The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, April 01, 1897, Image 2

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..,.RSDAY. 01ne Dollar a Year .,Lered at te Post Oflice at Pickens na aecotnd-elass matter.& APERI NIN1 X A TES. 02e dollar per icl for first ilsertion, if L' conts for O<ich "4nbsmecuent iIse.tioI. Iiboral diseoint for adIvert.iEeIiertS (1n an ial constracts. Terms et.Anuinal cott traeta, palyablo qatarterly. No Ono rie to all. No spe oial posit-ion or special rates to foreigli a1 vortiserst. All sneli natist take( the rntil of tio paper and abide by stelt raItes. Lo,0al0 noticeS, ilocal colun1n, 1l cents per lino for first, insert.ion ani are cetiat. for eaci Snbset5ent. itsertion. Ativertisemeiits for coinig issue slhoulnl be liantledl in not later thian Moitlay morn ing. The eil1tor will iot he responsible for the views and opinions of correspontients, un less tie same are cditoriallv enlIorsel. TH il.iSDA Y, APR'HIL 1, 1.897. SENAWolt TILKAN CALLS. Senator Tilluman mado a call i on President McKinbly on th, 25th ult., and they ciiatted vory pleas antly for ten mmnutes. The fol lowinlg is the suIbstiliev ol whalt occurred : "The president inpliredl llow t(l sonator lilod his wovk 1111d whether they were (1liet enloigh for him: also desiring to know if the proi g of the plitclhf(rk wve shari'peeitd. Thun thw presiden t m3en3l~tione1d the x r Io ss 11ion of conliries nii'd ex pressed the opinlion thmt, thw pas Sage of tatriff hill would d() much to brighitn thin;;s t.p inl the coun-1 try. "Well. wo will see what. it will (o." said the South ( arolinianl. "1 1kni4ow that th pa-Itient. is veyI sick. Wo vil tr r y your physic anud it that dis not cir him h1ien we will havo to tr ours, which I t hink is the onlty thing which will eun. him." It is noodloss to say h N th Hie senatri''s rimledi , v is fre Si sivil and the pIresi den)t ful Ily un1 derstoo(d himi. 'T'lhe two rwen pated with mut tuil plen iut word s. 11. i-, a wll known fact thut Sileator' Tillmal hiated (x-I'resi dent, Clevelanld Qq) mu1ch Iha lwl I 10ver spoke to him during Ias list term) and neverT wentl to the Wh liti, .Ullose. I1AILIMAn M F.wwj1,-. milpervis or Loopmr has callied I Mass 'meeting" to ascelrtinll led 'n tiimit. of the people in reference to the iwnsip hinds, whw werel voted to the Pick(ens and Ensle railroad uponi certalinl C()ndit it'nls Howver the proprity (f ti call muay bo0 (utst ioneda, yet it br. beeni made andt it is importan'1(l~t foi t he frititls of t14In' railroald to) lilrn out11 andl('JI4.)1 exrs theiIs4.h-es. Ii is tiagest ofi a~ raila to l1I(kents, Ithat he( appei'a'o'utod byV 4'verybody31. mu ist la11vO it. It is ai neci i v to) country must51 develop anld broinug in add4.1it ional capital . giv in g em11ph y.. mient to the14 young lneole4 and keep in g thiemi fromii leavin g to sclI emtiplomeint ('lsehee luuld tin rail read. keepl y'our I)mleh her<I miore peopled4 and1 muoreO capitl. lGov lernor) Etil lhots nt l travl bu't he~ is goittg is own11 way. Th new4.spapers atre (crit icisintg himit Io'oi'ly tand 1h4 is get tinig ai little impa11tieni.t of gra t uitous adv ice and1( frequen t. (ensure. 