e ieple a Jourrl. TUURDAY,&IU3Y 81 1894 LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. We will send the JOURNAL and the HOME AND FARM one year for $1.25. A. R. N. Folgor, of Easley, visi ted Pickens last Sunday. Capt. J. W. Butler, of Athens Ga., paid Pickens a visit last week. Miss Melanie Thornley is. visi ting her sister, Mrs. W. W. White, of Anderson. Meiars. John Robinson and W. C. Smith attended preaching here last Sunday. Mrs M. J. Harris, of Greenville county, is visiting her soi, T. D. Harris. Read T. D, Harris' ad. this week. He has something interesting to may to you. We gMi4'se'veral changes in our Greenville ads. this week. It might be profitable to you to read them. Miss Grace Williams, of Wel. ford, S. C., is'visiting the family of her brother, Dr. J. F. Williams. Homer Richey, of Clemson Col lege, visited his father's family, H. A. Richey, this week. Miss Dora and Miss Lydia Fol. ger, of Easley, visited Miss Stella Newbery last week. Messrs. J. T. Lathem and H. E. Russel, -of Easley, were in town last Subday evening. Audrew Cureton, of Greenville, rode over to-Pickens on his wheel last Sunday. J. E. Brown, of Central, has some special attractions in Spring Goods. Call on him. J. R. .Ross, of Kings, made a pleasant call on the JOURNAL Mon day. Miss Mary Kirksoy, who has been teaching a very flourishing school near Dacueville, returnod home-last Sunday. Miss Mattie Kay, who has been teaching a very flourishing school at Double Springs in Anderson Co., has closed, for the Summer. Miss Marie Huffman who has boon visiting her uncle, Mr. Carey, for the past four months, returnod to her home in Seneca last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 1*. P. Fant, who1 has' been visiting Capt. Thornley's family for the past three weeks, roe turned to their home in Seneca last week. Misses Rogers has opened a corn plete line of Millinery, Dress Goods, Notions, and the latest novelties of the season.- .Call and inspect themi at 45 coffee street in G'reenvil1e. Rev. Dr. Bailey, of Greenvllg, preached a very interesting ser mon to a very large and attentive audience last Sunday in the Bap-. tist Church. Capt. W. P. Conyers, of the Qreenville Guards, caime over last Weingsday to help organize the u'9* muilitary conopany in Pick, 'There was a military compa y orgaizedin Pickens last We nog dp'yi the ogeew. were J.. Lewis Captard, B. M. Griin, L. E. Chil dress, and J. D. Holder, Lieuiten. ants. The immense stock .f- T. A1 Walker & Co., of Greenvilne, isanow on the market and wilabe sold forn *eneh at a. great .sacrifnce. New is you*4pportunilty Ito gtateargains. .Lura Reaves, colored who lives ~near-town, was bitten by a spider last week and was seriously ill from the effects. She is attended by Dr. Kirksey and is improv ing. Dr. WV. A. Cox, of Hart County Ga., is visjting his father, S. M. Cox, of Briggs. Dr. Cox brought his father a bluo cat fish, which was 82 inches long and weighed 16 pounds. It was ettught near the mouth of Tugalo river. Dr. W. F. Austi will go to Charleston Monday to attend a meeting of the Dental Associatin, and will be at Pickens again May, 14th, for a few days. The autograph letters festiyinag to cures made by Ayer'w Saire Aril. 1a and other popy onfa kept on file at the J. 0. #fjgeifu. ofice Lowell, Mass. Th 4~from all over the world and ste ilwefully shown to any one desirous of see, ine thorm. Mrs Susa Hill, wildow of the lat Louis Hill, died at her residonc near Dicusville on tho 30th till She was 70 years old and left si: children and many relatiyes t< mourn her death. Sam J. Ashmore left Picken last Sunday for