71 . 7 __THE PEOPLE' S_ ____1 _I L S J1OUR AL. 1R A;; 01. 4,--i~1(KlNS, S. C., THURSDAY AUG~UST 16, 189k.N.3 R. ROBEIT KIIKS1Y, Physiolan and Surgeon, Ollice at Ji residenco Mai StreotE. March 8,t 1894. H. 0. BoWEN. L. E. CiuILnDirss. OWEN & CIIILDRESS, Attor neys at Law Oct. 5. 1893. DRt. J. W. NORWOOD, Dentist. Dr. W. M. N(awoon, Assistant. 01ile, 88 Main Street, Greenville, S. C. Jan. 9,'92 y D R. J. P. CARLISE, Dentist Gron ville, s. C. Olifco over Addison & McGee's Drug Store. DR. BYERS PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC F-20 years experience. Graduate from lirst Schools-under patronage of highest Medi cal authority, itiakes and properlty adjusts any style Spectacles. OWice over Dr. Ad dison's Drug Store, Greenville, S. C. June 28, 1894. J. S. COTHRAN, Gf. t. AFLL., Greenville, S C. T. P. COTuRAN, C. L. HoLLINOSWOlRTI, Pickens, S. C., Have associated theimselves together for the practice of law lit its various braniches, an1d will give careful atteitioln to all blisi, .ness undertaken by thet. Loans and discounts negotiated. May 1, 1894. 1 GREENVl,4lEl, S. C. The next session will begin Septemiber 26th, 1894. For Cntalogues, or for informna tion about the Courses of Sttidy. Mess Halls, Private Boarding or other details, apily to the President.. . uly '241. C. MANLY, 1). 1). 1. E. IIAGOOD, .. Tb. TI'IORN LIN, .in L. C. Tl(ORNLEW. HAGOOD & THORNLEY BROS., Iify, reed, Sale & hQchlnR Sables, Easley and Pickens, S. C.. (Opposite Hotel.) Carriages, Buggies. and Saddle Ioses, at reasonable rates. |E- Your patronage solicited. ABE CLARK. G EO. E. COOPEI Clark & Cooper, Dealers In M bll and Qnita Monuments,. TOMBSTONES, of every deshription Also. MANTELS, STATUARY, VASES and Wrought Iron FENCING, Greenville, 8. 0. Sept. 19, '91. If you want the finest PICTURES made in the State, go to Wheeler's Studio, 113 McBee Avenne Greenville, S. C, A&- Crayon Portraits a specialt y April 7-y. Veterinary Surgeon. IYaving an experience or fit years ini treaiitiing all diseases of eat tie~, andt~ hatvipg malide the d1isenise of M urrian, in all of "its formns, a specialty, I oil'er my aervices to the public. Will treat cattle suffering with aniy ordlinairy diseai.es. T'eb. 14y'Paeickes, S. C. Deale in GREENVILLE, S. C. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Oct. 19.-3m New Store W E now have for inspecrtl-m the most compleate line of MILLINERY, DRESS G00DS, NOTIONS A ND LATEST NOVELTIES of the Season, selected ini person in: thne Eastern Markets. The Record Broke Again ! We will send one box of OC II LEA D)ER L1VEIl PI1 LLS, (Twenty-tive ienls size,) t o any address, for lifteen cenuts. Try thlemi, none better. T. X. L,. COM PANY, 230) Main Street, Cohnlnbi, Missus McKAY H~as just oponod all latest styles of SPring and Summer Millinery At the lowest possible prices. Main Streot, Greonville, S. C. A pril 19, 1894. CU M-E LASTIC costsonly *2.00 per 100 square feet Makes a good roof for years, and