VOL 6- , T H E='S - - - - - J,.A V L N . KP C N S * , U j p y O \I Il(ki R ,6 O N E D O L L A R A E A l. Ta a r-T m Frayno.~~~~ 4-u-aarya mda-on -1 the ico wvas fonin y in i lFmli'c -. pools along 1 t1 he Jlattl, itlid t hat en trio stroarn itseli had dwiilled awy%, iI volum1o until it ICined but the gh4 iLt of its foriner self. Raging and1 unfordablo in June, swolleni by ti( melting snov of th Colorado adek :l the torre i N frtom the Mfte~iciIno ow, it Hpinit it.s trength in lie arid heat of a log, ,ry sunnner and whenl autunti Came was Wild -3 a I Mill stireai as far as the evy could reach and fordablo in a df o -aa places withini riflo shot, (if tho piw. Mainy a tiio did old FeItoI 'wish itr wasn't. Frayne's resrvation was big tud generous ; but, witiuckily, it. never cxtended across ti he river. Squatter. , uigglers anl sharpers could not in trudo upon its guarded limits along t he southern shore, a tht) naivrst grog gory--that inevitable accompaniiint of tho westward march of civilizatio n -was a long two miles away down I o . right bank, but only a pistol shot. acro-s the sit retm. In his day Farrar hall wgd wari ngainst tho ruinsellers onl thle noIthN shoro and won, because then tlier vere only soldiers Anld Set(1 t lcrs and Io lawyer' t -outsido tho gliardliouse-withil 90 miles of t ie post. But wit h the tido of civilization cale mre sttlers, and a cattle town, aid lawvy-rs inl ahmlialmico, and with their (om ui;ng the question at, issue became nto oiger- that o' absirict right or wrbg, but how a jury would d1cido it, and i a frnmt ir jury always duecides inl favor of the siuiatter aud against, tilie sildier. Fenton strovo to take pati tera~i a fir F larrair and1( very nearly succeeded ill ,anduing liniself in jail, as thIle out rayed \ I -nler weit down to Lar zic, hired-I lawy ers thIeie, swore Out warrants of ;it amit and iIpewaled to hiS contrymen. The fact thal no l - thmn four of thI. 'T.wkeifth w.ithin six imlnths hal died wit hilir lits on, i imus of the ready lknive-s or revolV'rs ol' thet sutir a- ioo-s thi' si a., hlId to bear- t ing inl lth eyes o li ie n. Fila jvl I Narned the divele pLr a die-tun ine.4 toi io pu ii ose, lit wheil fiially Irg.emit 31,1iaiith is set. 1IJ011 and hitiIedIv tlero oe f!e- A1rl evening v.withii easy ranigo, aid albio.-I within li-arings, of hiS coimiades at FV aye, Fenton vroko loose and said impuou s 0 l ings, wvhich ruach ed the ears if his miei, wh-Io wlnt amd did things r 'ii if Iho beele firnst atch ieved- a cam i .tniinrg. Profiiessiing dier, proin e.eu-' a 1'9.9 t'-unt rder and ain expert ini drill with carbine or pijber ho -novertheles dclatrgd it yits -' ~h~L~l(~,- , ryff! //V Ajt0;I Tf NNY'-.ON ti. Js ilirt elisionint and gav0 it to h) at d tiiihal a lifliculty witl the 1< ri!', who ouiglt to arriest him, hadI een tlie illialis ot brilngihng Iiiiii to thu empor-y r Ifuge.of hI ranks. For theo first fwv wveeks, too, he dranki lut little, and wearilig his uinifori with lie t aso ald graco <,f o(ne log n.cus oined to he butto(n1s, and beinlg erect u(d athlitic inl build, lic presented a cry credit ablo appearance. Tho bloat (, bloolshot. look Ie woro onl his ar iVal, 1 he 1esult of iuch sirreptitious 'hisky In rout e, passed soiewhat 1wiy, lid it was Only wlien one Studied his ace t1it h11 traces of intelIperance, dded to the sullen brows and six fting, Lst less eyes, banished tlie claim to good joks that were at lirst accorded him. 