The Horry Herald CONWAY, S. C. Entered at the Post Office at Conway, S. C., *.is second class mail matter. H. 1!. WOODWARD, Kditor. Published livery Thursday Morniin? by Conway Publish inn* Co. Sl'HSCMlPTION PKU'K: One Copy, One Ycai $1.50 Onn flonv. Si\ Months 1.00 One Copy, Three Months .... .7.) TKLEIMIOXK 21. Make all Checks or Drafts payable to The llorry Herald or H. H. Woodward, Conway. S. C. Last week i he Herald had some articles clipped from papers in other towns showing- how to handle bawdy houses and street walkers, a form of nuisance that no decent town will now stand for. It is remarkable how authorities will hesitate, even in the fact of convincing circumstances, when they know that it is their plain duty to act and act at once. The abatement of nuisances is one of the things that has been provided for in every code of ordinances and laws of either state or municipality. This was done because such laws are necessary. In recent years the laws have been strengthened and amplified until now there is all of the remedies needed to do quick work when it once appears that a nuisance of this kind is being carried on. In matters of this kind the welfare of the community demands that action shall be taken promptly. A second request ought never to have to be made in order to iret something done. A thing; of this kind is worse I than a pestilence. The growing; boys I and girls do not need the sights which they will sec, or to hear the things they will, and action can he had when action is needed, provided men can he made to realize the duties that are placed upon their shoulders. In some towns they have what is known as the segregated district. It is really nothing* hut a dumping; ground for the lowest class of* humanity in the practice of sin and shame. But of late years, even the segregated districts are not allowed to he in the well-regulated city or town. It has been some years now since a cu.sade was put on and dissolute women were run out from these places. But in the course of time some of them w ill slip hack and again take up their abode in the same old segregated place, where they rented a house before and in the course of time the city authorities have to take action again. There is only one way to handle I such meanness and that is to put the lid on so tight that there is no es cape except to get out una sui\ out. i It is being clone in nearly all the towns of this state. It must he done here. Make no compromise with the inmates of such a profession. Let the guardians of the law act so that women fleeing from one place to another seeking a place to lodge will give the town a wide berth. Let it he known that Conway is yet too small for such a thing to he carried on in its midst without being known. Throw light on the dark places. Clean out the corners of all the vineyard. It may be that sin will be committed and the strictest laws violated from time to time .and it may be impossible to visit the penalty on all, but so far as open violation of the laws and the d;.'!y practice of sin and ?hame is concerned, it can be prevented ;ind must be prevented. If the men who happen to be in office say they will not, or they cannot do this, then there are men who will do their duty. They nun-l be put in. Tobacco takes the place of cotton on m.any farms in thi; county. o Some tilings are easy t<> do, the consequences of which arc never gotten over. o Ho who is silent is often given credit for knowing more than lie really does. The people need to read and road much this year when co-operative marketing will he tried out. As times get hack to normal the old confidence that used to ho manifested in business is coining hack fine and strong. o Better roads will have more to do with the building of this county during the next ten years than any other one force that can he n.'imed. There is still another candidate for Congress coming from Florence. This will make the race exciting, not only in the home county of these two can didates, hut over the entire district. o In the course of time the entire length of our seacoast will he a summer resort. It might he more correct to use the words, "summer reKorts." Of course there will he more than one. In that time land on the seashore will he worth many hundred times as much as it is today. o Another railroad through this county running eastward and westward would develop sections of the county that have many advantages not now being used because of the lack of transportation facilities. Such a railroad will come in the course of time. The way most people use a car you would think that the machine is one that will last forever, a thing that is indestructible and that will never need any attention, a live thing that will I always be capable of moving swiftly to take its owner both on business ami joy riding. Nine-tenths of the people who own cars use the cars extravagantly. In many instances tin4 buying of a car has marked a change :v>:n careful living .and economy to ue of extravagance and fast living nd tlie consequent downfall of the in inces of the house. On the other hand it is easily possible for a man of limited means to own a car and use it to great advantage and at small expense maintain it for years and years. These things are worthy of some thought on the part of any man who is about to invest his money in an automobile. o It is not enough to have ability to -41 kv'poi!. Mn ll i t mlns of men and \\?? men who fail or who are only half successes have that. It is not so much a qrr.stion of whether you can as of will you. Do you know that if you will you can bo proprietor < von on a salary, thai you can. in