any one can put it on. OGui -ELASTIC PAINT' cost only 00 cents per gal. in bbl. lots, or $4.50 ftr -gal. tubs. Color (lark red Wil stop leaks 11n tin or iron roofs andwill last for years. TRy IT. Send stamps for samuples, and futll particulars. G8UM ELASTIC RCOOFNG CO., 49 & 41 West Broadway, NEW YORK, LOCAL AGENTs WANTED. Feb, 8 1890L-6m. - // 10 cen ts-Beautiful lot new Figured Dinitys, samUo( quality first of the sea-son at 1i( con ts. 12.1. cents-Ladies Seamless Hose, warranted fast black. 12. cents-We offier the best L3 inch Percale manufactured and warranted colors. 25 and 50 cents-Tlo best val 10, evor offered in 1men's Sumni auer Weight Undervest. 'h'e big value of'ered inl Linen ast week hold good this. 0 cents-The best men's ad )Oys Unhundried Shirt oil the rlobe for the price. All LoV Quarter Shoes to be -old at a sacrifice, as I do not vant to carry any over. Alen's Women's and Children' s 3hoes sold at lower prices thaIn Wver, to make rooin for fill Yoods. A. K. P.AlK. (We,st 1)d 16. PENDLETON STREET. .,It imN VI1,1, E. S. C. Aug'ust 2, 1894. insure Your L1A- i -fe Adthereby) insure the comnfort of toewho are dlepeniding on y'ou for support. If you-are alone in the wvorldL insui-e youi life and forin an endownient that will comfort and support'' you in after years. At all ev'ents insure your life. 'What' is tihe hest formn of insurance? The Tontine Policy issuedl by the Equitable Life It offers advantages to b~e hlad under no) othicr forin of in surance, beCsides bcinlg b~ackedl up b~y tihe richest and strongest society iln the wvorldl. WVrite Rt oncee for particulars. \V. J1. RODDEY, Manager, Department of tite Carolinas, ROCK H-ILII, S. C.I . FOR ACASE ITWItL. NOTC tIE. An agreeable TAxativoe anli Nimilue ToNTO. Sold by Iruggksa or sent by mail. 250.,560o. and $.0 per package. Samples free. fl The Favorito TOOTU V0WDEB K NO forthieTeethi andi Breathi,250. Captain Sweecney, U.S.A.,san Diego,'a1. says: "Bhiloh's Catarrht lRemed'y Is tho tira$ med icino I2 have over found that wyoui' do moW any good." li'ro 50 i. Sohul by D~ruggists. Dottoftgt ta Cough.as theroIs dangerof its leading toConsum p1 ion. Hnir ou's Coartt will saoyo a sovoro 1,ung Trouble. Itis~ the best ConhCuro nide apeedily rollevcV~ ough s Cronp, vhooping Cou gh and llronchitis, an i8eokion aguaranteo. 25cts,. IUje nrwniiron~ n -uIitten PhaySleuu ureu'ounnenuuIl it. All d1.-ulers keepu It. S1 .a per holt1. (;eunnino has trade-nwr -ui uandi ro.ued red Iues on wvruapper. Chamberlain's Eye and sin Olntmon Is a certamf curt for Chronic Sore E yes. Granulated Eye Lids, Soroi Nipl pi P e Eczeima, Te'tter, Salt Rheum and Heca$qd 25 cents per box. For sale by druggista. TO HORSE OWNERS. For pultting a horse in ai fine hiealthiy con. dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the sy'stem, aid digestionl, cure loss of appeti te, relheve constipation, correct kidney dsorders and destroy worms, giving new liIfe to an old or over worked horse. 