I J I i , COUNTY ROAD GANG ABOUT TO MOVE ON The ch:iin gang has been working ; in Socastee Township since Aug. Is on funds subscribed by citizens oi j si id township and others, and is now about^eady to move. . * ^ The funds of several- township have been exhausted as appears from the statement below, but any township which will furnish substance for ^the gang can obtain thoir work at has Socastcc. The amount to be sun scribed for substance will be appro*, imately $160.00 per month. The township lunds on St pt 5tl. were as follows: Bucks?Dr. Balance $ 84.90 Coirway?Dr. Balance 155. i r> Gteen Sea?Dr. Balance.. .. 007.26 Dt.gvBluff?Dr. Balance 615.81 Gal. J?'erry?Dr. Balance.. .. 277.70 Bayboro?Dr. Balance 715.8. / Floyds?Credit Balance.. ..$1,589.2 Simpson Creek?Cr. Balance 19G.17 Socastee?Cr. Balance 114.. 8 Dogwood?Cr. Balance.. .. 41.7 Little Kiver?Cr. Balance .. 258.80 September 17th, 1917 . o ? NOTICK OF DISCHARGE. Ndtice i? hereby given that the un de.rsipned )VI. M. Fcnnell, Guardian o# L. FennclV will apply to th' Judge of Probate of Horry County, at his office at Conway, S. C., at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, on Monday, the 1st day of October A. I). 1917; foi a final discharge as such guardian. M. M. Fennell,?Guardian of Robert L. Fcnnell, Minor August 23rd, 1917. o (let land deeds and mortgages ' real estate at the Herald office. Call no where else first as it will be time lost. Come here first and get \vh..t you want. ! &IAIII trii NUW Ui ?AT AYNORSTORE ' COMPLETE NEW LINE . CLOTHING FOR BOTH N GENTS' FURNISHINGS SPECIAL ATTENTION I OF MILLINERY GOODS, NEVER BEFORE SEEN TION OF HORRY COU LIEViNG. THE LOW PR IN SPITE OF THE WAR .WHEN YOU COMPAr Hf1: t?nnAi*A w APiiniiiin^ T KiUtS tLitWHtKCi MY AYNOR STORE IS I DRY GOODS, AT OR BEL TORY COST. COME AN Full Car L' SEE US AT I Stores also at Jorcjanvi George J \ fl "D"E> Just received a nice lot < drens Coats in prices to sui Ladies Coats from $4.0( X Childrens Coats from $2.0( A nice lot of Ladies Coal 00. Call and see my line Also a nice line of 9*rg< Don't forget that I am ; with the largest and most j had. i Your patronage will be 1 Mrs. J. M\ S5BSBS55BBS?i BS5SS5B55S59S5pS5Shbp^HMI TEACHERS* EXAMINATION. The next regular Teachers' Examination will be held in the Burroughs Vhool Building, Saturday, October the Oth. It is important that all ap- ? plicants be ready to begin wcrk promptly at 8:80 a. m. j All teacher's whose certificates luive expired and have not been re- < nowed, are requested to take this ex- { animation unless they have the proper Summer School credit to secure a renewal of their certificates according j the regulations of the State Board of Education. ; M. J. BULLOCK, County Supt. of Education, o? We are ready to deliver you as , vjood printing as you can get in any shop in the country. Therefore give us your trade. , o fgSSSHaDKKIS break ! K IN STOCK FOR YOORCZSIWW I CONWAY MOTOR CAR CO., O GOOD LANI) FOR SALE 1 have 'V. sale a tract of forty (40) acres, more or less, lying on thy south side of Lake Swamp, beginning at road at Lake Swamp church at W. F. and Loreu/,0 D. Holt's line and corner, running W. F. Holt's line to Hamar IIranch, thence suld bleach to G. J Ilolliday's line, the line of Lorenzo I). Holt, ami lin^ of W. F Holt to the beginning point. This is 'and which belongs to Mr. I>. I. Holt, una was conveyed to him by Mrs. Jane Holt. I can fell this tract of land for 1,OOO.Oti. Call or write me if interested. First conic, First served. H H. Woodward, Attorney-at- law Conway, S. C. N HAND MY? A YNOR, S. C. OF MiUJNERY GOODS, !EN AND WOMEN, AND IN GREAT VARIETY, S ASKED TO THE LINE S001I AS YOU HAVE IN THE AiNO" SEGli'TV OSEIMe PE? Mill OUi-!?