The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, September 02, 1897, Image 2

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Theo .Peoples -Journal. T. U. llBINSON, Editor. W. 0. IIES'TElR, Ptbiieh3r. UBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Subscription One Dollar a Year Entered at th1e Post Oflice at Pickeus as secou(-e"las matter. AI)VERTISING RATES. Ogne dollair pe.r inch for first. insertion, fif ty cetnts for ieach fiseutient insertion. Liberal dliscount for advert isements on an tnual contraets. Termns cash. Anunaal con tracts, payaile tluarterly. No favorites. One price to all. No spe cial liosition or specia rates to foreign ad vertisers. All stuh nimust take the run of the paper and abide by such rates. Local notices, in local colttmn, 10 cents per lino for first, insertiotn and live cents for cla subseiuent inscrtion. 'TlII'UlSI).\Y, S1' T'. 2, 1897. MIy1a1rd News. E1)I'ron JOURNAL: The hopes andu detsires of Peter wero carried out at the Old Soldiors picnic at Iooper''s Shop on Saturday last. Presidont Field called the moot ing to order. 'Tho Rev. J. E. Fos tor led in a very earnest and ap prop)iate pray'er. president Field then introduced in a very pl1aS ant mnner11'. Hon. 1). F. Bradly who made plain the reasons why 1 l camp of Coifederato Veterans s110111(1 he organized and kept in good wtrking order ill )acusville Townsinp an' all others in this County as WOll. lie gave somne historical fats which lte not genl erally known. le followed with a personal remilsence as t, thet, atirkinan Shilp of at ctrtiil Ilule emiat. Ito clot;s(d his roniarks by explaining why at nl lutllrnt shlould l>tt raised to the wolet'n of the Cot'nfederacy. 8. T. Pr1it r was next introduct'd who made I splendid exhrttatitoi to the meontry of the conlederatt, Soldier. The Hlow. .1. E. Foster was thwn called ulp in : he ansic'rt'd by giv ing somlw r.collt'ctions, and al 0arne>st '(Nil J'tatia,l to the inom1 - ori0s of th lia t (111t8s. President Field was then calll.:d upon aind Il d1(1( the closing talk befero dinn'r. le btrought out the great and good traits of Loe, the Con ft'dor,te as a ci tizen and gave a few persolil remiiiscencos. It was then aIlnlnollncd that the ladies would spread the dinnor up oil tlt table. Well, I can't. d scribe it, but, will do the bost I can, an d the itmnginfitioii of a hun gry editor tan do the rest. The tablha was thought amply suflicient in length and breadth but it was Imt :o by ahont hall and thoe who were not quick tc Sto ii act spr-vad 11uncler the treo and olsewhert'. If you rlollmblllor I asked thoti to bring ''one o more w(ll lillod balskots"-theo brought nm'. Woll to tell thi trt 1 h abo1ut i 11, thero wasc enlougi for thrai t imels the numlbor pre Tho'u' a f h r dinonor a SpoOchI wa made by Capt ian King, w ho h. the wayv, is ai good one. lio kep us5 cr'yinig or 1lauzghing till the t.inie No one0 t:oubl SUf'er trom11 n dligestionl afteri tainihg his8 (dinil pill. A Confede'rato camilp waus thie organiizetd with folloiniig oili cors: Commnander', WV. TI. Fieldt: First Lieu t.. Coin. S T1. Pr'iort M\ast.or, 8. M. Looper: Sitiorgeo Dr.. J.JT og iio u goon, T1. A. WA Iliamls: (lhaplainl S. Frzeemno: .'rg'.n( .