STIHE PEOPLES JOURNAL. T. C. ROBINSON, Earon. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Subscription One )ollar a Year. Eutercd at the Pvt-t Ot1l! 'it 'vU$a iecond-class matter. "Our anti friends have ex >ressed themselves on (livers oc -asions as beingpleised with the )rospect of an early dissdutio) )f tho reform movement in thi state. They base their opinion on the fact that th'e leaders are vrangling among themselves for he best seats in the synagogue. 'his of itself can do no harm and 5 the case in every faction of very political party. It is the ign of a healtliy and vigorous .ondition of the movement, and hows that there is life and spir. t in the cause, and a high and audable ambition in the leaders o be prominent and useful in romoting and advancing the 'rogress and accomupilishing the -urposes of the movement is ncouraging to the rank and le and stimulates interest and xertion." We publish the above from our steemed contemporary, tle 'eople's Journal, so thiat the 'aders of The sentfiwr can enjoy 10 double gratification of nowing there was yet some ling to please an anti and at 1e sane time assure theii that we reform movement is in no anger. We are glad to know lis. Ift is tile harlest thing any irty ever tried to do Yet, to Iep the outsiders in its own owd quiet, without throwing wmll soneth ing. 'l'he antis ave wrangled e(noug them 'Ives to klnv timlt il notiing, nly tile biggest wrmgelr gets le best phi -. conese th lovenent will continui vigor ms until every flow in it gets n office. The pIurp1ose of the 1OvNiliell t an-. being rapidly aCe amplishied, to)-wit.: (: Gettling fice 1111d steppiIg 1ro e01 to nother. But a tel re er told us ist week tlt tile msov ent as s ex pensive as it was en Juragillg to the rank and file, nd thn, for his ownt part he was till gnawing a fi le.-S~en tinel. h0' Sntiniel agree ithj its views ni thle futuri ie pr'oisime of theo re tirprisedl, tha11t te Senitinvol wld~~ ( dmnit so muchel. 'The SentL iel tys that. it is gid that the reformi lovemnhlt, is ini 1o danl ger, but1 mis t~o have ai very low est imato fits S mrposes. It qutots a' re..( >rmfler as8 being dIisait istied o1n le. )Uml ot thle e.xpenises muiler the resent maniiagtniet 1of1 State af As to 1.he' purposes of th reform ovomlonit thle $entinel should rely by this Itimhav beencil)O~ bot r iformned. Thley have been de ared on the hustings ; they have 'on puiblished~ iln the newspapers; .ey 1ave boon expressed in legis tives acts; they are written in 1o hearts of the p~eoplo. The shievemoents of the Stato govern .ont under roiorm manalgomnt '0 iuicontesti ble ov(ideces of the .Irposos of the reform miovementi I ot the Sentinel is so unlgenerouls Sto assert thati.'' "ho) ml~lovmen ill continuo vigorous unt1 il L'vory 'llov in it gets an ollct', and( thle urposos of tho mnovementi arim be ig rapidly alcompilishetd, to-wit: otting tflico and1( Stepping from io to another." If the State governmenlt is ex 91nsivo, are the Reformers responi ble? Thue con servaltivos havo not ily failod to co-operato in the ad 'fnistration of State matters, but we thrown overy obstacle possi e in thle way of a harmuonius anagement of public affairs. THAT DECISION. Safnson's riddle is still puzzling (e adversaries of thme dlispensary stem and the s010ons of the legal r ofessions. It might have boen * nest in that reporter, but it'was io eruel, when he called on Chief .1uistico Mclvor to explain his~ opini ."i. It took thirty oight pages of (-h~eely written manuscriptL for him to rOe2ah his present conclusion and to coityinee Justice McGowan of thfe erreetness of the opinion, the t4 asWould have been endless to mig anjgordinary newspaper re poger uinderstand something for wi ji every lawyer in the State s R parate and distinct solu Sfkitd of draw game in which overy party thinks ho hai won, but is not fully; satisfiod about it.