11. is feel inL the execu'it ve ofhice aiccordinug t liltt le (i'ejppoini ted. fn h is na gutral addres~s hie said( t hat h)4 wouzld lbe governoro~ of all the~ 1pe4opl14 anid Home peole aro rampant, loaue he0 can not be0 mado(1 to Hee and1( do alccor'ding to theiir way (of thinkmng. Governor Ellerh)e hasi had somre dif(licuIt matters to st udy and~ do cidO anid '.anni not he0 exI)ectLd to leafso both si ides. 114 is consHci enltious and1( firm inl the (discharge of his duily and( Iho comlmnds (11( respoct of thioso who14 difier with themn, ovon if ho dloes not. lansO themn. OONGIRUESSM A N 'IAII ig'E Congressman Ta hlert is1 well known in Pickons5, havinig dlono a good den I of aill iice w~orkl her' before his oloction as suplerintend-1. Out of thio ponitentiar'y. He is faithful and1( offiint ill overy place and ho is over readly to look after the jiterests intr~usted to his koopi. ing. He hos1 made mnly good speech~es ini congress and will raise his voice in protest agaiunst mos tires, even if failure is cor tain. H is last speech was upon the tarily bill, the passage of which is a foro toe aOlushi5on, but Mr. Talbert ppeto atn interesIted audience C had mnuch to sa~y about the Jbes Mons,. OR CGan you or any of .Mrs tol 11Us from 0OXporICInco, .10 effoct of underdraining of lands to got rid of the surplus water in wet Peasons. In Europe and the older settled countries I havo heard that this is in univorsal practico. I have had a little experienco with it and amiii pleased with tho result. 1 have 801110 open1 drains now that I nean to covor. 'They aro carry. ing otl Iirge qItitities of water, runni ing frequently from 24 to 48 hour-s after the water is gono from the surface. I am siro if this was done thorv' would bo i wondorfll 1increase of cr!o4 ps. Tlerei't would not, o so mucwh p1oighinig done in inl tHil mud, thus killing a greiat deal of land. Somiw old mell InIlI 1110 that land killed 1 w l ouglh illg is1lver s) "ood agail un1i tuieMtd out flhil grown . 1) ill wood(. There doubtles--s woula he( anl in) ealCIse of crol)s, iby prIo r ldrailliInI of lalis, of coilitse, we linight, vx wect, t~o lieur tilo cr-y of oyo-i pro utiction and law prices, lut, thO.'t who havo lit crodht, S() they.N canmot get, 11) deblt, illid d14) not fIleed lillit'h inoneyN 1111d ('ould ha e11 1 000lo- breild to vat. Ibeg lagaill of tle t ill to look s1a1111 ( and collut close, (tIv hot om1 is out. of nes')5t of tho far-m - ing. f11 yol cannot do 4) yolr Owl) work4, alld ()wl w, ildurl-11y3 I-ell laids, its at 14ngu11lar' gr-oInLI1(-holg seuIll. to li v4. without, onoe luIs soie good trad ( )I. I11 1114rs11ome --nid ca11 atiel as whiskly t m lan 4n. This ar1ticle jl 'I w to Is I) t qui tle So) plnI tiful as wiag 114r, since it I-nius day anld n t What abo , (lu . h ) road, w\\e'I nn-,Ill neither~l wvork nor ItvelI them?'' A 1,1W more't weeks (.1 rainvwnhr w' will 1be t 1114. r cur hs i -r hies d1 w-1111 [tir- i i iletlwil tl; er,() s Cto'r 11C , 4'Ne)'44W w: l . ' w i0 1 to. r '( i (hick to- i rleh. 1,.,('k (ut ' St I v I rsL 111I l 11M 1,11a i 1 11i 1 maetking su1h r lm crops, w'te ImIy LI t he cons,id 'rg d v11111 tIl.1e (il. , tI lail n'11 srellmd 110%,v() tl evill tiOw Ol(.er nes Who have mad111t. suI litt., lri ag e | iljr frl I' thleir pr-i tic'o,) inl thit- stdy of tho i ivine1 law. WI s emllll to be eII plarts il inlig in ic k w )itril. i lsT. Mar .le I s-a h has illarched i in r4u14 4 ll arch StO. Th rils it s1nl -what lie i rock Ii (4 iwhe ' th .y s,) had dtl ti rll' Hill y i11 wut er . The winds (l4v4 rd , anld thev a irevr, ha44. las t, ek :1ndl ar, benil ru fo all th14 villIl' are 4wor t. il'o t i weathl I os liloy destr oed thIeI,(. 