The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, July 18, 1901, Image 1

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.." F' 4.0\ 4 ,4 HE P JEOPLE'S VOL 1i.--NO. 2s~ PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, JULY 18, igo'. STORIES AB3OUT A Trial and Conviction Conlitingil~ tt ments T Newspaper correspollentst are reviv img the ilost. noted tragedy of (reen Ville ill its earlier days, and circuimI statiial accouits ale given inl licIi there are evident errors and coli licting statements, but, which w1e entirely.ex nsa bie owing if) the lat. t hat these Correspondients are writin.g from the memOy of others. The killing. of Dr. Robinson Ea-rle sixty-three yeairs atgo might have been forgottii or at least very dimly remembered even inl tireen ville were it not that ie belongedl to anll illustrious famiiily, Whose deseenl ants are very numerous inl the com m11uity, and that his slayer was Wil liamii L. Yncieey, who becamite a famous leadrl' ill the sceiol ovemienllLt of 1860, more tun twenty years a fter the tllfortunal"te. eneounlier which edi Dr. Ezarle's life and which doubtless embitLer( Air. Yacey 's eXisLen1CC long afterwards. Mr. anIccy's promi ne(iiee as a lawyer aid politician inl Alaamia never diminished the itnoto I iety of i this sad trigel dy, and ill fact. olly aidded to tle perpetuity of the story iml succe ig years. A coire-p(iilent of tile irmingihiam A!, -JIlerald, who miiade a visit to Greunville not long ago, hats giveln the followiig naccnt of the Irag :' There still sanids Il Mail street, Greenlville, S. C., the ane ii1l red brick courti house of (ureeniile t allity, ill which thle imiortal Williini L. Yanccey was tried, convicted and sentenceit for the manslaughteil (ir of -i obeirtsi on larle, theni the liel of' the fitoius E1I arle fam ily of South Carolili. Thalit creuirre.l about fifty yearis ago, though i orget the exact date, ani i a vel't got Du lose's ' Life f Yancey ' within reac'I at the moment," said a traveler last niight. VWhile I vas inl Gr'im iville recently, a member of the E'arle anily, a learn ed young lawy .rI modestly proud o1f' his illustrious race, reiated 1 M what I ai-Iccepted 119 a failily Version o t1 1:ha1 fa mu4 11S t rigedy, and he said it lii l never been inl plnjit. As the story rni, Yan ccy, 'hiei a priaeticing laiwyer, was at that tiie a taciturn bu1 it somlewihat hiigh tempered 111 ilpethulos maill whell arousedf aml( was ceasily aroused at all tilmes. Ilis frield Earle's sol, a young1. boy, one (liy offcred aniieey very of fensive rudeness in tile public street, and YncIeey thoughtlessly struck tle boy a imiild blow. "in a moment Yancey regrettud the act, thouigh feelin g that lie had just cause for it, aid he sough it Earle n111d told himln the circumustaaes, Sayinlg I hat lie was greatly provoked. IhIs seise of propriety, he said, reqtiiuid him to seek the father of the hoy and tell him tihe, story in pes'ol. " EIrle answereiid inl ieCndly spirit, and11( said it was all right with himn11; tiat ho 1coul1d eastily v esadhs i sonli's cond(uc't as related byv Van(ey mnight provok44le a gentlemuan . The Iwno mlen sepiarated on mu il'st am11UileC terms11. Th'lat occutrred~ in thle mormi'in1g. "' At 1noon Earl e et hom11et to hiis iddlay dlinner~i, accordmiig to cuistoml that prle vils still iln (zirinvill e, and toLi is astom shmenlt lhe found Mr1\ is. Earle ini a high state o~f exciteimeiit. 't'he boy hiad gonec home and told the miother about Yanicey' hiaving' sti uick him, andii she was paii~onaitely anigr'y. It seemls that at first. Earle sought to so(othe his wife, butt she played upon)1 his feelhngs and1( soon got him wro)ugLht til in anger againlst Yaiicey. Finally his wife de mlandedlthat lie shoul gio dIown townl aind have it, out wvith Yanicey. Ile airmied hiimselfI and wett. N ohody ceer yet dioubftedl the coutrage of an Earle. " Eal foud Yancey at a famous laverin w.itini at few pa(cs oif theC court * , 'u~se, oil the site no(w occuiedC~ by ti(reeniville ihuiy News buiildini, ai violenit, ifuarrel arose at once. Altinstanlty Yanc:(i(ey dre'w a pistol amll '\', E'arle deadl. ti onei' of thegretet senlsa.. fiornsiA elhistor'y of' a St ate f'amious nide cii traigedhies. Vanney was 0.anid~ conlvicted (of manl slaughter, ai ticc o e no 4 nnpi~5Olli~(ai'h f~lrgetting out111 of -i the'ot4 oved to Ahlaami, setthngry la ab >~i'l))orhoo of Monit extraordlinary car~ once luiegan t