- The probitionists and liquor iion played to ich othor's hand until thoy paralyzed Gover. nor Tillman, and now they Are wrangling ovor tho gamo. Govor nor Tilliman is sorono and indiffor ont, Is the gamo soems to havo been a jaw-)ono gaie with no stakes in sight and may tako a difforont turn, when somothing substantial and practical is put in issuo to be Bottled. It was a fino intellectual contest on a speculativo question and the decision has as miuch force of law as IIn USSaIV Oi evolit ion. It SOomis that tho proper thing for the anti dispensary lawyers to have dono would havo boein to havo abandoned thleir casos and made iu) aI case oi tw di-tpiisairyI lawv now in fireo, and thwn t hey would havo known where they are at. It is too previ oni for them to got befoe the Court. at thi timo and Governior Tillman's obedienco to the law, as #I)It ( d I , li e majority of wil 1plff'llo Cm-Il, i.4a il iolls ima podlilllt to alit bor attack on the dlispensIary syst('m. e publish th is week an art cl from Prof. Rt. Means Davis of the South C'arolinia Col leige, w ritten to the Southern Christian Advocate on "Tle Free Coinage of Silver," which to our miind is an excellent cx position of the subject, and should be carefully read by the people, especial ly the Southorn people. I low the frec coinago of silver it the pre'SeItL ratio is expected, > rather could be expected to ing prosperity to the South, which produces no silver: is a liuestion that puzzles us.-EaTsley Democra t. '111 JOURNAL .;as not spaeo to >Oint, out to its esteemod neighbor lio ahicio11s of tho Profossor's ar ;umoit1 against tlI freo coniago of ilvor, but would suggest that our iglhbor carefully study the sub oct and hoar argunmts' on the ithor side, boforo it adopts the n1ewOs of Priof. Davis. Tho tariff hill, after many modi. letions, will Soon1 bo in shap1o foi a successf u pasg3 through th< sonate. Thle ipeople havo almos lost ini terest ini it.i ml will hardly app1reiato t ho bonohit furnishuo< b~y the. advocates of tariff reform. Fr'ossa Liber'ty. A pril 30th, 1894t. The farmuors are about dlono( plant inig, only lack a few short rows. Cotton andl corn is comning i with an abundance of grass, if' th frost did( got as fine cr op as wa Over soon, t hioro wais plenty ofse left .to make several more tin crops. Whoat is growing finelh boeginning to head out ; oats a r doing tolerably well, mocre rai wvould help t ho oats m this seet 101 rust has maide itIs appearance o the blados of the whoat, som11 sa they saw rust, on wheat before th cotld spell in A pil. T1he forest is ho'gining to l ook li ttle spring-Ilike aga in. Idus iot) wais very dry and1( windy' and a it tle warmier mercury run to 0 Sun dlay, the wairmost inl 5ome( tnime 'Thie mo)1s, worms and1( inIsI'e sieem1 to be getting in full time on what hittle0 corn and1( garden t ruck was left hy the frost, but muv-h things will all work out r'ight. in the final round up. Mfr. WVood, WVheeler &~ Wilson 's Sewing Machine Agent of Groon ville, and family, visited ibilerty last week, and they got a lilo crowd together and wont on a fish ing expedition to Twlv Mile riv or, and from reports we suppose they (the fish) had as fino time as usual, as but few woro htauled ashore, not one ap)ico round foi the crowd, and they too small t< divido, etc. "Democracy as classifled," b, W. P. Lanikford, Stone Mountalin Ga., mn P. P'. P., .Tofforsonian Demo cracy-the right