14ach and o 11t 1ui, 1e zs. J. 1). St'mith s(1 t but a fim patelt of enb1h1 ag'l e pl an' ts thll first 44. 1f1si wal k i1 id theIIUI w4.i11 i ll( e fro , i't'a 14 us(ig Ilt hemprt Iy arough.1 ~.h teabe llol r 'ii I t4,1 ll1 Toh1el Stat IConstaleis wre in owl 1.4 wo1 an liy fal 1tilie wil4 ~ d 1'44uLu a ilte ~ a ' lin t (lil'r aieu 1100 tl(twa put there to tkeep th1e cidr(41n liom imsno t. il JOuNt ter ist an IlN~tnnl ina t io, If yiuim v constab 1)s, 1t had nlarged to about) to' glIll os with let yi tof rom Iina the sc oabwr forv dmre. n ant i1 Q1r Ipla Ile Cwas sooit. tf the hateful stu'hi i n~)111iII ai' elr(ib unkow t~ their funaav. St tri(lks liqor hsbn'lyig o .lu't hid itj8s. aropter prvi viy sIuf 1 l'l ll01 1 ith s 01( fwIrivols whlen fourd, Sf1 nt cptuedlyya If w (1011d2'v we4 stuck il md t the fril)d1 blw1 th ayprooe newit road fromi here togickncor "n. - want e ervtd AjIE. $TT~ SherI4. Sale STATIC OF SOUTI CAIOITNA, Comity Of Il'cekens. .In th Court of Co Pleaon I'lns. Jbohnl 31. Glenn11, a1. A-lminli- rator, of h( EMstat of W. 11. (eni", (eIcoNSI. llIm Iff. A(JA jI' Joh 1 .r. *nison, Aii. .. . 1 misonl , Ia Il. ihn, Airgaret. eNvsi er id l therl Defnlanlts. Iy v i e ofa cleerelal order an.: I .iiiei ment-ft in1:1, by .Ih- lo n ). J.ep II I' resilliNg .1-ItIg , oin ei fihl of Apri, 180(1 ili h eliple byihe t: ii c ('ouir. In the -Ahve slatedl vase, I wIll itell to) the highest bi dbeiIi ii 114 1iblc ntiell a t Piek en urt house! onl the 1l.-st - \olay inl April, 1F97, dlinhg fihe legal houirs of SA , for on. e-. 4:l 1 1 41 h;:ih.-- reni aii e: puIrchaservl anll a inlorigai-e (f lite pno-ini Svc pol . :nii b aing fc."i t r . fr i t h. (I 1y 11 Hill, with le-ave to the pincha er to ntiillc l, taymi till. \I tll i t ,I t till pie . 1r i11 o -lr iu-l 40f 1 1110i.(d eI ori el by tHil eftn lit' , . J.:nal" lohn I.\ )) , . n wilereem we now live, vmnt ' ining tu ) 111111 A 1:1i -.'igh y -.six (2-%') :wrv., nit r* or less, lin the 'omity :nd 'S'1:it af1reabt honn ic- hi v 46?'is If Jilb F. i 1 h, .l. F. lle triel :ln W illi-nIIII li teri , I I ing 1 .-_ t Iw Si n11e h it !lotIght by \. .1 . .ha i:o 1 , i be I I enI diricks. froi e roh r .\llgan- Xvas ler. <decdl i o leel n b ok V., I-ngo I:3o." I' rc "II - r to I yI I fort d c ci, bot1I1, ( 4rt agi : andi rec 1iin:1 Ilh- - lru ., .1. 11. (;. icl \N I L ,, r E7L.S.L., S.. (iNT ) W.\NTI I 0tF WV;i - lit <-nh[, by Svilm, eQ - da0 . <,11).I, pre111settliw~i :1t Washingtonl. [EatIorl-. by ('111 11 6:11 i it -. rt oii n . 1111u1d. A h ,4:tu-zI bw for noe -: ()n1y B15 . iig b o ,hi , co ui jo . -(I l'; . r m -ly wts tr D ally $2.0 b) bo k - 1n lit I (or it'. ('( Iij gi F-'r i.;hl 1a -.1 . I . 11 p1 a ll 1 rash, :1'Il make~ I 11h2 11 :SI t I l i( I . i %A \ ei ( I . ( :1 1: I N, 3-2 ; I- h4-i born " t lue~ i2g.v I u11( 4. - f ; JeansW T NSing) nd. F-'ill a itt1 .I- )r m :I wit' Ioan. :tly (le it !ma : id at y-fo r hoI,; to $ 5ij. 1)oI liti w.i I ill-- il. $uty , ( 1 ) Ctl lit y( itI I 1' i iv rd'n - S. %I khh-. f r(Iubli. T- 1rg . t dc.i r, i I 11:11 t Ir:i( 11a1 the 0161y- :"It! 61:hh- :illi II itkory ~ 110.11( 1.y 4 nkIo (1A1,11 1 :1:11s l. i Ulll y . w n Iott (of tr.