25b nanta ner nankne. For sale by drugginia. I"k"' UUAE IN ANDERSON. :IlI 4Ps 4)s1e Sidte. .\ N a-:PS N, S. (C., A . gu T. special: Anld r1son11 knows hmw t m 'till(. I I t upt i t as '4r ( 1(1 UI' -IYOt 4ct ivI a I Id as gc4mI 12tit Il 1-41 .1 < ' ' s I' 111v (40ll ilt V it tit state. Thvy) cII i t th ani .4 or( 1 ,t - cII tv. u I t(esole stl 111i Sli( 1111 11w. To4-da v I 1141 e'r'',00 g in( i who for i j 121 Ji'~l211 V I l)~l Ila As 12 11 14 144 v ( h. I aisi I I t Ie f r 1m 11 I' \v . 1 d r f, Ihu .\hly Ilu ih r w \v1'' a .1(1 4 1144 vi Is4''' ' 1441 t As ine t(li uto ist 1 14 id wai 411, 11 \v121I I wa a ' ' l Iie' fI1m' ' 44111iele1 w il f -.1t aI 1)a I v( 4(l I liiit ver('c''sS vo I 144' a I il o ii ura '4i 1 'I 1 a 4 r\vy.I I' n. Il u lI) 1I' I(rinal canId ida t s we-rq- a ll 1 ( t i-Il ilt hi -dayv. Thwy art41 1 n1 Ill ilI Isi S l li 'ii t lii 4 a I Int suh1 1 plumII aIS A~LalerSonI's votewa wr ('apturin5g4 . 1 Th1 cro ws 214 (4414' el '1 ll. Ily. divid'- l h t weI'n IKvanls in< 4'1 ' I Ift I t1(44 h . 1i wo hI tl I 1 14i pwr Sist.-nl t u rn14' ihers, :Ind 14Is 4 both (i k2pt up a St1141n y * h r iiiz Itl cai n-<( I I e c(mnI I v. T I if' 4 l 'et il W Is I \ i\'i-< 41 ( . (1iv I l1 l l )I wh"1 12 II) wIl It 1114 r 12 wo r k . it I 4-r 1 h in1t n aki n a w I I n m t rk 'I k In i m I o II n \\ h: li oll i l . Il fact that 1 n lii khour- sh lh hav n it llz d his rr2 b1fl r this, :and that h1. h$ i it fr m 1 h 1lak iri l) Il <.t, ll- In sh4-4 l (i4I'll .j{ sub I '( iri pt if i.n( I I s w ilw 1(d 11, slfi Ii'I Of ( I I askel In 'I l4inell 2 lim o1( I'hlph ' ,-<1 1 J21 ( read his ,p411ch . I- li' m Ili " .r I I I Y fri-'Ii' l in 1 ' w 'lIe . wI' il\ I' t'n-qu ntly' I r 1nna- wild . * --D(,I 1ph i all right.''1 11 ( is s I,-fv hII iIk w lI C(oIlI. ( " . \W altl n \ 1hin11111n 1 -mh hi) i 1t n th )ro i tha it h-, wa > eI ll1 t)k i4 it 1a wy(1e.. F I I wa Oilt fearful 1u Ill o b si st iv in h i, (lrl.iziitg hoaid. he wante i tlie< witII ' 8111 A814I I il lvot n ho14 1)441)14 (4lI( of14w4 i 11 1 If')I4 414' . I1 141 14) w i 48I T II lem i t I I al d I -a itl 1 0, 1i I t( *Ill1s li T ros -11 a Iif ) ( I , a a' Is(1144l 441 i nI I4' was sa t i ied II hat I i t p 4pl qd o ill I (I 1 If he fool. li waIIs noIt ippis .(11 I 4 Ij148 I 41 (4 traII 1 (- opa lIl -I E, 'i " ' Will I 'd . It'll it '. I ) I ntes iho Iounlibn-r of ollicos 4I If Sp 'lit 111twi l of hiis ttill , ill (1 is. el uss iI 14o d ip i fy 211( J44'4''IIts re tiii ij11'l il ) Io I k a11 ( 111 4 p 1r411'\ fill t ilo' (111111 i4111 iof re-opllitig. ilfSOse whv -1'*11 d T illinallt 's [m sitioll, 1 ,1 11 4 wIs Io i I44 nX)iv Its lI :III l-4I ill olls V ol t'. ' . .E Vill ' k. 1 I 111 ' V ''V 111III 1 I4s1 14 I t) I441 ZI v~ wM~ I 44* I1 i r 11(1 I 4 I auli l4 'e.4W I lit I I I ' na I1 (1 h it I a I I f Is, )1'I1I:)1 11 (141 4) 4 'll ] fo lr 4111 1 , l l - I4I I 1 '1 ( 11 W li 81t1 o1 (r 1 11 Ij'4 a11 14' S.i li ii' 4 1 1 1)4'll (444 CNV i 11 |H' Ill i i ll 111(1 preljudicl. to gi-t (4ivllie h (Jill n141 nI I i(. IHI l r - l 14 1Ir I v i r I - W\,(Il' of t ile Illf. 1 r. t's ' ill l" w< till, unity of tIn- whte i '1p4 1w' W ill4 i o I l4 '4"m s i I it 144' ( ':4 i''* I 4 - o ll d l2s sM ill it-- '14l . Said I hat i)4 hd d Il( I mi' Ill (4 )l11'() 1 .l pl i ill lit) ' vlar anid lilil t 14' Ila i 1114 4l4 i 11:1 14 Ill at Ill ' W:lssa (h'll;Itgti4 ' 41 f 4I44l44 14'4'l i ), 0 . e ' li ll i i' v i(I 4 (Ill equiv.oally Ita i., h i lbjl i tI 1 ' Il ':(Ii llll (11f 8ill' (1 i44t iia8h n i hel i' ('1 reill it litc .. llj lO w A\ ( , t 1 3 . I, .0 1 11 1 'oll - S iI' I i ,4 4 11 I I I ' I I 1 '. v . 1)4' 14111 et allI( le 444pr lli i ' (1 44(4 swil4|1 i\V I1 111541al ' 4i1i' iIll' 'i | 114' :i4 . Id e I(I withwh-awn 4 r4' th' (.'If mid44 144 ll 444 1!. i' '4 444' :. 11444)4 Him I144' d i1 " 41'41 I ' 1r 44' '. 1144 I ' I 411141 1!44' 1 I44- I 1m b ,\.1 11I444 44 it w I.1r.aI 1 s I I 1 111' 1 Ii I I i 1f4 . kI 1 4 il l r I Vl ld - l v1 1( -, ,dI ha I 1wli 4114 141 14 \ I :(I i \ ll I). c, 1 1 1 11'. II Io 1, - ir t-. i il v iL- (w olr 44 N.~ 41. I 1 W. bu4 hat.w uh n, k ifo I I Iit ) . Ii4I 'z 11 1404Ii- . ,(( 144 V()m h i I ( \\4814 -14' 111 IIUI 10 h mi n ''i I ti(1 I. i i e a :il Il . Ir 1 i I I It. l 4 I)(,i18 I ili ll'V lin 11 4) c48 l : a t:111Y 4 1 11 Is .11 v..a.-;i kii'' I \\'r11'h 1 14 144-I 1I ' nol , el!r 1 ) r . Jil 11 V Ill' ill I 4 It' (I h I A 1 lo. n , pro i b 1t 1441 n1ow 1 11it) 1 b g I ll rtI i t l i d 14(p 1444 I 1 11 4 1Il Wil4,' ( l .( lO 4v ,i 1.(4 4 hi 1 Iv' a41 j I 41,144 . II~i 14 11'4)ll (1 114ist l i~i' 1 4' k IV) 1411 '4'1 'll'11, - ill. ( 1 1B 44 '4-5 wa In huit i eally44f~O1. received 114 144( 1,4''4 lii ' ' a 14allo1 coo1, l1 i W;lH 1144 t rr 14'14414 1 IlS 1414.Id g()VO il W--)4. e lL S i'l .(rli la( 40 OI liu) h if I n1'y18 111(T 141 lio i'o erly (ityn fa i or ll aR1)45 '111 t () f 10ilel~ ))4i his po'siti4n 44n ih d15J'I.ensai4's. - If mlee mIlt laws wad d~lohire etillst 1. JI t at -i glif t 1)41[l 1 1111r11 t n s-na k I i1 a id t it was his ty soth Stailt, fras r1wkin h at, 1l)l'w kIi'i' l i l 1'"11I) ca1 i r .1e tipiv24. i llt I n (v , idntiy t h (mslf with a y, wath 'i t4 e tati',l n l hi' lh l wa is lia s (4, tiln i , 14(i 1in . Oi) rid ( al andl 4rap i ally: destibt tlo8 1 h1 wI d wby ha he (14t1h h) w hv,-n H li e ah(''j to )' 1 )Iu ll- il 1 1d wmi 11)4" 4I O'e it' as lost1 vl'4) Ow I1l4 ih, (wit 'llt II ,- 'it'dwil l s a n i t a nyt Ili., d1'4 to,)11 th14141111(l'd e lli' sv 11 1 Io4. wlit : IlI aaInt) 4 lih 1il itd', sI 11 '41 Ii ,s -11 1 4' ll IaId l'u ih Co e al Alli, a and 'ls > ndlto a .u .I a vI s hI l ,uul4 I I Iu n ) I1 . '11t4 1wII rl e 11 on11 (4 ( feders111 ou, who \\uld nota4 144- i t w11 I I,)it a( ll 411 . mo 1 11 til)) a1)41 41d Ia' ( 'n11 -d. 11hev 4111' 11 o -u ti 11."1 I W als. ho an d hil :i pai 1ni .111. 'Il :11( M 14)i I..' 1144 Ca:~ 1.) 