The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, November 05, 1896, Image 3

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The People's Journal. LOCAL ITEMS. Honly Porter had a very sick child last week. It is much bettor. Mr. Jas. A. Gilloipie, of Bre vard, visited Dr. Porter last week. Jas. R. Grogan, of Oconoe coun ty, visited Dr. Porter last Satur day. Born to Mr. an(t Mrs. Will Pitts on Wedioslay,Novemileir 4th, 1896, a boy. . , Mrs. Rob)in1 'Lewis, of Andoson Mills, who ias bon quite sick is improving. Mr. John Moars is in Pickons visiting his paroits, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mears. Call on Sutherland & (riflin fot your coffoo. Choico lot eight potds for a dollar. Missos, Ula and AMeta Cox, of Greenville, S. C., visited W. H. Ashinoro an(1 fiami ly last weok. Mi. Zado Cox and wif .Ie,of Wasl ington, 1). C., is on' a visit to Al . Cox's piarelit's, Alr. and All's. J. F. Cox, of this place. The commutation Iax, aceor'dingp' to act of legistuito, nstISI ho em paid to tihe troasurvicr booro the 31 st 1), - cemIlber, the same as other' taxes larried , a .t residenlc( of thw ofliciating miinister N ov. J. A Stowart, on Tuosday N emVtbrl 3d,7 1890), Mlr. G. AN. Keller- to M-IS S V. G. Akhoreromnbio. -All of Pick oens county. M1-arried, at thel residencle of, the br-ido's father~j. Mr. Ro(-x Daltonl mn Wodelsday, ( October :28th, .1 Mr. John Tompkisl to Miss Tama1 Daltonl. Rev. W. B. Siniglutont officiliting. Mr.. Editor,: You will pleaso nn alinnotineo that the dodicatoln Ser' Mon Will not bo pr'eached at Cor nthHaiptist Church No, I on the4 third Sunday ill Nov(eIelr .1896. as wals though it has heen ost poneld. IL. J. M isox, C. Cler'k. .1. L Ambler has turnips that, (hat aire tirIips. 1o brought to1. this oflice Tuesday t1h 'Jo thmata whoppers. Thell lar:1"st mewasurle<. twenity-two incewlS i1 cirenniffer ( 111co alld till, s I si. seven I ol. ' Iees inl circulnI're ile. -Mr. Ai blor says ho hs it acrle alid a. hlf1 of the saim(o kind. Alar'ied, inl the Plzer Methodist. church, 'Sunlday evenling, Octohor, 25th, 1896, at , o'clock, by IRew. A. B. Earle, Alr. J. .A. Leonard, of Lxiit.on, N. C., to Aliss Edith Bolltwrviight, formIiorly ofi P~ikns, but now of Pel:/.r, S. C. TIhe brlidle is the ohlde st. dIaughtrot of' Alr. anid AMs. J. 1 loo igt and( h ave I th 'om-atuilattntns of manyi fr'iend(s ini Pickents. Sutther1aland &. Giinu's new stor'e is r'apidlly neain g comp1le&tilonlan will he r'eady for occuapauc ni)'ii a f ew dayt)s. It is commodiiousii and ii1 wiull give this p)oplarlll fir'm a goodI intendl to dlo,ats t hey ha~ve thle capI ia, the busiiwss and gonhtembi ill t lie men-ltino dolt t ('ourgel to i'alli oni thoem ini th IMoaisoie i('ld - ing for anttlung yiu may nteed ini the mer'chantdise Iline1. tng good pro'tgr''ss at tis I time, Rev. WV. P'. . Kinard( 1555 a isting the p'astor, withi Miss Inai (Gaines 'at the or'gant altd ([htil a Inmbe' of g' ood singers from tIhe 011 t iulit.v There is a good ou illook for' a good meet ing. 'ITim onigr'egatin are5Iil good~ and1( at tentivei, andt~ al l soom coming in f'rom 'a dlist ance of six and~ seveni miles 'artoundll. 