The People's Journal. LOOAL ITEMS. -Next Monday is court. 1 -Whero, Oh, where is the An dorson Journal? t -Rev. W. M. Hardon lost a val uable cow on the 5th inst. t ---Elias Day, of Eaaloy, was in town on busin ss Monday. -We will publish the proceed ings of the institute next week. -Born unto Mr. and Mrs. LW. B. Looper, of Mica, last week, a girl. -Dr. W. F. Austin will be in Pickons from July 12th to 15th .inclusive. ---Little McAdams Christopher, 1 -son of Auditor Christopher, is ,quito sick. -Miss Mamie McGraw, of New ,berry county, is visiting the Misses Bowen this week. -J. E. Kinch, who has been aab *ont from Pickens several weoks, roturned last weok. -Miss rio IHol ngsworth at tended tl .Teachers Association at Paris Mountain last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Davis visited relatives and friends in the Six Mile section this week. -Andrew Bramlett, of the Cit adel Academy, of Charleston, came home on vacation last week. -Prof. Hart's wife and two children, of Clemson College, are stopping at the Ambler House. -Ex-Supervisor Hendricks, of Table Mountain, had the nisfor tune to lose a fine horse Saturday. -Lawyer T. J. Mauldin, of An dorson, was among his old Pick ens friends the first of the week. in district th instant )y as prin -i Lmioinoore, who lives near the Rock Quary, had a coat and vest stolen from him Monday night. -Mr. and Mrs. Davis Porter, of Piedmont, visited the lattor's par ents, Rev. 13. Holder near town Sunday. -Miss Sue Kramer, a charming young lady of Charleston. is visit ing the family of Capt. Thorn Icy this week. -The picnic and all day dance at the Glassy Mountain school house Saturday was a most enjoy ble affair. -Sam Dorr, who lives between hero andl Easley, lost a cow anb hog Tuesday evening by being kill ed by Iightnin'g. -Thos. Garrett, of the Six Mile section was ini townl Monday and rep)orted a fir.e rain in that section Sunday afternoon. -Alonzo Pace killed a large rat tIe snake on the 30th uIt., that mneasured four foot and had nine rattles and a button -Misses Eula and Moter Cox, Mr. and Mrs. George Cox and Mr.C J. B. Freeman, of Briggs, visited near town last week. -The home of Mr. V. S. Med- r lin, who lives near town wvas madeo happy on the 22d ult., by the ap pearanice of a fine boy. -J. C. JIennings has plurchlased r the 'Soda Fount of B. M. Griflin t and can now ho found iln the Lewis s old stand ready to cool you off. I: -The school at Johnston's Chapel, iln district No. 10, will begin Monday the 12th inst., with 1 Miss Sallie Mulligan as teacher. -A little child of Mr. Elias E. I Mauldin, who lives near Easeoy, c was severely scalded last week. It t was doing very well at last ac- 11 counts. -Maj. Stewart has his newa house oni MRin1 street Comp)leted. Mr. W- A. 'Palmner and Mr. F. E. Cox did the work and they cer tiainly understandJ what to d('0. --:Prof. Weams, of Contral, will sing at Six M ilo church on Hun day the 11th insjet. A ll lovers of I' music are inIvi tOd t.o ho prosenIlt and1( bring well filled basl~kets. -A. M. Morris certainly has tho t prettiest store in town. Ho has I just recently hIad the front of his C store bonuti fully pain ted which e puts the finishing touch on it. -Our (dovil says we have boon : feasting on cotton blooms now for i, ab)out t9l (lays andl hopes our I friends'will vary our diet with a e little fruit-paches, apples, wVa termolons, etc. .