Ruthorfrd, N. 0 where he will go to work on the Sutherfdrd Herald as publisher. We are sorry to lose Sam from Pickenu,. but wo wish him much success. For every variety and phase of the many diseases which attack thei air-passagos of the throat ahd lungs, Ayors Cherry Poctoral will be found a specific. Its anodyno and expectorant qualities are promptly realized, and it is always ready for use. All heads of familios that are willing to aid in carrying on a sun day school at Johiisdn's Chapel, will please meet at that place on Sunday evening the first Sunday ip M(ay, at 2 o'clock p. m., to co6n sider the propriety of a school. The attendance of the Quarterly Meeting at Fairview, Saturdpy an4 Sunday, was large and good reobrth from the charge were received. Rev. John 0. Willson, the presiding elder, preached the dedication ser mon. Fairview is in a good-sec. tion and promises to be onle of the leading churches in the county. Lost at the Uftion Meeting at Enon, on the 5th Sunday in April, a pair of Gold Rim Spectacles; the rims to eotend over the ears. The finder would confer an appreciated favor by returning the same to the owner, Rev. L. T. Weldon, at Lib erty-leaving them atJ. H. Brown's store. 1100 1n Gold Preminnas. We will allow a ednnission of 15 per cent on all cash isubscriptions obtainied fo: Tui CoLU31nL WERKLY RICOUSTERi, 1.11 nioney in all cases to accompany the or(ler And we will also give THR EE CASH PIVE. MIUMS' OF $50.00, $40.00 and S20.00 IN GOLD to the personi sending ts the thre< reatest number of cash subscriptions a 61.00 each by the 1st of September, 189. the subscriptions may hN forwarded a taken and an account will be kept, givinj due credit for all naimes received. in thb contest for the three cash prizes no con missions will be allowed. In sending ii subscription in competition for the cas prizes, state that fact. For one dollar a year [money, notstamps] you may get Tnn COLustRIJ WEEKLY lIEG lsTER, published every Mlonday andl Thuri day. It vputains the latest telegraph news full marlset reports,.all the news of tht State capital city 'and correspondence fron all parts of South Carolina. TI-is is a fresl and original paper-No rLATE MrATTEn. Tor RuousTER stands squarely by the intorest: of the farmers. When you conclude to take a weekly just remember that you cnn, I: your mails will admit of it, get in TuE REo rSTER a first class paper twice a weeok for the same price you would have to pay fora paper coming to you only once a wveek, and Yery likely containing more news of anoth er State tihan of your own. TuE RtEolsTER ought to have thirty thousand farmers andl their dollars at its back-won't you be one of them, and at once? Remit to CIAntLe 4. CALVO, JR., Proprietor, Colnnbia,.S. C., by P. 0. money order, registered letter or Express draft. You may get TUE COLost ElA DAT REGISTER, containing the latest gfor S0 a year or fifty certs a month--a etu~t and wvell filled newspaper. ASTHMA, pli tessing Cough, ~-- SORE JOINTS --AND MUSCLES. Despaired IOF RELIEF. CURED BYV Ayers Cherry Pectoral "somo time since, I had a severe o th4ilrof asithma, aecomnpanied with v, 0 dJ4r4 pugh and a general sorenes:, * , ttb ..i s and muscles. I consulted o -b~~uandt' trIed variouis (emnedies, Q b~fiu getting any relief, until . of ever being wvell again.' ially, I LoOk A yer's Cherry P'eetoral, and in at very short tine, was entirelg curd.,I cntherefore, cordillyan confidently commend this medicine to @ ali."--J. ltosEutls, victoria, Trexas. ..* "My wife had a very troublesome g cough. Shem uri:d .\ycr's Cherry Pecto- o rat and procuredl inmediato relief."