'roni lie first, however, the old ser cits and such veterans uniong the oporals as Terry Rorko looked askanco t Trooper Ur.ic. "Another guard ouso lawyer, " said tho first sergeant f Lealo's troop, as ho disgustedly re ived the adjutant's liotification- of raie's ats'sigunicut. "Another wan f thini jailbirds liko Mr. American lood, the niewspaper pet," said Rorke, i high disdain. "We'll have a circus rith hin, too, as they had in the Elev ti, or I'in a Jew. Where havo 1. seen mt sweet mug of his beforc?" he Lided reflect.ively, as ho -watched the ewcomer surlily scrulbbing at his kit, id txe newcoiner, glancing sideways t he Irish corporal, Secnied to read his iiught s, al.houghi too far away to hear is iniit.tereid words. It was plain to w-ry iman in C troop that there was pt to be no lovo lost between Terence orli aond "Tonuny the Tough. " And i here was another still who woro io iniple dress of a private soldier, hose eyes, black, piercing aid full of prtession, were constantly following int ne; recruit, and that was the Sioux uiial, Crow iKnife, it youth barely 10 ears of ae. lie had been a boy scout -ore I ho days of tho ghost dance craze. . aind trusted ally of th white idiers, ix iad borio dispatchee ill) to It)( v IomntL Vhen Kill Eag!o's Lad brained ultimatum drovo his band ito revolt and launched them on the aUpatl. With them went Crow Knifo's father ld iotler, and the boy rodo wildly in Lirsuit. lo was with them, striving to iduco his mother to abandon the vil go, when the warriors mado their d cnt on the ranchies of the Dry Fork, id later, when Farrr's lierco attAck .irst upon them lico a t liunderbolt irough tho snowelouds. Seizing his other in his aris, the boy had shield I and saved her when Lealo's vengeful ten rushed upon tho nearest Indians, hen unquestionably, yet miavoidably, me squaws recei-ved their death wounds tho furious fight that followed Far tr's assassinlation. Recognized and res ied by his former friends, Crow Knife cut back to Frayne when the brief but lood.y Carnpaign was enided and then as senit to thInd 11ian school at Car ie. Retuirnini ill thle course of t bro m:tFz hei had been (enlid in what was ft of~ the Indian troop oft thie Twe\.lfih, xii wvas een of Ihli few of his tribe whlo -ally nauhda a suc-cess of soldierinig. By le ;euno .f t his (-vent fuil year Crow iiift' s ceJ.radeis wer~e rapidly bieing iselstrge'. itnd returnling to their blani ~ts and lodge li tfo at the reservation or niging about11! the squalid cat tle town ~ross the river. Crow Knife, sticking his cavalry duity and showing uni toked for devyotion1 to his~ officers, was gairdbed by the TwelfIth as an exc( onal1 calso anid was inado(1 much of no ringly. "'What d'yo think of that fellow, row?'' aisked Corporal llorko one da1y as 3 watched the e'xpression in the Inidi i's face. '"Ye dlon't like him any ore thain I do. What's the reason?'' '".'hiero is a saying among liy peCO Le,"' was then answer ini the slow, meas~i red tonies of one0 who thought in anl .heir tonigue, ''Eyes that cannot incet 'es guide hanilds that striko foul. ' Ilo lac-stahs-in-the-darkc is the 11am11 we Lev sneh as thlat man11. '" "DJ'yo knlowv himn, Crowv? Did ye ne(o th d1(ay ho caime Ithe cap1tinl has id his eye on lhim, and1( so havo ye, id sio have 1. I can't ask lihe captain, it I (emii ye. Whero have ye seen1 himi But C'rowv Knife shook his head. "'I mnilot remlembher huis faice. it is his arck I seem~i to ktow~. illy p)eopl1 say And14 soi I lorke ('ould( f'indi no sat isfac try slhn in of the ever vexing ques in. Tl w iie (or t hirice lie acroSste d ( f raiee 1nd 'Itrovo to draw himit into tailk, b~ut 'w ii li t e a tine of I he irish eelr :,a greait contraie to thle joviality w di phIll i- wh11in4 on1 til Jirt' Slubaltern4 to appwar, :a Ow thIrby 1rove Will nearly rabid. Ihtl his c(ornrades ventured to dlub hint "1,la'4tIher W\ill' ther wvould have b4n a rt . 