-Sutherland & Griffin have a change in theirF adlvortisemont in, jhi issue. They are wide-awake mfelclan)te 1and gro( ()ffering~ somel C Fare bargains to the public now, Seo whi~t they say. --Your horse or mule11 will Inood i a new set of waugon or buggy har- . ness soon1. Go to Suthorland & 'I Griffin and got what you noodl in' that line. They also koop sadd(les .1 and they soll them, cheap too. by "nfthat a home is .yteByn,Im pi11y.s ,. .4 ) the scene in a carrla o ]yui ( ~an air of bravadlo while tepoi ries wero ben aran e bpro P slight pale, exrrane d, butP noneso the lesdtermind d ome --IIow much does a fool weigh orially? A simph'-ton. -Auditor Christopher wont t( Casloy on business Saturday. -Supotintondent Johnson, of ho Easloy Oil Mill, was in towii aturday on business. -Miss Cora Bowon attended h0 Teachors Institute at Paai:, lountain last week. -Missos Lidio and 0ortrude lagood, of Easley, visited Miss 'orrio Bruce this week. -Froeman & Hendricks will ome as near swaping goods even or cash as anybody. Try thon. -Wo recoivod quito a number f cotton blooms this week, but he bloom editor wil bo out until ext spring. --Mrs. L. E. Childress, of near L'ravelor's Rest., visited her father, tev. J. T. Lowis, of Anderson lills, last week. --Hats I Hats I I yes hats of all tinds, straw hats, wool hats and tats for the children at Suthor and & Griffin's. -Mr. Mac. Entrekin, of Andsr oin, accompanied by his brother. leery, of Liberty, visited at Mr. r. T. Langstcn's Sunday. -Prof. J. B. Vaughan, of El. .)erton, Ga., will conduct a singing ichool at Central on Thursday th< 15th nst., lasting for several days -Mr. Art. Craig, of the Stowar ection, was in town Monday an< 'eported a good rain in that soc ion Sunday. Ho states that the: md not had any rain there ii .ine weeks. -It was reported by one of th apers in town that Mrs. Doc Place, of near town, was dangerous y ill. We wero informed tha de was not dangerously ill, an< van able to be out again. -We published an articlo las veek relative to the burning o 1Ir. IHenry Mauldin's barn. U mad threo mules and a hors nstetad of two and a horse an< vas not at homi, at the time it wa mrned. -Rov. L. L. Inabinett, assistec >y Rev. F. H. Shilier, of Nortl 3roonville Circuit, will cotidnet a )rotracted mnoting mo the Moun lth(al Miethodlist church, coml noncing tho second Sunday ii thii nouth. E4:vorybo(ly is invited t< ttend. -Will Mauldin, who is runninf t livory business at; Liberty, ha( ,ho misfortune Monday to lose oin )f his fine horses and buggy. Th< iorse got scared by a freight trait tnd ran away, tearing tho buggy o piocos, then runniug to a brancd 10 tried to jumnp across, fall inf n and breaking his hack. -Mr. J. TP. Langston recoivod r otter from his brother, Baily A ~angston, of Euriiok a Springs, Ark. ast week and ho stated in his Jet. or that the crops out there wore :00( anId that the wheat crop) was ho best it has been in a number if years. h-I is dloing well and is Low the father of six p)romisinig hildren. roek that on the 20th uIt., a car' ior pigeoon came to the Nino Times ostollico and stayed there several aiys and died. Mr. J. WV. Thom s, the postmaster at that p)laca, xained10( the bird and1( founid a umber on each win)g aind foot, lhe numhnor'was 11,157. No doub)t ev*'ral thousand (101lars was lost y this pigeon not reaching its est ination). --Saturday was a typical day. n the afternoon quito a crowdh, omposed of the President of the ickens and Easley railroad, three 1)unty oflicers, 01n0 physician, one0 oth don tist, two farmers, one0 roachor, two ex-cndlidlates, two rint(ers aind 0on0 profossor, gathi red in front of the court house nd they all spenmt the afternoon I tolling fish tales and1( other great tories whliich was qiite amusing nd interesting, as all were trying a talk at the samo1) fiimt. -Mr. B. M. llolding, of P'raters, eserves a clhickoni pie for thlo awks ho hns killed in that section Locent ly. Ife has killed e ight lirgo hawks and1( after killing bomn the crowvs b)egan1 to 1bothler im), so ho( iln a short time sne eodo'd in killing eleven, iIe was Iso bothered w ithI rats, and by is plan ho kiIlled enioughi to makhe shipment to China, Ile anmd the solos then got in to a 1ba1ttlo aLnd it 'as not long before hio had1( about alf a dozen killed and says he is till catching them. Whoii ciani eat this? 0%5 erveand Bone Oil Cures ,hetatismn, Cuts, Sores, Burns *ud flruises Large bottle 25 cents, F'sale by3 Froenlaiti & lIeniicks, l'ick. Pelit JUrIors. Thle folin,vjig is a list of the l''tit .Juror.s o s'erve for th,e (corningo Julyi, teri,ni of conr t, 'hieb convt'i~enes the scosyl Ii 1ylay, witli nadgu 11, C. Watta- preslaMg hois JFi ldin y, .J M liaiipoy, NLiO. on), It A i(ree,n lin Si Iten H 1' Lewis, SA IIerd1, it C Itobinson, nlifna- -Ninety-nj~in , V,inch'es~ter, Lwy bfrv n hla hearts that i inor. secretly belly0ta me an 98h h is be Ov.rookdI th aomnh From F14e1d. ITe farmrs of I hi, :+"ctiotn have Ien bi'''.ed fr1 the p;tst f(w days with nico sh(owers of rain. Ihe young cotton (rto, which is not three wOioks old, has shven and eight. loaves atd if the seasons con tlinue fatvorabt1lo a good crop will be thrd Miss Janie and Ilampton Field, of Pindor, visited f"riendh and ro lativus in this Section on last Sat urday and Sunday. There was some hail in the Hill section on last Sunday, but, not 0nough to damago tho crops vely much. Tho picnic and danco at Glassy Mountain school houso was not. a failuro, but a success; there was a largo numrbe present and the mat jolit;y seemed to Iiavo hiad all 'xcel Iel1 t11ime. RItomlmber that the Pickons merchants will 1o you right, they will soll you goods as cheap as I any town or city in the state Last Sunday in the for.-noon there were three wheel riders at Mlt- Tabor church, but after the heavy rain there, the nam0 wheel pusher would have been mueh mlor(u alppr'priato There will be at Grilin church on Saturday b foro the second Sun Iday, a I'rohihtion speaking by the students of Prof. Hicks. I. I C. L. Hollings worth, take plea sur1O in saying that I have known - and dealt with Richard Rosnlmond t for over twenty years, and have Salways found him correct and hot ost i) his dealings and that any re , port that may have beeCn ircunIa ted about the said Richard Rose imond, that I should have caught him in my barn taking corn is 3 false, and with out any foundation in ti"tlh whatever. If the said - Rosllond has over aintef)d (d isho'n t estly in any r(espvlI what'vetr it is unknown to me. C. IL. I I(,r..Nc;sWoilttH. Old FAlks M1nging. The Old Folks Alusical Associa tion will coilvelo with Concord church the second Sunday in July at 9 a. im. Everybody is invit(-d to come and bring their dinners. All the nembers of the ASSOcIa I lion and all lovers of music are especially requested to be present. E. J. PIm1e1, J. M. Pouer i.u, Secret arv. president. Medal Contest. On Saturday bflore the second Sunday in .1 tly there will be a Dl morest. Medal Contest, by the Gar vin school at Grifliln chu'ch, coin I Inoncing at 10 a. in. Palestine school will he with them. Profs. Morrison and Clii.kscalos from Clemson College are expoected' JN.O. 0' w i'Ks. A Card of ThIaunks. We take this method of' express ing our sincere thbanks to ouri toighboi's and1( fi'ionds for the kmd)( assistance r'ondorod( its durting the recent f'atal illnoss of ourl lit tie son, Clifton. May God's i'ich est blessings ever atteind them, is our pr'ayor'. Notice to Absenmt TEeachers. of Pickenis county. Whiy are you not in attendance on the I astituto? 'on cannot hiold a teacheors ce'tifi cate un less you can give a good ex cuse for ablSence , take due notico and act accord( ingly. Agtentin I PickIens~ liIes'. You will meet at your armory4 at thr'oo o'clock standarIu1d time11 on .Juily .17th. A full alttendanlice is especially r'equeQsted(, as b)usiness5 of the utmost implor'tanlce will beI tranisacted1. F. E. Cox, 1st Lieut. Elec'tionI of Tr'iustees. By ordet' of thle county Super in tendon t of Education, there will lbe an elect ion for' truistees for Wol f Ci'oek, D)istrict No. 29, on0atr day the i7th inlst. at -1 p. mn. Chiirmnan. T1he~ Coun)tyt' allianco ofI Picketns Coitnty wvil hold(1( it's tnext quariiter ly tmeet ing Tuesd(ay J uly 20th next. By otrdor of JNo. C. WVv,rt'ss Sec. 3d D)is. Alliance. LuA"Wheels, auity ":a Tool ....AND... WIe aliwaystd IGoodlIl Seeng1 Mach. Why