\U UY. ICES OF THESE GfifiaS Will ASTONISH yni! SE THEM WITH THE OFFERING SHOES AND .OW THE MILL OR FACIA SEE FOR YOURSELF. Dad of Oals \YN0R, S. G. lie and G a! wants Ferry i ? II !! IVED )f Ladies, Misses and Chilt all. 3 to $35.00, Misses and 3 to $8.00. t Suits from $10.50 to $30.before buying. i Sailor Suits. still in the Millinery busines* attractive line I have ever highly appreciated. J. Sparks THE HOEJ&X AREA L ' 1-w?~ Lf0c?al 0nd A. M. Best was appointed ly t..c ocal board to take command of the luota leaving hero'for the cairps last Saturday; and Thuifrnan Sparks was , )lace All kinds of shoes cheap at J. E. Nicholas.,?adv. *~~ri II. F. Chestnut was in Ccnv ay olfih lay last week on business.-? ' * . W. H. Cook of Aynor, was in Conway one day last week. Men and boys, before buying you? winter clothing call at J. E. Nicholas.' ?adv. J. F. Hardee was here one day re ccntly on business. * H. C. Dawsey, magistrate at Ay- | nor, S. C., spent some time here o business one day last week. ? ? ? White Onion Sets, for fall planting 2()c per quart. Conway Drug Co.?ad Quantities of brick are still ariivii:g and being placed on the vacan* let owned by Senator Hal L. Buck. They will be used in the erection cf .. Ford garage. O. W, Miller was here on business one day last week. Sandy Stroud was in Conway la 1 F riday. T. T. West was in Conway las* week. J. T. Mishoe was in town a shoi while one day last week, returning from a wedding trip of a fortnight. Mrs. Mishoe remained at Gurlev where Mr. and Mrs. Mishoe wen spending several days visiting Mr. M? shoe's mother. . m O. J. Bell of Warn pee was in Conway one day last week on business. ? * > t Gen. J. P. Derham of Green Sea was in Conway the latter part of last week. M. G. Andersen was away on business several days last week. m m Yd/wide heavy homespun at 12 11 cents per yd. at J. E. Nicholas.?adv Daniel W. Graham of Galivan* Ferry sp^nt son e time? in Conway last week on business. The fish of this country mus': l> utilized to p"olcng the meat supp'y ol this country. I). V. Riihardscn was ' C .v; y ? ; business < no day la. { \v< < ? t t Got a War M: p of Five no :rv' krt p 'ah on tho Military even* ; ui wlv'l Marry is vitrdy intcicstcd, 2a . C< r wj.v Drug Co.? adv. V/ANTED?Old False Troth; d n't matter if broken, t pay $2 to $1"? per set. So: d by par el pv^st r.rvl receive cheek by return mail. F. TERL, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md.?4 t-pd?9-27-17 THE WORLD'S BEST. If you need a good Sewing Machine see J. M. D. Jones. Me sells the best in the world, The old Singer., Conway, S. C.?4t?9-27 * * Arnold Iioll was in Conway on busnicss recently. * * * * George J. Holliday was in New York city recently on business. Now is the time to plant R ;pe and Clover, fresh Seed at Conway Dm?? Co.?adv (iive us the next order for notj heads and see how much better they are. 0 m * * * NOTICE. There have takenup at my place two hogs, one sow and one barrow, both hogs black colored, sow is marked underbit and split in left ear, two undersplits in right, other unmarked. Apply and pay charges to J. M. TYLER. Galivants Ferry, S. C., R. F. D. 3. 8-30-17?5 t-pd. ' ' \ V I The eldest Amc "HE MUTUAL LIFE INSUR W. B. Coxc, * F. F. Covingto Bullock B. M. Bui ( UBHHHIHHHI aggggsMaB Fersenel I A negro by the name of Tom Ho!- ; lumy was caught in North Carolina last week after lie had eluded the authorities for several days, aftei breaking a freight car at the yards cf the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and making off with a quantity of supplies. It is said that others are or tfill be implicated with Dellamy in '^,he theft. m ; ^ Sam Floyd was among those visiting. Conway one day last week. Q-N-A, The sure remedy for Chill and Fever, only 50c and easy to take. Conway Drug Co.?adv. Quantities of grapes arc raised h Horry County. There are many ways of preserving them for use in the Winter. If you do not know how t? ko