The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, November 15, 1917, Page SIX, Image 6

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SIX Kit ion Letters In thi Bearing Magic Won Keynote of the Splendid Worl Our Men In Uniform Touch With the STAMPED WITH STARS AND S Multifarious Ways in Which the Your Neighbor's Boy, or So Creates a Helpful Environment in Front Line Trench and B< Tottering Back?Give Your S) Accomplish This 4' Last Evidex 3T was evening on the broad Hempstead Plain, Ix>ng Island, where the Rainbow division was ponding its last night before embark| Ing for France It had been raining hard in the afternoon?a cold, steady autumn downpour?and there was nothing to suggest the rainbow in the outward aspect of the camp. Lines and lines of sodden canvas housed 27,000 men, gathered from 27 different states. The ground was dotted with pools and quagmires. Under the wet canvas it was damp and cold, with a penetrating chill. Lit by dickering i candles, the tents were far from cheerful shelter for a man's last night in tils native land } But there were seven big tenia where electric lights, numbers and ^friendliness made the nignt pleasant. ? Music, Gar ies, Good and Co Bui In each of these a soldier was strumming on a piano; o'hers were reading books and magazines;* hundreds were "vn r!11T'tr le t >ro home. Behind the r.ais' <1 < o inter at one end three or f >ur young men w-'re busy passing out notepaper ai d enve opes, selling stamps and weighing parcels, which the men were sending home. One of the so (Hers s tid to me as 1 rt in 1 in the tent use I chiefly by nv-n from Iowa: "We < ' ]- all the way here from Des M i.. s. and we were mighty lonely. Then we found tnis V M ('. A. on the job, and it's been a home and more than a home to us it gave us what we wanted v hen we ne *<!e 1 It most. We'll never forget it The boys' best fr ond is the \ M C. A." Fine, Clean Cut. Unstanding Fellows. How close those benches were packed with men, bending over the Ion; tables absorbed in th? ir wri'ing! What an appeal to t .e sympathies those great groups of s >i :; -*v> in .he! Fine, clem-rut. upstunlng fellows, some of them mere boys, one thinks immediate.y of the sacriii they have made for the rest of us . o I h >w pre cious they are to some one b icu homo Somewhere, in far off ?ar:n or village or city street, there ar<- parents ci brothers or wives who would give ai they possess for one gi.mpso of those sunburned faces as you and I se*. them on their last night before goin^i across. And It was with a throb ol the heart that I watched them, beni over their letter paper, in one after another of those seven big tents These were the tents of the Y. M. C A. On that last night in America th< association was serving the soldiers in the best of all ways?giving then an opportunity to write homo. Or previous nights they had enjoyed box ing bouts, movies, concerts, dramatic: and a score of healthy entertainment! as well as religious meetings. But 01 thU last night home ties were strong est. And perhaps that is the keynoti of the splendid work the Y M. C. A is doing among our men in uniformkeeping them In touch with home. Maple Words, -With the Colors.** In these times there are some let tors that mean more to us tnan an; va have ever road hftfnro ... w __ _ . ? ? ? - w. Hii written on eheete of paper starnpa with the Star* and Stripes and th< red triangle of the T. M. 0. A., am they bear the magic words. "With th Colore." There are many more thai a million such letters In the mails no\ while you read this. Perhaps one a # B Mails Today j is "With the Colors" k the Y.M. C. A. Does Among Is Keeping Them In Folks at Home. Tninro inn nrn Tniiiimr Iimrco ANU ALU I AlANuLL Association Appeals to Your Boy, ime Boy You Know and Love? t in Cantonment, on Way Overseas, jyond?First to Aid as He Comes lare of the $25,000,000 Required to ice That Somebody Cares." L legist Is on Its way to you. Each one of our 16 cuutonraeuts, where the new national army is being trained, is using more