kind, compose< (now) mostly of Popubsts. Conservative Doemocracy-thos who bolieove the party should carr; out its p)ledges. Gold-bug Democracy-those whl believe in mnonomotaism. Free-coinage Domnocracy-thos who favor bi-motalism. High Tarifl Democracy--comipc sod of manufazcturors, importeri jobbers and merchants,' Low Tariff Demnocracy-thob who favor tariff for revenue only Cleveland Democracy-.compos ed office-holders,- offico-sookors, lit tie 2x4 lawvers, and littl 1x2om tors (of which thoro sooms to be ft considorablo stock on hand,) John Shorman Domocracy-coi posod of such JIon as John B. Gor don and other Georgia (and many thor) Congrossmen who voted to repoal tho purchasing clause of tho Shornian act. "Gag-rulo Domocracy--compos 0(1 of those who don't bolieve any party .has any right to exist in t1ho Smh e1cei)( the Democratic party - Modor1,:Doiiforcy-etIwso who only uso thoirhojuds.jfl' hat-racks. M oss-'ta'c Je t1mrne~y-+trose Who voto for party instea(d of prin CipIo. )addy Demuocracy-thoso Who are )(1oi-ats'hdeans daddy was, i(d who dol't knowV' finy -more about p'litical Ocononiy flian the horso they dIrive. Brow-boat Dono.cracy-t h o s o whoIP are nothing but, mere tools of tit bosses, and always respond to '.'11h) party 11ash-."1.1 Court-houso Domocraey-those larigiig on .tA$ th-o end of the offico ropo. CuckoO. Danocracy-to. which we add the "me too's" .who agrees t-o overy-wish of the- Prosident and snoix30ooveryptime h(nes sniff in short miserable cringing sor vants, with nOdosire only to apo' thoir superiors. '1hon conmes a list of liftle 2 for a nickle Domocrats and such as thu A tlan ta onstitution and Jour nal Demociat-Jack-Gordon and Billy Northern Democrats in this Stat te-we ad( the Hampton and Ilaskel Democrats to this depart ment, and the rule or ruin faction s1hou111l not bO lost sight of. Thon tho old Hero worshippors who are a part and parcel worthy of men tion inl this classificat ion. We now go back and bring in the "Rotton Egg-Domocrats, composed of "gut tor snipos" Ward hoolors," "ballot box stuitors, etc. The Populist, (ho says,) hav( )O1on invited to go back to th) old party. We would ho entirely at a loss to know which wing to join, or Which door to go in at, had wo any desiro to roLtur, as thero aro no tiO of th0m agroed iy ol 0110tig. C. rUlo- Aee I -ug;. Thel( tavo UnJlions of thme Twelve ion1 Moeting wiith theO Baptist Church at this place on Sat urday and Sunday last. Sixteon church Os wero reopresento(d and some very interesting alddr0sos made. llov. A. J1. S. Thomas, of the Baptist Courier, preached on Friday nlight to a good congregation. Saturday at 10 o'clock Rev. J1. L. \ass, Su. per1intenmdnmt of the Baptist Or p~hanallg' at Groenwvood, proalched a very able and1( inpr~gssivo srmn after ivrhich thet tilo Un~ins wVOro orgain z(d by3 .tho (detioni of Hlon. W. Tl. '. howCen, Modera tor, and C E.L Robmson501, C lerk. Inimied iatly the Moderator (docinrod.h -Union su bject., to-imt :..:itt. tho:duty of t he Baptist byen~stajin-thme Orphan mageo?'' was taken up and disenssed at'length by Rov. J. 1t Vass and Softhers. Afitsr 1hVlkj.a h'cet ion was taken. for Lhe: Or'phanago;i amIlount Iinmg to $(U... Ini the afternioon 11n oppor tuniity Is'give Dr.1 II Hatchor, of At.. hoa oexplain tht obj~cts andl wvorks of thle Anwrican Baptist Pulication Society. D)r. H~atcher did noft bog inoney, bult is employ.. ('( to circulato Baptist literature' a miong Baplt ist 1peop)10that ar uin.. abl)1 to buy it. Any Baptist Min ister canlh get tracts from this pub iishing house on1 application, on1 any su~bject;h 110visbos, andl in anIy quanit ity, to circulate among