The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, April 01, 1897, Image 3

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The People's Journal. LOCA, ITEIMs. -A neOw papmr has bon started at Seneca. -.--Mdos Singloton, of Loo)er, is critically ill. --Miss Mira Lay, of Calhoun, visited in towin last wook. -Robort Cechran, of Fort Hill, visited friends hero Saturday. -Dr. L. G. Clayton, of Central, was in town Tuosday on busimoss. -Snow was soen on tho back mountain s Friday aid Saturday. -The South Carolina Presby tory meets in Anderson the 13th inst. -Sovoral peopl predict that the fruit crop will be short this year. -There aro soveral valuable tractsof land to bo (old here next Monday. -Planting gardon soods has bei the order of the day horo for the past week. -Jas. E. Haegood jr., and wife, of Easley, spent Suinday with friends in town. -Tho farmors plan ted sovoral grains of corn last week during the nico weather. -A. B. Riloy, of Easloy, has been elected priicipal of th Cell tral High school. -Got J. 0. Brock to do all your i watch and clock ropairing. le I guaran toes all his work. I --Messrs. William Ligon aiid Andrew Curoton, of G-eenvillo, spentt Sunldayin1 Plickoi s. -Miss Ida KelJloy, of Portor, visited her sistor, 1 rs. L. L. In abinott, of this place last week. r -Mossrs. C. L. Gassaway and E. L. Maur, of Contral, were in Pickens Thursday on Ilusiness. -Constablos Cooley and Cure- d ton captu-ed severail galions of i whiskey near Liberty last wook. t -Capt. and Mrs. J. L. Thoriley visited rolatives and friends near Pondloton and Clomson Colloge last week. -Tho four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F'. Hai-ron fell in the fire on the 25th tit., and was so vorely burned about the hands and body. -Marriod, at the residenco of he hride's paipijts, .1-Ion . Fred. Garvii, at, Coiiral on tho 21st ult., I Mr. William Woriner to Miss Geor gia Garvin. ---Pink Williams wvas before Magitr-ato Stewarit, atI Liety, on ~ the 24th ul t., fo r violation of the dispensary law. lHe w'as bound orer to court.C -WV. N. Hughes, of Looper, was ini town Saturday and rep~orts the farimors in lisa soection as tak.. ing advantage of this beautiful weather for plaiinog corn, -H-. L. Clayton, of Central, I: was mi P'iecns on bulsiness Satur daiy and huut his name puit on the iw JoT XmI subs6icripjtionc book in or.. h der to get "'m.: NEws." t -Dr. J. M. Cronshiaw, of Table , Moun talin, waIs in t own Sat unlay' and states that fully one-hal f of the peach crop ini hiis sectioni wa killed by the frost last wooek. --W. A. Mauldin, of Easlov, w'as inl PiIeons Saitucrdlay anid uu.~ys lie has now on hnmd se;veral fi ne muleVs r-ight. See him i hoforo yo u buy, -The new rood fr-om AllIgood 's f b)ridhge by ('ideon Ellis's in to a thie Shioal Croock read is now ready t for traveling and is nearer and a v much bottA1gradl~o, than tihe old r --The niewly alppointedl Towni shiip Coniuiiissioniers mnot inl the Clerks (iflico Sat uriday and took1 the oath of Otlico and1( (elected the cihairmans for- their respc)tivo -Dlr. Riley fillled his ireguclar ap) poinltmenits ait thle Presbyteian ci preachodh tw~o in ternaitoig and( in structijvo sermns(i to