m mm??????? CERTAIN RESULT5. Many a Conway Citizen Knows llflow Sure Tlic> Are.; Nothing is unccr'ain about tho work of Doiu's Kidney Pills in Conway. Trie re is plenty of posi? live proof in the testimony of citir ens. Such evideuce should convince the most skeptical doubter. Read the following statement: Mrs R 11 Anderson OoLwiy, S C., savs: "Doan's Kidney Pills made mo feel lileo A dilTu-enh woman and 1 r.tii pleased to recommend them. For bomo time my back and kidneys troubled mo /hero was a constant at he through my loins and lea'a has also bothered uie. The kidney secretions were unnatural and showed that my kidneys were disordered. After using Dean's , Kidney Pills, procured at the Norton Drug Co , my aches and pains ceased and the headaches and that tired feeling disappeared." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the C nited States. Remember the name?Doac's and take no other. THE CKATI'. SITUATION. Growers Around Gliadbou rn Considerably Wrought Up. C'otitiubiiB Imlns ri il lb-Cord. We again quote from the Star of February 27: For the purpose of laying the situation as to marketing of the North Carolina berry crop this season before the Now York State officials and other inU rests involved in the North with a view of arriving at some solution of the unfortunate predicament in which the growers lind themselves on the eve of the shipping period, .1 A Brown, of Chudbourn, v% i 11 leave tonight for Washington and Philadelphia, and will be joined later in New York by President Wm IC Springer, of the East Carolina Print and Truck Growers' Association, who were recently appointed by the Executive Committee of the Association and coulorence of the crate manufacturers to handle the situation as to the shortage of the new standard crates. They will carry with them for several conferences to be held letters of endorsement from all the Nationul Banks of tho city, the Mayor of the City, Governor of North Carolina, Chamber of Commerce, Atlantic Coast Line and other local interests which are in a position to judge of the importance of the trucking crops of this section to the city and State who can appreciate what any entanglement would mean to the mass ol people, should some solulution of the crate problem be not arrived at. Mr Brown, while in Washington, will have an interview with Senator Boot, of New York, as to any influence he cau bring to bear in behalf of the North Carolina growers in Albany, and from there he will go to P nil ad el phi a to T consult officials of the Pennsylvav nia railroad, which participates largely in the handling of this traf fie from the South. in New York M n ?\ia/l YT \* i i/fnvi * ? \ 1 1 1'J 1 I W ?? ?1 UtlU J & ?J|JI I VY 111 have a conference v\ i th the leading commission merchants in an effort to secure their co-operation, after which they go to Albany for a conference with Mr Reich man, superin tendent of weights and measures. While these gentlemen realize that the task is a very difficult one, they are very hopeful of some solution of a question which is just now giving much concern in the berry belt. Saved Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in the civil war was more agreeable to ?J A Stone, of Kemp, Texas, than facing it from what doctors said was consumption. "I contracted a stubborn cold," he writes, "that developed a cough, that stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years. My weight ran down to 130 pounds Then I began to use Dr Kbig's New Discovery, which completely cured me "I now weigh 178 pounds." For Coughs, Colds, LaCrippe, Asthma, Hemorrhage, II >arsenoss, Croup, Whooping Cough ai d Dung T;< uole, its supreme. 