The people's journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1891-1903, November 05, 1896, Image 2

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the People's Journal T. C. ROBINSON, Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Subscription One Dollar a Year Entered :at tihe Post Offleo at Piekens its seolid-elaiss inatter. A I)Ei''lTISING IIATES. One dollar per inch for first isertioi, fif tv vt ets for each su ist-wepiilt iise-rtioii. fli1ernll dim"Ist niit (tir advl\''ist'lilt'llts t'll ;an n ca i celitralts. l'ins h:ish. A ituurI n tra<-ts. rtoa': Ii 1u:n 1.t 'rly. NI( f~jgorirq.,. 0 14f- pr;41t- t,, :1i. N o slit cht j positi'ts 4-' spit-t-inll r:1teS lto fot-tignl stll vertis'is. -\|1 Suh1- ti nlst la il. tilt. r ti of the fiua Ir wid abide b.. silh rates. Local noin :1 1-;A c"11111nn. 10 cenits per lin. fr --|-i i.s t ) i 1 ' ct ilts f il :\t'\ ,-1 ii'lits fe'I 4ift 1: Zis: As5lt l 1 l lie Iluu I; n t I;I t hai MIil I t1t rtI Ji I I,. 'liT I - I I I li' I-'S 1 1il l lllt fir t lit' less tlt S : rI- e eititi'I i;lly entlirst-l. At tho tilnl of prt rso rep):r, ar- that I ein Iv has er rid t.- t. Full facts next lt nt Inu t o .10 * n - C. v I iV t t c) - r - woub . to thc'. factorr r One -f tt J -tk~r.. - iItian a I' hr.- v. t..fq A few yeanz a, th Iaared, , CIeiely t Il a, 0:an vt~nd -ir,t or a or1 lia aborer*. N w' tL'. ri-,t . m .Ih sto y laud it tly , air-tl~iIly t .~ mfonIopolist of all the~ low-aer IElliX of labor'; hc is thev :ionoptli: t of the frrmt Ilrudte, thle brotblactk indo 1151rv anld koi'dred furitsli ), l i rd i e , service. The inc(omring Cliint, alwayit went itto the laundr ~y buIiness(.O~ or domestic eIxvice, so as1co (irnejjr~i -the.Itahian arrived yestLer o a ; fnuit stanrd to-day, thloub- . -nay be but a push cart- The fruit htand Italians alone would ma'ke a smltl army In R ew York. Not alone those wh have the tidewvalks, but those who also run smnall sltores that dlot the streets and avenues of the big city In developin~ this trade the Se to have gravtated~ atomly seem Americans evidentiy .~sdrdAo * olw as a means ot livelihood I~e leaves thme Bweat shop to the Pole and the Russian Hebrew the laundry to * e Ohimnman, but in fruit and hoots ho 18 the moern king-New york .8baVriboJfor the JOURNAL Cleenat. Things are quiot in thi- burg considoriig hard times, heat of p0lities,notes and mortgages coml1 ing due, which liusually brings ci satisfaction, disappointruent. and array' neighbor against neighbor. Th 11man that patted us on our shod(ler inst spring is not tihe man wo thought ho was Our roads are still passable owing to the dry fall at least w can still travel them by (lay with a careiftil drive'r and a light llad. I see th overseers,: have rdr too hav 11l hlf lds )ll t iII filll tillii' Ic t ll raals. It stiikt.s ie that tei llandils in this (c er14111l1 IluivOe abo)(lt wterkt d their ti iw' o t, i id out what hlin't. Shoull-rled t lii' tools :u1l walke-d ,ut, so, nothing ro muainiiS so tar as I se ut for tho 1\e(rseeri s to pez ill a ftew dIllvs, fol. i \'eV hi\'' !itt tilt' litist (A tilk ;l~ eiit e I. ('1'i11t i th iT ld bl\V is ' il.v t'l to s 11tii0 t- t llt. til itCe's:-:.\'V ieii ' t r s, 11..t. the WOr . 1ti' tlu'r' till ilie 'oad l ji u s tion It prsont a I liev hastike tt -lc a qhr that Iline. T eril(,1in11om1Ny with, L. 1."opler. Ik thr1es0n' InII Nst. 8: t urday I hx. ad Ilt M r kl pI i 1 . .it 1 1 atitl a t t'r a 0Of lie evr \ the sullen tribe, d s itr %, td . Inel. \ t z 1e short f1 ;-d by . J. .'i. Hr ma Vak . 