hai ity which m~ore thi j. ohtilni(t ain -Idual force aediiSi oithem'r ihy betwveen the States, t ast1 r'ous war hie was iiot to live to) 0 dt of wichl is The old :our'thlouS, .a smaltosoyatenil - i(lO and with 'its wal14 of ired thikhss t s as5 subs5ta -4ect ii i.wis when built more th ~as The piublicationl of the statemnent,, wlih a el 0 numbi1l'le~r ol neCwipape~ hioilt out the fol)'lio it~' article from Prof. \V- -.iic Ander'son Counu, hi ~ll(C triact from Dugosetu hi'sti'ory j Yalncy's life, which mna. ra'ded as fairly autheniti in 2 ~the details of the originalit >'rof. Dicksonl writes: the Yaniecy-EarleC tragedy mi N OLD TRAGEDY. of Wm. L. Yancey. iat Are Not Surprising ville many years ago, which appeared in the Birmigliham Ago Herald recent ly and which the Intelligencer c:pied last week, does not tally with the ac counA contained in DuBose's -'Life and Times of Williama L. Yancey"' in sev eral very imjportanit particulars. )u Bose got Iis facts relating to tie hoimi icide and the trial of Yancey from the files of Ti. : Gi.i:1.:Nvi it: AlouNrraiN -: :nI. Bonjamnin 1. Perry was inl charge of' the pnpmr at the time, and he doubtless wrote the accounts from which Duflose drew. The rec rd as it appears in " The Life and Times of William L. Yanceev, a highly valuable contribution to the history of the coun try, by the way, may therefore be ac ceptedi as authentic. Yancey was scholarly, talented, one of the fines't orators our country has produced, prolific as she has been of liese, and I believe lie was thoroughly lmtriotie. le haas been much iUi'ep resented and Conicelluen tly much im is underi'tood. It has been bruited all the ycars, the curri nt set ii inotion by uan friendy13' tongues, that Yancey ran off to Alabama immediately after the tr.agedy, as if to escape the frowns of i ai outra ' ged public, but the facts are I hat hie lad been a resident of Alabanta foi' rul two years prior to the utnfr lInate alfair. Below is iat Mr. Dullose says, ad Ale reader is awked to compire it with the version which apptzared last week. W. A. Dit KsosN. t Broyles, S. C., .1ly 8, 1:101. "Mr. Yancey removed his fami ily and ns slaves to Ahabama Mhe 3 ear af ter his I :uarrliage, spetl tI:e wintuers there in I. tle oversi'ght of hisi cotton plantation C 111d returned witl his faiily to speind r he summeri11's near Greenville for the I ake of health. s "It would le, ur-weessary to relate erea with particul'trity a deplorable ac- t ident which beftll him, save that, in l he heat of political conflict in aftet t ears, hitter speech was iniade antid . nuea erl'or was written of it. Early a It September, lS8, lie rode to the 11 nuster of a militia company twelve f uiles from Greenville, where, after the c nilitaiy exercises, it Wias exlected a I lebate would be held between General It 1addy Thompson and JuglLe Joscpli p , . Whitner, cantiidates for the lower of loise of'ress. After Ilie debate I d' g'ntlemen, iln coleries, standing n tle ground d itcussed the prospects a )f the 'al(idattes. Yancey ' remarks C o displeased a youth of sevenateen , a 0 ephew of Gerneral Thompson, and a c :ou. iin of Mi Yc. aacey, Elias Eaa le, hat le replied ill a irude speech, for a V'lhIh offence Y ancey boxed his face. a l'haas retutined the single blow vitih il >ne #-' mio'e strokes of his riding whip. I Bystainders at once stopet the dllfi- h1 autv. Elias becanie pacified aniti Yan- (I :ev then spoke to hin kindly, advising a )im to tell his uncle what had been m;ill, adding : 'I did not intend to ' i4ht you, Elias, mt only to chastise u iouir implidence ; I would rather give p aou Ndad~or (a favoritec saaddlec horse) I ha:m~ to h'ave' a per'sonal di fliculty w'.itha lu' ). liobinson M. I'aarle, f'athea' e >f Illias, andl uncle of' Mr s. Yaincey, a' ~everali days aftei' thie occurr'eneo, and 'I fler lie had assuread V ancey that if' his onii had act ed withI spi ritI ni the alt'air a' heo was tontetit, at tackedl Yanicey on lI t he paorchi of a store at GrceniiviIclv ith Ii a sect ion (If thle handlec of a girain era- s lie as a wveapon. Yaiacey, at the out set, begani to r'etr'eat, step~ by stepl, stillt fainug In s anutagonaist aind warn ing him r'epeiatedly3, as if' r'eluactant to def'endl huuinself by' thle use of the weapon lie car'riedI. II is h at lhad beeni knaockedi off, has shir't boso torn1(I' opeiinad lhe hadaa lbeen forced to the extr'eane edge t of the plorcha, some twvo or thraee