\lajor ~, J..\ M\cW~ho:rt'r: Vid. tt, Jas. Ltooper, Jr ; Coor ( nan ii, J1. Ii. hJoter.. rolled as Inegm hors iftt' c amp. E.y-aw A. I Vson . L'. riarret, To reec Coiman lit int Hnt:,y llo Saurdin, S. W. Iu slity, Ei shi Sh 9o ltn, it. G. Iill . . I.r t on,llJon Jrulin T.JoW Ha ril J.C Morgyn, Thos. Wiliams. iIIsa av is.:k neo ieIlu Thdedarfoloin mall tappted ply acgamit teetn Cockttutoyn wit Thoenapoll mt to aopti' ure Constitution anty-L'ean Saourday, Spt)er1ts 11t,l'. at uoclok . m.oIstom Then icml I nded w ithouEt:an iSeptedr wha97. All frilie ancdlontr 0 ocllred. Aritr .t( Woand tripp g upl byilled bligOt ahillspand trok the of thn honie ofahs f artima ~o luc rAfete the pe the Nne hFork aunda Ceda Repckbalr itead play Te onro ilment ofd Maar< cr ho foricst mont was1Uont( hured ad tvi wognn theovn a mrc athe:8 a;erag t endanst S nyint 8our andr nino-teths. Ptr. 1'11ENS COUNTY PIUMARI EL,ECTION FOR. UNITE) STATES SENA TOR. HELD AUGUST 31, 1897. HOlX1S. a u n . Pickens... ..... 124 6) '5 209 Norris MilI ....... .. 18 0 0 i18 Cross 'iis.......... 25 10 8 43 I.ooper's Sholp....... I 16 8 35 'eter's Creek......... r 8 17 33 I'u,n m kintown......... 4 20 0 21 Eiistiatoe. ... ........ 24 1 0 25 Mile Creek... . ....... 17 2 0 10 Pr,aters...... ........ 2 4 1 27 Six M ile ....... ....... 11 I 4 '24 Call oun.... . ........ 1 7 0 25 ten. rnl........ ....... 71 8 2 81 I,ibert ........ .. ... 53 ? 4 15 1,! E- ley........ ....... 5: 30 77 159 (raul Totul.. ....... 1i 111 157 1417 McLtrin's ninjority over Evans ,und Irby in I'ickens county. II. A light vote was )oll(;d in the State, and as flar as t.ho returns 1.ow show, thoro will be 11o soc on(1 1)rimary. Mcu,rln'111 will in all )rolallility will the prize in the first race. Tabor Ni.iiaing. E,1ITOl; Jot'OxAL.: Tlho slig at. Tlabor chutrchl 11as1 Sunday was a grand siuccess. 'Thle Singing was Ooltn(d prion1)tly ait 9:30 o'clock with prayl'or by b rother1 S. 1t. D)ay. Brotier \toans wias ilnvitPd to the111t 1111(1 led tho class for 20 linut('s andl(] ho gave us, so1me 1ino mlusiC. Th \n'ilhiaml Day took chargo ofI t(h(e class, 11n(1 it 8Om1ed t.h mhe tht) Class donoe thilr duty. Prof. lao0) 1((1 the class 20 m1itilos and we hoard S0111o fine' muslIic. Ad(journ('d Oo hour and a half for rofrehll ments. At I :8O o'clock the class re-as seimbIled ill the church 1 and 1)rot.hoi \Iartin lIhil'owl gatherd'il the smllall chil(dron together atndl had some 11in0 music for about 80 minlutes, with Osy Day at t.ho organ. '1'ho good lalcdios of that colmuillnity certainly uind)rstan(1 what to cook for a singing. The bost of order )rovaile(d throughout. Reed. T1Ue T%retvu a[lliEtlver Asoeliation. Will hold its 8ixty:oightll Annual Nession with Mft. Tabor church, (light. miles norwtheatst of Pickens Court 1oso. Comoencing Thursday be fore the stlconl1 Suiday in October next andi continnalg four d1ays. The following. are the c)imlmittees to roport at the next session. On Foreign Mis1ions, 1ev J. T. B1urdlino. On Houn)e liisiona, V. T. 1om ma. On State iisious, lev. C L. 3 Craig. On 1;lucaltion, 1tov..J. 1N. Fos( r. On Orphanage, Htw. J. T. 1ituwis On1 T1empo)ranev, l (v. B 1 . MmI phrec. In lltt'ductri'y 8islrnonl to le p'eiehlIt tl by .l1ev. (, '. ,. 