The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, March 22, 1900, Image 3

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Sessions Court. Court of General Sessions for Pickens County convened Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Judge R. C. Watts was on the 'ench, and his chargo to tho Jury was very oloquent, inpressivo and instrue tive. Captain Wyatt Aiken, the eflicient stonographor, was at hir post; also Mr. Ansol the Solici. for. As usual, the jurors were all present and are to be compliment Od uipon their promptness. True bills were return'Qd by the Grand Jury in the following cases: State vs. James Simpson and Lema Baker, houso-breaking and larcony. Stato vs. Prater ''alloy, assault and battery with intent to kill, and carrying concealed weapons. Stato vs. Randall McElvano, houso breaking and larceny. State vs. WeslQey Head, murder. Stato vs. Sam P. Lanior murder. State vs. Uharlos R. O'Sheals and Fred O'Sheals, assault and battery with intent to kill. In the following eases 11o bills were found: State vs. Louis Talley, selling liquor. State vs. F. C. Dorsey, assault and battery with intent to kill. State vs. W. o. Willard and J. L.. Hunter, using h'orso without leave. Nol prossed by solicitor. Stato vs. N. G. Ellonburg, re turne( to magistrato. Stato vs. Ben A Cassel, judgment reversed, State vs. D. M. McAlistor, sell ing liquor. Nol prossed. Stato vs. Joe Mays, sellin liquor. Nol prossed. State vs. John Bowen, selling liquor. Nol prossed. A 11%piIst. Editor PI'.0E's JOURNAL: Pleaso allow m1) Space in your paper to eXpress lily Opinion as touching the questions asked by tLho Brother Baptist in your last isSuo. It soeims to my mind when a preacher is called to sup)ly a clurch that he should he the head or leader 'of that body, as Overy body has or sBould havo but one head, and every organiza' ion shoud have but one leader. If a church desires services twice a imonth (or oftener) she can compensate her pastor according to his services, or accoiding to his iioods. This is, according to my mui d, the plan and ?,las as set forth by the Divine Creator, and Counsellor and Con. ductor of all goodness. This rule is sot forth in tho 25th chapter of '-t. Johl's Gospel, under the Para blo of the vine. One vino sup ports each and every branch of the vine; and ono branch supports each and every leaf of the branch. Also in St. John's Gospel, 10th chatptei, under the Parable of the <god She pard1, and this same rule~ muilst he~ op~pl:cod to every body anid Ivr ilrganizationi, even down to the smallest things. My mind canU imiaginle, seperate and aside from ths, we will have con fusion, divi sionls and filures. This a broad subject and one1 that can be dis cusede~ to considerable longth and as I only know a part of the truth and somo1 0one else knows a part, and by telling encil other a part it unght he p)osible for us to knowv t whole t ruth. Now Brethren, givo thoso ques t ions sJImo thoulghlt and doln' t re fuse to use yo0ur pen, for it will creato an interest bqtl) in our church and county paper. As this is imy first will do for BArIS-r No. 2. Do you tak coz with every chango in tlio feel raw ? And do sharp palns dart through your chcst? Don't you know tihese are danger signals which point to pneumonIa, bronchitie, or canumiptjen ltself ? II you are aiCling and payg Ieat flesh lately, they' are certainly dan:gcr signals. The quesI~tion for you to d~c'ide i, "htave I the vitality to throw off these diseases?" S Don't wait to try SCOT'rS EIMULSION " as a last re sort," There Is no remedy equal to it for fortifying the ef,'ie Prsyention