the people. An olportumy. was .also givvon Rey. A. J. S. Th'lomas to say a few words for the Baptist Courier. lie oIform to send the Courier from nowv 'till the 1st day of January next, to aniy 0110 for $1.00, and the pop1lo apmprociatedl his talk and ofoer, for ho added1 about twenty now subscribers to his lhst. This paper should bo in every Baptist homo in this County, and thoe poo. ple will do well1 to take advantage of the liberal offer. Saturday night wams d(lotd to Sthe discussion of State Missions, and1 seom very mnterestmng talks wore made by Rev. J. T1. Lewis, D~r. T. M. Bailey, Rev. WV. C. Soaborn -and Rev. B. Iholder. Sunday moring, at 10 o'clock, Rev. A. J. S. Thomas made an ox.. collont~address op Sabbath Schools, holding the closo attention of the peoplo for about one hour. After this Dr. Bailey preached a very fine sermon on living sacrifices. The contributions for State Mis sions, amounted to $8.12. The meoting was a very intor esting and profitable one, and wai enjoyed by all who attonded. A lawyer gives this advice: "Ad ditions to rented promises, wher made by the tonant should novoi be fastoned witli iils, but screws The reason for this l1os in the fac1 that should he wish to move away and take with hilu tho boards ani lumber composing tho improve Uomonts he has mide, ho can simpl) dkaiv out the serows- and take th planks. If ho fastens thom witI nails, however, ho can remnov nothing, and tho iiprovemeni becomes the landlords property." J. S. COTunRAx, G. G'. ' Greenville, S( C. T. P. CtHItAN, C.' L. ILOLLINoSWOnTit, Picketns, S. 0. Have associattid themselves tiogether foi the practice of law lit its various branches and will give careful attontibn to all busi ness 1undertaken by themi. Lones ainl liscountsi negotiated. May 1, 1894. New Store WE now hive !or inspectin te. ios compglete line of MLLINERY, DRE81 GOODS, XOTIO&8 AND I1ATEST NOVELTIZI of the Sasonu selected in person in th Eanstern Mfarkof&. Aisses Rogles, 45 Coffee Street, Under the Opera House. Greenville, S.-O., May 3, 18.i. M~sa McHAT Hats just opened all latest stylos o: Srito and Summer Millimer At the lowest possible pricos. Main Stroet, Greenville, S. C. April 19, 1894-. Citation Notice. THE STATE OF SOUTH.CAROLINA, Couiity of Pickens. By J. R. Niewnanv, Estinire, Probate Judg< Wherona, Richabrd LIrookins made suit I me, to grant. hini Letters of Administratio of the Estate of and uffects of Wiley BMos1 Ivy, d1eceas. 44 Tihese atre Thercfore to cite and admouh all andl singtilar the khdred and credito1 of tha s Naid Wiley Moseley, deccased, thi they he and pil ar before me, in the Coun of 1'rolate. to be hield at Pickena Con Iioise, S. C., lin the Ith day of May nex after puhil ation ieretif, at 11 o'clock in tl foreniniii, it) show E-im4e, if any they har why the said A diini.tration should not I Given under Imy Ilanal, this 28th day April 181)4 In theI 117th year Of our ind May.~ 5.------- J.. P. 1. C. iias received lhi' Stock. of NEW SPRING GOODS. Best Styles and Latest Pal erns--Come and See Them, I pay the highest prices for A ndm will sell you (Goods inm exchange at tI loiweist flgure. ltemmembem.r that I kep everything lin ti hne of Grocerioc and Dry Goods. J. E. Br'own, May' 5. Central, 8. C. Sheriffs Sale. The State of SoUti Caroling, CoNwrY OF. P~icKaNs. W. H. Price, Plintiff, v8. Jeremiah Powell, Defendant. B3y virtue of an execution lodged in nmy ollice, .tn the above stated case, I have, through my special deputy, D. W.