The People's Journal. LOCAL ITEMIS. -We want the news, eend it in. -Mrs. W. A. Palmer is very ill. -Mrs, G. W. Griflin, of Loopor, is very sick. -Israel Ferguson, colored, is very low with fever. -Mr. J. P. Farr, of Farr's was in town Monday on business. -Mrs. W. H. Ashmore is con fined to her room with sickness. -Miss Stella Nowbory's condi tion is much improved at this writ ing. -Mr. Thos. Norris, of Catee ohee, visited in Pickens last Sun day. -Lawyer W. F. Blassingame went to Greenville on business last week. -J. A. Cisson handed us on the 81st ult., a bean that inasurod u fourteen inches. -Mr. Rufus Ray, of Henderson ville, N. C., visited in the Mica section last week. -Fielding Lewis and son, of central, were in town last week among old friends. -Mrs. W.B. Freeman and child, of Greenville, are on a visit to J. B. R. Freeman's this week. -News reached us Tuesday of the serious illness of Mrs. W. B. Singleton, of near Ea&ley. -Miss Julia Banister, of Or angeburg county, is visiting Miss Florence Bowen this week. -Miss Florine Bolt, of Dacus ville, is visitsng relativos and friends in Pickens this week. -Mrs. M. J. Trainum, of Dacus ville, is visiting relatives and Wiends in Pickens this week. -An enjoyable sociable was given at the residence of Miss Carrie Wyatt Tuesday night. -Mr. T. T. Beacham and wife, of Atlanta, Ga., are visiting at Mr. T. C. Robinson's this week. -Messrs. W. M. Hagood and W. W. Robinson, of Easley, were in Pickens on business Tuosday. -Hon. Laban Mauldin, of Eas ley, was in town Wednesday and reports dry weather in that section. --J. Frank Crane, lost a valua ble horse Saturday night. Tho animal was sick only a short time -J. H. Payne. of Fort Hill, was in Pickens Saturday. le says all who wants to swap horses to see him. -Henry Langston and wife have moved from Mauldin's mill to one of J. B. R. Freeman's houses in towvn. -Mrs. WV. N. Hughes, of Looper, is quite sick at present, but her many friends hepe for her a speedy recovery. -A protracted meeting is being conducted vt Nine Forks Baptist church by the pastor, Rey. J. E. Mullinax. -A singing school at Mount Tabor church is in progress, taught by Prof. Pace, of Saluda Station, S. C. -Cditor R. 0. Robinson, of the Liberty Beacon, and D)r. D)urham, of Liberty, wore in town on busi ness Saturday. -Mrs, J. T. Burgess and two children, of Atlanta, are on a visit to the family of Mr. J. M.Duk worth this week. Dc -Misses Corrie Bruce, Olive Thornley and Aurie Hlollingsworthi are visiting the Misses Sams, of Gaffney, this week. -A. B. Hughes, one of Green ville's popular merchants, who has been quite sick for some time, we are glad to say is much bettor. -A Petrified man will be on exhibition here on Saturday the 4th inst. Phonograph music furn iulhed free; admission only 100. -Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Banister, Bpent Sunday in ahckens. Mrs. Banister will spend some time -with her parents, Mr. and( Mrs. R. A. Bowen. -Clerk Stewart has paid at -1 p. in., September 1st 1897, 180 pon sioners, aggregating $2,201 .80, leaving 88 to pay, with $1,433.35 on hand. -A protracted meeting com menced at Mount Carmel church Surslay, and will continue this week. Rev. T. C. Hlolsclaw is con ducting it. -WV. N. Hughes, of the Looper| section was in towvn Wednesday 01n business and reports cotton good in that section, b)ut says~ the corn crop is one-fourth short. -We are requested to announce that there will be no p)roaching at the Methodist church next secondl Sunday morning. 'The pastor will be at the quarterly conference -meeting at Trwelve Mile. T1her.e will he services Sunday night. .