'IIh meet lng Illoil ue' Ovet' noexf Sul) dlay at leatst. \londay was prettyIlively. Int thel case5 of1 Mii' ary ~ L ,et al, ai giaisf Snavil Ia La, et al, 220) atcr(s was sold1 t.' . K. Boggs for $10t51 , 200 'aes, the hlomte place, to F. V. Chuion, for $2005; and 74 acres for' $901 and 4.5 aIcres for $51 1. Tract No. 5, 242 aIcres wenit to E'lishua Kelley at $836. Tra'~ct Noi. 6, 111 acreI's wenit. t~o T. (. Robinsoni at $'250; (0;r) es1') wenit to J. L. Mar' for $1.26; 7 .1 acr'es went to J. F. Willims for $13: andi 27 acres to Warren Martin fot' $41. In thie cas~e of Harr'iet Bowie, etaf, against H-estr Liynich, ct til, 65 acres .vas sold1 to D~oc Alexanderq for' $502; 213 arswenit to ---Ellebun for' $1,237 and1( 279 acrles went to -- - ---for $85. Ini the( caso9 of ,John i Watson, et ah,aa linst Sall io (. Oates, e. al, 250) acres w'as boughlt in by .somte of' thie Ihtils lit law im-o $900t. Not e'. WV ~. K 1 Durhtain has no(w 0r.0 of Ii tip n iy coif ry. H e hals at ne0w and( first rhlISS sho~e makret n~ihtly I roml Grieenijlb:. Firsit clas1 worI; D~nuham's shtop is located at the Smith (;riflini mi. Givo him a ilday, Novemi ('r 7.thI, att 8 o'clock p. in. 'I. .J . Al A UIDI N, Ca pt. F'. E. Cox, Sec. TPhe G rand1( 'Jury ii Is finail present-. *i''t. E't w'i'k pidl the manaitger of' the p fi.i trm, Mr. J1 A. I ltnitiitt,a tine ('oml pdmiient. 'ni Isini naigi, (sp11eiatly, the ex alfint, iniiitiei N which it hada ht'uen mian. Tamble M110o11a11111. Cotton picking and Imerchandis ing is the ordor of the day hore. Tho crop of cottoil is bottor than it wa's onco thought to be, if we caln obtain a prico of from 71 or 8 ceots por 11) we will bo much b)t tor satisfied with this year's crop. Thoso who aro not solling goods hore have or must havo a groat anxiety for the sam . If bunchod wo havo moro or as many stores hore as you havo at Pieons. For instance we have near Pumpkin town and Tablo Mounttin: Amos 0. Sutherland, EdonA, LyIIch & Co., a Mr. Butsol, Keith & Hen dricks, Goa. W. Keith, J. B. Gal loway and Josse Crenshaw, all sol ling goods within throe miles of' 1uAmpkiintown and Tablo Mouin. taini.' Arthur Jones, son of Win. . Jones, nr Tablo Mlounltal, is prostrated with typhoid fever. Avery A. Jones, near1. Plold, iats an infait ill withi whooping cough com1111plica"te-d with sublmucus bronl chiis. Sciase of Jon T 1 rrotter, Wi0 had colipouuIIl fracture of tho jjh ,Jih )one, isi Imaking i rapid recov erv. J oplh NNth wh nw s prost91rat od with tyh 1id fver. is )to :b u) no(d out ot. h13 s t III\w store. puum upr goeanentdistil t. v. (1i) hope IP WiI i lot Iran a ti lro 3 i sI vivtht i, grief !'erick Ihar1st 1)odshd and gen era murd1er 'L as,3 hasi beli, Adon'l"re fo11ri by blkar . a ovn ueoint tufacturelrs. I I sWIN 311 ele i nt. The c lani o iCoting- 4f O . P.a v 0r D-1m1 A Ssoia vUIonI w I meIet With ift. Tabor chrb, A.nderson cornte day before the 1t.h1 Sudayi'i in Novmi ir. .i1. m I. y RIev. A. P. A narot. Q) 'EI.,I;F1-s. L ..J I ot i wv illinlgness t.( do Gid's will the bst evidenc we lave that w1. ar clildron of God? ov. -J. N. Eilrlo alld J., Clartin . .d. How mal.y w 1hNw the (111'i l twelo seu1 i conltiributo h) the catis of Christ. Rev. A. 1). 