1 . . . iIo . Ilk- aI elur h nrnbo tn --te - R*v. W. C,.ludn n :v I-'.N .-I. n Th i t od ct r -- roon v.ilV 4; prdachd byl~ liv. WI 1.rday~ :mh and~ to iciory -or* menl by 1:iv- W. C. S'aborin oun 4. I. Tuli MI.:., See''. IIllndic ks and1( .lirry Modilii, inuri dler, gulility of inansii i laughter ini withI rfeloIJnmiondahtioni inl thie (oni4e o.f HeIndrik anJ Hutd Borry Mod jll liotb gil ity. Sui otenIcP of (looni thrioe yeatrs~ ini pornitutntiary, Jiion dicks( solitOrleo wasI~ two( yearsV ni plltonltiary, wvithi aij)alu ini thie caiso of .1011nd 0i0hs. Stato3 vs. Ji. J. I,(wis, 'T. .H. .Jor dain, .J. M. Morgan and .J. A. Bry Hon, mu11rder, veordict n ot gially. Stato vsi. A rthur White solling Stauto vs. D)ock Brockenbridge. aissault and11( balttory, guilty. State vs. Cok Halddon tssautlt anad birttory. Not guilty. Stato us8. John R. Harpor mur der. Not guilty. .State vs. Ernest Washungton mlurdor. Verdict, guilty of' U)af. lilaughtor with recommnjodatin to 7~ro. Elevated railroats aro not having such a halcyoi tiie of it as they once en joy.'.. 'the Kings-County RLoad, in Brooklyn, has gotie into the haids ot a receiver, the Manihati tan. in N,:w York, is not the rich ii. denl 1-payiing institution it on wB in Chicago this week the \lby 1 w a SOl t (er the hanuIjer f r1i.. t 1.-i o -ne-fourth the aloIlt e it ei talizedl stock. Ele-tric :e roa.I hive played havoc witi, thse pjroplerties and the bicycle i:- vl r~an a fare. Si Jones has the proper a pr. tain of I in ewspaper 1) I I nan. the, lollowing Ieserved tridt itt i profession: 61If I w-anit to get a rilt SI. re Junpgmneiit I'd rather go iln0 a n evpaper office tha11n a1 court ol 1ust-ice. No imtn, whose life is true, puei :n1d just, is atrid of all the newVSP.p(rS inl Amrica. 'They are the best (let(ective forces in the Couin try to dIy. They have puncturei niore shiins than any other igeicy, anid am hir at I amill concernet I v tako lho bri'hles otl and let them goy Ile only ones that, will be :urt will be the siamis and frands. A Card Dour frionds and noighbors you hav' 11Iy thanks lli'or the help you) geilvoi me 11i my dear boy's hurial, and thi Svmpaithies extolnled to ie. Tlo Lord hal1s said e vould hhess a chieerful g iver,anl II ie will, M ay the Lord bless you all for the sympat h ies extendod and assist Want''d---Tattl'. WVill pay the highest eash pric.. fr t ileilh Cows 'll all 'thi"r iraitdes o' vcat i1I . Als- xhag milcha cow-. for h ofe t' a ti 1,k rI yk aIr!inI.g-s, Iv. 1 -. I ) I 1 , I tIicion-. -. C. W e will S'.11 at the lat,: resid.-necs J. F.1~~i~cibr .ah ,de -d.nth h da -T . D ctml. I.T I H An 1 krwn e 310A titr aplae -Ir 1 111 .lth - C lt- I i Ii- Ti l :.\l , 1 ! 4" .~ . r L -i N ieut i o r IIli I o Ii verv- c l ii a. ' 1 Th ul 114, (' tauvhy I-:et .shi- mor Idba i i.liv f N(. 'p'n o .f i b' lgIcom I 4lIbreb114i ll een':I t - ! 11. ii IlIM 4nt444a4 1. ac~ t ry i...f , p I 4 hll~ i 1144M ttI 41 14 H oe. r a ----<1 f.arriiz noes to :a rnot bYoair N]U11(4 I4 11it ut'li.:- \-1.:.: i .l ile fal 1N. 1 -; f l- th r-l' 1 :ll 4'.i 1 11 r ilu- 1.:1 rwl.(.:t (,bt't:04%is the olyi' uer - - -rnd 113 Ilrtin f"nm hi-kly" i pu liagi t~tihr o eosiig w 1 jibrofi~t isi-ilj inian. * I ti 11 11 c -ii 1 wiveryu ,,i y C jII "'~ia. . 