fact, practically fix your salary, make your place in the firm for which you work? You can determine your destiny whpther you will ho a perpetual clerk, whether you will spend all your years behind the counter selling goods, or whether you will gro,v bevond It is just a question of whether you are made of the stuff that wins, whether you are willing to pay the price for leadership, whether you are willing to take the pains to develop executive ability, initiative and all of your other faculties which enter into mastership; or whether you want to satisfy your lower nature and lot things slide and take things easier. It depends upon how much you think of your comforts, as you call them, the easy chair, the pleasures that demoralize, whether you are willing to sacrifice those things that conflict with your aims and desires, your great life purpose. There is no other satisfaction quite like that which conies from the consciousness of growth, of enlargement, of life expansion, the reaching out of one's mental faculties, the stretching of them upward toward something higher, better and grander.?The New Success. o ql'est ions and answers From Specialists' Correspondence With Farmers Please tell me how to control snails n vegetable and flower gardens.?G. B. S., Columbia. By using (.a) poisoned bran mash, (i>) by sprinkling pieces of Irish potatoes with Paris Green or calcium arsenate and placing them among the plants, (c) bv spraying with arsenate of lead. Snails or slugs are abundant in moist, poorly drained soils miifl t hp iihpv.m 1 iisp of slaked lime on the soil almost invariably gives good results, and we recommend the use of air-slaked lime regardless of which o!" the other methods may be employed. What makes peaches rot before they ripen??Mrs. A. B. S., Greenville. Usually an attack by the brown rot -fundus. This rot is hard to control and requires that all rotted fruit be gathered and burned or buried in the fall, that .all cankered and dead twigs be pruned out and burned in the winter, that the trees be sprayed while dormant, and that they be properly sprayed with insect poison and fungicide during the summer. The insect 'spray is important because the rot cannot be controlled unless the worms are also controlled. What is the trouble with the enclosed peach leaves and what should I do to prevent it??Mrs. A. B. S., Greenville. Leaf curl. The proper remedy is a thorough spraying with lime sulphur while ',he trees are dormant. Please tell me the name of the enclosed diseased clover plant and the prevention or cure of the disease?E. !.. C. Jr.. \\ olfton. The plant is Carolina clover and ho disease is rust. There is no .control measure of any value. Weather conditions seem to have a good deal to do with the severity of such diseases. Please tell me what to do for my cow's sack; it is swollen and seems to pain her.?S. A. I>. ! liretwli fiie i )i 11111 < I .-111(1 ;i hall' of Epsom salt dissolved in throe quarts of warm water. Bathe tlie udder with w/iter as hoi as the hand caa hear, for fifteen minutes, four i;nes a day and massage with tamphorated oil after each bathing Milk he animal three times a day. Do not feed cottonseed meal until the udder returns to normal. o SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Winlhrop College The examination for the award of vacant Scholarships in Winthrop Col lege and for admission of new stu dents will he held at the County Court house on l-rulay, July V, at \) a. in Applicants must not 1)0 loss than six teen years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 1 the\ will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for Scholarship should write to President Johnson before the examination for Scholarship examination blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will pen September 20, 1022. For furthm* information and catalogue, address Pres. I). B. Johnson, liock Mill, S. C. ~>-l 1 -41 o Consolidation of all World War veteran organizations in Canada is rged by Field Marshal Karl Haig. >r. AmericMn Legion has been informed service men of the British Kinpi re have been so consolidated, Karl Haig reports. THE HORRY HERALD, CONWA MESSAGES THRC EARr It augurs well for the inur an educational method that I)r. C uished chief consulting: engineer e should have been wi 11 into take tl with a popular talk about light nil good deal to report about the rem Steiniv.etz in his Schenectady labo lightning Hashes that are at leas Equal interest attaches to the proi cian as to the possibilities that rati perhaps be sent through solid ear 1 n the Syracuse Herald. Dr. Steini "Radio messages that cours< water, as well as the air, are a w< of the recent and unusual perfornia tus in transmitting messages to si "Thesct possibilities are not lieve that under certain conditions i to pass through the ground than thr have sent radio mess/Ages successf' substantiation of the theory which element in addition to ether. "If radiations through the e; will he wholly in accordance with due to the circumstances that the s set were both connected to tlie gr a case, would act as a return circui "It is 'difficult to look into t a big thing. One thing is certai munication throughout the world i There can hardly be a time when nication with the rest of the woi ordinary communication is cut off by radio. Expeditions in distant been stretched, can keep in consta through the radio. Communicatio possibilities, too. "It is not likely that the ra< telephone. Radio messages cannot merely from one individual to anotl ?not everybody, but some?could person for whom it was intended. "However, toll messages mij city to city. A telephone subscril central station in his own city and on the wireless and transmitted t< by wire telephone to the person coi n * _ " Strawber Millions of purebred varieties a! wholesale pric growers. Write for tree c; tion and prices of cach van< E. W. Johr Salisbury, I o ! Good Young F | Cow and Calf X in exchange i shucked corn c X change for Address "Ex< * - I * ' II wa?mmmmmm?mrnmmmmm?mmrnm mm I) \RLINGTON PUEPAKKS The people of the city and county <>i Darlington will entertain the .'ib-t annual reunion of the United Confed er,ate Veterans of South Carolina on May 17 and 18. No event in the memory of Darlington's present citiVr?MvJ MM J ? u- ? \rt\ I * l\, I CA M'liAl.t A.JK.. . I 11 - 11 ci.