I Mr. Van Norton Repfy. i | (Continued fjom Page 1.) tlon and, so far as I can learn, the } Legislature has not corrected the ( Boards action in this matter. 1 There was no money in the Treas- * ury of Horry County to pay liquor s constables and no provisions to put j any there for that purpose. So. ' they must be paid out of some oth- * er fund; and it looks very much as ' if.?the Kingston Lake Bridge, the J repairs on which have been order- 1 ed stopped by-the Commissioners ' over the protest of the Supervisor, ; or maybe, the Sardy Bluff Bridge, ' about which the Supervisor has 1 been severely arraigned, have been 1 the sufferers. 1 Certainly, something has suffer- \ fid tn itie amount of bix Hundred ' and Fifty Dollars. r The U-vd of South Carolina probio.ts the oxpeauilure of funds arising irotn current taxo^ lor the payin but of indebtedness of any previous yeais. and also forbids the Supervisor to araw checks unless funds have octn reported in the County Treasury to pay them, and forbids payment of cnecks drawn in ^ violation of its provisions. n There are other laws besides the ' Cary-Cothran Act govern:ng the methods and results of spending the 1 people's money. Their protection s against the useless waste of negli- , gent officers has been ignored by a our county Commissioners. Wo t cannot alford to be governed by the i Cary-Cothran Act alone. It is too 1 expensive as applied by our Com- H missioned. If they know no other law governing a whiskey constables cliim, they should study up or re- ^ sign before they throw to the birds some more money we sorely need for roads and bridges. 2 It is only just for me to add that. ? the Supervisor has consistently protested against the payment of these Mishou Detective claims iu the j n " '1 n.n l\ nr.H ill a/tint t llOV I it/1 in iiiai' uci *11 t> tuvu uw/j have been presented to the Board. : i Van Norton. I May 11. i """"* The Passing of a Good Man. 1 It is a sorrow, and at tho same { time a sorrow mingled with joy that < we chronicle the death of our old . friend and acquaintance, Wm. A. j Spivey. He died Sunday 7:00 a. rn. , at Moultrie, Ga., in the eightieth year of his age, and was buried Mon day at the cemetery in the same . place. Mr. Spivey was born in Eastern North Carolina, and came to Horry County about the age of twentv-one j and settled near Cedar. Grove < Church. He married Miss Frances < Hughes, of Horry. * He was truly a good man; devout, 1 scrupulously honest, and truthful * Without desire for display, he lived the simple and sincere life, which won for him the respect and afTec- , tion of those who knew him well. He was conscious of the approach ; of death and was fully prepared in mind and heart for it; expressing a Hneii1 and B K COOL DRINKS g M of all kinds. F a Yours to Serve, g 3 W B CHESTNUT & CO., | | THIRD AVENUE | saascnncisacaw CONWAY, COAST AND WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY Notice h boreby given that a Special General Meeting; of til*- Stockholders of he Conway, Coafct and Western itaiJiCrd Company, lias been cUl/d i).v tha Hoard of Directors, fo bo I.eJil at the ctlico of the IV'aceamaw Line of Steamers in tlie IViwn i)i Conway, South Carolina, at. 2 o'clock in the forenoon, on Wednesday, ' <" ' ^ ? 1 ? li 1(IIO tlw. IIIH 1VI.11 vliiy Ul *J UIH', :x 1' I1/AV, im KIIV pui pose of considering and acting upon a proposition to bell all or the rights, powers, franchises and property of said Compar.y fo the Atlantic Coast Line Hailroad C unpany, and su?;h other bnsines-.y as may property comb before the meeting. EUGENE P SCHULKEN, Secretary. State of South Carolinu, ) County of Horry. \ Oliice of County Auditor. To A. C. Turpin, J. M. Burson, and A. M. Buvson, Non-resident owners of land within Horry county, whoso residence and post oliice address, are unknown to the undersigned.* Take Notice, That wher? as it appears that you are the owners of that certain lot of land in Horry County, containing forty-live acres, more or less, and known ,?s Jot No. (54 of llomowood Colony lands aid that you have failed to make return of the same for taxation as required by ihe laws of this Stale, and that the same ;ih.s escaped taxation for tlie liscal years of 1909, 191U and 1911, not having been assessed as provided by the laws of the said State; all of which has lately come to my knowledge: You are hereby required to be and appear before me in my oliice at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at Conway, in the County and State aforesaid, on the 15th day of July A. D, PJ12, at which time the tin dersigned will proceed to appraise and assess the said land for taxes, and will enter the same on the tax duplieute in and for the said County, and charge the same with the taxes of the current fPocd ?"?i" t,\.Tut)i?r wirli t.lin tnvps j,f 11)09. 1910 Hiid 1911, and the penalties a* provided by the laws of this 8tafe. N C ADAM8, Seat County Auditor Horry Count)'. Conway, S C , May, I'd, VJ12 OwlO. The rain descended and watered the parched earth, and all vegetation is responding with a vigorous growth. MfnMMMMKMWnBli to rent the BIG I will sell at pubon the farm, two vay, on the Dog ur heavy work id Single Wagons ne thoroughbred Hog*, Eight Sows lm, Eight Spring Iy to the highest or good secured . 