ewm. '.. JStorrg iimld. CONWAY, S. C. litcrcd at the Post Office at Conway S> C, as second claw mail matter. H. H. WOODWARD MUfhed Every Thursday Morning by Conway Publishing Co. TELEPHONE 21. TERMS: SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Copy, One Year $1.00 One Copy, Six Months 75 One Copy, Three Months 60 PUBLISHERS ANNOUNCEMENT Tributes of Respect, and Obituaries will be charged for at the rate of one *"?wi frtr nil words over 150. Ct'Ul ptri wui'i Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of llianks, and all other reading Notices, not NEWS, taking the run of the paper, will be charged at the rate of five cents per line; and all other notices in the local columns at the rate of ten cents per line. Extra charge of 50 per cent, for notices set in black face type in local column. All changes of advertisements must be in the office by Saturday noon to insure their appearance in | the following issue. All communications must bo sigm d j by the name of the writer, not for i publicaiton, but for the protection of this paper. Lega Notices at ?1 per inch first insertion, 50 cents each subsequent i insertion. Rates on long term contracts fori display advertising voia^ reasonable,! end made known on aoplieaiion. Make all (.'hocks or j .'rafts payable to The Horry Herald, or H. U. Wood ward, Conway, S. C. Notice in Special Column at the , rate of one cent per word each ins r- . tion, and none of these taken for less than 25 cents, to be paid for in advace. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1918.! _ Is it the nature of some people 4o violate the law? Never put otT until tomorrow those things which can be done to-day. o Training has a whole lot to do in the making of law-abiding citizens. o One of the things we can do to help win the war is to increase the Horry wheat crop. Horry people are doing their part to back up the Horry boys who are in the trenches. o All that the American boys need is a chance to get at them. o Most of u> are willing to run the risk of no end of trouble next week, or month or year; rather than under- i go a .-mall haul, hip to-day. Got ready and plant a wheat crop j for harvest next Spring. Do not put it off until too late and then claim that you did not know. Every man from this county who is in the fighting forces abroad nee Is the home paper. A number of the boys are gettin it, but hundreds of them never sec it now. o Too many of us are in the habit of saying: "That is Only a Mere Trifle," and passing things by without regard to the fact that small things, u-ua l> named as mere tiifles, have the unexpected quality of bringing abou' great results. a Those who planted v.'):?' .* l nst season should plant a larger crop t!:is Fall. Thousands of farmers who have never grown wh? at ? ? mere in denser next year. In times like the pr. ent Kaiser, also tiie ' nr . ii Ihinre, ; ?< also Ruppvecht of )5av: fa, fail find it hialthy on ihe \\ -1' r i h<-:d hence th y all :-eek excu. . s for r maining ; way. Kupprecht w; ]iereed- (1 |o another gen- ra! and go away; the Kaiser' wife got sick a. d this is an excuse for Ids remaining a* the palace with her. while the Crown l'rince needs no oxcuse for leavii g the rank and file whenever he fee is like it. Is the Fmpross ill as news stories sent out from I'erlin wouid iinucaio : She is likely as well ;.s ever and her slight indisposition ?s only used as a mere excuse for the absence of the Kaiser on the Western front. KNOW HIM AT I.AST. The effect of the disloyal speech's made by Cole L. Ulca-e in 1917 was to show the masses of the, people ' f , this State, the true character of the j man no matter under what gui c ! < j had previously been maquoraein;?' over the politicrl field of South Ca * ! olina. His mal mg the spccrhr did, not ihartc hir. character. r'.c ! hi ?? ??? *4*p\R. Caldwell's proved mon any other laxative I hav< members of my famih commend it highly." (From a letter to Dr. Mr. Charles Fenske Philadel| Dr. Cal Syrup The Perfec, Sold by Druggi cn n JU CIS. \S A combination of siny pepsin that acts in an e; as safe for children as ii on the strongest consti can be obtained free c Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4: Monticello, Illinois. boon the same man befoiv he made the speeches. Ho was tho same mar. afterwards. but tbc people of lb 1 State, before tint time, aid not know what niauuor of man Cole L. Mouse v.as. Sonic of tho people know am! lefi a iiU u f i Oii'i casting ik'-ii \o'c I 01 him, but those who know could not convince tho rest of tho people, an < tints he managed to fool the people into thinking; that he was something which he was not and never had j been. The speeches showed the people his