....0 (U. Ii. Ponnien, hlumphreys, GIa. O Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ! Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR S It Slaouald Ie in Ever'y Niouise. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be witi: out Dr. King's New Discover'y foi Consulmption, Conghs and Colds that it cured his wife who was threat ened 'wtIh Pneumonia after an attacli of "La Grippe," whenu various othe, remedies and several physcians hai done her no good. Robert Barber of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King' New Discovery has done him mor< good than anything he ever used fo, Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. F roe Trial Bottles at W. T. Ma Fall, Pickens S. (). Large bottlei The NoC CIt DREIFU *asa - WOR'I Spring and Su' For Men. Boys and Children. I or 50 Cents on the Dollar. A man in our Store said last for a pair of trousers, "if we ( country, what must it be with ti ing?" He could not understan trousers for 40 cents, or a coat f Nevertheless we do it, thoug] the why or wherefore. We al $10,00 Suits for $5,00, $15,00 for $10,00 and $25.00 Suits f< blacks and blues, in cassimeres cutaways and Prince ALBERTS. of CLbTUING ever brought and fresh from the mnanuf icturt offiered FOR SALE IN A RE are SELLING it right throup M' When you come to Greenvil around for a few minutes to satisfy truth or not. Greenville, S. C., April 19, 1894. SPECIAI TRAINH -F0U' SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION, DALLAs, TEX As, MAY 11th-15th, 1894.-The Gooi'gia Pacific' Railway has ar ranged with the connoctions sp) cial through train sorvice from At lanta to Dallas, leaving Atlanta Tuesday, May 8th, 9.30, p. in., af tor the arrival of all the trains from the East. The connections of the Georgia Pacific at Birmingham will take up tho fast schedulo from. thiat point, and you have the choice of thl routo via Memphis, via Shrove port, or via New Orleans. The Georgia Pacific is oue hun dred to two hundred miles shortor tim any other line, and will ope rato tad quickest schedules both going and returning. Tho special train will reach Da' las 7.00 a.. i., Thursday morning, .May 10th. Through Pullman sleep - ing cars and. first class day coach ,es will run through A tlanta to Dal a las without change. Send in your name to any agent Sof the Georgia Pacific or its con nections for reservations. GE NE RA L CONFERENCE M. E. CrURCH, SOUTH, MEMPHIs, TENN., MAY 3d-31st, 1894.-For the above occasion the Richmond & Danvillo Railroad and Georgia Pacific Rail way will make special rate of one first-class fare for the round trip; tickets to be sold April 30th and May 1st and 2d, with extreme lim it June 1st, 1894. The route via Birmingham is the only through car line to Mem-. phis, and the time going and re turning by the Richmond & Dan yille and Georgia Pacific in con nection with the K. C. M. & B. is several hours the quickest. Be sure your ticket read over these lines. While the Doctors are Doubting. Scientists have discovered the germs of many diseases but unfor tunately not as yet the means of tho destruction of these germs. At present the "culture" and not the destruction of the deadly bac teria seems to absorb their atten tion. Howvever they all agroe that a well nourished body and plenty of ozone are decidedly unfavor able to their development. While the doctors are in th is State of un certainty ; and even longer, would it not be well for time patient t.o have recourse to the well-tried Compound Oxogom, whichm is both germicido and vitalizer? D~uring thme last twenty-throe year.s itha eurod casl priOHllonounced .incurale