I'L~.i o les Journal. t E EVERY TIHURSDAI. Subscrip)tiol One Dollar a Year 1-: d.tere I at tite l'ost Ofive at Pickens am I ptI NI It AT ES. 4,. de . r 'per il1 for first, insertion, llf e - :weh sithst-4ittent ittsertiotn. dkonut ii for a4nveI-tiA0444e 4tS Onl l) vtr.i. !-. 'T inms enslv . Ai1tital con4 :4 4.' i l, in local colninn, 10 cents - or t. for first insertion and0 live cents for I-0-- .piet'4l insertion. i:4 1 - 4. Onv ri'e to all. No spe ti "t4-4iC" r.- special rates to foreign til1 .41- A . \ -ticvh innst take 1( run4 (if the p.tp'r and :ihido by siteh1 rates. .. I o-: lnwnts4 ftir romnitig N'4111- 81()1nh1 . b I o in not l:ater thant Monlay n44n I , I will not he responsible for the v'ew 4 44n4 opinions of correspontients, o44 lo ' are ('litorially entdorsel. ' I' - l I .4 1 1 , 'h' 1S11!). T1I. I.A -' LAKE ITY J 1lY WAS I'N.\1, T ' V 14 ) .\VEi \ ).' M CT, A1: Io lul n14'' '4'rtl$. i d 141 thei41 nvehAing cas" byv Jiuly 14I " ' :11 111 11 I ' h1n - (114 1 rl, ut w141 \\4 a i4 : It' -f oul try tiht, inVteVo r l 11(1 1o ol Witelall 4 f 1.1\ t ''1 1 4 l! ''44 ''4l th ia ' ( ilil l. . 4t'''. 1.-4l-d t4, I oc asai'd i l .4 till, 1 :1144"I ., 1 14, t1- l 4nd, .. av r d t . -ive 11 s" me ( n - I , t I I - wa ) a ru stIlI n rd il i o' cerain' '1 s-4 I v Illill h . tl1 H it, 41 114 14416111( 1,4 1,( \0 11-11 to 1 t'..k I lf ihe tral an44 i114the tron .esiiI' whi0h h di d 1h40r fh th4 'ih 1t ul~it'4 '14!i.41, ' whit aru4'4 14till h 4114l in I Us. Pa~o <144 ii'ir i i Chike Il I' i r e nit'I&~Il i44 ;ri4 4V . wll:il1 d. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m T .- u N w it b n d w. '''' i'r. re d, was4 i \ wa ." ll a 441 I: 4' n' ) 4iron 4'-g Th' ''1- inf 111o vanish1 at once11 , l li n44 in 4'Aa'i he (eghohood, WIi l wSt . I ly 1 a 44(1 rt d\4.~istanc'e frm s'; .4 w h14 n the114i assul t onl 1144. f411 ;w'(a olod il was140 und common Soens- P cortiet cQnesption of, ma Ilt (-ria 1 l: 11'1d moral yalues a S.1 anl v16i11in4 u fo lil is wo li more toi tiel-. .111A (1n 1 all tih( e l. vle-dg1 p'si bl tl e arts.- Ca rolill TeenrsJour-al. Somon P ecrti In u-en1t Quto e1st1on .\ \\h y r 1 y1 ou tah'11 I I.i , ; ? 1 over (I1h.e( wh p resumIellIS to teat h schlood ;ulsw% er. thIis (lut ( t iP h)n1t Ily anI c 1 1a d i d1 yI I ((eaeli lii. Y1 1i eIt& s 41f-.. sIal, i lr, ll '1114 t ill v .11 w(14 1 O 4411r:tie yth 1 1i-iiI4il ;I v Hibat rosts oli ytmlll'silltl- er'. Arn, oul 1l st *r llllI jlicstiI 11( :( 1I I:-lI 141it1 lsly 4 ) refe1h 1 14', l 'il t z 's til art' v41l t'leitl, 1|) entlI-a' fo i ( all r iet, 4,tlii114"(' t4t1 (IW . II J (il gnu 't.v011 l~l a nk-dvery onthcr op, nte dra A fetliz-r on,.'tanig nitro le ss>,ha yel of. eacmtuatlneas 4 ie ti thC'C~ thelr C l' ra ji po dve the kiriest . wr E~'r hr 1~ m (b'[Ct t i43IU .111 itx:I At \ \V tillV m ,) I IIV 1 .0 L VVh, ~i I I I a L! i)* I me Sam ~ AE&7~ rLs t'J * , vui ~ 'I'' I'! h j~ptrs '4* . , I ~~1i ii 1 ~ ~. Ii; * * I. * jas, '-.1 * . * I. * ('is ii' 'II ~ * . * ' 'I '~ (Ii * *j~'~'t ~;C)n:~ / .tvII CL. I , * *1'~ I * 1' '. * A I ~i~39AJ hI ... *i&.