The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, April 27, 1899, Image 1

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THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL VOL g.---NO. 14. P ICKENS S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 2-, 1899. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. A True Story BY J1IM MlY S'l'l111\\'.:1,1 E.:D\\' RDlS. A negro conviet lay on his back i the log barracks, awako. IL was ont a boy when h" !-ic!k s were rivete, upon his ankie: ; his erime an erro born of ignoraiceo and the inck of IorU training. Six yar .loil passed sine then und he was stiu uae tile Stato o Alabama fourteen y -trs of snrvitude Life for him had si..i: Id into the dul routine of ai .iip aler, the daysi o his bygone freutoui at drean. Th( freedom to co1n( waW too far for hi in a g in a tio n to .t ilp t. . To the right and left of him thi chained forins wviere 'ut stretched it heavy blumb- r. SICI) with the COL' viet is rest in the hill and perfeel siguilieCancO of the word, an21d h plunges into !*. ts i to at tide. Thal which kept te boy avako was some, thing novel. It was not pain-had hc -ot felt the lae1lh ? Nor sorrow ; fot bohind him aniong; the far away Geor gia hills was a cabin. Nor was it mert yearning for d! : that had passed Into at (ull dei> li. All these had bcen his colliplion2s ill mally a night o gloom. The e.o~ c'mpanion of lhh solitude this night, was Hope. As he lay, the darkness w:s iliumined by three facer ilAt :'honi c 's i) memory a. clear as the i'C. lidlOet-s ill the blue of thesummer skies. Sunshine, Moon beam and Starlig I stood by his side. Sunsh ine, Moon be am and Starl igh t When all the braneies and depat meits of government, refugeed into the highlands, away from tho fever and beyond the vexationo of quarantine, the convicts came to Wetompka ; and on days when the Commissioner came to the Callp, with him were the three, all less than a doz.en years of age ; and Sunshine was the youngest of them all. " Take care of the), Sihadow," he said to the ho(stler coiviCt ;and the black boy. with the memory of his "own white folks" .fir away filling hiz: heart with joy, t(ook care of themii proudly and - rat lully. lie rigged upl1 swings for them, mur! d oil hop-cotell diagrams, maie jumpnmg ropes out of plow-lii nes, and taught theIn to ride upon the back of Oi ) lla, at superan nuated mule. li ti led 1 Ihe hours with excitelllent aind lCa11ure for them, arti( when they wearied of exercise, lyingv under the shade of a L reat oak, he touchled their t eaz ts k. th the history of his Im isfortunles. lIt drew for them graiph ic pictuire. of his terrilie labor in the coal mineu of the meon who worked where eternal darkne s reig ned, and the accidelnts inl . hh I men's liv:s went out like, snulfed cadles. And he told, too, of that cabin where he was born, of hi:3 Mamiy and the "littLle missce '' who eame down to the big white house in the ummiaier time and pla)ye( iln the iae LII '(:d u1p cotton at the gin. And Sunshine, Moonhcamn and Star light lookeo intL tile black face of their friend. tou1cd with ke divine plity which is oloquent. in thi. hearts of wo men!, 0!Ld ".nu youn.4j' " Goodbye, Shadow,' they said when the quarantine wa-s lifted. "Goodbye! We aire going to gct You free by Christ mas. Only you lut promise to be good always. Will Yotl ?" And Shadow, the tears upon his chucks from eyes long dry, p'edged hinself be "-we the good God lIoking dowi upon his messengers, to be perfect forever and forever ! And the mem v of it all tilled the darkness with a Hlood of beauty, as though Sunshine, Moonbeam and Star light were indeed by his side. Not for a moment, had he doubted them. So Ilop)e furled her wings above him en Chlristmas Eive, and lbe lay with wide open eyes-waiting. Sunshline, Moonbeam and Starlight! Where were~ they y It was the day before Christmas and nothing haid been accomliishied. Larce Ing ab coniviet was not the trivial thing iaginei. T1hie (Conmmissioners, weari ed ott of discretion, after many laugL ing reftusals, referred them to tile Gov. ernor. And the Governor was never " In"' when they cal leti; at least, he wac never in sight. l'hon they chargedi CapItol 11111 once~ mfore. Terr'ace and1 portico fell quick 1l)bfore their assautlt. T1hie hlistoiC spot where Jefflerson Davis delivered hiis inanibgurabl over the cradle of the great Conifederacy and laulncne~d thle wart whiiich