lairgo' andi~ at- ( ten ti ve congi-ega tioncs. -Miss Annie Clyvt on , (daughter of the late Dr. 8. W. Clay tor-, who I lives n&nr ConitralI, dliedl of coii suimptioin onl the 23d uclt. She was dabouit 20 yeurs of age andi leaves m-anyi) friends to nmournl her dea l. -Misses~ luckwor-th an W31\yatt hav open a))~l ful in uo of M~'illinery, in Easley, an:d will g~ivo t heir cusg -omelrs thiu e st sty los and~ pre-t ti ost goods in t ho maiikot. TIhey know the busi ness and will guar c ani)too sa1tisfaict i (o. .-.-On the 25thI uit,., at W. R. Pri co's store, ina r Suncmny D)aIe, Froomiain Lynhi sh't and( seriously I wou nded j6rn-e-st ewiis ii the right hiand and~ thmigh. Dr. R. K iriksoy I dlressed the wounds and at last ac- I Ipoi :its the pat ientI was dloing very< well, Mr. l,yi)QI) has not yot been -Jfames and Hanford Babh was befotrO MaIigistrato Jonkins'rues dtay indicited~ for cutting upi the biarniess (if W. H. Crane's Saturday . niigiht James10 Bab h wais turned lQoOo but Hlanfor-d was fined *10. W. 1. Bjcssi ngamo ap pearedl for thei defenldants and J. E. Boggs for the0 State. -idi at the Ifreeman btlildinj uid buy a clock from Mr. Brock -Gratitudo is the fairost flowe hiat shds its perfuio in tho heart -It is said that the sales of tli book of Hon. W. J. Bryan brinj Sin $100 a day. -Read the now advertisomon >f Dr. L. G. Clayton, of Contral md soe what he says. -Read the change in the advor Asement of W. T. McFall in thi .suo and call on him. -Florida, of all the statos, ha ,he most water within its bouin aries, 4,440 squaro miles. -The Dutch peoplo consum nore tobacco por head than th( ?oople of any other country. -Whon you want to buy v 3nitar, Banjo, Violin, Mandolin Itc., call and see J. 0. Brock. -J. 0. Brock has soveral fim ivaltehos on hand and is sellinlp lmti at a bargain. Givo him I 1 mI and be cinvinci"ed -Miagistrate Stowart, of Lib. -rty had Couit Iloward bofore hin: turd for. violation of tho dis wnsaryv law and he was boun( )Vor to court. -Greenlvillo IM oil iutai neor: Rov. X. J. S. h'llomasIli, editor of' the Hap ,ist Courior, has been called to th.e1 )astorato of the Pickons jlaptist :h ur ch, and the iilpression over lere is that he will accopt. It is lot at all probablo, h1owover, thal 1o will move away from Green rille, but he') will visit our noigh >ring town over the Pickens and Casley railroad at stated intervals. Maayna111rd If emls. Tho pupils of MlaynlauIrd schiool ill give an enitertai nment at tlie chool house, Thursd:.y night pril tho 8th, commencing at 8 p). 1. A small ndmittanco foo will o0 charged, the proceeds to be used or buying books for the school li rary. Geo and haw can hehoard from nylight until dark. Oat sowing 3 over as well as the planting of arly potatoes. All the sick in this section are bought to be improving except Villie Williams. The cold wiather has ruinod our cauti ful peach blooms and we aay find other things hurt. Calhoun News. Mr. L. W. Crisp, our dopot agent, aE accepted a position with the 'lifton Mills, and has quit the rail ond business. All regrot to give imn up. I\ir. W. D. Griflin, of forcross, Ga., fills his placo and 11 are well Pleased with Mr. Grif in and thank tile Southern for ending