and1( this statemo t subsetan tiatedl by thiose who have tried it. It hm witn~essed the failur- of "lymph" and life elixir.' Investigate the mat ter for your self. Send for ou r boo0k 200 pages. It will tell you about the remedy andl furnish you with many testi monials and( records of surprising cures. Book sent free, Drs, Starkey and Palon), 1529, Arch St Philadelphia, Pa. New York, San Francisco., Cal, Toronto, Canada SHILOHI'S CURE, the groat Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demnand Pocket size con .tains twenty-five doses only 15ic. C hildren~ rove it. Sold by all ith iog Store. S & Co., eooo 'II OF nmer Clothing, .o be sold at exactly half-price, Saturday, as be paid 40 cents .omplain of hard times in thir. te people who make this Cloth d how we could sell a p.ir of or 50 cents, or a vest for 25 oPs. i we did not explain to him so sell 15,00 Suits for $2.50, Suits fo- $7,50, $20,00 Suits )r $12,50. We have them in of every color, in sacks and We have the biggist stock t5 GRENVTLTJLE: it is ALL NEW rs' hands, and has never been TAIL STORE before, and we -h at 50 Cents in the Dollar. lo just come in our Store and look yoirsolf whether we are tolling the DREIFUS & CO., The New Clothiers, D on't Wait until all my 20 cents New Orleans Molasses are all gone before you lay in a supply they are certainly a h-argain that you don't get often. Don't fail to try a dollars worth of my 5 pound Coffee-arid don't for -jet the 10 cent Pepper .aknd Spice and Scents. sodla, sulphier a-Ml sardinles. Don't erase to irmember that I want. to sell you. Floun,land that I gnetrntee my prices and the goods ex. actly as repr sented. Don't buy your Cottoni. Roes until you see. mine. If they don't keep your crop clean it won't be the fault of the Hoc. Don't ladics want a pair of beauti ful Oxford Ties. I have them at 75 cents and Patent Leathers at 81.00. Do't buy -traw Hats or girls -md ladies Sailors until you see mine. Don't. You need Plow S h o a s. Don't you want shirts. Don't you like my 25 cent Tobacco. Don't f orget I sell Hood's Sarsaparilla at 85 cents and a supply of Simmon's Liver Medicine and Black D)raught. D~on't forget my Cigars are fine. Don't fail to call on ____T. 0. HARRHIS. The seerv~fary' of the Elkh art Carriae anid 11arness Afg. Co., .of.,EiJkhanrt., lIn., muformrs us thazt their prices wiii be lower for Jmt than ever, le wvshes us to ask our readers not, to purchaso anything In the line of carriages wagons, bicycles or luirness until they have sent 4 cents in sItmpsr to) paypostaget on their 112 page catalogue. W e advae the readers of this~ paper to rem"'nber his suggestion. Esnekien'sf Arnica Salve. rhe nest Salve in the world for cuts bruises, sorcs, ulcers, salt rheum. fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positi'.e. ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by W. T. McFall, Pickens, 8. C. Specimen Caeg. J. Hl. Clifford, Newv Ctissel, Wis., w.vr troubled with NeuralgIa and Rheumnatism, lis stomach was disordlered, his Liver was afl'ected to an alaring degree, appe ite fell away, and he was terribly redin ted in flesh and strength. Three bottles >f Electric BlItters cured him. Edward shepherd, larrisburg, Ill., had u running sore on h'13 leg of eight yas tanding. Used three btesof Eeic Bitters anid seven boxes of BIeklen's Arni ma $alve, arid his leg is sound and wecll, John Speakcer, Catawba, 0., had flye large Peover sores on his leg, doctors said his was ineurable. One bottle Electric Bit.. tcra and one box Buckler's Arnica Salve mnred hIm entirely. Sot I by Osborne & Kirksey and W. TI. McFall. Plekens. S.C