11Alaret and P. Al. Cole. Milnay Shoo mejugoil Stil.. 114) DIovrl 9:i; () 11. l l. Los sot d lfor the day taught h(y Rev. J. I. lar H . AIissi(In'-y sarm1o 11 a. m. Iy . . R. F'rro, Sunday ot t .enoon prayer 1nd praise service, SigIng for ho'1 on101 c0uaducted by W. J. WIte.. Union M1enn;;'. he Union meeting of the firsit istrlictVI Twelvct 1.43 Rver I)ntist1 Asocion,43 willi (me11t withii the W101k Sif i kos huroh. le iSturday b-filoe ie cost rndy til Novenhiii tor jil .oe it there m. 1 1 m c lut F>ry s 1rinong J. T.' I) h.l issimd rs imn thonii Sunayl of l'icka.~ m. Iy ll. i. toste altenat. . M.e~iii Stewart.B wi I welset. Wil theeiah) 3h aveod ithouti ldwthM'.. gosel Opened e (J1.1T crhee aindi to. tlendis.e ing.iiiadhaip tisu s vation? (ipne by 'II'ajue.. M I 3d.4 15 Whto tan 0531 he to rt S. W.n Claptnd h by hIhl and \51.10T. 01 1mwn. tll'wywlit All he i, hur)ches~ Ii sa id di si)ct iilv wl las 13( lld tEl(llIdelea (W L' 13 Ill~ililor1)o(3sinit~ioe. otii are gld Btoi say. th. ) tho bea tiI'il(1Of oui ret'iin d u li' 1)33v is I11i1elg ailpro~l indess w i a (ft excep tion.~'0 Theti'fmed is drawin nIigh~1 wiuheily Ixet, iso ae ie ly! fti 5:1(ilon e, Smis asf gner on' bjiv the 0ork i hn~ amidows tathed is goin. to 'gimpoo ftor s'tmc MoF ALL'S 1*eeBUDCET x -OF PHUN and PHAX FOR THE PHOLKS. Mr. Editor: This is the season for "rounding up" and wo know of n() good and But hieiont reason why this should not ho done now. 'The good folks should start the "Silver Dollar" on its "grand rounds" and koop it a going. One silver dollar will pay many at debt, if proporly managod. Roll it at us, we'll do tho rost. Como to soo us, toll all the folks to Como. We havo a nico lot of now goods that wo want to exchange for silver and now is the timo to fix up for win tor. Soid u1s solid silver. TI BUDGET OF PHUN AND PHIAX. ias iin stock nearly overything tlimt makos at homno com) fortal 21be. Seo here! 1 lankets, OutiingsF'l 1ii'l8, .Jeans, Qh14es, I hits, Clot hing, Checks, Shirting, Drills 1,011reans Washlist:lds, MN It I vs;es B Springs, Trunks, S.ehels, Valises, Stever, Pots, Ovens, Pry Palls, Ev orything. I/V. / 'I'' t Ji. All anrs n.r lavreh.' wan-nledl not, l o r (II I I lytuy ltni i li lns colit ,t v, 11itle by lishing-, h's11 inl-, caingil timber1 or ill an way entering upon he ime. sepio0 JAM.:S K. K1HKsi.:v. Maiii itre , GllE.N\IJ,,I, S. C. Have now ready for sule all the Latest SI vlts inl FHats, Bonnuets and Caps, For L:idies, Misses and children. P7-7 Theyliv keep conshint ly oin halnd all Ihe Nove(-lnes .Low prives. Your pal 1onage ,oliled. M1SSECS McKAY, Mainl Street, or(eenville, S. (. Notice t4) Debto's Sd Oreditors. All persons" hohdlina htis againlst the estatin of 'Williaiml W . lindec el ,wil 11sent i themi to the ut ilersigtned for pay ient on or bi lite 1-t l:N o Nowvemlber. niext, and4 all per-sons1 inldebted to Said es tate m11ust make imyllieti, by sail late. sarah EC. 'Martinl and J. T. Yonnigblood, octwaAthinistrators. I have oee e tc of goodls ini Easley and invite the ctzn fti onyt see them. I keep on had( a ele lected stock of General M~ier chdi se and canI please yOU in the way of Dry GAoods,No tions, 11ats, Shoes8, .Jewelay and Girocerics. Oct 22n1'mJ. T. CLYDE. TIhe' nil I lau~mi 'nu',r~u on ho e tea lO10 fioi'ur tile'- samt hn nif .':i-le n t a io iinuon wva :1 aiing !!I ne(1i- lis mor :1r bn '', ao nimm tn. :inni N'nrn. 1K . ronwn-' li not ,.ahnl W. A. liIAM1:rION, A. \H. liii HUUIIES' TANNERY! I hiave a fin' lotnof on ~li h an which I amt 'sellinng at, "Rock Bottom'' Figures. 