is easy. Scott's Emulsion provents consumption and hosts of other diseases which attack the weak and those with p&oor bloqd SCOTT'& 13AUi..SION is the one standard remedy for :.inflamed throats and lungs, for colds, bronchitIs and con Ssumption. It is a food medi *cine of remarkable power. A t oi4 prcug g ngprishes the body ; and a meicne SCause it dorrc #scase Soc and $t.oo, all druggist. eerv-r Cnhom i-t.. .e .or The People's Journal. Local and Personal. -lion. C. E. Isobinson went to Columbia on business list week. -Dr. W. F. Austin will be in Easley next Tuosday ovening and WodiOsday. -Mrs. Luther Graudy, of Green villo, is on a visit to frionds hero this wealr. --B. A. Foster, of Looper, was among his nuimorous friends in town this week. -Conductor T. A. Itainoy, wife and two ch ildroni, of Atlanta, vis itxd at Capt. Taylor's this week. Old "Shop,'' the valuable dog be longing to J. C. Alexander, wont mad last week and had to be killod. --Mr. and Mrs. (;. T. Hughes, of near town, visited the formers psi rants in Laurens county last week. -Thero will be preaching at Mt. Pleasant, on) nioxt Suinldiiy, the 4th Sabbath of Mardi, at 11 o'clock a. mn. -Wo ar.e informed that the swoot Chilles of Voeddling bells will be wafted out upon the Pickens air Boon11. -Col. Wharton, of Laurons, and a clndidato for Railroad Coinims Bioner, was here this week shaking hands. -Wo regret very much to an nounce the serious illnoss of Mr. anld Al rS. '.. J. Childs, who livo near town. -Mrs, Elvin Perry and Miss Belle Smith, of Cedar Rock, visit ed Mr. Willian uinLter near Eas loy, last wook. --Rev. A. J. S. Thomas, of G reen ville, preaclod anll elo(uent and forciblo sermon inl the Baptist church Sunday. -Lawyers J. A. McCnllough, B. A. Morgan and 11. F. Martin were visiting attorneys horo this week attending court. -B . R1 . Tolhrt and Rich Rosa mond have opened ip a first class restaurant in the basmncit of the Anthony buikling, -Cleric of Court Stuwart is con fined to his room this wev~k with sickness. Ex-Clek Lewis is actijig ia his stead in) court. -Thero will be an electeon for an Iitena(tA ald four Wardens for the town of Pickens on April 2d, Let everybody vote. ..--arnett Smith, who lives near town, found some photographs in the road near I h:ouse and those that lost them Canl get same by calling on him. -I~ttle s Mim Aiddrud Cox, daughitr' of Mr. and Mrs. 1 siahi Cox, of Washington, D). C., is visitinig her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cox, of Pickens. --Tesaw mii fixtures and tile saw~ mitl houve of H end ricks & Edenei, of Tab1lo Moiutain, was burned Saturday n ighit. The cause of the firio is supposed to be acei fleital. '--Pow.3rs, w.h~o kill Ied John1 RiTch ey, was tried in WValhalIla lutL week andl~ found gaify of mnrderlC1 With a recomimint ion to mier'cy anid was sen tence'd to l ife imuprison mont in the Ftato penitentiary. -Married, at the residence of the officiating minister, W. C. Sea hcorn, on Sundlay evenin'g, tihe 18th er'ts to Miss Emma Merek. Both of' Pickens county, 6. C. -Greenville NewA 21st inist: M(iss Mary FlorinaI At', of Central, wki he ma rried on the .ft ob f n oxt month at Central to Thosmas~ Man ly Norrir, of Cateechee. Thoi bide to-be is a nieCe of President J. HI. Morgan, of the A merican Spinning company, aind the invitations are issued by jSir, and Mrs. J. H. Mor --Jack. Sutherland, 0o)0 of this Counties best citizens, dliedl at his home at Pumpkintown en the 16th inst., of plneumomla. Ieo was 79 years of age and a gnillant soldier 11 the Mexica~n war and trutely was p good one. Hef was a u!sefuL and