'raig, i -v. .J. 3I Stew V i t.'(1exp t:1~ Ing to a:el if i e ('ome14 by nH!iiinm will h areth' I tran1:11 at. Ia liy.I (Ilt. Tab I li S bout h-ii Chun-hes w1. iltl ch tit anden ful, 1.f the 111)nn110 of tihe iltah. Conlt) Liil iti. n wil ah) the1ur coni.tes tin nuitingiit the n-portsi t t en o:,apn '- 10 to C.~-nJ '. iIthinlIson, e 11111iboIi 1 lsos:Meti .1 The (')n41ion .\b )tlingt'i 1of teit ile ihn11s ion of81i the Tweovo illi A ssoci a itioni. twthtelikn hrho Concord, Mout.aneove Se'on I' . t ea,k Gohilenl Crelek,l iin an Ploickons. Ii j1 In 1144 absence' of i stieimoderator,il pro ilt1om.i 14141 The were dI)ti.. that.e relat1fin 1tliiuor t was the1 b sen1 tmet f theil Un1 ntht9h8.hp t,st did notneed Sthior ins any00 shap STeat follwin res1 olutions were J.' e Lies,olved .lit: Tlatg, wel rapiest eac church Ibinoi thi l Aso iatinto tak ai~'4 colleio -etwee ow an th meet0 ingti of thi sociaion to sustai :uuutolved SecolndoThar e aske - toa InhorebIt of( th essoiatio o sayi I hlow1 mulch imy willlt 11ive nboet ear D o h ui t ofnisr woerki Al inthi leterso nithiyeusocaeItio iThe amoI4'un t ledgedi Wt b e pai byll a the 'ist of Ail,' 1898 i)f.'-s'lSoe dI5-I,Z414S The Suda pet-holi Mass mle ein A rea-b o o ''li ta 'I araea . '1'ho following from tIho Atlanta! Constitution atrikes uts als; boing worthy of tho considoratIon of our rarmil)g readers: "As fho cotton crop begins to inaturo tho Constitution takes this )pportunity to givo somelo tiintoly idvico to our farmers. Instoad f waiting for the season to ad vanco in hlopo thatI prict's lny ad "antce With it, our fa rnl(ors should 3eize ti1110 by tlho forelovk an<d amarket their cotton as soon ats they can get, it readyN. Nothing can 1) gainelI by wait log for priccs to riso without aily clefiniito assurance that thw nutrk 1t is going to ill>prove. Ins toa< A1 ri"ing, pIrices imlight, ta 1, a lowniard tcnt'lnc'y ; an11ti, ill tlit iovont, the fiarmer who his not lispo)E'( of his ,>tt-on alt the com) menilc'nent" of the s1 ason 1, is slro to regret his procrastilnition, to say the Ile/ast. From p)r'sent in<lientions the cotton (roI) this yoir is apt to ho miUCh Ilarger th:ln its prodeces s"or". Tisk does nolt by lany mea'Ins incrleas'! tle l iklihnd of bet t(r )rices litt"r Oi. (t)al' illnlers Should also) ei -l' ill mllind that cot tol los.'s ill wNillt \vil" stOred away in clts war.h%uws. 'T'ak int; tiis inito w lt:ilit, tO ('tg1),'t with the lil;lih<ld Ihat I pri('s, ill stl'a<d of rising), w%ill <le i s thel seisii atlvan' ('s, It Ih'I1OoVes our farm'er('1s to) ignlorl' IhI(' ;i)irt cel' which wo( uld be'gu iio then intl" walting fi'or i'tt."-r pric ,', 1111< to mllar"ket. t.heirl ('I ttoin withou'Itt delly. If this IoliC' i-: i t(l(Iptli it will do m)uch) tO brin!; (n 1)rolsperity inl the South. iIO W 'I'4b FINE) O"T. 'ill a hon,t.;(e (1I' 444"1 1OI 1;4 l4.I-- wit il n i:'" .1i1l It -i it stil iu 'yil ci <l- '. 