than a million sheets of this paper every nivinth. In the draft army alone that means 16,000,000 filaments of love every month reaching out from the great encampment where the men are being trained into the greatest army this nation has ever dre imed and binding mem to the hearts at home Multiply that by thinking of all the other places where Uncle t?a:u has men with the flag?in navy yards, on the high seas, in araeua'.s and oflioers' training camps and "Over There" in France. In all these places men are writing home. Those lira-suming little sheets of notepaper gladden millions of hearts a day. They tr n-fer more love from one rrcspondsncc Facilities in Y. f.1. C. A. I d i n g. part of the vv or d to anoUv** than statistics can extire s Statistics aro pretty poor anyway when it comes to ifTi ?i u"a in or love an i num.111 lenderMss I. >t's put it this way: That the V M C. A is the biggest express < < nr any the world has ever ?e -n. a:i i the p.pvcli it is handling are the loves an I d evotions of human belli ;s. World's Best Lcved Trademark. a a; . us in...le us t.uuk hard a;.d last t'ou/ u > or your neighbor s o j oi 1.10 o.iy y ou kiiow and iU\ c 11U.1 I. O. il . a.i O Lo do Ills folia 1 * .11 the uig j o o. po.icing Lho wor.d tor Utilise.a... a.?u unman hourly. Is it uii) coini. i\ to you lo know that w herever ;ns duty call him your b^y v>ib nave a u.oud lira will hiui in bo .y. in.ii4.1 and so 1? Are you g.a.l to know t il- mead wi.l place oOJi.s a id in on at liis disposal, organise < .. > . to l ml-n him whatever lie %Naii;.s to leuru, give him a j. or kit i?:ia..out and invite liiin to .o.n reign u.- tr eiiiigs oi the tail! , .nal lie w brought up in? Did yoi rt'a.1,,1 \ n h a-, oi iation provide, a ho tic cqui) nient for his favoriti guinea, teaches iiim gain s it he know. ! none and noiiis i one -its, lectures movies, 1J: i.e class is. dramatic enter I tuinments and every kind of whole i soiu. amuseni lit to keey him interest . ed7 Are you glu 1 to know that this . iriend will go with him overseas, helj f lo shield him from a *eore of Uiitlcul t and dangerous temptations and follow him right up to the front line trenct and beyond it? The last contact tin i soldier has with this life he loves s< well is a cup of tea given him by th< * Y. M. C. A. free Just before he goe: 1 "over the top" to a hand to hand strug 1 gle with the enemy. And as he comei 1 tottering back from No Men's Land wounded, but strong enough ant 4 plucky enough to keep on his feet 4 even before his wounds are dressei 1 j the Y. M. C. A. is waiting for aim wltl '! tea and sweet chocolate, the great com 3 forts ot the man in the trenches. l> ' you wonder that the Red Triangle 1 * - M ?ii.? ? - cauea cne veil lovea trade mark l: the worldt" One soldier lit France ha called It "the last evidence that anj > body caret." f It every thinking citizen could to with hit or her own eyes some thin i of the actual work being done for ou e men by the association there would b d ne queetlon of the T. M. G. A. bavin] e to appeal to the public for monej 11 Rather than let this essential wor! v falter for an Instant rich men woul t sell their motorcars, poor men woul p?????BP?i i m THE HOBBY HERA forego coveted possession* or even necessities. The work mutt go on. because there is no one thing that contributes so much to the spirit and efficiency of the trocp6. The Y. M C. A. Is working night and day to help the government win this war And every penny th*t is given to aid the work is a diroct assistance to the health, happiness and strength of your boy and mine Snapshots of Kaleidoscopic Work. In all the big cities in France where our men pass through in large numbers. the Y M C A. is operating hostels. where they can get beds and meals at a minimum cost. In London the American Y. M. C. A. nas erected a large building for our soldiers and * clubhouse for American officers. There are Y. M. C. A dugouts right behind the front line trenches, where | the soldiers can get hot drinks, crack- ' ers and other