true character as one who would not stick to his country in a 1 time of need. One who would will-j ingly blackmail the president of his country it' lie could find any excuse for doing it. In short, the speeches he made at Filbert and Pomuria, "let the cat out of the bag" in so far. as the rank and file of his former J followers were concerned. His constituents found him out as a result ol this and what they did for him in the recent primary shows they know ; Cole L. Ph ase at last. _o ? I Watch your label on this p per. The War Industries Hoard has made regulations, one o<* which requires publishers to quit sending a paper when the time is out. You like this paper and in fact you need it. If your time is out renew it today and do not wait until after October 1-t. when the price will be Sl.nO per year. If paid now in the month of j September it is only ?1.(K) per year j and you can take it that way for as manv vears in advance as you de . s iro. I Brings foYott.Its-V WW |g jp| vg?. 'pt x^/' ^ jfE Ti * f ? 7 - ? v | Dig Value ^ Si a -ft ft'"' { ','.. I ^fiJkzp r-p ' I'A Remarkahle Waist 1 QIOOG?Very attractive and nervlceabl< Striped Silk Mixturo material?a fabric that tain ita rich appearance and give rcmarl Made in a very fashionable plain tailored collar that forms deep rovers dewn 1 tum-lwick cuffs and elastic waistband with pretty pcnrl buttons. A v. ai etylifh, yet economically priced. 34 to 44 bust measure. Give wanted. Shipping- weight* i Price, oech TOBBOltYjttftJ 1,1 .LI M- 11 I - . Syrup Pepsin has ; satisfactory than ; ever used. The other y also use it and we reCaldwell written bv\ , 5005 N.5th Street", 1 )hitt. Pa. / dwell's Pepsin t Laxative sts Everywhere ;:?) $1.00 pie laxative herbs with asy, natural way, and is t is positively effective itution. A trial bottle >f charge by writing to 58 Washington Street, BOLL WEEVIL ON THE MOVE. Clorison College, S. C.?The oottf n hn.I v.eevil was found for the first time in South Carolina last fall. Duvi 11 iv i n inspection of the weevil territory the past week, the weevils wer found scattering'nly in the cotton fields of western Beaufort and Jasper Counties. It appears therefor thai the weevil has begun its taiga at ion. Attention is directed that tlv Best Commission are fovornr/l ?> weevil movements, and will bo chan ^ ed from time to time as the wcev 1 advances. The State Crop Post Co 1 mission will provide for the shipment of material whenever there is i I every assurance that such action is J safe, and commerce will be interfer- i ed with just as little as possible. ! Occasionally some party visiting weevil territory will bring back with him live weevils in a bottle to show his friends. This is a violation of > the State law. It is a most serious offense and such violations wiil be prosecuted. It has been presumed that this has been done thoughltessly with no malicious intention, but this does not protect South Carolina territory. A person may do something thoughtlessly in favor of the enemy, but if be does it he is not a patriot. Slogan. "Leave all boll weevils in their own cotton patches." o j Tho Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Decease of its tonic and laxative effect. LAX A* j TIVH J1KOMO QUI1IINE is better than ordiuaty ; Oniniue and docs not cause nervousness no: :;:;;;inf. in head. Kemember the lull namenni I oob for the nature of i?. w. GKOVL. 3oc. > Sen To-Day tjf mm>v r&^ftg ot i ft? <*? kJ> ?'**&*?*> T/^t oo;c or a TnousancL lJa have ever issued. Its raany x b will su *elv clelij ;ht c: /ei fone ^ i.? ^ 't ' :K : ? oxchicixy t-1f '3 . p. ?p( oatriotic necesoitv. ' 1 r* w yo ' to clothe yooo : tir/1 i t O-w ! ov.;.':!) -I'.i nci-'C'.' : :e-.. ; i ". ! "" t tor * ;:r ; ?iv* i tor ; > <;ivcr. i:.? \rc: end >cl with the fact that Wo l--? andacJi it money on every per' ' e^c. NEW VEA.TOTvv'.E rGRYGU IN 7i*!S L'A '.GAiN FjGOo Jnoir.ncnsnblc as has boon "The 7! of a 'thousand Harc^ains" in the past, now catalog in bv^er and contains n i money-having' values titan ever befor L 1" addition to an excellent showini ? winter milliner*', comfortable underw 3 splendid footwear end dependable ho hold needs, there ij rich chooaincr f ? the most stylish women's and childr d Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses. * The finest of coffee, tea and cocoao.ro hot/ I ri had at typical Kromcavinw. Other features im 0 men's cloanablc collars and cuffj. luiiteascn and ! drcdsof other oconornically-pricod Ticceraitiofi. for this HA HO AIM TJOOK today end realize th? H injfo that uwuit you by trading the Kress way. Bargain will always r?MAI LORD 1 lho front. Neat V^HI __r_ ?mm I. Front trimmed g st that is always Jk* JC^mI Comes inai7X?s G-ox. $1.98 