50c and $1 00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Drug Co, ''Home is in Danger" The Columbus Industrial Advo cate, oi i;tK>aoourn, in u , says thai every one awaits ar.xious-y any favorable nev\s fiom the men who ate now in Ihe North trying to make ar\ rangemrnts whi reby the crate situion here may be relieved. Tf the law is enforced there is bound to be confusion in the marketing of ti e crop To add to that already experienced is a thing looked to with dread The unorganized condition of the growers only adds to the trouble anticipated Jt is here where the Farmers' Union can come in and do a great work, Those in the berry belt who are already organized are putting it to practical u-o and are bound to see wonderful results. But, like the individual, they are handicapped unless the majority of the growers can bo broughc into the organization. And why should they not be? It is a farmer's organization inteudod to grapple with farm problems, be they cotton, tobacco, strawberries, or whatnot. Every trucker or farmer with whom we have talked is anxious to get in line and all that is needed is some Y one to push it. Here is an opportu nitv for a modern Cincinnatus; and tmly "Home is in Danger." I jffijiSfflll 1 mK 1 ^ I Pure Whiskey GItcr r-| Many a serious sickness has g judicious use of I Suns?' P| THL P1JF 1 Whis ? As a healthful tonic for home 1 case of accidents or sudden illness, i without it. lis moderate us< ' m and it win increase the vijror of tlio ? JIROOK l'urc Food Whiskey i-; f. t 31 bottlo bears the "Government Gri I] and measure. 1 SUNNY BROOK DISTILL! yj ==FULI_ C " fr by expre: } From any ot the fc II Clarke & Sons, I no ,1'JO; f ,ri7(l PIIL' I ! .. r>?i 4Uin?i u o v I'UVI II 111 11 VI# m| C. Blum & Co. f ' C. C. Butler Co., Ij. liOch Whiskey Co., g| 1). P. & C. P. Long,. . ^ \ Delaney & Co . Fan 110 Bros Kg Paul II ay man, . . . r M. MarksUnn,.12!l Svcamoi i v P' Ai*j ^ ^ ] BANKc 1 | THE LAWS OF THE t 5 OF STATE AND THE I WATCHFUL EYES SA | TRANSACTION. M SAFETY IS OUll PltOl 1 OUIt < J THOS E OOPEE, Pre A EL SANDEJ JE* m JE (Prickly Asli, Poke 1 ? MAKES POSITIVE CURES OF Physicians ondorso P. P. P. as a splen-1 did combination, and proscribe it with 3 m groat satisfaction for tho euros of all g forms and otagoa of Primary, Secondary g toe and Tertiary Syphilis, Byphllitlo Rhou-1 H Hi Attorn, Scrofulous Ulcors and Bores, 9 Olandular Swollings, Rheumatism, Kid* H Hey Complaints, old Chronio Ulcors that I catarrh!* . 1 fcaTerenlated all treatment,Catarrh, BkIn PS Dtaooscs, Eczema, Clironio Fomale aP?-, Complaints, Mercurial Poison, Totter, 8caldhoad, oto., etc. P. P. P. Is a po^erfnl tonlo and an excellent appltizer, building np tlio ystem rapidly. If you are weak and feeble, and feel badly try P. P. P., and | ????g?? ! w rAiwr-a RHEUjg D. A. Spivey & Company FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS. Represent the Strongest Companies Policies written on the most liberal terms. Place your insurance with us Prompt Settlement of Claims. NOTICE:?There was taken uo nt my place in Floyd's township, one black bull yearling about two i r three years old, with a little white under his belly, a little white spot on his back, short ypicke horns, unmarked, lie came to iny placo July the 24th, 1909, Owner can get him by coming and proving him and paying charges. W. P. Causey, Green Sea, S. C ThiDgs aree not a.ways what they seem and all is not gold that glitter* a Prevents Sickness || been checked in time by the Sgi SI ?Rey 1 use or a w! >!csomo stimulant in fcTq t has no rij ...1. No homo should ho RH lily l> not it till to those who are nilimj Hi f v bo art' well. (.inuir.o SUNNY IS >. Standard (100%) proof and every ? . * cen St amp" showing the correct ago Ki LltY CO., JciTcrson Co., Ky. gjjg iUARTS?.