such a nico jolly agent to .alhzoun. Clemson Collogo is on thie in l ino. Theliy are set ting out hand omo shlrubb~ery all over the cob ogo grbunds(1 and( beauti fyinug the >laco in many other ways. In a OW years Clemson crllege wvill be he apple of 01(1 South Carolina, YOU may soon hoar the wedding ells tingle in Calhionn. Thie farmers are badly behind 'ith their crops in this section, ut if the nice weather continues, 'hoy will come to time, With est wishes. DoANEj. Frvoma TIable MYountainlu. Mn1z. Erwron As 1Ilhaveni't seen) nyVtlhing fr'omi this section in some meg will givo you a fowv dot.. Tlhe Ooleiioy school, under the lient~1 .1121 unmgemionIt of Miss Jan ie ill~i pi, of E'Iast lFork, N. ('.. I osed .Frid ay the 26th ultI. TI'he fter'nooin~ w sent apar11t for lhe oar ing of speechos, (o ialogues', ofie., L'omi the bo0ys and1 girls, whbo nuade goodl impresi'on~~ on the spectai )1rs prosen t. A commi111tteti of fivye -ore app)oinlted as jud1(graf andl lhe rizo for the blost spoech made was wardled to Master T1hios. Andlerson1. The next best speechmes werei' inde1 by the Misses Nottie R~oper', oi) a Crensh aw, 1(1da Il1ondricks, ina Cr'onshafw, B rtie JI nd ricks, ai iW \T1ifams, C1ora Jones, Jlaai .lrod~ and~ Alaudo Jone'~. The Iit ho hoys'V who acquiit ted t homsol ves il woro:o [Leroyi5 C.zrishaw~, Tlill ~lark anid (Grover llendricks. Thle losinig :1ddr ess was. (0 dei vered by I iss Nir~a Croishaw, wvhich wasu (?c(ive wL( 'i th (1o1ight by all pr s ut. M!i ss Gililespio ha is (01 'C do( exee ngly wtell and11 deser'ves c red it for'i ho training she h 1as gi venl her' pui >ils. She has onldea red hiorself to hemt andl they wvolcomie her' back gain in July. Loog .: Ox. lotlee to Confedera~te Vet eranep. All Confederate Veterans ar< allod1 to moot at (lhe following amed laceOs for the purpos ~O0 o looting Towniship Ponisionm BoardF n Saturday the 17th of Apr'il 897; Easloy townuship, at gEsley; 2Ihorty towjsh ip, at 1Liberty ; Con raul towniship, at Con tral ; I [urri Lane township, Mile Crook ; Pick nls, C. HI., township, at Pickens; ancusville township, at Looper's toro, Pumpkintown towvnship, at ~t King's Old Stove. By order of tihe County Examilin ng Board of Ponsuions. \VARR1EN BoYDiE, apriwS. , Chairman. Subscribe for Tu'E JouRiNAJ. nl1 e ym... 7h ;*A:,':it~ t'..'' Pike.- Lws nn!1:i v 11111 2111;: ho : c'l.Id I -J ;I ' is , vwi,9.'I di~i' is i ! ih ( o"9 rgy, j it ( 1'2 5 1 i f -, I i. I %I (I)9I 11101'() i.119' it':. ?)) t i III i'l' t fi- l191 jb9 it oil1r Coll 1 v 1 IItIti p1) I i)i I Ig I lit)9 it. dividwil Ati9hd.91-(11 i f"i. 1,(-t Ii look to on], ll t o:911 -~ il thil In n (I~~9ht~~- I9 .. c lx lu l 1 tiil yW A Q ( ik LiICH i: -1 9,99 -iii odile li:, Ill 9' im 1 99. -1 ill ;I p . ! - l411, 1)1v a."'l h." 'is MOO V Tlw~ ' A.9 1 111Y1 Apriltow " YOII NEED CA REITS AND MATTING: HERE'S YOUR PLACE. IWS1LITER ) PEI-jTIE Dry Coods, arp-ts, Mat tings, Oil cloths, cornice Poles and W4ndow Shades. After stock taking they commencoc l)achilg 1) the broken places, level. ing the unevell an(1 nlow the W1hk "W'k i.s; i tihe best os.sible shape. TIEY HAVE New as-Ortments in Outi ng, Siirt. it ('heviots (le~'t patterns), Prc-. 