feet. above thie giound. U e then fir'eal and mortally wvound~edf his antag~onist in the left, side. Dra. Earle was six feet, high andl weighied two hundred p~ound~s, ami dlecla'edl on the spot, 'I lad Y ancey not f i'edl I wvouald have easily wvhipped '"Thle case was p~ut on tr'ial at~ the term (If thle circuit court at G reenville. Th'le july br'ought. in a ver'dict of main s lauighltera. Iaariing the seventeen con. secuitivle hiours in which the trial prio gressedl thle prisoner retaained pea'fect re potse, ne itherci elated when tlahe evidence was ini has f'avor nor' cas't dowia whien it iappaearief to go against Im. TIhie unii veisal testimnuy was thiat Yanecy lad never befoi'e beein ini any personial di fi eulty ini Grenville ; that Ihe wvas tini formly pohIlte iid <tme ; that, he find a very hiigh senise of personaflihoinori; that. lie hiad naot praovoked the t rouible wvithi Dri. Eairle ; that the kniife iand bluadgeoin thfat Eai'le cariid when the at tack was imde wveie in the handhs of the deceased thr aeat en inugy pruesenited4 wvheni the shot was fired fr'onm Yaney 's pistol. '"October '21, fotllowving, the p~risoner' was brought before the court, Josiah . Evans piesiding, f'or' senitenace. The ,Jutdge said the cr'owvded state of the house indicated an unutsual an ter'est, in tduty before him, and lie would de a, ,rt, fi'ona his ord(miar'y r'ule of brevity mn e sich cases to explain his mind. Thle Wmai. 'ir"'s depor'tmenit, lhe said, siiie be re- ,'ay ona the muster gr'oundi~ up to .\ uent of the difliculty wvith )i'. img c 8 such as5 wvas Io lie explected liculty. pji)n hi setation of' lif'e. No (oneC 1)r.\O that, lie lad gone to that tory of p)istonniy hostile feeling towvuardl Gren. purpoahhat lie carr'ied there the naa his bosom for the \dw the unafornnnint to BILL4 ARP ON TIIC CONVICT le is Deeply Concerned Abo the Increase of Crime and I morality. 1 Atlanta Constitution. 11 Next in importance to the educatii C of the children of the State comes t] - care of the con victs, the lunatics at (i the deaf and the blind. These a C charges, fixed charges that rest ever S where upoii the citizen and taxpay and cannot be avoided. A caref perusal of the last reports of the oilice U of these institutions give us deep co I curn, for their inmates are increasit faster than population an(] this increai r 111icates a growing degeneracy: then tal, physical or moral conlition our people. These reports give m1ut interes.ting matter for there is har(L aa State in the Un ion where sitilar il - stitutions are so ably and faithful) ollicered. We are especially fortuna it having such a capable and e. perienced man as Dr. Powell at it head of our sanitarium. The appri hension is that, when he dies we cal not fill his place for we cainot find man who has both his iability and It long experience. The same can t said of Professor Contior, in char of the school for the deal. These tw are veterans in the service and hav by their long and faitihfu, work allaye all public auxiety about those institt ,ions. But why should so many mnoi (hilkren be born dear and dumb tia, formerly, and why should s(o man more people become insane? Only few y'.mrs ago Professor Connor n ported 105), and now lie has 215 i char'ge. Do folks kteep on marr) in their cousms and will the law keep -) allowing it? As to the sanitariun. there Seis to be it) Ii ii, i dim ihlit; tlio of the rapid in'rease andt as fas as more room is provided more sto i walited. Dr. Powell rIeports that on Octobe 1, 1900, there were 1,700 whites ai 712 colorcd on hand, and the new ai plications now average about -'x pe day. Of course 'i.any die and it is coni.ort to know that ianv recove their reason and are dischargcl. Tw hiured and lifty-ine whites ani ninety-f'our negroes were dlischiarge last. year. One hundred and lifty-st Whites and 18( t negioes died. Tlb doctor gives pleasant in( easy eniploi ien to alw who can and are williig i work. Ife is a philosopher of m own kind for he says lie huts foun that woir k, manual labor, is more cor ducive to restoration and contentiei than any other medicine. Gardenint se'wimg, washing, canning fruits, etc is done on a larve scale. Much mor of tis is dlone than formerly amnd ilh report shows an immense buisiniesI Just himk of last year's work-1,001 apronS, 2,000 bedticks, 3,006 chenise 1,800 calico dresAes, 700 homespui dresses, -1,700 pair drtwers, -1,-500 pil low cases, 5,000 pair