wasl ti) end in freedorn for thle slaves, was slimly space to he crossed :and they crossed it. They carr'ied their ad lUvance Into the Governor's room. They caime without ceremony, and - ithi tlie red of thehi cIounitI y's ig upon01 their eheeks, its him11 within iLcir ca:ger (e3 es andI wvithin theli parted li ps its gleamlling whiite, they 4tormuedi his great chalir, planted their vIctorious abrms about, himi and die manditIed ani uncon~ildi tional su1rrenider. The Gov'ernior seemed to yield. The' mad~te at trans ienltttumme1r in the ( sti I cold( roomi and1( awoke ab youth that lont hadi slept w ithtin hiis heart, aL youth fuil oif ronlmnce and of love. liumanice love !A r'e not the ise hiorni ever uindl the su nshino, the moon1)1's bram aml511 the tendler starlighit ? "1Pardoln ab conv iet * No '" Th man had not surrendered. lIeI ha< simply vianishled befoire their vor eyes. In his place was the Stalte' Chief Exetitive, graive, kind, cour teous, itiful1-and1( firmil. IBtt in tihe suninel tile leo is imeitei at last, and under the bcamis of th mo100n and the l ight of the stars, lov linds a w'Ly. lIbason wabs powerless refusabl im potent. Th'ie illogical triniit, siat upon1 is knees andit tihe arm of hi chair and ad miLted all1 that he urgei to 1)0 true. They agreed Withl him I his conception of whatil tihe dutly of hi olliue requ li red(. They even r'ecogniz. the claims1 of good policy ni b~eing against them. And then the pult their iar mTs aboiut him and askel mercy for their friend, Shadow. Llow p)oten t h, inniocencel ho0w wea * is wisdom, at, time ! ).iven from hi :4. hipositLions one by one the beleagtuerc -Governor took reftige behind the judt cial erinte. Sh adtow had1( really b~ec * 1)11put inl pison by1)1 the judl~go. TIhe judgl wias realily tlibe man11 to be pietitionet It wouhIdineve di io for tihe G.~overnor abi tirarily' re verse tile acetion of judge. And( theni lie sighled in relio Why haQ1ge not thouighlt of that b frem ? "Givo us a letter to the judge, then," said Sunshine sLurdily. "Good !" said the great man. "Good Yes, h3 ib the man you are after.' And he smiled wickedly as he wrote. "If the judge says you may lot himi: go," said Sunshine with a tronulou note in her voice, "will you do it ? ["or the instution of a female cbild pas.:th all knowledge. "1 Aha !" said the Governor with ap parent Irrelevancy. And yet it was portiient and relevant. It meant that the logic of the situation had arrived ba,-k,and was with him. H e must sayyca or admit that he was insincere. Then he remembered that it great murder trial was on, and that even a telephone message could scarcely make it5 way into the courthouse, so dense was the crowd. " Yes," he replied guardedly, " if the judge says so I will (10 somnething for Shadow ! But," he added, pitying their situation, " you cannot see the judge for many days yet. le. is en gaged in tryingi a man for his life !" Sorenely the trio went forth. A friendly policeman, seeing they bore a message from the Gevernor, escorted them to the courthouse. F.very cor ridor, every foot of court-room space was oecuplid with excited men, and the way was blocked. But a whisper ran throurh the crowd, " A message irom the Governor," and they looked with wonder upon the three dainty messengers and opened up a lane for them. Then the sheriff, lifting his hand at the entrance to the bar, waited until the court's gavel fell and said : " A message from ils Excellency the Governor, your Honor !" And up the aisle trudged the children, while a strange silence fell upon the great throng, and in open contempt of court they climbed up to the judge, and pro sented their credentiale, all talking while the bewildered official road over the message. A smile dawned upon his stern face at last and echoed out through the crowd as his gavel feil aitrain. " Suspend for fifteen minutes," he said. With the children by his sice lie examined tle' record handed up bv his clurk. " Twenty years for grand larceny' Wel', yes, his sentence is too severe too sev rC, when his youth is remem bered !" ills pen swept across the Governor's note a few times, a path opened up through the throng and Sunshine, Moonbeam and Starlight, fading from the scene, left Justice at work in the chill and the gloom. Thirt3 minutes after leaving the Gover ior's room they re-entered stormily, gleefully, and planted their victorious colors over the citadel and its van quished custodian. He