'a :d (allicoesl and all Such good., : 1r in e led for lreslt ad future j OM 1 1,, DRESS GOODS. .I s .1<I "A1 llrOirleries are floW 011 Ho 4oa.. A few days will give us _W11 to "hiow Ili asor{.ment of the rarest designs and SPECIALS. Ih 1 1 e(oe(l Drills at 5 Cents. 4 f 1 cent Bleaching for " (prn ('I*. 'iniham 5 cents. 1 1l Groy Calicoes 5 cents. 11Oil ClhtIi 1.) cents. n ., 'lioso1 Chbld n Under I "5 p4r' cent. undler regular !1.- m ent. Heavy Wi~nter Hose \\inllow Shales, Spring Rollers A real good Carpet at 35 and 371 Cents. Iens innmerable at far under U'ALISTER & BEATTIE P. S.--Butterick Patteorns. Summons for Relief.. TI' E STATE JF' OUTIICA lOINA,1 ( 'olN'iY ('F lKEN8. J (0:0 Stew~ ,a lan1 41 I 'Iff. s A(IA INSTI El IiZfab 1h1I Garreip t, Robe~tt St ewnar, Nancy , lgusola, JarIes 8lewv:u-t. Ali1ce Stew :111, l'ail Stew~ai t., Loney Al~oore, Julia '4 4ore, 31i iii, 1 4)4Joe, d , 1', 31 :4m44) F. II. *' ewart,~ ElibIat Stewvart, N'ewton SI!w~ '.11 . 1 IICnV Al04ore, Jlacob L,. Ste(w a-1, J*lm I Stewart, Abham Stewart A I toral -tewarat. IDefentlants. (4('ioaplainat not1. Served.) To a he I*ef ntla~tb aove, namll: 'l 1e '4 anlVwer thie Co uphIrtit. ini this ad-n ih ha, b.en :tug in theit olile - .1 ( 1.!:k of1 ha 3>ur t. .o lacu ti I . ( '., withaia Iwenuty clay. after the4 ereof,411 exclusive of the <la~y of '' -<4; saual if yvita il11 to) aaswer the i i 'i 'Vitlii ihe Iiaac afoaepsajel, the * I in thi-c aiiona will appjly 1o the bi fo the relief dennunleaiatl in the I -. .Il:a h 2:bl :A,. 1)., I897. . ' '-rI-;w A ni'. (l c. P. e [sEr.] 'I (CA N & ItI.ASSIN1AIC., l 'httinli ll' At tornaeys, he u ..i4h-ut d4fentdlats Alice I ~ ~ Ii. ~lu, .J; anes Stow unmon4a~114aS ini the have14 i-. a copy, a1ini ula i ite of h41 ('411r1. of C llonlno 4 'I g S a afore-:aid oin To b h: haE. iSlenari, .br1ah~ all twart, \ ten..n, inor ', ov r te i a o ( fa. and d. l'. M1 o, a i th (') '1 re, I \li 444 ie ft44100n, I I I r a, miosler th agae - ~ . (.4ii (mile. -d tlit m i to e. 4144s4 l'Iav 'Il in~ Nhi A elio I th) plai-OO (I u -lidnhappiain Horso A nd&il~suac.: I ~~ ro i~ ~Af' litl'A toeys,~(0) WMh . hMAULDIQesN & c.,a - avlt Et Lshiomo , 8,olrC. N4HERE'S A House Fi More on "'Come and Ta -Before the Stoc I I - Sugars, Syrups, etc., Umbrellas, Undorwoar, Table Damasks, etc., 1ose and Iandkorchiofs, igle Poncils, Earthonware, Iibbons, and Rubber Goods, Iadies and Gents Hose, Ilpacca, Allspices, Notions, Nutmegs, Drugs and Dry Goods. All Kinds of MERCHANDISE Nothing SHODDY in STOCK lon't wait! Come at once! Groceries, Ginghams. RUN! for our BARGAINS! indigo Blo Calicoes. Fine Combs and Course Combs. Fino line of Neckwear. Induce others to como NOW for BARGAINS. All of our Gooi -A Iought Ju We are Wvilling to give I CA8H For The Nex Come and see us AT ON( YouI SUTHERLAN M1cF AL L'S m-BU DCET'w'w' PHUN and PHAX FOR TH E PHOL.KO. Mr. Editor: Now is a good time to fix for gardoning. We have all kinds of Seeds and Garden and Farm Tools. Cotton Seed Planiters, D~ouble Foot Plow Stocks. Wheel Bar rows, Cultivators, Briar Blades, Bush Hiooks, Forks, Rakes and Barb wire for pasture fences, cheapest and best, New Goods every week. Look through our houses. If you don't SE E what you want, ASK for