-Maj. Stewart is having a live lhy tiewith the old Pensionorm. Teamount of the pension fund for Pickons county is $8,635.15, with 216 pensioners. Seventy-six were 1id the first day, aggregat ing $191.65. Some very nooedyj old people failed to get a pension this time, but they must not beo discouraged they may be the lucky nes naet time. urday. --Dry an (1 hot, is the cry all uver the county now. -Senator W. T. O'Doll was unolig his Pickons friends last week. -:slss Bessio Mcl)aniel visitod tho Missos Ligon, of Greenville, Lhis weok. -Mr. and Mrs J. E. lIagood, >f Easley, visited-( at Judge Now bory's Sunday. -'ho school here is flour ishing. The onrollmont has in ireasel greatly. --Read the Budget of Phun ind Phax this weok. Some good bargains are oflorod. -The Old Folks Singing will L om11menCe with Enon Baptist thurch next Sunday. -Moss. Frank and Joptha Morgan, of Central, wero in town Monday on l)uness. -M iss Ida Whitmiro and moth ur, of Jopt.ha, N. C., visited at. 'Squire Pr:ce'e last week. 'l'ho baptizing at Prater's church took placo Monday, the 25th ult.. inl t.wienty-two wore baptized. -A goodly number of pension ers wo"ro inl town Monday. Sever al were disappointed this time. -Mess. Hal T. Boggs, and Wado Boggs, of Fort Hill, wore in towin Monday circulating on our streets. -Fra.ik IIondricks, of Field, returnod to the Greenville-Tuscu luni College, at Tusculum, Tenn., last wook. -V. S. Smith, of Liberty Township, was in Pickens Mon (lay and reports dry weather in that section. -Mrs. Sam Fair and Mrs. Schuler, of Bowman, S. C., are visiting at Mr. J. 11. Martin's, of Easley, this week. -Mr. and Mrs. W. V. White, of Andorson, aio visiting the lat ter's parents, Capt. and Mi. Jno. l . Thornley, tis week. W. Austin Boggs, of Fort Hill, was mn town Monday on business. Illo says the farmors aro leediing rain very had in that section. -Mess. Filtonl Ilnnicut and Tipp Iunnicntt, of High Falls, Ocolleo county, visited at Rev, W. C. Seaborn's, of Praters. last week. --Let all the members of the Pickens Rifles he present next. Saturday and decido the question of (lisposing of the companly's fund(s. -Miss 1nachnoil arris, the beautiful and( accomp11lied (laugh ter of Mr. JIames 1H. Harris, of IFieldl, visited friends in Pickens last week. -Mirs. It. F. Kramer and daugh ter, Sute, of Charleston, accomp)a nio< by erryF.'hornley, wvent to3revard, N. C., last weok on a --Mr. F. P. Sherif', an old vet eran, of Easley Township, was in Pickens Mowlav on business. Mr. Sh(rill' is qito old and as hale andl hearty as ever. --Mr. andl Mr.s. J1. C. King, of Brev'ard, N. C., visited at Mr. TV. 1). Ilarris' this week. Mr. King re porlt., the towni of irovardl in a prgesn coindit ion. -(. E. 't. Williams, of (lemn entI, was in P'ickens last week on buinoss05. Mr. WVilIhams is a pros5 p)erouLs farmer oh that section aind says the crops are good. --M rs. Tho m psoni fell from the piazza. of her r''sidenco on Liberty 3treet last week and received sev eral biruises on the arm and head. She was doing verJy well1 at last accounts. -Mrs. Flora Laithem is teaching a flourishing sch(ol at Fairview chiurch, Anderson county. T1he enrollment is goodl andl the schol ars ar il ear'ni ng very fast undi(er bor train ing. -We are lato thiis wook on ac.. count of the pri mary election. We give the numinher of votes cast at the difi'feron t precincts in anothi or~ 'olumnit, showing who is the wvinning man. --Mr. WV. S. 1Ki rksoy is raplidlhy pushin g thle work on the' mine cii the Easloy road, sou th of Pickeins. HTo hais mloyedl thle sovices of an experiencedi minierologist, and the ind(lications are thIiat gold is there. -In time of