~r Hopkins, levied upon, and will sell to tho highest bidder, before the (:ourat Hfouse door, on Saleaday in May next, the following Real Estate, to-wit : All that piece, pa)r cel, or tract of lanad, situate in the County and State tforesaid, in Eastatee Township, on the wvaters of Rocky Bottom Creek, aldjoining lands of the said Jeremiah Powell and- others, and being the land boulght'by hilm fi'om W. R. Prioce containing lifty (50) acres inore 0r less. Levied on arnd sold to satisfy the said execution. Tierms, Cuosh--purchaser to pay foi pape rs. J. HI G. McDANIEL, April 12, 1894. 8 . . C. or you avrl ea1 omit, realh go 4for nothipg flnowN'S iRnx 3le LTRUs. It willure,o , ami o a gooapter. sola OUM-EL.ASTC costs only *2.00 per1 100 squlare fee Maikes a goodl roof for years, and an; one0 enn put it onl. Guai-Eti~a-rr PAINT cost onily 6 Cenlts per gal, in b, lots~, or $4.51 for 5-gal. tubs. Color (lark red WVill stop leaks in tiln or iron roofi and will last for years. TRY IT. Send stamps for samples and ful pairticulars, QUM RLASTIC ROOFING S0., 39 & 41 West Broadway, NE3W YORI LOCAL AORNrA WArsrun. ~1OADED TO TH[ GUN1E -Me/zIrR HAS A COMPLETE STOCK, There is no item in Dry Goods, No tions, ("arpets, Mattings and Window Shades omitted. NEW DRESS GOODS. All the New Weaves and Fancies. All the Dainty Now Colorings and l Shapings in all grades of material are well shown and displayed over our counters. Our "Young bien" take special pains and pleasure on forming up and combining the goods with trimmings- thus giving customers an idea of how goods look made up. NOTIONS. I Full stock of all lines comprised in this stock. Including new lines of Hosiery, Mens', Ladies and Childrens. All grades in Fast Black, from 8 cents to 75 per pair in Cotton and higher in Silk Goods. HANDKERCHIEFS. We have part of a lbt of newly im ported Hemstitched and Embroidered 1landkerchiefs in all grades, Linen Handkerchiefs, 10 cents each, to the very fine Linen Cambric, Materials, Sheer and fine, Dream like. Corsets in tII the Leading Makes. Thompson's "Rt. & ." $1. Warner's 6'333" 94 cents. Roth & Go.dschmitt's "I, & G." 94 cents. 75 cents Carolina at 50 cents. 50 certts Warner,s at 40 cents. Nursing Corsets-all numbers at $1. Embroideries and Laces. If real handsome goods in sets are F needed in exclusive styles, we are headquarters. Of course we have an end'ess variety of all the cheap and 4 medium grades from 2 cents per yard up. I HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Table Damask in some of the most beautiful designs-this seasons pat I tern3. 72 inches Bleached Damask 50 to 75 cents. . 72 inch Moire effect $1.25. o Unbleached Damask from 25 to 75 n cents. 65 ich Unbleached Damask, 85 i cents grade, 65 cents. r Full line Towels and "rash. Cot. rt ton Towels 31 cent; Linen Crash 7 rt cents. 1 Brown Linens and Linen Drills Apron Checks, Butcher's Linen and tronting Linens, Sheetings and Pil. low Casings. Wrinkles. Another case Indigo Calicoes at 5 cents 20 pieces 10 cent Per cales, 82 inch. 0s, at 7 cents. M~ens' 50 cents Scarfs at 25 cents. M~ens' flannel Overshirts at 221.cts. 15 cents Linen Collnrs at 9 cents. Unlaundried White Shurts 47 cents. This Shirt is made of llarkcr Bleach, fine Linen front,w eli made and fin .ished regular 65 cents. C. McAlister. P. S.