AUGUSTA, G ktD, OOHWAf, B. 0, A DMi X1STR ATOIPS SALE. Under and by virtue of an Order of the Probate Court, we, the undersigned administrators of the personal estate of W. R. Lewis, deceased, will sell to the highest bidder at pub lie auction, for cush, the following described property belonging to said estate, at the times and at the places hereinafter stated to-Nwit: On October 3, 1918, at Windy Hill farm on the seashore in Little River Township, beginning at elevtn (11) o'clock in the forenoon we will sell all and singular the stock of cattle and hogs at said place ais well as other property there belonging to the said estate. On October 4th, 1918, at the late residence of the deceased in Conway, S. C., beginning at eleven (11) o'clock in the forenoon we will sell all and singular the household and kitchen furniure and also two mules, as well as other articles of property, belonging to said estate. Some of the above described property was withheld from the former sale by reason of being claimed by the widow of said VV. R. Lewis, her \ claim now being withdrawn. iJntcd September 17th, A. l>., U)1S E. T. LEWIS, MARY A. LEWIS, td Administrators. 0 Men who lutd not voted in fifteen years went to the polls in the nv.n. IJemooratie piimary. South Carolina's loyalty to the national govenimrnt was up for a test. The peopi eiiine to the scratch. . o 1111) I > E N DANCERS Nature (Jives Timely Warning-. That | No Conway ( iti/.en Can Afford to Ignore. DANGElit SIGNAL NO. 1 comes from the kidney secretion.-. Tiny w 11 warn you when the kidney; ar weak. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Disordered kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick, red. ill-smelling urine, full oi sediment and irregular of passage. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from the back. Rack pains, dud an 1 heavy, or sharp and acute, suggest weak kidneys and in that ease warn you of the danger of dropsy, gravel and Bright's disease. Doun's Kidney . Pills are endorsed by thousands. Here's Conway proof: J. T. Proctor, farmer, Conway, j v-ivs;' '*1 lui/l nnitw t li l-fiuu'li mi- K'l/il.- I . .. . . . ? . .v%v? v.11 l v/ut, ! IMU l\ and loins. At times headaches and dizzy spells annoyed me and my sight was blurred. The kidney secretions passed too frequently at ' times, breaking my rest at night, j Colds settled on my kidneys and made the backaches worse. I read of Doan's Kidney -Pills and bough' some at Norton's Drug Store. Doan's relieved me of all signs of kidney trouble and I gladly recommend them." Price f?0c, at all dealers. Don'' simply ask for a kidnc\ remedy?ge* j, Doan's Kidney Pills?the same tha' < Mr. Proctor had. ! ter-.M i: bun. 1 Co., Ml'grs., Duflalo. N. V. r RDER STORES%k for Thisj' snori term suDscripuons invariably in advance. Until October first renev one year in advance will b rate, $8.00 per year. Subcribe to The State no paper, covering local, Stal come to your home as a da Address, t?he Sta.te C Columbia, I bargains j xi Catalog I ;j cz$&$ -hihs Thrifty! 11 ioul 1 r.o: 3 today for this p rgc j:S/V the largest that E ~ nonoy-saving' opportuni- 1 j trying to economize. B I Ienc : 1 v \ in e, f>ut 0;o ly jt fca j . l\( l I DO v .. ill en- 1 ] ,x\\b'?roon;o rf?ain p:r:; \ I'l/T.has- fc ! ui.? bpy;.i?< pc.' 'I'M- , oo that thomcrchftn- fp| ?m".- rhov/n i'i th i < rital in ox- Hfl O. anly ni illustrated; wunh;<> guar- 19 [ pr of i,iU'-o when j purchaned from un. return itt>ua H| dudo ntour cxpenso and wo willcithor hun- exchange it, if you wish, or return i Send yourmoneytogether withr.nyHhlp>bav ping chargea you may havo paid. H J Send for Yonr I nacwJ, SUMMONS FOR RELIEF (Complaint Not Served. Court of Common Plea*. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Horry. W. H. Stone, Administrator of tluPersonal Estate of Nelson Thomas, Dec'd.# Plaintiff, ?vs? Annie Lyde, Ilearon Chavis, Redie Chavis. Mary Dewitt, Surah Chavis, Rebecca Morrison, Annie Albert, Alice Albert, Amanda Sweeney, Retha Newman, Willie Newman, Quincy Newman, Melh n C. Newman, Alverna Sams, Sallie Jane King, and Doretha Lyde, Heirs at law and distributees of Nelson Thomas, Dec'd, together with any other person or persons who claim to be such heirs but whose names arc unknown to the plaintiff; Burroughs & Collins Company, a Corporation; Hubert W. Moore, and Stone Brothers Company, a Corporation, Defendants. TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the complaint in this action, which lias been PERU THE BEST MEE FOR COUGHS AN! : Miss Ivy Gray, Fairview, I Kentucky, writes: "T have tnkon Per una, and would say that it is the best medicine for coughs and colds I over saw. I find flinl It n I way m rurcM n cold in a