1hl Haiy of the other htls of tit- garison si iraimsgress1'd he WE ub1 t have tun144-4 hi s bac4k upon41 her' th44n and41l ter, and14 54 ('h-;.:ant a4 dan1er'i and1( reputably weaiI bht a youn;i 44 ti'e was- nt t i- , .artih-d, even('i l14fore 1'itty ear 4111. I lut k6 ctiubi 24144 without ei' (i t:,c.r, 41 : ne., ;ilt beforine sh~e h12l laen' ztt JFra;yne a2. e was24 matkintg life a burden1 fori te fllo4w who 14241ltlprayed for' her coinlg as5 its sweet 4St less'inhg. And so4, li ke th 1bi lg outside worlId, the litti14 (5otimiity (4f Fort Frayunt w(as liv ing its life of hopes andt fear2us, smile and 41( tears1', Iov'o 14u14 jea4lousy and4 halte, while Kitty had spteed(ily null tyraiiinitg over'I e'verybotdy at the col1( nel's as5 well 1as4 over \Vill, 141md tormeunt - ing Aunt I LuCretin2 by3 ma41kintg (yes at Major Waynie, who never sawv them')t, t his ne0w ('tolt('s241 alost overy even in~g, just as. 20. years5 befor~o lhe infestd the (luiart rs (If his old friendi at Lea'1ven wt h 1, r(1ouig onlcte m1401 all 1the4 flut - I (ring (4f thai2t maideny1113 hear41t, a42u(, whli le Mrs. Farrar, rejoi('ing in4 the evi hide lad in t he4i 1:eno WN l 'Itt Oi Ci' wh14ile shet foutnd 04mnfo~rt;in the4 fact. that4 andit disgra2c'' 1had SWampetid himu, shte would havet( bteen 1ess thna1 a h adi2 W4t2t1124 but tuvary4ing dev(otin.tt~ Si'JI. F4 Ne~4ver'1 itedinig, rare~'ily'(' calling, It'' int EVery 1lo4k 11nd( word'. It was tvitih-t, that4 al11 thuese y'ea2rs had4 ne(veri served( to4 ban4ish41 her inu42ge' f'r(an his hea2rt. ant live and4( not4 rejo-ee Inl kniowting 1her hE' lfi hetj of so iiimeh love (it eviry tide? Wido.i 44 lhoutgh evetn by a4 few UnofC :4 itt ths do41s lhe a4 sent it that4 the 14442 liv' s who nt htI be4 ghlt to t:ech ier' to foriget ? if' was24 not, withot)t ro-' tiumteet, thetn, (veto'3 on) who44 had~( 2( lost hiir he'~t belvedI nt thrixee y2:ars gonet4 by hi ar tet'2si. Andi to anuotr Storrow intg hear't, to ano41 ther g 'ttle and44 'stricken(' soul4, this w 41try 1 J mjourn (,n the' far fronier (1 was Itr i . ti'range ail ion. 1)h4y aft1cr ra':i,. Tinto-' tafter time4 had1 with ith inm who41 V m-i httau2ty of1 faino Cionhs manne444r hadI charmed himl miorO 1(1 iore. First to notico his uarhed 1 refew'nvo for IHel'en Dauiton's society was Elli FarIar, who not('d it with 11i(xe illotios4, with :1 uI i in1rest of wihsho felt, a-:hamed and whicb sho strove to repn s.s. Fgrv monthis shit lual' been struggling against ht rself, or rather aganist m0nte s ring" d -ist.-lupr that. wvas not rslicSelf, for the pang of jealousy with which the girl homl inarkedl her a11oth('s (lep't-leniv4ce( upnil Alr .I . DaIunton who'll Ellis returnd''( fronI school4 hadi roe' wal ked ashloro and left the be l.O.ed pa ir someit d 'stance from the s ,ce'. Them horiSo cazed about,' but rtelu.''d to return'l. F ilily the gentle im m1 dtlurm'in ied to wade out-or rather' im and ~s'.at dl toi piluinge infto) the Iloot f with, his brandot now troutsers and patent I -athiers bitt the laidy positively re tisetd to be treiued att such a sacerifice, lie mnust. take ol hIs shoes and roil utp bis trousers, which ho consented to do a~fter' .ever'al hours (of doliberation--as no help arrived. Capturing the horse antd wading hack to the buggy another as fui di ilemmna presented--thoro were. lii si'thpm Inr strti ngs to repair the hI *' t . rres". rThe lady's Inventive m \ us v'~i, c~IIual to tho (umerlgo~ney. ii ~.3 m moved the strings fr'om~ her corl'et, whvlile the r'everend gentle man stood hauishing and prote ijng. But the htarness was mended anq1boh couplie finally arrived at their jouiney' end. But the timid young mne troubles were not yet over, On- re paiirinog to a room assigned him he dIs coveredl he had no dry socks, and hie wast finally teimpted to ask the erstwhile partner)Ct it woO 1 t gain~ hetlpI him out anId she t1roinptly t(tedered a pair of up-to-date hlose of thte miost appr~tovod style, which he gr'acefully accepted. The story leaked out, and 'there is one preacher in Paris w ho doesn't get IntO the pulpit any of tenor than h oss pos Bibly help.