hero their story amnazed and looked with comic gravity on their ilu-ahed faces. " The Rlpublican form of Govern mient is a failure," he said at length. " The infantry has usurped the Ix ecutive and suspendedithe Judiciary." " And may we toll Shadow lie is freu ?" saitd Sunshine. " Yes. Lct freedom be his Christ mas present." The child's eyes swam suddenly in so'teir light. " Write it down for me, !lkeasc ! And taking his pen the Chief tive wr-ote this, the strangest, sweet-st, gentlest public document that ever issued from Alabama's Capi tol : " Dear Sanshire-I have looked Into the case of your friend, 'Shadow,' from Crornshaw county, and am inclined to think that his sentence is too severe. His term is twenty years from Septem ber 2:, 1893. 1 have about made up my mind to cut his sentence to less than one-third. You can let Shadow know this and save this letter to show if needed. Hie had three mIghty nice girls to beg for hinm and you see I am giving him olT more than four years for or'ch gir-l. "Y\ ur friend, Tilm-: Goviemnxon." la:to thait night Sunshine's father succeeded in getting connection by tele p~hone with Wetumpka, and Shadow wvas brought into the su peintendent's ollice. " Do you know who this is, Shiadow-" The child's voice annihilated spiace as it had annihilated oppos itLion. "' Yes, little miss, hit,'s Sunshine at last !" How he had waited! "Well, Shadow, the Gover-nor says you will beo free in the mor-ning, and I am so glad ! ' Back oivei- the wir-es camne a gr-cat voice shioting: "Thank God ! TIhank God !Thank God!" And then the soundl of a falling tel ephonie tru mpet. Su to urned away w ithm he-r eyes full oif lenars. The city clock ranag out clear-ly through the night upon the sta-oke of twelve. Ciap ping hei- hands, she criled aloud: " it is Christmas !Shadow is free ! --J udge D)avis, a now ocupalant, of the bench on the Latfayotte County (Mis souimm) circuit, has set asIde the long followed practice in that ju risd iction of lock ig upli jur ies. A t the conclusion of the ev'ilencee and argument inm a . criaminal case a day or two ago the j~a jTe said : Mr'. Sherif, show the i memaber-s of the jury to their a'oom, and give them the key and let thenm lock themselves in. Th'lere Is no amore I reason why a jury should be locked up~ , than that a judge should when he iz a considieinag a case." - -Constable I. 11. Coleman, who war with Constable Craw ford on the nigh1 .1 of the Stuart homicide, has been reiln a statedl on the constabuliaay aftoar hav ing~ a been sumsp)ended~ pending tr'ial. Con ;stable Dorn will niot, agai n be given hit coammission. J1. IB. Cooley was never or s the force, hut is still tryIng to get a :1 comi ssion. Tho Goveranor has re n dluced the for'co by'-d ischar-ging fna Scon tables Tihore ar-c still tifty-sib Li In the emplloy of the State. Th'le Ir sal H, are foa t*e lst (juar-ter' aggrm-gata LI -Ad miral D .wey is a ster-n warrio of the old school, who perfoa'ris hi, k dties with conscientious thor'ough Sness. Not long ago It Is said that ha d was olffered $5,000 to wa-ito a magazini . ar'tiele. He sent, this reply by cable n ' TIhanks, but I am too buisy.'' o -Maj. Jas. M. 1Pollard, who diedI I: I. Washington the othera day, was consld ,o er'ed the best amuthor-iay on explosive a 1in the scrivce of the eover'nament. A f. Wimbledon, IEngland, he once mrad, e- Ithe wor'ld's a'eco'd foa' long-distanc rifle shooting. BILL ARP AS A P1tSSIMIST. II IC IS G LOOM Y A ND si) 1 toSiC. Troubledl Aabout t lt Si nat ion inl t le PIlilippilles-Whatc's tite Matterx Wil li t le Worll ? lB:nuS Itulior optimttus-good, b tte'r, best. Malus pejor pesi us---had Worse:. Worst,. tI remeimbv that, nutch L-atinl. SomeI uay6 We areL optimists and look onl the brigtt sAd. and think the war is about over and Obe mlillenl uin will begin with the nw cena'tury. Then again the news is had wk, are ob liged to be pessinists until it changes. I aml) it pessilist ight, now, for every thing looks dark and glooliny atbroad, though the genial spring suan is shin ning and everything is lovely at Lhmi. What is all this attout one hiutil real thousand more men wantd to sutlun the Filiplnoi and out soldiers sayn they did n't enlist to tjt i ht Ie rroes ; and what, about tle Saioarns am1iushina our boys and cutting thetir hemis OtY and parading them thra'otghI the Itre A: and what about a rupture witA Ger linany while our Vavy Is all etngagel (,ver there inl those far