comforts at all hours Over 2,000 men who had been rejected on account of physical disability have been able to get into the British j army by reason of the physical work of the British Y. M. C. A. A fleet of motor cars leaves the big , Y. M. C. A. headquarters In London at I midnight every night to pick up soldiers who are wandering about the . streets without any wholesome lodging ir which to spend the night. Those cars are operated hv English women of position and refinement, who report that they never meet any discourtesy at the hands of the soldiers. The im portanee of this service can be estimated by the fact that at least 50.000 soldiers are on leave in London every 1 week Over half of these Bleep in Y. M. C A beds every night. tntertainment on V?3t Scale. The Y. M. C. A has erected a big auditorium, seating 3.000, in each of the big draft cam;e. and huge Chautauqua tents, seating 2.500 in the otner encampments The association is running a 22 week enterta'nment circuit among the camps and is paying 16 companies of entertainers, who are travel tig to 30 camps performing before the men. In each of the draft camps the T. M. C. A. has ten secretaries engaged in educational work The association is eeeing to it that every man who cannot spe?k Knglish is caught to do so In many of trie camps the association has a sing'ng director, who is teaching the men to sing the popular and martial airs that do so much to keep up tholr spirits. Of 6 4 Y. M C. A. men at Camo Dix only three are h?ing paid full salaries. In all the craps the majority of the Y. M. C. A. men have left lucrative ositions to do this work simply lie i a use its appeil is irresistible to any red blooded man. Harry Lauder, the famous Scotch singer and comedian. now on his f 'rev ell concert tour in the United States, is giving all his spare time to the service of the association and is singing to the soldiers at all the camps ha -an reach. in on'1 or hip aratt camps the Y. M. C. A. is supervlslnu athletics on ICO playing fields, providing fell athletic equipment. The winners of the interregjmentnl games will play the champion; of the other camps. Op.e of the p?-eatest services rendered by the association Is the making 1 *'' *">i; * i *sw. A Ked Triangle Dugout in the } Trenchc3. ' out of money orders by which the men 1 can send their pay home to their fam' ilies. In some of the hi# camps the 1 Y. M. C. A. is providing banking facil' ities for the inon as well. Do Your Bit With a Tenner. , This month (November) the Y. M. . C. A. must raise $35,000,000 to carry s on its work among our soldiers and their allies until next July. Of this j $35,000,000 about $24,000,000 will be spent on the work with our own troops j or about $10 for every man In Uncle Hnm'si untfnrrri If AvArvhrwW >!>? ? ?? - ~ w - v J vvvt/ WW uu u?0 1 received letters from soldiers and sail' ors were to contribute $10 the task ' would be easy. Are your boy's health " and happiness and clean soul worth 1 $10 to you? B Your town mayor, your pastor, your r' school superintendent will know who is the treasurer of the campaign com0 mittee In your county or town. OtherK wise send a check or money order to r Cleveland H. Dodge, treasurer, 114 ? East Twenty-eighth street, New York E city. r- Only sacrificial giving by millions of k nivorr. w\l\ make possible the continti nance cf this vast work for American d soldi'rs and for those of our allien. LP, OONWAY, 8. O. AGAR 11 LQAO OF |J Wc have in a lot of Horse and Wagons, and expect assortment all the rest of us if in need of any thing Yours JENKINS TABOR, NOR1 IRON FOR URIC | ACID TROUBLE I Highly Concentrated Medicinal1 Iron Known as Acid Iron Mineral Best Yet I VERY ECONOMICAL TOO I When a p?t;ror.\? hack seem?: l.nost broken and their shoulderr j a pari, 01 inu iviciittru wans lauu. TERMS of Sale Cash. Puchascr to pay for papers. Conway, S. C., November 12th, 1917. W. L. BRYAN, C. C. C. P., as Special Master. R. B. SCARBOROUGH, Plaintiff's Attorney. o ; Iht Qutnint That Dots Not Afftct ths Mood I Bertuir of its tonic and laxative effect. I. AX AI TIVB BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Ketnember the full name and look lor the signature of E. W. GROVE. 