-| r. Tin-:e i~eonifer I ll. o b lge s |Coo, :h y eo 1,Inlwy leinely i hi, evry n i-h inl Biinpi i t in, al 11)1' QXrina l1 p: I-:: o. Ite Crn- inobi ri T~inlIIlililv i irb l m :, v.i:h ui . t e , i '11 11) 1 (I . : - g lii . . :rInn I V - 1 n :, 1 1 a .!;' . .1 lsoi a .-ma li i i N . -- Y n . n oi , o I;.i 'I;".-C i4 wi c tift* y(if. 09 t.lha.; F r : : np e h t -: m ~ np . Store, ew Doods, NEW - PRIGES. mYEa new (n stylish awellas durable, will be found in Ilounii I ickens County, i . C. GlOi[ I Ile (lading lublic of this locality are in nee0d of first class prOODS I icvese you all to visit lmy r-tore 11n1d examiin my stock and prices. A look will convoice You that this A dvertisement is no lIumbug. My stock comprises the latest styles in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND FURNITURE. I %vill make a spo)cialty of Shoes aid keep in stock all the leading Avlesfor Mi, \omie fall( Children. I also have a well stocked rl~O C I\ ,'A II.\ l IC NT. You will always find everything fresh and at tractive, at. tO loe st possible figures. My prs-(en't line of foregoing goods include "VALUES'' that are in dmI'i (and every <iy. Thie iiduCCIeelit a'r as strong as the q1 uality of my13 goodls are attrFactive. I am dete-rmiiinveo to he " Leader of Low Prices " it, this locality and serve you politely and attmid tively. Respectfully, F. H. 0A\RTER. Doyle Building. CALHOUN, S. C. 185i 1897 THE BEST ARE MADE BY 1. C. MARKLEY. And Everty Variety~ of Fine Carriagecs, Buggies, Carts, and Har ne'ss Haridware, Paints, Oils i(\and rnish, Greenville Coach Factory. G WV. SIRIINE, Superintendent. fOK AT_ UUTII s. gg__g ~SH-OE~S. u hyer, M. Jas.. Dick.son, LARGEST M IN - TOWN, is now Noith buying Shocs to suit the tra<de. STl.\ ll .iel jj ANCY (OOCER To0 imake room for the inmi)CIy; N \ll LIERY mj stock we muot close out oulr nonenPiie SI1I()ES from 25 eentis to '$1.00 a 1-mr. stozck. cents to $ 1:?.0)0.l~y ~ ainsb o M'lill inery Departtmeint the "'net. All kinds of Hatsk anid Flowers(v i' Iil f'or hailies aund c hildreni, like a Flower thlrleni, aii Noahl Ar k, two of a lkindi. At thme TeW coy$o ti Jennmngs Bargain Store Na. 118 North Main Stroet., J .Dcs GlEENVIiLE, S. C. agr So e liv"1aga7nsforyo is a vigorous feeder and 're- itl i:i. sCJI'4LI itiji sponds wvell to liberal fertiliza- *''.2' <i, tion. On corn lands the yield ~ '~ :~" ittiI increases and the soil improves i~~ bai he rt 'ii if properly treed with fer- iitrilIii(f%4;'Tanait). tilizers containing not under Tt io tie xod.Iwl 7% actqa,1 I8ilgIrs od nget aii.~ Iktash. stl. A trial of this plan costs but ,yuitot.Tyhudte!WEtli. little and is sure to lead to .7tvfo UO.Isitml.t lii profitable culture. - d adrSot, oi iitiipieLin. AN o t o ahs he results of ia ts by actal ex- 'u 1 isWl it ibgs~tiihr. to)A i a litte book which we iubilish andt will gldy t iiitotcytllne. Atkas $feo to any farmer min e ca who will write fu t, rd OERMAN KALI WO0RKS, benefit of tin-ir 1 dolr . a s .Whtw LOOK! LO Commencing Nonday, Dec. stock of lotl consisting of Men, Boys and coats at 20 Per cei Off our regular prices for SPOT CASH! This is a bona-fide sale a1(1 as mlvertise'd. 