1it"' llnides and14 lieeswtax' will bei taike'n wvelI ei~iiipIped ta i nniy LARKIN lIUIIES.. deent~f South Carolina College! Colum bia, S. C. 5Sssio))ne 's sepltehern' :a P I. Ten I eg itlar' (mn iouses, wlt~h IDiplomuiasi. SIeii I Couirses, wvi:h Ii ertiilleane. ti~nr, $N a. iilnaim. Tlotagl n'cess:tyi V n'N fornz~ lthe rearI (exclsivet of (tr'vehi g andl t~~mi n'lethlinig) fromi $123 to fli':. Wometin :anil 'da all Cla~sses. Circuit for 1896 areu as foillnws: Preaching on first, Salbbath11 at 11i a. mn., at "Twilve Alile; at 3:3 Socon~l Sabba)th , P'ickens at I I a. mn., andl 7 p. m1; Beth lehemn at 3:30 p. mi. Third Sabbath, Ruhanmalh at I I a. m ; Fail' iow at 3:30 p). m1. Fourh Sabat, Dacusvillo a i11 a1 m; T1'hor' at 8:30 p. ni. WV, M. iARIDIN; P. C. OVERLOADED! Mi4itit Inl'ad or ou r newly etvlet sheril' migh.l l 11(sist inl l e sa t 'l'here g4 rI-1.112)imp wic never S I . prospect fora cro1i Crop ais we 11:t1( a sI V( wileiot agotmt iyn8 e-IeII e R.' wil hail Aierson, S. m. (ie coI ti-m n ls for nI e] ellaal'ise fa(r be1 Ik 1nis islall p1111-cst al n ow. h.s on lini :ni 1) shorl t Iv :n ri-ve lgo tclh to ti. val1e of fillh ' f i'o,0 Sinlce luan~v of these pinrchases wer:-% mad the ottoll rop has 1 een materially eI oll'. or uI n e til y, so that we will 1ve I, findl anlO oute for orn- over cr-owdled stor hevonll ourl own borders-. Now we (10 not, ask Ior wish : iv line (1 corne at e willay in"-ro t o uneei-taintiv. bmt, aleil a certilente Inly execte whii protee1s propoed purchaers from loss not only (if m1 o..(i expenilel' it on tril bit. of t , he altas well and we rg'11ne a1 thitk of nnking the trip 4)o l . ol) an i 1 il a ln thill folhm ol inI g' g ,11.te-e, thjoughr we will pr-otec %)t y ua ywy A Lley . , Oct .0i I-iii. 11 F r Ith 14 at I ., I <s va I It 41111 H . 0 ate ollice w i I entitle diil hearer4 (iii f a 'woli- 211nstollier of anly consitler Iable- ainlotint, of goolis inl onrl Hlne) to 1f 1u1 pay * for all n iecessary expen4s.. s incurri'd inl travelinlg from anit - portion of l'ivkens counlty lo An derson anil return-1, and ill in llitin 1:1 theureto, revasoinaile oinlpensation for tiine lost. inl case we fatil Ito lemn mstra-- fleat, we 2ave P yo441 m44o4 y by . cominhg to ouor 1nu keI.. I NV I l \% i ,<11 ')fl I r'.it2 i I !ill ' :I - t 4I' .11d 1. ' . 1 411v. |% A' 11-ott t .. . t. 41.v .: is lit - Ill (w1is to hv : fc iv !-. : nofi f.irl t im i'e1:n' <-I h I -e44 ni *l . \Vv4.2 --w ill $ 21424. i l I d' Sl-i I c'.11,w (1-.! 1. I:t' '' :i l It v - g .. .-' ': .N'xI. 1241 4 m .. of14 n~4~~ I't- l~ii I I 't I( nel en I )n A:z(-: vy I o t I : or (.e I si,. TI ( rI lly itinmt t he11d . 11 ih -. - n ::-. &~th.I t 1 4 I ~ I 4 I t Ill1 It It n I 24 1 I. 14.1 pr a i -ions I' I - y ; : :. I 1. In .Ut r I :4 is 'or t hi , I wt :. t1 l' I s o m e - h o e ., f A II S :'..'.4 ah vhl I :I)1:1 -z 4 1tl i I Iric ' 1 4.k I I4: It 1 1 s -fi Ii' -4:Ili* I 1g.,' Il p!