pants, 3,8006thiirts I,(lo0 undershirt3 and quiits by thi scoc. crazy quilts I suppose makin a titll of over 50,000 articles made b crazy women. Good gracious, wall an induistrious -emale family tli doctor has got. In this way he ha great Ily reduced the cost of main teniance and brought down the pe capita to t 17. But on the other hand lie has to be continally repairing repjlaei .ig somnot hing, for lie says '' im sanity means destruction and that thm I teey of a large n umber of patientI is to destroy furnitture, cirockery, bet <ting, clo tin, lights, sash andi~ somt tmes tearing their rooms to pieces. Notw just. imagine what anm armyiv luntiic- we have. Cartersville is (jtiit a large little cotuntry town of 3,50. people, btut tliee-four'ths tof them at chiiltdren under age. We have on. aboutt 800 growni-up people who are I to be lunatics, but. here at, the saniti ium ae three times ats miar~y, and tl numericasinmg e very year'. But the repotrt oIf the prisoni comii sion gives its mtost an~x iety, for thn coniceri)s crime antd involves (lie safe oft ouir people from thec lawiless wvl fear not) God nior regardt mana. TI mnai nten atncet of thle san iitiu tiiicos the Sitte i8275 ,000 anniually, but thie is one good ihing, and only onme abom the convicts. They cost the Sia nthlingi' after the tial, but on the col trary they lbring itn a contsidlerale re eniue, andl untder the new system th r-evenute is ra pidly mncreasinug. G ener E van s, Mr'. E'asoti atnd M r. ' iTurne ci augurated this systemi onily two yeai Sago and~ it ha~s alreadly pmnoved a sg success. Thi e St ate now has~ ihe abs a luite con trol of all its contivicts atnd hi pa prchased a large farm tnar M illedel ' ville, wher'e (lie ol menn anid the bo " and aill the women are kept . Undi thle skilful mallnagemen iit of M r. Fosi C lie farm paid well the first year, al lie c~onivicts are nearly as ha ppy they) wvere ini old slavery times. MI 'of thle able bo1ied con v icts arie leas to famr agod prcs but, t SState prov~ides guards a nd med ical tent ion. IIecre is atiothier army of '2,8(00 look aftera, but. thlese arie riot SThere are 2,850 more at work in ti county chinnganigs, making a total " 4 ,E50, of whom 858 are white. tonri white womeni antI '21 5 are negro v mr~en. *y O f the Slate convicts for felony k, irc guilty of mntr miianslaught s. 915 for buirglary or rm.riy or larcei ig 237 for (lie usual cm ime. 'Thle rest e for miost at''.; thmer crime in (the en i, logue. Mtoe of them were labore d bt I note fthat twenty-sCeen did no ding adeigteen wer prach is JNiniety per (cn t (of the~ negroes atre1 It tweeni (lie ages of fi lfteen and for se and kniew nothlinig of slavery. O0 1o one p~er cent are the old slaves w. are over sixty years old. Two hiund 8. and forty-four of them are serving a I W secoinid term. Thirty are serving a 'tI ut third t-rim and a few i fourth and b fifth term. They scom to like it. One I p thousandi alnd twenty of these convicts I a're fromi three coun ties- Fulton , Chat- (i ham, and Bibb. As Thoimas Jeffer- tI >n 80on said. "1 The influence of cities is ti le p)estilenia IiOl to good morals."' It is III id eslecially so with iegroes. Tihe large re Iinatjorily of tihe negro con victs are ti y. fromt tle cities and large towis. Vi er Twenty years ago there were 1,100 re ul negr(o Con Victs and 10 per cent of IheI ill rS were wholly illiterate, could ut thil I.. read Ior write. Now we have 4 re Ig nlegro convicts and 541 per eit Va re rIaid an11d wilrite. How is Dohat' Does in in ed ucatin lessen crime or increase it? St )f Mr. Stetsonii, the State statisticialn of is :h Iassachusetts, says it. "1 incieases WC y crime not it little, but ininensely," lit 1- andi he proves it. It certainly do's tw y among tle negro rai'ce i ;eorgia. S. .e It is curIious to note that we have No j- two counties in the Siate--White and iu C (;ililer-.t hat have ino representative. a 1 among tle con victs. There are foui hi I- counties -Townus, 'ickens, Banks and lbe a Dawson- -that have but one each. sei is There are t bree counties- -- Un ion , M I- th< e ray and HIabun--that have but two foi e each. 11,%w is that for good iuolds in ha o ou1 most Northern Imoutintaini counties, i e wheve the sc(hool master has not been is tI abroad inl he lantd to any alarming ex- hN - teit? ye l No, the tiuth is that l education of thi -e itself' neither lessens nor increases lat n crime. Itdi'pends ()ni