'e will show v you our1 foriliei You hIave it. No GOODS CItARGE) OR DURING TIS118 SALE. Our stock is nowv and in goo al I in Clothing you ca'Lt afford t. gins Monday, Dec. 14th, and is fo C1 L v I Attractve A rate New Cod A'tlt r a4) t; v e, (gohia V J' v c. Therei Ou isi ion newhes to vtes atlesi I Se (''r\ lits l's { I e a lwiti t n Vmll.r l1i'1111 conic to U) Vi nl 10 seeC US. NXVTS W0l%)T f'or1 5 enIts., 10 Cen1t Otlilig'l inl flow' dr1'0s t : v en Iln ee v. o dese 10 cents. 10 Yard.s Heavy Twilled Ibhd G yards 25 (1nt, Hfeavy Twilled 0d linlml-O l for* . $ 1.00. )l eent Ileavy TwiI)led led Flaumi for- 2,5 cents. 20 cent schoot boy Jeans for- 15 Cents. 5 ceiit school hoy Ihan 1t ounce 2-5 e-n ts. Yar 1-d v ide 'iedlmolnt slhoi ti Ig by the( bdLt -51. YaIrd wido 'Soia Island by the bo0t, 41. S, Iind11m)nt d ril b y t ho b)(It. 51. Calicoes 4and 5 cents. 20 yards best Gingham cheeks for $1.00. 50 cont Cassinicres all wo(l 8831 Cents. Dross G inlghamus 5) Cents a yaard. 88 inch IHeavy All Wool l)ress Flannel 25 cents' 54 inch Heavy All Wo'o l Ladi1 es ClothI 37 (eenits. Car'pets and~ M\attings ehw WeX~ haiVent space'( to inienti knowled(ge weC are'( the (ebenp est to keep upj our r'eputaltioni for money thau any house iiiu nype Miss Lula Hlunt is withl uls her' fr'iends. No~w in MhoreO goods(l 1.ima I hav 1. t L u41I tO get it kno t1W' hatIJ l uoem-utI. I offer. 1the indneenwn'i': wI b it lny\ stole I W iliJl prov (:1 I DRESS (m((I 1)(i..l )ST 14 .\ good . 441 a I 11 h ine l-ib-d Twi.; Ha* . ( ly 110Vl'ebs I Call' 411\(I To0l1 nwe thecoh gh i .io'n14 )(li( f I'ev have, oo bhoes . 71 Wl ev mootills chne Gi~veio you tade nyou ye )K LOOK1 14th, we will offer our entire ilg. Children's suits pants and ovor. it Discount. SPOT CASH! !very garment will be sold just pricos, take 20 pOr cent. off and TA\JC.4N OUT ON APPROVAL R shape; if you need anything at a stay away. Remember sale be r (ASlI ONLY. LE S. C. Attractive I "w Coods! New Coods! op a rtmnent. m we musft ak you to come vill olly m1eitioni a few of the 11 onh Store. >r11(111111 h00k an11d when you I CRACKING. 50 inch laick IuInd Ck,'ored Cash more 25 cents. 8S inch .l3ack and Colored Cash moro 20 ceits. ColorId lhes (toods 10 15 25 10-4 White .and G.vBikt -iS cents. P.est All Wool Blanhikts on arth for $3.25. 10 ceit Cantfoin l''1anunel extra fie nol ' at n tl ' ht. 1,r 1o c)ven Its. M i i1 (: lit 'n F 1 i in ', n )l or 12 IL~id t ickiI. 5, 0, 7, S, 1) 12 and 15 cent s. T11h b st for S1,irts .1t, Cheviots Ladie, 'i:1nwaiss, thiee for 50 (11o1ts. (st ra hIwarY ies for 25, li All\ f W'o Vest 62 , tho (l la r kind. M\Ie leavy Cotton Vest 25 35 an an C cent s. haer t l 'l v(r. Ju mIore comle to us5. All ac givmgij mlore goods, for less Jf OU' GOOD~s! Store. 14n \v I Wvn th(le mloney , and k the nife has been3 used. freezly -* :I , j yanl I now'. offer - il for $1 .00. VSP!'CIA LRS. b 'v ruan for 25 (1s. ohuim 1 ;0 to 12.1. cents. Oni nil1 innake I.bell. vil nee have enn-e to regret it. ic overy ton (dollari s worth of 011r wives and( (childreni for less West End. iven us1 the past year, JEE rgains~ ~rything the BESTI. st Competition. E tr1.:l.13, BRUCE. uirly antlmont with ant