short while. It also strengthens and builds up the system." Sold Everywhere Soldier Writes From France. Kditor Herald:? Just now, while 1 think of it, 1 J want to ask everybody in Horry County to buy a numbership in the Y. M. C. A. While I was at home i 1 didn't do much for this organiza- ; tion, but over lure?well, it is like a stove at the North pole,?it is a , new life and without it the life of] an American soldier over here would he much duller. They sell hot coffee, cocoa, food, and tobacco at different hours, give us writing ma- j terials, books, newspapers, etc., j change money for us, and in gen- j oral make things most comfortable. Last night ! attended the Sunday I night services, and will continue as J it is very interesting. Everything is fine with nie. Wo receive the best of care, and consld ting the food short g?\ we have exjeMent nvnds. I have never felt betLei in al! my life and if this only continues there shall never he a V? owl from me. England is a ver\ wonderful land; ts houses, farms, and cities are all cry <|uaint, all having* a beauty 1 > fry characteristic of the English ' I a? pie. The Eng'i. h people arc very ' oidia! to us and anxious to helo ; 'henever possible. Jj would Lake , ears for me to des.ribe what I have f , 4 ecn so far, but I have tried t ; lake notes of the most interesting * lings and you shall hear of them , i iter. i Again h t me assure you that I am J 1 the best of condition, warm and mifortablo. and prepared against to rain, fog and dampness, which mns to have forever boon a part of ' io English weather. ?Isaac I-. Cannon, American Expeditionary Forces. ( S'MbscirSptlo Effective October ist, rates of The State will be z Daily and Sunday, per yoai Daily only, per year.... Sunday only, per year.. . Semi-weekly, per year.. . r.i 11 a filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common PI'as, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your inswer to the said complaint on the ubscribcr at his office at Conway, i>. C., within twenty days after the* ervice hereof; exelu-ive cf the day of such ser\'ice; and if you fail to . answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. 4L July 8th, A. D. 1918. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. TO Dorctha Lyde, ami Sarah Chavi.% heirs at lav/ and distributees of Nelson Thomas, Dec'd:, together with any other person or persons ? who claim to be such heirs, but ? whose names are unknown to the plaintiff, Absent Defendants: TAKE NOTICE That the Complaint in the foregoing stated action and the Summons of which the lore going is a copy were filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court o?* Common Pleas in and for Horry "I County, at Conway, S. C., on the 10th day of July, A. 1). 1018. 1 W. L. BRYAN, (L. S.) J C. C. C. P. H. H. WOODWARD, Plaintiff's Attorney. - n A n ^ D^COLDS J I Ever ||SP^ I Saw ! Miss Gray's letter breathes hope to the ailing. It is an inspiration to tlie sick and inlirin. lilquld or 'I'nhlet Form . LICTTKR I'KDM A SOLMKIG Kditor Ilorald:? '? 1'lea: e allow mo space for a fow words from ('amp Jackson. I am in the heavy artillery and am having just as jrood a time as any boy could wish foi. All the boys in Camp say they are enjoying them- 1 selves better than they did at home# ?1 We consider the training we are I getting as being worth more than I the money we could have made had I wc stayed at home. All I hate is I leaving a fow slackers back behind with the girls. One word to the ? girls: (Jills, don't forget your soldier boy while he is away fighting for Old Glory. Let the slackers go for what they are worth and be true ^ to your soldier boy wherever he may be. The girl 1 left behind is more previous to mo than anything in the whole world and I trust that she will remember mv advice to her about the slackers that are left at home. With love and host wishes to all at home and don't forget to pray that the hoys on the battlefields may return home to their loved ones Ligain,' 1 am with love to all soldier boys, ?J. T. Cartrette. o No. 66? 1 Thie is a prescription prepared especially I or MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER. 1 Kive or pix doses will brcnk any case, and fl f taken then ne a tonic the Kever will not eturn. It acts on the liver better than . ualotncl and does not gripe or sicken. 25c C. !i. Todd spent ;i portion of last f Monday in Conway. I W. It. Cook was in Conway from I ialivants Kerry la-1 .Monday. fl TATE | 1318, the subscription fl w follows: , J r $9.00 ; "I 7.0') 1 2.00 >k I at same rate. Payable m vals for not more than J ie accepted at the old ju | iw, and have a real news- I te and general news, yfl ily visitor. V /ompa.ny 1 S. C. 1