n.onsisten t memb~i)Oe f the (4olonoy Jlapltist chiurcI-, froml which his r'e maiins we interreo1 Suinday inl the cometery of that church in the prosence of a largo concourse of relatives and friends, Rev. J. E. Foster conducting the f'unecal ser vies An egad wife and three children, basiden many friends and --Baso ball garo'. Olenion 041. logo vs. Cornell University, of Ethaco, N. Y. On Tuesday, March 27, at 2 :30 o'clock, a game of base bail wiii ho pla13od( on the Clemson Collego cam;; us between Aboe palo)ts and the Cornell team. A 1balf holid0.y will be given for' the cadets to entertain the nany yin. itors who will come in from tho surirounin~ jg country, and every one will join) in to havo a general big 11i11. Th is ganme wIll be very intoresti ng to lover's >f goo:l base badll, as the Clemson ted!)n is cor' I'ainly tLo strionigs~t iin her history. McMak in is holding up hiis repuii tation as 0one of the sp).ed ioet pitch. era ill the Southl, and)( his supIport 's good. An admission of 25 ants will be charged for gontlemin and 15 cents for ladies which is to de. ANNOUNCEMENT4. For Treasulrer. TIe mny frienls of It. D. Oar vin ho -e ).% 1111ouice him a a eanldklate0 for the Offive of Coity 'rea<iner for Pickeins c.,11unt V, subject to the actiol of tle voters in the Demmoratic primary electi -n. The Conmin of Baky brings joy or palin. It's for the mother to decide. With good health and a strong womanly organism, iotherhood but adds to a woman's attractiveness. IWcELREES Wine or Cardul takesaway all terrors by strengthening the vital organs. It fits a mother for baby's conung. P1y revitalizing the nerve centres it has brought chubby, crowing youngsters to thousands of weak women who feared they were barren. It purifies, heals, regulates and strengthens, and is good for all women at all times. No druggist would be without it. $i oo. Foradvice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, " The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. MRS. LOUISA IIATE-,of.jefraomI Ofa., suysi:-' wlien I lirst ttook WNi,.., of CarduI wt had been married three years, but could i(ot have any childreni. kNili iionthis later I ad a fine girl baby." JUS < RECEIVED. A Car Load ot Meal and a Car of' Malt. Will receive a Big Lot of Flour this week. "Prices Iight." Eirly Bird and Schnapps To bacco, wholesale and retail. Pepsin Stiek, California Fruit and Kiss-Me Chewing Gun, whol. salo and retail. A first C:ass line :>f GENE1RAL MERCHANDISE,# not cheapor, but Good Goods as cheap as anybodys. .114, . -.1 Pickens, S. C. A FrightfuI Blunder Will *.~ o en cause a horribI li brn, -'al, cut or bru~is. B~ucktle'n A rit a salvo, the be~stI in th' wor1ld, will kill the pain and p'romptly hi al it, C ure's ol SOres, Ieve'r soreS, uleers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eriuiptions. Best pii) li ro on1 earth. Only~ 25c a b >x. ture guiaran teed. WORLD ALMANAC AND ENCYCLOPEDIA It will answer any question you may ask It NEA1RLY 600 PAGE8, OUER 1,50Q TQFlGS TREF.LTE, ACOMPLETE statistical and States. The results of the Presi dential election accurately corn-' pled. Every fact of value that human knowledge can require. A reference library boiled down I POSTPAIrQ ~ TQ ANY No American who wishes to know his country can be without it. Ready T//E WORL.D, ' Ncwv York. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artlieinaly digest s the food and aIds Thature in strengthieing and recon structling the exhausted digestive or gans. I t Is t he latest dliscovercd digest ant and1( tonIc. No other preparatIon can npuronich it in eflhclency. It in stant ly reliieves sindl pecrnainheltly cures Dyspepsia, IndIgestion, lleartburn, F"it i atlone Sour Stomnach, Nausca, Slek 1 leada'che,GastralgIa,C ramps and all ottier resulth ot imperfot. digestion. Prlco f00. and St. Isargosizocontains2ttmos smalaizo Dook all about~dyspepstanatled fro Prgru 5. Q P9WIT T #, VQ., 9hlegge, f NOW IS THE TkME TO LOOK AFTER Irish Potatoes And Garden seeds. We have a large assortment, Fresh and Reliable, SPRING gOODS Coming in every week. Ncw Styles and 1retty. Watch our Eurmitumre rooms All kinds House Keeping ar ticles. Stoves and Sewing Ma chines, Wash Pots, Ovens and Skillets, Come and see us. TV. 2. .M'al. Ask For Trading Sta, Mc91iI11n &) llo.tiM DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS. ANT) W'IND)OW SHADES. Every Department nlow Rofilled With Choice New Material. IN DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND TRIMMINGS, The assortment would do credlit to some of tho big city stores. They have all grades from the cheapeat to the very finest makes. They have trimmings of all de scription's to match all shados of dress g oods. IN WHITE AND WASH GOODS DE PARTME~NT1. The assortm(ont was8 never more complete. All grades of whlite and colored Organdies, I awns, Mushuns, Piques, Swisses, Ducks, French Ginghams, Percales, Calicoes, etC , etc. THEIR LINE OF LACES AND EMBROIDERIES Ts the largest over displayod in this part of the globe. Oorsets Tn all leading mnrkea--long me diumi and short cuts, From 50 cents to $2.00 PA RASOLS AND SUN SHADES Ini all the now uip to dlate ideas. You will find them in black, white and colors. THEIR CARPET, MATTTNG, RUG, Shade and Curtain Depart mont is the largest in this part of the country and their prices aire guar<)ntoodI lower than you will find( in tanta or Charleston, "hey keep lRutterick Pattern9 only reliable pattern, Ask for Bluttoriok Fashion Sheet and~ Yark Stick, and Trading Starnps--they present them to their customers. g&" Just opoenod Ready Made Shirt Waists and Skirts. MUcAlister & Beattie. ABE CLARK. GEO. E. COOPERt, Clark &Cooper, --Dealer's in MARBL.E AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, *eTombstones ef every Descript ion.,m -~ALSO MANTELS, STATUARY, VASlW: > and' Wrought Iron F.ENCING, OLARK & COOPER, ~, anra.97yl. Grannvihll. 8.0 Women as Weil as Mer Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind. dis courages and lessons ambition; beauty, vigol and cheerfulness soot M: ..disappear when the kid. neys are out of ordei or diseased. Kidney trouble ha, become so prevalen that it is notunconinor for a child to be borr afflicted with weak kid neys.. If the child urin. ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if. when the child reaches an age when it. should be, Able tc control the passage, it is yet afflicted witli bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause 01 the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be' towards the treatment o these important organs. This unpleasani trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit at most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same great, remedy The niild and the immediate effect o1 Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is solk by druggists, in fifty- f'' cent and one dollar - c,.::. . sizes. You may have a * sample bottle by maii " " free, also pamphlet tell- nomo or swaup-noot. ing all about it, including many of the thousands . of testimonial letters receivec from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmei & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Assessment Notice. Tie Auditor or his. dep uIty w1ll be al the following places for the l puripse o hkhg 1tax retiulns for tle iiesal yeai M90, to-wit : Six Mile, Tu'lesday, Janu11ary 9th 1901, Calhoun, Wedniesdaly, January1-3 10th1, 19000. Ceiitral, 'itur.tday and Friday, Jan uIrv l Ith aid 12t I. Cateechee, satuiday, .1anut1n y 1:th. .ihertN, 31onuay ahd Tutesdy, .)