dlant ishata If (ernany is uighLing mad, what bt terl opportunity does site want, than to turn her navy loose upon is ribt now ? and how do we ktaow that lohnay Bull would he;sp us. And then again ther see m to be nao real peace in Prvt'o liita, for one of their late lppertS says, ' We oibser'v' with sorrow tha:t, the United Stalcs troops are a maasb of base anai hattn less people, tit rutnken aittultitud' wi dai0ly bullet and maltreat our sut l1rng people. They a'ob out' .er vantaa a:, tlicy go to market ; they enatr ouir resLti ants and take iwhat they want by force anid thenl break up the crCAkey : tlaey rob the peddlers and refu.1se to pay the cabien and steal e v''ery th i ng itt t igt, they insult out' womtllfl like s ivacges, antd to Compililaina to lteadCuar'ters i. I like barking at the moon, If thi ik I our destiny, would that, we co;d ltb ; this fair island in the depthis of tte I sea." 1 Another paper says: "(Oa p e a are daily insulted by ther rui'iania, ,nd, We hIaVe nt the patience ocf O 1MV a the tneeknes af toae .\lMan I Calvar'v to bear these tliligs w.thtut etail iat I inag." A nother aif-r say:" \\ .utfor much 1ind1etr the Spaaiar'de. tat outr new liberators arc coanitng pi- ter offena-es and oppresiotis thitn dlid our former master, aid we Catn t sahilait quictly to this n1cw ty ratny. N . v k. r beforeat haaa' tul'I'e such outrages. as al inap.-it tolay. Tl1e'e is safety nowhere, ani tur Idlad a are at all timatcs exiitaredal to t ill-ult tiarukela sold iers.' How is that. for thet Amaeian ihi.a the pariots whot we liud iaj song ani -tory - N O d we iave to a to Porto to lia.:d thoau. 0.13. a. few days ago a New Jkeis.; tregttientt a was austetc outt .at, (r.-uea, S. C , and itimediately begatn that' de'vilmu.natti and their journtey h .am waits a re-i n of terror. A negro w it zs to tame and n at t to know whoreit the col'ored trop) I were Wo'se tatn the witas. Whiat 1s the mattier wit thb r tion, white and bhiek ' V \ tat . I matter at l'atna, and whly can' tha wo' races work together in iwace \\' ;t is the matter at Wetel-'foA'd, Iutat and why wont', the whitpe i n.:rlit't let the negroes ibuild a h1omae 1"r O.u and invalid negr'oe '? 'rkie S a . a colored good Samaritan, proj' l at similar home fot te; ro orphan- a \ a lantat and the whites baiue i' t speed and sbscribed lallyaci m I : nelp. d her, and it is doing good w aork that is commtttaendted by at tur it.ople. Have the Yankets forgotLtei wh. at it%, fought for, or Iret-n ded to 1ig h'1 ut. fot''? And btesides all Itese thing> thier'e aare amor'e irtes anda atw fit enouaal. ies andh drotwntings tand suicita s atnd turaders thbani evet' befor'e kntown a in :,o ba'ie f a Li me, atnd it is enaoutgh itn ttakea a hopctial nana almaost, cdespacur of andi goaod will ever' a'etuittnag tat this elliicted lanat. Thais is whly I tamt a ptes simuist, today, buct. I live int htope attd maybe I will be an optimtist next, week. 1.nope is a blessed tiing. Th'ie Iirast, com posioni L ever' heat r'ead irn ,chool was wa'itten by a tall, ft'eck ld-'faced real' headedl girl and it wacs oat ''I apa',"' tandi the tit'st stetece was: '' lope is a good inventiont, atnd if it w'erte tnot fora hopte manat wocuad dlie andac wanit woubtll give upi the ship." "' Not onal a o butt also,'" said Jimat AlIt xatdaer, antd G..eot'ge lester' wh'laitpered a parat caf hii spececht "laope lair ai se~asont ihade thei w..arhd ttara tell" A\nd lIennely iutler' ri ated aiI line ft'om'a his sp. ech: "' llp spinaas. etar nal itt the htutmaan ibreat." Ata I laul to lift cap may voice, cif courha'ae, as I ae i peatted: "T a eera ltus t -t n ch aii a I lara.r l've seent tat' Itiidesa ticay W'Ve sa-1, boiys il ia p aw' a> fati<vi a tat real-hadedai icoia na.- itint, iii it i - stil, a pro'verb' atmaana tts thatt "' llow. is a gaoaod invent in.'" Atad :a w e w'. ai ntucttea'ly dpairca, tamt live ina hoplea.! worked' I i t tgaden yes i' t\ fair it w'asa a blessa u e:ty. I have .' . i My batc.k acbed acnd mty ieit Idm yt wa ~V.i cat a lboaomt and tmy li gs wer' ican a -tatc andl~ woutld.ettary tite w' ith: a eIty. but, wor'k irn thea gardclen got tae a t in a swveat, cat pertsirtiontt anda I feil a 10 . \Iy wvite sahl I wcout d andJ -ihe kno. a Shat has gaat. but I w lawsi. for~ ta m .)O ist, I atatst, work ain th gartalct if I ian wvell, tiand thea iat~.'t' i- I muatnt ahe we. . ''The ara dloaasenat hait.lher It, me wite I tamt act