1: 'litinn of Ith kl111 l"",i i. \" tiilj -' It.1iii.' li n'l iti I -i :i\",- ' 4. hl - I1 I I h4-1 I r lt l.- 'l'.)l fr p'I (tl''I {. I h- ' o 1 i i-' '' 11t ' nn II 41" ," 44 tI t 4 1 444 lI 4' 44 t'I of oIrtl l'h 'he-re i ' 'i 11 oI I in 1:4- 4l u ..\ ofi '1 i ' N rl' 'I, tha Ir. Kil', \w l p' ]t:u 1 th ~ '' r11 I I.'11 :44" I 4 1("I lioni, thi fi. gr :l Iili r i o < i ali t'\" I;'. w\i.lh ill r'-ii'\int' pa:in in 1I11- h:ac , k ill 'y', lixIr, hI, 'll"r :1.' 'viry p:1r of Ilte 1r 1 :lars I ,. :I_.:" . 1. ''Irr''t, i:1i' i :1!\ In h11 1 1nliin'- :m ".1 - 4blill.: 'pain il p'!" il.e it, 1'r I,.111 <-1' 1 t - f '. low i r ' l -' if li'I'l"r. I W\IIII' nIr hI' I" , :111' 111 1're4)11-- 1h11' 111 - f I u:ill": - 1 1 'I'- ' ., 1 \ ' 1 1'l "' i '.r1:IllI.'ih e' I :n ge' '11 111.1n\ lin ll :'ith 11 11'r 1Iin'l . 1'th e Il i i i .1: lt ' - r .."t11, t:I ,'ll("I of1 Su n\:top li""I i.- , 'n r'....I'/ .!. l -1:111ll (he ht",l1,-"i f r it u pl f: e . (If (i ll' 11)1 -1 <li..": 1' - li1 ;' s, . i : by dlrl:li, ' \ pi - l ii)"11 <'1 O ! - . . " I l"Il: 1r. IF'1r :, :I!1 p h -' b1 1 1 '' :11e 1. -" ::-bI 'I.ns ,:' .iIZ()rOi fe , e ad r - I, t l 1 r -- ., ( ' ) . h I : r IbIza ii ll, :n I"Ia r n , . b l th y . II" IIh'l t il " l, . j" I i '' 1 '. : : ! : ' 1 ! I':II'l" 'I:flllth' (li1 im ro e Ill ,t " is avgrous tfetede andt fr tilizers containing not under 7% actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but )ittle a'nd is sure to lead to profitable culture. All tabout Potns-thec results ofit Is use by netnal ex. perlient oni the best fairms in the United states--is told in a little book which we pub121ls and11 will gladly ma.i free to any farmer in Amecrica who will wi ie foir it. GERMIAN KAL1 WO)RKs, 93 Ntassau St., New York. A AAVA 4.4. Ai Vflu&AWAprt> WI"""KEWheels, Quality 'I:e'""st. TOo STYLES: Eadies',Getee' Tad . *The iJghitest Ilinnling WItools on Varth.~ THE ELDREDGE4 ...AND.. THE BEL VIDERE. Wo always Made Good Sowingj Machines I Why Shouldn't wo Maka Good Wheels I National Sewing Macine Co., 3ja Broadway, Pactory: New York. fielvidere, Ills. VArAS,TRAOE MAK COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A I'ATENTf Fo'r a promnpt aniswer tattd anf hionest opinion.41 WIite, to formation "iOncermnar44 Paitt iid~4te how to Olh. tain) I hlem sent f ret'. A 144o a cat altogu of m1iechan-it iloa nd444( tenltdilit i books senti free. Patents taken thlronigh .ai 444n & (Co. receivt special notico init lhe Meleint Iilie A ue ein n, and ius arc brought whIlely bieforo th1e( pubilic withi. OUt cost to the0 inven'itor. Th'is sldIend4id leaper, Issued IvOokly, elegantly lilustra,tt- e has y faIr ihi IMCtOlrcuIlationl of any sclentitle0 work ini tho Wo.g a YeaI. 54amp il aC01u108 BOnt frcO. JJidlI ECdition tuont bly. fR.50 a year. ktinglo CODiOs. oo cnts. ECvery 1nmber conItms beau. tiIful plates, In colors, and44 pho4togranhalil (of new houses with plauns. eniabItng butitrs t) shotw theO lat 0 Ns a eure e(44t ts. Ahi: Gower A Speights, -Dealers In 10ORS, SASH, BLINDS, GL.ASS, SHINGLES, LATHS, %EMENT LIME, PLASTER, HAIR, PAINTS, LUMBER, &C. iity W'arohousr.. 