it. WV. T. -M'Pail. Wanted-An ide Wb AT YEI' ill of Goods, IND the road! ke Your Pick ! k is BR OKAIZ2V. -1 lu 01 Owl.1 0111 ST 1O *118l)rJO0 (1130110 *MOU. 3J019 1 srous Jo a'l oo{ .tNrsjj are Ort~ class! Buye8r 11 S(JOOD .1110 Jo 46.pu,, 0117 pl'Oj '.010 '81110f '.eVUT -9 10 110) 00f1(d 0111 ~o.j~b~ 1c 'S1lulld ptuI P"O SpU!) 1117t- i *S TRULY,1 1~~iI!IXJ 8305p113SM~JPikens S.OC, READVTIS RE1 AD THISo 01 wat011ad ar or Sa dd I1re frt cd las alTlA BIG iDcomets to See 118 WAGONs.P11So UGGIS andOAR NESS Dt &. GRes&FasawyIrN,. 1nrIa, S. C, feb11m3.11 MaIn Stet YOENULE,-.O at va ooi J irt ti ol addl Horse Bornt anod Mules, For LadesT MAisEd Children. Is e r il on hand al NESSESMKY Man Ctet ravll, S. C, In Fat, a I Lieict ld~i HATS, CAPiieSal L CES, , For adiS T.iso tINES Chl Ce . ManGREENVI rcviLE, S. C. fe500 D. J. P 0AgUt3fsek.DntIstgrene DIl,11 Af. :. iete Adisoni Al McGee's Drug Storee, V IDR. ROBERT KIIKSEY 'Physician and. 6iwrgeon, Offlceett bMe residence at tile Kirkey. honto place, on T% elve31,6 ]Rdiyeo March 8, 1894. DR. T. D. LEONAR DENTI All work guaranteed would be )lIaCd to sorve you. Greenvill, S. 0. Oflleo over lirnee & Dos4tor's Drug Store. melh l~y 1. To The Public. SE wonkl respetfifully Inform the pub lic that Dr. H. T. Weldon, who Is well and favorably known to the citizens of Pickens county, is now associated with Is II I he practice of Denistry. oMice: Entire front. roomns (Ip stairs) City Natomil annk Block. Dns. NOtWOOD & NonWOOD, Grcenville, S C. 11. A. MoltOAN, W. F. BLASSINGAME, Greenvillo S. C. Pickens, S. C. Morgan & Bhassingame, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Pickens, C. 11., S. 0. Practico in all tlthe cotrts. alpr-lii4(iyl. Better Raise Mules Than Buy Them. JIM 1ASKELL, weigls abotit 1000 nmiqls uia , will er% o mnares at, Pickos for 4 10 for at volt. TtUMPiCT, is four years old, weighs about 0 poiuds and will sorvo mares at Gouldings Creek farm for 86 for a colt C. L. Hollingsworth. .e.. 5T 18,O1.5 DRY GOODS! It will pay you to visit this store when in Greevile. 10 t 1 say it is the CHEAPEST PLACEC in town. Your1s trully, A. J. JONES, 205 Mai Street. "Oleveland Block. Agent Standard Patterns. Mcht2O 90. iY 8TUI OF Garden Seeds Is Complete and FRESH. I keep~ the best Flour, Corni Meal, P~otatoes. both Irish and Sweet, Onions and Onion Sets. In fact everythinig that can be found iln a well Regulated GROCERY. Hllighlest mfarket priJces paid for all kinds of counltly pro duce. (Call on mec when ill Easley. i. H. MARTIN, EASLEY, S. C. feb25min3. Tho rj~flts Southle rn Baptist Con venltioni AT WILMIN(ATON, N. CI., MAY 5th to iMth, l897, THEl Seaboard~ Air Line OFFEIN THiE Best Servico Qunickest Routes * AND) A H ALP RATE. In addition to the regular Superbi Touble D~aly Service, it 1s proposed to run T1hree "Baiptist Speeliii Triniis" FROM1 VIRGINIA, NOR'rII CAROL1NA, SOU'I'l CAl1101 1NA AND) GE()IIGIA, Masklug immerdlato connetonso with trainis fromt ail poits NORT1I1, souTh!, EAST AND) WEST. tables, rates, tickets, sleepers and all in.. formiatin, abddress or enll on H. A. Nowianid, (len. Agt. Pass. Dept.' 6 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. T. J. Anderson, (Gen. Pass. Agt., may5-97. Portsmnouthu, Va,