the moral train- eel y im that the boy gets either froim his we a teace or his parents or his ealy as- sci sociates, but it his environments ie pIe n bad his education imakes him a more pi g danllgerois citizen, f'or' it. eables him ro 11 to cover up and coiccal his crime or 14) fro i, escape froimi plismenlltiI inlsoe way . pill It is liike tinloq' wing eearls before switie Io I to give the vile mtial vicioui an eilia- C ti tion, but we can't. pick themn before bl han. d and so all must have a chance. rc r1 hit, if I was a lawmaker I would A 1 put some penalties upon bad citizens, ye i- upon the idle atl vicious, wY'hcther' wtl r white or black, We dtpnut allow them fim a to have their naime-' in tlie jury box. nn r They cannot, try a iman for crime no Wi o set in jutlgmentit upon his civil rights. ex dI Wy' shOuld such men be t.rusted w ith a d tle ballot? Why not let tho same lot x colIilissioln that, make. " the jll'y ye e box also make uip the 1, hox? It of t- Sone good negroes got . id some eq o bad white men were left, it. would m y le rewarding merit and % .utting i i penalty upon bad citizens. Alabama i - an VirIgin ia have lhis til est ion before di it their conventions and we hope they pr , will consider it wisely and :ive eI- lit couragement to good citizena, whother ye e teiy(' be white or black. Good coitlulit ti o should be the test. It is more impolr- ''l l. tant than ed'ieation or poperty. Let be I us purge the ballot box just as we do lilt ,he jury box. Purge it once a yeair. tie I Put such colored men is G assett and th1 - Joe Brown andi['ril.ble in ami leave all Ur such white muln as l'at Blanks out. Liln IDon't shut tithe (tool' forever oii good in negroes. it I ly the way, I visli somebotiy vould ln t hunt ill) ourcook and send her home. 'h She is not a " settled 'oman," and is ha s just gall ivan tillg around till her spell n - is off. I have to get uil lefore I feel wi r like it and tire up lthe stove aid then call the ''irls ami1i they' --t a Z.1'e r' i ha-l ain liou iClu nw - and calfee andt ho011miy and fried eggs oul ei anli b eef steak arIe good' enqughi for1 to S anybody. hut, I w ill have to d ischiarge lis - our' cook anil hire her' over' again and tli leatve out the spellI priv ilege. BiLL Anii'. bet 0 CROPS WIS ARIE GROWING. yThe United States Proditees Nearly a~ ev it. Fvery Needftu1 Crop that it t- Uses. li e Secretary of .Agriciulture Wia.oni wi priedhetS (lie miost. glowing era inI his- mi i- tory for' the agr'icultural inlteretsts of thi it the coun tiry during thle new fiscal year T' y which has just begun. w it l ucidenitally Mr. Wilson assett that w ic if the UJnited States is given a few li ts iionths mioreo tim e any or1 all (lie for- thI 'e eigni natitns of thie wor'ld miay form1 a~ th It commIier'ciatl combm1 at ion aginlst the h4t le country with impunuity. lie says that gr Ii- before .July 1ilnext this count,ry', with p< v its new possess51~ios, will be raisingi. r'e is anul proue ig ever'ythinRg (hat it, ustes, thI al an tlihat. it we so elect we cant formi shi 1) ni- almost any1 tothier' nation on the globe. <h is "'We arec now punshin g inivesti giations wV al and expeitment41 s aloni t a great manuy sI 41- linies,'" said AlIr. Wilson ini an1 mlt'r-, as view. "' (Or agr'icl turld e xp orts w ys year' julst closed anid coimparetd witl b? .4 er some11 yelaris Ipalst incrtleased3 appr iec ia bly . Oj cir '' (ne of thei pinc(ip~at obtjets whieb id this deptmen1'lifIt has in v'iew is to enI- (: as5 abile the plettt of thle EUited Sites (io ce >ot produi lce the aigricl tuoral producI nts wve aI ill ar1e now lurchiasinig fr'omi ftore igin coun- (I ti- itacei, wye boug'ht hlf as much agrii- t< cul1tu ral goods - 1' 51)ld; t hat is to) ( to Isay, we sol ab i f .1,000(,000) wor'th il ll1. and bought abo1!a 620),000,000) woth.i * lie The pri~iincI al'odulct we purchaise c ~ of from ttt h' naltiuou is sulgari. Thi' t ,rc comma hi ciompi'ises nearly onie-l ourith c -of Ithe total '.f productitts iml)por'ted. TIhe< departi n'nt in thi - past, has been mauk- I 07 iig explerirnien's t, ascer'tain ini just. r, what sei--ni*s of' the counti'y sugar caI:; iy, b)e raisedt t such advaintage 1a8 to Ire ob)viate the nlecessity of goinhg to (a- foitri nimarkets to comp llet e our1 sulp r'S, pl1y. We A'ant to raise beets, as there' 4 thI- in lies Ithe priincipal 80ourice of (lie sti- C r's. gar' plduct . Withinm (lie Uniited Staite cDc- there will be over foirty beet enlgil fiic- 'I ty, tories in operation by next fall. 