-\4 l '4 '. I ' Then I nv : un I h is . aSI I: 1 u t' 4Ir b r 1: i 12 4441e b lt.'111 .1 14121 )f l*'k 1.11W -4 N. on)S(l n lil :i: h o lt hz for il- i fn I' 1 n. ithmeI t.41 -it Sl g :;ti : tI . I h t ai -. iI 0% be 4 ft2I4I l withi4 .aS I I.I li1:1\ t( , 41iniie 2 Ts ' inl2 n,, 1111 \I. t~i I. (I. r t.o a laty's att i'. iIt is l ee lvtI. ' ( w h: Ithe I I-Iy lt' i14 ) .111ner l art in. i141( v Vatate . MI W hiv a iII 1e a I i 4n <h-tli rt kip 01.n 1 oull f riJ9 sh . : ( 11e 1 i I t fi o41 lve I 1 -'s t' l is 14as' . . k 1 1 1 1., 1 vr h o. theI, 144 fil l' * 2 5" 1 11 - 244.1411, r'212'424 'l4' In11 ev - b h l t, a lie. of','an wool v'4 bla ke4ts Wael wI i h' wo le strike a ll ans n :amd WI ' 1e4244l 21o at.1t': !ina l sto we e 1 i'tIh2 ha t 1.1 ,M: l11: Yto lt Ia te ntli ill W~lis buv are slling a1 flleirst g lIW kip or il en lf rts'sho at ;1.1 i. i .1 ..hi' 4 211 : *1 ~t 1411 ..' 5111l %\'4 41 Sol :a year .11-o at01 , :.1.5 :W 4! h . . J!A al oly' s e at im . t 14yi , Ivlai so bhef 1-:41141 for 142 t2il mn r' t I )44 We beliave w1 e1* Q will i y11 : locat d g i hNew atol0 4 (ill 444.14n b illy 414-ir fi W e- a rel. butliit(! ald nian's lk i. al o I it a( keoV Ol.' ip r t'l :t, l .0the, \1(a t befo 'a , h it _ i. New01~l Y oie s e ah-ri for01 d)'e'4irthh hagin bu1 1 aJt 'i r'hl s ei t1rene)tI' tint' 1utlet ofr iotn ihe h loarnl. lon Iao Mor1II 21au't I i(-ise o*' Cat4 t l .~i r248 el ?11'* 8\~Ol tet lo I gile, inl Il tverI 4tl'eLu ll, please(I LO ld8'tIIt r IfiitVO tand'a ytIr Z1' organ 114 se), ' 2ltt 1 t aily Mofgi horses. ---nders.oI'ke: Rckor, IOhi. pur~i)t.'1 1421 Moor11e, lason Ill.ogaI gan18 horse; hi nIws om. oi 114arents \'( moved from 1 Vermont CWIIl in. is, alhl~S di 411c ',,of'I s iten hum(1iro 114to, overlan di--. and so 1 l401'M T h< aboui:t 0 0p l t 414' p '1 14'v '" 21 i4Le. frt4 l0l 0 It. li . IIntI' i4 14 II. m.2', am44a in 1 a top 4titI' 1141 huggy. 'iv' ie Ih lorgan t1104 l!14 t 'n. h ex421)t e11 to Ve abot asl glri l y 'c ,'according to m nott increa' ing I n h p l otik WO II() Olalrgig our storo by Oloii-Iiif. Trhisi Ilea us moro goods X\N7tI(Il O111 Fl'l Annlinvlwcflnlt.. We wualt. all! kiiitis or Cotunitry Prod ue, andit liflic' 111) II(InlCv Iliilts to olivio l. vo~ir tradc.. COM~E TOl'( EC4 (*. Bi'~'V (~OOD Icil the) IlE:M.T At, 101tC 8 I -A 'S. 135~ - THE BEST ARL-- MAIUih BY ANnd I.ver)' \7a ie-ty of Fi iv C~ (a r i.' s i ucarts, and I Iarnicss, I lardwarc. lkIin ts, ( )is afl(1 \"arnisli, At: t IIloe 'Greenville Coach Factory. G. W. SIRI1NE, 1.]uporintoudcndnt. DRY GOODS! It wiHl pay you to visit this store whien in Greenvile. 1G tO 1 say it is the CH-IEAPEST PLACIE in townl. Yoli-S triulyY A. J. JON ES, 5 Mi[ain Street. "Clevellnud 1 lock. MchD~i !wi. A Wyatt, ELeky, s. c. 1-A V , 0lit i i h T -aewho. ovuw In will plellso pneandpy with11-ut furither de0 hiv ornoi . A. C. W~YATT, SEas re oV, S. c. IA W Ns, SW "'t I-'',~ Stil.I &( ., IN a it \ ii N. ',Ill > l -I A I > Dryz 1oos and kCi ara upre. Chreap00i>nus al C ovrton vi~~ ol ha li.~> oly.s4i' t. l o ne atTU is lu.lillN 'ra thr Iir :-1 has 10-g i lIj iu jukie t. all ande ('ef e u ide f uoug our .gel re- (1n01we1. I ih l (Joi. , us kiew oir boy e h. jivilli, z. too s: 1.n- ., loti-. Doods sell then Bettove is Mle Dry oodsandEu Cares. Cheapt Cottonl In t rubit th a iul tl yilon~ inny grow . . W . reonnama fortrhon ph~ or Dssoh ed .I'i Fertilzer o thie narket. CallCd eeu andgt u Cotton l Cot., 12 ulttSauC t, r Ce il e, S. C. < 1renville2s. 1