-lan. nlary 1511h aval lh E'aslev, Wedaneday and Thursday, Jan. itry 17th :i ld 18th. l.reemnit's Store, Friday, Jan ary IIhI Ilaoper's Shop Sa tuirnly, .iaary 20t h. II ughe's Stlo. . ondy, J:ntiuat y 221. 1,'11mpk ilto,) Tu a, Jaimary 231 1. Iolly Spinig', Wednesday, .January 24th. Enta t', 'Tursday, Jantiary 25th. Ilile Creek, Fridlay. .Jaiinry 26(h. Prater's, 8:1'nr1 day, Januaryv 27th. Afte: which Iti'Ine ht will continue tak ing returns1- inl hid oillce at lekenls court htous.', un11til February tihe 20th, when the books will be closel for that yaur, All who have not maile their relnrIT 13y that ilme will he charge'd 50 per centi. penalty for non-rett'rIs and w ill be enitered on 'ax duipliente in red ink as the law re All male persons lmtwee:1il thec ages of 21 and 00 years, (except. Contfedernte S ldlers who will Io(t l required ovet 59 years of age.) are liable to poll tax unless exempt by lIw. No one will be allowed to make returns for another inless he is ful1Y atlthorlzed ,o to do. S. A. IIUNT, Auditor Pickens County. dee14. I'AY A A IILON OLLAR A YEAR EACHe F3'r thie pur~pose of incLreasincg tho c-hr ~uiaton (f tt:. Newv York Daily anid S'un .. crary P ingLii Co. ffers thel Lbut Il smeemellnt in the wor'ed to0 smialI Investor; 'er1. inavestors now have an .)pportu fy to seuuro some of the rtoch of thi, useat. enterprise. They can buy Nev f ork Mercury stock at the vecry low pric' f 803 per share. The Mercury . Printinl1 :ampanay is incorpordtcd ur.der- the law 1.the btate of Ncw Y ork. Ti c-aIIital I .300,000., divided inlto50,000shaies of iWeachi ailtl aid and non-assessablec. 'itoon oki . bIs st',k ts a ca ,dldndb .rof . tltie se'.'ary that o Cartain 1o inty tary lvidendis and( tonidl incras a.u 'alun. .t I ives the smiall investor ancull c h~ 1ana .Vithl the catpi1ftlst, as a person' with: email sum) to in~vesit canl bry frema en ..hare upwvard at tile same1) price a espa.tarl :st buys thousalnds or slhares. Wheln 01' :onsiders tile very high prices tha-. :;toe . c' .-:r New. York nlewspa pers coma nanus(~, It is apparent that t his presen~i ,p'-et Lnity to lbuy N w Yor h' ~ It 1ercul .,oc at l0 is 0110 of 1.10e dhuces tha oCctur only5 CAco'in a Ii meire, for at thl t're'sent rato of inlcreas'j shown in the pas six months1 Inl tile circulatIon and in th, advertising, the stock is absolutcly sus to pay cnormous dividends ahd rapidL 1ise inl value. $ 'The adveortising receipt4 of the hierculr have doubled stlcOe Au. 1, 1h'5, aind th 'irelatlol lied incrjl OI thIe 10ate C 110 th cy1nt. 8tince A I , 1Nl, 011 tn ~'y, Weekly cnd Sis t y editionsa, am1i. 1: 5 ntuing to increase at the samec rate~ We will send ono copy of tile Datry .ind Sundy bi ercury free to every shanre h~older (ls lng as tho stock is ieid b' him0 or his assigns. For Oxamplle, if .;ubsc-riber puirchascs ten shares of stoc he will bo entitled to ten copies of ti. Daily and Sunday Mercury free to hit >wni or any other address as long ats hi .continues to be a stockholder of the c-or 'orntion. TLhese copies of tho pal aer. 