'lThe1 t ndly will be situated ini almost ever'y Stait* a 'ho along (lie Northern border, fromi .N ew red Vork (1) Cairairnla. I beieCve tha' i ithin a fow yeir's wve will produce all le Suigar we riquire and we, will then - il position to ignore tile foreigil .od uct. Otir experinwti Is have shown at the suigar protlueed frotn our zalhtv of beet i inuich richier thani at taifactufa red inl or'eigin coun. ies. Oir prc duets, t Iieherere, will he uIch mlore desirable. " When this i resilt shall be attainled e Sugar trutst will, inl my oplonion, nish , for the reason Ihat tle trust linies ilulported brown Sugar, while the Aierican factories will finish product and place it inl entire uliness for Falk. oil the iimarkets. '" We atre iow.v sleevlI',hg admii r'a ly thle pr-odutction of tea inl the United unls,''t continlued4 Mr. Wilson. 11 It 1111y a1 qu1estijonL of 1t short I ile whenl : will be able to raise ill thle tea de ilideil for. list ill (his '44inltmy. ThIIe t) tollS (.f tea 1rowni at SUii1uevile, C., hast yeari so well satislied the w York livestors interesteI ini the lustry t.aIt they iminedialcy formed Yndienute and h uglii ',100)1 acres of 10 in the Slate upol which lea will grown. This dl 'll:triltlieill 1a. veai' it tea1 pllits to 'very (;ulf State in Unhion fromn ihv C(dillts 4) ('ali ia 1fo 14r 'X11eliinintal nusing . W e re just iarn t rom S114th Ca"rolma it imuported 11achillery ill use' there abie to nake gir'en tea; fri1i tilie ck product in on1e hour. We dit) iiot ,Inanacturesuch 111iachiliery Inl s Country, bull wev -.:" tel to thar 5r. Then t helr is 1. 111 ()n t o. -ning thet availabiht). ahor when-1 get to glrwing our1 l'; 4,11 1 lahirge. I . There IS aiy nunb r of yu.iig >pde who will ser\ 'npl44yt1t as ktra of the livavs, t,. wages will be )(1. We are nlowinp n phaints Iu China, (Ceylon au' Ja.laln, :tilt[ We -11010 ailsiig the hieglt'st grade of I(duet inl this coputry. 'I' years a4) the ll( department 'll 4onsi ation o1 tiht! subject of Scultivtion in the 1:nited states. thatt time we pnniuctrd about 257 -Cent ofl what Vil coinstlunedl , an1d Oln WU exatnlined thlt- situation we ui hlt er i':ic wa a en1111'14 l for. 1 leh better. grade of Ohe product thanl s beinl grown here. We set ii)an pW-rt1 to .lpan 11) look OVVer theC ft-l ilthis1, mall tnndl jus:t what wec were skinig for. The ret'ult is that lneXI, .i we will 4row all excelleit gide rice-a class, inl 11t, w.11ch will lial that ill anly other naition produei ; the grain. " The deplatm inent is just inoV also sily n. ( gl lgcd ill con tie'raltion of a esity of iite.sts which are tt o be moted il inelw'lCV I0>Sioils. Ve ve lound upon inl vest i.gaItioln that 1he (ope of thl(e new 11114i, led agricl alnstruelionl aind nora nn is we propose. to give then lo (he it of ourl ability. F-',r instan11Ce, We ist be able to produce hrge 1tn1i ' of' hay ini the141 Infuippineis to feed 131000 horses and Inuh-'s which (lie ited Sutt.4 is nl ow 1 14 I I i ni In goi Te. The demnda filr fodder. is far e'XceS.(S of the h1o1ne stipply, so t1111 111 been found I 4eesary 14) i import. 1 Iproduct. This ouh lot to) be. ere is amuple opportulity for imi. n r and other (l'oin prjodnets,- for1 horsess I calttle i l h 'li ppiues, alil step-, I he hikell 14) relleve the situ1ti . ' Colven is sotherg prod . whl-h atre looking after. ( )(Ir scien1tiSt invesl ititking thii cff'e. otlo in4 14 acr ishI .11 i.IO oiehiii alt'ng t IaI yei( w)I'4ich4 ill grea1 t Iilo ly iliur t SI evei e t.,t OOI1u hs heartint psliy '.l ), . 1141' 1 ted buts ily an-4.1 a)i~llS(4 i 130,000,000 woin ofs i4b'erxv jet, ici thek isthte we1 wiill4wih dl t e aie our01 new 411: posesi'on cryl biit,1. jl11 144):e produ c nee 4-1. 