$?? i >3 PREPAID W# |g ilicwing Distriijutcrs: fa ) 1<; Main st.,. Richmond Ya. ' Uoanokc, \ra tg Jacksonville, Fla gg Jacksonville, Fla Jacksonville, Fla Jacksonville, Fla Jacksonville, Fla ^ Jacksonville. Fla CliaUanoo^a, Tenn ^ e. St.,. . ..Cincinnati, Ohio ^ 8 .. ? t :" ! lAKCf. \*r,i\ YOUR rftPfR. . 3p li , i"' Lv _ ? > ' .. - ; * ? w** )f LOR IS [ 6 JOUNTRY, Til E STATUTES f UNTIRING EFFORTS OF I FEGUAUI) EVERY BANK | I OKA L - - U N QU EST ION El > f LID ASSETS. I M'V'M'I-ilt*! ft s. J G BRYANT, V Pres. | tSON, Cashier. I sa? txrsgrQ& 3 3??* *, loot nn11 which hub been tiled in tie* < lliee of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said county and to s??rve a c??|?y ?f your answ er :o the said compLint on the subscriber at his ofllce at Conway H ('., within twenty days after the service hereof exclusive of the day of such s. rvice; and if you fail to answer the com I>j;i1111 wiinin me nine aioresaitl the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Com I lor the relief demanded in the complaint. February 17th, 1910 W L UK VAN C CC P. H II WOODWARD Plaintiffs' Attorney. To Thomas Sarvis, Absent Defendn n t: ? Please take notice that the complaint in the foregoing Mated action and the summons of which the foregoing id acopy were filed in the office of the Clerk of 'he Court of Common Pleas at Conway H C., on the 12th day of .January, A I) \910 II II WOODWARD Plaintiffs' Attorney W L BRYAN CCCP (1*40 Hacker Mfg Co , Successors to GEORGE S HACKER & SON. WE MANITFACTITIIK Dooiih, Sakii and Hmndk, Columnn and mai-ustkkh, gkIllkh and (>ahi.k ouwaaiknta, hf'krkn dooiib and wlndowft. WE UKAIi IN Gl.AHB, MaF.1I Colli) AND WlUOIlTB. CHARLESTON, S. C. CHINESE LAUNDRY Collars and Cuffs. Ironing Machine. Work turned out Promptly. Send me a trial order. Family washing taken. Satisfaction Guarauteed. Work neatly executed, an* in first class style, SPECIAL NOTIK Collars and Cuffs held for 30 days and if not called for will be sold, Yoursforgood wonr, GEORGE LUM STRAYED:?One white boar with black spot around head and back, unmarked, owner may get same by calling and paying charges. J. M. Thompkins, Adrian, S. C. 3 '47. Everything quiet along the Wacoamaw. / Hnam asssrc^n s r 1910 is here and with it new >arly everybody, v years bids fair to be prospei iui nit' luruier. t to do more farming you will reived a shipment of extra Iter them for sale on good libe {election on hand at both PEE?.LOK rhrough the Sea; please you in the line of YEI ices. See our line before buyi 1INGLETARY ~ i hi i iiiii owvvvvwww^ f A Record ? The Year 1QOO fESreaker with us, groceries and fc: l>than we ever sole Iwe want to do \ SVv'on't you help t cdo so would me |your pockets. We *sell right See t: Sthing in our line /you want to p^y $If 3*ou don't see If T11E COOPER > ^MULLINS: 11? _ B. Fresh Bread and Cakes a. ways on ha filled with choice ^ood.s for family use a . st possible notch. Phone orders ^ive livery guaranteed. Phone No 13. VEGETABLES iTYPEWF 1 AND OFFICE 8 ALL MAKES?Remanufact I New?50 per cent, of manu for my catalog?I save you select from. Typewriter Repaii EDWARD ?T CHA KMOSTO TRYEWF Send. JOBPRi TO T IHORRY 1 and larger plan* | ous ones. W< i need more mules | nice mules and J ral terms. VVt J JSSC! son. j UGLES?Differ- I sjasc iri imolifts'f was a Record? We sold morec utilizer by far> H before. But< )etter in 1910 ^ is to do so? l o< ;an money in> 2 buy right andc is about any-> you need. If< cash all right ? us anyway. ^ WHOLESALE f s cS net. Our Grocery Department,is,ud art? marked down to the lowo careiul attention and prompt doIN SEASON, | - THE BAKER. THE GROCER MAN uters"" SUPPLIES ured. Guaranteed Like facturer's price?Send money?Big stock to rs a Specialty. I M U U 1? II Y 9 N, S C I TTTERS I Y oar NTING HE IERALD. , i ?