Name "Bayer" is on Genuine s Aspirin?say Bayer a ?- I Mj e Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" ? ' in a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Colds, Pain, Headache, I4 Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism, s Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin ,T prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets ? cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark d of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie- c acidester of Salicylicacid. ^ NOTICE or DISCHARGE. ? Notice is hereby given that the ? undersigned administrator of Harry A. Dietz, deceased, will apply to the Judge of Probate of Horrv fJonntir - " ? at. kis officec at Conway, S. C., at . olefin o'clock in the forenoon on the !< 19th day of April 1920, for a final n discharge as such Administrator. C. S. DIETZ, 11 Administrator of Harry A. Dietz, March 10th, 1920. Deceased. 4jl8 4t ?pd. " POTATOBORERlT ' ; A SERIOUS ?JAGE : v ?; Senator Dial Stresses Impor- t tance of War on Truck (.: Pests. u ? t \\ Washington.?South Carolina, and Georgia, as well as other Southern (j nf AO V.r??r/v ? --5A-?1 - - J ' jvuivdi Haw: i\ viiui incoresi, accord- j.( ing to Senator Dial of South Caro- p lina, in .the Harrison amendment, by ^ which the Senate has increased by a $20,000 the amount which the House v allowed, in the agricultural appro- o piiation bill, for investigations or truck crop insect pests. Senator Groma, chairman of the Senate -comirittee, who will be one of the con- 11 ference on the bill, is understood not to object to the amendment and n the Southern Senators co-operating a Ufith Senator Harrison hope the | Item wiM be retained in free con j v erenco. ? ( pronator Dial has given out the fol- | lowing* statement. ^ "This appropriation finances in 3 vestigalions which the department | ol agriculture, in co-operation with 8 the states, is conducting and which W dep.l with insects affecting stored 5 vegetable products as well as cer'ain S , of our important truck crops, includ- ^ , ing potatoes, cabbages, onions, to- jj mati os, beans, peas and sugar beets. Bui the feature in which our peopiv ? ? in the southeast are mainly interest- g od is that the department has allot od from the sum provided $05,000 to fight tlic sweet potato borer. "This pest is the worst enemy the i Kvect potato has. 1-It has invaded Florida and has reached Charlton county in Georgia. Our state entomologist, Mr. A. F. Conradi, tell > me that owing to the habits of t' e S pest, it can be kept within bounds and very likely can be eradicate 1. But unless prompt measures can bo taken k? check its advance, we may expect it in South Carolina very soon, and it will inevitably ruin our rapidly developing sweet potato industry. The borer now exists in seven states. The sweet potato crop TT/V h " in iivc vi i/uv.ic bv?ius iiu>s an ag greg ate value of $135,000,000 I Sweet potato culture is one major I Item in a new scheme of production Which we are developing to offset E Hie advance of the cotton boll wee- | ? . ^ ^ ^ l Nature aided 6vZ- 'I /MoniEKsftlKiD Not only nil ays distress in advance but assures n speedy recover/ for the mother. lc renders the broad, flat abdominal muscles pliant as they readily yield to nature's demand for expansion. A& a result the nerves are not dravv^Pfton v/ith that peculiar wrenching strain. Mother's Friend is used &? exfc; nolly. At all Druggists. i j Spcr.i.'.l JJooUf.t on Motherhood nnJ Baby fret. Brad^.iu1. Hv.rtitalor Co. Dpt. F-M, Atlanta, Go, t: I \ f I ' I % 1 ?l. Already wc have built many otato warehouses and I hope tha? j re shall fro on now to build up a' i\eet potato packing industry such' s is centered about Albany in Ge r-' ia. j "This pest can survive temperaire conditions which exist in every Late that produces iwcet potatoes, t is best controlled through quarntine while eradication measures re being taken, and through the reparches of the federal experts, inluding oversight of more than 30,L'O farms, adequate quarantine laws ave been put into effect in Georg a . | lorida and Alabama, while Missis-1 ppi has what it regarded as a j lodel crop pest law and Louisiana j ne only a little less excellent. The