the h apt izing at Six Mile chu irch , a yoiung mant climbed a small tro'o to witness the hapti zinig antd wias arrost ed b)y the church gar Liiitni id fin edl fifty cents for eliimbing the tree. ---ov. M. L. Jiones, who has been onl the B Ilie Ridge Mission siice thei 20th of July. hats proach ed oin an averago of One sermion oveiry dayi). Some (lays 1h0 wVould prioach~l three seirmoins and1( some onily oneO. lie has boeon in six protracted moolti ngs. -A Uniion meeting closed at. Golden's Grovo church Sunday niight . All (denominiations took parit, in the meet ing and1( one hun recei ved int o dIifl 'rnt chuiirchos. Te Ba pt.i st and MethIiod ist rc, coIiilg the gi-eut or nimber of mombeihrs. Tlhe' ser~vices w'ore wvell tndn,.l a mid, mu,.1 gO(,1 m,a .. liber,y 1Loceals. What is going on itn anti aroniui Liberty. [Corresondent to th1e .loURRNAL.) Liberty, S. C., Sop. 1, 1897.7 T. M. Wood, lost a good horso Saturday. Tho horse was running in the pasturo when ho foil and broke his neck. .James Gant t lost a good horso almo, his took sick and died. T. F. Willard an aged and w'ell known citizen died here Monday at 10 ) p. in. Ilo was 80 years of ago and originally from Union county but has been in this county over forty years, and leaves a largo fam ily to llolur'n his death. His re mains wero laid to rest at the Ruhamah cemotory Mlonday. W. T. Iioggs and wife, visited his father-in-law, J. T. Neoley, of Bre vard, N. C. Mlany or our citizens attended the wonderful protracted meeting at the M Aethodist church near Flat Rock. Somie good showers of rain last week. Cor. Eaic.y Local10t. Miss Noal and MAiss Bertie (Iuv ton, Anderson county, are at Mrs. BrucO's on Plm)kinltown street. Miss Lucia Barksdalo, of Lau rons, and Miss Florine Bolt, of I)acusvilie, visited the family of Capt. A. V. I Hulgons lost week. Ad. Stall spout some1 timte with Dr. 11. Earle Russell last week. The pastor, Rev. L. T. Weldon, of the llap,tist church, is being as (isteod by Rey. I. J. Williams in a series of meeting this week. :Mr. Viliains is a forci)lo speakor and an var1nlost worker and anyone hearing hiin will be convinced that he is Co1nse,crated to his work. Mrs. Corrio Blalock has gonle to Gaffney for a short, while. MI iss Ellio Kellett, from Foun tain 111n, is spending somletimei with Ali-ss lNrtha1 And,arson. W. W. Itohi_nSon is b)uildinl at Comm11odious barn. AIr'. and Mirs. COmj1 Johns1HOl visited in Oconeo county last wook. Irs. Aima Cilliland spent. a few days lnst week at. (hick Springs. Ont her return she wa%is accompa nied hv her daught r, MArs. II. M. Nichols, of Atlanta, wh'o has heon spending somne timel there. Our "(i/1 Fil eh " Ilave Ieen working threo convicts onl the streets for several days. Supt. Johnson Jts 11)ot11 Com1 pll ted his a111111al clear'ing u1p and is 110w 1eady for the fleecy staplo. Manager liagsdale, of the Neal farm, at Pickelnsville, is pnttinig up1 onie of the largest cow bar*ns Peer soon ini this Stecti o'I1(f COun triy. Iin passinig thotro thie othier daIy we not iced some t hiirty-live or fortyv convicts ait wiork on the Mr. Josiah1 Trot ter is putti1ng up a neat 1fenCe aroundt. ils lot oni ill MaIij. T.' H. RussellI is iln town this wee1k. Tlheo biones brokon ill waJs madotl( at the t imo1, is hiealinig as5 rapid(ly as5 coilId b)0 e'xp)eted for a mii of hiis age, st. he in forms Rov. H. J1. WVilliuams baptized thi rteeii converts a t George's Creek last Saibbath. Prof. and Mrs .1. C. L angston arie expletd WedneIisdaJy and will open1 thle Easlty GIrauded. schooal neX t iN ontlay. Mr. "BI3ud" Ibfll is ciricul Iatm g amiiong is friendts herot thiiis wooek. M r. Ashmllort, Il1in ton) hias rented ai hianiso (In "Hludsoni Hill"' to m1ove her'ie to eduICa te his c .hiiid ron. Wec glah dly welcomo Mr. H inton Tlhere i.s oinly onef m)orte valCanJt house im townm. Who will 1)0 the netxt to) comie? -SuIrely thle mlon0i Crop was t he largest this year1 thani in mnly years past5. Picens Hligh School. Thie netxt sssfionl Ibegins1 August T(1rms of tuit.ion $1.00), $1 .5( and1( $2.00 per mionth(. Pa;yll Theli loJwest rates eiver (i a ugh t lit Students from ab'road will fiund it to thiir initertst, to lit tendi. 