0. Hanson, h. Tiott Livery Stables iue and Laurel Street. Careful Drivers. r Point of the County. the Best Buggies n Before Buying. 'f Bflj&nBHHBSH8UUQyHBaQBHHSS2B3QB I I Wagons, Buggie I | ^ | and everything I you 1 ^ M We maVc the price that the other $a fellow can't meet, and if oaya any jS thing about quality, holier Rats, f.M as he would not know the truth jj in the middle of the road were he f Cp to meet in there, Buy your Puna 1 tg reen from us at 22 l-2c a pound $ and sell your Tobacco at the new Peoples' Tobacco Warehouse Announcements Announcement under this head, ar *5.00 payable in advance. Magistrate's cards short, $2.50. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative for Horry County, subject so the action of the Democratic Primary. C. E. BEST. FOR CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the office of Clerk of tlieCourt of Common Picas and General Sessions for Horry County, subject to the rules of the Democratic Primary. W. L. BRYAN. Conway, S. C. FOR AUDITOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Auditoi of Horry County subject to the ruiet of the Democratic Party. N. C. ADAMS. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office o 1 Sheriff ot Horry County, subject t< the action of the Democratic primary Pledging myself to fill the oftice, i re-elected, to the best interest of th< county: B SESSIONS. I hereby announce rriv candidacj for the office of SheriiT of Horn County, and if elected I pledge my self to discharge ilio duties of tin office conscientiously and faithfulb subject to the action of the Dcrao ratio primary. Elijah Buffkin, FOR MAGISTRATE. I hereby announoe myself a candi date for Magistrate in Simpson Creel Township, subject to the rules of Mi Democratic primary. WILLIAM II. CAUSEY, Eldorado, S. C. mt ?w?mmmnm rowrriMiHiIIf FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. Hy persuasion and after DeMberatio on my part, I announce myself a cand date for the office of County Supervise of Horry County, subject to the rule of the Democrat Primary. N. E. HARDWICK. I hereby announce myself a cand date for County Supervisor, subject t the action of the Democratic Primary J. T. SHELLEY. 1785 191 COLL E G E O F C II A R L E S T O I 128th Year begins September 27. Entrance examinations at all th county-seats on Friday, July 5th, a 0 a. in. It offers courses in Ancient an Modern Languages, Mathematics History, Political Science, Debatin Chemistry, Physics, Biology an Engineering. Courses for B. A., B S., and B. ? decree with Engineering. A free tuition scholarship to cac county of South Carolina. Vacuo Boyce scholarships, tfivin^ $100 year and freo tuition, open to cotr petitive examination in Septembei Expenses reasonable. Terms an catalogues on application. Writ ; to HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. Charleston, SrC. i1 i "vk3B > * f%M ^Mfli 5VY YOVR I s, Surries, Road Carts & Harness H IVE STOCK COMPANY. I 'y~^? w9 else to eat, Wear and furnish IM r home wiih from the I jS Vft2%%ft A C THOMPSON I |1 I Ij iJllwt! I'res Both Corporation. | II T N Fullerton, Man prer. Mr fl ranrs CflYUmm Fullerton managed tke Farmers' ffl I \wB| _ i. Warehouse here last year. You is I P"/ / 'inow hi,n? he knows you, and H I " J" /_ Jm ii|?PP ^ last but not least he knows what 2S ; . .ft"- ?1 your tollacco is worth when he jjj I wfc %- hc : it, and it must brintf all its ffl I &worth wlun he sells it for you, Eg pM ' , 1,11(1 0,1 thih p^tforin he solicits | I your Tobacco. I J?yyg||y I l VVe have just received a carefully selected line of fine H Jewelry* the like of which has never been H seen in Conway. If you will call and ^ H examine this stock we will con- B sidcr in a great favor H It consists of H Cold and Slverware, H Plated Goods, Watches, Clocks I Finger Kings, Ear Kings, Preaches Hrcast Pins, Hat Pins, Stick Pins, Ornan.ens, of the latest and most fashionable designs, Etc., Etc. t|S Repairing a Specialty. ||| | CONWAY S C '! unmziiia&tmmiimMauni wmmmmmmm I I i k rr-m. y r 1 ^ rx n a f I r? tvt If L It | i I LC.K OC HLLCn |||i ; jS Dealer in General Merchandise Egi 1 | BAY BOKO, S. C. Ej g It will pay every man, woman and child in Bay boro Township who needs fancy and up-to-date ready-to-wear Hats, to come to our store to get I 4 them, as we have got a full supply of Ladies and Misses hats ranging in price from 35 cents up. 1'; Also a nice line of the well known Morris Shoes, KLadies Slippers and Men Low Cuts, just the f| thing to suit the young girls and young men. j A full line of Groceries and Furniture. Below wc will give you a few prices. 1 llest green Coffee, 18 cent a pound, Sugar 6 1-4 cent n pound, f Flour 70 cent per sack of 21 pounds best patent. I Y' ffi Solid Oak Bedsteads $3.40, Bureaus from $4.75 to $5,75, and a ? S full line of other things. A ' jfirau 2 g Remember the price at Cash for the next 30 days only. .t 3j Yours to serve you right. N I TYLER & ALLEN , I Bakers X Roads. Sens! US Your Jor ] Printing to m,