stribution of the insect occurs prln pally through commercial shiplent of propagation material, such s seed potatoes, slips and draws, held laboratories maintained in 'lorida, Mississippi, L .uisiana and 'exas have studied the life historvi nd habits of the nest, teste' va 1 , ious insecticides, proposed and stud, ; 2(1 methods of economic control, l'u , ligation of stored potatoes and the indication of wild plants which fin ish food to the insect. "Finding* that the borer thrives o'l lie wild morning-glory, the depart j lent has experimentally cleared o.' hese plants a zone 30 miles long beween the infested coastal region bout Daytona and an uninfeted area ti Flagler county. It has been demnstratcd in the experimental plats ,t Kingsville, Texas, that the insect ray be held in check by sprayin; r dusting several times with arsenic of lead. Destruction of. wild ood plants over a tract of several housand acres is under way at New Means. The laboratory at Ocean Springs, Miss., has determined that cot is an important control mcas- ^ rc for stored potatoes, a tempera- ? nre of 110 dcgiees destroying the weevils with little effect on the poatoes. Eradication work proper is one mainly in the Baker-Charlton cgion of Georgia and Florida, comrising about 300 infected farms; in d-den county, Alabama, where there re about 30 farms, and in Southern lississippi, where there are about 00 farms." o Spring fever is just as bad as the ndigestion. i Why K. ^ Suffer? p y/\ Mrs. J. A. Cox, ofAl- /y y/jA dcrson, W. Va., writes: ryVjB "My daughter . . . euf- y), fered terribly. She could Yy not turn in bed . . . the yy /yi doctors give, her up, and *y& we brought her home tc K yA die. She had suffered so \'/ | y&k much at. .. time. Hav- fy. y*A ing heard of Cardui, we Y/^ got It for licr." WS\ The Wcman's Tonic v ^ L "In a few days, she be- /> ? y can to improve." Mrs. y\ / Cox continues, "and had yz y no trouble at... Cardui y% y cured her, and we sine yr y its praises everywhere." r/ We receive many thou- sands of similar letters /k y every year, telling of the /\ / good Cardui has done for K/j y women who suffer from Wy\ y complaints so common to *04 r ym ineir sex. if should do yC. y\ Sard ^f00^1 *??# Tr^ ^vvwwww-rH CARD OF THANKS. We take this method of thanking ir many friends who so kindly as:ted us during the sickness and ath of our loving husband and i ther. We pray the Lord to send is blessings on them all. -Mrs. L. J. Martin and Children. NOTICE TOBACCO GROWERS. For tobacco barn flues call on Sasser Company, Inc. Gurley, South Carolina. We manufacture the best flues made, file voiir order with us immediately.?adv l|lj29. 6 mos, Colds Cause Grip and Enilucnza tXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets semoyetiu use. There is only one "Brorno Qululns. W. GROVE'S dilunturo on box. 80c. ? # * a BE HOBBY HERALD, CONWJ IF YOU WANT TO REDU1 LIVING BUY YOUR GROT ARE IN POSITION T? WHAT WE HAVE IN STOC 300 Barrels Sweet Rose Self-] 100 Barrels Full Value SelLE 315 Barrels Every-Ready Self 3,000 Bushels 1,000 Sacks S; 10 Tons Dairy 10 Tons Hecke ' 5,000 Lbs. Fla 2,000 Lbs. Pur 100 Bushels V* 200 Bushels 9< 50 Cases Ea-gl 2 5 Cases Pet 5,000 Lbs. Me 100 M Cigaretl 300 Caddies S' 3 Cars 2 '''. I- <& Lj? * ' f-:igT"^,r'i>rregTig'-':^x r-^?^r ^ We are pleased to on Diamond and Kelly-? Tubes, and believe them the market. HAVQUME6 By reason of having advance, we have attrac oil. HVMAN SUPPI WILMING1 4* .111 VAf "*| X *fu.,U..,.^ ( "A COMPLETE UNE BOILERS SAV ENGINES PLA CRUDE OIL ENGINES EDO GAS ENGINES TRI] STEAM PUMPS LAT We also have listed w /V* AAAA?#I U ~ 1 -! vi ocvuiiu-iiuiiu rnasmnery. quirements. HYMAN SU Mill Supplies a Wilmington, N. C. 3|18?tf. it, 8. P., APRIL 8, 1020. ie the high cost of ;erb from us as we i save you money K AND TO ARRIVE Rising Flour Asing Flour '-Rising Flour. , Food Oats lit. Feed. rs Wheat Middlings, lie White Laid, c Lard. 'hite Spanish Peanuts. [) Day Velvet Beans, e Brand Milk. Cream, at . ies. ly Coon Tobacco. 