work'c, hut I nettei andta dig ,ad ponderl wh Iilea I diig. I amtt parplexad right I.nowa ctat id nt undertir'a'taiis t a. ct :is a:.a lifting paowera tat hlt' chtad' ptltaut,. nteve' have undersa'ataacad hotw at. i. thtat. the harn tat a bleatn tat a Ilo~tatoI pta eta atr 'a an kt'a secIet an aaeac thei eloodyrl graoundc anda lift t'eccd, andta taart ten at 'and Itind a wacy upardcta. ThIe li tith: tendetr alhoots thatt wYill handta andai braeakl act tbe toaucha cana tift ~a'eighat tat taoundts, and i amt satisliedt thtat thttre is somtet a ystaoios forte thtat hteilp atm di Ssomae elcdtriea intlutetae thact emaatla frana thei a lant:t-:cttte d1 at'tatit: pitw,: \\Tlt I.cL'ataer liasc flta wondlier,;tl t,'a act 1 -ashootitmg graaint tat corana. c tiiaapheave andia sphlt aneumbc~:r', aa l d hait hi : auldt t~ hardlly br'eak wlith l holny htands '1'Th'tn, again 'v hatt ai pea wra'ucave is a Ourt amotherct catha. laow safel Iy it keecpas the t'ntnat vege Ltaa fta IeI frost. ai f reez,.s an1d I z -ro cold. W. had sixty-i rozse hushes, all of choice variotics, a have taken a world of comfort in thi beautiful lloweret, but this last wint they were a1 killed-killed dead the grounld, anud I cut themn down al found no sign of life. it made us I -md iilnd I wrote ibout it, and a go man, a fl.rist, of Chanmbersburg. P1 Mr. Williami It. Reed, read my lett and surprised ino1 by sending sixty-t new plants of the best varietiOs, ant planted them carefully betav'eon i daLd ones and they are springing beauLiftilly, and now, lo and bohol the ohl onus are sending up strong a vigorous shoots from near the surfa id most of them vae above the budd j'ints. So if all of tlemti live and gro Atcre will 1 - a wilderneu.s of roses, a sve can take our choice. I anm ra 6t) .ertify that M. i .ed is a great, bi ar' t'd man. And nlow Mr. R . i Pacrtson, of Ch ickamauga, has sO :le :0 strawberry plitaits. Las llom psoni and LAouise and G andy va ''ties. All a'e line, and the Gani ys eially wanted, for they are a ve ate variety and hear bountifully af ll thtler kinds have piassed away I h 's1an. I'll bet, he is ab good lilt )o, antid mlly wife muakes it a rule to 1 1iev- tIhzat everybody is good Who ood to k-. So now let the wvar go on. It is nw if icy doitgs. Por a good while I w n1 ipes that McKinley & Co., w , L i tLhe dogs of wa' for pol itit jitl'j )a, wiOUld e the ir mistake a 1 alI el L Ul lhogs, but most of thie prea ras tell th. it that i is God's will a 'n11nife. , t4 d estin1y ilnd that the dloo's th;e heathen mutist, be opened and !Lpt Olauln. Aid so we common fol tan't do anytlinjg. I heard preacht 1lak Lhlat way for Wir thirty-sev years Ilgo and we thought they It Ie Urim ..and Thunminim in th, hevcechs pockets, but they d ide Jn:Ie thing is certain. This war I lone the nation no good morally liancially, am it has lowered ou I pect for the arlliny aid for 1m ilitary I airs inl general, and army beef in I icuht-. When our boys once get o if it thbey will be aot to stay out and V( h av: to scnd 100,000 imIore troops j *.t nIiggers in tibe Philippines thi Vill not go from this palrL of the cou lry--eetCin'lb. BitLi A at, CAPUtI'ED HY TllE, ENE'MV. Jhe Yorktmvwn's Crewv are Ambushc an11 Taken lrisoners by the. 0il 'ie Imv deIartLment its bein not d by Adlira I)ewey in a d isl)at( C01Im \lai'aih of the stanttlge disa ppeu : of 12iut, .1. C. Giilmnore anid fout canii Imbeiras of tihe crew of the Unit( 7a'01 -nboa t Yorktown. Oni Satu my ,iat the 'tirktown anebored i ti l the uasI. cuist of tile isli I min bItout two hundred miles fro re.r where there wats a Spinish gal .So) Of abbouLt 50 men, whiici had but liningt t it.Ulf agllainst setver'al hu Ired 1.iihppine i nsurgents for mont tmiulevy aid a hoat,'s crew were sent t ne riv'. r frol Bilelr to collmtunickia ih the Spanlard , the towni of Bab1 ein lsilittd solie distance inla uIn Stanl .ey, Who landed at ti nutWn of hl river. reports; 10hat I Warid' three volleys, i bugle call Ial her0111 frmu the river, but that ti uti'iatC gu n , Whiich was part, of tl 111ipilicit of the boat, was not hea Iir. Standley later i>.tddled to the Yor .wI ir, lb CiniOeL. A -eabtrci was imta !rI tILe Yorktowrl.'