<1 o 0Unele .11ack got dIown in it aoli packl< tile cottLoln hald( as it was throw 1(Wiit himo 11. lle packed two bales a day aIlt they wihd-h ntnsec. w .r loic1111 live more1( were'( cro)451ed (il topj 11(1 rtoi astenewd douwnl withl ai lng ple. Al rans the lit-tie sp cs wr511(t5 W i't 1(21 w ith (20r .t twe with aI tour or' six~liirse te:1un n\ won4 1111ti (1ta we~ bols were21( happily t4o2 IlihtW bilgI andi 421ny lout a)11ll nighit ant( 2i llt raw head aini bloody11 hnens. It- wa (o sht')i w as bro'iwn( sugariI, for whIIite: sugai wasn11' invented', e2x4cIp t akuII ellei iS1' ich, lf y-lwichl 111 'p11 up1 inI tin to fa11ll piun 'cones4 ai ?cvrdwt h paper. That1 kin was4 for1 rich' (12 o lk 'n was (1 Wi v'ery prezbious1.. it wais crys nm ntallizedI lhke these5( little squarei 1h11n1 . thahL t1are conunon10 no1w. When(1 ou I igaro it was good. Mlost anytholn was1 goodlL t'en. A sitl ick 117tipe4 suchk a (:y11 11s1 a rar11( reat. .SO was half I u face' rs~,:' tuill theill NIpM anlla111 was 41oo lien, or our1 appllies ha5 11 wceks, noit been21 sle t 12Wit d Iake l cuS 1 8wee:IIitmat, 11s ~they are4 Ii.w. W had1( a1 loveat sa->;fras1 rooIt ano1 an147Uheai a1n so aay sugii'ar btis aui d ltocus - 10a d w1 ibi che1(2 a reeL,." i rie 1.'i the1 114 in~side balk of1 cheIstnu I trees and14 slipper21y elmnu. We wer'e a1 thing. My Ahlbama friciad is sad, not it oily because lie hIts lost his youthful coipaniols, but 111s yOutfutil IIppetite. Ilven &linit-er cakes have lost their relish .un1ia gaern, of sweepstakes andl town hilI and bill-peni their flsIcilatiol. I U envy the ilIppy chlulreln 18 they ply ar1,01114 11n(, hbut 1 am hppy too, inl tIrving to make thein happy, Ir I kiow that there Is trouble eniouigh ahead of tinill, Ifo l an that is born1 of a1 wo id ffew , inegiisonii- .1< fo;I lIY 111 go(li tine a 1i .IliIOl<.ea c ,latia AN IMPORTANT DF-CISION. School Warralnt8 Cantnot be Iqsit< UnileSS Motley in Hand to Pr Them. The Columbia corrlespnln ft Ai s it (m"i i says :. A : a1e wi< will intterest at great Il1aly people, Ji which will u0Van a grtal tto cur 1Ctid Iuterests, hals beenI ody Lo evangelistic work. Ile had raisel (hlurch0 del)ts to the aiount of : t,11)000,00J0. 'eter S. McNally will, o1 next Sun day, bgin his atteipt to swim from lBiton 1i New York. The swiimning dlistance will be nearly -100 miles. Mr. McNal ,ly expect,s to imike the trip with mi thiirty days37. Sir Alexanduer (Condie Stephen, who 'hats been for' many13 yearIs IBritishl minis ter residenht at D resdeni, is about to re Iir fromi 11 tile dIiloma~1tic service, andit 11as beeni apploited a groom ini Waiting to Kin iii' dward. IL is worith notin g (hait mn the gradu at ohg (class at the~ University ofVer mon11t thiis year wats aL youn~g womnan Iwho sul pportted herself doinlg housework throuigh thle entire four years' course eL xi by woikinug at his trade of stone cutter. TLhae Li me has not entirely e jutssedl in ailhl the colleges when others Sthan1i the wealthy have a chanco at ci education. t. Miss Clatra Matas, of IEast Orange, . N.1 ,., is reported from H avanaa to be t tile Lhiird victim of inioculationl with .yellow fever by a miosquito's bite. She t was at tramiied nullrse, and is said to have ii ubittedl to t he mosq(juito test on three I diffrtciiL occait~ons without fatal re suilts. Ont August. I :th she was ac I ciieth3y bittenl and deovelopedl yellow lever of the severest typle. -it. 1I. Weddinlgton, a 'Union County, S( N. C.) farmer, who dIied1 recently, wats not Lroubled by the race issue. He hived ini tile kmidliest relations with the niegroes and( ill his will lie gave three Iracts of land to three of his faithful colored se.rvanits, leatving moneyl0 to others. TIhie remindti~ier of his estate, amnouant oig to ,';00 acres, he bequeath ed to the Methodlist Church. It will initerest readeiirs of Dr. John A. Wyeth's Life of Gieneral Forrest (IbIirpleirs') to learn that the constitu tionalll :onlvenltion of Alatbama, which a met in) theC darly part Of tihe summer, recommndediC~ 0s a designi for a great seal of the State the figure of a soldier inl the uniiformi of a Confederate gene ra li in horse, with a young woman bind~ii himii poiting forward ; the leend to reiad, "I'll show you tihe -way." It illustrates thie story-told in D r. Wyeth's book--of Emma Samson - shiowing|"'the fordiot Black Creek to d (General Forrest. ~CASTORIA For Infants and Ohildren, ' The Kind You Have Always Dought at Bers the