141 + alld a o'lfi" a I t o filil leida ilrvi, T111he l)tire crow si)mg)' d t ie1)) l44on I 4) I I-I a I, 1I4 t ' I II4III441I \4 1.144.' .s 1, 111 C4w1 II 14 ) a hid'd .mIN(' i( ll) wI 41) (tai C ivill)' r i. Til' 114\ 4s t iht. 11t 4 wli ll luil the Ailt 1, hl 11d'. I 1,1t (w4l igl it' d II! w4n1 ii a'lld, l i tl l' i l 11)1(I kept tie A llflin i . o t o "I b)4') hi rid' I ll lylld . s 1 lit il, 1 C gI, Ivero i cll olfl11o lost 6 ovn.w i')jnV. :Nol lthal of oit1'..l- t 5iu 1ddah- g)1'l in the eni ea 16l ld primary y )u (4) ll h It oatrer wita h :OIl pray Oml if "form m I all sure.s' , 111d(1 to pph. dipnay he en11h-d wit hoproi' an1' . 1 hI h Iluit It r p.ni peo p l. . 114 on a v IIr I I ur. Mo111 ill111 t( do 411'h 1 ll (41t I114 I 1114-() lila 4 ' ils( 4 I e 1i llyr (111 l((l' .o.is mrul i t io win ( re'il~i it,: Thn-h Ilil114' 4I i' IN d I A T 11% 1 I I way to Staye ill-lidin w as (i li wn hi sp ._c A.e( Olit. ill . 'az~ (4, y ir b\ liviligi ala d. prinarv. - 1 callwt 4 111n all thols41 w1n, 11%ill 6) fi(t bwx h im ilb) a 114.W apad , id Will, Wiallb(' hjiml THE SAts B ( rTHiE PAN their .pAtil OI'w hot:a of1 (t crowdl, necompanlild with a slrii Si t' 1111 il1s. 411 1)' < 'Zl 1(1 1 4li'4' liii. 14 .S' l iet ad-11 1 4r b l 1 ' N'v i lb at lua lf-pa:4t li 'oh|k \\'. ~A K.' THEY STAND BY THE PLAN. Tlt' 1145 4411 1.1 1-tital(' ill9 e .11t lh 4 Ne 't) ( ;;A T 1 I' I 4'~ l. 1.:.\ .: I l 14\ t i \.x i l 111: P -' Sl -:N T T() >DhI ) T k- iW isi: . :0 ' 1... .\-\I) 1 1 Il.\ 'S 1 I -' 1 11 '1 Sl I IN I I siN T Il I1-: l 1|-:4 "T . Io St I.. 1! , I -ii I.lS (1 )', I it o, 'h t of 11 m A111eI atve. (Ii llhu i'e I h qi'o l rli'y l a I Ie r ,'l ( ,' l l l In' ; lI i l I ;11 ( i!l ~ il. Il(g1th0r bdy ('haeirnaly lginn of at ("all p i sheI I Ie Iays Iag 11. ,\ *V,.t1 , in W hiqe l l W 'n ' sl- far(i I l.- ' e -,' I II for p n. A e i- .r- t Iwa b I ab I bv sinennsm~e(,as attcntyio tin th'' fi i h th pla 1- 1 .1 A v. - it'lls tn i i t )e h p , ( i hal rilleil * v l it '1 141 y1 1 ill ri tIlniks 111. 4.,111111i01"'. nh il b ' 'l l i'cl q-it:( w r At a s AI' ill e~ e lio ill ilex(,1 )*O - re il I I'i's - s: I s 1'.1 I , i i -II, 111( 1 i i ll w mit (I lef 10I11 fill Such jart jell 1 s ns W4 MIlij In nIA g lilt) f,- erruer,11'Is II1 1-.en 11r -h' l Iv <'- l r i I Sl ,-r : nI I l ;A, nild b )l .\b 1-silh --w . (1 \ho Ill. )II W l " 11 rly opposed to anything " I'" kiii ( and was heard to.' say at i i' onluion "that if we do so nw hlie pfIplo will think that we a r f set of' b b8ith id Jackassos. I ' uphlaided by the inein nl- " i Were .l'greed with him. Jih IyeN f 1' Fairfiel(d, offered "iei* ' rslu in (cl'aring for a ei-a rmr.He miade a r< % sp'e'h in favor' of the same waswinmlyapplauded. lmeru zfr nitietber cf the i ii I t ea ta k thio hlo)rand spoke r .1 : flagit 1, tiho resolutions. \\ luu, ie tuerit' of' their remarks r otili oiIY bo ijudged from II"' "'N )I." n ' 1 tle Ifaces of the m1wnhk-rS who 1 oinlionI onl' the idwa. kntowi. As a substi tih u ,411 f 11r Mr, v-los's moition Dr. J. \ilm. Skeinrdcdthe fol lowing. Wreas this committeo re -ogniZes thlat the P11111 adopted n .