. boat and her ere Lt no trace of thLim was found it tile Yorktown sailet' for Iloilo, fr< wVh ich pla1ce her c ommander' cabled Ad miradl Dewey hiis theorios thabtt lii!nos haid capturl ied 0or sunk the lbt ne1 1 Ilat, the Spaniards had rescuedl t AmIlteian palrty. Iluut. J1. C. Gilmuoro, theo oll'Cer' w wabs cature Xd, is weoll known In Wa inigton, whlere is wife and family Ii lie watsto in I.'niladelphia, July 19a1, andi was appointed lb navabl eat Irm14 Aizonia ini Sepiember, 1871. rechedl'( hIls pre'sent gr'ado of licutt lolt It 1811 . llis malin serv ice habs be )i thu Montongah~elal. Mariont, llancrc Vesuvius, andli MaCias, besides et ~ideralo service on bjoards. J ust attr algo hie reportedl to the St. Pi'b ben1 comm llissionted as~ anl alia1 roinor, and served on that vessiel nd 'apttin Sigsbeec throughout the wa >.1 antua ry I I. ho was ord ered to t: t.oit.atil '.hip Solace, wh'lieb wais ab) lit .amil fitr\ Manl. andl~' on arr'ival the 01a1 assigne bI]ly AdmIIira'tl IDewecy to t TheIIPL catre of the Y or'ktownI's mI was~~I ilIutsed wvithl muhel feehng nava. .l c.1ircles. Th'le Imlisfortune wvas ft with aiddedI keenns a125Is the nalvy' I parided itsel f thues far on lmmnuni (ilm r'ever'ses. The lidmliIral's dispat11 wast thle first k now ledge tile departi( hmad that tile York town had gone thi speeil m Ilissi on to relieve :,Iu.1h garris' a111 t H lla'. Thliat I apureshould hIave been e lfected wh I ,-.0 A mieirican forces were on la mista of nlirey toaward te Spaniards rabti thanl ini ' ft pr'Ooeution (If lb campal~li. -i da to ' ie lietf thait Spain would h11 Io fet r grountd for questioning t, godb I with which~ the Amertliel we ria-' inig to relieve the condlit] LI 'tf'~ ti sSpaish)prisonerts. A Ilto i dat p ,10lh gaive n(o inienbtion ti i Itihei ive yet great, anxiety vi 'rut nd by thie mystery sutrr'ouni tti fua whii e in the hainds of an I :/amm-rienamy. This is tihe lirst e: iucay ,Amearicans, milltar'y nav. at i that it, is unoknown ho0w I inturiint. il treat~t out' men. ea ''ousIi h' tjuicklly (tlected, ( ,nea: <>( has ia large numbethr I hiiin prler lata, but the insuirge halvi bl alaivtr:'-. Ltiut farl, toexchlal 1in' Sp~ani-,h pr'i~onaer't, land tis rai lb quei 'o tallls tati whiat tlah3y witl (do wi the Yoraktotwn iin. i'The purtpose thae uolhials is to -par'' Ino fif t to seul the~ opwedy r'elea1t oaf ourI menCI. -- NI aIbdt1 nlitl, acled ing -l toat lb man11 iniveig.atoar. live longeir Li bachtelor,:andl are las- li ka'y to beec r .0an. Anoithert~ argum ient for. ima mtanyl~ is foamnd in LIhe fact, LIhat th are :N' ermiist abmon~g ev'ery I, l)baclor's whlile Ibaong marbIriedl i thec rlbio s onny "s pe il n I ix GUARUDING T'Il PitSII)DICN I'. Id lir The l'recautions tfat aro Takei to erl Proleet Himn tirom theo AssassIin's to lnitb or Unii. id 11 Th Washington correspondent, of Lid the Atlanta Journal says if ainy one i thinks that the Pre3ident, of the r, United States is allowed to go about ix Unattended he is or she is greatly mis taken. The I'resident himself Is Igno h rnti Of tihe great, pr-ecautionl which is taken to preserve hlis life and to preu d, vent, his person being ienced by such rId a fanatic is Booth or erank as Guiteau. ee it has recently comic to m1y know ad ledge jlt to what, eXtent tihe ollice's W of this goverli ntiluiL, do go to preveuit ld any tr-agedy such as has twice mtiartred *ly the history of this Iepuhiic. A gooti deal used to be said about tho liliiier K. of detectives which i wero wont to ae nt, coim pany I ''is ide nt G I uC I an 1i and Aly some snlL-eling Coltilents were ilude .I. by those whoi oughIt to IIave kowiton hol L re ter, ;uLt there was no iore p recaull tion ry taken to piottet the person of l'rei er ni dn Cleveland tLian is 1iken i during or Lhis adniisiration or was taken il mitt of ''residet, lliarrion. I'reSident >e. Cleveland Was ntot as lithe of Iimtb as is 4itherl Mr. llrrison or I 'esident e hiilev anti col Cil uently was not seIl n abroai as imtuh as either, It, lie was lbs as un1iCOnsouiiwii a: uitber' to Lhe se of ho aIger. -al This I lealrn froti somite one wlo Ild knows what he is saying and who is :11. thorougihly posted oil the wa'iliys aniku id Ineans provided to insirlIe oitr citef ex to eeutive front assautlt,. be This country, a little Over a hndiltikired ks yeairs old, has had aiblnos4 a lan ireli riu s assassinated as Pl'ranee with lier en LIOUIIuId yearS back of hel, and oie ad moe than hIngland. I am not tak in i into conSidertLiOl those pri See aid Lt. ulers who were iirdered after Yhev its were deposed and illprlisolled, but W or1 actual bona lide assassinatlits siuch at . .e. that, Of Pr-eisidcnt Lilnlil, I 'reideii if- Garflield