1 \ Fimothy Hay. a & ? s. a. d & Male Feed t mentioned. Come and ck of Groceries we have !TH GO., INC ughs & Collins Old Stand. quote attractive prices pringfieid Tires and to be the best values on JOTOR OIL purchased before the live prices on this fine LY COMPANY TON, N. C. OF MACHINERY" r lYUJjJLifc) l/UX'i'UJN uins NERS CORN MILLS ffiRS FEED MILLS I MMERS WOOD SAWS H MILLS PUMPS I ith us all sizes and types Let us figure on your rePPLY CO. | nd Machinery. i New Bern, N. t,. nil ^ I Hi ?n???n?, t S. P. VEREEN. I jl Last Sunday afternoon, at the j I'd)icnco Infirmary, the wi'es Ha h-I c i a message that oast a wave of sadness over all of e s'.c.n Horry ftiul scores of friends everywhere. Death is claiming its victims in eve y rphere and clime but this dark \ . ;r r cculd hardly have knelt at the gate of a better man than Tube Yec en. Treacherous lymptoms o' failing ea'th had some time ago manifest) themselves, which he modestly and nu.agoousiy withheld fon the family. Eaily in last week he was 1 c impelled to go to bed as a result t of evil effects of chronic apper.di 1 ,ar?d on Saturday was trans- 1 on-red to tVo bc. p'.Uil at Florenc v After a hurried operation, the dec 1 cor frankly told him that n > earthly ( power could save him, He replied, "alright doctor, for thirty-two years r l i? 11 IU4YU ueen ready to listen to such c words as yours." Then with the V vourago of a brave Christian gentle- 1 man lie asked for a blank chock with 1 which to settle his account. T.iis clicciful request must have reminded 1 Dr. McLeod of a final balance of ( this g od man's earthly ao oant: ' like these in Heaven above. 1 Present at the Led ddc at Pi ( parFng weie his devoted wife an I 1 si1 tor, two b colliers a id oF or rokir tiver, and f; i. ud . Fur years lie held important, officer. of the he the! Method s c nrch 1 I end Sur.dnv School. His b;M v r sail < i i of i im; ii to k move than siekiess , I keep him away from his duties there. He laid no claim to great wealth on earth, but as a husband, father, neighbor and citizen, his sterling,1 worth surpassed much gold, "yea i more than much fine gold." Him- 1 self and his means like that of the good Samaritan, were at all times subject to the call of needy friends, or the stianger within his gates. Located on the highway, twenty j miles below Conway, his good home has been a haven to many a weary Liaveler. They always found the I latch-string on the outside, on the inside they found in reality the Home, Sweet Home that John Howard Paine saw in his dream, a most agreeable little mother, a consistently interesting father, who never snarled or quarreled in his life, and cjrnt little folks of high quality,' five of whom are now less than grown. Our friend, who was about fifty-, two years of age, has to survive him, besides the wife and children, h s father, Mr. J. P. Voreen, a citi- r zen well-known in Horry and adjoin- j ing counties; Mrs. LaGrand Smith,; of Latta, and four brothers, Joe, Hon nie, Gordon, and Ernest, three younger brothers having prec:eded tbis one to the Father's side. His Life-long Friend, ?W. S. McC. The Quinine That Dots Not Artect lira Ilea* ; Pecr'-isc of its tor.ic nnd lixntive c-iYcct, T.AXA* T1VH BKOMOQU1NINK is better than ordinal y J Qu'n.ue and does not enure nervousness net ? ringing in head. Remember the .'ull uamoutd loo* for tlie s* nature of H. W. G.'AOVfi. 30c. 1 SEED TESTING NEEDED. 1 Washington.?Cotton in many localities from Alabama to central c Texas may probe a complete fail-1 i lire if good tested seed is not used, 1 according to a warning issued to r cotton growers by the department of i agriculture. Tests in different localities show that much of the seed r] this year has less than 50 per cent, f germination whereas good plant:ng r seed should approximate 75 per cent. Farmers are advised to test their t seed in advance by tlic "rag doll" ? seed test. 1 c j . Alts* : After yon eafc?always take J Eatonsc Ci'OR YOUR ACID-STOMACH) Instantly relievos Heartburn, Bloat- ? *d Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, o repeating, and ail stomach miseries. ^ Ami digestion and appet :te. Roopi stomach awcet and strong. Increases Vitality nnd Pep. EATONICia the best remedy. Tens of thou- c sands wonderfully benefited. Onlycoatsa cent or twoa day to use it. Positively guaranteed C< foplease or we will refund money, Get a tag box today. You will see. CONWAY DRUG COMPANY ? 