\pril aml- reitorated in July it it per'ect, but after full con *ideralt ion for all interest, pre ereneo, cilCumstances and con litioins that (ofrlfonit the Reform movemntient, it is the best that we have been able to deviso; if faith.. fully (arr1ied out, the plan vWill Vnintass the object in view twi ' ho committee was organ., izedl-)namlv, antd nomination fa em lidlate for Governor who 4Iml be the choice of the Re ]11 I''i 'S. lI slived, TIat we deem it in \l'ditti; itnd unwiso to aban lit th' plan already agreed up I. 'Tlh substitute was adopted, it is uit(lerstood, by a very dicided iaj ri ry. \ long d (iscuiss ion, patrticipa (,d in by nearly all present, on t'sned up)on1Vti various propositions t, adopt additional rules, and to explllin thte meaning of cor tain ioiibtful terittms contained in tit1 plant. The debMo took a wide ranige an-1 covered every tm of' iiiijortanio concerning ih' liefoin Party. Chairman Sligh', Colonel Norris, Dr. Stokes, Messr's. Kir'kland, W. Gibbes WItaley, E fi r d1, McLaurin, \butili, Otts, Evans, Elliott, T homta , A p p i t, Patterson, eal, D113'lr, DuBoso, Stalvey mtl in f'act every member of the ',ittniittee spoke zat soine length rot the subject with more or less warmth and earnestness. II. I'. IE'i4'me% '93ni1 Cars'lie' i IW'. IK'ith is a colored man, who 'tlLn:g4 d( itn carry ing the mails ,vr about thle stato of P'ickensg or na iii' ua 'ti ry a d jatcoutt thoroto. \ jh i''fore last, Ihe was at tho ir'- I ine dlepot. and( r'ostod his wea y)1 bone in ott' of the( comflortablo 'nt s iniI1 t'he(receptioni r'uoms. It wats a pleast~li e vening and It'. 4'ool bro'I'E:4 oi tly fannod htis '-h"'ks, whichl wiot'o somowhatiuf heat '41 by'~ ret'l~ed'1t a ppl icatioens of' corn had)1 or' goodu~, anho drm 1Iopplod into a sweet shunbar~t. hnfortutnatoly hiis body, preavetedt'( a full and free ra p~ in i4'n and(1 fthe r'esulIt was a so r'i' of eulia and'111( suggestive -nt'r"" whi'Ih pro" duiced a disagree I '" ila~tir'sb in t timo dOlio4 n ' I'ai a |4(1i'>l inmn. s~ in du t\y bo'undt, lthe policomantt dolicato ly10hook himu, politoly suggesting hat th' whlo world loved music, .itt pr'ferr iniOl 4 take that special vylo iin briokein (1sos. IW'o dlid not atpproeciato tho idea >f beinig w''ll shtakoidhoforo taken, untii at no upl-ontdod himiself and 't oiutsidoe r o tomf. A !. wold l have been well with t he son a mbulistic musician had ho neout and said nothing; but he Ihainged htis tune and in a rich ba rat bnt' voico oponed a song, the rey Ira in of wh ichi was: "'mn bodund~ to shoot the man what's a bothorn of mf The policeman gathered Roe and landVbd hitin in the station house. lHe had an improved .gun in his . pocket.--Groenvillo Newvs, Aug. 8* "There are na fluo nge"si the fresh) young nean oith e.idi gayot. $N,".sid te date y~ith atir dMeM . ' ghtful~ne~p "Is~p ope there- a