107 L,aurons st. Would ho glad to lavo our Pick ms friends visit our Co 1, Wood mid L,tume,r Ya(lrd, ol. C. W. C R. R., cornr'r Broad awl G.(lorgia Str(ofts. Cower & Speights, (Greenvlllo, s. C. apr)29-9)7yl. JUST RECE VED! ktI1 I'1 :1 , ', 1t l . na \\n b it - 1 ' . -, I.ihROWy, .. rd A NA P.AL'. t i mi b. 11 trat 1ew ay I i - i l s t ul t : s t1 . It 4 1 1f 4 y I whia d t i.\ "u h I (': rldts and t1 f tr 1.t(1 ous cheai ii l sel thnI : . I i.-'1 41 anlI phai y.nIin p~'I' hi 24a0.4;u lt . l'ric .ig 4e414 u er :li U ~u ith vi'l 1 heell wit ' sti syis tij ti. tl iiin. 'h Ni i N i . edwthh T-:9 the p rh rLuLesIt gSONi itr ,JN llS.Mao Irodc..4l I'r Titruipe 14)d '.\1 rI trtl ng o edlar wort yourI' vu i 2.e pe ~ 11 11111C lu b l in order to giv. ro m ter'1 a aul large o WSo1 ow i theg otime for toehv ing a li 't l money t etse raretttt ELLRG ABRNS. \Vhe we~1 I y "OS, w mea OR S HOEPY it aop t. \Te epa fll in o unhlrsWLbUan RcomITH\? Wer cllvn ar of hsfro n.rcpNq1i for Awr'u, u an d a I w t yV 'lunds xofitiood pries on floal or god.s, terefore we. loto w lua j u Ics (ors'.Inlull.ul jwrel7~a4 97 lit. 1 -A SL10Y,rii fr . dsrd Situation. TCttr ow-Wuriule s |css gl ~MLUR WIBRH.LESMT, tWAfter Seeing our Clothing. And gotting the prices. We have i:te every citrt to borIn trade and it will be groatly to your b,enelit to pmrehase your of us now. Our goods "re liktdl wh\er\ v ui s an' r ti-d at re the best to be ob tantlled. If' you have not semn our stlck, Volt wilt 1. surlpI Isedl at the extensive variety of carefully .electeI and hand(somet' 'l tattrnl in Mli iN''.m; Y<I ' K ' ()fl i'1 fl ~c ._ ANI) (' sH Nl R I'allN in every conceivable :1nd <ltsirable stvle. GR iNV LLI- S. C. MORE BARGAINS! Mle Alisielv & I'y (00ds, No (It)w , ('ail'pki anid VNnildW slIdes.. Li.t W\',ek's S:lit w'.t .-n14'l' t'ut l "' far as mIn 1:: ,s tt'L k ' i concerned. 0;thr ,vell.I of stt"k has ben t\ v ier ut i n i. :1 n w ? very De. 1 . Illtwen It is in!I o lhumingl T ri::' : al ''f: . \\e Un .\ n N1 ::'::in vet, an'I are l1 ikL i tll ' t very h Ir fii th 1 :1 , . . I., l i, rs II tI t as tood lIar niuIs th;is wee'ik a4 1:a-t. Wev arev eettIng, m Now o, \ t1o , i very \'' a\ l:\. bI1. a"1 t thet t'le':ringl subs" t thet lig" .l I - I, : t I llu e N orth l i's"ll t'. : th ar. 1 l;.\lM(;.\lNS: Il G.\ lN '' \lu.I; \ INs : tt!tt N I.wt1",s. Nw\ \Mitt,, N.,\\w Wa-hI (1i -ls. Nw Glves, New\ Table 1.ii.tsk, N lN"de rwer, .\ .\ Nti ll', Nl'w% llosie', New 1'tl i ( Il l'iot i. ---'1'iL1: N1EW .\l). .\ brdl.en" I'labl Shirtiings (rlew'vrt st ylo' for Im1t'en's stiumlme' Shirts) at I(n, 1 2 : ta I 1;) ents. New Gn1(Iaze :iil Ant.o1a Flaninels (inf;I.ts wear) 25 to 50 cents. "'' v:ards 410 inich (tint') Sea Ish,llll for l1.t n. o'tlu can Sinulu y (in many lints t ot gioo1) get here this week, One Dol lir and .'il't.y (enit, worth of goods, it r One Dollar, L1 TEfR E PETTIE. I'. S.-Bluttorick Patterns. IIome 'I ione 93. Bell 'Phone 222. (reenville, S. ('. THE BIST ARE MADE BY II. C. 3MARKL EY. 1nl l Very \a:rteey of l ine ('Vi( eit~i.s, Ca-s and I l'tarness, I Ilar<lwarei, 'a!ints;, Oils At theQ Greenville Coach Factory. (i W. SIRL?1NE, Superntendent. WHY NOT Patronize Your Home , People? We repre)1s(tat str si'ui ek I (i' com i'Se us biforii pIlcmig yurt z,A\ A. W. H UDCENS & ON, Fire Insurance, %"N. B. --WeII eninWIL wri.evo A!ijll, Saw i\1ills anud aill kinids if spoeial hazos,t iS Charles A . Dana, I-:itior. 