30c* O NOTICE 11 i ???? There has taken up at my farm one black frizzle backed sow, marked crop r.rd underbit in right, crop and hole in the left ear Owner please call and pay for advertisement. G. F. TODD, j Allsbrook, S. C., RFD 1.?10-ll-3t-pd. weigh Ivce lead, and ev. or urn of limb or nuiscV seals paii s shooting about, why all of us n u remember that uric acid dose thes- j hings, and what we need is a litt'e i'on to drive it our of the system, j We don't need a laxative. \v'e donk j want to nut alcohol into the system. ; What We need is just one little thing 1 i that is iron. (let a bottle of highly at ?d Vcid Iron Mineral. Pour a taspoon1 a! into a. glass of water after a me ! nd r-r.e a nuid:, shoit cut i nuke1? to relief and freedom from pain. Take it regularly a f.-w day iie'p the blood. Sometimes tHo trouble con be tiacto the kidr.j ys and this ; a'.ut* d 1 highly concent ated medic! ml i?- n helps them too. Ark your drugg' t or a b ittle of Acid Iron Mineral. A i large dollar bottle can be had p" mid, if you seed to the K? rrod'.ie Chemical Corp., R ianok' , Va. Sobl by Cleo. J. Holliday, Ca'ivar ts rr^..?... nu,,...,,, , a . ? ?. i j , aucuuo x 11 ?.* i 111 ax. ; , -rw \ 11 v/: ? Husenbury & Co., Toddvillo, and other good di uggirts in this s,-cticn.? adv. o NOTICE OF SALE. , Under and hv virtue of the d -r. \nd judgment of th ? court mr.d !>; !''is Honor, .J< hn is V"' < p, Pi c i ling udge, n the t. A'isb; oo]*, ''U\'cssor to J. K. Ali.b".o(J< & Co; 1 u any, Pla nti fs vs. John F. Watt-5, iroi'ge \V. Sessions. V. .1. Smith and Pun'.nigh.s & Collin.- Cueuanv, ' C "Ooration, Defendants, and dated he ~>th day of November A. P. 1917, ii, the undersigned \V. !,. Bryan, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas. I ,m Speeiai .Master, will soil at pub!P laaion to the highest bidder befcr !ir Cour' House door at Conway, in Horry County, and Stale of South 'arolina, during legal hours of sale. >n sab-sflav in Per nob.r next, it beJ ! j>the bid day of said month, all and Angular those certain lands sit.i uate in Horry County, and deserib* d as follows, to wit: AM and singular, that c rtain tract of land lying and being in Conwvy Towir-hip, on the East sid" of VV. C. vM. C. Ti. P. (now A. C. L. It. R.), containing Twneyt-fivo (J,:) acres, mere or less; bounded on the North by B. ; P?. Watts; East by lands of Collin Mucks, et al; South by lands of W. H. Privette; and on the West by lands ] of John F. Watts,?said lands being i . i . r a i n.M i \ir~ 11. i 1 m HORSES & MULES , s and Males, Buggies, : to carry on hand a good the season. Come to sec l in this tine, truly, > BROS. 'H CAROLINA IDEAL SMALL FARM FOR SALE EASY This Farm is sl'.uated in Horry County, 2 miles from Town of Conway, 011 tlic Dog Uluff road, contains 4(? 1-2 .acres of land, lb acres under cultivation, five now cleared and ready to 1m* plowed, the owner had a very good crop this year and is now harvesting same. This propeity has one four room house, stables, and bam, is but one quarter of a mile to , railroad siding', one mile from public i.shool, one mile from Church. This is an ideal location for a sti awlicn y fr-m. We offer this place at a surprisingly low price. Cash, or terms. If interested see Horry la nd Agency, headquarters at Hotel Grace, M. M. 11< drk k, Manager.-?adv. NOT KM OF SALF. Under and by virtue of the <!ec:ec and .judgment of the couit made i'.v~ Lis Honor, John S. \\ i'scn, 1 Yet-ininj: Judge, in the tare of Conway ,'Sa ing lk i k. a Corp ration, i'!a'uti"fs v; L. A. Homin :\vay otherwise lallo lk r \\' Hemingway, rod F.i< ha d> w jCdi'ns Company. a Corp- ra'.i n, D ; j iendants and da.ed thp l<t day > I L'vA'oi.ibo-, A. 1). 1J.U7, !. the u .dor- j J imI .1. A. !.o> i". SK ril" of !io> . > ! (Aunty. v. ill >cM at pub'ic auction t I the ' i'.r'r.o.