Electric Biltersi. This remedy is becomIng so well known and so popular as to need no special men. Lion. All who have usned Electrie" Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer mnedicine does not exist, and It is guaran teed to dio all that is claimed. Electric Bit. ters will cure all diseases of the liver anti kidneys, will remove pimp~les, boils, salt rheuno aind othier atfections cansed by im pure blood. Will nive malaria from the system anud prevenlt as well as cure all ma. lari fevers. For cure o headachc, con. stipation and iniigest ion t.y Electric Bit tern. Entire satlisfactionu guaranteed, or money refuinde'd. Price, 60 cents, and $1.00 per bottle. Soldl by WV. T. MeFah,, Pick uis;8S. C. Remember that the place to buy a Cooking Stove is at Gilreath-Dur hami Company's, Greenville, S. C Th'ley s'll the well1I: no-.n "Iron K ing' Elimo a ml "Liberty'' "'Stoves'' which nre the best Stoves ever sold here for the iimoney. Mrxs. T. S. Hfawkins, Chattan oo ga. Tenn., says: "Shiloh's Vi talizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.'I consider it tho best remedy for a dlebilitatedi system I byer used." For'( dyspepsia, Liver 6r Xidney troublo it' excels. Prico 75. cents. Sold b y all diruggists. When you get. to Greenville go to Gilrearth---Durham Company for v, hat ever you want in Crockery-wvare Tin. ware or Glass-ware, SHILOIX'S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient consumption. it is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 ots., 50 ets., and $1.00. Sold hy all drnggintn. Our Wash SALE; Olast weerk wesetery wA ooehcour&ging, bringlug many newfaces and njaking a stron ger hold on our numerous customers that we have decided to continue same this week. The offerings will be far more attractive and embrace greater variety. Remember, none of these goods placed on this counter are worth less than 8 cents, many worth 15 and 20 cents choice 5 cento. Every cent you sa4 in the few purchases of goods is cash left at your disposal. Now glance at a fow money savers. All linen, colored bordered, Doyltes worth 5o cents, now 25 cents. 72 inch all linen Damask 75 cents quality, now 60 cents. 46 inch Bilk fuinsh all wool, Henrietta same as advertised by other houses as a bargain for 69 to 76 cents, our price 60cents. Printed pin cord ?. K's at 15 and 20 cents, sold elsewhere at 26 cents. 40 inch printed Lawns 12% cents quality, at 7 cents. Good pearl button in 16 to 24 line at 6 cents per dozen. One lot ladies ten cent Handkerebiefs at 5 cents. New Laces. New Embroideries. New Ribbons. New FaIs. New Organdies. New Swisses. New Swivel Silks. New Pereals. New Satteens. New Duc.ks and other wash goods. A. 1K. Park DRY GOODS AND SHOES, 10 PENDLETON STREET, OREENVILLE, S. C. M1ay 5, 1891. THE IMMENlSE STOCK OF T. A. V(Ier & ro., IS ON THlE MARKET REGARDLESS Of Cost! The Cut in Prices will bge Ag. tonishing. The Offerings in Values will be Appreciated. The Quantities in each Do partment Amasing. Thne DISPLAY 01? Styles and Fabrics Grand. The Stock consista of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, MILLNERY. All of which must be sold in a aho rt time The deobts have to be liquidated, and the only way to pa~y them is to sell the Goods and get the money. W& We will Charge no Goods whatever, but Expect the Cash for Everything Sold. The Millinery stock is by the largest, most aitractive and best se.eted stock in the city. Everything~ in this department must be sold1 in a few days. Ladies, and merchai'ts as well, should examine this stock as it contains a great many things kept in all firstclass dIry goods stocks. oat rota i t h entire stock. rmtesal Our object is to sell and get rid of the stock--the sooner the better. Any depart ment of this immense stoek will be sold in bulk if ay one wants to buy. Buyers abroad will do well to note these facts, as prices made~l on all goods would certainly prove a good investment. P. D. & J. D. Oilreath, May 5, 1894. AGENTS. Sheix'ucards EXCELSIOR I STOVE! xI Tm :rmar All other stoves have tak en a back seat. Call and see our Margain Counter, i Crockery &c. COX & SEIGLER, 13i atiu Street, GREENVILLE, .