'Ie disposed of by subs 4cihoI~ ~ ltacap 2' h a 1wl 1l Oflnil11itC4 amount 0o 'his rtock distiosed .f in thIs way. ,T'Ihos "ho are luckv enougeh to ihtain th -halres will fird that in a- emry sh it hav will 1h0 -.op Ig 3i ). e' p-at 1)1 Cl 'or' Iortt-r, nartI.eulars .dlress tht. UPrlmNTNnF-WP OF ('TROULA 5TION, NE~W YR TR JY As an advertising m-Iu a e 'ork Mercury is ninoxcelled .h out Potash. Every blade of Grass, every grain of' Corn, all Fruits and Vegetaible must have It. If" enough is supplied you can count on a full crop-. if too little, the growth will bt " scrubbyt 6cnd for our books telling all abeut cornpositlen< fertilhzers best adapted for alt crops. TIhey cost yt nothing. 9GR MAN KAI WORKS5,- Nasau 8t.. NowVai NOTICE, press upon you re preparing for that will be an Ive bought from 1th -tyles and handI lsoner tis ti before. Watch wO Will tell yOU do'ti y your yout havo looked nelo Etock. L Tihornley Mourchandiso. Pickens, South Carolin a. Please And BE PLEMEAD. I to come in and bf us 'know wtc cen n llase you b) Id oods for1 yo11r I be a'>lc to get 'h1 Dr ug Pobacco and Fine Candies, y truly, bcrnxIcmy. k Taking.1 Iefore( thaULt Illne1(, 31u1l in 01rd er to Yer' spee'ild induhcomlenits inl Tis w~'~ill h e thei opper Ily themil later. (j and1 I will lbly llow, Greonvilleu. C. *gaidns For~ the nt~y PeOple, ha: jut, sen~ut usn 350 t(' o(el :iil an 10. TIhesne cape's ar realfly uanu we ask for themn. kets~1 at hu:. y ear's prce. aro not matched in iaify and t, s)ction1. uy siome of my 123c, all 'oel, lied ;Pt i s Iharga ill fr ir y eucuornr Inklwh ito or' gr~y, a t fi'>e ; '75 kets and 1.50 buys a pair' t hait will r1wear. Socks, Hand1(korchIiefs and or. white fhir'ts and dlraIw(rs 25c. 'shi rt s andl dIrawors at S(ac. ''ach, 11o andtine111 ombroidorod)( and)( hiom.. direrchiefs at 25c each. JBest thinzg II3. I, Our Shzoe Trade hats incereased imes as maiiny shoos a id l11ast herje. I hlavo just received a big for me at laynn, Mass. I110 a 1' or uttonl, head and1( spring at I.25), beel or si ring, bu11ttoni or worthi I.5 of aniyonecs money. Leatheor, 75, 85, 1.00 and 1.25 a ," a high top oil grain, D). S. & Tr., you, I or anyone over saw for the les anid men~ls fino shoos ars anyono store. Wo always have a good 0 wOCeome to make this storo your L. Fagwan. IMPDRTANI -0 Wo vant to i the fact that wo a Sline (if Clothing ey-oee. WO III three )I rg houss patterns will bo --tills p eo an1d( -- mre aoutit and - F~ ing uittill -- though our imuuq Yours D)ealors in Genera. WeLike to oV it will please us f,4.r. yol your, wants nuld inl rtilri giving" you aIs go< money as you u il Ahvays oin hand, Piue Fr Stat ionery, Cigns, Yours ver Freomai Block. sep)21tf. Before Sto( d0 this4, for it (ds not pa on-; te for tho niexi. 8( days I will of hea'~vy ML's aut nu hanI yo will b prO tt o Somec Grieat bas Pickens~ Cou A latgo Nowv *Y.rk ('l :uk Houso Our 12.A, 15 10 and' 22o JIoanis Ot her marchanuts aro t ryinig to y1annveI. lTey (canno(t dto it. I ko0 Jutl thlin ik of a full1 hize., heavy ud I1.00 huys a FI N l' pair of blau: mtrprise ypou. Setcondr large new stock of Und< Kotions9 just receied~. Ilecavy grey )>ach . Beautiful, fino lCeeed unde:14 iood oi~ough for anyv one. 1I[atndso: 4itched hlandk orchiefs at. 5 and~ 10<h ror the pr1ice over shiown in Greonvi Shoes anI wonderfultly. Wo aro, si'ltim three I fall. People say they get good shoes lot of w')ioe :,1hoes. m1odo1( e!xpr19SI A~ hantg tup ?god dIongoI l sol, ii hool, at l.t) a pair. A liuC dlange~t. lacto, als~o ini cloth top. TIinR shtoe (Juurso every-daty shoes, All SolidI Ask to) see the "Mountalin IKingi sho00 for men01 at 2.00. The best shot We? aISO show ) as fino l ino of lad in Greenille. Come direct to this warm) firo for you to isit by. You at home whenm in Groenv'illo. One Price. No GIoodis Char'ged, 0 orner..Main & Coffee Streets.