130ard caCe a t esoa For furthler iiitormlan Lio01, ad( .1. F. I)A RGAN. Principal, aug5i. Picke ns, S. C. THE SOUTHERN, (Late Ixch:inge I ('tel,) CR EENVIL LE, S.C. A l"l RSTl ChIA8S COtMMERCIAL4 iz.3. All (;i"dt' IloniusA lirge, Lighut, wvithI I> (; ra Iites. I .arge S:a ehut HoonsII~ 4II tth-e Floor11. ty It,Iiway (ruin A ir iLine Terms per Day, $2.00. (I vont.: W. K(1 trTr., Manaeger. CAPT W. . WnTE.Whie tler hin Wanted-An ide s' ~ thin opatent?r ney. a.h,hngtn. D. C.,.for their $i.800 pir.0 offer Not 54' e t i to Treespase-rs. N tc toA le'rsonls atre h1'e'I hy\w:trnetl trol. t) lishl liuist or in illy wa",ty tre.liia5 Ss t lt niy hilt except t.he pihlir liiglhway. I'eirolls tlis regitlting this notieu will be Prostett.etl ite critng to law. 1.. S. ILwis. St. lI . ON'S Nerve and Bone Oil Cures Rheutttatism, Cuts, Sores, Burns and Bruises Large bottle 25 cents. For sale by frccmanI, & lletrieks, l'ick ens, S. C. Notice to Debtors and Cred itors. l'trier s a ving rl:tiainls ag:inilst ihe est:ttc of NlItry .. 1ats, el t c :itl, w it 1 iask rtisen to ti the tnersigntl, prol erlyv :ttlestctl, by. the( 1st dlay of NoVeiinbert, 1817. Also persons Isttlhtri tt s:aidl estate will p le:ase unttke payuinent on or befores:aid N . Ohats. :ng 6 t_ I w's\:1. Aslinlinist rator., Notice to Debtors and Cred itors. All e1rsons llarvi g cl ainls agaiist ilel estte of (i. W. Settr, tlcrcat tl, will ple:nts present lit- S :liue1, ipopetrly ltt sti'l, to the tintlt,rsignett for pa,vtyeunt byv thet Iirst, dhy of Noveinber, 1897'. I'artie"s inll tt l to saitl estate wVill plIcase tilnkIe p:ayshnent to J. '. 1'it r, slp.2-tuitwi. Notice of Final Settlement and Discharge. Notite A is hirby ie thlat th ill ntlr signti, 'iti xtentors of A. T. h:yl t1, sit rensctt, w Pll al.V to ,. 1.. Nwhery, 1'r4 hnte ,inge forl I'itticn so t he ty I', t diay of t0h-tober 1s917, for le"af li 1o, ntk a ti 11a1 scttllcnlclt w\ith ,. 1.'. W\illi:alns andl E. C. W iIi:ns, wali ls of si ai A:\. T. ('1.1 to , all N ask ti be iiiChagrtt Ir't( al: i.llhilty" atS e t"Il trs t,f A T.('i;\l1ytong iatlill. M,\rs. T. ('. ('1layton, W\. T . I) 'I)t"I, E'xa t t os of t. 2T. 1'11\t.'n, g;ianlial. 1e1.2-111 w I . A(f1~NI' AMON'S ETS Are dlifTerent ro all othlet nedtlicins. I.acl ton S a sPecifi hty, thus doing iway ith r y. One Pink Pill touches the liver, re mOUt two conts saved you on a papor Lo pinl. . BRUCE. EG- I']~'I EMORY 1100K. r hasW pasd and( as a new one come. n beticer and1 miore active business it ever'y e'istomerc, by giving best values Iconsist with paying his own obligations , my goods this season and feel assured lmany) of thle newecst weaves and1( colors, rd. k I) ress (Goods and( nahesitatmgly say the upI. couniitry t hat will surpass me. iodii", iLawns' and Swisses is a e BEUY."~ Ssppily at all t hoes without regard to at, -I centsl. Good yard'i wide Bleaching le I have ever hiad and at the lowest dl My eustomersI' know that I keep wY eel thle Morr.y one's.) I make good lore comei to Pak' lhe can come Shave ini Green4ville. dining 1897. It will save you money, ash for' your actual needs. West End.