8124 CONWAY, S. C. 52t. " C4 P - HORRY COUNTY S | TRUST COMPANY S i ig L. D. Maprath t 61 Manager. 0 Real Estate c H Real Estate Loans a Bonds fj| lanun/tnAA " tiiouidiibc mm a sa ? n n ss h a a n *? g ? / PAGE SEVEN BOOT URGES COURT TO SETTLE QUESTION T-Zants to Know Whore Limit I ? of AnuinJmont Is to Be Dr:wn. AY a nin^ton?A possil ilily that tho o ipvcmc Court pus.; final ndrmc m on prohibition questions "o\v before it by the middle of next north was seen by some observers n the nnn unmmiont ti nt the ecu t cess to be taken a'; the cor.clusi ,n >' the arguments en these caseo, v uld extend to ApCl 19 instead of \pril 12. The opinion was cxpres.f question touching yali itv of the ensiituti 1 al amendment and the ihiforceme it Act, n \v ho ove the ourt, was presented. They were in onneclion with t;,e original suit rough! ly Now Jersey, as well as yipr- Com iluit S.uo aid from C asin. Rhode Fined, Kentucky . d indue etts have a'ready vn v^ued :\nd will be considered at the ssme time. Root Address, v- Court. F.'iiiu Hoot, repre ciCng Christian Fcigoiispan, a brewer, of Newark N. J.; Attorney General Thomas F. McCran, of New Jersey, in opposil:on to the constitutional amendment, and Assistant Attorney General William L. Frierson for the gov ernment, addressed the court. Mr. Root characterized the prohibition amendment as new legislation, made under "color of an amend ment," affecting personal lights. If its validity was upheld, he said, the effect woud be that the court recognized, in addition to the legislative powers of Congress and the States, .. 4.U! I 1 \ t.nuu legislative power, namely, enactment of legislation by consent of three-fourths of the States, which he said, would he "a perversion not only of the word, but of the whole tone and character, of the Constitution." "It is of little consequence," Mr. ltoot said, "if there be or be not pro hibition in this country. It is of vast consequence, however, that your Honors now decide rightly and for the good of our country in the future if thero are to be any limits to the power of amendment and where the line of limitation is to be drawn. o? ? AN AMAZING iviLCOIU). The News & Courier has already referred more than once to the article published in the Manufacturers Record of February 5, showing the imazing advance made by tjie Scuta Agriculturally in 1910, and cspezialy in grain production. It will pay every South Carolina justness man to study these figures n detail. Every citizen in South Carolina mglit to know, but probably very 'cw do know, that South Carolina e ? < - J ui.i ku',c lurwuru lusier agricuitur lly in the past th ree years than 'i\y other State in the Union. This is not a matter of opinion. Phc figures compiled by the Manuacturers Record from the Goveranont. reports prove it conclusively. For the five-year period 1913-1917 he average value of all crops in Jouth Carolina $212,163,000. In 918 the value of all crops in South Carolina was $450,504,000.- In 1919 he value of all crops in South Carlina was $520,522,000. Only in ten other States, namely, Jorth Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, 'oxas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Illinois, 'wa, Nevada and Kansas, was tlie alue of all crops in 1919 greater ban in South Carolina. It will be noted that all of thene* ther States are far larger in area ntl far more populous- . than is louth Carolina. South Carolina's percentage of inroasc in the value of her corps exLcded that of any other State. "It is an interesting fact," relarks The Manufacturers Record, that California, with all its vast giicultural wealth, had a total crop voduction last year of $45,000,000 i n ..ii. ?? :.vh iiuiu uuutn uunu. How many South Carol iniaas new that? It is a fact which nght to sink into the consciousness I every one of us. Compared with c.uth Carolina, California, agriculturally, is standing still. Yet South Carolina has only beun to show what she can do.? Charleston (S. C.) News & Courier. ? ? ft ? PJ?cs Cared In 6 to 14 Days insists rcftjTut money If PAZO OINTMFNTWis euro Itching. Hand, li.cediu;4or Protrndlatf Piles. ant'.y relievos Itehlcl Pi.os, ar < yon can ?ot 5~iful;dccpafter thu first npoiiecti'.n. PricoNte.