- . (. T, H. IALL, Humnager. Jan. 25, 94--tf. BUISTS c -- NEW"1 Olml.Ae11 *AI.17U N - m--usEn I kjare.1. now p. BU IS'"S SEA) halve proven them selves to be 'rI.m..:s-e :mom m . gmarantot. to SELL No OLD NX E I. CARPENTER BRO'S., Mansion loiuso Drug Store. OMlEENVIal.E. S, '. VA LUAE LE PREMfIMS A va~mlube Ilook for aI Ili 4:i n eml ui -A flEA l'TIFI'i. 0011lurthiani N11Venir Spoon. The Weekly News & Courier, The Great Sontherni Faiily Newspaper, Offers to every Yearmly SubslCrjiber *'ichlb of~ the ov Pre(4I'i'miums II A BHOLUTPE LY lit iE! Thle W~eekly N'ewH anud Couraiir, I yea; r* (with Preiumi) . I oo The Weekly News aind ('oumrier, si mnonthao (without I'ceenmima~ Send for sampleu copius at i circula, rs. Addrenns. T'J H EE H KL N NIJ8 4. C'OU.RIlEIR, Cham~rl'.si ou, 5.. tuy . New Goods W. C. BA LETT'S Which will certainly go cheap for the Cash. It will be to your initerest to see my GAoods anmd get pijc(... A good lhmay and ()vOmswue \VAGON, will bu s'oldr at a 1bar14!. A lot of S1 IflT to be -.buI at a sacrifice, from 25 ('ents to 75 CentsN. Family G roeriies Of all kinds, 0iways on han.1, will be sold at the smallest pro)fit. *lir Call early, and( call often, and se if I havn't got somethling you need. Mm'rchi 1, 18091. Lace Emi deriOI(Iy, chleaperl' than evr. Fancy Dres~s G oods, at all grde and prilces. Dimnit y Stipes(?, nil III iols. CJalicoe8, :'l Linds'~, 5 ('ents per yard. Good Silk Mitts, I10 to 25c. Look ait our1 25 eent Corset, it is a beauty for 25 cents. Tf you wanht a good suit of Clothes call at the New York Racbet-in (aet everything at the lowest pr1ICes. When in want of FLOUR, call and see me, ..M. RAMPEY. $100 Reward For the Merchant that gives you mnore G,'oods for your money thun I Will. Just notico the following pri. .ces: Cr.oTjuI-NEW STOCK. Youth's Suits at $8.74 Do. (10 - 4.7; Do. do .60 Miieni's (10 4.7b Do. (10 6.60 Do. elo 71 11 up to $15.00. Coffee 10 pounds to the dollar. Cotton Checks 41 o. by the bolt. 3-4 Shirting 41c. 4 " 4 Print., all styles, from 4 1.2 to Cc. all colorr 7i C. G4ood iBrogfan Sh'joei J75" conita-oth. er' Shoes in proportion. A lot of Shoes, smnall and large Nos., at cost. Childre'ns course sioes 121. cents Jeans at. U, 20), 2 1 and 30 cents. Can't 1e1 beat at the price. 1 will bly your. h1t Cotton, Seed Cotton, and Cotton Seed, at market. prices. Also, dry or green Hides. Mr. C. H1. Parkins and Richard '. Hitallum, are now witli me, and wil, be glad to leet t.heir friends. Respectfully, J. 11. Brown Liberty, S. C., Oct. 12, 1893. Carcer Cured. PIc.s . S., ('., Jiauary 27, 1894 Por it ho enefit of I hose Illat re s31uffer ing with V'ariever or TrnrI will give. ylnI a sa i ttit'ii t I lly case. About till'e ve'r-5 ' () 1:1 st Spiing F noticed 11 smitall 1i n mynse i 11111 I Sool ecame alarmerl 1-1 : li sulted a Doctor anld be i.. 1mIllmed it ;I Tm r. 11111 treated- it aS S I , bt l t'll-rward' % it h1 if tlt.rc 'ed. I then consnited4 !)r Wilkins'on lt Greenivillfe, anld h1e 1Irealvl ii a1whib'-mi1d hke pronoune111' ed ilt %4 .1; but inl (.al , .six Ilonths ic en11li m l nekag in, ii