The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, March 30, 1922, Image 2

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PMW i linpi mii r> > . ? Penn's spells quality. \Why? Because Penn's 13 packed air, tight in the patented new f container?the quality is ^sealed in. S5o Penn's is always fresh. Have you or really chewed frosh tobacco? BuyPann'sthe next timo. Try it. Notice thefine condition?fresh-Penn's. PENH'S , CHEWING TOBACCO THE PRAYER OF THE UNEMPLOYED (Contributed) Harding' is my Shepherd, And I am in want, He maketh me to lie down on Park Benches, He leadetli me beside free soup houses, He restoreth my doubt In the Republican party. Me leadetli me in the paths of destruction For his party's sake. Yea, tho' 1 walk thru' the valley 1 ~>f starvation And do fear evil For thou art against me, Thy politicians and profiteers They frighten me, Thou preparest a reduction in salaries before me Id the presence of mine enemies. Thou annointest my income with (taxes, My expense runneth over my income. Surely unemployment and poverty Will follow me .'ill the days of the Republican Administration And I will dwell in a rented house forever. Amen. o Peanut Seed, carefully graded and ^hand-picked. White Spanish or Georgia Kunners. In the shell, (>c id. Shelled fresh at planting time, 9c. Prices for immediate acceptance, t.:heck with order. Peanuts are proving most profitable money crop. We i/tre always ready to buy them. Write for information. Sea Island 'Cotton Oil Co., Charleston.?Adv. 3|23l22-3t | NEXT WEEK DE 1 FOR QUEEN ( ~Se a* -je s|r The contest for Queen of I ^ Saturday evening at (> o'clock. rI jj* in the list below. Some of the < s> would pile up a larger vote. A Ujt the Horry candidate, the race 1>< will be a free trip for the youi she will stand a good chance to j 4 aje * CAM) y rk Miss Flora Mae Holliday, Gallivai Miss Edna Marlow, Conway, S. C Miss Margaret Morris, Aynor, S. % M iss Marguerite Collins, Conway n)e Miss Aileen Spivey, Conway, S Miss Ruth Jenkins, Conway, S * Miss Inez Stalvey, Conway, S * Miss Willie Ann Glasgow, Conwj Muss Elnita Bryan, Conway, S. C Miss Roena Butler, Loris, S. C ' Y Miss Winifred Alexander, Allen, Perritt, Aynor, S. C * * * * VATIWr I \ /l 111V $ Editor Horry Herald:? 3K '-H My choice for Queen of P 2t Name 'A. * 3: Address * This coupon good for one vote. 2 tion to this newspaper counts 51 ???*??*? * N***HMHHHHHHHHHHH VOTED SPEAKER .yisilt CUNWAY Mr. S. Wilkes Dendy, field secretary all South extension committee of the United Society of Christian Knleavor for Alabama, Florida, Georgia .md South Carolina will be with us and speak at the Presbyterian Church on Monday evening*, April 3, at 7:.*i0 )'clock. Mr Dendy carries, with him ] .1 vim and vitality that Pairl^1 'sweeps >ne off his feet. Me made ' a"^creditable record in college as'a speaker :md debater and has the ability to carry his audience with him as he 1 rives home his statements with force and logic. His enthusiasm is con Mini with it there is a definite directness of purpose to exalt his Lord and Christ tlvit challenges youth to give increasingly in service of the talents which have been given by the Father Himself. o V. P. M. S. The Young People's .Missionary Society of the Methodist Church met on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the church. The meeting was well attended and an interesting program on "Mexico" was carried out as follows: Roll call. Minutes. Song selection ITS, by society. ? Scripture reading, Matthew 28:16-20 by President Ernestine Little. Prayer by Mrs. D. G. Spivey. Vocal solo by Gene Wood Norton; accompaniment by Irma Lewis. "Living Conditions In Mexico," Ernestine Little. "Marriage In Mexico," Christine Dusenbury. "Women In the Home," Estelle Burroughs. "Children In the Home," Bessie Dusenbury. "Religion In the Home" Ruth Taylor. Song selection 242 by congregation. "Story of a Mexican Girl," Florence Epps. Miss Floride Collins treasurer, reported $1.75 collected from the previous meeting. Ninety-five cents was paid in as dues at this meeting. r A 1 Mrs. Spivey read tne names 01 tne program committee for the year, then the society adjourned. o PAULEY SCHOOL CLOSES Editor Herald: I wish to announce through your paper the closing of the Pauley Swamp School on Friday, March 24, with one of the best entertainments the school has ever had. We have had a very successful year under the efficient management of Prof. J. B. Brown, principal, and