--Butterick Patterns. Greenville, 8. C., April 19, 1894. -OF FOR THE PHOLKS. Mit, EDIOR You might now say to the] good Phoike that it's abouit time to begin wear ing LEA'n'H. En COLLARs, DoUBME FOO'r PLOUQI[ STocKa and BacK BANDS. In these we have something new, and probably the best on earth-and they will be fashionable this Spring. We also have a nice lot of Broa~,brim HATs, Palm Fans S and Guano Horns, Milk Buck ets, Strainers and Churns, Bas- I kets, of all sizes, shapes, col ors and prices-a lot of niee ,~ Honiey and Hams. 0 Don't fail to look in our tr Furniture R o o m s--Therets 11 solnething there you need, ei. ther in Furniture or Stoves. A nice lot of new SPRING - DRESS GOODS, already in. Call in and see us. Yours, r W. T. McFALL. SApril 1st, 1894. Y I bereby give notice that will I apply b t4 JT B. N ewbery, Judge, of Probate, n 'for Pickens County, S. C., on Sales. II d (ay in May 1894, for leave to make a b linal settlement of the Estate af Da vid G. Hlumbert, depeased, and ask a to be dismissed as administraitor. -3. M. STEWAIRT, 0. 0. P.* April 12, 1894..-4t. Adr.i SMITH &'E .SELLs rul) Smith & ] sots* tho HA HAS THE NEWEST STOC ~mixtla :1 GREENVI] ' A hearty welcome to all, wiether Main and Washi March 22, 1894. G-alvaniz< Sheet Met We carry at all times, a stock of di OPPER, GALVANIZED and PLAI kc., and are prepared to do all kin IEPAIRING, from putting a bottom )ut and out elaborate articles and v( Our prices are always as low as c rood work. Don't have work of thi )r Galvanized Iron until you come to Gil Opposite ME When you want a COOKING S'10v 0LMO, and LIBERTY, and come to MANHOOD RE For sle inPicke u8rb al . K v K . nie, Drain, Sewer Pipe, Stove Flue, Fire Brick: AND FIRE CLAY. Strictly pure WVnIte Lead, 1,in. To i eod 0il and( Tuarpentine,, Long that an & Martinez pure Ready mixed ours PAINT S. Ije:t anlte mie, Porteod and Boseodole We Imenlts and Plaster' Pmis. 'Ohurches' improved Cold-water -. E AL AIBASTIN E '"~ Both white and in tints, the best i WALL ASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, H] RESSED LUMBER, MOULD INGS, &C. 49" our Onico is at saine address, 10I, ~ashington Street, but wo have remnoved ir Stock to the basemuent, with an en ance on Laurens Street, about a hunndred et fromn our Omco at the roar of the Waro >use, Please give us a call or write us Respectfully, A T. 0. BOWER & 8ON. Greenville, S. C., March 15,*1894. A GuarantecaI cure. ~ ~Corr We asithorize our advertised drug- Oi ist to Be Dr. King's New Discover, >r Consumption, Coughs andl ColdsDo pon this condition. If y ou are af- h ioted with a Cough, Cold Or anyfot ung, Throat or Chest trouble, andi fo 'ill tte this remedy as directed, gi ag it a fair trial, and experience o Con enefit, you may return the bottie andlCo ave your money refunded. We could If ol make this offer did we not knowfo iat Dr. King's New Discovery Coul o rolied on, It 9oVer diap int. rial bottles free at W. T. A cFall's aexre oreLagesize 500. and *1.00. fort RISTOW VILLE. 3ristow rBS K IN K li liREENVILLi., 3ristovw LE, - you are ready to buy or ot. ngkon. trets, (reenville, . C. AMd Ilraon* iferent sizes and e sw o Ihto ,I SHEET IRON, ZINC, :'rIN, 1s of Sheet Metal Work-aandI in a Coffee Pot to nakig ssels in the above metals. xn be made consistent.. with kind.done,- nor. buy-Goppet see us. LREATH-DURHAM CO., nsion House; Greenvillei-S. C. E renmember the IRON KING, ~ee them. May 5. STORED . . 55 y 75i cefn Wfor a ai ore SibE a ere is' nothung t soi but olid then ~r in r fr14e eN4o. e gar alI te .GS STOCKI(aio i~n ery 7othelr partetinr fStOe wist scoete We ar wonnaprang or Trad0. ore os neverii leave.11 us ieinny Sour, el.Wegu Hllve rcie the ST nTOC mssionsii th 7th ay wok ,or Theprbs o h SHouse.o Bds woii e rece dived~ ratey os r lallt e ns,.ah n , or , rn tp , .fr.l agoo. Bd, ilas eroif ilbe reeived by c tme asoute missionor'stl thay t decid uon.a ,issorarev the rig o h old t n andse al illds. eeie ratisfacoryl bide lnos, raceiaed se buldnoarboe the hrnSos n ousl bik soldR il thesoghes hiddo it hu ntieal the fDcmer prmoedysucr tie as tseurt i3 Puircha se r e th igtt B ay ordro ar bid. di nil 2.. 1stofDe4m