Shouldn't wo Make Good Whools I da itnlSwn MachIne Co., Oy ,yill rel'luctantly llis.ory won't recognfit I ~ 4'fl III I- 'i u .41 1"" ill r)e enil:llt at, 10 li r r'i itr llle tlii1g atst loliday amd Itas'ted the fol. .'wing llsiness: Elected C. 14".binsoutn clerk,. vice l'. J. lauldin resignid. Evidence wIta taken for and against be elange ill the lPickens anl Six Oilo road. leaving Allgood's bridge tmd running via 0ideon Elii' to 13or mghls' mill. T1ho evidence satislied he Comnmnissioners that the Change vas lnit, for tim public g(-od and tih tition was r(-fused. A petition was iled asking for it now road from M. ). Farmer's mill to intorsect the ?endleton road near John II. .1 ames. ['here being no opposition to the -oad onl motion, it was granted. A )ctition was filed asking for clianges >n the Old Pickens road to begin lcar D. C. Toipking stables via Folin Tompkins and end at the ford if the branch near A. WV, Caters, M'ere being no0 opposition Onl motion, l, petition was granted with an atl owance of $5, to D (. Tompkins for lainages. ). C, 'L'onpkiis, W. N, Bowlin and A. WV. Cnirter were ap. )ointed special coimnissionels to lay >ut the change. Re(port (of special e''nnnissioners tpl)ointed to lay ull' road from Jack "wens plale on Pen(d1+t iii road to a mint on Central and Norris Cotton \lill road wias subiitted by It. L. ;;layton. T1ho report was adopted Ind the road ordered opened. J. II. ldllentino was apiointed to assess da1umagc-s on the road. Job Smith Jr., -was appointed to nssess damages to lands (oIn road from >ld Shady Grove scho+l houe to roa1d leading to Central. Examined claims. issiild I cheel'ks aind adjourned to first loityy in August. Fo-- r Male -- cheap) for cash, un0 Scuih-l power cotton piss. Apply to Jas. \. Whitnii, Central, S. C, j 'lwI, ON'S Relief Cures Sick - IcaOaelce, Neuralgia, Cranips, Cholera lorlbus Diarrhoa, &c. 25 cents for large bottle. For sale by 1're"ieli A I L(ii(riiIcks, Pick ens, S. C. Noittee'. l: ly iv+inb+r i f l;er All:ian+ + is Ire ij11"+es ill attmill ilii - e gu ii Ill;il lir ei nI1)n at hih ir Plili of . 1 i g ai t I 1l in)., oi Sat - urilay i l)tIi ii .1iIy. WV. T. t) 1-1.... jnly1w_'. I'r+sideti . -A good l new bliggy for sal!' for cash or acColtablo paper, A p ply it the Jur lRNA.I. otlici. t. AMONS IVER I~LLS \ eAND1PT A re dlifferent fromi all other mtedicines. Each performs a specific duty, thus (101ing away with drastic purgatives and curing by the Mild Power Theor y, One Pinik Pill touches the liver, re gtimoves the b)ile, the bile iumov'es rte h)oweis. Thle Tonic Pellet does the rest., Have one? sample free at any store. Complete TVrent-menut, 25 doses nrown M i'g. Co., N. Y. & Olreenevjlle, Trenn, I or sale by Frceuemn & H ondriarks, Pick -is S. -C jul8yl. "THE SUN.: Thlo firist ofn Amit' cani Newspapers,n ~ shar'les A. Dana, Editor. 'The Amnerican (Con.stituwtioni, thie Asr rCIiia Id(lea, the Amitilcan Sp iiri .'l These rst, laot, miul aull the htie, foirver, h:uily, bmy mail. ~ .. ; a vem.. )aily aond 'ilay, b.y mnail, -- $S a 'year. the' great est Smoluay' New.pape in iate worbul. Pritoe 5e. a (Opy. liy matil , $2 a yem.. Addre Ti-'l E SUN', New' York. CUT SALE DRY GOODS -AND) Our (ont iro stock of l)liY (0()(1)S und NOTIO( NS, wit hiout risarvo of inglti ar'tcle, will be sohl( at - -OR TlIIE NENT' DAY S, D)on' w,ia it unttilI thle C hoice rhinigs are gone, but come at EkWWE AMEAN WI1IATl WE -SA Y. SPOT1 (CA S11, nom go-ods charged. FIUNTER & HAMILTON, LIBERTY, S, Q. Wanted-An .~ Whdea n=tin thin oPatent?t A*Y10 adidi ,D4, o tihM'ei'*,io M .t : " -fr'"A" Inod' 'i'meaha'ed'r. IeL ALL'S nat'is Goo ee , I lav moii at~ pric'es hlam 16 r'et to ii .00 a yian I give iny best attenititon to l8lack tht, otn this linte~, there is nthingju. in thI "TING ()IF seasotn. G ood hieatvy Cottont Cheelre' come to pak' he can como hav'e in Grecenvillec. duinig 1897. It will save you money, sh tot yottr actual needs. WAet E.a