care of them, get information .i( fore it is too late to take care of the late variety. C. V. Bu.bwk was in Conway last week. W. S. Hamii.oit was in Conway on? i t-y last week. The load across Hull Crook islam was in bad shape du i^g the iceetn v; ins, save ml cars hazing boon stuck {"l* ni'O l r\ \! #? \?tf/vl l ? . . v i , lUliV'll.I, UK Ml li.V. lUHAHfll VI J. E. Nicholas. J. \V. Page was in Conway last Saturday. * ? * ? H. B. Jordan was among those visiting Conway one day last week. Vitona is sold in Conway by the Norton Drug Co.?adv. * * * J. D. West was in Conway on business one day last week. ? Miss Edna Earle Spivey left Tucs- j day morning to resume her studies a' Chicora College for Women at Colum- I bia, S. C. G. C. Harris was in Conway or business one day last week. Ladies heavy dress goods at t!v right pCce. J. E. Nicholas.?adv j | i'AKKN l"I>--One bull yearling, abo* : ?. vis old, red with white spot i forehead, marked undreh't in r'gh' ear, swallowfork in le ft, Owner ca gei same by proving an ! p'>'? charges. IIoss Jone :, Conway, S. *' KFD No. 1,?adv-ot-pd?9-2 7. FOR SALE- -20 acres of land in Socastoc tcwnsh p bom-den noi\i. i M il Pond, wi 1 by la (L c f i\1 Fran I; Mil!:-, (art hy 'and of M | Full wood and s -oth by !.? > i ?> own. Ad tress: . I n du o t I>. Gran I lagan, Ga.?9- 27-17?41. o HARGAIN .:i a Chalmers touring i a . In g o running condition. Inquire at ilora. (> if ice.? o Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given that the ur dorsigi cd administrator of the porso i :d estate of Peter Skipper, I)cc'd. j will apply to the Judge of Probable Horry County, at his office, at Con ! way, S. C., at 11 o'clock in the fori | noon, on the 15th day of October, A I)., 1917, for a final discharge as sue administrator. George Skipper, Qualified Administrator of Peter Skipper, id- (prl) DecU Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given that tho und M>ig;noi?wrv Id., (chgs.) Minor. No.~666 This b a prescription prepared especially (or MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or lis dote* will break any case, and If taken then ae a tonic the Fever will not return. It acta on tha liver better than Colonial and doe* not gripe or sicken. 25c rz i AMPC pn nr urui vnni/ I fuvvu V/U.9 ur IXCVV TUfil\ f| Spocia! Agont | n, District Agt. B n-os.? I Hock, Mgr., Agc?its. J W?MW if . ? AT HOTCL C::.VCE. ' I The following aio among the recent arrivals at Hotei Grace: C. N. Dunn, Wilmnigton, N. C. L. B. Nichols, Charlotte, N. C. 1 J. A. i>.others, Wilmington, N. C. J. C. Kobinson, North Carolina. * C. L. Reed, South Carolina 1 B. C. Morthland, Sumter, S. C. J. C. Lehne, Sumter, S. C. * Goo. Metz, Charleston, S .C. r R. D. Oglseby, South Carolina. * W. 11. Led en, Chester, S. C. * L. H. Burnett, Wilmington, N. C. * B. I. Baldwin, North Carolina. * L. A, Grainger, Bayboro, S. C. W. W. Smith, Allen, S. C. L. B. McDowell, Red Bluff, S. C. 1 1>. W. Stevens, Richmond, Va. D. I). Lewis, Conway, S. C. F. M. Mincey, Loris, S. C. C. F. Montgomery, Conway, S. C. 1 M. L. Parker, South Carolina. Joseph Li\ , Myrtle Beach, S. C, E. C. Hardee, Fair Trade, S. C. J. K. Fowler, Loris, S. C. Chas. Fowler, Loris, S C. W. A. Johnson, Cool Spring, S. C. Willie Bcaty, Galivants Feiry, S. C. G. I>. Brown, Myrtle Beach, S. C, N. 1 lucks, Horry, S. C. H. L. Hughes, Conway, S C, W. II. Bryant, Shell, S. C. E. L Tyler, Nichols, S C. A. W. Calisch, Richmond, Va. 11. K. Thompson, Wamj^e, S. C. T. C. Sparks, City Moore Thompson, Little River, S. C. W. i:. Bcsscnt, Little River, S. C. G. C. Morse, South Carolina. Luther Ginn, South Carolina. Som Ward, South Carolina. J. R. Robinson, Philadelphia, Pa. R. A. Young-, Washington, D. C. Benjamin Franklin Lilly, S. C. "Willie Pierce Cartrctte, Allen, S. C. Willie Me. Booth, Allen, S. C. j Brooks Elliott, Loris, S. C. Quniee Grainger, Tabor, N. C. L. C. Small, Nichols, S. C. C. W. Rowel 1, Flovds, S. C. J. O. Dcrman, Adrian, S. C. Herbert Thompson, Bucksville, S C. W. 11. Cannon, Conway, S. C. Van Jones, Conway, S. C. T. C Hardy, Elloree, S. C. A. B. HarAdson, Wanipee, S. C. G. L. Reaves, Tabor, N. C. I! I? A ........ O i'. viimrri IH'I , O V. C J. llardwick, Loiis, S. C. C. Grainger, Tabor, N. C. H. G. Fowler, Green Sea, S. C. Edgar Derhain, Green Sea, S. C. 0. F. Stackhuosc, Mullins, S. C. N. F. Nixon, Nixonville, S. C. C. I). N'x.m, Nixonvi!!e, S C. M ?'s. C . N. Cook?ic d. Ni.\or.vilh\ : C. Mr. : v.C V, .1 Miser. Vcroca, Jac k rnvillc, F\>. Mis. J. A. S". v\ I.HG ' k'vr-. S. C ; i i . MoClcany. lit lit- Fber. S. C. Mr. nad Mr.-. J. A. vovon, I..IF I V\c-\ S. C. i W. F. Henderson, YhgMii. ; II. !L Frown, ' v -lumbia, S C. | L. M. G tsque, .Marion C. ! !!. F. McCan IIMh. Mai: n. S. I F. J. Hughes, Marlon. S. C. . F. F. C vingten. Marion, S. C. W. F. Slaekhouse, Marion, S. C. T. K. O'Neal, Little River, S. C. Moore Thompson. Little River, S C. VV. P. Jenrette, Tabor, N. C. A. V. Elliott. Tabor, N. C. J. H. Woodward, Columbia, S. C. W. E. Tippers, Sumter, S. C. Jv/ige John S. Wilson, Manning, ; > c. Geo. J. He'lid y, C?a 1 i ant > Ferry C. !1. C. Moore, Wilmington, N. C. O. A. Matthews, Wil?ningotn, N. ( . .1. 11. Atkinson, .lord nville, S. J. E. Floyd, South Carolina. Ha.r' y Floyd, South Carolina. \V. F. Siaekhouse, Marion, S. ('. ,1. W. 11 irks. Flori n. .> St (' M. Ry; n MrCown, Fiorcino, S C. W. T. Uowcll, Nichols. S. C. S. \V. Fyler, Nichols, S. C. \V. E, Sessions, Conwav, S. C. Samuel Stricklaii'l, Tabor, N. C. S. 1>. Craw ford, (Itilivanls l 'n : \ S. C. \V. L. M llcr, Wrmiirvt >n, N. C. W. .1. Parke r, Jr., Baltimore. Mel. \V. R. Peter ?>m Wi'.t inirton. N. C. [I. J. Noel], Spartan! urj>\ S. C C. S. Hanlev, South Carolina. C. A. McFaddin, Manning, S. C. J E. Johnson, North Carolina G. W. Marine, Missouri. W. C. Coleman, Florence, S. C. E. S. Hughes, Marion, S. C I.. I). Lide, Marion, S. C. W. H. Gibson, South Carolina. B. F. Jones, Jr., Flomece, S. C. F. M. rharin, Charleston, S. C. W. E. Williams, Florence, S. C. J. M. Mew, Tabor, N. C. o P. H. Singleton was in Conway one day last week. o TRESPASS NOTICE. All l 1--- <* 11 |n iMinn ni t' Iin t'uy lOrOKKien l() hunt, fish, or trespass in any way opon niy land in Green Sea township, known as the Henry Mineey place. Persons so doing will be dealt with according to law. :U pd?9-1:1. ?K. H. SEALS. FIVE MEETING OF CONWAY COUNCIL OF DEFENSE Pursuant to a call of the Chairman, i meeting of the Conway Division of ho Council of Defense held at ho Club Koogns on Friday afternoon \t 4 o'clock. The organization was perfected by he electi^m of IX A. Spiv'ey, Chairnan, nad Miss Elra Sessions, Secreary. The Chairman briefly stated he object of the meeting and outlined he proposed purpose of the organizaion^ It was noted with pleasure the plendid work being done by the wonen in the matter of the Ri? 1 >?< ing able t.> ahci.J the meeting, but vc.ni in : Ids as. v*nu e in any wry " a d i: { Orgaai alir.i a: (i la 1 j; the r.u e u h r Ar a ruosi i> aet'c: I a'.! to "doer, so." !. ?Sp! ey \ a : ryed to p \ j1 e| s ed erg h n id a I bone 'ear.' 1\ r ilrr.y Chad/. He staled 'bat t!u> ina'Vr was n v\ l-? jp.g t V n up by the Covm nor. aM.d thai !m h uhject to the cad f tlie el aii m: n. )i f t i: I: 1). A. SP1VFY. Ella Sos dons, (' air.nan. S-v. t.ivy. "AKi'.N I :' One je 1 ye."r.ing, nana ?<.. about t? i r 7 rn< nths o! v *\ ? : can \ c1 sa c"y<y return mail, V. TKKL. 4011 N. Wolfe Street, Baftiiriorc, Mtl.?adv. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general Htrcngt heninu tonic, KOVIi'S I ASTi a.lCSS chllPToN iC.dr ives out da t it.cm ichoa t lie Mood,and I mi i Id* up the *\ i. ,?ax. A uuc tonic, l or udulU nud clnUlii u. ooc