0: *- feAlTurN enOrioon an ............, , llte en 1 r-i s a e e n ) ~ FALL AND WINTER GOODS We art, noiw ready for you vith a big stock of FA~L and WINTER GOODS We are proud of our purchases, and feel confident that they will meet your approval. For six years we have been work ing for your trade. We have studied and learned your wants. We have bought Dry Goods and Shoes! To meet all of your wants, and by far the largest we have ever bought. We want to be Helpful to You! And wvill (o out best to prove to you that your best buy ing interest centers here-that for every dollar you spend over our counters, you will receive a just equivalent. We give you good GOODS The Lowest Prices! And politO attention. Our Dress Goods! Departient is comnplete, vith prices rauging from 10 cents to .2.00 per yard. All the new weaves and colorings, Trimnings ili Braids, Jets, Velvets and Silks. WNTe htead the list on Linings. Cold WVeather is Coingio! P repa re for it InI tilne. lPed Flaniels, White 1lainels, Twillel .1mels, PIlain l'lannels; a good heavy Red Twill Flan nel for 10 cents; our 20 cents Flannel can't be heat. Jeans! Jeans! Jeans! We hlae p1 epared for all the boys, old an d young, witl Jeans fromI 1U CCents to ;J0 cents per yard. See onr 2 Nc ents Jeans, ani if you don't say it is the best you ever saw for the m1oney, we won1't a Jeals to you any 1more. Shoes. Shoes Shoes. Lc nmember t hat shoes are to be worn by all elasses and con dition of men womien and chiilren. We are ready to supply their wants. No uianI canI down ime oil shoes, either in quality 01r price. We () not claim to be the only man who sells goo'd shioes, but we dho let the other Iani sell all the sorry Ones. We can't tell you all in this advertisement, bUt call at our store in the West End. at(l we wVill prove to you that this is the place to do your trmling. Greenville, S. (. West End. N'1w a Nonia me. c's.and Chibiren's thosesi''aetory sam Iis o esl at ls S han nuinnfac-'hjes t 'lsist.isholta Sucha chancesdied buyicheapweshoe2 3,000 comes once aeasyeari andxcepw ol yourt tune toi'eenriullartoinollCtmx cinitylililtirpenshioosfric the1 es li (hthhens hosfatoy ~lti,~clo of taxls.wll1 fical earc Pl~ t h sld ! es hittttail ~ I195 , h i n hbi o laley. t ikss S.i II. lnthiet day of Octoberoi Such el ia, wesn1(he1 ,'iylowing tashoewill otdycolies411CC 'a at' 01(1 be4 i colix le : 'w h aIe'on a. t indt~we The Factoryn'hoschtoretax 3 N Tal. llii117 m2 nils J. .wn. Dikson.\1. abb' boid Non. btho af .\ler l~ i ab~~ltou:o poll t ax. 1 I('tit'Cil Aoepieiaklr, isiwithwil, ho Icollect i'elii'5 all kind 'i shos, aii. spca -; m ills i ll bev collected --------------------. ---- . t. 4 Pr ars No. - 8th until 12a (ieiiiviI, S C. 'i4'~ClI. \TI S'ii M ituil Nov. 4thl aternoon A , t~ Clhouniii Nov th sun til 1) it. I t im.ilcos. 1 wl Want.\tAn.I-ra y Nov. f01.h. Thie Fac~ ~'iit~Jr C atet S ttorAtlyNo. (.th. Ja.inligi1. M ircks~oploofr- . an lstofI a ng'r.rodrsistortNov. 1ath, af l'. - t-1 C. Shaffer', an exp:e. - '.hA tor8,E e N tiv. (3th .' hsiciant an-u'en IylI 'ing4ov47t4n meJ(C~th ridi c Xa a~ eL Mlch8, '..I \ t -'t at io' Nov. 17h a r lt~'~1 1. iwi an, sj.,Pto -~ \i 1Id~r. ti .1 il Cirek, N~o i4 18thunil 14 In A. honux, w.t ('I . Iililimas 'sr totun m.4 ti'( l)it144 Ie ''' f AllI Greenvi'4lles ti ela. . W T I Sa Ii, l'''t4 O4l~'d ill te is 9121111 t)P1'lnoe1.)11 ll n~ 11 < at14 'ltlhoi'lsam)e 140imo. 114, ii te Ca c. o 1''ohi t, t 114 1t f surer I otheo balance' of(( u i AT le TORNieEYiS A'Tiit LAWne N . 