4 h'iily, by ail, Ii alb . liN VI , is1, S. : iithi' reae-1 ii,laiiN uS-ttiper.i It. '. . Altl.8lI' , Dentist, Gron. v_) ille, S. u. Ollcu over Addlon's l)rug Store. Rt. ItOBEItT KItK8HEY, Physician and Sur+eon OfI4e" at his residenec at the Kirloy haonlo phaee, t,n Tu'a elve M ile ltive:.. MAltreb 8, 1894 D1t. T. 1). L EON A I), DENTIST. A ll work guaranteed. would be pleased to serve you. Greenville, S.C. Ollco ovor lrne"u & Doater's Drug Store. J C. FITZOEtAID, PILOTOORA. * *41he4, Grnville, S. C. Olce over Adtlisont 's i)t ig Store. All work giiirluiteed to give sittisfuc. tionI. a1 18-97y1. To The Public. I E w bt1i rI esp1ee4lfiIlly informl the putb. lie IIit I)"r. l,. 'I'. Welon, w%ho is cli l:nt f:vorably known to the citizens f 'i. Pick s ton.y, is 'now associatedt u ii . inl t Ie prac ice of l)enistry. m lice: Inttire front roomis (ip stair.) (City Nati,ti a Ih:1nk ltlock 1)ts. N otwooi & Noitwoon, (fteuville, S C. It. A. 3tt,tt(.\N, W. F. HILASSINGAMs, villk" :. ('. 'iCkensi, S. ., Moi'ii & Blassingame, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 'icke.ns, C. If., 8. C, 1'rat titt inl all the, Vourlt.4, Better Raise Mules Than Buy Them. JIM ]IASICIEL,, weigls about 1000 1 t inmais atiti will serve mitares at Pickeus for $10 for a volt.. 'I'lZt' l I'l', is ftutr years old, weigh, :iboutt. a;0) fiiutls aautl will servo mares at (1oubtlings ('reek farm for $t for a colt C. L. Holline-sworth. l)ec. t, 4.'i Misses McKAY, Min Street, Cll ENVILLE, S. O. Have now re.nly for sale all the Latest, Styles inl Hats, Boiiiiets and Caps,. For Lal ios, M isses ned Children. [7 ''lhey ke.p constaintly on hand all the Novelties it. It we t prices. Your p'attronttg;e solited. MISSES McKAY, Mamn Street., Greenville, S. A.. A li; CII:K. (EO. E. COOPER. CLARK & cOOPER, -I)ealeis in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, 4EYTombstones of every Description.-wt -ALSO MANTELS, ST1ATU7ARY, Y"ASE andi( WrougLht. Iron FEICNG(. C.LAil( & COOPER, apriS-97y1 . Greenvile, S. 0. SALE, o -- '.t:iunI, No. 1-, .\!iti street. (Opposite .-ir:ietlley N. .; ehrr's new. stei.) I .itil t hein. every.thing ',ill goi at a grens i"iid'.- I1tt'. i' "wers, lIibheen, Veilin, I.:a e, St:ie op t e, 4'or'ets , (genid summlier w '::: for o)II -ea.1 ;eii iVivt. Also a& lnvt he dell' . Iii' - s of11 all jiesipt ion(ls, G RL EN\'I LLE, S. C. b: 5vi. A\ lir e lot of men11 andi boy's I keep'1 a full line of UIDL)ES, ETC., ti-rI pay cashd for hid's, wax awl1. tail low. iuecessor 14 ( Gower & Go~od lett, 102 la in Street, G reeiltlei I, 8. C. Bicycle Con test -AT' 50O.*IIs"'ie50. Ladi ' orents Model gi.ven away hiv I)teksen. We' will give the above named highd grade, well know~n Bicycle. TPo ay p'fiersotn lain ig Ithe haigest amoutt of sailes t.o :lir -e lit for Shoes by Ocht.oher 1 .t. 4'7. Whoo.~(l ('n (.xh'bitijon at Bates' Hi The Fnotory Shoe Store. d. M.Dl ckscn, !Manga'r.