and I 'esident, Catnot. ,r- A I said, the Presidtent, himself i., ut, ignorant of the precautions taken to if proteet II In. le would deny tha such to precautions were taken becausll.t lie is y ignorant, of them.t, alnd if 1,ie stCert, . ser-vice bureau was asked the plain question if it had a fore of men de tailed for this voiIc its head wouh(l doubt,lezss disclaim it fol tile retsoln thiat there'( is no0 law whiChI autIJhXriz the tiCautry Ie par'ttmen t, to de La ii iI it Sfoir such dity. . if any ).,c doubts t hat. sielh p)Iecauil Lions are tI'ken let him itngine the piroposteolls proposition of a governli o- t of sixty Or sevenUl)y mitions Of i people permittling theil' Iead Li go uN I attended tibrough ,lt, WtrIl at, the r- mercy of ranliks. It is said Lhat, if Lhie d uecret servi Ien detailed to guard I- the life of GartIeld had don110 Lt hir iY duty properly his liflt might, never I lmive id been sacriieed to the Distol of a1 ail d i iman. i- ironi the sttandpoint of the Etiolieini i oulr executivLe is absolitely ulig ilt'ded. n- in tbis is his chief safety for- wier. is there atl e fewer evidences of feal UTre ar'e less imonLtives tO eritie. Thle i-erv L1 Userce of guardts is plrotection. I Hit 11 it is tL i erank thut has tc be' vatchelt-1i Le and fol this wovk six of tihe ablest Ileni ' in the seerct, service brialeh of t(he d. governillent have been selected. They Ie tire absolutely tLIustworthy anil llive le tl ailmost, unIIi liited amloillt of lLo0..ey id to spend. 'h'ey have to irlrt, t no le one save to eahei othier, one of whomi i., le chief, So I undertalind, aind ill this wty rd tieii comings and goings lre coli duCeed Witboit slPiciol'11. They rt'. k- rivo in town as do other trvel r-,, put A up1I at, the best it, hottls and weari 4 the W, SIiltet, Clothe.. Sometiies they nd comle with lairge tourist Partit ian1d min take in the sigits, goting Lrogi the to Whiute Hlouse w ithi as keent ani appietite he fior bits of gossip las tuhe vi'rie'.t " hay lilt seed " in the party. he T1hey will assume~i anty diisguises i hey w tt they usuatlly gt as w'l h-' wIth eroiwds ainid wa~itili the vagrant e. a d khe lOiter'er about tihe Whlite I 111se 10, groutndb with trinedlL~ eye, roving in let ever-y dir'etion. They know thteir lIe buisineLss as tiboroLugntiy as do liny meIn m-I in their pr'ofesion ini the wLdii, it i' On tsaid, and their d isguiises ar'e imp Iene. ft,, trable. It miakos no maltter w bto is I 're I- sident, and1 what, the executive wvish a maliy be on the sulbjLct,, the silet, aI ii, ever watchful vigl conitinueos. r'y Theli PreidenZ~t himiselfI wold Liscorn er' thte idea thbat, lhe neededl prtotec ion of ir. any k id, bu t for' all tha~t hte is pr3o Ie tected whe~n least sulspecting IL. The ut, Lystm has been01 continu led sileeeC Lihe re ~i me of inA clnI. Up to thaLi t timeti it IC was no(It thioughit necessarty LtIo i trowi saifegularids about, our' I'rersident s. The LIn sytitemt lll ha become a little itix wh leni in tono assaiSsi nationl of (Iari'lieldI i mallI it tit evidenlt that the r'igiidity of tih lpre las Cauitiont t mustI, iievet'ler i I bu lloed to ie ty hlpseL into an tildiffeirent state galin I. chi in (Ithieri counittries thits 'CI:ret, ser'viI on1 extent than heire, buit it is dout'u~it If lie it, is morei'I elleetive. lit Enigtitd, for ile in stance, it is said tha I t s1 ilny are~ii' iilC the disg uise- tissumileid by LI th 1 etiee Lon Lives tabouLt V'ietoriati b that poor~f er' lady's life is made~~ mlisLerab~hle biy wonli n, deing who I i ILhseL peole arIiIe andit b. ye wivhat r'i ghlt Lihey arle perm'it ted toi ro'liii hio abot her131 estates. inl htIi an- tit >ns systLeml is carr-tiedi onl very muc at its it, it 0n heire, .-alve thiat, till z-ecre'it, setrvicei lit formn, andt sentinlt' staitlonedI at everyt tid door and gaitewa~y. d- -An (Irange tree thalt will itl.arish .1p- and1 bear~l frit, t farii Norllth ai'. St. Lou i oris priomiiised by SclJretalry W~ 111n, I1 bt LI the aigr icuit Iurl' d epartmtent. TheI I dleStlructionf of Lthe Oralnge grovyes in theii LX- South duitn g th pa lst bthreeL orI 1(ma as years by' sever'e weaithier'i diretind .