1(4 ighte produced14' in't icot 44 Itwiig dojthwel'hill i i s. a1t4 l th4 re 1 1u L 1L e tat .'IIh lwopl using tht cini giisndf oii ('4llar1 i'n its1 apurchase, 1( 1141n therelti~1 1s the ubjet of1 tnnealiu re in t ls t i 15 >:'( Opie li nl the et.i Ialal rdu. u w mo e ighnik . ' nib t14 w4;~hil not be lng 11ore we w4l be ab.'le to4 lO oc a44 ad( a ill be ' hsupeit' r to:4 t(11'in un ii' V4Irtedi' foni l . T h ii-id4g(1 gil, of . ''l' r 1I i ntry are1' india tedl'to (Jilrowth 11f1 '441inacaroni wheat,1(L and allS the 15,'00,000 pound' of11)( th pt, L'et, which 1'!ve'4 litw "' A'lfort is, ouril~ nhat tpses)1i->n --'.' laii as - 1 ~. luwecangt thate1141 a .aI :h, ul4)I: prodcion 114 in ful Ai li' l'liI,1144t il IIIo al)d'lina ter)I tep m-.1 a. -i) by 41 depw tmentl141 is l e >g ni en.:: ".ei .1gy t A blo l Cll, deceased. Tho court coull impute him no moral guilt. What happemn there seemed to be entirely accident and to be attributed to the angry ai excited deportment of lDr. Earle. Tl dJudge explaiined further that Nlr. Yai c'y seeied to have worn his pistol i Greenville because of habit acquired j carrying it while passing through ti J1udilan country of the vest. III col sideration of this practice the court ll mllade up its judginent. The bcuteta was -,.,1,500 titne and twelve mont0: imprisonmllent in jail. "Governoi Patrick Noble remitte Lwo-thirds of the fine and released th )risoner. NMr. Yancey then returne vith his family to Aiabama." AMaj. Perry was not only the edito f Tnu< M NTATNai-: u when YanUce >cicamne mvolved in this trouble wit] lis wife's uncle, )r. Earle, but lie wit LIso one of the counsel for the defend Limt, with whom he was on intimati erms, and he has left on record hi: estiinony as to the character and dis )osition of his client, and given tatement of the circumst mees unde: vhich the fatal dillicuhty took place 11 his " lliiniscenices of Public Al en.' vIliehi Was published only a few -ean efore his death, Gov. Perry has at ateresting sketch of William 1,. Yan. ey, from which we make the follow. ug extract : Mr. Yancey read lav in my olliet wo or three y(ars, and we were for , nyeh longer period onl terms of greal it imacy. I knew him well and love ill Most afeLctiOlately. 1Ie lad Iliani arIe and n1)le (tqualittes of both head n1d heart. Ile was full of gen iulls and telit, and endowed with hjih gifts of ratory. In diposition hle was kilid tid lafTi etionate, wvarm and geleiotis, nd( devoted to his trients. le was a cry handsome voinig man, with a right, cheerful face, ever inspiring! outillence and good feeling. II waI athir I under ordinary hleiigL and well roportiolned, with great activity aid trength. Iis natners were not only .leasing and polished, but really fasci atin ig, andit no o11ne could be ili coll any with him without feeling kinadl3 ovards him ; but with all his taletts, ttractions and brillhancy, lie was nol man of wisdom, or judgilelit, or sta ility of character. lie had strong aligs and impulses, which generally lltrolled his action and judgment. h' was a maUni of hiigh rlpirit and daunt ss courage. ]]is impulses and hiN assioni involved him inl a great many illicutil'.ics of a very serious characier. remieiber', on One occasion, whilst c was reading law with miel(, halnving to isi between him and Thomas F. autt to prevent their firing on each heir. They had co. inm eced a polili 1l d i in, which dil not continue ong b'fore they drew their pistols, ld but tr the interference 'of myself uld others, would have exchanged shots I the street I in a (tinuI ret With Dr. !arle, the uncle of his wife, lie drew ;s pistol and shot him. The doctor ied ill a few hours. Yancev was tried lid convicted of manshoghter. inl this affair, hiowevel, lie dil what .ny mien of spirit mighLt not have dole Ider the circilustlances. The day reviotis lie had had a (tin'tinlly w1h )r. EaIl's son, who wvas qtuie a la. anlcey sought the doctor and explain cd to hiim the iilcultty with his slit, ho0 seemed to beI 'erfectily sat itfied. hle iiext (lay tie watS inqiuiring lot anceywitha tdudgcon ini his hanids, anicey wenlt up to him11 ini perf ect good~ umior anid anitici pat ed no0 di Iticulty, Ie gave Yanicey the lie andt diew hlit tick. Imme11(ithaty Yancey drew his istol , and presenetinIlg it, tol Ithe doc ir to ''take it back or take a shot.' )r. Earle rtished towardts him and antucey's pistol Ii red I Ilut Yanlce3 ssuired me1, colt idetilyt13, thaut it wau It, hiis pturpio se to Iiire the Ipistotl, anld hiat he did lire it invothmtarily tudei the exciiteent. ItCie tC aterardsI miaith Iidhivit to0(I tis fact , amt I tiave nieve. or a mloment~ doutetd thie trulth of tthi ssertioni. lIe wais defendertu by3 .Jiitg W~ardlawv. \Mr. lurt anld mlyself. IlI enene a litne1C'%'t u. aint imprisonm Ilent .vhticth Governr1 Nob, ~lle piard~oned inll .ew weeks. The crop of wiinter wheat , now beinl harvested, prom~lises to be a recor breaker. It. will te not onily of unpre l'rlice Cuirrenit gives some initerest in ligures on the crop), andi( com par themn wvit h the record for previot yeairs. It (estimiates5 that the crot withl the marke'ttable suirlus no0w 0 hand, wiltlihamounlt to 775,ot00,0J bhelshi~ . The visile supp~hly in th Unlitedt Staites oin dune 29. wvas 30t.798 000, but the availabte stocks at. h leadtin g Interior and~ seaboar id ntuarke east ofi the Rockies, oni tranlsit froi the wvest, to tie east, amd on (lie 5( destined for G reat, lritaini and the cou tiinent, Oil Jully 2 aggregal ed 7 1,(i81,t0( bushels, against 73 ,95t9,000( a yeair aig and1( 77,(i10,000 Oil July 3, 18~99. 