Miss Maud Anderson of Gurley, S. C., as assistant. Prof. Brown is a graduate of the University of South Carolina, one of the highest htaudari colleges of the state, And our community was very glad when he refused numerous offers of other schools at higher salaries and decided to stay with his home school. Miss Anderson did excellent work and won the love and admiration of all by the example set before them. Not only did she teach books but interested the children in other things just as essential. They also did splendid work in their night school for the adults and we heartily recommend both of them as Christian teachers and sincerely hope they will come back next fall for another seven months as we feel we could not make a better choice of teachers. , Community o habitual Constipation Cured in ,v.o 21 Days LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a speciallyprepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c rrer bottle. **************************** :CIDES RACE | )F PALMAFESTA 1 * ? i * >almafesta will close next week on ^ "he race stands this week as shown ^ candidates are not working or they * us the time draws near for selecting * 3comes still more interesting. It * lg lady who wins this contest and * ?et the diamond ring. * w * * [DATES 3 V otes ^ its Ferry, S. C 4,500 >! : 2,000 J C 1,500 1 ,S. C 1,500 i . C 1,000 3 . C 1,000 * . C 1,000 s| *y, S. C., It. F. D. No. 2 750 !j 1 642 \ 501 > S. C 500 500 *************************** ***************************4 ; coupon | almafesta is: * j J A yearly paid-in-advance subscrip- j DO votes. ! , ? * *************************** > *<?<* % cV THE HORRY HERALD, CON\ APRIL FARM CALENDAR Things to Da this .Month PrepoVe land thoroughly where cot, ton is to be planted. Purchase fertilizer in carlots and pay cash, then mix at home to save money. Repair all planters, plows and other machinery ('or spring use. Get sped ready tor planting and !%':?%ure of having- plenty of the I best seed possible on hand. Garden and Orchard Plant fruit threes before the weather turns warm. Prune back severely late planted, trees. Raspberries' and blackberries may be planted at any time in March. Prune apvl spray fruit trees as instructed by your county agent and prepare to follow up with springsprays. Cultivate and fertilize the orchard. i; is as necessary as witn cotton and other crops. Prune hunch grapes not pruned. They will bleed to some extent, but that is better than not pruning. Remember that a good many of the winter vegetables should be planted in the early spring, such as celery, salsify, carrots, parsnips. Animal Husbandry. Sow rape for hog pasture. Give sows good care at farrowing time. Make all fences secure. Build a pig creep where pigs may he fed grain. Dairying. Whitewash or paint the dairy barn inside and out. Grub bushes and briers in pasture and repair pasture fences. Don't turn cows on pasture this month. Let the grasses get a start. Clean up barn lots. Remove all manure. Fly time will soon be here. Plant Diseases. Now is the last chance for applying that dormant spray. If put on it will control several parasites, but not if "put off." Prepare and store stock solutions for making Bordeaux mixture to use later in the year. Test seed corn for germination and disease. Treat melon and cucumber seed with corrosive sublimate before plating in order to kill spores of anthracnose Jind other diseases. Delint cotton seed to improve germination and help control diseases. It can he done now as satisfactorily as at planting time. When trimming trees cover large wounds with creosote or with paint with which Vs-ounce of powdered corrosive sublimate per gallon has been thoroughly mixed. Entomology Overhaul the spray pump for the spring spraying. Pack the cylinder of the spray pump well, supply all connections with fresh washers so that they are tight, and by all means use a new nozzle disk and not an old rusty one. Lay in the necessary supply of arsenate of lead and nicotine. Get Exension Circular 25, which gives complete program for the spraying of orchard insects. Prepare to control the lice or aphis on plum, peach and apple with a nicotine spray. Get Information Card No. 1<?. Arsenate of lead and nicotine sprays for the garden are made up the same as for the orchard. Avoid corn after corn on bill-bug infested land. Boys' Club Work. Enroll in one of the community boys' agricultural clubs conducted by the county agent. o No Worms In a Healthy Child ^ All children troubled with Worms have ac uo? neaitiiy coior, which muium-o t/ uv~, ? rule, there is more or 1 ess stomach disturbance GROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given rega larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood improve the digestion, and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will thet throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will tx in perfect health.