'eei (ot 1"'41'""-'"'il no., 1 tl) tlwic )It the 1 1)ti 411)thOfbooks willI)cl' 18,)I, ill iti'jllitthi mi kens ('.!f'k dyofNi.IH,, s.C ec mple I, loav t(ach pll c e hereof, at hie'f ltime 1 peflod in o rorn to lie forenoon toaBh tih (iine, ifppointhamentein ArtojiijstEnii t ia atlCoi. TrOns.h hmullt. h r~al t oli g mL'Detis, ae n Ofice,'t hiseide c . lain tireieht. le 1111 a 111(.ti~21 'o Ifoeirh , i--m ~~ et fNv 86 nte1ya fot ae I*J 1 . 1wsa. NF XEs Il. ht Juge - , EJ~ I st inireJ Prh cto WHATS in a NAME Moro than most peoplo think for. When you see the name ot DR1i'1FUS & CO. You look tit it, as you (1o any othor ad. That's whora vou imake a mistako. You imist roal it. over carefully and liid out what it im plios. It will show you how to spend your(ill 1iney ill buyiig your Call and wintor Clothing, Hats, and Ocnts' fur nishing goods. For instance Wo oll you a suit ol clthes for $5, $7.50, $10 and $12 that, other houises soll, for $7.50,$10,$12 and $15. How (o wO (1o it. We simply buy them right and givo the peoplo the bonofit of our knowledge ( and sin owdless. How (o wo got our knowledge. By ox porieco 1nll pains inl buying gcc(1s. All these facts pt, toget her will COiivillCo ally 11iaII of soliid milndH allid jil(Igillollt that, wl Wo tell you are facts. We OliIve in gi ving our enus Iomli mrs I b st valli wi possIly cUl, it is to our interest to (o so, anidlie a illlt of (ash hiysilp'sS wO 111,9 d 'ill i viges 11, thauit he p''"hI have lvari'cd flit. wI dil) btisi lless Stictly mli husi lloss p~ri li. ce lo s, lla11il ly, (mv jy'p--.. not 011 Owi h .1owesti alnd no cI -dm whiieb dou's awav with losses,l!ne('4) Mili ien' oll for (e l iIll 1,ig to b I I'. (ebonest. (lothimog hotise ill the statlo. Col Ii I, we W l ilt I' i [ rad" anld mlleo \\.. sojjp wvhfiojlvo git \(Il for keeps. '1 liiis tiuly, fu, 113 luul i15 .ein st re8, 0- , Attractive! Attractive! Attractive 2 New Coods! New Goods! New Coods! In Every Department. Theje is too much to te 'l so we mui nt ask you to come aild see for yourselve-. We will 'iin Umtj'n fe'w of the inany }101 m'g n . i } I I 1gh111 i 1's i: Make il nlote 1in vohm111 lbor' i1(Ii11i book gmi \V}~ o comle to to -vin eoime 1o s('- us. NUTS WORT1 II)RM'ING. S ei-t i t inig in new d r'se sty les . 5; inmh Ishic'k amil ( ---d. ('MTh styli's ftor S Sents. i e' -1) ,O'I I0 () aurds IIeav'y Twivilld H( l d 10- )4 WhIite a ii (re ii h lnmket V l a ni.l 1(1or $l.ou. H (Slits. G~( yadse' 105 re' lavy T lb-<i la-si .\li \\40 'iuk'~'i ijI R *1(lWddPe Flan I o sleti.i I0.1, fu '1''5. , .7 S ()1 i Lhr hu)1) . IrS y P ,rt. Yard wide a'' I-a Iin d by thei The' best (iorI .irt -4 I'ledmni drill by thei [ol 5 S anis (a rir > 2(1 yards bes't. (singhamir 'In .l . ,5 dt II n b or $1.00. Xi..-V\ 50 (alit (ass~.irn'1res all wool '' -~iiI 1(r.;s (inghamis 5 ('1nt 4 a v.1 r d50e 85 iich Ileavyr A\l| \\ool 'j).' .. 54 inr'h fIesary All \';'1ol fS~l~ C7.arp(ts and1 Matings eh' :lye' 1 e eXT hiavent Spa~C(e to mei(j ou ,ir eOli * i ni wiIlge. we area: the ('hPap('t store ini towni~~ .1'lte( 11on '.y thatii anyV hois iil tip lIer 'CI'(.iro1in, MI ss Kua!: Ihunt is with itsii and wvill be gla to :ir -l l l('r f'nds, Rich er'wHan dsomer THAN EVER PRODUCED, ra 'OUR fiLOTHE5, HA TS N~0515ni5) WE.W-E TALKING AUOU I. Look overm the stock; it's conpl'ue nou . and1 see if you don't agree( wil)th u. 0O. two things we ahvays iman to do- 'lo s - you better g~oods than you ge't els'-:: rv Iir the sameC pric(e ; to sell y'ou the s.une l(4O( ds' at a lowver price than you get themi (Is GREENMViLLE S. C.