-t bidder holo/e too Coi r J JHouro door at (>n\\ay. in Ihr'y County, and State of S><L". u C <r ii . ? in bit* I' U ii bou \s .)!' ride, on d. f I . . ' <iiir in Dojoriber .pm, it bo1: ;; th <! day or .?aid ir'n;'.. :T and sjvj?n ! !;.? tho-r ecr.aip. b'.ndr .-it a at' n iloriiy nn.y, and dor, ribrb a. fo'iww. to-wit: , "Al: aid v!o";y''ir. ?-crt ' < j pi', jtii'vc!;; or. t'O t < 1* 1 :a*11? !yi:.;r ! ml ho.: a in C)?>n\v: y Township, ; a ;*/ rod St' to a ro ; ! !. contain iii in the t- 'I'd t. . I wo* .< s. ctoi'/. or ie. > . a <! arc d" v !!> asf rl?oWBS Ti"Ip* No. (.'oir < Yvontv I vo (2 >i s. an '.in# on M o VV. < t . of i' u! y I Swamp void, bound -d N vth by 1 i. 1 j< r S. A. Cni. "v; I": I b\ M;.-? Y. V, j ) U: v* ^ tr-t: Sou t* i b> Mr. M. j I?o t tract, n \v ow im) by o o I'm \ j .... 1 " f ' _ i i rn ii* i > ? ? 1 i r: aiui v. t. w . lar ;s ;:i : I i ' The said tract boa, g a pa l of w. i is known as ''Wilson Hill 1 act." and is the ideoticaj tract of land convoy. (d to mo (lb A. Horn mini- wry 1 )>.' S. A. Can.' y by his deed of date Ja.i ion y 1st, 1001, and tho same reco: ! od in Vol, LI.L, page 121, in office of h. M. C. for Horry Count.". Tract X >. 2: Containing So on (7 mips more or less, 1 yirj>* on the Pa'-Ar i loy Swamp Public Kosd, about throe miles from Conway, and is bou dod North (and Novthoa.H) by lands ?f l'reslcy Hemingway, and on the Ida ' South and West by lauds of Mrs. El1, .1. Dusenbury. The ,rl tract being j the South'1, n (or Southwestern) portion of a tract of Pros ley Ho virgwty and is where my house and plantation is located. The same herein conveyed being pi I that belongs to me, or i that 1 may hereafter acquire of the I estate lands of my father, the said Presley Hemingway." TERMS of Sale Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Conway, S. C., November 10th, 1017. J. A. LEWIS, i Sheriff of Horry Countv. R. R. SCARBOROUGH, Plaintiff's Attorney. MIISTAIIC vi w niiu For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heats Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c.50c.$1. At All Dealer* LINIMENT 'ire Insurance I Life Insurance ^ J ?Bonds Office in I PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK I D. A. Spivey W. King H. H. WOODWARD, I Attorney and Counsellor at Lav, J CONWAY, S ~ U R. a SCARBOROUGH I Attorns7 at Law, t I CONWAY. S. G. I WILLIAM EUGENE KINtfc M d 1 Physician and Surgdon M Office in Pl&tt Drug Oo. I AYNOR,. S. Oil CH/1 S. R. SCARBOROUGH I CONWAY, .SOUTH CAIUJUNA I Complete WnterwftrkH, Steam Hoi wo- fl ter and Hot Air Heating Plants. INSTALLED ANYWHERE I Only Plumbing and Heating^ goods! and material of highent quality u*ed.fl Pull line of Tub, Toilet, Lavatory,J Sink and other Bathroom Accessories M and reptJ*i* on hand at all tiniea. Plm?tbing and Heating. Y PUT HOT WATER AND I HEAT IN YOUR HOUSE! T. B. L E W I S , I A My and Councellor at Law I CONWAY, - - . S. C. J J.M.JOHNSON, I f ' I \7 I I ITXTY ' IXTITTTMJ VI V Hi ijilV.IKMiLiH MARION, S. C. J My Engineering and Surveying.! office will be open during my ab-l scnce, and prepared to take cure! Ot any work as usual. Address! ali communications as hereto-.! fore. S. P. HAWES J Auto Supplies, Fancy GrocerierlJ Ajax Tires, guaranteed 500(*W miles. J PHONE 67. 1 QUICK DELIVERY. 1 DR. J. D. THOMAS I Physician and Surgeon in liUKi-S, S U. J 0 Norton E. S. 0. Baker 1 NORTON & BAKER { j ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW I | CONWAY, ? ? ?-" 8. 0.1 LUM JUNG LAUNDRY, f CONWAY. S. C. J Her: inning July lut. 1913] A All persons must take tickets'for I work left hero. Possitively no J work delivered until ticket is pre-J sented. Laundry not c .lied for in 30 days will be sold for charges. I LUM JUNG 1 W C SINGLETON ? J ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 Conway, S. C. 1 Office up Stairs Buck Building J DR. 6.1. LEWIS 1 DENTAL SURGEON , I Office Over Norton Drue CoopiLX i] CONWAY, 8. C ' U BBBBBSBBBBBBI 1 HORRY COUNTY s "J 1 TRUST COMPANY SI p L. D. M&grath B] 3S Manager. 1 B Beat Estate ] n Real Estate Loans ! B Bonds ] B Insurance pBBBBBBBBDBBl