* Pleasant to take.* 60c per bottle o BRIDES MUST BE COOKS Burgomaster Rimmel of New Ulm in Bavaria, refused a few days ag< to marry a couple because the gir I did not know how to cook and keef house and has since laid down th< i rule that hereafter he will not per : form the ceremony for any coupK ; until satisfactory proof of the bride'; J ability as a housewife is presented. : This idea will probably make more i headway in Germany than it woulc ! in America. Kaiser Wilhelm's ide; of woman's sphere was "church | kitchen and children," and this doc ; trine was so thoroughly taught dur I ing his reign that it probably re 1 mains the prevalent German attitude It cannot be denied, however, tha J there is something in the burgo : master's edict for every country t< j think about. "When a man marries < he is presumed to know how to d< < something that will bring in epougl J money to support a home. In al jc most every case, he does know. Bu jj there arc many cases in which th< j; girl does not know how to prepay jj even the simplest of meals, or hov ? to do ordinary housework, much les |< make any of her own clothing.? j| Wheeling Intelligoncer (Rop.) p o K SWEET SEVENTEEN You tempt me with your flappe H ways, jj So wise, so knowing, yet so young The spirit of these restless days < Is yours vfhpse song is vet unsung jc Irreverent and full of fun, ^ And much too daring in your dress * You are, when all is said and done, An !nnrt/>nnt nr]iranfin<naa < is so much to soe and know, f W Samuch of folly to acquire; : This qucpr ol<j VvorM is far too shu i To quite keep pacfr with your desin { Controlled and curbed by some Strang t art 5 Akin to mother-tenderness, \\ You still would be, within your hear tt An innocent adventuress. u lU J. <t VAY, S. 0. MAR, 30, 1022 SAW MILL GOES OUT IN FLAMES f The small sawmill which been operated at Savannah Bluff for the past year or longer, was burned and destroyed on Monday night while the owner slept, <*tnd at>( last accounts ihere was no "\Vay of telling how it happened. . , r. The fire's in tlie ftirna^^s, had fu?,bn Ivmked the night before and uie usual precautions taken. The mill had been useful in filling orders for rougli ' lumber and was about to start on filling a contract for a citizen here. Tifvvmill belonged to Causey. 7T HONOR ROLL OF HIGH POINT SCHOOL First Grade Eliot Hardee Smithy Richardson Boyd Richardson Wood row Singleton i irsi .Advanced Monroe Martin Ray Collins Essie Richardson Second Grade Bryant Hardee Ruth Singleton Mazy Martin t Lawrence Martin Eddie Martin Galbert Edwards. Carrie Belle Calhoun, Teacher. Third Grade Wilma Bland Nina Richardson Leon Davis Brookie Edwards Luther Cooper Eva Sawyer Troy Hardee Myrtle Singleton Edmond Richardson Arthur Tindall Archie Hardee Annie Jordan Fourth Grade Rufus Jordan Eva Martin Hattie Singleton Arthur Hard wick Van Hard wick Sallie Singleton Gussie Johnson. Fifth Grade Norton Cannon Lawrence Jordan Lunette Davis Bertha Richardson Cord Singleton Rosa Tindall. Berry Jordan, Teacher. Seventh Grade Hnvvv Davis Reba Davis John Richardson. Eighth Grade Charlotte Jordan. Ninth Grade Emiline Hyman. Ralph H. Huckabee, Teacher o The coming tobacco season will soe a trial made of the co-operative marketing1 plan on the tobacco crops (if this state. It may not do so much good this year, but it will improve with experience and get better and better as time goes on. HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it?ri?l your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE consists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts throuch the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore normal conditions. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo* O. ! NOTICE OF SALK By authority of the Probate Cour ' for Horry county, notice is hereby s given that I will offer for sale t< ^ the highest bidder for cash on Satur day, April 8, 1022, beginning at 1( o'clock A. M. at the former shop o A. C. Small, deceased, all and singu f lar all of the personal property ii ; the said shop belonging to the estat< of the said A. C. Small, consisting o } a graphophone, electric irons protecto * graph and pressing club furnishings * An inventory of the said propert; 1 can be seen on application to me. < A. C. SUMTER, Execute Conway, S. C., March 28, 1022. 3-30,4-1 i ? o I NOTICE. I , A meeting of the stockholders o - the Conway Sales Company will b held in the office of H. L. Buck a Conway, South Carolina on Apri . 30th, 1922 for the purpose of au t thorizing the cancellation and sur - render of its charter. > Conway Sales Compan> March 30th, 1022.' 3 30 22-51 v At Horry Drug Store every firs - and third Monday of each month. L. A. WOODRUFF, D. Opt. r Eyesight Specialist. ! if**.******* *************** : r IHORRY OOUNTYj I TRUST CO. i i 1 |L. D. Magrath^anagerj * P ' e V,Real Estate, Bonds and. j; Insurance. j ********#**************** <? , ' \ I /* statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., Required by i the act of u^giuiss of august 21, 1912, CP The Horry Herald, published weekly at Conway, S. C., for April 1, ti)22. State of South Carolina, County of Horry, ss. Before me, a notary public in and for the state and county aforesaid, jpei'sonaliy appeared H. H. Woodward >. 'who, having been duly sworn according to. law, deposes and says that he is the owner of the Horry Herald and that the following is to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above cantion. required by the act of August 24, 19!'2, embodied i?i Section 443, postal laws and regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1, That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business managers are: Publisher, H. H. Woodward, Conway, S. C. Editor, H. H. Woodward, Conway, S. C. Managing editor, H. II. Woodward, Conway, S. C. Business manager, H. H. | Woodward, Conway, S. C. 2, That the owner is H. H. Woodward. 3, That the known bondholders, mortagees and other security holders owning or holding I per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are*none. H. H. WOODWARD Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th dav of March, 1922. T. B. LUDLAM, Notary Public for South Carolina o RURAL POLICEMEN Rural policemen will be appointed next Tuesday to fill all three places. Applications should be on file with the county board on the day before. Present encumbents may be reappointed or new appointments made. o MEETING HOME MAKERS CLUB The next meeting" of The Progressive Home Makers' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. E. Lee on Thursday, April (5. Mrs. Oliver Floyd, Secretary o Under the new grading and tying law recently passed the number of piles of tobacco on the warehouse floors will be greatly increased and the warehouse charges would have been multiplied had not still another new act been passed at the recent session reducing the charges that will be made the coming season by the warehousemen. I ^J THE UNIVE Never ; 1 A Value] i Why should y but a Ford ? parts lowest, op ii! keep expense lo car will take yo car will go. Th * not extravagar * Ford is the mi | for anyone to | I desired. |;| II BUCK MOTC j! Authoriz< . . llJIV/ <1 , I m DIGNITY A small boy was sitting next to a rather fussy woman in a crowded car, and he kept sniffing in a most annoying way. Finally she asked: Boy, have you got a handkerchief? The small boy looked at her for a few seconds, and then, in a dignified manner, replied: Yes, I have; but I don't lend it to strangers. I Renews Strength! I (Where there is I I need for1 u build- I I ing-up tonic after M/ I H prostrating illness^... I S I cmittc cmiii einii I 9 ?ouu 11 %> LmuLdiun i taken regularly, usually S spells renewed strength and vigor. fl Scott & BownesBloomficld, N. J. fl ALSO MAKERS OF H rmidiqs 9 (Tablets or Granules) II fo? INDIGESTION I ****************** ******** H I PURE I I I INDIAN GAME ? 1 | EGGS | 1 I FOR SETTING | I $ Price $1.50 for 15. | I ;J; kfl | Orders filled by parcel | M % Also Poland China % I Pigs for sale. Call on | | or write * I | D. M. CAUSEY, | I | R. F. D.No.2 | 9 | Tabor, N. C. | 1 | 3-2-4 t-pd 1 I ************************** RSALCAR I j c Car i jjj^^ , Before ! Like This 1 ^ ou buy any car Prices lowest, , erating and upwest. vet a Ford u anyplace any ! lese are sensible, 1 it times, and a lHl * <>) <i( II ost sensible t own. Terms if vf v :;')) II ' KR EXTRA ' S DR COMPANY ;d Dealers y, S. C. I ! i j