-) iiioiiM in ii .n) l; i i . 11 ': 11 111 LI * iasm and such cordial response and i welcome as the cominp; of the veterans of this annual icunion. The citizens not only have offered, hut will throw open their homes to the veter- 1 ans and their invited quests. A genuine and warm welcome .awaits the remnant of the nohlest hand of warriors who ever went forth to hat tie for their country. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine ( It ffsx^vniiSii I 1 Take Aspirin only as told in each pack- i age of genuine Haver Tablets of Aspirin. ] Hien you will be following the direction? ( and dosage worked cnit by physicians during 21 yearn, and proved safe by millions. Toko no chances with substitute?. ( If you see the Bayer Cross on tablet?, you can take them without fear for J Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Iiheumatiam, r Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for \ Pain. I Tandy tin boxes of twelve tablet? J cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger 1 packages. Aspirin is the trado mark of ? leaver Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. c ___o C} (?(>(? quickly relieves Colds, Constipa- ( lion, Biliousness and Headaches. A Fine Tonic.?tf Y. S. 0., MAY 18, 1922 )UGII rH AND WATER icdiate future of broadcasting .'is harles P. Steinmetz, the distingf the General Electric Company, le radio public into his confidence The newspapers have had a arkable experiments made by Dr. ratory, in which he has produced t fair imitations of the orier might talk by wire with the i the message might then be put ) another city and then lelivered ncerned." ? - S rv Plants Klondykes and all other es direct from nursery to j dialog giving brief descnp- I ?tv. ison & Co. Maryland * ?m??n?ann?? ?? vmmmmmv resh Milk I for 25 flour barrels silp- X m cob, also mullets in ex. corn, I odder or peas. % :hange," Wampce, S. C. * ^ <* bm???ww i i i ?w?w?? WASH MILK CAN SOON AS EMPTY The milk can has the sumo relation ?o the wholesale trade as the milk ',ottle has to tiu> retail trade, and it is just as important that it he washed immediately alter bein^' emptied, f Agriculture. Milk dealers have ppliances for w/ishin# and sterilizing tiie cans, hut this does not excuse the buyer from rinsing them before they become sour as a result of the multiplication of bacteria in the film (0' milk left in I he can .Cans hat become foul in this way aie hard to clean when they arrive at the plant. Investigations show that hotels. restaurants, bakeries and other places which buy milk in wholesale quantities do not always ^ive proper attention to the containers. As soon as the cans are emptied they arc placed on the doorstep or left in a warm room until collected by the dealer. They return to the plant teeming with bacteria, and tlie mechanical washer; will not always clean and sterilize Ihem thoroughly. They must be soaked, washed by hand with a brush ;ind then sent to the machine washer Consumers can help a great deal in making it easier to maintain a sale milk supply. All that is needed is a little care at the right time, says the lepartment. o? CATARRHAL DEAFNESS 8 often caused by nn inflamed condition >f the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tubo io inflamed you mvo a rumbling sound or imperfect tearing. Unless the inflammation can )e reduced, your hearing may be deitroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will lo what wo claim for it?rid your system ?t Catarrh or Deafness caused by 'atarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in tho treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. This new /Wx ~\ sugar-coated N^^'' gum delights 'Jp f?i\ young and old//V \\ It "melts in your mouth" and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth 4?l% diiU llllUdl* There are the other WRIGLEY friends to choose EAGLE <5gJl%;^^^^Penci] Nnjmll hus*-** ^ " " | For Sale at your Dealer Made in five grades ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK | pi-Mi' " 1 ? ?-*? i^ 1i I |l t! 'i*h\ lit ?i I /'? ! - JSS iiiOfei I lija!-; rm II IIf< " - - tiI 1 Hlfl I "' tiy l P? No family is well fed without ice TUST as true in Spring as in midsummer. I ' J The food may not spoil so fast, but it spoils. Above 5o?milk is unsafe; meat loses its appetizing flavor; eggs and butter dete' riorate. j To feed a family well, raw food must be kept at its best. If it is tho least bit stale, . the flavor suffers; if a little more stale, the nourishment is impaired; after a day or two it spoils, becomes a mcnace to health. Why run such risks when ice costs so little? A few cents a day keeps the refriger' ator full and your food in prime condition. [ ! ! m i atti i:dm ti\/i i ^ ' I iJ v?1 1 L^urvvjivi L.1VJT 11 C* l^tL, L.O. ! CONWAY, S. C. j | ! MEMBER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ICE INDUSTRIES Pledged to Purity, Full Weight, Quod Service This your emblem protection \ u j, ? '* III I Hflff