~ '4.'flI&2A , 7 *~' ''"1 ({ I, I Iu'II(4U * * , II I' Ii 4~.4*I ?4' I Ii ii I' 1:i iV ii !Ii,,i 14111, 1 1% I I I) *~~j 'I *14 I' '1~,j * .N - r * ji4., (I ~ / 'fl 412 ~1 I - I *~ * 1 '~ ~ Ii, * * II II I',. *. ~* II, LI' I * $1 I ' ~ * .4 ii I V * I ~ I Zu ii~n !rJJJtt L2KWK:1 L V :T1CESI 1 1. . .CARLISLE, DJk.nt, Greel ville, F. U. Oflice over 'Addeion it. l10I-tllll ilmsEY, Physiclan and Survoon, Sflie lit Ills resiienee lt II r Kirkbey ho(if. i11ce, Ol TUeIy MiIQ Irver. .\ ireb 8. 1894 C'. V''I I ZIPA AI, 1>, PilI0TOGR)A * (G reen1 ville, 8. C. Ofllce over A t,.0i )rnig Store. \ I -I:kratIveed to give sotisfac. :t Is8 7yI. wocNhlIVII relelful1 nor te pub He 1111111Dr. .1T. Wenle 16 (-d favora-bly knjown to th~e citizensl - f-(212 y, Is now afst1et.ted n Ih i in ( he pruiiCe of DIe11--try. SE: Enitir frontl roolins (upl sitaks) N a tai2' 2 2 iink lilock. I~ts. oiwoo &Nontwoop>, Gieivillo, 15. C. H. .1. 11AYNIPSWRT1u, 0. 10. RoDINBo L. M . 1':mic, Pickens, J. (. I i aynecsworthI,Parker&.~Rbinson~ Pickens (. UC.- - - South Carolina Pia1titit in all Cenrbs. Attend to all h - leisis promptly. tf. ("M 0evt loanl. I. A. 11,1 AN, W. F. BLASSINGAUg, (.rtsynii S. ('. Pickeins. S. C. 'r/om 1 & Blassingame, A)TTORNEYS AT LAW I'iekens, C. U., a. U. 1r11,bes 111 .10 he Courtts. .\! 1- 1'i..\l I '. (1M. -X. COOPER. Olak & Cooper, --Dealers inl MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, W-To mbatones of every Description.-wo -ALSO \N' 1, STATUARY, VA.ES :11A WrN~ight Iron FENCINU. iA.\liK( & COOPERP neiS~iyl. Geenville, S. 0. ii1, .-tockoi I.eather always on b kiads ot Harniess in steok I Ic to oirIler. ks 0 Hadblies, Bridles, Whips, V rI! I ., robe 1 and everythirig Ivy k.pt in a first class Harnese i jy h igThest price fur Hides and 31. W. GOOD)LET,r. Greenville, S. C. Nal 1, 2 iiil 12uIiqI 10 to $15 per M feet h I uld laa ci elig, - % x a, $10 per M fetg. ('eilingj 1, ' , Sx, $12.50 122221 pei(r M feet I art itio, x Ii Ult per M feet. 2 - Mii I., $15 per M feet -1 and 122 2 F4 ,cono, $10 per MI. feet. n 2 i~,.( I per C. ft., for each h,-1 Luinds, Glass, Putty, 22 SInin \a'urnises, Ois, c wer 8?. Speights, o \Vrlionse 107 Laitreng I .ii ''i\. ,I : anil Lumbn~er Imb -2 2S 2 & \V. C. It. IR., eillei . 3C. For Salo. I ' -i, n.:n2, s wa:lIk or li~e -. 'lilbh- for lotsi for l''rank E. (Cox, l 'iekensM S. (I nI l,'I:I(is wi22i 2 'Il n , ,C Iidn yis, if it; non j , ' !..nbj-i of ;22!M i(el 1y * 'i* ' i I d'ir i o ass (it! or * . If n 'I he I. 222w21 u;g' " - ihnt I i, j ( i222i212. I a ..-- li-.i. b2ldder I *. p : ufIii iuiary page2422. It 22 J2pisinig it, ori bail (FI~~i'tt-4 fol 22 IIi -,. I nojir, win22e 2r beier, andti I: ',.peed logo2 ii ouften i iuing the daly, I.0 e up 22:22' ny 2C tiin d uig thei ilghit, nob IIi aril th2e extraoirinairy e'ffort ,if .922n1 lino is j soon2,2 rea:ihzed. It sitaan 2'i 2"' '2-t resinig i2ases. If yion nlll aI tined I ,n. .22u siilh ihave thei bes2t. Soh12 by i2ruggists in lift-v cent2 int (2222 doillar 221zes1. derbd1