'ITh mleans , of course, thant the I 'tice Cui rent's estimate for the 1 t0)1 crop isi excess of 700,000,000 bushels. Jacob S. Rogers, who dlied sudden from the effects of heat ini New Y'or wans worth many millions of dllari lIe made moist of hlis mloney bunildil locamrotives ait Paterson, iN. .J. I wvas over '75 years of agze, a biaele with n10 kin nealer than nephewsu at niieces. T1o his relatives lie tb~equeth<t montey was chtielly malide, tie left. n one0 cent, anlt even closedl his limmeni works, while still pirosperous, much thn deotriment. of ihn tonw,. Your Hair "Two years ago my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, Ill. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. If your lruggist cannot supply you, nl'l u1 ont, dollar aid wO wi express yeit a1 hol tiv. ie sure and give the name o your nearest, ex ,ress 011co. Address, J. C. A Y HI CO., Lowell, Mass. -mIlletty nvar starving, any other :1tion. 'T'lerefore, an effective con )illation against us will be an in li'ROM A BACHEILOR'S VIISW. No old maid over 40 cnn 0show a range plimber over the house with it giving him her opinion on love I.lTon and tlhe Filipmnos. Wheii a woman thinks that a man is oinig to kiss her against her will she nerIitially dlresses herself with two apersaof pin s less than usual. ()n a real hot day cupid Soms to ook hiinstf 11 in a refrigator. 'T'lere's n1o vollian who won't be ieve somie l irt ol flatitery; a man be bLeves it all. Cilildrel keep cooler ihan grown-up Inmple , be:aiise tley keep thinking about smhigelse. I I thIe best child could only look as ilinolt aI- the1 worit wolmani1, nobody wIatl ever know who ought to get the whippiog. The )..Iy difference between the man wlio tlintks wolnaPu can't fool him and the na who knows they can, is that he g(ets fooled1 a little oftener. na woman is very positive she is never certain. T)e loitg a man lives the more he has to live for and the more he has to ,'ae without. Wn' a inan gets married there is at least one wonmi that he loses all his iiiluence with. T'lhe average mian would rather have his if ,, act like tile devil and look like Inl ang1- th1an to act, like an angel and loi hke the devil. Ii always seems like a miracle to a nan I le wly a woman will manage a g halt, a lonig skiiri, a hundle and her 'Igiol inl a Ih iglh wind. A wonmanI is " sweetly reasonable o vbei site is reasonably sweet. Il'.v you neighbor and do good to limii thalt tell your wife what their ilsho4is haiIVe told them about you. W hen Ilve hit into the apple she plrobabttly told1( the sniake that she was lrii 4.f forever~i taking her husband's LtlVice. As far as appearances go, a woman wuill ant more comfortabl w ihile her leart is bileedhing than she (1008 when lie lhas a hiani -nail.. Tlhie Iirist twoV( iiothst.i the mian would ake the baby up in the garret andl hide it if lhe thotughit his wIfe or tihe nurse woni n'i. (atch hiumi at it. Th'le miani is niever~ old who, the longer hie livyes, livyes the more. W\omien are such a p)uzzle to men be eauise Ithey are so much of a puzzle to lthietselvyes. Thiere is a certaini way a girl fixes a ' amp when a nman is coiming to call on her1 w~nhieb he calls "' just enough li. It makes a girl awfully mtad to cthel hieisell yawinVthg and~ realizes that sho has (aught it fromt a lman that she just hates. Whleii a mani hates another' man the worst., it is for the least reason, wheni a womian loves a man the best, it is whent he is the least worthy.-N. Y. I'ress. No( greateCr ecotnomiy could be prac ticed on thie farm thaun the bui4lding of CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The KInd You Have Alwcys Bought .Boars the $ignature et THE YOUNGBLOOD LUJMBER COMPANY AUGIUSTA. GA. Oills Wonxs, NoicTi AUQU5TA. 8. 0, D~oors4, 8ash, liinds andl J1ilderea Hardware. t'l00O li NG, SIDING, CEILIN4 AND - INSI D1C lNlSUIING LUMB [ia IN CIWtIA PINE. All iarresp)ondlene jiven prompt at aiin.