\r (If W Ilson) 5 littent ion LI) t CIl inaueI'r, anli rits het went, to1 experlimlelnin. Theii re'suH ig- of1 his wor'k is that, lie hias. erossed Liii aus5 oranigei tree wit Lh the . Jaanlese1 LIrifi ith Iliata, a hardy vartiety of firutit, and11 ha of obtined an. Loranige tr'ee tat, wiii liv' ire throlugh severe frost.. Several tout sand ofI these tr'ees 'iwill bie platnt t i sprinrg, andl in caisei LuLhe I'I exprimln succeeds the naltionl wiill ownvl a Ile bt o er- graitudl~e to Mr. Wilsont. me T Ioothachet, I tap-, aphrtLn Ii- lro L 1len ot, inlamuitmatlIan. it giiaratieeIi lease. Sold eve'rywihiere. in)tencer tor Color l d Blip, anl (il 0n1a it Falat Ncne Co0itblia. lie . lcha dCi-rolw ho was, chap latin of t .he 100h 1n 1une r hI011nt, .IM lilt.ulned htt'tunt atil ia tkii up tte Work of or .an ag " ThI'l, laldutcil Scbool fo Il ov- a (tii4 "i , , id t. zives, thel Nw n out'hln (if bh, work: "TheL Indulstria -iiefr lo s:n G irl", ill an a fac . 1 f ha- til wlil appi ar t I rny t w ..wiv The M urrayll- N 1) at,, (en lilpany Will fit, nish ll I e ti4 t'r' c of Oil ar . ( .. gelilklenlit tinul~ti - twto (i -ti u i ) n lother t\, I tt -4 4 .h r mill .. p of t h r fount11t !iv.: t ta'-. ti I, f. Illy townl ;1111 youl cmn blri * my 11 llt inl 11ny chi'ch.' ();w hli ;nanl 4vked un- tit i 1 t 1 o m v'I iecui ,- t t 4rt 1 o 1 r m '; atOddrc- theIt whi . i . Th,- i - tation:- fl ron: t 1- h .' 11h m 4 lu ' frainl '1 , I' l, M h \\ l 1l Ill t d lilt, 14 ' l I r tat h (V I L ia \ it .en(t talt me >~to j 4 14 ' t' 1an I'a 0 1 1It ers I I I 4 't any w ite% 1 hu 1 ! t ,ilt .h Lit it t I i i t ki I 1 1 i iit iw t.ll t 1.i1 -\1.4-1 .6 m . ltlln ie ;niu dni.'. i o I . T i i t lit- ' IM ilt I lit.4 (0'4~- 4' it I -14w i I 1'' 'til l - i t 44. 41 14. 4 t hhe ta kith I ',k; b I: rii I Al 11 a nid l. M tti 14u W it h1av4 r, 1 :v V m rt i) n M\ er - . enn anld .t , fl e N (111d h ilY. 'N.0tit , . . CO Iit r t II (of I. t4 ' A ll,! -'r FO; 11411141 ittit ti,1. I t:, !'L ,t it1 I 4.4 4 ILs i will an111.dl tl n w-. - I t. W alker, of Llt t',1ntra, l N . . Ion t k , wv t I reI.( it -t - 4v 4 al I fI InI . I we will hai v at 4'trd of ' (4.-ed 1 111i , hi t. 4, u14 li I,'. it'll Il l ' - Iu i utI thil i4n r. rt, of w 3I tu i ntI ,t - oi in v p tit .t I . 1 un1 b-u 'l th . iti[ 't. oo l I t,' i t. . - i s 1 . 1 :ill. - . 4.'; i i 1,-. m, lit. ...1111 ...itt( itt't l 1? t i (H1 i I I I In 1. r, lI , t . --- i i ; c I1 V tI peI Lint :. 1 - . 1 , 1 ! 1 . 1 It;, L~~~tt~~ I4 i t 44 44 4 4'1 ~ ii l it i it. iI It' lI I I 'I I ' 4 NI W4 I-l4 - I. . , )1 4 I 41 i i , t't, I in t i t4 i, - : ;.. : 41 . .I 4 t A III i t 4 i < 44 .. ' 14 l14. 1 -LI *V1r fth4a . ' to . :. asu kn .o ItW.1i .\ yP l.g \\.I G x t -> r. . it I''' I d44 LIa.ij..\ I'tiI [ S I. A 1t, rV it . 44I ., th ui! I 4 I' - It tti i .\ >. ;t'irl. 'I,; -i ti i w il I: li ii: iii ll . ht: ; .! I h, i i Ofy lih' k I I uiin n - 1*; 1h - Ca t atf t l'4 4 4u n. .' 1 ' 1. t*llt I I I fI 'II 4ct4 i I-v4 - I T . .4 i 1. -ni , 1 11 1. W"'44 )1 tI %ctI I. , .. 411i (444w t Ir,', ,-i. t~t t It lpunitl. arI i t - I 1 II v i i 11 11t1, i m hI tau- h t, -t I. . I .I" iI I o4 '44 'r,14' Lilt "LI I 4 4' I 1 t1141 II111-4.WV. 1i ' 11t44' w. ) th ;. lit 1 % Ilil I r p to . \ \ i cr iIl it .I, l 1ai tl h art. b Li vi.', d ha nd 1 t 11 t I ,th - - at 11in . \\t w 'I I till ha (art 3 or 1, I d o11 )4I r ' iir. 4 t q 4 i I Thjehn huh- adu.e GREEN VILLE'S New Store 1,)M tn' ashje~s oIf thet handsome11 fort roInIl hvupe b ,J. IH. Morgan prf IIiior to their. ore has bleum rear d),% a nw u:n which is it crodit to ' ity .indl nIny .avinv institution o the inrudin'! couintry. A large ;wv..n no tock( of Dry isopld id aS iomnoan i tella ' in i loiy savingf" i it t) thi iew storC will %,-1\ ~.1 It h r! yotu'I n1) mey i t I' 'ate-I wirtlh, for in ry de :i n int. utetion i I rIt(Wds n 1 - inia I' w il '1w ' il', M t'*i'. i'*. it 'I i'L 'ttiut. 1 , ph tc lvtrv ir a nOW M". thi-SSWM' 111Ln m1tean tatIneaS ilucht for shlw" are not lik'e 1;q or -it) nOVC Wit~h t 11l:1t ii : i illi ; I'm tiH t! n e il l'- e Iiil'; N-ow Srb-c it 1l, tt &tt e Ne t r MAHON & ARNOLD, I .I' ai St. ; I k' I:E I ., ,1 . IT, 1 -' <m 10,000 St itt s, h t r h i on W iil l (:ai' o' ..Tt* Al I i ' I l ur t i.1, i14 c i'i r h - ;tte n. .I t' itis f r CO i it ita nci in t1 iging, ofLtt .-lit-n i i v iii ti infern ltan ti l'a itato t he a wltt ol 02 if Iiiti .it I it ''1 1 I '.4d Iti th it c o . 1t 1 ' vtiih tak piace il Ia 4.1\ ,;,%j ;L111 I: T hl. inn-t n Lii iCtliin tu j I . l i l I iig li ii it~ at it li ittt)t - ~t i nch i I ft it tt t t i hi n:- f;!v t tied iOn rou Infuit a nd Childdree pTh KiY iou H ,ave t Boghtw 1 n unr. ; .t. r. n lo if' \'t - ,%( ti i :CI V , a tt llit a